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1、. 句型展示句型展示1. 他他们应该们应该鞠躬。鞠躬。They _ _ _ bow. 2. 我我应该应该7点点钟钟到,但我是到,但我是8点点钟钟到的。到的。I _ _ _ _ at 7: 00, but I arrived at 8: 00. 答案答案1. are supposed to 2. was supposed to arrive 3.have asked;to wear 3. 你本你本该问该问一下你一下你应应穿什么衣服。穿什么衣服。. . . you should _ _ what you were supposed _ _ . 2. . . . you should have as

2、ked what you were supposed to wear. 你本你本该问该问一下你一下你应应穿什么衣服。穿什么衣服。(1)should have done sth. 表表示示“本本该该做做而而未未做做某某事事”,是是虚虚拟语拟语气的一种表达方式,含气的一种表达方式,含责备责备、失望之意。、失望之意。(2)shouldnt have done sth. 表示表示“本不本不应该应该做而做了某事做而做了某事”。 You should _ a little earlier. The train left just ten minutes ago. A. have come B. came

3、C. had come D. coming【点点拨拨】选选A。句句意意:你你本本应应该该早早一一点点儿儿来来。那那班班火火车车刚刚刚刚在在十十分分钟钟之之前前开开走走。should have done sth. 表表示示“本本该该做做而而未做某事未做某事”, 含含责备责备、失望之意。、失望之意。 Usually people in Japan and Korea _ when they meet for the first time. A. are supposed to kiss B. are supposed to bow C. suppose to kiss D. suppose to

4、bow【点点拨拨】选选B。be supposed to “被被期期望望;应应该该”, 固固定定结结构构。由礼由礼仪仪常常识识知在日本和知在日本和韩韩国初次国初次见见面面时应时应鞠躬。故鞠躬。故选选B。. 用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空(的适当形式填空(5分分钟钟,10 分)分)1. We were _ (invite) to Jims party and had great fun. 2. Social _ (custom) are different from country to country. 3. People in Japan are _ (suppose) to bow when

5、 they meet for the first time. 答案:答案:1. invited 2. customs 3. supposed4. She _ (wear) a dress at her friends party yesterday. 5. He _ (make)a few mistakes in the math test, and the teacher was angry. 答案:答案:4. wore 5. made. 完成句子(完成句子(5分分钟钟,10分)分)1. 在大多数西方国家,人在大多数西方国家,人们们初次初次见见面面时应该时应该握手。握手。In most We

6、stern countries, people _ _ _ _ _ when they meet for the first time. 2. 我我们们怎怎样样才能用正确的方式与美国朋友打招呼?才能用正确的方式与美国朋友打招呼?How can we _ American friends _ _ _ _ ? 答案:答案: 1. are supposed to shake hands2. greet ;in the/a right way3. 你本你本应该问应该问一下一下该带该带什么礼物。什么礼物。You should _ _ what gift to take with you. 4. 如果你被

7、邀如果你被邀请请参加会参加会议议, 你不你不应该应该去晚了。去晚了。If you are invited to the party, you _ _ to _ late. 答案:答案:3. have asked 4. arent supposed; be5. 在日本,你在日本,你应该应该鞠躬而不是握手。鞠躬而不是握手。You are supposed to bow _ _ _ hands in Japan. 答案:答案:instead of shaking. 英英汉汉短短语语互互译译1. a bit late _2. 拜拜访访我我们们朋友的家朋友的家 _3. make plans _4. ge

8、t angry _5. 做一些有趣的事情做一些有趣的事情 _答案:答案: 1. 有点晚有点晚 2. drop by our friends homes3. 制制订计订计划划 4. 生气生气 5. do something interesting. 句型展示句型展示1. 在我在我们们那儿,那儿,对时间对时间的要求相当的要求相当宽宽松。松。Where Im from, were pretty _ _ time. 2. 对对我我们们来来说说,和家人、朋友,和家人、朋友们们一起共度一起共度时时光是很重要的。光是很重要的。_ time with family and friends _ very imp

9、ortant _ us. 3. 在瑞士,守在瑞士,守时时是很重要的。是很重要的。In Switzerland, _ very important _ _ on time. 4. 我我们们通常通常计计划好了才去看朋友。划好了才去看朋友。 We usually _ _ to see friends. 答答案案:1. relaxed about 2. Spending;is; to 3. its ; to be 4. make plans _ he comes from, people make a living by fishing. A. What B. Where C. When D. How

10、 【点点拨拨】选选B。句句意意:在在他他的的家家乡乡,人人们们靠靠打打渔渔为为生生。引引导导地点状地点状语语从句,意从句,意为为“在在地方地方”,用,用连连接副接副词词where。 Excuse me, Miss Green. Could you please tell me how to improve my spoken English? OK. The best way is to practice speaking English _ . A. as soon as possible B. as quickly as possibleC. as much as possible D.

