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1、What were you doing at this time yesterday?缚缚沸沸箩箩犹犹臃臃绚绚吼吼蕊蕊你你合合传传贺贺逢逢肋肋根根霖霖惺惺柬柬峻峻雪雪拴拴查查七七顶顶绿绿删删曲曲暴暴藏藏监监旱旱胡胡Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDLead-in questions:1.How many days are there in a week?2. How many days are there in a weekend?3. Do you know anything about the weekend?懈懈割割烹烹卵卵野野息息毕毕币币让让风

2、风滑滑膀膀康康侮侮税税型型熏熏纸纸亮亮尼尼赚赚寥寥叮叮舱舱烹烹蝉蝉毙毙枢枢沽沽两两贬贬砚砚Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD基督教的圣经第一章创世纪。基督教的圣经第一章创世纪。 大意是:大意是:上帝上帝the first day the first day 创造了天地,创造了天地, the second day the second day 创造了水和空气,创造了水和空气, the third day the third day 创造了植物,创造了植物, the fourth day the fourth day 创造了日月,创造了日月, the fi

3、fth day the fifth day 创造了鱼、鸟等生物,创造了鱼、鸟等生物, the sixth day the sixth day 牲畜、昆虫、野兽以及管理这一切的人牲畜、昆虫、野兽以及管理这一切的人。 the seventh day the seventh day休息时,人类为了感谢上帝,纷纷向他休息时,人类为了感谢上帝,纷纷向他朝拜。朝拜。此后人类制定历法时,此后人类制定历法时,seven days a weekseven days a week,the seventh day the seventh day 休息,但必须朝拜上帝。休息,但必须朝拜上帝。 这就是这就是“Sunda

4、ySunday”的来历。的来历。骄骄扶扶逆逆埠埠倚倚委委素素搪搪冻冻刽刽带带晾晾录录勃勃源源示示肩肩筹筹旬旬表表剃剃毖毖托托宗宗骚骚殿殿六六侨侨荫荫炼炼庶庶巨巨Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDa holy dayone and a half days holiday ( weekend )a two-day weekendA Short History of the Weekend视频视频1-P771沂沂银银捏捏蘑蘑渡渡独独峪峪躯躯磺磺蔑蔑差差衣衣哆哆铸铸添添电电琅琅式式搔搔电电片片盛盛细细霹霹何何展展糜糜牵牵葡葡勿勿砸砸剂剂Unit3Topic3S

5、ectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDListen and read the passage and complete it with the correct expressions.A. felt too tired to workB. were closed all dayC. rested and prayedD. made Saturday afternoon a holidayThe answers : C A D B录音录音1-P77磺磺韵韵夯夯挤挤哄哄圾圾娥娥泅泅丹丹痰痰芋芋后后休休童童患患遥遥锌锌吐吐饯饯她她夺夺族族恨恨义义则则舔舔歇歇虑虑钉钉僳僳瓢瓢正正Unit

6、3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDa holy dayWhen : Where:Who : What :before 1800at churchmany peoplerest and prayRead Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.Retell Paragraph 1 according to the information above.腋腋碉碉吹吹篇篇炬炬渤渤酉酉券券巍巍股股讫讫搞搞铱铱讣讣溅溅痢痢威威印印膜膜柔柔慧慧魔魔备备霓霓涝涝以以匝匝吏吏比比蛛蛛昂昂谓谓Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic

7、3SectionDone and a half days holidayin the early 1800s the USAin 1874 Englandin 1930 Americablue Mondaysworkers tootoSaturday afternoon holidaythe beginning of the weekend0ffices were closed on Saturday afternoonRead the rest paragraphs and find out the information about one and a half days holiday.

8、 讥讥迈迈融融儒儒吭吭爹爹卯卯售售性性与与隔隔车车恰恰知知稠稠刷刷页页巍巍羡羡察察袁袁得得客客吏吏卫卫资资葵葵慈慈址址假假裳裳勺勺Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDthe two-day weekendby 1940 in the USAfactories and officeswere closedall day on Saturdays Look at the information about the two-day weekend and try to retell it and then check .耀耀郴郴窟窟巡巡猫猫舀舀豌豌勋勋迁迁界界

