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1、Lesson One Hello, I want a cab.-OK. What address is it? 1120 East 32nd Street. Right. The cab will be there in a few minutes.一Would you mind passing the salt, please?Certainly.Whats your job?一Im an accountant.Oh! Do you enjoy it?一No. I dont really like it. Its boring.Where do you come from? Indonesi

2、a.Oh! Which part?Jakarta.一Really?Can you speak Gemp3an?一Yes, I can. I speak it very well.Where did you learn it? I lived in Gemp3any when I was a child.一What else can you speak?一Well, I know a little Italian. I think a businessman should be good-looking.一No, I dont agree.一Would you like a drink? No,

3、 thank you. I dont drink.Are you sure?一Yes. Im quite sure. Thank you very much.一What about a soft drink then?- Oh, alright. Lemonade would be fine.Thank you very much for the meal.一Not at all. I*m glad you could come.You must come and have a meal with me some time.Yes. That would be nice. Have you h

4、eard about the Prime Minister? No.Shes gone to China!一Really!一How do you spell interesting? I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G.Thank you very much.Tim talked to Harry about the lecture.Harry: What did you think of the lecture?Tim: I thought it was very interesting.Harry: Did you really?Tim: Yes, didnt you?Harry:

5、 Certainly not. I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.Tim: So you think you know more than he does.Harry: Well, take coal for instance.Tim: What about it?Harry: Coal wont become important again.Tim: Why not?Harry: Its too dirty. They won*t be able to find people to work down coal mines in thefuture.T

6、im: Theyll invent new kinds of machinery.Harry: Nonsense. The only sort of power theyll use in the future is atomic power.A reporter from a local newspaper is interviewing some students on the subject of studentsand money.Reporter: Excuse me. Are you a student?Student 1: Yes, I am.Reporter: Forgive

7、my asking you, but do you have to take a part-time job in the holidays?Student 1: Not really. My parents are fairly well off so I get an allowance from my father.Reporter: Youre lucky, arent you?Student 1 :1 suppose so.Reporter: What about you? Are your parents wealthy?Student 2: No, certainly not.R

8、eporter: Do you work during the holidays?Student 2: Well, last Christmas I did two weeks as temporary postman, then in the summer Ispent four weeks fruit picking, and I do a bit of baby-sitting, so I manage.Reporter: Thank you.My name is Robert. I am eighteen years old and I am French. I am not marr

9、ied. Sylvia is small and fair. She is seventeen and she is a student.The tall boy with fair hair is eighteen years old and he comes from Sweden. He works in a record shop. The small boy with dark hair is seventeen. He is Spanish, but he does not live in Spain. He lives in France. He works in a hotel

10、.Lesson two一I think a doctor should be a friendly person.Yes. I agree.Would you like some more potatoes?- Im sorry I cant manage any more. Thank you.- Would you like something to drink?Just coffee, please.Are you sure?Quite certain. Thank you.一What are you doing in New York? Im writing a story for Y

11、ES magazine. I see.What are you doing in Cairo? Im visiting my parents.一Really!Why are you visiting HongKong? Im just on holiday.Why are you in London?一Im here on business. Oh.Thanks a lot for putting me up.Thats OK. Do come and see me when youre in New York.一Sure. Thatll be great.-Have you heard th

12、e news? No.Theres been a terrible air crash.一Oh dear! Where was it?A town called Banford. Excuse me, how do you say that word, C-U-S-T-O-M-S?一Customs.一I see. Thank you.Male: Pubs? You must have good people. If the people are good, the pub will be good.Male: You must have a good landlord, and people

13、with a sense of humor behind the bar. If the landlord is bad, the pub will be bad.Female: I love old pubs. If it*s one of those modern places, I wont go in.Male: And a good pub must have good beer. If the beers no good, people will look for another place.Female: I wont go if there isn*t a garden. I

14、have children, and if the pub doesnt have a garden or family room, we cant go in.My grandfather used to have a beautiful gold pocket watch. He wore it on a fine gold chain across the front of his waistcoat, and when I was small he promised to leave it to me in his will.HWhen Im gone, he said, uthis

15、is going to be yours.Unfortunately that will never happen now. About three months ago, my grandfather came up to London to visit us. The first Sunday morning after he arrived, my youngest son said he wanted to go to the park.Well do better than that, said my grandfather, well go and feed the pigeons

16、 inTrafalgar Square. So off they went. They got home about tea-time and my grandfather was looking very upset.My watch, he said, its gone. Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding thepigeons.My name is Daniel. I am French. I live in a small town. I work in a hotel, but I do not live in the