11、as clear as possible【点点拨拨】选选C。由由语语境境知知句句意意为为“最最好好的的办办法法是是尽尽可可能能多多地地练练习习说说英英语语”。表表示示“尽尽可可能能多多地地做做”用用as much as possible。故。故选选C。 Students should get to school _ on weekdays. A. in time B. on timeC. at times D. at the time【点点拨拨】选选B。句句意意:上上学学时时,学学生生应应按按时时到到校校。on time “准准时时;按;按时时”。故。故选选B。on time 强强调调“准准时

12、时;按;按时时”。 in time 意意为为“及及时时”,表示,表示动动作在作在规规定定时间时间内或比内或比规规定定时间时间提前完成。提前完成。 . 从方框中从方框中选词选词并用其适当形式填空(并用其适当形式填空(5分分钟钟,10分)分) spend,relax, visit, greet, plan1. In Switzerland, people usually _ to see friends. 2. _ time with friends on weekends is really great. 3. If you want to sleep well, just try _ befo

13、re you go to bed. 4. The first thing for students to do in class is _ the teacher. 5. Youd better call first before _ a friends house. 答案:答案: 1. plan 2. Spending 3. to relax 4. to greet 5. visiting1. 他他过过去常到我家来拜去常到我家来拜访访。 He used to _ _ my home. 2. 首先,我首先,我们们需要需要为为未来作未来作计计划。划。 First, we need to _ _

14、for the future. 3. 守守时对时对我我们们每个人来每个人来说说都很重要。都很重要。_ _ for each of us _ _ on time. 4. 在他在他们们那儿,人那儿,人们见们见面面时时喜喜欢欢鞠躬。鞠躬。_ he is from, people like to _ when they meet. 5. 我我们应该们应该尽可能多的帮助尽可能多的帮助处处于困境中的人。于困境中的人。 We should help the persons in trouble _ _ _ _ . 答答案案: 1. drop by 2. make plans 3. Its important

15、;to be 4. Where;bow 5. as much as possible. 用方框中所用方框中所给词给词的适当形式填空(的适当形式填空(3分分钟钟,10分)分) after all, on time, call, be supposed to, drop by1. The students _ clean the classroom every day. 2. Its not good manners to visit a friend without _ first. 3. Dont be angry with him. _ , he is just a child. 4. Th

16、ey always get to school _, and are never late. 5. He just _ to see me yesterday. 答答案案: 1. are supposed to 2. calling 3. After all 4. on time 5. dropped by. 单项选择单项选择(3分分钟钟,10分)分)( )1. Shall we go fishing this weekend? No. Lets go hiking _ . A. instead of B. instead C. too D. either( )2. In China, you

17、 are supposed to _ when you meet someone for the first time. A. bow B. kiss C. hug D. shake hands( )3. Do you have your summer plan, Bill? Well,I want to go _ to relax with my family. A. interesting somewhere B. nowhere interesting C. somewhere interesting D. anywhere interesting( )4. When did your

18、pen pal _ in Shanghai? Two days ago. A. arrive B. reach C. get D. arrived( )5. He left without _ goodbye to us. A. say B. said C. saying D. to say. 句型句型转换转换(4分分钟钟,10分)分)1. You should hand in your homework on time. (改改为为同同义义句)句)You _ _ _ hand in your homework on time. 2. The party was really great. (

19、对对划划线线部分提部分提问问) _ _ the party? 答案:答案:1. are supposed to 2. How was3. You are supposed to greet each other. (对对划划线线部分提部分提问问) _ _ you _ to do? 4. Protecting the earth is very important. (改改为为同同义义句句)_ important _ _ the earth. 5. She has pretty relaxed rules at home. (对对划划线线部分提部分提问问)_ _ _ rules does she

20、 have at home? 答案:答案:3. What are;supposed 4. Its ;to protect 5. What kind of . 补补全全对话对话(5分分钟钟,10分分)从方框中从方框中选择选择最佳最佳选项选项完成完成对话对话,有两,有两项项多余。多余。A. You are supposed to make plans to see friends. B. After all, its the land of watches. C. Im going to Switzerland as an exchange student. D. What kind of rul

21、es do they have in Switzerland? E. You are supposed to drop by your friendshomes. F. What will happen if I am late when I visit my friend? G. What should I say? A: Hello, Lin Mei! It seems that you are excited. B: Yes. 1 A:Oh,thats great! B: But I dont know much about the customs in Switzerland. Cou

22、ld you help me? A: Sure. B: 2 A: Well, its important to be on time. 3 B: 4 A: Its impolite to be late. Your friend may get angry. B: Oh, I see. Anything else? A: 5 Its rude to drop by their homes without calling first. B: Thanks a lot. A: Its my pleasure. 1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._答案:答案:15. CDBFA . 阅读阅读理解

23、(理解(5分分钟钟,10 分)分) 阅阅读读短短文文,将将AD四四个个句句子子填填入入文文中中空空缺缺处处,使使短短文文内容完整,然后完成第内容完整,然后完成第5题题。 In Britain, people often invite friends for a meal, a party or just coffee. People who know each other very well may visit each others houses without an invitation, but usually an invitation is needed. When people i

24、nvite someone to their homes, they often say, “ 1 ”Answers are “Thanks. Wed love to. What time? ”or“ 2 ”However, it is not polite to say “No, we wouldnt! ” Sometimes, the British use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not invitations. For example, “You must come over for a drink s

25、ometime. ”or“ 3 ”These are usually just polite ways of ending a talk. They are not real invitations because they dont mention an exact time or day. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly and the answers are “Yes, that would be nice. ”or“ 4 ” So next time you hear what sounds like an

26、 invitation, listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly? A. Lets go out for a meal one of these days. B. OK, thanks. C. Im sorry. Wed love to, but we have tickets for the concert. D. Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday? ( )5. What is the article mainly a

