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1、如何促进学生词汇如何促进学生词汇学习的有效性?学习的有效性?绍兴县鲁迅中学 孙云珍2009. 7.2新课标新课标对词汇的七级要求对词汇的七级要求2009年浙江省普通高考考试说明从普通高年浙江省普通高考考试说明从普通高中中英语课程标准英语课程标准(实验)中精选了(实验)中精选了2500左右的单词作为高考命题的词汇范围。左右的单词作为高考命题的词汇范围。浙江省高考词汇要求相当于浙江省高考词汇要求相当于英语课程标英语课程标准准对学生词汇的七级要求。对学生词汇的七级要求。普通高中普通高中英语课程标准英语课程标准(实验)对学(实验)对学生词汇的七级要求:生词汇的七级要求:1、理解、理解话语中词汇表达的不

2、同功能、意图话语中词汇表达的不同功能、意图和态度和态度;(个人情感意志的需求)(个人情感意志的需求)2、运用词汇运用词汇给事物命名、进行指称、描述给事物命名、进行指称、描述行为和特征、说明概念等(强调运用);行为和特征、说明概念等(强调运用);3、学会使用学会使用24002500个单词和个单词和300400个习惯用语或固定搭配;个习惯用语或固定搭配; 4、了解英语单词的词义变化以及日常生活、了解英语单词的词义变化以及日常生活中中出现的新单词出现的新单词(时代性)。(时代性)。 这说明,这说明,在教词汇的时候要从运用的角度在教词汇的时候要从运用的角度出发出发,而不是从定义的角度入手;,而不是从定

3、义的角度入手;要与技能结合,要与技能结合,而不是单纯知识灌输而不是单纯知识灌输;要在话语中学,要在话语中学,而不是词典搬家;而不是词典搬家;要创设运用的情境,要创设运用的情境,而不仅仅是让学生背而不仅仅是让学生背例句。例句。中学英语词汇教与学的现状中学英语词汇教与学的现状词汇量的摄入与巩固矛盾突出。词汇量的摄入与巩固矛盾突出。教学方面存在的弊端:教学方面存在的弊端: 1、生词复现率太低。生词复现率太低。新教材话题多,范围广,新教材话题多,范围广,词汇量大,复现率低,故遗忘率高。词汇量大,复现率低,故遗忘率高。 2、词汇教学方法乏味,主次不分,平均用力。词汇教学方法乏味,主次不分,平均用力。3、

4、词汇检查手段单一。词汇检查手段单一。学习方面存在的症结学习方面存在的症结:1、目标不明,记忆方法不当。目标不明,记忆方法不当。2、母语定势心理。母语定势心理。学生常用汉语词汇的词性、学生常用汉语词汇的词性、释义等来规范英语词汇,用汉语的语言习惯来释义等来规范英语词汇,用汉语的语言习惯来表达英语,阻碍和干扰对英语词汇的学习。表达英语,阻碍和干扰对英语词汇的学习。3、阅读量小,复习巩固不及时。阅读量小,复习巩固不及时。 那么高中的词汇教学应该怎样处理才有利那么高中的词汇教学应该怎样处理才有利于学生语言能力的发展呢?或者说如何促进于学生语言能力的发展呢?或者说如何促进学生词汇学习的有效性呢?学生词汇

5、学习的有效性呢?学法指导贯穿始终,激活学生学习策略学法指导贯穿始终,激活学生学习策略; ;词汇教学注重多样,激发学生思维过程;词汇教学注重多样,激发学生思维过程;词汇教学渗透过程,强化学生运用能力;词汇教学渗透过程,强化学生运用能力;词汇学习增加输入,扩大学生资源策略。词汇学习增加输入,扩大学生资源策略。 一、学法指导贯穿始终,激活学生学习策略一、学法指导贯穿始终,激活学生学习策略英语词汇是有规律的,成体系的。英语词汇是有规律的,成体系的。因此,因此,词汇教学应充分运用整体教学法,使学生词汇教学应充分运用整体教学法,使学生依据词汇内部的形、音、义、构造、用法依据词汇内部的形、音、义、构造、用法

6、的纵横联系去掌握词汇。比如:的纵横联系去掌握词汇。比如:音、形、义结合,构词策略,语境策略,音、形、义结合,构词策略,语境策略,直观教学,组块学习,类比联想,归类总直观教学,组块学习,类比联想,归类总结,使用词典,记忆的间隔效应(有间断结,使用词典,记忆的间隔效应(有间断地复述刺激信息)等等。地复述刺激信息)等等。例略例略 二、词汇教学注重多样,激发学生思维过程二、词汇教学注重多样,激发学生思维过程(一)词汇教学语境化(一)词汇教学语境化体会用法,思考意义体会用法,思考意义1 1、利用语境,识词辩义。、利用语境,识词辩义。My parents are presenting the people

7、 present with presents at present.The boy laying the table lied that the hen lying there had just laid two big eggs.The sleeping child is sound asleep now, so by the time he is awake, he wont feel sleepy.2 2 、一词多义,置于情境。、一词多义,置于情境。Today is my birthday. When I came home with a Today is my birthday. Wh

8、en I came home with a lightlight heart heart(adj.adj.轻松的)轻松的)轻松的)轻松的), my parents were busy , my parents were busy preparing dinner. The preparing dinner. The lightlight in the room was in the room was poorpoor(n. n. 光线)光线)光线)光线), so I turned on the , so I turned on the lightslights(n.n.灯)灯)灯)灯). No

9、w our room was bright with all the . Now our room was bright with all the lightslights on. on. (n. n. 灯)灯)灯)灯)Soon dinner was ready. My father turned Soon dinner was ready. My father turned off the off the lightslights(n. n. 灯)灯)灯)灯)and and lightedlighted(v. v.点燃)点燃)点燃)点燃)the the candles on the cake

10、 which candles on the cake which litlit up up (v. v.照亮,使明亮)照亮,使明亮)照亮,使明亮)照亮,使明亮)the room. the room. LightLight music music(轻音乐)(轻音乐)(轻音乐)(轻音乐) was played. I was played. I prayed for my dream. When I opened my eyes, prayed for my dream. When I opened my eyes, the the lightslights(n. n. 灯)灯)灯)灯) were

