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1、支持原创 Supporting original Human resources department资料查找:龙清琳资料查找:龙清琳PPTPPT制作:沈桂珍制作:沈桂珍PPTPPT讲解:肖彩云讲解:肖彩云问题解答:白雪问题解答:白雪contents人力资源部人力资源部职能职能招聘招聘程序程序The responsibilities ofthe human resources department1、employment and recruiting2、training and development3、compensation4、benefits5、employee services6、em

2、ployee and community relations7、personnel records8、health and safety9、strategic planning Employment and recruitingInterviewing, recruiting, testing, temporary labor coordination1 1Training and developmentOrientation, performance management skills training, productivity enhancement2 2Compensation(报酬报

3、酬)Wage and salary administration,Job descriptionsExecutive compensation,Incentive pay,Job evaluation3 3benefitsInsurance,Vacation leave administrative,Retirement plans,Profit sharing,Stock plans4 4Employee services(职工服务职工服务)Employee assistance programs,Relocation services(安置安置),Outplacement services

4、(再就(再就业)5 5Employee and community relations(职工和社区关系)(职工和社区关系)Attitude surveys,Labor relations,Publications,Labor law compliance,discipline6 6Personnel records(人事记录人事记录)Information systems,records7 7Health and safetySafety inspection,Drug testing,Health,wellness8 8Strategic planningInternational huma

5、n resources,Forecasting,Planning,Mergers and acquisitions(兼并和收兼并和收购)9 91) At all times the HRdepartmentandrelevanthiringdepartmentshallworkworkinincloseclosecollaboration(collaboration(合合作作) )onallrecruitmentmatters.The hiring processThe following steps should be strictly followed by HR and other de

6、partments.Step2 Application Form Application Form 求职申请表求职申请表Issuing( 发 放 ) andreturningofApplication Forms are to be centralizedand channeled to the Human ResourceDepartment.External applicants are requiredtocompletethe“EmploymentEmploymentApplicationApplicationFormForm”detailingtheirpersonalpersona

7、ldatadata,academicacademicqualificationsqualifications,andemploymentemploymentrecordsrecords and attach with 11 inchinchrecentcolorphoto.recentcolorphoto.15Step3 Step3 First Interview First Interview 第一轮面试第一轮面试 The Human Resource Department shall initially interview all applicants.人力资源部负责面试所有应聘人员的首轮

8、面试。The Human Resource Department shall verify the personal data, academic qualifications, employment records, personal references, other relevant documents and also require the applicants salary expectation.人力资源部负责应聘人员所有个人信息,学历,工作经历,背景的核查,其它相关资料,并且确认其薪资期望。If found suitable, the Human Resource Depart

9、ment shall arrange the applicant for second interview by the requisitioning department heads.如果发现合适人员,人力资源部将会安排第二轮部门面试。If the candidate is found not suitable or immediate feedback is not possible, the Human Resource Department shall keep the applicant informed of his status directly and promptly.如果发

10、现候选人不适合此工作,或者无法给予其第一时间的反馈,人力资源部应直接并及时通知面试者其现状。16Step 4 Second Interview 第二轮面试The requisitioning Department Head shall be responsible for examining the suitability of the applicant referred from the Human Resource Department on basis of technical competence and job skill requirements. 用人部门需负责对人力资源部推荐

11、的候选人,在专业技能以及所需工作要求方面的适合度进行检验。 The rating and comments of applicant shall be clearly stated on the appropriate column of the application form with the signature of the interviewer. 对于候选人的评分和评语需填写在求职申请表上之合适位置,并需有面试者签名。 Department heads are to have final decision on suitability applicants. 部门经理将最终确认候选人

12、是否合适。 17Step 4 Second Interview 第二轮面试If the applicant is found suitable for employment, the requisitioning Department Heads shall, in consultation with the Director of Human Resource, decide on the position, grade, expected commencement date, and starting salary of each applicant in accordance with