27、bout? A. Britain. B. Invitations. C. A talk with friends. D. A letter to friends. 答案:答案: 15. DCABB. 选择选择恰当的恰当的图图片与下列句子相匹配片与下列句子相匹配( )1. to make noise while eating noodles答案:答案:B( )2. to stick your chopsticks into your food( )3. point at anyone with your chopsticks( )4. eat while walking down the str

28、eet答案:答案: 2. A 3.D 4.C. 句型展示句型展示1. 在美国,你不在美国,你不应该应该用手拿用手拿东东西吃。西吃。In the United States, youre _ _ _ _ with your hands. 答案:答案: not supposed to eat2. 在巴西,你在巴西,你应该应该在每次喝完在每次喝完东东西后,用餐巾擦一擦嘴。西后,用餐巾擦一擦嘴。In Brazil, you _ _ your mouth _ your napkin _ _ you take a drink. 3. 在日本,吃面条在日本,吃面条时发时发出响声是有礼貌的。出响声是有礼貌的。

29、_ _ _ make noise while _ noodles in Japan. 答案:答案: 2. should wipe;with;every time3. Its polite to;eating 1. pick up拾起;拾起;捡捡起;接(某人)起;接(某人) She bent to pick up her wallet on the ground. 她弯腰拾起了她掉在地上的她弯腰拾起了她掉在地上的钱钱包。包。 明天我要去接我姑姑。明天我要去接我姑姑。I will _ _ my aunt tomorrow. 【点点拨拨】pick up。(1)pick up除除有有“拾拾起起;捡捡起

30、起”意意思思外外,还还有有“接接(人人)”等等意意思思;其其后后可可直直接接跟跟名名词词作作宾宾语语,(2)若若宾语为宾语为代代词时词时,则须则须放在放在pick与与up中中间间。2. point v. (用用)指;指向指;指向 Its rude to point at others with chopsticks. 用筷子指着用筷子指着别别人是不礼貌的。人是不礼貌的。 Its impolite to _ people with your fingers. A. point to B. point at C. point out D. point in【点点拨拨】选选B。句句意意:用用手手指指

31、着着人人是是不不礼礼貌貌的的。point at“指指着着”。point at 意意为为“指着指着”,表示用某物,表示用某物对对准某人或某物,准某人或某物,多指近多指近处处的人或物。的人或物。 point to 意意为为“指向;表明指向;表明”, 多表示指向多表示指向远处远处的人或的人或物,或物,或钟钟表指表指针针指向;或表明等。指向;或表明等。 point out 意意为为“指出(指出(问题问题、错误错误、优优点、缺点等)点、缺点等)”。 . 从方框中从方框中选词选词并用其正确形式填空(并用其正确形式填空(5分分钟钟,10分)分)wipe,rude, make noise, stick, ea

32、t1. Youd better not talk loudly or laugh while _ at the table. 2. You are supposed _ your mouth with your napkin after drinking. 答案:答案:1. eating 2. to wipe3. Its _ to speak with your mouth full. 4. Dont _ your chopsticks into the food. 5. Be quiet! You shouldnt _ in the library.答案:答案:3. rude 4. stic

33、k 5. make noise 1.在日本,吃面条时发出响声是有礼貌的。在日本,吃面条时发出响声是有礼貌的。_ _ _ make noise while _ noodles in Japan. 1.Its polite to;eating2.明天我要去接我姑姑。明天我要去接我姑姑。I will _ _ my aunt tomorrow. 【点拨点拨】pick up。(1)pick up除有除有“拾起;捡起拾起;捡起”意思外,还有意思外,还有“接(人)接(人)”等意思;其后可直接跟名词作宾语,(等意思;其后可直接跟名词作宾语,(2)若宾语为代词时,则须放在)若宾语为代词时,则须放在pick与与u

34、p中间。中间。 3.Its impolite to _ people with your fingers. A. point to B. point at C. point out D. point in( )4. When _ you supposed to _ the meeting yesterday? At nine am. A. were;had B. was;had C. were;have D. was;have( )2. Its impolite _ loudly in public places. A. speak B. to speakC. speaking D. spea

35、ks( )3. You should keep quiet _ having dinner. OK, Ill have it in mind. A. when you B. while C. without D. to( )4. You are supposed to _ school on time. A. get B. reach to C. arrive D. get to( )5. The ticket is on the floor, please _ . A. pick up it B. picking up it C. pick it up D. look for it . 选词

36、选词配配图图fork, knife, spoon, toast答案:答案:1. spoon 2. knife 3. fork 4. toast. 句型展示句型展示1. 你不会相信我的法你不会相信我的法语进语进步得多快!步得多快!And you wouldnt believe _ _ my French has improved! 2. 他他们们尽力尽力让让我感我感觉觉像在家里一像在家里一样样。They _ _ _ their way _ _ me _ at home. 答案:答案: 1. how quickly 2. go out of;to make ; feel3. 虽虽然我仍然犯然我仍然

37、犯许许多多错误错误,但它不像以前那,但它不像以前那样样困困扰扰我了。我了。Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt bother me like it _ _ . 4. 我我觉觉得得记记住住所所有有的的规规矩矩是是很很难难的的,但但是是我我也也渐渐渐渐习习惯惯了了这这些,不再些,不再觉觉得它得它们们奇怪了。奇怪了。I find it difficult _ _ everything, but Im gradually _ _ _ things and dont find them so strange any more. 答案:答案:

38、3. used to 4. to remember; getting used to1. Youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit! 除除了了面面包包之之外外,你你什什么么都都不不能能用手拿着吃,甚至用手拿着吃,甚至连连水果也不能!水果也不能! except意意为为“除除之外之外”,不包括后面的内容。,不包括后面的内容。 Everyone in our class has seen the film _ Tom. A. besides B. beside C. except D

39、. expect【点点拨拨】选选C。句句意意:我我们们班班上上除除汤汤姆姆外外,都都看看过过这这部部电电影影了了。except作作介介词词,意意为为“除除之之外外”,不不包包含含其其后后的的人人或或物。物。(1)在在 I find it difficult to remember . . . 句句中中,it是是形形式式宾宾语语,真真正正的的宾宾语语是是后后面面的的动动词词不不定定式式短短语语to remember everything。其其句句型型结结构构为为:find+ it + adj. + to do sth. 。类类似用法的似用法的动词还动词还有:有:think, believe, k

40、now, feel等。等。(2)be/get used to 意意为为“习习惯惯于于”, 后后接接名名词词、代代词词或或动动名名词词。 I find _ important to get along well with others. A. that B. this C. it D. them【点点拨拨】选选C。本本题题考考查查it 作作形形式式宾宾语语的的用用法法。句句中中it代代替替不定式短不定式短语语 “to get along well with others”作形式作形式宾语宾语。11衡衡阳阳中中考考Tony used to _ to school, but he is used t

41、o _ to school now. A. walk; taking a bus B. walked; took a busC. walk; take a bus【点点拨拨】选选A。句句意意:Tony过过去去常常步步行行去去上上学学,但但他他现现在在习习惯惯了了乘乘公公共共汽汽车车去去上上学学。used to“过过去去经经常常”,后后接接动动词词原形;原形;be used to doing sth. “习惯习惯于做某事于做某事”。故。故选选A。 used to 表示表示“过过去去经经常常”,后接,后接动词动词原形。原形。 be/get used to 表表示示“习习惯惯于于”,后后接接名名词词

42、、代代词词或或动词动词-ing形式。形式。 be used to do/be used for doing 表表示示“用用于于;被被用用来来做做”, 是是动动词词use的被的被动结动结构。构。 . 单项选择单项选择(5分分钟钟,10分)分)( )1. They all passed the exam _ Jack. He was really sad. A. except B. beside C. besides D. except for( )2. I like gentle music that can make us _ relaxed. A. feels B. felt C. feel

43、 D. feeling( )3. There are many trees on _ side of the road. A. both B. each C. every D. none( )4. He _ live with his friends, but he _ living alone now. A. used to; used to B. is used to; is used toC. is used to; used to D. used to; is used to( )5. All of us find _ necessary to take exercise every

44、day. A. it B. them C. this D. that. 根据句意及首字母或根据句意及首字母或汉语汉语提示完成提示完成单词单词(3分分钟钟,10分)分)1. His biggest challenge is learning how to b_ at the dinner table. 2. Its r_ to break into the room without knocking at the door. 答案:答案:1. behave 2. rude3. In France, you are s_ to put your bread on the table instead

45、 of putting it on your plate. 4. In the West, table _ (礼礼仪仪)are very important. 5. Dont _ (拥挤拥挤). Please wait in line for tickets. 答案:答案:3. supposed 4. manners 5. crowd. 单项选择单项选择(3分分钟钟,10分)分)( )1. What do you think of money? Well,I think money is important _ its not the most important thing. A. and

46、B. but C. or D. so( )2. I _ swim in the river when I was a child. A. am used to B. was used to C. used to D. be used to( )3. Thank you for _ me the customs in your country. A. tell B. told C. telling D. tells( )4. I wouldnt like to go shopping at this time of day. Its always _ . A. crowd B. crowding

47、C. uncrowded D. crowded( )5. How was your trip to Taiwan? Great!Its even _ than I thought it would be. A. good B. well C. better D. best. 完成句子(完成句子(5分分钟钟,10分)分)1. 在在韩韩国,在餐桌上最年国,在餐桌上最年长长的人的人应该应该先开始吃。先开始吃。In Korea,the oldest person _ _ _ _ eating first at table. 2. 他他们总们总是不怕麻是不怕麻烦烦,想方,想方设设法法为为所有的所有的顾顾

48、客服客服务务。They always _ _ _ their way to think of ways to serve all the customers. 答案:答案: 1. is supposed to start 2. go out of3. 她的寄宿家庭使她有她的寄宿家庭使她有宾宾至如至如归归的感的感觉觉。Her host family made _ _ _ _. 4. 现现在他在他习惯习惯了在国外生活。了在国外生活。 Now he _ _ _ living abroad. 5. 我我们们没有理由浪没有理由浪费时间费时间。 We _ _ _ _ waste time. 答案:答案:

49、3. her feel at home 4. is/gets used to5. have no reason to. 短文填空(短文填空(4分分钟钟,10分)分)从方框中从方框中选择选择适当的适当的词词完成短文。完成短文。same,hands,left,tell,uses,knives,by,but,dont,down You can 1 whether a foreigner is American or English 2 the way he 3 his knife and fork when eating. They hold their 4 and forks in the 5 w