11、on again. In my mothers were on again. In my mothers hand lay a present which was a hand lay a present which was a lightlight(adj.adj.轻的)轻的)轻的)轻的) silk scarf with a silk scarf with a lightlight (adj. (adj.浅色的,淡色的浅色的,淡色的浅色的,淡色的浅色的,淡色的) blue ) blue flower in the middle. How beautiful it was! How flowe

12、r in the middle. How beautiful it was! How happy I was! happy I was! 3 3、英语解释,明确意义。、英语解释,明确意义。单词、词组、句子单词、词组、句子单词、词组、句子单词、词组、句子如如如如M8 Unit 3 Inventors and InventionsM8 Unit 3 Inventors and Inventions1.Youll know if I succeed by the size of my bank 1.Youll know if I succeed by the size of my bank bala

13、nce.balance.2. All really big discoveries are the result of 2. All really big discoveries are the result of thought.thought.3. Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive 3. Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the wood. into the wood. 4. Bell was an inventor all his life.4. Bell was a

14、n inventor all his life.5. The day is coming when telegraph wires will 5. The day is coming when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water or gas.be laid on to houses just like water or gas.4 4 、文化差异,英汉对比。、文化差异,英汉对比。英汉文化不同,表达方式也不同。为了使学生英汉文化不同,表达方式也不同。为了使学生用英语时思想通畅,就应把英汉的差异点作为用英语时思想通畅

15、,就应把英汉的差异点作为教学的难点和重点,进行有针对性的实践练习,教学的难点和重点,进行有针对性的实践练习,达到习惯成自然的地步。达到习惯成自然的地步。 汉语汉语汉语汉语 英语英语英语英语我的英语好。我的英语好。我的英语好。我的英语好。 Im good at English.Im good at English.我的生活好。我的生活好。我的生活好。我的生活好。 Im living a happy life.Im living a happy life.我的身体好。我的身体好。我的身体好。我的身体好。 Im in good health./ Im fine/ well. Im in good h

16、ealth./ Im fine/ well. 我的视力好。我的视力好。我的视力好。我的视力好。 I have a good eyesight.I have a good eyesight.我的生意好。我的生意好。我的生意好。我的生意好。 I have good business./ I have good business./ My business is booming./ My business is booming./ Im getting on well with my business. Im getting on well with my business.我一切都好。我一切都好。

17、我一切都好。我一切都好。 Everything goes on well with me.Everything goes on well with me. Everything is O.K with me. Everything is O.K with me.四川四川发生发生大地震。大地震。 A strong earthquake happened /took place/ occurred in Sichuan.A strong earthquake hit / struck Sichuan.Sichuan was struck/ hit by a strong earthquake. 5

18、 5 、搭配不同,复用举例。、搭配不同,复用举例。英语中有许多同义词在与其他词使用的规则上或在英语中有许多同义词在与其他词使用的规则上或在英语中有许多同义词在与其他词使用的规则上或在英语中有许多同义词在与其他词使用的规则上或在适用的句式和位置分配上往往有约定俗成的适用的句式和位置分配上往往有约定俗成的适用的句式和位置分配上往往有约定俗成的适用的句式和位置分配上往往有约定俗成的“ “习惯习惯习惯习惯用法用法用法用法” ”,如果将它们所组合的词组或句子排列起来,如果将它们所组合的词组或句子排列起来,如果将它们所组合的词组或句子排列起来,如果将它们所组合的词组或句子排列起来加以比较,学生对它们的概念

19、就会更清楚。加以比较,学生对它们的概念就会更清楚。加以比较,学生对它们的概念就会更清楚。加以比较,学生对它们的概念就会更清楚。如:如:如:如:gaingain (full marks, (full marks, honourhonour, experience, , experience, respect); respect); earn earn (wage, a living, bread, a reputation, (wage, a living, bread, a reputation, admiration, respect ); admiration, respect ); wi

20、nwin (a prize, a war, a match, a victory) (a prize, a war, a match, a victory)beat beat ( (sbsb, a team, a class, a school, an army, , a team, a class, a school, an army, the world record. )the world record. )defeatdefeat ( (sbsb, a team, the enemy, her hopes of , a team, the enemy, her hopes of ele

21、ction)election)To win the battle, the soldiers, who were by no means easily beaten, were encouraged to gain all their strength to defeat the enemy, and drive them out of the country for good. Their bravery earned them great reputation and admiration.6 6、一句多译,曲折表达。、一句多译,曲折表达。他是班上最好的学生。他是班上最好的学生。 He i

22、s the best student in the class.He is better than anyone else / any other student in the class.He is better than any of the other students / all the other students in the class.Nobody else in the class is as good as he.He is ahead of any other student in the class.二、词汇教学注重多样,激发学生思维过程二、词汇教学注重多样,激发学生思

23、维过程(二)词汇教学主题化(二)词汇教学主题化丰富词汇,强化运用丰富词汇,强化运用1 1、头脑风暴,思维辐射。、头脑风暴,思维辐射。课文中每个话题都可列出许许多多与话题有课文中每个话题都可列出许许多多与话题有关的词、词组、句式、相关文章等等。关的词、词组、句式、相关文章等等。 进行进行大量输入,反复刺激,不但使学生巩固词汇,大量输入,反复刺激,不但使学生巩固词汇,使他们有话可说,而且能为写作作好铺垫。使他们有话可说,而且能为写作作好铺垫。如话题如话题disaster说出很多相关的词汇:说出很多相关的词汇:说出很多相关的词汇:说出很多相关的词汇:earthquake, flood, earthq

24、uake, flood, drought, typhoon, hurricane, fire, volcano drought, typhoon, hurricane, fire, volcano eruption, storm, snow storm, sand storm, eruption, storm, snow storm, sand storm, thunder storm, landslide, avalanchethunder storm, landslide, avalanche(雪崩,山(雪崩,山(雪崩,山(雪崩,山崩)崩)崩)崩),mountain landslide,m

