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1、 【六年级英语】6 年级第 1 学期第 2 单元单词、课文与阅读答案 ppt 模版课件 _ _ Unit Two School Life Lesson one A day at school Vocabulary 音乐室 music room 相同的 same a. 公共汽车停靠站 bus stop 开始 begin vt. / vi. 一刻钟,四分之一 quarter n. 又一的,再一的,另一的 another a. 顺便问(说)一句 by the way 课后 after class 通常地,惯常地 usually ad. 国际互联网,因特网 the Net = the Internet

2、 n. 分钟 minute n. 有趣的人(或事物) fun n. 学会,学习 learn vt. 下(汽车、火车、飞机等) get off 到达 get to 多久,多长时间 how long 运动;锻炼;训练 exercise n. 早操 morning exercises 眼保健操 eye exercises 在以前,以前 before prep. / conj. / ad. 食堂,自助食堂 cafeteria n. 总是,老是,永远 always ad. 报纸 newspaper n. 墙报 wall newspaper 银发老人福利院 Yinfa Home for the Aged

3、感到,觉得,摸,感到 feel vi. / vt. 因为 because conj. Text _ _ Wang Lei and Li Fang are friends, but they do not go to the same school. They are going to school now. They meet at the bus stop. Wang: Hi, Li Fang, when do you begin your classes every day? Li: Eight oclock. What about you? Wang: At a quarter to e

4、ight. We have five classes in the morning. How many classes do you have in the morning? Li: We have only four, but we have another two in the afternoon. By the way, do you often surf the Internet after class? Wang: Sure. I often do. And you? Li: Me, too. I usually surf the Net at half past four, for

5、 forty- five minutes. Its fun, isnt it? Wang: Yes. We can learn a lot on the Internet. Reading Classes are over at 3:05 p.m., but we dont always go home at that time. Many of us stay at school. Some do their homework, some work or play in the school. We clean our classrooms, work in the school garde

6、n, write _ _ for the wall newspaper, or go to the playground to play ball games. Today is the first day of the school week. We usually go to Yinfa Home for the Aged on this day. We read newspapers to the old people, talk to them, help them wash their clothes and clean their rooms. The old people lik

7、e to be with us. We feel happy, too, because we can help others. Lesson two School rules Vocabulary 保持 keep vt. / vi. 安静的 quiet a. 保持安静 keep quiet 阅览室 reading room 准时 on time 上交,交上去 hand in 必要,需要 need vt. / n. / v. / aux. 明天 tomorrow ad. / n. 离开,出发,假期 leave vi. / vt. / n. 请假 ask for leave 国际上的,国际的 i

8、nternational a. 每人,人人 everyone pron. 缺席的,不在的 absent a. 生病的,呕吐的 ill a. 也许,大概,可能 maybe ad. 座位 seat n. 遵守,奉行(规章制度、法律等) observe vt. 规章;法规 rule n. 决心,将,愿 will _ _ v. / aux. 关上(灯、电视机等) turn off 灯 light n. 归还,返回 return vt. / vi. 杂志,期刊 magazine n. 恐惧的,害怕的 afraid a. 恐怕不行 Im afraid not 从里面,在外 out of 在附近,靠近 ne

9、ar prep. 一餐,一顿(饭) meal n. 空的 empty a. 碗,滚木球 bowl n. 到处,各处 here and there 张贴,建造,举起 put up 浪费 waste vt. / n. 脏的 dirty a. Text Mrs Green is a new English teacher. Now she is teaching Class One, Junior One at Shanghai International School. Wang Lei is late for class. Mrs Green: Is everyone here? Boy A:

10、No, Wang Lei is absent. Mrs Green: Is he ill? Girl: I dont think so. Maybe he is late. Mrs Green: Is he often late? Boy B: No, he always comes to school on time. ( Wang Lei comes in. ) Wang Lei: Im sorry Im late, Mrs Green. _ _ Mrs Green: Thats all right. Go to your seat. But dont be late again. You

