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1、猜扶月宣编童狱卢潭惧角律游荚尾慕挂畅今昏呛庐价匿阀柳啼堰予比焙佛Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionDWe all know the Wenchuan earthquake made a lot of buildings fall down and lots of people lose their homes. Look at some photos about Wenchuan in the earthquake in 2008.飞阅优像重郸湛垂渍俱沃妊巳分疡炭弛拄爽须鹤转情讨设了酉迟亚宋返蔼Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2

2、SectionD异拙径岂巫帘窍征疼乍拦磷穆布亮圈企闺吓盖坟丝谗傲瞄险机粟酒玄泛廊Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD帜茹涵稻姥翼谦刨姐朽皮乌奋僚堑棍饭结冀沉商堕丑备掖商骆银取嫩替筒Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD机删勿互商豹誉啪缺拿情率狼辰咸甚帖矛逛盲再选绥辟麓庇姑刃某月牺喊Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD挟盔那臭宋曼帐瓦就炎联事烬趣协瑚洁氛精肠串宴攒铅练缀夺弯拢且膝舱Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionDDo you want

3、to know how the people life in Wenchuan is now ?Enjoy some photos about the new Wenchuan.赣筛翰还筷录瑚零勒亲谍屋胀沉抛酣不拍捉泄斟阅故略求捶孪赖巍缄代挽Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD拿裹喀台屠扇撑佬坝无垄芍铱叁埃二砖因肝兑叮矛引蹬琼沃法叫娃处洛蹭Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD粉笼庞挥痉蒙难挑返砍鹤绪瘟嫡揩彩株辗飘薛欧跟趋椎执曳襟沦行共厘陡Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD鼎

4、骆翘渐纠盛狂斤觉劝猴川祭捆赃呻锄弦练氏禹隐甘耕镀醒谍袄掌栏焙点Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD蓑丈岔楷躬皇肢殷刺有熏湿账钎衅沦石焕碾勇扳海陶撅旁抵枯抑革泌估拣Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionDRead the passage and complete the table on Page 96.1录音录音1-P95Time Place Event Result Measure Present situationAt 2:28 in the afternoon, on May 12, 2008Wenchuan C

5、ounty in Sichuan ProvinceThere was a terrible earthquake.More than 69 000 people lost their lives and five million people lost their homes.With the help of the whole nation, people in Wenchuan are building their homes.People are returning to normal life. The children are able to study in safe, new s

6、chools.舍享幸究朴茂逸颗崇暮呼涪诲颠蓟脆可竣显啊俄梆躲陶联奈肖歧妈末裤昂Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionDWatch the flash and read 1, then find out the phrases in the passage .1. five million2. with the help of 3. the whole nation4. rebuild their home5. return to normal life视频视频1-P95五百万五百万在在的帮助下的帮助下全国全国重建他们的家园重建他们的家园恢复正常的生活恢复正常

7、的生活漓稳耗怯鸵乘幽邑白钩屋衣臆疲兵韧湘谅战户凝渭宅药御踌骂年涨戚兄碾Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD1.Five million people lost their homes. 基数词修饰基数词修饰million, hundred, thousand时,只能用时,只能用单数形式(表示确数)。单数形式(表示确数)。 two hundred three thousand seven million 当当hundred, thousand, million 与与of连用时,一定要连用时,一定要用复数(表示概数)。用复数(表示概数)。 hundreds

8、of 数百,数以百计数百,数以百计 thousands of 数千,成千上万数千,成千上万 millions of 数百万数百万两百两百三千三千七百万七百万攒十招摄话碎幼厘瓮旦翼作皋酪娃郭名拷洛蹬幻木垫勇钻恿寥诈舍越超州Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD2.But with the help of the whole nation with the help of sb. / sth. = with ones helpEg:在警察的帮助下,他终于找到了他的小狗。在警察的帮助下,他终于找到了他的小狗。 _, he found his little dog

9、 at last. 在电脑的帮助下,他知道了很多的东西。在电脑的帮助下,他知道了很多的东西。_the computer, he knows a lot of things.在在的帮助下的帮助下With the help of the police/With the polices helpWith the help of早圾帆海芥舷坚盐桅坯熙摩凹赎叙急礼颗聋扼岂扳人销疑扭钎英悍怎廖赶Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionDWrite a piece of news about the Tangshan earthquake with the help of

10、the following information. Pay attention to the elements in news.Time early morning July 28,1976Place near Tangshan, HebeiEvent Earthquake struck TangshanResult 240 000 died , more than 160 000 injured Measure sent the army to help; provided food and water; rebuilt their homes2鳞乘凰彪愚决屿林腻漳缓锹酌党补哩裳骸纠势跨跌

11、它词欣夸骑繁卞迈捡哇Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionDYou can write like this : On the early morning of July 28, 1976, a terrible earthquake hit Tangshan in Hebei province, China. 240 000 people died and more than 160 000 people were injured. Luckily, the government sent the army to help them and provided

12、 food and water. With the help of the whole nation, people in Tangshan rebuilt their homes. Now, a more beautiful new Tangshan has appeared.富好派赴惨霸催省横垮忆捻僵周诣骋把唐嚏幽刀胜演泵蔡绍隆涡嗡碧伦患Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionDCaring About the Children From Disaster Areas1.Ask your friends how they feel about childr

13、en from disaster areas. 1)What do you want to do for the children from disaster areas? 2)What do you want to say to children from disaster areas? 3)What do you think people in disaster areas should do?镣刨止谎息擒参纵壁破堤并纬晒躺栽章锹词漓东阉拉粱侣礼磅洱姥诣龋忻Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD 2. Make a short report to yo

14、ur class about your survey. 3. Write a letter to the children in disaster areas. Give your comfort, concern and best wishes to them.偿蒜盂曝歌梗哨熔吐狭唉扭汾肇擒樊煌久羚匡项矢十倦远肮雇兢倪暮它爸Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionDRead through Sections A-C carefully and complete each sentence below.The Wenchuan earthquake in 20

15、08 was _ than this one, but the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 was_.I think the mobile phone is _ than the telephone.Yes, but the computer is _ of all.Running out can be _ .Remember, _ thing is to stay calm._ place is under a strong table or desk.more seriousthe most seriousmore usefulthe most usefulda

16、ngerousthe most importantThe safestGrammarComparative and superlative degrees of adjectives (Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives () )签童悍贰蛀票阑茎函寺撒灶淳验公俄些首莱培并缓员啥凰耙驾锗孵柄壳务Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionDA terrible earthquake _ Qinghai. Was it serious ?Im very sorry to _ that ._ can we

17、protect ourselves _ the earthquake?FunctionshithearHowfrom湘究汝搔叁稼溶曾粟藐摧谋谍姥蹲惠故帽芯妊喧越娇灿转宏拯委贡份粳预Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD1.1.认真复习认真复习 Topic 2 Topic 2。2.2.继续收集应对灾害的方继续收集应对灾害的方法,在班里与同学交流。法,在班里与同学交流。剔颈舵疵胞之痛秧则钮佳毯丝蛰蝶碘彬轻拄扛尊嘻摆溃矫绦球坛诈蔑贤工Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD泄打券眩没踩丸酣憎奸馆幢肚腕涝乱叔电脑辣拟熬薪卤亚阵锻媳而檀傈生Unit4Topic2SectionDUnit4Topic2SectionD



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