25、ountain landslide(山体滑坡)(山体滑坡)(山体滑坡)(山体滑坡), torrential , torrential rainrain(山洪,暴雨)(山洪,暴雨)(山洪,暴雨)(山洪,暴雨), tsunami., tsunami.利用联想找出许多与利用联想找出许多与利用联想找出许多与利用联想找出许多与natural disasternatural disaster有有有有“ “牵连牵连牵连牵连” ”的的的的动词、词组等。动词、词组等。动词、词组等。动词、词组等。(下面例略)(下面例略)(下面例略)(下面例略)由这些现象想到各种原因与结果的相关词汇,由这些现象想到各种原因与结果的

26、相关词汇,由这些现象想到各种原因与结果的相关词汇,由这些现象想到各种原因与结果的相关词汇,由结果联想到相应的人为原因的词汇,由结果联想到相应的人为原因的词汇,由结果联想到相应的人为原因的词汇,由结果联想到相应的人为原因的词汇,针对这些现象可采取哪些措施的词汇等等。针对这些现象可采取哪些措施的词汇等等。针对这些现象可采取哪些措施的词汇等等。针对这些现象可采取哪些措施的词汇等等。 转入话题讨论转入话题讨论转入话题讨论转入话题讨论2 2 、激发兴趣,话题讨论。、激发兴趣,话题讨论。 话题讨论是词汇理解与运用的突破口。教话题讨论是词汇理解与运用的突破口。教材中每一单元都有一个中心话题以及相关材中每一单

27、元都有一个中心话题以及相关词汇。因此,教师课前要有效导入,引出词汇。因此,教师课前要有效导入,引出重点词汇,课中要围绕重点,以话题为主重点词汇,课中要围绕重点,以话题为主线,理顺逻辑,层层推进。线,理顺逻辑,层层推进。例:例: Unit 2 M8 CloningWhat do you know about cloning? (definition, kinds of cloning, benefits, questions, etc.)Retell the procedures of sheep cloningIs cloning good or bad? 例:例:例:例:Unit 2 M5

28、WritingUnit 2 M5 WritingDescribing a place/ buildingDescribing a place/ buildingBrainstorming: Words relevant to a place or Brainstorming: Words relevant to a place or buildingbuildingn. n. 相关名胜、建筑、可欣赏的项目等相关名胜、建筑、可欣赏的项目等相关名胜、建筑、可欣赏的项目等相关名胜、建筑、可欣赏的项目等v. v. 如何旅游、看、欣赏如何旅游、看、欣赏如何旅游、看、欣赏如何旅游、看、欣赏adj. adj

29、. fascinating, charming, superb, wonderful, fascinating, charming, superb, wonderful, fantastic, terrific, gorgeous, break-taking, fantastic, terrific, gorgeous, break-taking, spellbinding, famous, well-known, amazing, spellbinding, famous, well-known, amazing, magnificent, huge, pretty, grand, beau

30、tiful, magnificent, huge, pretty, grand, beautiful, oddly-shaped, curiously-shaped, excellent, oddly-shaped, curiously-shaped, excellent, popular, interesting, attractive, exciting, popular, interesting, attractive, exciting, thrilling, impressive, delighting, spectacular, thrilling, impressive, del

31、ighting, spectacular, modern, historical, cultural modern, historical, cultural Expressions(英语同步阅读与写作英语同步阅读与写作葛炳芳)葛炳芳) Location Location lies/ stands/ near/ behind/ in front of/ by the lies/ stands/ near/ behind/ in front of/ by the side of/between/ amongside of/between/ amongis situated/ located in

32、/ on/ to/ atis situated/ located in/ on/ to/ at There stands/ sits / lies/ exists/ live There stands/ sits / lies/ exists/ liveSurroundingsSurroundingsis located/ situated onis located/ situated on the west of the lake/ the west of the lake/ to to the east of the mountain/ the east of the mountain/

33、in in the east of the the east of the provinceprovinceWest ofWest of the city stands a tall building. the city stands a tall building.Its about Its about 40 km northeast of 40 km northeast of Surrounded bySurrounded by mountains on three sides, the mountains on three sides, the small village small v

34、illage facesfaces a clear river on the east. a clear river on the east.Vancouver Vancouver is surrounded byis surrounded by mountains on the mountains on the north and east and the Pacific on the west.north and east and the Pacific on the west.PopulationPopulation has a small/ large population ofhas

35、 a small/ large population ofacountry acountry with a population ofwith a population ofpercent of the population here arepercent of the population here areAreaAreaTiananTianan Men Square, the largest square in the Men Square, the largest square in the world, world, covers/ has/ occupies an area ofco

36、vers/ has/ occupies an area ofTiananTianan Men Square, Men Square, covering an area ofcovering an area of is is the largest square in the world.the largest square in the world.The square is 2,000 The square is 2,000 metresmetres longlong and 1,500 and 1,500 metresmetres widewide. .Our school, which

37、Our school, which takes uptakes up 63 square 63 square kilometreskilometres, is very large , is very large in sizein size. .History History has a history of over has a history of over awith a long awith a long history.history.is years old. / dates back to/ dates fromis years old. / dates back to/ da

38、tes fromPlaces of interestPlaces of interestIn there are many places of interest, such as / In there are many places of interest, such as / likelikeis one of the most well-known places of interest is one of the most well-known places of interest in the world.in the world.is known as a paradise foris

39、 known as a paradise for is like a beautiful landscape painting is like a beautiful landscape paintingis a feast for the eyes.is a feast for the eyes.was built in memory of/ in the style / shape ofwas built in memory of/ in the style / shape ofit is a wise choice/ alternative to,it is a wise choice/

40、 alternative to,get the itch to travel, feel the urge to get the itch to travel, feel the urge to BenefitsA trip to will give you a glimpse of A trip to will give you a glimpse of A tour ofwill broaden your horizons.A tour ofwill broaden your horizons.A walk through the downtown is a history A walk

41、through the downtown is a history lesson and an adventure.lesson and an adventure. the perfect place for a walk/ swim/ surf the perfect place for a walk/ swim/ surfenjoy / have/ get a beautiful/ superb view ofenjoy / have/ get a beautiful/ superb view ofoverlooking the broad St. Lawrence Riveroverlo

42、oking the broad St. Lawrence Riverbe fascinated by the oddly-shaped hills and be fascinated by the oddly-shaped hills and peaks along the river and also reflects in the peaks along the river and also reflects in the clear water.clear water. a lively mix of an old village culture and the a lively mix