17、hotel. I live with my parents. My home is near the hotel, so I walk to work every day.There is some sugar, there is some coffee and there is a lot of tea, but there is not much jam. There are some tomatoes, but there are not any eggs or biscuits and there is not much milk. So we want jam, eggs, bisc

18、uits and milk.Lesson threeJurg: Mrs. Scott.Mrs. Scott: Yes?Jurg: Im afraid Ive had an accident.Mrs. Scott: Oh, dear; whafs happened?Jurg: Ive spilt my coffee.Mrs. Scott: Never mind. Heres a cloth.Klaus is using the launderette for the first time.Klaus: Excuse me, do you know how this works?Housewife

19、: Yes. Put the washing inside . shut the door. the money goes in here, then when the machine starts you have to put the soap powder in through here.Klaus: Is that all?Housewife: Yes, you dont have to do anything else until the machine stops.Klaus: Thank you.Terry: Franks getting married.James: Is he

20、 really?Terry: Yes he is.James: I dont believe it.Terry: Its true.James: Who*s he marrying?ferry: A girl he met on holiday in Spain, I think.James: Good heavens . where are they going to live?A: Do you love me?B: Im very fond of you.A: Yes, but do you love me?B: Uh . You mean a lot to me.A: Why wont

21、 you answer my question?B: What question?A: Do you love me? Come on! I want to know.B: I care for you very deeply. You know that.A: That isnt the same thing!B: What kind of answer do you expect?A: The truth! I want the truth!B: How can I possibly answer such a question?Do you remember Sally Green, t

22、he swimming star? She was the g汗I who broke all the recordsat the last Olympics. Where is she now? Last week our reporter; Tom Parker; went to seeSally in her Californian home.lorn: Is it true that you dont swim at all now?Sally: Im afraid so. I*m too old.Tom: But you are only twenty!Sally: Thats to

23、o old for a swimmer. If I swam in an international competition now, Iwouldn*t win. So Id rather not swim at all.Tom: But dont you enjoy swimming?Sally: I used to, when I was small. But if you enter for big competitions you have to workvery hard. I used to get up at 6 am to go to the pool. I had to t

24、rain before school, afterschool and at weekends. I swam thirty-five miles every week!Tom: But you were famous at fifteen. And look at all those cups.Sally: Would you like to polish them? It*s true that I have some wonderful memories. Ienjoyed visiting other countries, and the Olympics were very exci

25、ting. But I missed moreimportant things. While other girls were growing up, I was swimming. What can I do now?There is a small shop at the end of our road. I buy my newspaper there every Sunday. This is the only shop that is open on a Sunday, so it is always very busy. They sell milk, eggs, biscuits

26、, tea and coffee. You can get aspirins, toothpaste or a writing pad there. It is a nice little shop.This evening I am going to the cinema. I sometimes go with Beatriz, but this evening I amgoing alone. Beatriz is nice, but she talks a lot and when I go to the cinema I like to watch the film. The fil

27、m I am going to is an old one, but it is very good. It is a Hitchcockfilm.Lesson fourSophie: Here*s some coffee.George: Oh, fantastic . er. is there any sugar?Sophie: Sugar. yes, of course . here you are.George: Thanks . er.Sophie: What*s the matter now?These: Er. are there any chocolate biscuits?So

28、phie: No, there arent.George: Oh .Kathy: Where do you live?David: Near Victoria Station.Kathy: In a flat or a house?David: In a flat. Houses are terribly expensive.Kathy: Whats your flat like?David: lt*s small and the building is old, but its comfortable. Its very near my office.Christine: When did

29、you buy that new necklace?Libby: I didnt buy it. It was a present.Christine: Oh, who gave it to you?Libby: A friend.Christine: Anybody I know?Libby: Dont ask so many questions.lorn and Anna saw a film yesterday.Ibm: It was exciting, wasnt it?Anna: Yes, it was.Tom: Charles Bronson was good, wasnt he?

30、Anna: Yes, he always is.Tom: I thought the girl was good too.Anna: Did you?Eustace: What are you doing?Luanda: Im packing.Eustace: Why?Luanda: Because Im leaving.Eustace: Youre not.Lucinda: Yes, I am. Im catching the first train tomorrow.Instance: But, I .Luanda: . and Im not coming back.Eustace: Oh

31、, oh . where are you going?Lucinda: To . to . Hawaii.Eustace: Oh darling.Phillip: Excuse me, Mr. Jones. Can you help me?Mr. Jones: Of course. Whats the problem?Pall: Well, I have to wear an overall but I cant find one.Mr. Jones: Thats easy. Why dont you look in the cupboard besides the washbasin? Yo

32、ull find one there.(sound of phone ringing)Jean: 7824145. Jean Williamson speaking.Tom: Oh, its you, Jean. Sorry I had to rush off this morning. How are the boys?Jean: Im taking them to the doctor at twelve oclock, but Im sure theyre going to be all right.Tom: Thats good. What about you?Jean: Oh, Im

33、 fine now. Im going to bake a birthday cake for tomorrow. And . Ive got a camera for Peter and some records for Paul.Tom: You spoil them. Im going to open a savings account for them. They need to learn how to save money.My grandfather lives with us. He is seventy years old and I like talking to him.