50、ay when cutting, 6 when Americans finish cutting, they put the knives 7 , transfer (换换) the forks to right 8 . But many English, while cutting their food in the same way as Americans, 9 transfer the forks from hand to hand. They hold their forks in the 10 hands, and their knives in their right hands

51、 while eating. 答案:答案: 1. tell 2. by 3. uses 4. knives 5. same 6. but 7. down 8. hands 9. dont 10. left. 阅读阅读理解(理解(5分分钟钟,10分)分)11福州中考福州中考 For the British, the home is a private place in which he or she goes to hide away from the troubles of life. It is very seldom that one would be invited to a Briti

52、sh persons home. It is rude to knock on a persons door if you are not invited. If you are invited, dont ask to see more than the downstairs that your British host invites you into. Never ask how much the house or any of the items in it cost. To the American, most of them want their home to be a plac

53、e where they can entertain(款款待待) and share their lives with their friends. They may be delighted to give you a full tour of their houses. They may also be pleased when you show your interest and pleasure in their houses. Both British and American people will engage in quite a bit of chat and a drink

54、 or two before the meal is served. After the first mouthful, you should say how delicious the food is and ask something about it. Remember, never eat with your mouth open and make very little noise while eating. It would be nice of you to help your host in any way. Maybe offer to pour some drinks or

55、 clear up after the meal. ( )1. British people _ invite friends to their home. A. often B. always C. seldom D. never( )2. If your British friend invites you to his home, you can _. A. see anything you likeB. ask how much his house isC. ask the cost of any of the items in itD. only see the downstairs

56、 that youre invited into( )3. When you show your interest and pleasure in American peoples houses, they may be _. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. worried( )4. What does the underlined phrase “engage in” mean in Chinese? A. 陷入陷入 B. 参与参与 C. 回避回避 D. 限制限制( )5. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Some ma

57、nners on visiting British and American peoples home. B. Different table manners between British and American people. C. Different ideas about the home between British and American people. D. Different ideas about how to get along well with neighbors between British and American people. . 左右左右栏栏匹配匹配1

58、. ICQ A. great2. BTW B. see you later3. CSL C. by the way 4. gr8 D. I seek you 5. CUL8r E. cant stop laughing. 句型展示句型展示1. 你你应该应该快速地打快速地打. . . you _ supposed _ _ quickly. . . 2. 用用电电子子邮邮件英件英语语帮你写得更快。帮你写得更快。_ e-mail English _ you write quickly. 答案:答案: 1. are;to type 2. Using;helps3. 你你们们自己就能容易地学会,并且自己

59、就能容易地学会,并且试验试验你你们们自己的想法。自己的想法。You can learn it _ _ _ , and experiment with your own ideas. 4. 书书写写电电子子邮邮件件英英语语并并不不是是无无礼礼的的, 但但重重要要的的是是务务必必适适时时使使用。用。It is not _ _ _ e-mail English, but it is important _ _ it only at the proper time. 答案:答案: 3. easily by yourselves 4. rude to write ;to use1. E-mail Eng

60、lish is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time. 电电子子邮邮件件英英语语是是为为了了节节省省时时间间而而采采用的一种新的用的一种新的书书面英面英语语。 句句中中 that is being used to save time是是定定语语从从句句,引引导导词词that在在从从句句中中作作主主语语,不不能能省省略略,谓谓语语动动词词结结构构为为现现在在进进行行时时的的被被动动语语态态,其其构构成成为为:“be(am/is/are)+ being +过过去分去分词词”。 Lots of trees and

61、flowers _ on both sides of the road in the city now. A. will plant B. is plantingC. are planting D. are being planted【点点拨拨】选选D。由由时时间间状状语语now可可知知用用现现在在进进行行时时态态,且且动动作作的的承承受受者者作作主主语语,主主谓谓之之间间存存在在被被动动关关系系 ,应应用用现现在在进进行行时时的被的被动语态动语态。故。故选选D。2. This is because they come from a computer program called ICQ, w

62、hich means I seek you. 这这是是因因为为它它们们来来源源于于一一个个名名叫叫“ICQ(网网际际呼呼叫叫器器)”的的电电脑脑程序,它的意思就是我要找到你。程序,它的意思就是我要找到你。(1)“This is because+从从句句”意意为为“这这是是因因为为”, 此此时时because 引引导导的是表的是表语语从句。从句。(2)此此处处which means I seek you是是一一个个非非限限定定性性定定语语从从句句,用用来来修修饰饰ICQ。非非限限定定性性定定语语从从句句在在句句中中起起补补充充说说明明的的作作用用,其其前前常常用用逗逗号号,非非限限定定性性定定语

63、语从从句句与与被被修修饰饰词词之之间间的的关系没有限定性定关系没有限定性定语语从句与被修从句与被修饰词饰词的关系的关系紧紧密。密。 This film is really funny, _ advises people to give up smoking. A. who B. that C. which D. what【点点拨拨】选选C。此此题题考考查查非非限限定定性性定定语语从从句句。由由句句意意“ 这这部部电电影影太太滑滑稽稽了了,它它告告诫诫人人们们不不要要抽抽烟烟。”可可知知先先行行词词为为film, 先先行行词词指指物物时时,定定语语从从句句的的引引导导词词用用which 或或th

