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1、U 9 Section A I. II.1. prefer 2. dialogs 3. suppose 4. down III.5. spare 6. smooth 7. war 8. directorIV. V.1. Australian 2. electronic 3. relaxing VI.4. songs 5. enjoyable 6. watching 7. dislike 8. Laughing 9. sadder 10. scary, scared 11. inexpensive 12. salty1III. IV.1. has great lyrics 2. along wi

2、th 3. dance to 4. may not be 5. different kinds of music V.6. stick to, depending on 7. plenty of VI.8. shut off, in time VII.9. Once in a while/From time to timeVIII. /Now and then IX.10. make, happy 11. dont mind X.12. seem less serious 13. doesnt, anymoreXI. XII.1. music that/which I love XIII.2.

3、 that/who play different kinds XIV.3. What kind of XV.4. that/which I lost 5. that/who looked after2Section B I. ACAA BCCCII. 1. sensed 2. pain 3. reflected III.4. performed 5. pity 6. masters 7. praised 8. wounded 9. comfortable 10. seriousIV. V.1. painful 2. beauty, sadness 3. musical VI.4. abilit

4、y 5. popularity 6. interested, interesting 7. musicians I.8. scary3IV. 1. looked up 2. in total/all 3. It is a pity V. 4. not only, but also 5. folk music VI. 6. that/which was played on VII. 7. musical intruments, such as VIII. 8. one of Chinas national treasures IX. 9. during his lifetime X.10. is

5、 famous/known for 11. grew worseV. 1. who/that 2. which/that 3. which IV. 4. whose 5. who/that/whom 6. thatVII. CABCC AEDB4 IV.10. Yes, it is. V.11. Four.VI.12. Because music is mathmatical, with notes VII. in order.VIII.13. By working together.IX.14. It about why music is an important X. subject th

6、at every child should study. 5U 10 Section A I. 1. bow 2. expected 3. customs 4. greet II. 5. value 6. capital 7. noon 8. mad III. 9. northern 10. seasons 11. worth IV. 12. mannersII. 1. to bring, left 2. supposed 3. relaxed 4. Spending 5. to be 6. calling 7. to do II. 8. eastern 9. discussing 10. t

7、o beIII. 1. shake hands, for the first time 2. make plans to 3. make mistakes II. 4. To my surprise 5. drop by 6. get mad/angry with/at 7. Its very important for us to 8. on time 9. made some friends 10. with the windows open 6Section A IV. V.1. Am I supposed, Yes, are VI.2. are supposed/expected to

8、 greet VII.3. What are, supposed to do VIII.4. dont have to IX.5. are expected to be X.6. made plans XI.7. It is, to be on time XII.8. gets mad 7Section B I. ABCBA ADCBA CDBACII. 1. empty 2. basic 3. exchanged II. 4. teenage 5. granddaughter 6. behave 7. except 8. elbows 9. gradually I. 10. suggesti

9、onsII. 1. inviting 2. am having 3. study 4. crying 5. get, getting 6. to say 7. hearing 8. to put 9. excited, leaving 10. to make, feel8IV. 1. There is no reason V. 2. As you can imagine 3. It is impolite VI. 4. host family 5. worry you 6. used to VII. 7. be/get used to 8. be different from VIII. 9.

10、 am comfortable working IX. 10. show/turn up X. XI.1. nervous 2. use 3. behave 4. manners 5. great 6. polite 7. supposed 8. rules XII.9. point 10. walking9VI. VII.1. not supposed VIII.2. Is the youngest person expected IX.3. What was, supposed to do X.4. am having fun 5. because of, sore throatXI. C

11、CDBA FFTFT10U 11 Section A I.1. drove 2. nor 3. wealth 4. power II. 5. examined 6. lemon 7. pale III. 8. with 9. out 10. queenIV.1. uncomfortable 2. Friendship V. 3. banker 4. more 5. lately VI. 6. worried 7. Waiting 8. days 9. sleepy 10. to do I. BCBBB DABDB11IV.1. makes me nervous 2. made her cry