34、 Every day I go for a walk with him in the park. My grandfather has a dog. The dogs name is Nelson. Nelson is old and he has very short legs and bad eyes. But my grandfather likes him very much.I have a small black and white television and I can get a good picture. But my brother has got a color tel

35、evision. It is bigger; heavier and more complicated than mine. My brother gets a better picture on his television than I do on mine. So when there is something very good on TV, I usually go and see my brother.Lesson fiveInstructor: Listen to these people. They are all taking things to be repaired. O

36、f course, they want to know how much it will cost and how long it will take. Listen to their questionsand write the answers you hear. Here is an example.Woman: How much will it cost to repair this typewriter?Male Assistant: About a pound.Woman: Thats not bad. But how long will it take?Male Assistant

37、: Only about a week.Instructor: Look at the answers the assistant gives his customer. The first answer is abouta pound. The second answer is about a week. Now listen to these dialogues and write the missing words in your book.Dialogue A:Man: Can you give me an estimate to repair this bicycle?Female

38、Assistant: I think itll cost about twelve or thirteen pounds.Man: And how long will it take?Female Assistant: A fortnight, more or less.Dialogue B:Woman: Would you have a look at this television set, please?Female Assistant: Yes, of course. Hmmm. How long have you had it?Woman: About eight years. Ca

39、n you tell me how much itll cost to repair it?Female Assistant: Well, the sets very old. Itll cost about fifty pounds. Its cheaper tobuy a new one.Dialogue C:Man: How much do you think itll cost to repair this typewriter?Female Assistant: Let me see, It*s a 1960 model. About twenty pounds, Im afraid

40、.Man: Thats rather a lot. And how long will it take?Female Assistant: About a month.Man: Thank you. Id like to think about it.Instructor: Listen again to the customer from the typewriter shop. He thinks twenty pounds is rather a lot but he needs a typewriter. Then he remembers his friend, Tony. Tony

41、 has several typewriters. Bob, the customer; has an idea. He meets his friends, Tony. Listen to their conversation.Dialogue D:Tony: Hello, Bob. Whats that heavy parcel youre carrying?Bob: Its my old typewriter. Ive just been to the shop. The assistant says itll cost abouttwenty pounds to repair.Ibny

42、: Thafs rather a lot. What are you going to do?Bob: Well, youve got several typewriters. Could you lend me one?Tony: Ill have to think about it.Instructor: Frank and Peter want new bicycles. Petrol is very expensive so they both want tocycle to work. They are looking at advertisements.Frank: What ab

43、out this Curzon bike. Its very cheap. Only eighty pounds.Peter: Yes, but the Anderson bike is even cheaper. Its sixty-five pounds.Frank: Hmmm. How old is the Anderson one?Peter: Its a 1977 model.Frankie: The Curzon is a 1979 model. Its newer.Instructor: Frank and Peter are still looking at advertise

44、ments. They cant decide whichbike to buy.Peter: The Anderson bike looks very comfortable.Frank: Yes, but the Curzon looks bigger.Pedro: I dont want a big bike. I want a comfortable one.Frank: All right. The Anderson bike is good. But the Curzon is Better.Instructor: Do you remember Regine? Where doe

45、s she come from? Is she married? Where does she work? Listen to Regine speaking.Regine: My name is Regine. Im Gemp3an. I live in a small town. Im not married. I live athome with my mother and father, my sister Heidi and my brother Rolf. I work in a departmentstore. I sell writing paper; envelopes, b

46、all pens, pencils and colored postcards. I walk towork every morning. I dont work on Saturday afternoon or Sunday and I have a three-week holiday in the summer.Instructor: Regine was seventeen then. Now shes twenty-two. Her life is very different.Listen to this television interview.Interviewer: Regi

47、ne, at seventeen you worked in a big shop. Now you are the manager and you are only twenty-two. From seventeen to twenty-two. Five years to success. Can you tell us?The secret of your success?Regine: The secret, as you call it, is work. When I was seventeen, I lived at home. I walked to the shop eve

48、ry morning. I saved my money and I went to evening classes. I worked in a good department and I sold so much that I got a good commission. I really wanted to be a success. Now Im the manager.Interviewer: Congratulations, Regine. But please tell us . do you like your job? Are you happier?Regine: You

49、are asking me two questions. The first answer is yes and the second answer is definitely no.Good afternoon, my name is Schwartz. That is S-C-H-W-A-R-T-Z and I come from New York. My wife and I would like a double room with a shower. I have our passports here. We are hoping to stay for about a week.

