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1、P5Listening and WritingModule 5 The Great Sports PersonalityLook at the pictures and name the sports. boxingfootball/ soccerrunningP46 1Listen to Part 1 of the conversation and check what people listening to the programme have to do.1. Guess the names of famous sports personalities.2. Say what famou

2、s sports personalities did.3. Vote for the greatest sports personality ever.4. Ring the programme and speak to journalists.P46 2Good evening and welcome to Sports - night. Tonights programme is a very special one were going to _ _ the greatest sports personality of all time. _ _ you are at the end o

3、f the programme you can ring us and tell us _ _. Weve got our own ideas, of course, but we want to hearvote forOr ratherListen again and fill in the blanks.your choicefrom you. You can vote for _ just ring us at the _ _ well give you at the end of the programme and tell us his or her name. But first

4、 weve asked our own Sportsnight _ to give us their choices for the sports personality _ _.reportersanybodyspecial numberall timeofListen to Part 2 of the conversation and answer the questions.1. Why did Cassius Clay change his name?2. What did he like writing?3. How many goals did Pele score in his

5、first World Cup?4. How did he score in the 1972 World Cup final?5. What happened to Kip Keino in the 10,000 metres race in Mexico?6. Why was he almost late for the 1,500 metres race?Because he became a Muslim.His bus got stuck in a traffic jam.Just before the end of the race, he had terrible pain an

6、d had to pull out of the race.With his head.2.Poems about his fights.P46 3PRE: Lets _ _ you, Desmond. J1: Well for me theres only one choice Muhammad Ali. He _ _ the greatest, and he really was the greatest. He was born with the name Cassius Clay, but he _ this to Muhammad Ali when he changed his _

7、and became a Muslim. That was just after he became world _ in 1964. start withreligionchampionListen again and fill in the blanks.called himselfchangedHe became a professional _ in 1960 after winning a gold medal at the Rome Olympics, after that he _ the sport for nearly twenty years. Anyway, he was

8、 world champion until 1978 and he actually fought and won _ _ _ _ world championship fights. Outside the ring, he _ _ _ a poet. He wrote poems about his fights. He often _ the exact moment in the fight when he was going to win! boxerdominatedwas known aspredicted22 out of 24PRE: Wow! Thats quite a _

9、. Lynne, whos your choice? J2: Well Im going to choose an athlete the Kenyan _ _ _ Kip Keino. I really think he was _. For me, Kip Keino is what the Olympic Games are _ _. He was _ _ when he arrived in Mexico for the 1968 Olympics. talentmiddle distance runnerextraordinaryall aboutalmost unknownHis

10、first race was the 10,000 meters. He was _ _ _, but just before the end he had _ _ and had to _ _ _ the race. Four days later he won the _ in the 5,000 metres. But the pain returned and doctors told him to stay in bed for _ _ _ the games. But he was entered for another race the _ metres. in the lead

11、terrible painpull out ofthe restofsilver1,500On the day of the race he got out of bed and took a bus. But the bus got stuck in a _ _ so what did he do? He got out of the bus and ran to the Olympic stadium. He arrived just before the start of the race. The rest is history he took the gold medal, _ th

12、e world record holder the American Jim Ryan, in 3 minutes _ _, an extraordinary time for the _ _ of Mexico. traffic jambeating high altitude34.9 secondsPRE: As you say, an athlete in the best Olympic tradition. Finally, _ _, Simon. J3: My choice is the greatest player of the worlds greatest game Im

13、talking about _, of course. And the greatest footballer was Pele. When he began playing football as a _ he worked cleaning shoes. He played in his first World Cup when he was just seventeen and scored two goals in the _. finalfootballyour choiceteenagerAltogether he played in four World Cup _, the l

14、ast one was in 1970 and Brazil won that too. They played Italy in the final and Pele scored a _ goal with his head. _ he said it was his favourite goal. He _ in 1974 after scoring _ petitionsfantasticAfterwards1,280retiredPRE: Yes, I think that must be a record, too. Well, there you have _ ideas for

15、 the sports personality of all time, but the choice is _ _ you, and you can start ringing us now at the following number 287 .up tothreeMuhammad Ali:Became world champion in _Gold medal in _Won _ out of 24 world Championship fights. 1964 Rome 22Complete the facts below.Kip Keino:Silver medal in _ me

16、tresGold medal in _ metresWinning time _5,0001,5003 minutes 34.9Pele:Age in his first world cup _Number of world cups _Total number of goals scored _1741,280GUIDED WRITING The great sports personality【话题分析话题分析】生命在于运动,有关运动的话题一直是生命在于运动,有关运动的话题一直是英语写作的重点。而采用应用文(通知)英语写作的重点。而采用应用文(通知)的形式设题,更能体现话题的实用性。的形式

17、设题,更能体现话题的实用性。该类文章中也能体现运动者的精神、素该类文章中也能体现运动者的精神、素质和健身的理念。质和健身的理念。【归纳记忆归纳记忆】以下关于运动活动通知的句子可供参考:以下关于运动活动通知的句子可供参考:1. We will hold a long-distance running called “Mini-Marathon race” on the morning of 26thOct. in our school.2. Competitors are asked to get together at the school gate to take part in the r

18、ace that morning.3. All the runners will start their running along this road to the traffic lights and then turn right4. Take the second turning on the right and we will have the last part of the race.5. The finishing line is still at the school gate, where all the judges and teachers are waiting th

