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1、基本句型结构句子按其结构可分为简单句、并列句和复合句。一、简单句基本形式: 简单句的基本形式是由一个主语加一个谓语构成。其它各种句子形式都是由此句型发展而来, 如五大基本句型:1 .主语+ 谓语这种句型简称为主谓结构, 其谓语一般都是不及物动词, 例 :Things change.事物是变化的。Nobody went.没有人去。-Did you go by sea ?你们走的是海路吗?-NO , we flew不 , 我们是飞去。2 .主语+ 连系动词+ 表语这种句型称为主系表结构, 其实连系动词在形式上也是一种谓语动词, 但实质上表语成了谓语, 例 :Mr. Turner is an art

2、ist.特纳先生是位画家。The milk turned sour.牛奶变酸了。She became a lawyer.她当了律师。3 .主语+ 谓语+ 宾语这种句型可称为主谓宾结构, 它的谓语一般多是及物动词, 例 :We never beat children.我们从来不打孩子。My sister will fix everything.我姐姐会料理一切。4 .主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾语这种句型可称为主谓宾宾结构, 其谓语应是可有双宾语的及物动词, 两个宾语一个是间接 宾 语 , 一个是直接宾语, 例 :He gave the book to his sister他把这本书给了他的妹妹。

3、Ill write you a long letter.我将写给你一封长信。5.主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾补这种句型可简称为主谓宾补结构, 其补语是宾语补语, 与宾语一起即构成复合宾语, 例 :I found the book easy.我发现这本书不难。(形 容 词easy作 补 语 )Ill let him go.我将让他去。 ( 不 定 式go用作补语)注 意 : 有时两个或更多的并列主语拥有一个共同的谓语, 甚至并列有两个主语和两个谓语 , 这样的句子仍然是简单句, 例:China and other countries in the east Asia aredeveloping r

4、apidly.中国和东亚其它国家正在迅速地发展。 (China and other countries并列主语)Mr. Wang and I often work together and help each other.王先生和我常在一起工作互相帮助。练 习 :根据汉语完成下列英语句子, 每空一词1. 他在听。He .3 .这场雨持续了两个小时。The r ai n two hours.5. 他来中国的梦想实现了。2 .昨晚你睡得好吗?Did you last night?4 .事物总是变化的。Things are always .His dream to Chinan . 单项选择( )6

5、. An MP5 player of this type costs too much. You* d b e t t e r .A. wait B. waiting C. waited D. to wait( )7. It outside. I have to stay at home.A. rain B. is raining C. rained D. has rained( )8. 一Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?一Yes, I did. My uncle in the match.A. is playing B. was pl

6、aying C. has played D. will play( )9. 一What did your father sayjust now?一Sorry, I don t know. I on the phone.A. am talking B. talk C. was talking D. have talked() 1 0 . You first and I behind.A. go; was following B. will go; followC. will go; followed D. go; will follow二、并列句两个或两个以上的简单句用并列连词连在一起构成的句子

7、, 叫做并列句, 其基本结构是 简单句+ 并列连词+ 简单句 。并列连词有: and, but, or, s。等。并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句连接而成。并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要, 相互之间没有从属关系 , 是平行并列的关系。它们之间用连词连结。练习:1. I don t like chicken_fish. I don t like chicken,_I like fish very much.A. and; and B. and; but C. or; but D. or; and2. The bell is ringing the lesson is over.A. but B.

