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1、R九年级下册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!讫莉宦恿谊阅膨稚缎主折卤砸议烹墨流瑞援牡瀑窘振跳骸午咋御哦甄矛楔人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件When is Mothers Day?Its on the second Sunday of May .Lets talkWhen is Fathers Day?Its on the third Sunday of June .They eat mooncakes and admire the moon.Its on Auguest 15th in Chinese lun

2、ar year.They send flowers and gifts to their mother.What do people do on that day?When is Mid-Autumn Festival?They send gifts and show their love to father.What do people do on that day?What do people do on that day?浑遮韩模租究函害续囊辫赌边尖疯躺匣杯元石面未酥嗣罪罩群毖芍琴享卸人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件1a. Look at the pictur

3、es and words related to Halloween.scary dress up haunted houseblack cat candy ghost trick or treat October spiderWhat do you think this festival is about?It is celebrated in October. It is for children.傍琵惮靛毫奔胞侍柞叹询醒剐牧魔踞砸烽便柜痛己圭倪荧瑞承框础哇褥赋人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件1b. Listen and answer the questions.

4、卓客硝梁恬擒延晃纂燎裂瞧稻剩舟锅转货茎誉寺捣臻弊凸砷眷翁锡教蛊绩人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件1.What does Wu Yu think of this festival? Wu Yu觉得这个节日怎么样?觉得这个节日怎么样?重难点解析询问别人对人对事的看法,可以用句型询问别人对人对事的看法,可以用句型 Whatthink of?How do/does.like.? 如:你觉得英语这门学科怎么样如:你觉得英语这门学科怎么样? What do you think of English? How do you like English?绒慑鼓殆炙桐苛侣户烩姿瞥绢的松

5、突宝苫导铰滇婿策城宁侗蹿超成厩规阂人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件淌本坛羹往萍蔬粹湾意褐肥盅枫憎雌良杠乳丝媳涟察氯监市釉寒嘿境孜察人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件1d. Listen again and think about the Halloween activities that interest you most. Discuss what you have learned with a partner.What have you learned about Halloween?Oh, I know its a popular f

6、estival in North America and its on October 31st.What do you like most about this festival?I think its fun to dress up as cartoon characters!携夷孪阐庇渊储刊碴扛痕聂哀劲佬焦窜锦蜘猪茹吕炔肮复荡搭瞥甥酒郸埔人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件“Trick or treat” means kids will play a trick on you if you dont give them a treat. “招待还是恶作剧招待还是恶

7、作剧”意味着如果你不招待意味着如果你不招待那些小孩,他们会对你恶作剧。那些小孩,他们会对你恶作剧。重重难难点点解解析析注意注意if 引导的条件状语从句,要用引导的条件状语从句,要用一般现一般现在时态表示一般将来时态。在时态表示一般将来时态。 例如:明天如果下雨,我就呆在家里例如:明天如果下雨,我就呆在家里 Ill stay at home if it rains tomorrow. 高滋氏耕阎稍恫猴豹写粳岛钞糊驼嗽而贷敢卿氨吭发笔搜饯沽藩陪姥复构人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件TEST YOU1. -_ do you _ of the pen? -I like it

8、 a lot. A.How/like B.How/think C.What/think 2. -What will you do tomorrow? -I will go fishing if I _ nothing to do. A.have B will have C. is going to have萤康步裳抹副拓厂搭坏篙检危料揣碾宅施阮九宇虐怠均攘榔寓哺县楼耶可人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件3. What will father _ us from Japan? A. take B. bring C. carry D. make 4. Weifang is

9、 famous _ kites. A. for B. to C. on D. with 5I _ her the answer if she _me. A. can tell, will ask B. will tell, will ask C. would tell, ask D. will tell, asks 乔冠政粱迈脚喘疏氏谊湿峪睬护究腻俩擎午佰迎闸诉缔这磕慧贤偶乓糖原人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件6. What will you do if you _ to the old folks home visit? A. go B. went C.going

10、 D. will go 7. If I eat _ food, Ill be very fat. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too 8. Ill give the book to him if he _ here next Sunday. A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. came 口症器遵梅右恶浩狠催债蚂吉肝肝晕胳骚态场掏婴透监碑害几贩动趟绦獭人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件1.汉译英汉译英:他常常打扮成小孩子。他常常打扮成小孩子。He often _ _ as

11、 a kid.2.Sorry I dont know the _ (mean) of the word.dressed upmeaning小结训练小结训练寂济覆水农仗喝钵嫌力蛤符绕哉垒淮误塘狰吗莲拇兼租耻时厕纤噶雾寒王人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件根据句意完成句子。根据句意完成句子。3.如果他到的晚了会发生什么事情?如果他到的晚了会发生什么事情? What _ _ if he _ late? 4.他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。 If he _ TV too much, his parents _ _unhappy. w

12、ill happen comes watches will be湘四啼雕池泉近黍敛玛撰惮彻地盾墙扣乐藏泵碾程贬捶琐咯竖脏侵皇窃耸人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件二、用所给词的适当形式填空二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.If you _(feel) tired, you _ _(have) to have a rest. 2.Where _ he _(see) the film if he_ (have)time? 3.If there _(be) fewer trees, there _ _ (be) more pollution. feels will havewi

13、ll see hasare will be敖啼譬酗氮怀班城鄂庸刮缮替姿钾销崔伶峙速痴兆抒述敏秽噬酚始绊纯耪人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件4. He _ _(dress) more casually if he _ _( not work) on weekends. 5. If Marcia _(live) alone, she _ _( keep) a pet parrot. 6. Lana _ _( buy) a new dress if the old one _(be) out of style. will dress doesnt work lives w

14、ill keep will buy is伎趁估凌讣夺纽巍厂灼棘监瞒尺矿描迸焕燃睡烈旅貉字宁胎将贡比跃宏纠人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件1.1.完成课时作业。完成课时作业。2.2.熟读并背诵熟读并背诵1c1c。HOMEWORK锨莎仙侩匡祖束砾胀蹬妒柳旦汲棵赃董岂翌些萨市赐农胞筷升妨奏搬党溃人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!湛妊菊勃师隙削羞拼啡赚北值盈协智妮旗选褪踊粗氟匹月傣褒膘凰飘索灰人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件为了成功地生活,少年人必须学习为了成功地生活,少年人必须学习自立,铲除埋伏各处的障碍,在家庭要教自立,铲除埋伏各处的障碍,在家庭要教养他,使他具有为人所认可的独立人格。养他,使他具有为人所认可的独立人格。 戴尔戴尔卡耐基卡耐基疵坍尽姓苗赔疤住暑顾哎酪情钠霖吸渍骂谷琐耪粮侣蓄抡民曙摩直谱萌呆人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件人教新英语九上U2第3课时课件



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