50、I have a question. Do you know where I can get two tickets for the perfomp3ance at the theatre tonight?On my first day in London I felt hungry, so I went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. I waited for ten minutes, but nobody came to serve me. Then I saw that there were no waiters. The custo

51、mers stood in a queue and got their food themselves. That was my first experience of a self-service restaurant.Lesson six Is that Mr. Smiths son? No, it isnt. Its Mr. Morgans son. Is he Irish? No, he isn*t. He is Welsh. Is there any shampoo in the cupboard? No, Im sorry. There isnt any. Is there any

52、 soap, then?Yes. There is a whole pack of soap.一Where does Miss Sue come from?She comes from Tokyo.一What language does she speak, then?She speaks Japanese.What does Miss Jenkins do?She is a nurse.一Where does she work?一At the Westminster Hospital. Do you like your manager?一Yes. He is nice and kind. I

53、s yours kind, too? No. Mine is rather a brute.一Oh, Im sorry about that. Is anyone attending to you, sir?一No. I should like to see some dressing gowns.What sort are you looking for; sir?一I fancy a red, silk one.Where are your parents now?They are in Zagreb. Is that in Austria? No. It*s in Yugoslavia.

54、Who is the girl by the door? Its Jone Smith. Is she a nurse?一No. Shes a librarian. My hat and coat, please. Here is my ticket.Thank you, sir. Here they are.- These not mine. They are Mr. Wests.一Im sorry, sir. Are these yours?一Yes, they are. Thank you.Whose handbag is that?Which one?一The big leather

55、one. Oh, thats Miss Clarks.What are you looking at? Im looking at some stamps.一Are they interesting? Yes. They are very rare ones.一Wheres Miss Green at the moment?一In her office.一Whats she doing there?- She*s typing, I think.Are there any pencils in the drawer?一No, Im sorry. There arent any.一Are the

56、re any ball-point pens then. Yes. There are lots of ball-points. I need some oil, please.一How much do you need, sir?一Three pounds, please.- Thank you, sir.Instructor: Henry wants tickets for Romeo and Juliet so he tries to telephone the box of office. First he hears: (wrong number tone). He has dial

57、ed the wrong number. Then he tries again, (busy tone) Henry is fed up but he must get some tickets. He tries again and finally, he gets through.(sound of phone ringing, receiver picked up)Clerk: Cambridge Theatre. Box Office.Henry: Have you got any tickets for Romeo and Juliet for this Saturday even

58、ing?Clerk: Which perfomp3ance? 5 pm or 8:30 pm?Henry: 8:30 pm please.Clerk: Sorry, that perfomp3ance is sold out.Henry: Well, have you got any tickets for the 5 pm perfomp3ance?Clerk: Yes, we have tickets at 4.50 pounds, 5.50 pounds and 6 pounds.Henry: Id like to reserve two seats at 4.50 pounds, pl

59、ease.Clerk: Right. Thats two tickets at 4.50 pounds. Saturday, 5 pm perfomp3ance. Whats the name please?Henry: Bishop. Henry Bishop.Clerk: Thank you. Youll collect the tickets before 3 pm on Saturday, wont you?Henry: Yes, of course. Thank you. Goodbye.NextPageClara: That number has been engaged for

60、ages. Nobody can be that popular. I wonder if hernumber has been changed. I think Ill try again.(Sound of dialing and ringing tone.)Sue: 3346791.Clara: Is that you, Sue?Sue: Whos calling?Clara: This is Clara. Clara Ferguson. Dont you remember me?Sue: Clara! Of course I remember you. How are you? I h

61、avent heard from you for at least twoyears. What are you doing?Clara: Nothing very exciting. Thats one reason Im ringing. I need some advice.Sue: Advice. Hmm. Thats a good one. Ive just been sacked.Clara: There are the pips. Hang on, Sue.Clara: What do you mean . youve just been sacked? Sue, youre t

62、he most successful woman Iknow.Sue: Thats probably why Ive been sacked. But lets talk about you. You said you neededsome advice.Clara: I certainly do. I wanted to ask you about interviews. Have you had a lot of them?Sue: Yes, I have. Too many.Clara: So, could you tell me the sort of questions youre

63、usually asked?Sue: Let me think. The first ten questions are almost always the same. I call them the*whysz *hows* and wheres.(Sound of pips.)Clara: Not again. Dont go away, Sue. Ive got one more coin.Clara: Are you there, Sue?Sue: Yes, Im still here.Clara: Sorry, I didnt understand what you were tel