43、 of an old village culture and the excitement of an international area.excitement of an international area.offer a variety of entertainment, a wide range ofoffer a variety of entertainment, a wide range ofWriting StructurePara 1 Introduction: set the place(name and location of the place/ building, r

44、eason(s) for choosing it)Para 2 Main body: overall look and particular details (Place: sights, facilities, free-time activities Building: first look and specific details)Para 3 Conclusion: feelings and final thoughts about the place/ building plus recommendationDiscussion and writing: Welcome to Sha

45、oxing编者点评:编者点评: 作者以饱含深情的文笔介绍民美丽的绍作者以饱含深情的文笔介绍民美丽的绍兴。优美的风景,深厚的文化底蕴,诱人兴。优美的风景,深厚的文化底蕴,诱人的小吃,传统与现代交融的城市建筑,这的小吃,传统与现代交融的城市建筑,这就是历史文化名城绍兴。在这里,你不仅就是历史文化名城绍兴。在这里,你不仅可以感受到繁荣与忙碌,也可以享受到可以感受到繁荣与忙碌,也可以享受到“偷得浮生半日闲偷得浮生半日闲”的悠然与闲适。文章过的悠然与闲适。文章过渡自然顺畅,恰到好处地使用了复合句及渡自然顺畅,恰到好处地使用了复合句及高级词汇,显示出作者深厚的语言功底。高级词汇,显示出作者深厚的语言功底。

46、高二(高二(16)班)班 陈晓伊等陈晓伊等6人人ShaoxingShaoxing is not what can easily be is not what can easily be ignoredignored even by the most demanding even by the most demanding visitor.visitor. Located inLocated in the north of Zhejiang the north of Zhejiang Province Province with a population ofwith a population

47、of over four over four million people, million people, it is the destination ofit is the destination of thousands of visitors who come every thousands of visitors who come every year year to experience the culture and to experience the culture and history ofhistory of one of the charming historical

48、one of the charming historical cities in China.cities in China.The most exciting thing about The most exciting thing about ShaoxingShaoxing is is how much there is to see, eat and do there.how much there is to see, eat and do there. For the fans of For the fans of LuxunLuxun, , the best choice isthe

49、 best choice is the the Former Residence of Former Residence of LunxunLunxun. . LunxunLunxun, who , who was was honouredhonoured as the soul of the nation, is not as the soul of the nation, is not only the pride of only the pride of ShaoxingShaoxing but also the pride but also the pride of China. of

50、 China. A trip to the Tomb of Yu the Great is A trip to the Tomb of Yu the Great is a history lesson. So is a history lesson. So is FushanFushan mountain. mountain. For For sightseers,sightseers, the East Lake the East Lake is like a beautiful is like a beautiful landscape painting.landscape paintin

51、g. Besides, Besides, LantingLanting Pavilion Pavilion is known as the paradise of calligraphyis known as the paradise of calligraphy. . In addition, the City Square, covering an area of several hundred square metres, is in the centre of the city. Its worth your visit. You will be fascinated by both

52、the modern buildings and the old constructions. Drifting along the small rivers, you can not only enjoy the view of the citys prosperity but also experience the peaceful life. If you are a person who is interested in all If you are a person who is interested in all kinds of delicious food, its right

53、 for you to kinds of delicious food, its right for you to visit visit ShaoxingShaoxing. . There are a number of local There are a number of local products. products. Have you ever heard ofHave you ever heard of the yellow the yellow wine made from the special water from wine made from the special wa

54、ter from JianhuJianhu Lake? Lake? Have you tasted Have you tasted tofu which tofu which has a special smell? has a special smell? Have you triedHave you tried the the beans beans flavouredflavoured with aniseed? with aniseed? If not, try If not, try them!them! OnceOnce you drink the wine, youll neve

55、r you drink the wine, youll never forget its unique taste. forget its unique taste. WhenWhen you eat the you eat the smelly tofu, you will fall in love with it. smelly tofu, you will fall in love with it. If If you you try the fennel beans, youd like to have more. try the fennel beans, youd like to

56、have more. Shaoxing is such a lively and charming city to visit with something for everyone. Im sure it will be a feast for your eyes and your mouth as well.Welcome to Shaoxing.三、词汇教学渗透过程,强化学生运用能力三、词汇教学渗透过程,强化学生运用能力用中学词汇用中学词汇词汇教学,过程体现,听说词汇教学,过程体现,听说读写,反复运用读写,反复运用1 1 、突出重点,梯度体现。、突出重点,梯度体现。单元词汇教学过程要注意

57、梯度性。单元词汇教学过程要注意梯度性。单元词汇单元词汇教学应分轻重缓急,保证突出重点,分散难教学应分轻重缓急,保证突出重点,分散难点,在不同的活动中处理词汇。如在听力中点,在不同的活动中处理词汇。如在听力中的词汇应在听力练习过程中教学,阅读中的的词汇应在听力练习过程中教学,阅读中的词汇要在阅读过程中体现。词汇要在阅读过程中体现。2 2 、有效导入,反复呈现。、有效导入,反复呈现。模块小结中单词均与主题相关。模块小结中单词均与主题相关。 在听、说、在听、说、读、写各项技能训练之前,通过有效导入,读、写各项技能训练之前,通过有效导入,明确地将要学习或复现的生词呈现出来,明确地将要学习或复现的生词呈

58、现出来,便于学生在具体的语言练习操作中学习掌便于学生在具体的语言练习操作中学习掌握。握。3 3、听说读写,紧密结合。、听说读写,紧密结合。词汇练习与各项技能训练紧密结合,不孤词汇练习与各项技能训练紧密结合,不孤立训练单词。立训练单词。Vocabulary and listening Vocabulary and listening Vocabulary and speakingVocabulary and speakingVocabulary and readingVocabulary and readingVocabulary and grammarVocabulary and gramma

59、rVocabulary and writingVocabulary and writing听力渗透听力渗透交际运用交际运用阅读依托阅读依托 1)猜测词义)猜测词义 2)课文复述)课文复述 3)突出重点)突出重点 4)纵横联系)纵横联系语法结合语法结合写作落实写作落实课后综合课后综合 课后综合课后综合每上完一个单元,都要求学生利用本单元每上完一个单元,都要求学生利用本单元词汇进行小组讨论编成片段,批改后加以词汇进行小组讨论编成片段,批改后加以点评,表扬优秀小组、创新小组,并及时点评,表扬优秀小组、创新小组,并及时展览。展览。 Go hikingGo hiking 高二(高二(高二(高二(1616