13、the following guidelines: 如果认为候选人适合本岗位,用人部门需征询人力资源总监意见,根据以下因素决定各人员岗位、级别、起始工作日、以及薪资: The salary scales applicable to the position; 岗位工资架构 Internal relativity i.e. salaries of other employees holding same/ similar position; 内部平衡,比如在相似/同岗位其他员工的薪资 Qualifications, experience, present salary and salary ex

14、pectation of the applicant. 应聘者的资历,经验,现有薪资以及薪资期望 18Step 4 Second Interview 第二轮面试Department Heads should then write the decisions mentioned above on the back of the Application Form and return to Human Resource Department immediately. For the case that the requisitioning Department Head cannot decide

15、 on the spot that an offer is to be made, he shall inform the applicant and the Human Resource Department accordingly so that Human Resource Department can inform the process to the applicant. The Department Head can retain the Application Form for not more than one week so as to make comparison wit

16、h the forthcoming applicants. After that, he/she shall make remarks on the Application Form and return to the Human Resource Department for further action. 部门经理在经过以上因素的考虑之后,需将最终决定书于求职申请表的背面并马上归还人力资源部。如果部门经理无法在第一时间无法作出决定,他需要通知应聘人员并且告知人力资源部,以便人力资源部通知应聘者。部门经理可以保留求职申请表,但是不可超过一周,以便与后来之应聘者进行比较。之后,部门经理需在求职

17、申请表上做出决定并交还人力资源部进行跟进。 Step5 Final Interview by General Manager If the candidates of Level 6 and above are passed the 2nd interview, he should be attending the interview conducted by General Manager. 对于6级以及以上的应聘者通过第二轮面试之后,他需参加由总经理进行的终审面试。 After that, General Manager shall make remarks on the Applicat

18、ion Form and return to the Human Resource Department for further action. 之后,总经理需在求职申请表上做出决定并交还人力资源部进行跟进。 Step7 offer and inform The Department Head shall not make any commitment of employment with the applicant. All offers of employment will be handled by the Human Resources Department. The successf

19、ul applicant will be informed by the Human Resources Department for employment after all hiring procedures has been completed and approved by the Deputy Resident Manager and General Manager. 部门经理不得给予应聘者任何聘任承诺。所有的聘任决定都由人力资源部处理。人力资 源部在完成所有招聘手续并经副驻店经理和总经理批准后,会通知合格的应聘者。 21Step 8 Reference Check背景调查Where

20、by pre-employment reference check is desirable in order to validate the employment records or present salary of the selected applicant, the Human Resource Department will conduct such check orally or in writing on the attitude, performance, salary, and disciplinary or award record upon the agreement

21、 of the candidate prior to the pre-employment medical examination. 在雇用之前进行的背景调查,有助于验明候选人的工作经历或者目前薪资情况,为此人力资源部在正式发出聘用通知书之前,须进行口头或书面的征询,以获取候选人在态度,表现,薪水以及所获奖励/纪律处分的纪录。 Upon receipt of the satisfactory medical result, the Human Resource Department shall prepare the Employee Contract, name tags, Uniform

22、Issuance Form, Identification Card, personal file, meal coupon and locker key for the applicants reporting date. An orientation program is also scheduled for new hires to attend.在收到候选人合格体检证之后,人力资源部需准备即将报到员工的劳动合同,名牌,制服单,工作证,个人档案,餐券以及更衣箱钥匙。并且参加之后的入职培训。 Under no circumstances should an applicant be all

23、owed to report duty without signing the employment letter to officiate his acceptance of the offer. The Employment Contract must be signed by the Hotel and the applicant. 任何应聘者不可以在没有签订意向书的情况下报到,除非酒店与应聘者双方已签订劳动合同。 Step8 Preparation for the Reporting Date 员工报到日的准备工作员工报到日的准备工作The EndMay you succeedThank you!希望你能拥有绿色的好心情养成环保的好习惯喔



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