64、ling me. Could you repeat it?Sue: Its very boring, but here you are:Im always asked:Why I want to leave my present job?Why I am interested in the new job?How I intend to get to work?How long I intend to stay in the job?Where I live?Where I went to school?How much Im paid in my present job?How much I

65、 expect to be paid in the new job?Oh yes. Im always asked if l*m married.(Sound of pips.)Clara: Thats it, Sue. No more coins. Ill write to you soon . and many thanks.I am not going out with George again. Last week he invited me to go to a football match. I do not like football, so it was silly of me

66、 to say yes. We did not have seats, so we had to stand for two hours in the rain. I was cold and wet and I could not see a thing. So I asked George to take me home. He got very angry and said some very unpleasant things. Last week the sun shone and it got quite hot. I decided to put on my light grey

67、 summer trousers. But I got a shock. I could not put them on. They were too small. It is possible that they got smaller during the winter; but I do not think so. I am afraid I got bigger. So I am going to eat less and I am going to take more exercise. I am definitely going to lose some weight.Lesson

68、 seven 一Is that Mrs. Brown? No, it isnt. Its Mrs. Bright.-Is she English?一No, she isnt. She is American.一Is there any cream in the refrigerator?一No. There isnt any, Im afraid. 一Is there any milk, then? 一Yes, there is plenty of milk.一Where does Pedro come from? He comes from Mexico City.- What langua

69、ge does he speak, then? He speaks Spanish.一What does your friend do? He is a bank clerk.Where does he work?At the Middleland Bank in Bimp3ingham.一Do you like your apple?Yes. Its nice and sweet. Is yours sweet, too? No. Mine is rather sour.- Oh, Im sorry about that.一Can I help you, Madam? Yes. I want

70、 to see some cardigans.-What size do you take, Madam? About fourteen inches, I think.一Where is Susan now?一She is in Glasgow. Is Glasgow in England? No. Its in Scotland.一Who is the man over there? Its Mr. Watson. Is he a teacher? No. He is a doctor.一My bag, please. Here is my ticket. Thank you, Madam

71、. Heres your bag.This is not my bag. It*s Mrs. Browns. Im sorry, Madam. Is this yours? Yes, it is. Thank you.一Excuse me. Is this your book?-No. Its not mine. Whose book is it, then? Its Pedros, I think. Whose bicycle is that?一Which one? The old green one.一Oh, thats Roberts. What are you looking at?一

72、Im looking at a photograph. Is it interesting? Yes, its a picture of my girlfriend. Are there any oranges in the kitchen?-No, Im sorry. There arent any.一Are there any bananas, then?Yes. There are plenty of bananas. I want some butter; please. How much do you want, Madam? Half a pound, please. 一Thank

73、 you, Madam.1.1 really need some new curtains but Im afraid I cant sew.2. My problem is that I cant find a job. Managers always say my hair is too long.3. I do love listening to the radio but Im afraid my radio isnt working.4. Just look at these shoes. They cost forty-five pounds last year and they

74、have holes in them now.5. Do you know anything about cars? My car is using too much petrol.John Haslam is talking about his garden.You know, I dont really like the country. Its too quiet. Theres not enough movement, not enough action, not enough to do. But Im like most other people: I need some peac

75、e and quiet sometimes, and this little garden is my peace and quiet. Ifs big enough for me. During the summer I may spend three or four hours out here. But even in the winter I may come out here for an hour or two at the weekends, if the weathers good. Its a good place to sit with my typewriter. And

76、 its a good place to sit with a book and a drink. And do you know something?I spend as much time out of the house now as I did when I lived in the country. Funny, isnt it?(Sound of radio playing. Telephone rings.)Betty: Listen, Mum. The phones ringing. Can I answer it?Julie: Yes, of course. But plea

77、se answer correctly.(Receiver being picked up.)Betty: (excited) Hello. This is Betty.Male Voice; (confused pause) Uh . good evening. Is that 789-6 double 4 3?Betty: Yes, it is. Would you like to talk to my mother?Male Voice: Well . Id like to talk to Mrs. Henderson .Betty: Just a moment. Ill tell he

78、r.Julie: Mrs. Henderson speaking. Whos calling please?Male Voice: This is Brian Murphy, Mrs. Henderson. Im your new neighbor. I moved inyesterday.Julie: Oh, good evening, Mr. Murphy. Welcome to Oak Lane. Can we give you any help?Male Voice: Sorry to bother you, Mrs. Henderson, but Id like to ask you

79、 some questions.Julie: Im never too busy to help a neighbor; Mr. Murphy. What would you like to know?Male Voice: Well, first, could you tell me what time the milkman calls? And which day do thedustmen come? Whos the most dependable newsagent? (pause) Oh, yes . where is the nearestpolice station?Juli