60、)班)班)班)班 沈佳佳、金飞婷、董桂丽、沈梦骅、沈佳佳、金飞婷、董桂丽、沈梦骅、沈佳佳、金飞婷、董桂丽、沈梦骅、沈佳佳、金飞婷、董桂丽、沈梦骅、王飞、徐天骅王飞、徐天骅王飞、徐天骅王飞、徐天骅This spring IThis spring I went on a hikewent on a hike with my family. We with my family. We had a great daya day of had a great daya day of pure magicpure magic. I. I thought thought it was the most it

61、 was the most fantasticfantastic thing I had ever done. thing I had ever done. We We set outset out in the early morning for our in the early morning for our destination a mountain. We really destination a mountain. We really had a good had a good viewview on the way to the top of the mountain. on t

62、he way to the top of the mountain. At At the foot of the mountainthe foot of the mountain, we found green , we found green grasses grasses sticking outsticking out their heads out of the hard their heads out of the hard black soil and black soil and a variety ofa variety of colourfulcolourful flower

63、s flowers showing their pretty shapes.showing their pretty shapes. I especially loved little red flowers. Little buds I especially loved little red flowers. Little buds and new leaves and new leaves came out ofcame out of the trees. the trees. . With With warm wind blowing gentlywarm wind blowing ge

64、ntly, , all the grasses, all the grasses, flowers and leaves flowers and leaves bowed tobowed to us as if they us as if they were welcoming us.were welcoming us.As we went higher, the path became narrower As we went higher, the path became narrower andand moremore difficult to walk ondifficult to wa

65、lk on. . Suddenly I Suddenly I saw saw something movingsomething moving in the grass. It was in the grass. It was a long a long grey snakegrey snake. I . I was scared to deathwas scared to death and my and my heart was heart was beating wildly. beating wildly. Luckily, it Luckily, it disappeared soo

66、ner.disappeared sooner.WeWe kept walkingkept walking, enjoying the nice sounds of the , enjoying the nice sounds of the birds. Then we birds. Then we heard a huge noise comingheard a huge noise coming from from behind the trees. behind the trees. Walking through the treesWalking through the trees, ,

67、 we we could could see a spectacular waterfall in the distance.see a spectacular waterfall in the distance. As As we got closerwe got closer, , the noise became louder, the noise became louder, like like thousands of people beating the drum. It was an thousands of people beating the drum. It was an

68、absolutely fantastic sight.absolutely fantastic sight. A thick stream of water A thick stream of water poured down the mountain sidepoured down the mountain side, , beating the big beating the big stone, flying wildly and singing merrily.stone, flying wildly and singing merrily. Seeing Seeing such e

69、xtraordinary beautysuch extraordinary beauty, , I felt I felt every cell in my every cell in my body woke up.body woke up.Having climbed for a long timeHaving climbed for a long time, , I was I was too tired to walk too tired to walk onon, , so I so I picked up a branch ofpicked up a branch of a tre

70、e to a tree to support support myselfmyself. .After an hours walkAfter an hours walk, we, we managed tomanaged to stand at stand at the top of the mountain. I looked up and the top of the mountain. I looked up and saw a saw a red sun rising from the horizonred sun rising from the horizon and white a

71、nd white clouds were painted into clouds were painted into light redlight red. . Turning Turning around, I was awarearound, I was aware t that everything around hat everything around me was me was vividvivid. . WhatWhat a magnificent viewa magnificent view. .It was the first time that I had got into

72、 the It was the first time that I had got into the depths of nature.depths of nature. It was like It was like discovering a discovering a whole new dimension of life.whole new dimension of life. I had never had I had never had such a deep feeling of the such a deep feeling of the beauty beauty of na

73、ture.of nature.05.9.16 学生双语报高二版学生双语报高二版Last Adventure 高二()班高二()班 高佳敏高佳敏 Good heavens! I shouted when I caught sight of the screen, knowing that I was running out of gas. I had no choice but to get down on the nearest planet to see whether I could find someone to turn to. With this wish in my mind, I

74、 started my last adventure.You couldnt imagine the horrors of what I saw. You couldnt imagine the horrors of what I saw. Still with one foot in the spaceshipStill with one foot in the spaceship, I , I found found myself surrounded bymyself surrounded by a crowd of strange a crowd of strange creature

75、s creatures armed witharmed with special kinds of guns. special kinds of guns. Yes, they were strange and ugly. Although I had Yes, they were strange and ugly. Although I had traveled in space for so many years, I had never traveled in space for so many years, I had never met such aliens. Their huge

76、 bodies were 10 to met such aliens. Their huge bodies were 10 to 20 feet tall. They had yellow eyes 20 feet tall. They had yellow eyes like light like light bulbsbulbs and their faces, and their faces, whichwhich looked unfriendly, looked unfriendly, made my hair made my hair stand on the endstand o

77、n the end. . As the saying As the saying goes,goes, Do in Rome as the Romans do.Do in Rome as the Romans do. I knew I knew Id better Id better behave myself.behave myself. Hello, I greeted Hello, I greeted in a in a weak voice in the hope ofweak voice in the hope of getting the same getting the same

78、 word word in returnin return. . Unfortunately,Unfortunately, they did not show any they did not show any friendship to me. I was put into a cage friendship to me. I was put into a cage by by force.force. It seemed impossibleIt seemed impossible to to attract their attract their attentionattention b

79、y shouting loudly or beating by shouting loudly or beating fiercely against the cage. I felt so hopeless fiercely against the cage. I felt so hopeless and was almost ready to give up when and was almost ready to give up when suddenly a voice suddenly a voice came from behindcame from behind my back.

