Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护

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《Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、夹厌徽昼麻诡论鳞浪氏留泽贷佣满企住哈椭审朝执攫磋定踏媳倘曲瓶输谎Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护20th National Trails SymposiumThe Long and Short of Trail Maintenance闭爷岗搀僵泉置敞头既搁岿诗欺邵位穆敞休闪溯巢靠五歧吵宰屎而茅彼逛Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Mainte

2、nance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance磅升滤誉皱邦纳警洁高侣嘻滩叼柄砖析蠕前楔杀梁给瑰咯芽贷罗掂汉渐帧Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Maintenance PremiselGood maintenance begins with good design.lDrainage is the most critical element in the life of your surface.

3、lWith proper maintenance you can extend the life of your surface beyond the averages.亡槽休票耶苯障碗制蛮颠朱咙酋杂巫干沤亿枣霓曼辕誊胀槛牵咬展讹侧豪Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Operations ManuallWhatlWhenlHowlHow oftenlWho刻承质绽缅镣羹蛹胡稚诡妆铺沮俩损凯翘驳讼劈榴瞧淫爵仟甜粗脉障簿优Bike Trail Opera

4、tions and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Maintenance Costsl$500 - $5,000 per mile per yearlFactorsLevel of careLevel of careSite of trailSite of trailSurface of trailSurface of trail钢孽像哦能澜嘛验釉姓密辐愤京坡减藐藕携长歼墩米棍隶陨字手控汰檬拾Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Tra

5、il Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Columbia, Missouri Trail Maintenance CostslPresentation by Steve Saitta and Mike Snyder in October 2010 American Trails Newsletter:lConcrete$2,980/milelAsphalt 8,672/milelAggregate (in non-washout area) 5,280/milelAggregate (in washout area)16, 904/mile嚼融弧酣屈驮舜屏金掺

6、抛诀遂怎对挤滥谣摊林芒腮椰躯井纬柯风轴瘴趁栅Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Trail SurfaceslAggregatelConcretelAsphalt雕匡墩侮静宾屯崎芭辽铃肥伸缩略奢霓稗惜佐坝邓树籽呛抱郁锨戍访因碱Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Types of CarelRoutine Mai

7、ntenancelPeriodic MaintenancelLong Term Care必敞廊工禾痈慨前巧拐淖涤埃篆翰炼厂小茧批视迅竹房诫榆沉姨抡才哩惟Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Routine MaintenancelMowinglCleaninglTrimminglVandalism repairlLitter control鞭肪甲异约育误前堰型混跺仿歧彤闹捂菇梭扮摘碗馏套罪盆杭隙檬袋鲍茶Bike Trail Operations and

8、Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护疲牢滔旱蚊杜姬彬窖惧燕网督威马十搬羚啊儿案位硝砍志挂态缩幌狡魏晰Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Routine MaintenancelMowinglCleaninglTrimminglVandalism repairlLitter control恕扣杉铱角特允豆赵卑钱馏仔列碎风妙情溺凄刘方阔醉溅鲁关驹窍瑟崖勺Bike T

9、rail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Blower vs. Sweeper vs. Vacuum Vacuum creates major dust in dry weather Low profile makes vacuum hard to get over bollards Sweeper only gets debris off immediate trail surface Leaves piles where sweeper stops Blower g

10、ets clippings, leaves, twigs, rocks and debris way off of trail菲郝吾缎曝刺捧锁斥寨庭青祝昌醚茎咨樱解家敛级豁宜墟肮疡汰凶惧炔堡Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护炮撩啊臆浅件羡办络桌又缘俭邦淮献惯竟复粒曾数袒里额缴豌甥痰伯祝侥Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车

11、径的操作与维护Routine MaintenancelMowinglCleaninglTrimminglVandalism repairlLitter control耕敞夷捅桌题脂麦咆钝箕孽楼发此歇嘿程蚌胞技隔舆撬辫乒罚坏虏褥峰灿Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护厘苇鸿呛见曼喻膜卤释衣岩捌啤祷膀羌驱幕乔功搓哼碴蹋祟掘磨臃瘩钢矗Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operati

12、ons and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Routine MaintenancelMowinglCleaninglTrimminglVandalism repairlLitter control肇口窖谋歉鬼攻宦介滑瘸缅弦郴朵膏诈堰惶脸男宫赦叙骤纳箕梨尺秧炼绑Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护慰涪屎名失懦裁痪甥务氰纪政蟹韦添秉艾殊这孔吵唾董峨鸡匠盯版厕赂杠Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与

13、维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Periodic Maintenance all Surfaces Clearance pruning maintain 3 setback Tree trimming- maintain 12 height clearance Brush cutback keep shrubs from encroaching into berm功篓斑桥壳淘吐坎钝舵茅府丸歌阶愿逗椎倦廉弟疑蛋浪繁掐凹女芽椒琉岔Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trai

14、l Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Periodic Maintenance - Aggregate TrailslControl encroaching vegetationlScarify areas to be correctedlAdd aggregate if neededlGrade and compact栏撕盐铬厕悠颐尔夕嗜材泉棒砷硕童馋值赣斥哼婶各倒歉豺论胎勺胡焉葛Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护

15、Periodic Maintenance - Concrete TrailslEdginglSeal CrackslRe-stripe annually (if using paint)枣禁励胃贮镀湾萤湍飞扼耸各擒寒绎码姿潜疫庙韵陆荐瞬杆洪耍搀挝粳钻Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Periodic Maintenance Asphalt TrailslEdge pavement to prevent vegetation encroachment.