12、3. have fun with 4. left out IV. 5. The more; the more 6. so; that V. 7. slept badly; feel like eating/want to eat 8. worried about 9.Neither; nor IV. 10. To start with1. What makes 2. didnt want 3. Why not 4. was called in 5. take her position IV. 6. doesnt like; either 7. Neither;nor V. 8. wouldnt

13、 like to/didnt want to12Section B I. CBDBC; BCABB;CDBABII. 1. kicked 2. agreement 3. weight III. 4. courage 5. coach 6. nod 7. rather IV. 8. disappointed 9. goal 10. pullV.1. weight 2. winning 3. agreement VI. 4. yourself 5. knocking 6. think VII. 7. to steal 8. lucky 9. taking VIII. 10. being follo

14、wed13IV.1. remains unhappy 2. even though 3. a heavy weight 4. let you down 5. kick him off 6. without another word 7. communicate with 8. pull together 9. rather than 10. have; in common1. same 2. something 3. help 4. in 5. happy 6. trying 7. them 8. makes 9. or 10. informationCBAAD146. Yes, he was

15、. Because the girls beat the boys 4-3.7. Ma Zhengquan.8. Because the boys were too confident and the girls were a better team.9. The most important thing was teamwork.10. He thought the boys were too confident. They didnt play carefully, so they lost.15U 12 Section A I. II.1. airport 2. backpack 3.

16、overslept III.4. unexpected 5. burning 6. market IV.7. lift 8. west V. VI.1. got 2. had had 3. alive 4.workers VII.5. had left 6. had left 7. burning VIII.8. sleeping 9. writing 10. had studied I.DBDBB DDACC16IV. V.1. weekday/workday 2. blocks VI.3. overslept 4. unexpected5. stared at 6. missed, unt

17、il IV.7. show/turn up 8. had, taken off V.9. was about to 10. had forgot/forgotten to 1. she had bought 2. to go 3. How beautiful4. had been on 5. showed, had given 6. By the end of last week we had learned IV. eight units.V.7. Had they planted, No, hadnt VI.8. By the time, called, had finished17Sec

18、tion B I.DBACD; CCDBCII. 1. hoax 2. announced 3. officer 4. endings 5. fool 6. celebration I. 7. believable 8. married II. III.1. had learned 2. weight 3. embarrassed IV.4. crying 5. married 6. satisfied 7. luckily 8. hadnt seen 9. to give 10. disappear V. 1. costume party 2. was canceled/cancelled

19、3. stayed up I.4. math test 5. play tricks 6. discovery II.7. the most believable 8. find out III.9. ran away 10. embarrassed, embarrasssing18V. VI.1. stranger 2. on my way 3. stopped VII.4. Excuse me 5. realized 6. had asked VIII.7. look for 8. rushing 9. lady IX.10. embarrassedVI. V.1. as much, yo

20、u can 2. told, had, seen VI.3. How many, had seen VII.4. He announced that aliens had landed on VIII. the earth IX.5. so, that 6. too, to VIII. CABAC19I. II.1. afford; 2. bottom; 3. ugly; 4. cruel; III.5. fishermen; 6. litter; 7. plastic; 8. costIV. V.1. advantages; 2. wooden; 3. differences; VI.4.

21、harmful; 5. reusable; 6. laws; VII.7. pollution; 8. actionsVIII. IX.1. is full of; 2. play a part; 3. turning, into; X.4. cut down; 5. solving these problems; XI.6. noise pollution; 7. heard of/about; XII.8. is harmful to; 9. at the top of; 10. pay for U 13 Section A 20IV. V.1. is full of; 2. used t

22、o; 3. instead of; VI.4. are caught, killed; 5. any longer/more; 6. so, that; 7. must be done; 8. have shownVII. BDECA Section A 21I. II.1. President; 2. bottles; 3. metal/iron; 4. Recyling; 5. works; 6. iron/metal; 7. creativity; 8. inspirationIII. IV.A: 1. pollution; 2. action; 3. protection; V. 4.