80、 my back. Its useless. Be calm, my friend! I Its useless. Be calm, my friend! I turned turned aroundaround and saw and saw anotheranother huge ugly body. But huge ugly body. But somehowsomehow I I realisedrealised that he was that he was worth worth believing inbelieving in. And after we talked for

81、a while, I . And after we talked for a while, I began to understand the history of this began to understand the history of this mysterious planet.mysterious planet.It It used to beused to be a beautiful world a beautiful world which which enjoyed enjoyed the boom of a powerful the boom of a powerful

82、 civilisationcivilisation with trees with trees everywhere, butterflies flying around and everywhere, butterflies flying around and birds singing happily.birds singing happily. Almost everybody Almost everybody lived lived a care-free life.a care-free life. Unluckily,Unluckily, no one noticed no one

83、 noticed the the decreasing resourcesdecreasing resources with the ever-with the ever-increasing population.increasing population. The people were The people were busy busy cutting down treescutting down trees in order to develop in order to develop farming and industry. Large areas of forests farmi

84、ng and industry. Large areas of forests were replaced bywere replaced by farm land and farm land and rows ofrows of big big factories. Heavy smoke came out of factories factories. Heavy smoke came out of factories whilewhile waste water waste water was pumped intowas pumped into the river. the river

85、. The weather The weather was getting warmer and warmer was getting warmer and warmer year by year.year by year. It wasnt long beforeIt wasnt long before natural natural disasters happened disasters happened one after anotherone after another. The . The animals began to animals began to die outdie o

86、ut and people and people were in were in danger. danger. Worse still, a civil war broke out and everything changed. One had to fight in order to get oil, gas, and even bread. There were deaths and injures every day. At last, a law was made that all the citizens should be killed at the age of five. L

87、ooking at the endless sand and imaging the wonderful scene he described, I really got shocked. That might be the tomorrow of my own planet. How terrible! Tomorrow is my five-year birthday! This was the last sentence of our conversation. Both of us were speechless and the suffocating silence lasted t

88、he rest of the night. But for the whole night it was hard not to see the tears rolling down from his eyes and to feel the great sorrow in his heart. It was in this perishing cold cage that I missed my home so much for the first time. The earth, my earth. 四、词汇学习增加输入,扩大学生资源策略四、词汇学习增加输入,扩大学生资源策略1 1 、欣赏

89、阅读,储存记忆。、欣赏阅读,储存记忆。欣赏特殊的句型和句式。欣赏特殊的句型和句式。It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.欣赏文中的精彩词语和句子欣赏文中的精彩词语和句子。如:如: The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,

90、 until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. 欣赏描写特定场景和特殊心境的词语与句式。有些欣赏描写特定场景和特殊心境的词语与句式。有些欣赏描写特定场景和特殊心境的词语与句式。有些欣赏描写特定场景和特殊心境的词语与句式。有些作者选用某些特殊的句型或句式来增强文章的感染作者选用某些特殊的句型或句式来增强文章的感染作者选用某些特殊的句型或句式来增强文章的感染作者选用某些特殊的句型或句式来增强文章的感染力,从而更好地表达情感。力,从而更好地表达情感。力,从而更好地表达情感。力,从而更好地表达情感。

91、如如如如JackJack LondonLondon关于对关于对关于对关于对地震的描述:地震的描述:地震的描述:地震的描述:Never before in history has a city Never before in history has a city beenbeen so completely destroyed. San Franciscoso completely destroyed. San Francisco is goneis gone. . Nothing is left of it butNothing is left of it but memories and m

92、emories and some houses far from the centre of the city. Its some houses far from the centre of the city. Its businessesbusinesses are goneare gone. The factories, hotels and . The factories, hotels and palacespalaces are all gone, tooare all gone, too.There was no There was no stoppingstopping the

93、fires. the fires. There was no way toThere was no way to organize or communicate.organize or communicate.A list ofA list of buildings undestroyed was nowbuildings undestroyed was now only a only a few addresses.few addresses. A list ofA list of brave men and womenbrave men and women would fill the l

94、ibrary. A list ofwould fill the library. A list of all those killed willall those killed will never be made.never be made.美文诵读美文诵读Life is a great joke most of the time; however, the problem is that most people treat this joke very seriously. Life is given to us for enjoying and having fun, while we

95、all see lots of sorrow and unhappiness around us. The amazing fact is that most of this sorrow and unhappiness is our creation. We make most mistakes in life due to our greed. However, in all this run we miss many beautiful moments of life. 2 2、巧用语料,多次开发。、巧用语料,多次开发。课本材料的多次开发课本材料的多次开发 首先把课文作为信息处理首先把课

96、文作为信息处理阅读,克服生词障阅读,克服生词障碍,获取信息;碍,获取信息;把课文作为知识赖以生存的语境把课文作为知识赖以生存的语境处理词汇、处理词汇、语法、语音;语法、语音;把课文作为技能训练的材料把课文作为技能训练的材料设小专题结合经设小专题结合经验,进行听说读写交流活动;验,进行听说读写交流活动;把课文作为思维训练的材料把课文作为思维训练的材料篇章分析,挖掘篇章分析,挖掘课文中的思考题;课文中的思考题;以课文话题为中心,链接、滚动、扩展。(例以课文话题为中心,链接、滚动、扩展。(例话题编写)话题编写)如:语法填空如:语法填空The king of Prussia _ (never The

97、king of Prussia _ (never imagine) his gift to Russia _ such a strange imagine) his gift to Russia _ such a strange history. The gift was the Amber Room _ 7,000 history. The gift was the Amber Room _ 7,000 tons of amber _ gold and jewels. The design for tons of amber _ gold and jewels. The design for

98、 the room was _ the fancy style _ in those days. the room was _ the fancy style _ in those days. Peter the Great used the Amber Room as a _ Peter the Great used the Amber Room as a _ hall for important visitors. Later Catherine had it hall for important visitors. Later Catherine had it _ to another

99、palace and had more details _ _ to another palace and had more details _ to its design. It was considered as a great _ in to its design. It was considered as a great _ in the world. _, it was missing during World War the world. _, it was missing during World War II. This was a time _ the countries w

100、ere II. This was a time _ the countries were _. It was said to have been _ apart and _. It was said to have been _ apart and put on a train for Germany. However, what really put on a train for Germany. However, what really happened to the Amber Room remained a _.happened to the Amber Room remained a