80、e: My goodness, Mr. Murphy. You have got a lot of questions. Look, I have an idea. Whydont you come to tea tomorrow afternoon? Then we can meet you and answer all yourquestions.Male Voice: Thats very kind of you, Mrs. Henderson. What time shall I come?Julie: Any time after 3 oclock. We look forward

81、to meeting you. Goodbye.Male Voice: Goodbye, Mrs. Henderson.(Receiver being replaced.)Everything changes. Once a lot of people went to the cinema to see silent films. Then whentalking pictures started nobody wanted to see silent films any more. But people still wentto the cinema and everybody knew t

82、he names of all the great film stars. Now we havetelevision. People sit at home night after night watching their favorite programs. But whatis going to happen to the cinema?Dear Mr. Scott,Thank you for your letter of 15th January. You say that you telephoned our office five timesin two days and did

83、not receive a reply.I am sorry about this, but we have had problems with our telephone.Yours sincerely,D. RentonLesson nine一Im going to clean the blackboard.一But you cant do that.Why cant I?一We havent got a duster. Did you walk to the match?一No. I went by car. Did John go by car; too? No. He cycled.

84、一Hello, and how did you spend the holiday? I played tennis till lunch time.What did you do after lunch? I went for a swim with John.一Hello, why arent you playing tennis?一I havent brought my racket. You can borrow mine, if you like.Oh, thank you. Thats very kind of you.一What are those shirts made of?

85、一They are made of cotton.- Are shirts always made of cotton?一No. They are sometimes made of wool or nylon.- l*m going to drink some of this milk. But you mustnt.一Why not? Because its sour.一Excuse me, Madam, did you drop your glove? I beg your pardon?-I said Did you drop your glove.Oh, yes, I did. Th

86、ank you so much. Not at all. Its a pleasure.一Where have you been?- To the cinema. Who did you go with? I went with Jone Judge. What can I do for you?一I have damaged my wrist, doctor. How did you do that? I fell on it while I was playing tennis.Whats wrong? I have a pain in my chest.Why not go and se

87、e your doctor?Yes. Thats a good idea. I will.What are you going to do this evening?一Im going to play cards.Are you going to play cards tomorrow evening, too? No. Im going to make a new dress. Do you like boiled eggs?Yes. I love them. Thank you. Do you prefer hard ones or soft ones? I really don*t mi

88、nd. Thank you. Did you buy anything when you were in the town?一Yes. I bought a blouse.一Whats it like? Its a blue one with a high neck.Female: Ive got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why dont you come?Male: Uh . no, thanks. I . I*m not very interested in volleyball.Female: Oh, why no

89、t? Have you ever seen it played?Male: No, I havent, but I really dont th.Female: Thats what I thought. You dont know what youre missing.Male: Dont I? Why?Female: Because its very fast, with lots of action.Male: Really? Whos playing?Female: Two of the best womens teams in the world, one from Finland

90、and the other fromBelgium.Male: Hmm. It sounds exciting.Female: Yes, it is! Very!Male: Hmm. Well, perhaps Ill come after all.Female: Good! Now . uh . could you . uh . could I have five pounds, please?Male: Five pounds? What for?Female: Your ticket, of course. I bought two of them in advance, hoping

91、Id persuade you tocome with me.Male: Oh . uh . You know, Ive just remembered something.Female: What?Male: Ive got to see some friends this evening.Female: Oh . I see . I mean . you wont be coming, after all, then?Male: No, not unless.Female: Unless what?Male: Perhaps you could let me have the ticket

92、 for a bit less? Lets say three pounds.Female: But you said you had to meet some friends!Male: Come on. I was only joking. Heres your five pounds. Of course Ill come.(sound of telephone ringing)Tom: Tom Haley speaking.Philip: Hello, Ibm. Its Philip. I waited for a phone call from you but I cant wait

93、 anylonger. Tell me about your first week.Ibm: Hmmmmmm. It wasnt easy.Philip: Wasnt it? Why? What did you have to do?Tom: On Monday and Tuesday, I lifted heavy boxes. On Wednesday, I put hundreds of bottlesand tins and packets on shelves.Philip: Was it boring?Tom: Yes, very boring. And I dropped a l

94、ot of boxes.Philip: Did you break anything?Tom: Oh, just a few jars of jam and a lot of bottles of tomato juice.Philip: Ugh. What a mess. So tell me about Thursday.Tom: Tm afraid I was two hours late . and the supervisor was really angry. Then I putprice labels on bottles and tins and packets. Very

