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1、20082008年高考年高考情景作文情景作文阅卷评分标准阅卷评分标准 Last week, we hold a class meeting to discuss if we should have a spring outing. Since we have already in grade three, all of us agreed that we need one to relax ourselves. Then, we talked excitingly about where we would go. Somebody said hed like to an amusement p

2、art, some people preferred paddling on a lack, and I suggested to climb a hill and have a picnic. Finally, I convinced the others. On a sunny day, we set out to Xiang Shan Park. There are colourful flowers, soft green grass all along the road to the top of the hill. So we had a really wonderful walk

3、ing experience. But once we reach the top we were shocked by the terrible environment. Plastic bags, bottles, papers and other things spreaded everywhere! That time we had no excitement but angry and disappointment in heart. So we decide to clean up the whole hill. We picked up every litter and sepa

4、rated them in “can recycle” and “cant recycle”. Then, we threw them into particular bin. Although we didnt have a picnic as we wish. But we had a quiet meaningful day! But once we reach the top we were shocked by the terrible environment. Plastic bags, bottles, papers and other things spreaded every

5、where! That time we had no excitement but angry and disappointment in heart. So we decide to clean up the whole hill. We picked up every litter and separated them in “can recycle” and “cant recycle”. Then, we threw them into particular bin. Although we didnt have a picnic as we wish. But we had a qu

6、iet meaningful day!内容要点齐全,细节描述连贯流畅,但有较明显的语内容要点齐全,细节描述连贯流畅,但有较明显的语法和用词错误。法和用词错误。14Greatly comes the spring. As the wind softly blows, it brings back the vitality to the great outdoor. Students in our class were excited, too, and eager to have a spring outing in the weekend last week.A heated discussi

7、on was held. Some students suggested we go boating, some insisted that going hiking was the best idea, while some thought the amusement park was of more fun.Finally, we decided to go hiking in the mountains on a sunny day. The flowers were blooming happily and sout their welcome to us. With exciteme

8、nt in our heart, we climbed the mountain easily and reached the peak soon.To our surprise, wheat we found on the peak was not only beautiful scenery, but also rubbish here and there. Feeling so bad for the environment spoilt, we changed our plan and began picking up the rubbish. Afterward, we brough

9、t the rubbish down the mountain and sorted them into “can be recycled” and “cant be recycled”. We finally dropped them into different bins set at the foot of the mountain. Fun as we had during the trip, we still felt so sorry for the ruined nature. I think it is everyones duty to take cared of the e

10、nvironment so that we can contribute to a better loving and relaxing space for others. Fun as we had during the trip, we still felt so sorry for the ruined nature. I think it is everyones duty to take cared of the environment so that we can contribute to a better loving and relaxing space for others

11、. 内容要点内容要点齐全,全,连贯,恰当地使用了,恰当地使用了连接成份,所用句接成份,所用句式和式和词汇较丰富,体丰富,体现了了较强强地地语言运用能力。言运用能力。18 Last week, there was a heated discussion on where to go for Spring Outing. Some students wanted to go amusement park, some considered to go boating and others gave their ideas for climbing. Eventually, we decided to

12、 take a climb. The next day, all of us prepared well, with our enjoyment, each of us climbed the mountain full of energy. However, when we got to the top of the mountain, what covered our eyes first was the mass of rubbish. It was really a pity that the rubbish destroyed a beautiful scenery. At last

13、 we made up our mind to pick up the rubbish. After a while, with everyones effort, the rubbish was cleared off immediately and we put them into the recycle and unrecle bins. In my eyes this spring outing not only gave us lots of pleasure, but also gave us a meaningful lesson. Only to protect our env

14、ironment can we get a beautiful society. Therefore, I hope everyone can join us to make our home clean and tidy. 覆盖了所有的内容要点,覆盖了所有的内容要点,语法和用法和用词能能满足任足任务要求。篇章要求。篇章较为连贯,有少,有少许语言言错误。16 阅卷的标准和原则阅卷的标准和原则情景作文阅卷原则以情景作文阅卷原则以内容定档次内容定档次,以,以语语言质量给言质量给分数。分数。1. 内容要点要内容要点要齐全齐全,细节缺失一个细节缺失一个直接直接进入三档文(进入三档文(12-14)之间,

15、但如果)之间,但如果语语言很好言很好也可以由也可以由14分加到分加到15分,相反,分,相反,时态混乱,语言不美,错误太多,或语时态混乱,语言不美,错误太多,或语言不准确,就在原档的基础上扣言不准确,就在原档的基础上扣1分,分,如二档的下线如二档的下线15-1=14。少两个细节少两个细节直直接进入三档下线接进入三档下线12分分,然后在视其语言,然后在视其语言给分给分2. 如果对投放垃圾桶的描述为如果对投放垃圾桶的描述为Proper bins 被视为缺少细节信息,被视为缺少细节信息,应写出可回收和不可回收应写出可回收和不可回收。如第。如第一幅图没有写出讨论的结果,如:一幅图没有写出讨论的结果,如:

16、All the students agreed at last ; we all wanted to go immediately. 被视为被视为缺少细节缺少细节信信息。息。3. 漏掉一个要点直接进漏掉一个要点直接进4档档11分分,如果语,如果语言好也可以由言好也可以由11变成变成12分;分;错误信息错误信息也被也被视为缺少要点,如:第视为缺少要点,如:第1 幅图说成三个地幅图说成三个地方都去,则直接进入方都去,则直接进入11分线。分线。4. 文章要有文章要有明确的结尾明确的结尾。此文不能只写到。此文不能只写到 扔了垃圾就结束了,如果没有结尾就扣扔了垃圾就结束了,如果没有结尾就扣 1分。最简单

