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1、The Simple Future Tense一般将来时态一般将来时态 The Simple Future Tense一、定义:表示将要发生的动作或者存在的状态。一、定义:表示将要发生的动作或者存在的状态。二、构成:二、构成:1.be doing sth.2. be going to do sth.3. will do sth.三、标志(时间状语):三、标志(时间状语):tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this afternoon/weekend/, next year/month/week/Sunday/, in +时间段(如时间段(如in two day

2、s 两天以后两天以后),in the future, soon, in +将来的时间(如将来的时间(如 in 2015).be going to 结构结构1.定义:表示计划或安排将要发生的动作定义:表示计划或安排将要发生的动作,或者有或者有迹象要发生的事情。迹象要发生的事情。 Look at the black clouds. Its going to rain.2.结构:结构: be (am /is/are) going to +动词原形(动词原形(do sth.)3.句型:句型:他打算明天去看望他的舅舅。他打算明天去看望他的舅舅。He is going to visit his uncle

3、 tomorrow.否定:否定:一般疑问句:一般疑问句:回答:回答:提问:提问:He isnt going to visit his uncle tomorrow.Is he going to visit his uncle ?Yes, he is. /No, he isnt.What is he going to do?我打算下周开始锻炼。我打算下周开始锻炼。I am going to start exercising next week.否定:否定:一般疑问句:一般疑问句:回答:回答:提问:提问:I am not going to start exercising .Are you goi

4、ng to start?Yes, I am. /No, I am not.What are you going to start doing next week?他们打算三天以后练习跳舞。他们打算三天以后练习跳舞。They are going to practice dancing in 3 days.否定:否定:一般问:一般问:提问:提问:They arent going to practice .Are they going to practice .How soon are they going to practice ?be going to 与与there be 连用:连用:下周我们

5、学校将有一场演讲比赛。下周我们学校将有一场演讲比赛。There is going to be a speech contest in our school next week. 否定:否定:一般问句:一般问句:提问:提问:There isnt going to be a .Is there going to be a ?When is there going to be a speech contest in your school?注意:不能说注意:不能说 There is going to have.练习:(用练习:(用be going to 翻译句子)翻译句子)1.当他长大时,他打算当一

6、名医生。当他长大时,他打算当一名医生。2.我后天不打算去上表演课。我后天不打算去上表演课。3.你们学校附近将有一个游泳池吗?你们学校附近将有一个游泳池吗?4.她打算两周以后开始学习驾驶。她打算两周以后开始学习驾驶。5.他们明年要旅行欧洲。他们明年要旅行欧洲。He is going to be a doctor when he grows up.I am not going to take an acting lesson the day after tomorrow.Is there going to be a swimming pool near your school ?She is go

7、ing to start learning to drive in 2 weeks.They are going to tour Europe next year.用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.They _(visit) their teacher this Sunday.2.He _(see) a dentist tomorrow.3.She _(take) a bus home in 2 days.4.I _(buy) a new computer next week.5.He usually _(watch) TV on weekends. He _(do) som

8、e cleaning this weekend.are going to visitis going to seeis going to takeam going to buywatchesis going to do6.He _(be) a student now. He _(be) a pilot when he _(grow) up.7.Listen! Lucy _(sing). She _(sing) every day. Because she _(want) to be a singer in the future. But she _(not sing) yesterday because she _(have) a sore throat.8.Bob likes _(help) others. He often _(help) me. He _(help) me _(move) the heavy box just now. He says he _(help) more people in future.isis going to begrowsis singing singswantsdidnt singhadhelpinghelpshelpedmoveis going to help



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