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1、阅读表达解题指导阅读表达解题指导 设题情况:设题情况:1、主旨概括、主旨概括2、句子填空、句子填空3、翻译句子、翻译句子4、同义语句替代、同义语句替代5、封闭型问题:结合文中具体依据进行、封闭型问题:结合文中具体依据进行 回答回答 6、开放型问题:结合个人观点态度进行、开放型问题:结合个人观点态度进行 表述表述 7、其它类型:结合文章的不同题材和体、其它类型:结合文章的不同题材和体 裁给出的其它类型的问题裁给出的其它类型的问题 1. 标题、主旨大意标题、主旨大意 What is the best title of the passage? What is the main idea of th

2、e passage? What does the passage mainly talk about? What is the main idea of paragraph ? 1. 通览全文通览全文, 分析文章结构分析文章结构, 把握作者观点、态度及语气把握作者观点、态度及语气 2. 找出文章中心所在找出文章中心所在, 如首段如首段、尾段尾段 3. 概括归纳概括归纳: 回答需准确、简洁,防止以偏概全回答需准确、简洁,防止以偏概全 或题目过小、过大或题目过小、过大 , 注意书写格式注意书写格式 方法:方法:1 (首首段段)Most American teenagers used to spen

3、d their summer vacations holding multiple jobs. However, with the increase in gas prices, teenagers chose to stay at home instead of going out of the town. What does the passage mainly talk about? (Please answer within 10 words) High gas prices keep teens home. 2 (首首段段) Two directors from Dongguan r

4、ailway station in Guangdong province have been fired after two railway officers helped Spring Festival passengers board the train through windows. What is the title of the passage? (Please answer within 8 words)Railway station directors fired段落主旨大意段落主旨大意 1 (NMET2008山东山东)The question is, why do they

5、have this addiction? There isnt a specific answer. Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, upset or lonely and they want to feel better. They use this activity as a way to forget their problems. Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something. They also

6、tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.What is the main idea of paragraph 3? (Please answer within 8 words)The reasons why some people / shopaholics have shopping addition. /The possible reasons for shopaholism / shopping addition.2 Hello. Its one of the first words we learn as babies, ye

7、t its one of the last ones we think to use as adults. Thats unfortunate, because saying hello is more than just saying hello- it is recognition of anothers worth. How might the world change how might we change- if we mastered this word? To find out, I spent one month saying hello to every person I m

8、et. Heres what Ive learned. (NMET2009山东山东)What does the author say about the adults according to paragraph 1? (within 8 words) Adults are not willing to say hello. 2、句子填空、句子填空 / 补全句子补全句子关关键:方法方法: 把握把握语境和上下文之境和上下文之间的的逻辑关系关系1)在理解全文的基在理解全文的基础上把握上下文之上把握上下文之间 的的逻辑关系,关系,确定需要填写的是短确定需要填写的是短语还 是完整句子是完整句子;2)注

9、意)注意书写写时的的问题,如,如大小写、大小写、时态、 语态、单复数、字数等复数、字数等。3)代入答案)代入答案检查,看上下文是否通,看上下文是否通顺,能,能 否恢复文章作者原本想表达的思想、内否恢复文章作者原本想表达的思想、内 容或意容或意图。 1 Shopaholism seems to be a harmless addiction, but it can _. Some of them can be psychological. If this is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group t

10、o help them break this habit. However, the process, like for most addictions, is long, and they suffer a lot. It can also cause financial problems. They just think about . (NMET2008山东山东)(Please answer within 8 words)cause / bring about / result in many problems2 For the now study, the researchers as

11、k 193 healthy adults to complete some standard measures of personalities and feeling styles. Those who tended to be happy, energetic and easygoing were judged as having a positive feeling style, while those _had a negative style. (Please answer within 10 words.) who were often unhappy, tense and dep

12、ressed 3 Most American teenagers used to spend their summer vacations holding multiple jobs. However, with the increase in gas prices, teenagers chose to stay at home instead of going out of the town. I wish the prices . The expense of driving to places is affecting our daily lives, said Alicia Stil

13、l, a senior at Enochs High School in Modesto, California.would go down / decrease / be as low as before / be as low as it was / be as low as it used to be 3、翻译句子、翻译句子: 准确,忠实于原文准确,忠实于原文 符合汉语表达习惯符合汉语表达习惯掌握英掌握英汉两种两种语言句子构成之言句子构成之间的差异的差异:英英语:重信息的重信息的传达达, 把新的信息放在句首把新的信息放在句首, 已知信息已知信息放放 在句尾在句尾, 句子句子结构相构相对复

14、复杂; 英语中常使用被动英语中常使用被动句句汉语:重句子的重句子的层次次, 一般遵循一般遵循时间顺序、序、逻辑顺序序,句句子在安排上往往以子在安排上往往以“先因后果、先条件后先因后果、先条件后结论”等等为原原则, 句子句子结构往往构往往简短;常短;常把英语的被动句转换成汉语把英语的被动句转换成汉语的主动句或把字句等的主动句或把字句等1. Whatever the reason, my urban hellos were answered far less often than my rural ones . (NMET2009山东山东)2. After graduation , he got

15、a job as a programmer in a big company that paid 1, 000 a month.3. The low-rent housing system launched by the government only covers a limited number of people and is therefore unable to drag down the housing price as the government expects. 4. Distance from the event should make the memories less

16、painful.不管不管出于出于什么原因,我在城里什么原因,我在城里打招呼打招呼得到的回得到的回应比比在在乡村少得多。村少得多。 毕业之后毕业之后,他到一家大公司他到一家大公司做编程工作做编程工作, 月薪一千美金月薪一千美金. 政府政府颁布颁布的房屋低租金制度只的房屋低租金制度只涉及涉及有限数量的人群,有限数量的人群,因此,不能因此,不能像政府期望的那样像政府期望的那样拉低房价。拉低房价。时过境迁境迁,痛苦的往事会在,痛苦的往事会在记忆中淡漠。中淡漠。 1.主旨概括主旨概括: 回答需准确、简洁,防止以偏概全回答需准确、简洁,防止以偏概全 , 注意书写格式注意书写格式2.句子填空句子填空: 在理

17、解全文的基础上把握上下文之在理解全文的基础上把握上下文之 间的逻辑关系,确定需要填写的句子成分;注间的逻辑关系,确定需要填写的句子成分;注 意书写时的问题,如大小写、意书写时的问题,如大小写、 时态、语态、单时态、语态、单 复数、字数等。复数、字数等。3. 翻译句子翻译句子: 准确,忠实于原文准确,忠实于原文 符合汉语表达习惯符合汉语表达习惯Summary:1.Several Ways to Encourage Your Childs 2. Passions2. Encourage questions. Answer their questions patiently. Never refuse to answer their questions. 3. a good way4.无无论你你孩孩子子的的兴趣趣将将来来变成成一一种种职业还是是仍仍旧旧是是一一项爱好好,他他对某某些些事事物物的的酷酷爱本本身身就是宝就是宝贵的才能。的才能。1.Consolidation2. Finish the exercise in the paperThank you for your attention!本文观看结束!谢 谢欣 赏!祝各位身体健康!万事如意!



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