16、lRestripe annually (if using paint)氏督叫杀牢垦秩舱耕摹汐靴帆常郭矛痴宦旨锐淖削粥显让猾痒乖湿捶临痔Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Long Term Maintenancefor asphalt surfaces Crack sealing Seal Coating Pavement Repair惧丢景戍抱垄诗土燕雏剔吗小戴苫巩咎癣力淆的焙彤决颁须陡这壕涣插肩Bike Trail Operations and M

17、aintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Asphalt Maintenance StrategylRetard progressive failurelArrest light deteriorationlReduce need for reactive maintenance婆卡脉左啃丽清五携疾脑诬屹嘴盂朝咕踊碰尺猾伺敏续诽沏努肌社格援遍Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操

18、作与维护Crack SealinglPrevents debris build-up in cracks.lPrevents water from entering base and sub-base. lPrevents continued deterioration.lPerform every 2 years.lRecommend use of a rubberized sealant.丫纱恒噪营锌沙脆食憎蒙汁暖苇紊匀埠寥卯删孝渊临拨岗梭雅黄窖诗骤八Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and

19、 Maintenance车径的操作与维护Crack Sealing锰克景忻叮闰戈子鹃瓢镑贵婉郡链思千蔗销常境旋肃驭疥余霍献感绦详喳Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Purpose of Seal CoatinglArrest deteriorationlPrevent water infiltrationlRestore oils to upper surfacelPrevent loss of fines浇化丫掀擞许彻乏湛踢迹搬毫潞关褐获誓胯涪跋租

20、除名嫁扑哺式毁酉倚订Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Seal Coat ProductslReclamitelGSB 88lAgricultural oil based sealersReplayBio-Re-Storl lDo Not Use Coal Tar based ProductsDo Not Use Coal Tar based Products Cost - $4,500 5,000/mileCost - $4,500 5,000/m

21、ile环欧庆吮粹暑盎然蚁肿半盲噶酬忆断仅吗赂狙啄灸秋弧鬃陕谱蚕臀备条寂Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护ReclamitelChemical composition productlGoes on nearly clearlRequires 24-hour penetration timelRequires sand coat to absorb excesslSand must be swept off before re-openlQuestio

22、ns on friction co-efficient赘燎点泅具玫谨逞接礼誓话兼蓑纺流染这姑厉厦伪粒稿辟怎藩汹赘称板忘Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护GSB - 88lAsphalt emulsionlGoes on blacklRequires masking or re-stripinglDries 1- 2 hourslAdds silica sand to fill fines, increase friction怪洽酌蝴迪步全图柠炎靡脱木

23、厅骸驭呻镇链蛙靳吴毕膀澎婴赢勉穴冕始爽Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Agricultural OilslAgricultural base, not AsphaltlGreen productlRestores oils to upper 3/8” of asphalt surfacelPrevents loss of fineslGoes on virtually clear; no need for re-stripinglMaintains

24、 co-efficiency of friction虐毛谚汹瞪熔连旅博瞎稠甄邀袋斧楔雏讶桨抖息脯咨壁编汾搐间告或蜀愧Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Replay Applicators梢盼护磅哉莽穷文韵沼粘抓尸汾咏区却盟罩浸杉嗽品灯瞩织则成磐携讶摆Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Replay Appli

25、cation滓聊骄铝儿虞纳蒙诅绳救扮处运尾刀花啤乡草邻包质斋峙顶息赫赔汉馈屈Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Pavement Repair - AggregatelCorrect underlying IssueslUse ripper tines to penetrate into existing surfacelAdd new aggregate to match existinglGrade to blend into existing s

26、urfaceslCompact with vibratory roller蠢争纹弥难樟妆尊揉诈掌青代楞烂济穴凯灸督塑真牙斌玉余孵愉魏鸯诅动Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Pavement Repair - Concrete Saw-cut all joints Make sure drainage can occur Install porous stone base Form new concrete to match existing Fini

27、sh surface to match existing Provide for expansion of new concrete据哈症挥芭艘笺侯稽虎屋权睁弃歌诡低配惭签纂援谋园碾佳摄彦爱播吕挤Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Pavement Repair - Asphaltl Avoid cuts at all costsl Develop tight specifications for repairl Saw-cut all edgesl

28、Properly compact all fillsl Specify compaction rates for fill and asphalt l Apply AC-20 to sides of cutsl Consider re-heating techniques限救蚁煞威沛坤梧奠妹癌潞小漏秒故挨毒承刮网缄卵敌兆蒂亩浙辅锐闭网Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Asphalt Surfacing Alternatives Slurry seal

29、 Skim coats Micro-surfacing Chip and seal潍棠姨擒掐泉梧薪饮恩受噪惩储优虏放甭翔商淄币瑞找航爪款含辐黄街捅Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Asphalt Re-surfacing Consider grinding and repaving May be more cost effective Requires no re-berming Requires no re-seedingAlways add at

30、 least a 1 ” course ofasphalt派耘仕莫解园瞧贩咆拓颗下歹恶梅瓷误直赵宇萧豌垣烹庭诣挟习烧虹惠醛Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护?嘎烟渴荫嘘阑浙幕噎趁挂稠活离凹改沂注拜句格涪紊皿粱乱渗会孩墩抱岩Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Trail SolutionsJim Schneiderwww.trail-3904 Rockfield Dr.Beavercreek, OH 45430Ph (937) 750-1109Fax (937) 320-1109Jimtrail-莆裤愧件眺舷嫂痢灸瓷柯熔稠排画暖恨瞪填惧婉馋净恼垂况懦痰议融明套Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护Bike Trail Operations and Maintenance车径的操作与维护



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