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1、Module 2Unit 3ComputersUnit3ComputersWordsWordsn.ordermonitorspeakermain unit keyboardmousebrain speedrailwaycompany pricetotal paretypecontroldepend v.calculateoperateselladj.expensivetinypopular phraseswork as (be) unaware of depend on in addition grand totallook forward to ordern. C 订货, 订购 :place

2、 an order 下一个订单He placed an order for ten computers.他下了一个订单订购十台电脑。May I _your order now?我可以为你点菜了吗?短语taken. U秩序 keep order 维持秩序 in good order 整齐 in bad order 不整齐n. C命令Soldiers should obey the orders.士兵应该遵从命令。v. 命令 order sb to do sth 命令某人去做某事 Miss Li ordered him _(clean) the room.短语短语短语短语短语短语短语短语 to c

3、leancomparev.比较 compare A with B. 把A 和B做比较He compared this mobile phone with that one in price. 他比较了这台手机和那台手机的价格。Compare these two cities , and you will see which one is better.比较一下这两个城市,你会发现哪一个更好的。comparecomparisoncomparison n. 比较make a comparison betweenHe made a_(compare) between Shenzhen and Hon

4、gkong.他把深圳和香港做了比较。comparisontype v. 打字He can type 65 words a minutes. 他每个小时可以打65个字。He has to finish the _(type) in five minutes. 他必须在五分钟内打完字。typingcontrol v. 控制You should not eat so much. You have to control your weight. 你不应该吃那么了, 你必须要控制自己的体重了。control n. 控制 out of control 失控The plane was out of cont

5、rol. It rushed into the sea at last.飞机失去控制了。 最后冲向了大海expensive adj. 昂贵的This computer is more expensive than that one. 这台电脑比那台电脑贵。¥ 6000¥ 8000tiny adj. 极小的,微小的 同义词:small There is a tiny boat on the sea.海面上有一艘小船。The words are too tiny . I cant see it clearly那些字太小了,我看不清楚了depend v. 依靠 When we grow up , w

6、e cant depend on our parents any more.当我们长大了,我们不能在依靠父母了。We depend on computers much in our daily life.在我们的日常生活中,我们很依赖电脑。speed n.速度The car is running at a high speed on the highway.小车正在高速路上以高的速度行走着。operate v.操作,控制Can you operate this machine?你会操控这台机器吗?operate v. 动手术 The doctor is operating on his leg

7、.医生正在给他的大腿做手术。operation n.手术 do an operation on 给做手术railway n.铁路系统 railway station 火车站I got a job on the railways. 我在铁道部门得到一份工作了。company n. 公司 IBM is a big computer company.price n. 价格What is the price of this mobile phone?这部手机的价格是多少呢?at a price 以很高的代价His success comes at a price.他的成功来自不易。total n.合计

8、,总额The total comes to 86 yuan.总共要86元。in total 总共 We need 35 chairs in total.我们总共要35张椅子。sell sold-sold v. 出售We sold 10 computers of this type yesterday.昨天我们卖出了十台这种类型的电脑。popular adj.受欢迎的 This type of computers are more popular than that one.这款电脑比那台受欢迎。 Unit3ComputersReadingWhat do you know about?speak

9、ermouse main unitkeyboardmonitorAbout computers1. The _shows words and pictures.2. We use the _for typing 3. The “brain”of a computer is in the _4. We move the _to control the computer.5. We hear sound from the _.monitorkeyboardmain unitmousespeakerBefore you readRead the following and tell whether

10、it is true or false.1. Computers are getting smaller and better.2. Computers can do important jobs like flying planes 3. Computers may work as doctors 4. Computers are expensive.( )( )( )( X )Reading and note1. in the 1940s 在20世纪四十年代 My father was born in the 1950s.我父亲出生在五十年代。2. smaller and bigger 又

11、小又好 比较级:cheaper and better 又便宜又好3.be unaware of =dont know 不知道 He was unaware of the danger ahead.=He didnt know the danger ahead.他不知道前面的危险。 be aware of 知道,意识到I am aware of my mothers anger.我意思到妈妈生气了。4. You depend on computers more than you realize.depend on computers 依赖电脑You should depend on yourse

12、lves .你应该依靠你自己了more than 超过 realize =be aware of 意识到I realize that he is angry . 我意识到他生气了。5. What can we do with computers ?我们可以用电脑来做什么呢?do with 处理What can we do with this money?我们该如何处理这笔钱呢?_can we do _the trouble?Whatwith6. We can use computers to calculate. use sth to do sth 用某物去做某事We use pens to

13、write .我们用笔来写字7. They can calculate at a faster speed. 他们能用更快的速度来计算。Plane can travel at a faster speed than train.飞机比火车以更快的速度飞行。8. In addition , computers can do important jobs like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships. In addition 另外In addition , he is good at painting .另外,他还擅长画画。lik

14、e 在这里是一个介词, “像”的意思,后面动词用动名词形式。He likes sports very much like _(play) basketball.playing9. Your brain can produce new ideasproduce new ideas 想出新的主意10. however 然而,但是Computers can do a lot of jobs better than humans. However , they cant produce new ideas.电脑做很多工作都比人做得好,但是他们不能产生出新的想法。11.For example, they

15、 may be better than doctors at doing their job.be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事be better at doing sth. 比。更加擅长做某事Computers are better at calculating than humans .电脑比人类计算的更好。12. What will happen to us if computers can do all our jobs?happen to 发生 What happened to him last night?昨晚他发生什么事了?13. Will we have n

16、othing to do? have nothing to do 无所事事 have something to do 有事要做Discussion How do computers help us in our daily life? 短语集中营1. be unaware of 没有意识到2. depend on 依靠3. more than 超过4. do with 处理 5. use sth to do sth 用某物去做某事6. at a faster speed 以更快的速度7. in addition 另外 8. operate railways 操控火车9. produce new ideas 产生新的主意10. be better at doing 更好的做某事11. happen to 发生 12. have nothing to do 无所事事 13. change our lives 改变我们的生活Thank youSee you next time



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