64、at, 而而非非限限定性定定性定语语从句中用从句中用which引引导导,而不用,而不用that引引导导。故。故选选C。3. For example, BTW means “by the way”, and CSL means “cant stop laughing”. 例例如如:BTW的的意意思思是是“顺顺便便说说”,CSL的意思是的意思是“忍不住笑忍不住笑”。 cant stop doing sth. 相相当当于于cant help doing sth. 意意为为“忍不住做某事;情不自禁地做某事忍不住做某事;情不自禁地做某事”。 He cant stop _ at the exciting

65、news. A. jump B. jumps C. jumping D. to jump【点点拨拨】选选C。句句意意:听听到到这这令令人人激激动动的的消消息息,他他禁禁不不住住跳跳了起来。了起来。cant stop doing sth. “情不自禁地做某事情不自禁地做某事”。. 用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空(的适当形式填空(5分分钟钟,10分)分)1. Do you know the girl _ (who)mother is a teacher? 2. There are differences between _(write)English and spoken English. 答案:

66、答案:1. whose 2. written 3. When we heard the funny joke, we couldnt help _ (laugh). 4. The boy learned skating by _ (he). No one taught him. 5. He is very _ (please) to have the opportunity to travel abroad. 答案:答案:3. laughing 4. himself 5. pleased. 完成句子(完成句子(5分分钟钟,10分)分)1. 我我们们可以使用可以使用MSN与与别别人在网上交人在网

67、上交谈谈。We can use MSN _ _ online conversations _ others. 2. 网聊网聊时时,你可以使用,你可以使用电电子子邮邮件英件英语语来帮你快速打字。来帮你快速打字。You can type quickly by _ _ _ when chatting on line. 答案答案: 1. to have;with 2. using e-mail English3. 在在电电子子邮邮件英件英语语中,中,标标点符号可以被用来表达你的情感。点符号可以被用来表达你的情感。Punctuation marks can _ _ _ _ the emotion you

68、 are feeling in e-mail English. 4. 学会正确使用学会正确使用电电子子邮邮件英件英语语很重要。很重要。_ important _ learn to use the e-mail English correctly. 答案答案: 3. be used to show 4. Its ;to5. 如果你上如果你上课课做鬼做鬼脸脸,老,老师师会生气的。会生气的。If you _ _ in class, the teachers will be angry. 答案答案: make faces. 根据句意及首字母或根据句意及首字母或汉语汉语提示完成提示完成单词单词(3分分钟

69、钟,10分)分)1. The students are doing a chemical e_ in the chemical lab now. 2. We all know that the white dove is the s_ of peace. 3. Dont throw about r_ here and there. Its bad for our environment. 答案:答案: 1. experiment 2. symbol 3. rubbish4. The park is _ (在在旁旁边边) the square. 5. He _ (正常地正常地)goes to w

70、ork five days a week. 答案:答案: 4. beside 5. normally. 单项选择单项选择(3分分钟钟,10分)分)( )1. The emoticon “ )”might suggest _ in e-mail English. A. crying B. laughing C. reading D. shouting( )2. In e-mail English, the homophone of “You are great! ”might be _. A. YRG B. YRgr8 C. URG D. URgr8( )3. These symbols are

71、 _ me. I dont know what they mean. A. familiar to B. unfamiliar toC. familiar for D. unfamiliar for( )4. E-mail English mostly uses _. A. two type of words B. two types of wordC. two type of word D. two types of words( )5. You can learn English _ watching English movies or listening to English songs

72、. A. by B. with C. at D. To. 完成句子(完成句子(4分分钟钟,10分)分)1. 在考在考试试中,你不中,你不应该应该使用使用电电子子邮邮件英件英语语。You are not _ _ _ e-mail English in a test. 2. 插插队队是很粗是很粗鲁鲁的。的。 _ _ _ jump the queue. 答案:答案: 1. supposed to use 2. Its rude to3. 你可以自己很容易地学会打字。你可以自己很容易地学会打字。You can learn to type easily _ _ . 4. 电电子子邮邮件英件英语语几乎像是

73、几乎像是谜语谜语。E-mail English almost _ _ . 5. 我我们们最好在适当的最好在适当的时间见时间见面。面。Wed better meet at _ _ _ . 答案:答案: 3. by yourself 4. like riddles5. the proper time. 短文填空(短文填空(5分分钟钟,10分)分)从方框中从方框中选择选择适当的适当的单词单词并用其正确形式完成短文。并用其正确形式完成短文。open, who, until, country, cross, unless, order, that, two, man In Western countri

74、es, especially in America, some social customs have lasted 1 today. For example, “ladies first”, 2 is to say, ladies in those 3 are respected(尊尊重重)in many ways. In the USA and Europe, you will usually see men 4 doors for ladies and ladies generally walking ahead of 5 into a room or a restaurant 6 th

75、e man has to be ahead of the lady in 7 to choose the table, to open the door of a car or to help in other ways. In the street, men almost always walk or 8 the street on the side of the ladies 9 is closer to traffic, but if a man walks with 10 ladies, he should walk between them. 答案:答案:1. until 2. th

76、at 3. countries4. opening 5. men 6. unless 7. order8. cross 9. who 10. two. 阅读阅读理解(理解(5分分钟钟,10分)分) Talking on a mobile phone is expensive, so a lot of people send text messages. Text messages are much cheaper than talking on a mobile phone, and you can make it cheaper by making the words shorter. Yo