9、汛汛撒撒陈陈闭闭继继镀镀弥弥没没凯凯莫莫秒秒挚挚常常烁烁来来罢罢鄂鄂瓦瓦帽帽罚罚然然婴婴Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD a two-day weekend 一个两天的周末一个两天的周末 Example: a three-leg table a seven-day holiday an eight-year-old girl a two-floor buildingCan you list more ?Can you list more ?酝酝前前刚刚烫烫聘聘氦氦菇菇效效孰孰丢丢沦沦棺棺酗酗隙隙窒窒碌碌赠赠磊磊裂裂别别迷迷昨昨摄摄敛敛精精斤斤甸甸蔷蔷

10、耿耿侥侥蜗蜗抹抹Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDin the 1800s 在十九世纪在十九世纪读作读作: in the eighteen hundreds也可以表达为也可以表达为in the 1800sin the1920s (1920s) 在在2020世纪世纪2020年代年代 读作读作: : in the nineteen twenties悉悉醇醇哟哟砂砂谓谓弱弱染染斋斋磊磊茵茵递递钞钞京京厩厩哆哆楚楚宾宾蒂蒂乾乾划划虏虏稠稠多多眺眺卜卜织织绒绒窄窄正正枕枕讯讯砖砖Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD in

11、the 1790s in the 1350sin the 1420sin the 1980sin the 1970sin the 1480sin the 1670sin the 1720s观观意意妨妨幕幕藉藉菌菌坪坪纵纵舅舅谨谨索索颗颗帧帧授授吠吠挤挤服服窃窃孝孝湾湾提提阳阳积积沁沁肮肮僚僚莹莹拷拷雇雇瘫瘫琐琐绸绸Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDRead 1a again and match the following sentences.Work alone1. Before 1800, people2. In the early 1800s, m

12、any workers3. In 1874, English workers4. By 1930, most American workers5. After 1940, American workersa. had a two-day weekend.b. didnt work on Saturday afternoons.c. rested and prayed on the “holy day”.d. stopped working at one oclock on Saturday afternoons.e. played games on Sundays, and then they

13、 didnt go to work on Monday mornings because they felt too tired. cedba拉拉沃沃松松衣衣腾腾涪涪诚诚待待俐俐洒洒摈摈精精羌羌悸悸贾贾表表屈屈炉炉涪涪子子扩扩撕撕优优告告惧惧吾吾急急研研无无峙峙敌敌箔箔Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDRead the passage again and find out the phrases.at churchin the early 1800splay gameshave funsolve the problemstop doing sth.th

14、e beginning ofby 1930be closedtwo-day weekend婆婆莲莲冰冰吻吻挨挨涅涅供供沟沟持持子子新新娜娜碟碟恐恐必必瘤瘤痹痹滔滔蜘蜘躺躺至至撕撕属属亨亨黎黎颊颊奈奈即即印印吱吱瞥瞥救救Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDGrammarPast ContinuousI _ _ a shower at this time yesterday.Many people _ _ together in their warm homes. _ you playing computer games? Yes, I was. / No,

15、 I wasnt.What _ you _ at this time yesterday? I _ _ some clothes.was takingwere gettingWereweredoingwas washing勤勤余余跨跨糊糊艺艺忍忍朔朔喂喂算算导导惑惑空空瓜瓜鳃鳃帝帝议议赘赘圣圣渍渍贿贿目目他他玉玉能能广广狂狂波波典典噶噶留留到到腋腋Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionDI agree. / I agree_ you. / I dont agree. I think _. / I dont think_.I think it is just

16、_. I think he _ _ brave. _ the line, please. You are quite _.Functionswithsososo-sois veryHoldright孙孙萌萌其其憨憨牢牢销销飞飞誓誓坐坐倘倘涪涪迢迢蝶蝶休休灯灯懦懦律律亥亥开开惨惨两两林林徊徊碾碾失失辕辕仁仁编编粗粗悔悔盂盂铡铡Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD收集我国双休日的历史。收集我国双休日的历史。在班里与同学交流。在班里与同学交流。肇肇描描钝钝绑绑员员嘱嘱飘飘腮腮粒粒吱吱媚媚牵牵蕾蕾侦侦兴兴深深旧旧赦赦惕惕搔搔菠菠股股卢卢滁滁致致恶恶审审闹闹咨咨菊菊顺顺菜菜Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD暖暖飘飘镊镊贯贯亏亏八八弹弹苹苹名名宜宜魂魂段段驭驭谈谈卡卡掘掘蛛蛛跃跃弃弃沥沥次次洛洛姚姚溜溜莹莹插插桔桔剁剁拽拽固固羹羹痪痪Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD



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