8、 or C. and D. yet3. r m reading a newspaper Mr Zhang is writing a letter.A. so B. while C. when D. or4. You have talked muchf you haven t come to the point.A. so B. but C. for D. still5. They canz t drive a c a r .c a n I.A. Nor B. So C. But D. andl.He helps m e I help him .2 .1 was just leaving the

9、 telephone rang.3. The manager was ill I went in her place.4. she felt illz she still went to work.5.1 am busy today, can you come tomorrow?三、复合句在英语中, 主要有三大从句, 即名词性从句( 包括主语从句, 宾语从句, 表语从句, 同位语从 句 形 容 词 性 从 句 ( 即定语从句 副词性从句( 即状语从句, 包括时间、条件、结果、目的、原因、让步、地点、方式等I1、名词性从句在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性 从 句( Noun Clauses )。

10、 名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组,它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等, 因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能, 名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。练 习 :1. It is such a modern machine _ few of the workers know how to operate it.A. which B. that C. as D. the one2. Is this museum _ they visited last week?A. whereB. thatc.whichD. the one3. Is this farm _

11、一 you used to work?A. whereB. thatc.whichD. the one1 )主语从句作句子主语的从句叫主语从句。主语从句通常由从属连词that, whether, if和连接代词 what, who , which , whatever, whoever 以及连接副词 how , when , where ,why等词引导。that在句中无词义, 只起连接作用; 连接代词和连接副词在句中既保留自己的疑问含义、又起连接作用, 在从句中充当从句的成分。例 如 :What he wants to tell us is not clear.他要跟我们说什么, 还不清楚。

12、Who will win the match is still unknown.谁能赢得这场比赛还不得而知。It is known to us how he became a writer.我们都知道他是如何成为一名作家的。Where the English evening will be held has not yet been announced.英语晚会将在哪里举行, 还没有宣布。有时为避免句子头重脚轻, 常用形式主语it代替主语从句作形式主语放于句首, 而把主语从句置于句末。主语从句后的谓语动词一般用单数形式。常用句型如下:(1 ) It + be + 名词 + that 从句(2

13、) It + be +形容词+ that从句(3 ) It + be +动词的过去分词+ that从句(4 ) It +不及物动词+ that从句另注意在主语从句中用来表示惊奇、不相信、惋惜、理应如此等语气时, 谓语动词要用虚拟语气”(should) +d。 ”,常用的句型有:It is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc.) that.It is suggested (requested, proposed, desired, etc.) that.练习:用适当的词填空, 使句子意思完整。1 .he didnf t attend the m

14、eeting yesterday wasny t quite clear.2 . The Foreign Minister said, It is our hope the two sides will worktowards peace/3 .team will win the match is still unknown.4 .comes to the party will receive a present.5 .Mary has left is still a question.6 . It s reported three people were killed in the acci

15、dent and fivewere hurt badly.2 )宾语从句名词句用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 引导宾语从句的关联词与引导主语从句表语从句的关联词大致一样,在句中可以作谓语动词或介词及韭谓语助词的宾语。1 .由连接词that引导的宾语从句由连接词that引导宾语从句时,that在句中不担任任何成分, 在口语或非正式的文体中常被省去He has told me that he will go to Shanghai tomorrow.他已经告诉我他明天要去上海。We must never think (that) we are good in everything while othe

16、rs are good innothing.我们决不能认为自己什么都好, 别人什么都不好。注意 demand.order, suggest.decide, insist, desire, request, command, doubt等表示要求、命令、建议、决定等意义的动词后, 宾 语 从 句 常 用 (should ) +动词原 形 。例 如 :I insist that she (should) do her work alone.我坚持要她自己工作。The commander ordered that troops (should) set off at once.司令员命令部队马上出发

17、。2 .用 who , whom, which, whose, what, when, where, why, how, whoever,whatever, whichever等关联词引导的宾语从句相当于特殊疑问句, 应注意句子语序要用陈述语序。例 如 :I want to know what he has told you.我想知道他告诉了你什么。She always thinks of how she can work well.她总是在想怎样能把工作做好。She will give whoever needs help a warm support.凡需要帮助的人, 她都会给予热情的支持

18、。3 .用whether或if引导的宾语从句, 其主语和谓语的顺序也不能颠倒, 仍保持陈述句语序。此 外 ,whether与i f在 作 “ 是否”的意思讲时在下列情况下一般只能用whether,不用 if :a .引导主语从句并在句首时;b .引导表语从句时;c .引导从句作介词宾语时;d .从句 后 有or not时 ;e .后接动词不定式时。例 如 :Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question.月球上有没有生命是个有趣的问题。The question is whether she should have a l