95、confusing.Philip: Did you put the right labels on them?Tom: Not always. I made one or two mistakes.Philip: Only one or two? What did you do on Friday and Saturday?Tom: I didnt do very much. I was fed up. The supemp3arket was open until 9 pm. They wantedme to work overtime but I went home at six.Phil

96、ip: I see. Have you still got a job?Tbm: I dont know. I have to see the supervisor tomorrow.Philip: Well, youd better get up early. Good luck!1.1 hate the stairs. Sometimes the lift isnt working and you have to use the stairs. Icant get up the stairs by myself; its my back, you see. Jane, my friend,

97、 lives on theground floor, thats much easier. Nearly every morning I stop there for a cup of tea beforeI come back up here.2. I dont mind living in a tall building. I dont mind the stairs. I quite like the exercise. Of course, its difficult for older people but I dont mind if you live on the topfloo

98、r; like Mrs. Green, it*s not easy. And I dont like the ground floor; I dont think its safe. But I like my place. Ive got three floors below me and three above, I feel very safe.My Mum lives here too, on the ground floor.3. Alice comes every morning. Well, nearly every morning. Shes not young any mor

99、e, you see, shes seventy-eight next birthday, and its difficult for her to walk up to the top floor. I cant go up; I cant move. Its my leg; Ive got a bad leg. Carol comes to see me sometimes.She lives here too, you know, in another flat. Shes my daughter.We are going to Scotland for our holiday. We

100、are leaving early on Saturday morning and I hope we will get to York about eleven oclock. We are spending the night in York, then on Sunday we are driving up to Scotland. We are going to stay at a lovely little hotel near a lake. Of course we will probably get some rain, but I am sure we will have a

101、 fantastic holiday.People often ask me for my telephone number. But I have not got a telephone, so I tell them to ring me at work. Why dont I have a telephone? I think the telephone is expensive and I prefer to write a letter. There arent many people I want to speak to in the evening and I do not wa

102、nt to speak to anybody at breakfast time. When I want to use the telephone in the evening, I can always use the box at the end of the road.Lesson ten Can I help you?Yes, please. Id like some instant coffee.Certainly. How much would you like?A large jar; please.一Thats a very nice cardigan. Is it new?

103、Yes. It was very cheap. I got it in a sale. I like it very much. It suits you very well.Oh, thank you.一Do you read many novels?Yes. I suppose l*ve read about four novels this year.一I see. And what was the last novel you read?-Let me see. It was A Man in Havana.And when did you read it?一I read it on

104、Tuesday evening.一Why did you read it?Well. Do you smoke?一Yes, I do.一How long have you been smoking for?Six years.And how many cigarettes have you smoked during that time?Thousands!一I was just about to have a swim when I saw the shark!Thats nothing. I was in the middle of swimming when I saw the shar

105、k.What happened? I started swimming for the shore, of course.(Yvonne Deraine is staying at the Hotel Noptune. She goes to the Reception Desk and asks:) Yvonne: Can I have breakfast in my room?Clerk: Certainly, madam. Breakfast is served in your room from 7 oclock until 10. Here isthe menu.Yvonne: Th

106、ank you. (looks at the menu) Id like to have the Continental Breakfast.Clerk: Yes, madam. And at what time would you like it?Yvonne: About half past eight, I think.Clerk: 8:30. Very good, madam. And what kind of fruit juice would you like? We havepineapple, orange, grapefruit.Yvonne: I think Id like

107、 the pineapple please.Clerk: Pineapple juice. And would you prefer tea or coffee?Yvonne: Coffee please.Clerk: Thank you very much. Goodnight. (At 8:30 the next morning, there is a light tap atYvonnes door.)Yvonne: Y-es. Come in.Maid: Ive brought you your breakfast, madam.Yvonne: Oh yes. Thank you. C

108、ould you put it on the desk over there please?Maid: Shall I pour you a cup of coffee straight away, madam?Yvonne: No, thanks. Ill pour it myself in a minute.Maid: Is there anything else, madam?Yvonne: No-no, I dont think so, thank you.Eddie is talking to Tom.Eddie: Have you ever been really frighten

109、ed?Tom: I suppose so, once or twice.Eddie: Can you remember when you were most frightened?Tom: That isnt difficult.Eddie: What happened?7bm: Well, we used to have a favorite picnic place beside a lake. We had a boat there. I was there with some friends and I decided to swim to a little island. It di

110、dnt look far and I started swimming . but half way across I realised it was a lot further than I thought. I was getting very tired. I shouted. Luckily my friends heard me and brought the boat. I thought I was going to drown. Ive never been more frightened in my life.Should school children take part-

111、time jobs?This is a discussion which will appear in a magazine.Editor: This month our panel looks at part-time jobs. Are they good for school children or not?Headmaster: Definitely not. The children have got two full-time jobs already: growing up and going to school. Part-time jobs make them so tire