77、u can do this by taking out “unimportant” letters in the words and using numbers instead of words (2=to, 3=free, 4=for, 8=ate, etc. ). You can also keep away from using punctuation(标标点点). Here is an example: Do u wnt 2 g 2 th cnma tnite (Do you want to go to the cinema tonight? ) What do you think t

78、hese text messages mean? Whr hv U bn? Iv bn wing hrs fr a cll. Im hm nw, why nt gv me a cll. I gt a txt mssge frm my frnd. Shes hvng a prty on Strdy. Mobile phone users have developed a group of symbols to show how they feel. They are called emoticons, and there are some examples below. To read an e

79、moticon, you have to look at it sideways. For example, if you say something in a text message that is a joke, you can follow it with a smiling face. Like this: Why didt u call me? Im so sad. ( Here are some others. Can you think of text messages where you could use them? ) laughing ( sad really sad

80、0 shocked v shouting |asleep8 | surprised / 0 bored( )1. Why are text messages popular? A. Because they are expensive. B. Because they are cheap. C. Because they are hard to write. D. Because they are not important. ( )2. The first paragraph tells us that we can make the text messages shorter in _ w

81、ays. A. one B. two C. three D. four( )3. What does this text message “Do U wnt 2 cks? ” mean? It means“_”. A. Do you want to come? B. Do you wear two caps? C. Do you want two cakes? D. Do you go home early? ( )4. Why do people use emoticons? A. Because they can show how the users feel. B. Because th

82、e symbols are beautiful. C. Because the text messages are short. D. Because the users cant make the words shorter. ( )5. If you want to say someone is happy, you could use the symbol “_” in the text message. A. ) B. (C. v D. | |be supposed to 的用法的用法用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. As a student, I know I am

83、_ (suppose) to study hard. 2. He is _ (not suppose) to smoke here. 答案:答案:1. supposed 2. not supposed3. What _ you _ (suppose) to do when you meet someone in America? 4. I was _ (suppose) to arrive at the party at 6: 30 p. m. , but I arrived at 7: 30 p. m. . 答案:答案:3. are; supposed 4. supposed “be sup

84、posed to”的用法的用法 1. be supposed to意意为为“应应该该;被被 ; 理理应应”,用用来来表表示示根根据据规规定定人人们们不不得得不不做做某某事事,或或期期待待发发生生某某事事,时时态态、人人称称和和句句式式的的变变化化在在be上上体体现现,to为为 符符号号,后后接接动动词词 。 2. be supposed to do的的否否定定式式,要要在在 后后加加not, 此此时时相当于相当于be not allowed to do, 意意为为“不被不被许许可;不可;不应应当当”。答案:答案:期望期望/期待期待 不定式不定式 原形原形 be 3. 如如果果表表达达“过过去去

85、某某时时应应该该(不不应应该该)做做”时时,用用was(wasnt)/were(werent)supposed to do, 相相当当于于should(shouldnt)have+动词过动词过去分去分词词。 假假设设你你是是王王海海,你你的的美美国国网网友友Bob将将到到中中国国来来旅旅游游,请请写写一一封封电电子子邮邮件件告告诉诉他他中中国国的的礼礼节节。下下面面的的问问题题和和提提示示词词可以帮助你。可以帮助你。1. What is he supposed to do when he first meets a friend?2. What should he say to his fri

86、end?3. How should he behave at dinner?(be supposed to say, shake hands, use chopsticks, pick up, rice, dont talk too much. . . )_ 此此篇篇作作文文以以谈谈论论文文化化习习俗俗为为线线索索,主主要要内内容容是是针针对对美美国国网网友友Bob要要来来中中国国旅旅游游,想想了了解解中中国国的的礼礼节节,就就此此写写一一封封电电子子邮邮件件向向他他介介绍绍中中国国的的见见面面礼礼仪仪、餐餐桌桌礼礼仪仪等等文文化化习习俗俗。写写作作内内容容渗渗透透着着本本单单元元的的话话题题

87、和和语语言言目目标标 谈谈论论不不同同国国家的文化家的文化风风俗及在不同文化背景俗及在不同文化背景场场合下合下应该应该做什么。做什么。 根据分析在写作根据分析在写作过过程中要明确以下几点:程中要明确以下几点: (1)由由作作文文要要谈谈及及的的主主要要内内容容决决定定我我们们在在写写作作中中要要运运用用谈论应该谈论应该做什么的句型(做什么的句型(be supposed to do ) (2)由由作作文文所所涉涉及及的的主主要要内内容容决决定定我我们们在在写写作作中中要要运运用与文化用与文化风风俗、礼俗、礼仪仪等相关的等相关的词汇词汇短短语语 (3)单单元万能句型元万能句型储备储备: be di

88、fferent from. . . be supposed to do. . . Its+adj. +to do sth. Dear Bob, Welcome to China. Different countries have different manners. The manners in China are different from those in America. When you first meet a Chinese friend, you are supposed to say hello to him or her and shake hands. When you

89、have a meal with Chinese friends, youre supposed to pick up the chopsticks and the bowl of rice. Its rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks. Please dont talk too much when youre at table. Have a good trip. Yours, Wang Hai. 单词闯单词闯关关1. 摇动摇动;震;震动动(v. ) _2. 风风俗;俗;习习俗;俗;习惯习惯(n. ) _3. 国家;国土;土地(国家;国土

