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1、Unit 12 It really works!Main topic: disease & healthQ & A1. Have you got any health problems recently or before?2. What do you do for the health problems?SnapshotsicknessCommon Health Complaints1. a headache 头痛2. a backache 背痛3. a stomachache 胃痛4. a toothache 牙痛5. a bellyache 肚子痛1. a cold 感冒2. a cou

2、gh 咳嗽3. a fever 发烧4. a sore throat 喉咙痛5. a burn 烫伤6. the flu 流感7. sore muscles 肌肉酸痛8. Insomnia 失眠 头疼,头疼,headache 感冒感冒 flu 牙疼牙疼 toothache 耳朵痛耳朵痛 earache 胃痛胃痛 stomachache 背痛背痛 backache 嗓子痛嗓子痛 sore throat 发烧发烧 fever 或者或者temperature 咳嗽咳嗽 cough 流鼻涕流鼻涕 runny nose 风寒风寒 chills 呕吐呕吐 vomit 头晕目眩的头晕目眩的 dizzy 肿包

3、肿包 bump 身上磕伤了身上磕伤了 bruise 起疹子起疹子 rash 脚踝扭伤了脚踝扭伤了 sprained ankle 消化不良消化不良 indigestion 被虫子叮了被虫子叮了 insect bite 割伤了割伤了 cut 虫牙虫牙 cavity补充补充anemia 贫血贫血ni:mi apoplexy 中风中风pplksi appendicitis 阑尾炎阑尾炎,pendsats heart disease 心脏病心脏病cancer 癌症癌症arthritis 关节炎关节炎rats enteritis 肠炎肠炎 ,entrats break 骨折骨折chicken pox 水痘

4、水痘measles 麻疹麻疹miz()lz infection 传染病,感染传染病,感染补充补充He is under the weather. 他不舒服,生病了。他不舒服,生病了。He has been shut-in for a few days. 他生病在家几天了。他生病在家几天了。He feels exhausted most of the time. 他大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。他大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。His head is pounding. 他头痛。他头痛。He feels light-headed. 他觉得头晕。他觉得头晕。He feels as though everyt

5、hing around him is spinning. 他感到周围的东西都在打转。他感到周围的东西都在打转。He has been lacking in energy for some time. 他感到虚弱了一段时间了。他感到虚弱了一段时间了。句子表达句子表达He has bouts of uncontrollable coughing. 他一阵阵咳嗽,难以控制。他一阵阵咳嗽,难以控制。He has bouts of abdominal bdmn()l腹部的 pain. 他有一阵阵的肚痛。他有一阵阵的肚痛。He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 他嗓

6、子疼痛而且鼻子不通气。他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通气。It is usually hard for him to fall asleep when he goes to bed at night. 他晚上就寝时很难入睡。他晚上就寝时很难入睡。He has a feeling of tightness in the chest. 他觉得胸部闷闷的。他觉得胸部闷闷的。The tooth hurts when he bites down on it. 他咬东西时牙齿就痛。他咬东西时牙齿就痛。句子表达句子表达Conversation 1New words:terrible :可怕的;糟糕的important

7、:重要的garlicglk :大蒜chop up:剁碎awful:可怕的;厌恶的Quetions for you:1. Whats wrong with Graig?2. What did Joan ask him to do?3. What Joan suggest him to eat?4. How did Graig feel about the suggestion?Advice/suggestion1. Herbal tea2. Take some cold medicineTake a long hot bath.Grammar Focus 1It is +adj/n. + to

8、do sth. 句型句型It在句中只起结构作用,没有实际含义;To do才真正揭示了句子的主语。Its important to get a lot of rest.Its sometimes helpful to eat garlic soup.Its a good idea to take some vitamin C.Exercise P79 part A Ask & AnswerProblems & Suggestion问病状?问病状?1. Whats wrong with you?2. How do you feel?3. Are you feeling OK?给建议?给建议?Wha

9、t should you do for a cold?1. Its important to .2. Its helpful to.3. You should .4. Youd better .1)take some medicine/pills/Vitamin C/aspirins.2) Have a good rest.Oral Practice in pairs on Q & AOther body difficultiesdifficult situations:1)stressful in work工作压力大2) cant sleep at night失眠3) cant concen