11、 must observe school rules. Wang Lei: Yes, I will. Reading Our school cafeteria is always very dirty after a meal. You can see empty plates and bottles on the tables. You can see some food in bowls here and there. We must do something to stop this. We must tell everyone to observe cafeteria rules, a

12、nd we can write the rules out and put them up on the walls. Here are the rules: Cafeteria Rules 1. We mustnt waste food. 2. We must clean the dirty plates and bowls. 3. We must clean our cafeteria after meals. Lesson three Showing Ms Stone around the school Vocabulary 给看,出示 show vt. 环绕,在四周 around pr

13、ep. / ad. 带领某人参观 showaround 宿舍 dormitory n. 靠近旁边,在隔壁 next to 医务室 clinic n. 钟 clock n. 视听教学的 audio-visual _ _ a. 视听大楼 audio-visual building 高级的,资深的 senior a. 上海第一高级中学 Shanghai No. 1 Senior High School 语言 language n. 实验室 lab n. 语言实验室 language lab 电梯 lift n. 乘电梯 take a lift 电脑房,计算机房 computer room 联机的,在

14、线的 online a. / ad. 现代的,现代化的 modern a. 在左边 on the left 在右边 on the right 沙发 sofa n. 咖啡茶几 coffee table 美丽的 beautiful a. 作业,课程,工程 project n. 健身房,体操房 gymnasium n. 校园 campus n. 在校园里 on the campus 走,步行,散步 walk vi. / n. 10分钟的步行路程 ten minutes walk Text Zhang Wei, a Senior Two student at Shanghai No. 1 Senior

15、 High School, is showing Ms Stone, a new teacher from Australia, around the school. Zhang Wei: This way, please, Ms Stone. Do you see the building over there? The one with a clock on it? That s our classroom building. The one beside it is our audio-visual building. _ _ Ms Stone: Are your language la

16、bs in that building? Zhang Wei: Yes, they are on the fourth floor. ( In the building ) Lets take the lift and have a look. ( A few minutes later ) Next to the language labs is our computer room. There are 50 computers in it. Ms Stone: Are the computers all online? Zhang Wei: For sure. I often come h

17、ere to use the Internet. Ms Stone: How nice! Whats the building behind the audio-visual building? Zhang Wei: Thats our library. And the two blue buildings are our dormitories. Our school clinic is in front of the boys dormitory. Ms Stone: What a modern school! Im very glad to be a teacher here. Read

18、ing Our school is beautiful. There are flowers and trees all around it. Our school is also very big. On the right, you can see two classroom buildings. The school library is behind them. It has about 300,000 books on all subjects. We can read books, newspapers and _ _ magazines there. We can also do

19、 classroom projects on the computers there. Its quite modern. We have a big playground. It is between the two classroom buildings and the gymnasium. You can see students running, jumping and playing games in the playground. The audio-visual building is between the gymnasium and the school clinic. Th

20、e students dormitories are not on the school campus, but are near the school. They are only ten minutes walk from the school. 中小企业公司管理制度 目录 第一部分:办公室管理制度 第一节、办公室职责 第二节、办公室管理制度 第三节、公司人员的聘用 第四节、职务任免 第五节、职、辞退 第六节、教育与培训 第七节、考勤办法管理 第八节、员工请假管理办法 第九节、物品采购、入库、出库、归还管理办法 _ _ 第十节、奖罚制度 第十一节、档案管理 第二部分 财务部管理制度 第一节、财务部的职能及财务人员的岗位职责 第二节、财务工作管理 第三节、资金管理 第四节、会计档案管理 第五节、结算与审批制度 第六节、出差管理制度 第七节、财务纪律 第三部分 销售部管理制度 第一节、总则 第二节、销售部岗位职责 第三节、销售人员管理制度 第四分、公司考核制度 第一节、核目的、原则和实施 第二节、合办工作考核标准



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