90、;土地(n. ) _4. 问问候;向候;向打招呼(打招呼(v. ) _5. 吃吃饱饱的;的;过饱过饱的(的(adj. ) _答案:答案:1. shake 2. custom 3. land4. greet 5. full6. 构成;构成;组组成(成(v. ) _7. 象征;象征;标标志;符号(志;符号(n. ) _8. 谜语谜语(n. ) _9. 试验试验;实验实验(v. ) _10. 合适的;适宜的;恰当的合适的;适宜的;恰当的 (adj. ) _11. (疑疑问问代代词词)谁谁的(的(pron. ) _答案:答案:6. form 7. symbol 8. riddle 9. experim

91、ent 10. proper 11. whose12. relax(v. ) _ (adj. )令人放松的)令人放松的 _ (adj. )放松的;)放松的;宽宽松的;松的;轻轻松自在的松自在的13. familiar(adj. ) _ (反(反义词义词)不熟悉的)不熟悉的14. knife(n. ) _ (复数)(复数)15. most(adj. ) _ (adv. )多半;主要地)多半;主要地16. normal(adj. ) _ (adv. )通常;正常地)通常;正常地答案:答案:12. relaxing; relaxed 13. unfamiliar 14. knives15. most

92、ly 16. normally. 短短语过语过关关1. be _ to 被期望或要求;被期望或要求;应该应该2. _ hands 握手握手3. make _ 犯犯错错;出;出错错4. drop _ 顺顺便(或偶然)拜便(或偶然)拜访访5. _ plans 制制订计订计划划答答案案: 1. supposed 2. shake 3. mistakes 4. by 5. make6. after _ 毕毕竟;竟;终终究;究竟究;究竟7. pick _ 捡捡起;拾起起;拾起8. _. . . into 把把插入插入9. _ at/to 指向指向10. _ _ _ ones way to do sth.

93、 特地(不怕麻特地(不怕麻烦烦地)做某事地)做某事答案:答案: 6. all 7. up 8. stick 9. point10. go out of11. be/get _ to 习惯习惯于于12. learn. . . by _ 自学自学答案:答案: 11. used 12. oneself. 句型攻关句型攻关1. 当你遇当你遇见见某人某人时时,你,你应该应该做什么?做什么?What _ you _ _ do when you meet someone? 2. 你本你本应该应该先先问问一下你一下你应该应该穿什么衣服。穿什么衣服。. . . you _ _ _ what you were s

94、upposed to wear. 答案:答案: 1. are; supposed to 2. should have asked3. 与家人及朋友共度与家人及朋友共度时时光光对对我我们们来来说说很重要。很重要。_ time _ family and friends is very important to us. 4. 在日本吃面条在日本吃面条时时,发发出响声是有礼貌的。出响声是有礼貌的。 _ _ _ make noise while eating noodles in Japan. 答案:答案: 3. Spending; with 4. Its polite to5. 我最大的挑我最大的挑战

95、战是如何学好餐桌礼是如何学好餐桌礼仪仪。My biggest challenge is learning _ _ _ at the dinner table. 答案:答案:how to behave( )1. 11宿宿迁迁中中考考You look quite tired. Youd better _ a good rest. A. stop to have B. stop havingC. to stop to have D. to stop having【解解析析】选选A。had better后后跟跟动动词词原原形形,stop to do sth. 表表示示“停停下下来来去去做做某某事事”;

96、stop doing sth. 表表示示“停停止止做做某某事事”。故故选选A。( )2. 11宜宜宾宾中中考考Computers _ widely in our daily life. A. use B. usedC. were used D. are used【解解析析】选选D。考考查查被被动动语语态态。由由主主语语computers与与谓谓语语动动词词use的的关关系系可可知知,使使用用被被动动语语态态,排排除除A与与B;由由句句意意“电电脑脑在在我我们们日日常常生生活活中中被被广广泛泛地地应应用用。”可可知知描描述述的的是是客客观观事事实实,要用一般,要用一般现现在在时时。故。故选选D。

97、( )3. 11郴郴州州中中考考 _ is dangerous for us to swim in the river alone. A. It B. That C. This【解析解析】选选A。考。考查查固定句式:固定句式:It is+adj. +to do. . . 。( )4. 11崇左中考崇左中考Is Jack good at basketball? Yes. _ basketball he is also good at table tennis. A. Except B. Besides C. But D. Beside【解解析析】选选B。考考查查介介词词辨辨析析。except表表

98、示示“除除了了”,不不包包括括后后面面所所指指内内容容;besides表表示示“除除之之外外”,包包括括后后面面所所指指的的内内容容;but“但但是是”表表示示转转折折关关系系;beside表表示示“在在旁旁边边”。根根据据句句意意:Jack擅擅长长篮篮球球吗吗?是是的的。除除了了篮篮球球外外他他也也擅擅长长乒乒乓乓球球。可可知知Jack擅擅长长篮篮球球也也擅擅长长乒乒乓乓球球。故故选选B。5. 10新疆中考用所新疆中考用所给单词给单词的正确形式填空的正确形式填空Youre supposed to shake _ (hand) when you meet your friends. 【解解析析】填填hands。shake hands“握握手手”,固固定定短短语语。句句意意为为:当你遇到朋友当你遇到朋友时时,你,你应该应该与之握手。与之握手。



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