23、 buildings; 5. transportation VI.B: 1. famous; 2. wooden; 3. scientific; VII. 4. southern; 5. careful VIII.C: 1. importance; 2. difference; 3. safety; IX. 4. happiness; 5. healthX.D: 1. usually; 2. recently; 3. especially; XI. 4. actually; 5. usefully Section B 22III. BDADD; BDDAB; DBCBBIV. V.1. thr

24、ew away; 2. put to good use; VI.3. pulled down; 4. set up; VII.5. environmental protection; 6. not only, but also; 7. a creative mind; 8. is made of; VIII.9. famous/known for; 10. built, out of IX. X.1. Its hard; 2. Dont; 3. Turn off; XI.4. not only, but also; 5. were used; XII.6. have been seen; 7.

25、 has recycled; 8. ifXIII. FGBEC Section B 23VII. VIII.1. first 2. humans 3. what 4. steal 5. dogsIX.6. before 7. warm 8. useful 9. and 10. protectX. XI.1. use less 2. old, new XII.3. local products, from abroad 4. use again XIII.5. repair, throwing, buying new ones XIV.6. a china cup and a lunch box

26、 XV.7. change things into something else XVI.8. what can be recycled in your neighborhood XVII.9. recycling programs XVIII.10. recycled materials Section B 24U 14 Section A I. II.1. standards 2. keyboard 3. row 4. survey III.5. instructions 6. double 7. overcome IV.8. graduate 9. caring 10. oursV. V

27、I.1. caring 2. carefully 3. ours 4. first VII.5. enjoyable 6. different 7. harder; better VIII.8. excitement 9. really 10. health IX.11. clearly 12. yourself25III. IV.1. winning a prize 2. in a row 3. make a mess 4. overcome fear5. senior high school 6. with Johns help 7. help each other 8. Its time

28、 to III.9. not to cry 10. use to do 1. take a break 2. Who wants to 3. Have; changed 4. What; going to do5. Did you use to 6. How fast 7. How difficult 8. dont remember 9. Did;hurt 10. was advisedIII.GECBA26 Section B I. DBCDB; DAABC; BBCCAII. 1. manager 2. believe 3. ceremony 4. congratulations 5.

29、thirsty 6. thankful I. 7. task 8. ahead 9. separate 10. wingsII. 1. graduation 2. thankful 3. to deal III.4. lastly 5. difficulty 6. decisions; actions 7.wisely 8. knowledge 9. ourselves 10. supportedI. II.1. believe in 2. First of all 3. are thirsty for III.4. ahead of 5. be responsible for 6. set

30、out 7. separate from 8. No matter 9. deal with 10. along with27V. 1. What will she do after she graduates? 2. What has your mother given you? 3. Have they changed a lot since they started junior high school? 4. Who has helped you most since you came here? 5. Who should you thank most? 6. How did you

31、 feel when you met your head teacher for the first time?V. 7. You dont have to go your separate ways now.288. Dont run to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings.9. I see many talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.10. There will be many exciting things waiting for you.VI.1. for

32、 2. believe 3. study 4. between 5. why 6. own 7. making 8. decision(s) VI. 9. good 10. understood BCCDA29期中期中 I.CBDBD ABBCA CBADC CBDAB II. III.1. aloud 2. believable 3. afford 4. capital IV.5. convenient 6. discovery 7. heroes V.8. overcome 9. except 10. knocking VI. VII.1. knowledge 2. weight 3. m

33、ore activeVIII.4. politely 5. helpful 6. leaves 7. Canadian 8. safety 9. director 10. embarrassed30期中期中 IV. V.1. pay attention to 2. put on 3. tried/done your best, were proud of / took pride in VI.4. used to getting VII.5. No matter, without doubt VIII.6. got/gotten in the way IX.7. go out of, feel