17、的结尾可以是,分。最简单的结尾可以是,finally, we went back home , we were tired but happy . 5. 没按顺序写的、人称没用没按顺序写的、人称没用we 的的直接进四直接进四档(档(6-11)。)。6. 1、4图的图的细节细节考虑的范围比较窄,考虑的范围比较窄,2、3图图的的细节细节考虑得比较宽泛。考虑得比较宽泛。7. 一定要通过一定要通过上下文和前后局上下文和前后局来看学生来看学生的文章是否表达出要说的内容,的文章是否表达出要说的内容,不必死不必死扣某个词或某个句子扣某个词或某个句子,如:,如:discuss, climb the mount

18、ain等,忌讳以单词来等,忌讳以单词来评判学生的文章,要评判学生的文章,要通篇看通篇看而非只言片而非只言片语或支离破碎。要强调语或支离破碎。要强调前后文的连贯性前后文的连贯性,如:在第如:在第1图中写过图中写过We decided to climb the mountain , 到第到第2图时他直图时他直接写接写We started .就可以。就可以。8. 不要替考生解读文章不要替考生解读文章,他没说清楚就不,他没说清楚就不要替他理解。如:要替他理解。如:I was a sunny day . 则视为错误。则视为错误。9. 开头不必自我介绍自报家门开头不必自我介绍自报家门,应该描述,应该描述一

19、个过去的事情。人称一个过去的事情。人称必须用必须用we,写的,写的是稿件而不是信件,所以不应写是稿件而不是信件,所以不应写Dear editor, I want to tell you . 结尾也不要署结尾也不要署名字名字. 此文描写的是上周的事,此文描写的是上周的事,时态必须时态必须是过去时。是过去时。10. 每幅图都要每幅图都要既有要点又有既有要点又有细节细节。内容要。内容要生动具体生动具体,语言,语言要要连贯优美连贯优美。Main points and details假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为校刊英假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为校刊英语园地写一篇题为语园地写一篇题为“

20、Our Spring Outing” 的英文稿的英文稿件。件。 请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,叙述上周你请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,叙述上周你们班从准备春游到春游结束的完整过程。们班从准备春游到春游结束的完整过程。图图1:要点是要讨论:要点是要讨论去去哪里哪里,细节是,细节是三个选项三个选项及结果及结果。三个三个地点都要地点都要说还有说还有final decision 。1. Last Thursday, we had a class meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. 2. We came up with several

21、choices such as going boating, climbing a mountain, and going to an amusement park. 3 Finally, we decided to go mountain climbing. 图图2:要点要点是第二天爬山。是第二天爬山。细节细节是具体爬山的过程,可以写风景,是具体爬山的过程,可以写风景,写太阳,写花草树木,或是爬山写太阳,写花草树木,或是爬山时的心情,或爬山前作了充分的时的心情,或爬山前作了充分的准备工作,还可以是一个一个地准备工作,还可以是一个一个地往上爬,也可以是进行爬山比赛。往上爬,也可以是进行爬山比赛

22、。还可以写上还可以写上It was a sunny day . 这些情况之一都可以认为有细这些情况之一都可以认为有细节。如没有,则视为细节缺失。节。如没有,则视为细节缺失。1.1. The next day, we set off early in the morning. 2. While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view. 图图3:要点要点是捡垃圾。是捡垃圾。细节细节是到了山顶或山是到了山顶或山中的一平地,垃圾可以是别人留下的也可中的一平地,垃圾可以是别人留下的也可以是这些人自己

23、留下的然后决定去捡去收以是这些人自己留下的然后决定去捡去收拾。如:拾。如:We were surprised to see lots of (all kinds of ) rubbish, 也可以说出垃也可以说出垃圾的名称,圾的名称,重点重点要写到要写到“把垃圾捡起来把垃圾捡起来”.1. However, when we reached the top, 2. we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. 3. Then we started to pick up the litt

24、er. 图图4:要点要点是春游结束了,学生投放垃是春游结束了,学生投放垃圾。圾。细节细节是把垃圾分类投放,放到可是把垃圾分类投放,放到可回收利用的和不可回收利用的垃圾桶,回收利用的和不可回收利用的垃圾桶,如果写不出如果写不出recycling ,non-recycling 也应该写出也应该写出we put rubbish into different bins and some can be used again .Afterwards, we put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin respect

25、ively(各各自地,分别地自地,分别地 ).文章要有文章要有明确的结尾明确的结尾。此文不能。此文不能只写到扔了垃圾就结束了,如果只写到扔了垃圾就结束了,如果没有结尾就没有结尾就扣扣1分分。最简单的结尾。最简单的结尾可以是,可以是,Finally, we went back home , we were tired but happy . We were tired but happy, because.How to link the pictures to make a complete and logical storyLink pictures by logic :decide toTo

26、 our surpriseAfter thatresultContrast to our good moodresultLink pictures by time order :Early the next morningHowever,Later/before we leaveA meaningful ending:We were tired but happy, because what we did was quite meaningful.假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为校刊英假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为校刊英语园地写一篇题为语园地写一篇题为“Our Spring Ou

27、ting” 的英文稿的英文稿件。件。 请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,叙述上周你请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,叙述上周你们班从准备春游到春游结束的完整过程。们班从准备春游到春游结束的完整过程。游乐园游乐园 amusement park 垃圾箱垃圾箱Recycle binNon-recycle binTo our surprise,Excited and interested,We were tired but happy.Last Thursday, we had a class meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. We cam

28、e up with several choices such as going boating, climbing a mountain, and going to an amusement park. Finally, we decided to go mountain climbing.The next day, we set off early in the morning. While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view. However, when reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. Then we started to pick up the litter. Afterwards, we put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin respectively.We were tired but happy.



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