19、ere.【写作任务写作任务】为了提高学生的身体素质,你们学校要举为了提高学生的身体素质,你们学校要举行行“远足远足”活动。假设你是班长,请你根活动。假设你是班长,请你根据以下信息,用英语写一份通知,告知全据以下信息,用英语写一份通知,告知全班同学。班同学。时间时间安排安排本周六上午:本周六上午:7:00集合;集合;7:30出发;出发;中途休息中途休息20分钟,(约)分钟,(约)10:30返回;返回;行程行程 学校操场集合学校操场集合直奔滨河大道直奔滨河大道沿道南沿道南下下滨河广场滨河广场(原路返回)学校;(原路返回)学校;注意注意事项事项1)准备:穿校服、运动鞋;自带饮水)准备:穿校服、运动鞋

20、;自带饮水等;等;2)全体列队行进;)全体列队行进;3)保持沿路卫)保持沿路卫生,不要乱丢弃废物;生,不要乱丢弃废物;4)遇到困难相)遇到困难相互帮助,相互鼓励。互帮助,相互鼓励。注意:注意:1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2. 词数词数: 100左右。通知的开头和结尾已左右。通知的开头和结尾已 经给出,不计入总词数。经给出,不计入总词数。 Attention, please! I have something important to tell you. _Thats all. Thank you!【写作分析与指导写作分析与指导】第一步:审题第一步:审题该题

21、目属于通知类应用文写作。要求告该题目属于通知类应用文写作。要求告诉全班同学关于周末远足活动的组织目诉全班同学关于周末远足活动的组织目的、时间安排、行程和注意事项等。的、时间安排、行程和注意事项等。该文章要以第一人称为主,时态用一般该文章要以第一人称为主,时态用一般将来时。将来时。第二步:列提纲第二步:列提纲1. 为提高身体素质,我们全体学生周末为提高身体素质,我们全体学生周末 要参加学校组织的要参加学校组织的“远足远足”活动;活动;2. 周六早晨周六早晨7点在操场集合,点在操场集合,7点半出发;点半出发;3. 到达滨河大道后南行,至滨河广场;到达滨河大道后南行,至滨河广场;4. 原路返回,大约

22、十点半到学校;原路返回,大约十点半到学校;5. 做好准备:穿校服、运动鞋;自带饮做好准备:穿校服、运动鞋;自带饮 水等;水等;6. 全体列队行进;全体列队行进;7. 保持沿路卫生,不要乱丢弃废物;保持沿路卫生,不要乱丢弃废物;8. 遇到困难相互帮助,相互鼓励。遇到困难相互帮助,相互鼓励。第三步:优化句子第三步:优化句子1. 为提高身体素质,我们全体学生周末为提高身体素质,我们全体学生周末 要参加学校组织的要参加学校组织的“远足远足”活动。活动。【优化优化1】Our school will organize all thestudents to go on a hike to improve o

23、ur health this weekend.【优化优化2】In order to improve our health,our school will organize a hike this weekend.【优化优化3】In order to improve our health,we will take part in a hike organized by our school this weekend.2. 周六早晨周六早晨7点在操场集合,点在操场集合,7点半出发。点半出发。【优化优化1】On Saturday morning, we willget together at sev

24、en on the playground, and then we will start out at half past seven.【优化优化2】We will get together at seven onthe playground on Saturday morning and start out at half past seven.【优化优化3】We will get together at seven Saturday morning on the playground before starting out at half past seven.3. 遇到困难相互帮助,相互

25、鼓励。遇到困难相互帮助,相互鼓励。【优化优化1】When we meet with difficulties during the hiking, we should encourage and help each other.【优化优化2】We should encourage and help each other to overcome all the difficulties during the hiking.【优化优化3】We should encourage and help each other when meeting with difficulties.【范例展示范例展示】

26、 Attention, please! I have something important to tell you. In order to improve our health, we will take part in a hike organized by our school this weekend. We will get together at seven Saturdaymorning on the playground before starting out at half past seven. When we reach the Binhe Road, we will

27、hike southward to the Binhe Square. Then returning along the same road, we will come back to school at about ten thirty. The whole journey will last about 3 hours with a 20-minute break. First of all, we should make preparations for the hiking. For example, we should wear school uniforms and the spo

28、rts shoes and wed better take some water in case of thirst. While hiking, all of us should be walking in a queue. Besides, we should keep the road clean with no littering all along the road. In addition, we should encourageand help each other when meeting with difficulties. Wish you success and a ha

29、ppy weekend.Thats all. Thank you!1. Do the listening exercises in Learning English.2. 为锻炼身体为锻炼身体, 保持健康保持健康, 你校团委你校团委(Youth League Committee)号召全校学生下周一继号召全校学生下周一继续参加续参加“冬季长跑体育运动冬季长跑体育运动”。每天早晨。每天早晨6点点半起床后全体学生在操场集合半起床后全体学生在操场集合, 长跑长跑2000米米, 然后自由活动。早饭后八点回教室上课。要然后自由活动。早饭后八点回教室上课。要求学生准备好运动服装求学生准备好运动服装, 按时参加活动。请按时参加活动。请你用英语写一份通知你用英语写一份通知, 在校英文广播站上通在校英文广播站上通知大家。知大家。注意注意: 要求词数要求词数120-150词。可适当添加细节。词。可适当添加细节。



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