34、 at home X.8. not only, but also XI.9. gave, a lift/ride XII.10. believe in, depend on/upon31V. IV.1. to 2. wrong 3. with 4. few 5. what V.6. themselves 7. choose 8. experience VI.9. use 10. findVII. CDCAB ABDCC CEABF VIII.16. A three-bedroom houseIX.17. On the Internet/websitesX.18. They dont want

35、to pay for the delivery.XI.19. By going on trades.XII.20. Everyone in the trade activities gets XIII. things that are useful to them.32期末综合练习(一)期末综合练习(一)I.BACBA; DDBCA; BBABC;II. CBBCC; CDBCBIII.1. pronunciation 2. discovery IV. 3. stolen; stranger 4. warmth V. 5. introduction; magician VI. 6. keepe

36、r; pride 7. impossible 8. leaves VII. 9. packed; sent 10. silent 11. to work VIII. 12. valuable 13. uncomfortable IX. 14. suggestions 15. caring33III. IV. 1. improve my reading speed 2. warned; punished 3. At present; dead 4. Spreading love and knowledge III. 5. where the nearest bookstore is 6. cen

37、tral; convenient; polite III. 7. humorous; speech 8. is known/famous for 9. were divided into 10. keep/be away from III.11. get/have his ears pierced 12. stop;from 13. plenty of 14. Once in a whileIII.15. got/been used to; except34IV. V.1. to get 2. fell 3. was sitting 4. was saved 5. will do 6. don

38、t think IV.7. standing 8. is sleeping 9. must help V.10. had runVI.1. Nothing 2. How 3. without VII. 4. money 5. advice 6. need 7. cleaned VIII. 8. finally 9. showing 10. becauseIX. A篇:篇:B D A C D B篇:篇:C D B D CIV. C篇:篇:F T F F T35E篇:篇:21. Because being tired of the noisy life in the city, he wanted

39、 to breath some fresh air and experience a new kind of life.22. They were both nice.23. They had planted 1,103 plants during the last two weeks.24. watching and thinking more about the world; being kind to life25. He became more active and outgoing.36期末综合练习(二)期末综合练习(二)I.CDACB; DCBAB; ACDAC; DBCADII.

40、 1. exactly 2. helpful 3. humorous III. 4. impolite 5. leaves 6. happy IV. 7. valuable 8. widely 9. examinations V. 10. to believe 11. silent 12. awful VI. 13. eastern 14. unexpected VII. 15. suggestions37III.1. divides; into 2. be responsible for 3. by accident / chance 4. made his own decision/mad

41、e up his mind III. 5. keep/be away from IV. 6. got/gotten/been used to 7. plenty of/lots of 8. Neither; nor 9. connect with 10. First of all 11. let; down 12. drive/make;mad/crazy 13. deal with 14. without doubt 15. took off38IV.1. was asked 2. tried 3. am thinking V. 4. punishing 5. havent seen 6.

42、to play VI. 7. will clean 8. make 9. failed VII. 10. can discoverVIII.1. care 2. with 3. deal 4. proper 5. who 6. so 7. succeed 8. Finally 9. instead IX. 10. refuse 11. found 12. Luckily 13. But X. 14. hunger 15. that 16. may 17. inXI. 18. wild 19. their 20. feedXII. A篇:篇:BDBCD B篇:篇:CBDACXIII. C篇:篇:

43、DBABC D篇:篇:ABDCB39E篇:篇:21. Because it makes people buy things they dont need.22. One way is to buy second-hand clothes and another way is to buy fair trade clothes.23. Because the growers use chemicals that pollute water, make farm workers ill and kill wildlife.24. Hemp and bamboo.25. Because now fashion designers are working with these materials and the clothes are beautiful as well.40



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