10、trate无法集中注意力4) Faint 昏倒/dizzy 头晕5) forget something often=forgetful : 健忘的Q: What do you do when you feel very stressed?Play a role 角色扮演角色扮演Doctor; patient Patient: pretend to be sickDoctor: inquire and give suggestionP79 part A for ref.Part 7 Word powera bag of 一袋a bottle of 一杯a box of 一盒a can of 一罐

11、a jar of 一瓶a pack of 一包,一堆,一群a stick of 一根,一块a tube of 一支,一管Conversation 2New words:a box of cough dropslotion :乳液;护肤液energy-energetic multivitamin:多维生素multi-:前缀multicolor: 多彩multinational :多国的multimedia:多媒体Conversation 2Q A1. What health problems have been mentioned by the lady?2. What medicine did

12、 the pharmacist(药剂师) suggest?medicinal herbs: 药草药草medicine bottle: 药瓶药瓶ointment; salve: 药膏药膏 pill: 药丸药丸preventive medicine预防药预防药sedative: 镇静药镇静药sleeping pill: 安眠药安眠药specific medicine; specific: 特效特效药药tablet: 药片药片tonic: 补药补药 Grammar Focus 2 Model verb for requests & suggestions 情态动词表建议、请求Can/could/ma

13、y: 表建议、请求Can I have a box of cough drops?Could you lend me your phone?May I have the seat?Grammar Focus 2 建议做某事:1. suggest sth. suggest sb. doing sth.2. advise sth. advise sb. to do sth.eg: I suggest this lotion. I suggest you taking the subway. I advise a cup of tea. I advise you to take the subway

14、.Part 10 Listening1. (1)2. (2)3. (1)4. (1)Readingrain forest 热带雨林remedy 治疗法;补救caption (图片、照片等)加说明文字column 栏;专栏Tortuguero来自西班牙语,翻译过来的意思是龟的土地(tortoise龟)Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加(拉丁美洲)turn off 关掉motor 发动机Get off: 下(车、船等)Path: 线路Hang: 悬挂Look for: 寻找medicinal plant 药用植物Cure: 治愈Treat: 治疗ReadingReadingLearnfrom:从学习

15、jungle 丛林broom tree 金雀花树Bleed: 流血Source: 资源Researcher: 研究者Produce: 产生ReadingRain Forest Remedies热带雨林救济方法1. What is a rain forest?2. Where is Costa Rica?3. How do they get into the rain forest?4. What is Rodrigo looking for?5. Whats the difference between normal plants and medicinal plants?6. Whats t

16、he function of broom trees?7. Has any new medicines come out from the medicinal plants?Useful phrases in Reading1.Turn off: 关掉2.Get off: 下(车、船等)3.Look for: 寻找4.Learn sth. from sb.: 从某人处学习了5.Show sb. sth.: 向某人展示某物6.Such as: 例如(用于举例)7.Tell sb. Sth.: 告诉某人某事8.Stop sb.doing sth.: 停止做某事9.In fact: 实际上10.Be

17、 interested in : 对感兴趣Useful phrases in Reading1.请关手机。请关手机。2.我们应该下火车了。我们应该下火车了。3.他正在寻找新的机会。他正在寻找新的机会。4.我从父亲那里学到了坚强我从父亲那里学到了坚强(strength).5.这个男孩向我们展示了他的画。这个男孩向我们展示了他的画。6.请告诉我真相请告诉我真相(truth).7.金雀花树能止血。金雀花树能止血。8.事实上,事实上,Ross才是我们的老师。才是我们的老师。9.我对跳舞很感兴趣。我对跳舞很感兴趣。Useful phrases in Reading1.请关手机。请关手机。2.Please

18、 turn off the cellphone.3.2. 我们应该下火车了。我们应该下火车了。4.We should get off the train.5.3.他正在寻找新的机会。他正在寻找新的机会。6.He is looking for a new chance.(opportunity)7.4. 我从父亲那里学到了坚强我从父亲那里学到了坚强(strength).8.I learned about strength from my father.Useful phrases in Reading5.这个男孩向我们展示了他的画。这个男孩向我们展示了他的画。The boy shows us his paintings.6. 请告诉我真相请告诉我真相(truth).Please tell me the truth.7. 金雀花树能止血。金雀花树能止血。The broom tree can stop bleeding.8. 事实上,事实上,Ross才是我们的老师。才是我们的老师。In fact, Ross is our teacher.9.我对跳舞很感兴趣。我对跳舞很感兴趣。I am interested in dancing.Thank you!



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