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1、人民币升值和弱势美元对商品期货市场的影响2007年11月10日渣打银行 王其博Leading the Way in Asia, Africa and Middle EastLeading the Way in Asia, Africa and Middle East内容提要globalcommodities人民币升值情况回顾弱势美元产生的根源以及未来趋势人民币持续升值将对国内商品价格产生怎样的影响弱势美元对商品价格的影响人民币升值与弱势美元交替作用下,对商品期货市场的影响商品与货币人民币升值情况回顾globalcommodities1948年12月1日至1955年3月,旧人民币对美元大幅升贬,

2、在 几百旧币至45万旧币兑1美元之间波动1955年3月至1984年,人民币对美元基本维持在2.5人民币/美元左右水平,其间有些微调1985年1月1日(2.80)至1993年,人民币持续贬值至11人民币/美元低1985年1月1日(2.80)至1993年,人民币持续贬值至11人民币/美元人民币升值情况回顾globalcommodities1994年1月1日(2.80)至1997年,稳定在8.70人民币/美元左右水平1997年至2005年,稳定在8.276人民币/美元左右水平2005年7月21日,人民币升值2.1%,并每年以5-6%的水平持续升值昨天中间价低报在7.4162人民币/美元, 1年期ND

3、F昨天报6.8720/70人民币/美元, 对即期升近8%弱势美元产生的根源以及未来趋势globalcommodities生产能力下降, 经济走软, 前景堪忧巨额财政赤字和贸易赤字不恰当地使用武力和武力威胁各央行,机构,公司及个人减持美元资产发展中国家政治,经济及军事实力提升弱势美元产生的根源以及未来趋势globalcommodities美元核心地位短期内难以根本改变, 但其持续走弱将是长期趋势,漫长的过程政治,军事,资本,科技等实力此消彼涨需时日加息与减息之间石油, 石油美元, 与战争激变之后的美元人民币持续升值将对国内商品价格产生怎样的影响globalcommodities商品流入美国, 美

4、元流入中国中国主动和被动地增加本币供应量伴随着美元的贬值, 国内商品价格将持续上涨弱势美元对商品价格的影响globalcommodities能源(WTI USD98.62/bbl)金属(Gold USD846.20/.t.o. Silver USD16.03/t.o.)农产品 (Soybean USD10.41/b) 人民币升值与弱势美元交替作用下,对商品期货市场的影响globalcommodities人民币对美元升值, 对商品贬值实货市场滞后, 期货市场趋同商品价格上行, 多头可能是稳妥的选择商品与货币globalcommodities货币起源于商品金银铜铁等曾是高成本的货币美元,欧元,人民

5、币,日元等是低成本, 高回报的垄断性商品拥有发(纸,朔料,电子)钞权的各国政府,中央银行,商业银行, 金融机构等连年增加货币供应. 货币供大于求, 商品价格上涨DisclaimerglobalcommoditiesThis document is issued by Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) and contains indicative terms of prospective transactions. It is for discussion purposes only and does not constitute any offer, recomme

6、ndation, or solicitation to any person to enter into any transaction or adopt any hedging, trading or investment strategy, nor does it constitute any prediction of likely future movements in rates or prices or any representation that any such future movements will not exceed those shown in any illus

7、tration. The indicate terms are neither complete nor final and are subject to further discussion and negotiation. The terms of any transaction entered into will be recorded in a written confirmation or other document. SCB has no fiduciary duty towards you, and assumes no responsibility to advise on

8、and makes no representation as to the appropriateness or possible consequences of the prospective transaction. SCB and.or a connected company, may have a position in any of the instruments or currencies mentioned in this document. You are advised to make your own independent judgement with respect t

9、o any matter contained herein. In the UK SCB conducts designated investment business only with Market Counterparties and Intermediate Customers and this document is directed only at such persons. Other persons should not rely on this document. Standard Chartered Bank is incorporated in England with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853 Reference ZC18. The principal office of the Company is situated in England at 1 Aldermandbury Square, London EC2V 7SB. Standard Chartered Bank is authorised and regulated by the FSA under FSA regulation number 114276. VAT number GB 244106593



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