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1、Household electrical appliances美国是家用美国是家用电电器器(household electrical appliance)的的发发祥地。祥地。1879年年爱爱迪生迪生发发明灯明灯泡泡(the light bulb),开,开创创了家庭用了家庭用电电的的时时代。代。此后,其它家用此后,其它家用电电器相器相继问继问世。其中大件世。其中大件电电器有:冰箱器有:冰箱(fridge)、空、空调调(air conditioner)、洗衣机洗衣机(washing machine)、电视机电视机(television)等;小件电器有:电熨斗等;小件电器有:电熨斗(electric

2、 iron)、吸尘器、吸尘器(vacuum cleaner)、录、录音机音机(recorder)、照相机、照相机(camera)、电磁炉、电磁炉(induction cooker)、微波炉、微波炉(microwave oven)、电饭煲、电饭煲(rice cooker)等。除了已经列等。除了已经列举举出来的这些家电外,出来的这些家电外,你还知道哪些呢?你还知道哪些呢?Household electrical appliancesBefore you read1 What are these? Do they make our lives easier? Can you say some rea

3、sons? 2. Are they dangerous sometimes? What should we be careful of when we use them?rice cookerwashing machinemicrowaveAfter you readHow many kinds of electrical appliances does the article talk about? What are they? Three. They are rice cookers, washing machines and microwaves.What must we do to u

4、se a rice cooker safely? Keep the outside of the pot dry and do not switch the rice cooker on if the pot is empty.What must we not do when a washing machine is on? We must not put our hands in it.What must we do when a microwave is on? We must stand at least one metre away from it.What kind of objec

5、ts must we use in a microwave? Microwave safe objects.Rice cooker:You (1)_You (2)_ if the pot is empty.Read the article and complete the safety rules.must keep the outside of the pot dry.mustnt switch the rice cooker onWashing machine:You (3)_ when it is on.You (4)_ when you are not using it.mustnt

6、put your hand in the washing machinemust unplug the washing machineMicrowaveYou (5)_ when it is empty.You (6)_ when it is on.You (7)_ in a microwave.mustnt turn the microwave onmust stand at least one metre away from the microwavemust only put “microwave safe” objectsLanguage PointsKeep the outside

7、of the pot dry. 让锅的外表保持干燥。keep + sb / sth + adj.意为“让某人/某物保持某种状态”,形容词作宾语补足语。如:太多的工作使我既忙碌又疲劳。Too much work keeps me busy and tired.根据中文意思完成句子。1. 请不要让孩子们在海里游泳,那里很危险。Please _ the children _ _in the sea. It is very dangerous.2. 我的奶奶仍然保持年轻。My grandma still _ _.3. 那个婴儿一直在哭。The baby _ _.4. 你要尽量使孩子们在教室里保持安静。

8、Try your best to _ the children _ in the classroom.keeps cryingkeep / stop from swimmingkeeps youngkeep quietDo not switch the rice cooker on if the pot is empty.如果锅是空的,不要打开电饭煲的开关。switch on 意为“开(电器、机器等)”,可与turn on 互换使用;其反义词是switch off,可与turn off 互换使用。以上几个短语的宾语为名词时,宾语位于副词on 或off 之前或之后均可;宾语为代词时,只能位于动词

9、turn / switch 和副词on / off 之间。如:请开灯。Please switch / turn on the light.= Please switch / turn the light on.灯开着,可以请你关掉它吗?The light is on. Could you please turn it off? 根据中文意思完成句子。1. 宝宝在睡觉,请把电视关了。The baby is sleeping. Please _ _ _ _.2. 我想使用这台电脑,你能帮我打开它吗?I want to use this computer. Can you help me _ _ _

10、?switch / turn it onswitch / turn off the TV / switch / turn the TV offDictationcookerfridgebulblocktesttidytouchwashing machineswitch offtidy upair conditioner厨灶;炉具冰箱电灯泡(用锁)锁上测试使整洁;使整齐触摸;碰洗衣机关(电灯、机器等)收拾妥;整理好空调根据句意及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词,注意其形式。1. Can you see the o_ in the microwave?2. My mother usually uses

11、 the w_ machine to wash clothes.3. It hasnt rained for a long time, so it is very d_.4. There is nothing in the bottle. Its e_.5. Electricity is dangerous. How can we use it s_?afelybjectashingrympty根据中文意思完成句子。1. 记得拔掉微波炉的电源,否则会很容易引起火灾。Remember to unplug the microwave, or it will _ _ _ easily.2. 你忘记开

12、电饭煲的开关了。You forgot to _ _ the rice cooker.3. 确保带齐所有的书本,明天你要参加政治考试。_ _ you take all the books. You will take a Politics exam tomorrow.4. 我们必须多做运动,至少每天一小时。We must do more sports, _ _ one hour every day.at leaststart a fire switch / turn onMake sure Choose one of the following things to talk about what we should be careful of when we use them.TVheaterhair dryerfanfridgePost-reading



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