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1、There-be-There-be-句型专题微课句型专题微课课件课件There be+主语(人或物)主语(人或物)+地点地点结构结构There be 句型表示句型表示“存在存在”“有有”,强调某处有某物。其中,强调某处有某物。其中be动词有动词有时态和单复数变化。时态和单复数变化。概念概念 There is There are 就近原则There be与 have/has的区别用法用法拓展拓展There be句型专题句型专题There is + 名词单数名词单数或者或者不可数名词不可数名词There are + 名词复数名词复数例一:教室里有一个男孩。例一:教室里有一个男孩。 There is

2、 a boy in the classroom.例二:杯子里有一些水。例二:杯子里有一些水。 There is some water in the cup.例三:教室里有许多男孩。例三:教室里有许多男孩。 There are many boys in the classroom. There be+主语(人或物名词)主语(人或物名词)+地点地点wThere is a radio on the desk. There be- 的一般疑问句 Is there a radio on the desk ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.wThere are some

3、shoes under the bed. Are there any shoes under the bed? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.规则:规则: is/are要提前要提前, some 变变any,其他都不变其他都不变选择:A: are B: is1.There _ a blackboard in the classroom.2.There _ a flag in the classroom.3.There _ lots of desks in the classroom.4.There _ a door in the classroom.5.Th

4、ere _ many lights in the classroom.6.There _ two fans in the classroom.7.There _ some water in the bottle.8.There _ some chalk on the desk.ABBBBBAAThere is a kite in the tree.There are two birds in the tree.如何把上面两句合为一句呢?如何把上面两句合为一句呢?There are two birds and a kite in the tree. There is two birds and

5、a kite in the tree.There is a kite and two birds in the tree.there there 是个近视眼是个近视眼, ,能看近的不看远。能看近的不看远。There are two birds and a kite in the tree. There is two birds and a kite in the tree.小试身手小试身手1.There _ a desk and fifty-five chairs in the classroom. A. are B. is 2.There _ fifty-five chairs and a

6、desk in the classroom. A. are B. is ABThere be 和have(has)都表示“有”的含义。There be 表示“某处存在某物或某人”此时不强调物归谁有。have(has) 表示“某人拥有某物(某人)“,此时强调所有、归属关系。例句:例句:I have a book. They have two pens. She has a dog .试着比较试着比较 : There is a book. There are two pens. There is a dog.小试身手小试身手1.在桌子上有3支钢笔。There are three pens on t

7、he table.2.在树上有一些苹果。There are some apples on the tree.3.我的爸爸有一辆车。My father has a car.4.他们有许多故事书。They have lots of story books.There be+主语(人或物)主语(人或物)+地点地点There be 句型表示句型表示“存在存在”“有有”,强调某处有某物。其中,强调某处有某物。其中be动词有动词有时态和单复数变化。时态和单复数变化。There is+单数名词或者不可数名词单数名词或者不可数名词 There are +名词复数名词复数 就近原则:就近原则:there 是个近视眼,只看近来不看远是个近视眼,只看近来不看远There be与与 have/has的区别的区别结束结束



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