19、ow opinion of the test?现在的问题是她是否应该有对测试的小意见?Everything depends on whether we have enough money.一切要看我们是否有足够的钱。I wonder whether he w川come or not.我想知道他来还是不来。Can you tell me whether to go or to stay?你能否告诉我是去还是留?4 .注意宾语从句中的时态呼应, 当主句动词是现在时, 从句根据自身的句子情况, 而使用不同时态。例 如 :he studies English every d a y .(从句用一般现在

20、时)he studied English last term .(从句用一般过去时)I know ( that) he will study English next ye a r.(从句用一般将来时)he has studied English since 1998.(从句用现在完成时)当主句动词是过去时态(could, would除 外 ), 从句则要用相应的过去时态, 如一般过 去 时 , 过去进行时, 过去将来时等; 当从句表示的是客观真理, 科 学 原 理 , 自然现象,则从句仍用现在时态。例 如 :The teacher told us that Tom had left us f

21、or America .5. think, believe, imagine, suppose等等动词引起的否定性宾语从句中, 要把上述主句中的动词变为否定式。即将从句中的否定形式移到主句中。 例 如 :Wedon t thinkyou are here.我们认为你不在这。I don t believe he will do so .我相信他不会这样做。练习:1.1 dont know he will come t o m o r r o w .h e comes, Ill tell you .A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D.

22、if; If2.1 dont know the day after tomorrow.A. when does he come B. how will he comeC. if he comes D. whether hell come3. Could you tell me the nearest hospital is?A. what B. how C. whether D. where4. Could you tell me the radio without any help?A. how did he mend B. what did he mendC. how he mended

23、D. what he mended5.1 want to k now.A. whom is she looking a代er B. whom she is lookingC. whom is she looking D. whom she is looking after6. Do you know where now?A. he lives B. does he live C. he lived D. did he live3 ) 表语从句在句中作表语的从句叫表语从句。 引导表语从句的关联词与引导主语从句的关联词大致一样, 表语从句位于连系动词后, 有时用as if引导。 其基本结构为: 主

24、 语 +系 动 词 +that从句。例如:The fact is that we have lost the gam e.事实是我们已经输了这场比赛。That* s just what I w ant.这正是我想要的。This is where our problem lie s.这就是我们的问题所在。That is why he didn t come to the meeting.那就是他为什么不到会的原因。It looks as if it is going to rain.看上去天要下雨了。需要注意的, 当主语是reason时 , 表语从句要用that引导而不是because。 例 如

25、 : Thereason why he was late was that he missed the train by one minute thismorning .【 注意】whether可引导表语从句, 但与之同义的if却通常不用于引导表语从句。练习:1 . The question is we will have our sports meet next week.A. that B. if C. when D. whether2 . The reason why he failed is he was too careless.A. because B. that C. for D

26、. because of3 . Go and get your coat. It s you left itA. where B. there C. there where D. where there4 . The problem is to take the place of TedA. who can we get B. what we can getC. who we can get D. that we can get5.The reason is I missed the bus.A. that B. when C. why D. what4 ) 同位语从句同位语从句说明其前面的名

27、词的具体内容。同位语从句通常由that引导, 可用于同位语从句的名词有 advice、 demand、 doubt、 fact、 hope、 idea、 information, message,news, order、 problem, promise, question, request, suggestion, truth、 wish、word等。例如:The news that we won the game is exciting.我们赢得这场比赛的消息令人激动。I have no idea when he will come back hom e.我不知道他什么时候回来。The t

28、hought came to him that Mary had probably fallen ill.他想到可能玛丽生病了。练习:l .The fact_she works hard is well known to us all.A.that B.what C.why D.which2 .The fact_he was successful proves his ability.A.that B.what C.which D.why3 .The news_he was kidnapped surprised us greatly.A.what B.that C.why D.when4 .