101、 _.could have never imaginedwould havemade ofwith/andofpopularreception(re)movedaddedwonderUnfortunatelywhenat wartakenmystery翻译短文翻译短文这是李红和李华订婚的大喜日子,李红这是李红和李华订婚的大喜日子,李红这是李红和李华订婚的大喜日子,李红这是李红和李华订婚的大喜日子,李红可能从未可能从未可能从未可能从未想到想到想到想到李华会送她这样一条李华会送她这样一条李华会送她这样一条李华会送她这样一条珍贵珍贵珍贵珍贵的中间有的中间有的中间有的中间有珠宝珠宝珠宝珠宝的琥的琥的琥




105、是一个谜。It was a red-letter day whenIt was a red-letter day when they got engaged. Li they got engaged. Li honghong could have never imaginedcould have never imagined that Li that Li huahua would give her such would give her such a rare ambera rare amber necklace necklace with with a jewela jewel in th

106、e centre. in the centre. The The yellow-brownyellow-brown necklace necklace belonging tobelonging to his family was his family was of the fancy styleof the fancy style popular inpopular in the Qing Dynasty.the Qing Dynasty. It feels as smooth It feels as smooth asas jade. It looks especially elegant

107、 jade. It looks especially elegant around around her her neck. neck. In returnIn return, , she gave her a gold watch. she gave her a gold watch. This This was a happy time whenwas a happy time when they were deep in love. they were deep in love.Unfortunately,Unfortunately, before they could get marr

108、iedbefore they could get married, an , an accident happened. accident happened. It so happened that they It so happened that they were removing / They happened to be were removing / They happened to be removing removing the heavy old furniturethe heavy old furniture when suddenly when suddenly Li Li

109、 huahua slid slid down. down. As a result,As a result, they were buried under the they were buried under the furniture, furniture, in a dead faint/ unconscious.in a dead faint/ unconscious. The moment Li hong came to (herself), she was wondering where Li hua was. Much to her surprise/ astonishment,

110、What surprised him most was that/ he was nowhere to be seen/ found. She had no choice/ alternative but to call the police for help. Now the police are looking into it. While the search for him continues, what has really happened to Li hua remains a mystery.书面表达:书面表达:目前中国有许多文物仍流失在国外,有一些目前中国有许多文物仍流失在国

111、外,有一些文物通过重金向国外赎了回来,有人认为文物通过重金向国外赎了回来,有人认为这样做很有必要,但也有人认为这是一种这样做很有必要,但也有人认为这是一种耻辱。你的观点和理由是耻辱。你的观点和理由是词数词数150左右。左右。As we all know,As we all know, during the wars in the 19th during the wars in the 19th century, a lot of rare cultural relics century, a lot of rare cultural relics were were taken awaytak

112、en away by foreign invaders. Recently by foreign invaders. Recently some wealthy people some wealthy people have been spendinghave been spending a a great amount of money getting them back. great amount of money getting them back. Opinions are divided on it.Opinions are divided on it. Some think it

113、Some think it necessary tonecessary to buy them back home buy them back home while while others consider it a shame to do so.others consider it a shame to do so. Since Since they did belong to China originally,they did belong to China originally, they they are are supposed tosupposed to be sent back

114、 to China. be sent back to China.Personally,Personally, I think those rare cultural relics I think those rare cultural relics should be sent back to China as a friendship should be sent back to China as a friendship shown between countries shown between countries rather thanrather than as as commerc

115、ials. commercials. Whats more,Whats more, our country is our country is in in great need ofgreat need of money to develop economy. money to develop economy. In In addition,addition, we have enough cultural relics we have enough cultural relics on on showshow in museums at home. Those in museums at h

116、ome. Those kept and kept and displayed abroaddisplayed abroad give foreigners chances to give foreigners chances to explore the brilliant ancient art crafts and a explore the brilliant ancient art crafts and a fantastic historyfantastic history so thatso that they can learn more they can learn more

117、about China. about China. All in all,All in all, it is unnecessary for us toit is unnecessary for us to buy them buy them back. back. Once Once our country is strong enough, our country is strong enough, these cultural relics these cultural relics will surely/ are bound towill surely/ are bound to c

118、ome e back.另外,补充题材和体裁上比较类似或接近另外,补充题材和体裁上比较类似或接近的语篇放在一起集中阅读,这样一些核心的语篇放在一起集中阅读,这样一些核心词汇或句子结构的复现率将大大提高,这词汇或句子结构的复现率将大大提高,这样有利于学生对这类词汇或句子结构的习样有利于学生对这类词汇或句子结构的习得,并结合任务活动,训练学生运用语篇得,并结合任务活动,训练学生运用语篇中的核心词汇或结构去完成任务。中的核心词汇或结构去完成任务。(例略)(例略)语篇材料的多次开发语篇材料的多次开发 好的语料本身就是语言运用的示范,无论好的语料本身就是语言运用的示范,无论在语篇结构上、语言表达上,都能为


120、要求学生认真记忆阅读理解中出现的高频词汇;要求学生认真记忆阅读理解中出现的高频词汇;鼓励学生在阅读中依据词汇知识(构词知识)鼓励学生在阅读中依据词汇知识(构词知识)或语境线索猜测词义,或语境线索猜测词义, 然后通过查阅词典或参然后通过查阅词典或参考书来印证其含义;考书来印证其含义;在语篇阅读理解过程中,培养学生做摘抄或者在语篇阅读理解过程中,培养学生做摘抄或者训练学生通过中译英、词汇拼写、完形填空训练学生通过中译英、词汇拼写、完形填空(补全信息)等形式找出文中的好词、好句、(补全信息)等形式找出文中的好词、好句、好段,训练学生在阅读中主动关注词汇、关注好段,训练学生在阅读中主动关注词汇、关注语


122、任务。心词汇或结构去完成任务。预先语法填空。(预先语法填空。(预先语法填空。(预先语法填空。(0808山东卷完型填空)山东卷完型填空)山东卷完型填空)山东卷完型填空)On August 26, 1999, New York City experienced a On August 26, 1999, New York City experienced a torrential downpour. The rain caused the streets to _torrential downpour. The rain caused the streets to _ and the subway

123、 system almost came to a stop. _ and the subway system almost came to a stop. Unfortunately, this happened during the morning Unfortunately, this happened during the morning rush hour. Many people who were going to work were rush hour. Many people who were going to work were _ to go home. Some battl