29、His suggestion_the meeting be delayed was turned down.A.which B.that C./ D.it5.1 have no ideahe will start.A.when B.that C.what D./6.Fve come from the government with a message_the meeting wont be heldtomorrow. A.if B.that C.whether D.which2形容词性从句(即定语从句)关系代词代替前面的先行词, 并且在定语从句中充当句子成分, 可以作主语、宾语、定语等。 常见

30、的关系代词有:who, that, which。 它们的主格、 宾格和所有格如下表所示:格先 行 词 主 格 宾 格 所 有格 人 who whom whose 物 which which whose of which人、物 that that 一( -)关系代词who, whom和whose的 用 法who代替人, 是主格, 在定语从句中作主语。例 如:An architect is a person who designs buildings.建筑师是设计房屋的人。whom代替人, 是宾格, 在定语从句作宾语, 在非正式英语常可省略。例 如 :Do you know the gentlem

31、an whom we met in the school library yesterday? 昨天我们在学校图书馆里遇到的那位先生你认识吗?The girl who I saw is called Mary.我见到的那个女孩名叫玛丽。(在非正式英语中,主格who代替了宾格whom , 亦可省略)whose一般代替人, 有时亦可代替物, 是所有格, 在定语从句作定语。例 如:The girl student whose father is a senior engineer used to study abroad. 其 父是一位高级工程师的那个女学生过去在国外留学。( 二 ) 关系代词whi

32、ch的用法w hich代 替 物,在 定 语 从 句 作 主 语 或 宾 语,作 宾 语 时 还 可 省 略 。 例如 :Ido not like stories which have unhappy endings.我不喜欢有不幸结局的小说。(which可以换成that)( 三 ) 关系代词that的用法that既可指人又可指物, 在当代英语中大多指物, 在定语从句作主语或宾语, 作宾语时还可省略。例 如 :Is she the girl that sells newspapers?她是卖报纸的那个女孩吗?( that可以换成who ) Is this the book that you w

33、ant to buy?这是你要买的那本书吗? (that可以换成which, 在定语从句作宾语, 还可以省略)三、关系副词引导的定语从句常用的关系副词只有三个:when, where, why ,在定语从句中充当时间、地点和原因状语。它们的用法大家不妨记住一个口诀 :the time when the place where the reason why( - ) 关系副词when的用法关 系 副 词when代替的先行词表示的是时间,when在定语从句作时间状语。例如 :In Beijing July and August are the months when it rains very o

34、ften.北京的七月和八月是常下雨的月份。(when先行词是months )( 二 ) 关系副词where的用法关 系 副 词where代替的先行词表示的是地点, where在定语从句作地点状语。例如 :During the Spring Festival I went back to the town where I was brought u p .春节期间,This is the place that Li Bai once visited.这是李白曾经游览过的地方。(that的先行词同样是place ,但这个that是关系代词,在定语从句中作宾语, 可以省略, 还可以用which替 换

35、 )( 三 ) 关系副词why的用法关 系 副 词w hy代替的先行词 表 示 的 是 原 因 ,w hy在定语从句作原因状语。例如: The reason why I am phoning you is to ask you whether you have got my email.我打电话给你的原因是想问问你是否收到了我的电子邮件。注 意 :如 果 上 面 的 句 子 将the reason省 略,那 么 这 个 句 子 就 变 成 了( This is why he came late to school.)表语从句, 句子意思丝毫未变。四、特殊关系代词as引导的定语从句a s是个I:

36、匕较特殊的关系代词, 一是用在某些句型搭配里, 二是独立于主句之外。下面分别讲解。(一)在固定搭配 as.as, so.as, such.as, the same.as 中 ,as 引导定语从句 You may take as many books as you want.你想要拿多少书就拿多少。( 第一个as是副词, 修 饰many的 ; 第二个as才是关系代词 , 代替先行词books , 在定语从句中作宾语)I have got such a computer as yours.我从未见过像桂林君阱美丽的地方。(as是关系代词, 代替先行词place ,在定语从句中作表语, 因为Guil

37、in后省略了 is )( 二 ) 独立于主句之外,as引导定语从句As we know,the earth turns around the su n .正 如 我 们 所 知,地 球 围 绕 太 阳 旋转。As is known to us, ( As we know 和 As is known to us 均为定语从句,as 分别作宾语和主语, 替代后面的主句。)五、关系代词who, which与that的区别( - ) 关系代词who与that的区别1 .当关系代词用作主语时, 多用主格wh。 。例 如 :He who loses hope loses all.失去希望的人就失去一切。(

38、 先行词为代词he, they, any, all, one等 时 , 多用who)2 .当 关 系 代 词 用 作 介 词 后 的 宾 语 时 ,用 宾 格whom ,不 用that。 例如 :The man to whom our headmaster talked just now is our English teacher.我们校长刚才与他谈话的那个人是我们的英语老师。( 介词与关系代词紧密相连时, 只能用宾格whom ,不可用主格who )3 .当关系代词泛指人时, 多用thato例 如 :He is a man that is never afraid of failure.他是

39、个从不怕失败的人。(that用来泛指人)4 . 当 关 系 代 词 出 现 在w h o开 头 的 疑 问 句 时 , 应用that o例如 :Who is the girl that is talking to Tom in English?用英语同汤姆交谈的那个女孩是谁?( 避免重复使用who ,以免造成误解或语义含混不 清 )同位语从句和定语从句的区别:that作为关系代词, 可以引导定语从句, 充当句子成分, 在从句中作宾语时可以省略;that引导同位语从句时, 起连词的作用, 没有实际意义, 不充当句子成分, 一般不能省略。试比较下面两个例句:I had no idea that y

40、ou were here . ( that引导同位语从句, 不能省略)Have you got the idea( that ) this book gives you of life in ancient Greece ? ( that引导定语从句, 作宾语, 可以省略)练习:1. -Do you know the man is talking with your father ?-Yes , he s our headmaster.A. he B. who C. which D. whom2. Is this the river I can swim ?A. which B. in whi

41、ch C. that D. the one3. This is the best hotel in the city I know.A. where B. which C. that D. it4. Can you lend me the dictionary the other day ?A. that you bought B. you bought itC. that you bought it D. which you bought it5. Anyone with what I said may put up you hands.A. which agrees B. who agre

42、eC. who agrees D. which agree6. My watch is not the only thing is missing.A. that B. it C. which who7. The man coat is black is waiting at the gateA. who s B. whose C. that of which.8. The girl is reading under the tree my sister.A. which ; is B. whom ; was C. who ; is D. who ; was9 .1 love places t

43、he people are really friendly.A. that B. which C. where D. who10. The world is made up of matter.A. in that we live B. on which we liveC. where we live in D. we live inH、用适当的关系代词that, which z who z whom填空。1. The first thing you must do is to have a meal.2. April 1st is the day is called April Fool s

44、 Day in the west.3. The family had lost everything in a big fire got much help from theirfriends.4. The house we live in is very old.5. Didn t you see the man I talked with just now ?副词性从句1. 由when, while, a s引导的时间状语从句。【 区别】when, while和as的区别:when引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词, 又可以是瞬时动词。并且when有时 表 示 “ 就在那时 。Whil

45、e引导的从句的谓语动作必须是延续性的, 并强调主句和从句的动作同时发生( 或者相对应I并且while有时还可以表示对比。例 如 :While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV. (was reading 是延续性的动词,was reading和was watching同时发生)A s表示 一边 一 边 ,as引导的动作是延续性的动作, 一般用于主句和从句动作同时发生;as也可以强调“ 一先一后。As we was going out, it began to snow.当我们出门时, 开始下雪了。( as强调句中两个动作紧