124、ed to _ a taxi or _ to go home. Some battled to _ a taxi or to get on a bus. Still others faced the _ bravely, to get on a bus. Still others faced the _ bravely, walking miles to get to work.walking miles to get to work. I _ to be one of the people on the way to I _ to be one of the people on the wa

125、y to work that morning. I went from subway line to subway work that morning. I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most _ had stopped. line only to find that most _ had stopped. After making my way _ crowds of people, I After making my way _ crowds of people, I finally found a sub

126、way line that was _. finally found a subway line that was _. Unfortunately, there were so many people waiting to Unfortunately, there were so many people waiting to _ the subway that I could not even get down the _ the subway that I could not even get down the stairs to the _. stairs to the _. flood

127、forcedcall/ takestormhappenedservicesthroughworking/operatingtake/ boardplatformSo I took the train going in the opposite So I took the train going in the opposite direction, and then switched back to the direction, and then switched back to the downtown train. Finally, after what seemed downtown tr

128、ain. Finally, after what seemed like an forever, the train _ my stop. Then like an forever, the train _ my stop. Then I had to walk several blocks in the I had to walk several blocks in the increasingly heavy rain. When I finally got to increasingly heavy rain. When I finally got to my office, I was

129、 _ through, exhausted my office, I was _ through, exhausted and _.and _. My co-workers and I spent most of the day My co-workers and I spent most of the day drying off. When it was 5:00 pmdrying off. When it was 5:00 pm,I was ready I was ready to go home. I was about to turn off my to go home. I was

130、 about to turn off my computer _ I received an email from computer _ I received an email from Garth, my Director:Garth, my Director: I would like to thank all of you who made I would like to thank all of you who made the effort and _ _ the effort and _ _ reportedreported to work. It is to work. It i

131、s always reassuring(always reassuring(令人欣慰令人欣慰令人欣慰令人欣慰), at times like ), at times like these, when employees so clearly show their these, when employees so clearly show their _ to their jobs. Thank you_ to their jobs. Thank you. .reachwetupset/ discouragedwhen(eventually)devotionGarths email was sh

132、ort, but I learned more from that _ message than I ever did from a textbook. The email taught me that a few words of _ can make a big difference. The rainstorm and the traffic _ had made me tied and upset. But Garths words immediately _ me and put a smile back on my face. short/ briefappreciationtro

133、ubleswarmed/ refreshed2008山东卷书面表达题第一节读写任务山东卷书面表达题第一节读写任务76. List 3 activities that might develop into 76. List 3 activities that might develop into addictions based on the text.addictions based on the text.shopping, drinking, playing computer games, shopping, drinking, playing computer games, workin

134、g, watching TV, taking drugs. working, watching TV, taking drugs. alcohol addictionalcohol addictiondrug addictiondrug addictionnew kinds of addictions: compulsive shoppers, new kinds of addictions: compulsive shoppers, shopaholicsshopaholicsbe hooked on shoppingbe hooked on shopping, , be addicted

135、to be addicted to shopping compulsive shoppingshopping compulsive shoppingshopaholismshopaholism, , shopping addictionshopping addiction workaholic, praise- workaholic, praise-aholicaholicmouse potato, couch potatomouse potato, couch potato以以07上海卷完形填空题上海卷完形填空题A篇为例篇为例 Being Being alone alone in in ou

136、ter outer space space can can be be frightening. frightening. That That is is one one reason reason why why astronauts astronauts on on solo solo space space flights flights were were given given plenty plenty of of work work to to keep keep them them (45) (45) busybusy. . They They were were also a

137、lso in in constant constant communication communication with with people people on on the the earth. earth. (46) (46) HoweverHowever, , being being with with people people from from whom whom you you cannot cannot get get away away might might be be even even harder harder than than being being alon

138、e. alone. This This is is what what happens happens on on long long submarine submarine voyages. voyages. It It will will also also happen happen on on (47) (47) long long space space flights flights in in the the future. future. Will Will there there be be special special problems problems of of ad

139、justment adjustment under under such conditions? such conditions? 可以将该材料改编成单词拼写题。可以将该材料改编成单词拼写题。如:如: Being Being alone alone in in outer outer space space can can be be frightening. frightening. That That is is one one reason reason whywhy a astronauts stronauts on on solo solo space space flights f

140、lights werewere g giveniven plenty plenty of of work work to to keep keep them them (45) (45) busybusy. . They They were were also also in in constantconstant c communicationommunication with with people people on on the the earth. earth. (46) (46) HoweverHowever, , being being with with people peop

141、le from from whom whom you you cannot cannot get get away away might might be be even even harder harder than than being being alone. alone. This This is is whatwhat h happensappens on on long long submarine submarine voyages. voyages. It It will will also also happen happen on on (47) (47) longlong

142、 spacespace f flightslights in in the the future. future. Will Will there there be be special special problems of adjustment under suchproblems of adjustment under such c conditionsonditions? ? 复习阶段要特别注意把课标词汇与课本词汇、复习阶段要特别注意把课标词汇与课本词汇、练习词汇的有机结合,练习词汇的有机结合,突出常用词,掌握高突出常用词,掌握高频词,兼顾低频词。注重综合性,建立词汇频词,兼顾低频词。

143、注重综合性,建立词汇网。网。3 3、多种渠道,扩大词汇。、多种渠道,扩大词汇。巩固单词要充分利用资源策略进行广泛的阅巩固单词要充分利用资源策略进行广泛的阅读。现代科技的发展使英语的输入渠道大大读。现代科技的发展使英语的输入渠道大大增加,一方面,学生可利用磁带、广播、影增加,一方面,学生可利用磁带、广播、影视和网络,通过声像资料学习和扩大词汇量,视和网络,通过声像资料学习和扩大词汇量,另方面,可利用报刊杂志、简易读物、上英另方面,可利用报刊杂志、简易读物、上英语网站和阅读电子图书等方式进行大量的阅语网站和阅读电子图书等方式进行大量的阅读来巩固词汇的记忆和运用。读来巩固词汇的记忆和运用。总之,要提高学生词汇学习的效率,发展总之,要提高学生词汇学习的效率,发展学生的语言能力唯有扩大阅读,加强交际,学生的语言能力唯有扩大阅读,加强交际,注重运用。注重运用。



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