46、接着先后发生, 而不强调开始下雪的特定时间)2 . 由before和after引导的时间状语从句。 注 意before引导的从句不再用否定式的谓语 , 并且当before引导的从句位于主句之后, 有 时 译 成 就 , 才 。还要注意主句和从句之间的时间关系。当主句用将来时, 从句总是用现在时; 如 果before引导的从句谓语用的是过去时, 则主句动词多用过去完成时, 这样以便体现动作发生的先后。After表示主句动作发生在从句动作之后。主句和从句的动作的时间关系正好与before引导的从句相反。3 . 由till或until引导的时间状语从句。till和until 一般情况下两者可以互换,

47、但是在强调句型中多用until.并且要注意的是: 如果主句中的谓语动词是瞬时动词时, 必须用否定形式; 如果主句中的谓语动词是延续性动词时, 用肯定或否定形式都可以, 但表达的意思不同。例 如 :4 . 由since引导的时间状语从句。since引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,又可以是瞬时动词. 一般情况下, 从句谓语动词用一般过去时, 而主句的谓语动词用现在完成时。但在It is + 时 间 + since从句的句型中, 主句多用一般现在时。例 如 :5 .由as soon as, immediately, directly, instantly, the moment, the i

48、nstant, the minute,等引导的时间状语从句。这些连词都表示 一就 。【注 意 】hardly(scarcely, rarely).when / before, no sooner.than 相 当 于as soon as 之意。6 . 由by the time引导的时间状语从句。注意时态的变化: 在一般情况下, 如果从句的谓语动词用一般过去时,主句的谓语动词用过去完成时如果主句的谓语动词用一般现在时,主句的谓语动词用将来完成时。7 . 由each time, every time和whenever引导的时间状语从句。8 . 由as long as和so long as引导的时间

49、状语从句。这两个连词表示 有多久就多 久 。地点状语从句地点状语从句一般由连接副词where, wherever等引导, 已经形成了固定的句型, 例如 : 句 型1 : Where +地点从句,( there ) +主句。【 注意】此句型通常译成 哪里哪里就. ; 主句在从句后面时,there可用可不用 ; 如果主句在从句的前面时, 一般都不用there。 句型2 : Anywhere/ wherever +地点从 句 ,+主句。状语从句是句子的状语由一个从句充当, 来修饰主句中的动词, 形容词或副词等。时间状语从句中的谓语动词不能用一般将来时,只能用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。

50、原因状语从句because, since, as和for都表示原因。because语势最强, 回答why提出的问题,用来说明人所不知的原因。当能够很明显的看出原因或人们已知原因, 就用as或since.由because引导的从句如果放在句末, 且前面有逗号, 则可以用for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因, 而是多种情况加以推断, 就只能用for.目的状语从句表示目的状语的从句可以由in order that, so th漪等词引导。结果状语从句: 结果状语从句常由so.that或suchJhat弓|导, 要掌握和区分这两个句 型 ,首先要了解s。和such后面分别跟什么词。such是形容词,

51、修饰名词或名词词组,SO是副词, 只能修饰形容词或副词。SO还可与表示数量的形容词many, few, much, little连 用 , 形成固定搭配。如 :The box is so heavy that I cant carry it让步状语从句: 是由though, although引导的状语从句。E、表语从句表语从句就是用一个句子作为表语。说明主语是什么或者怎么样, 由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语充当, 和连系动词一起构成练 习 :1.1 havent heard from him he went to America.2 .He wont be here he is

52、invited.3 .He will not go to the cinema he is very busy.4 .We found the key she had left it.5 .We found the books two days he had gone away.6 .She sang she went along.7.The teacher didnt leave twelve oclock.8.the day went on,the weather got worse.9.she is young,she knows quite a lot.10.lt worried her a bit her hair was turning grey.



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