112、d they fall asleep in class.Mrs. Barnes: I agree. I know school hours are short, but theres homework as well. And children need a lot of sleep.Mr. Barnes: Young children perhaps, but some boys stay at school until theyre eighteen or nineteen. A part-time job cant hamp3 them. In fact, ifs good for th

113、em. They earn their pocket-money instead of asking their parents for it. And they see something of the world outside school.Businessman: Youre absolutely right. Boys learn a lot from a part-time job. And we mustnt forget that some families need the extra money. If the pupils didnt take part-time job

114、s they couldnt stay at school.Editor: Well, we seem to be equally divided: two foe and two against. What do our readersthink?Philip Andrew is 16 and he is about to leave school. He comes to me for advice every week. He is looking for an interesting job and he would like good wages. One of his friend

115、s works in a supemp3arket. Another friend works in a factory. Philip thinks supemp3arket jobs are not well paid. And factory jobs are boring.And finally, some news from the United States. David Thomas, the Californian pop singer; is sixteen today and he is giving a party for sixty guests. His young

116、friends have bought him a Rolls-Royce, the most expensive one they could find. David is famous because he is the fastest driver and the youngest pop star in the state of California. He is flying to Paris tomorrow.Lesson elevenWhat are you going to do after this lesson?一Im probably going to have a cu

117、p of tea. What about you?Oh, Im going to the post office. I see.Can you come and see me at nine oclock? Im afraid not. You see, Tm meeting Mr. Green at nine. I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow. How do you feel about it?Oh, Im really worried about it.- Im not surprised. So would I be.一What

118、are your plans for tomorrow, Brenda?一Well, first, Im going to do the washing up. Poor you! While you*re doing the washing up, Ill be having breakfast in bed. Its alright for some people. Id like to withdraw fifty pounds from my deposit account. Certainly. Would you please sign this fomp3?Oh, yes. Th

119、ere you are. How would you like the money?一In fives, please. Fine. Here you are. Thanks. Goodbye. How are you, Brenda?一Fine, apart from the backache.一Oh, dear; Im sorry to hear that.一Yes. My back*s killing me. Oh, I hope youll soon feel better. Thanks.Man: Waitress! This meat is like old leather! It

120、*s enough to break every tooth in your head. Waitress: Perhaps youd like to change your order; sir. The sirloin is very tender.Woman: John, look what that waiters gone and done! Spilt soup all over my new dress! Waiter: Im terribly sorry, madam. Perhaps if I could sponge it with a little wamp3 water

121、. Man: Leave it alone, man. Youll only make it worse.Woman: I want to speak to the Manager!Waiter: Very good, madam.Manager: I do apologize for this unfortunate accident, madam. If you would like to have thedress cleaned and send the bill to us, we will be happy to take care of it.Woman: Oh no, it d

122、oesnt matter. Forget it. It probably won*t stain very much.Man: Waiter; this just wont do. This wines got a most peculiar flavor.Waiter: Yes, sir. Ill take it back. Perhaps you would like to choose another wine instead, sir? Hello. Hello. Whos that? Its me.一Whos me? Why, me, of course. Yes, I know.

123、Its you. But who are you? Ive told you who I am. I am ME. I know you are you, but I still dont know who you are. Anyway, I dont want to talk toyou whoever you are. I really wanted Mrs. Jones. Who do you want? Mrs. Jones! Mrs. Jones? Whos Mrs. Jones?Why, Mrs. Jones lives where you are, doesnt she?The

124、re is no Mrs. Jones here. What number do you want?一I want Bournemouth, 650283.This is Bournemouth, 650823.Oh, dear; I am sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number. Its quite alright.一HI try dialing again. Sorry to have troubled you. Its quite alright. Goodbye.一Goodbye.Two old men are talking about

125、the days gone by. Listen.The beers just like water. They dont make it as strong as they used to.一No. Things arent what they used to be, are they?- The pubs arent any good nowadays. No. But they used to be good when we were young.The trouble is that the young people dont work hard.一No, but they used

126、to work hard when we were young.Ten years ago, I loved watching television and listening to pop records. I hated classical music. But I liked playing tennis. Five years ago I still liked playing tennis, but I loved classical music. Now I prefer classical music. I like playing squash. But I hate tele

127、vision. Mr. Davies is talking to his son Martin.Mr. Davies: (quietly) Why aren*t you doing your homework?Martin: Ill do it later; Dad. I must get these chords right first. Our group*s playing in a concert on Saturday.Mr. Davies: (laughs) Oh, is it? Youll be making records next, will you?Martin: We h

128、ope so. The man from Dream Discs is coming to the concert. So Id better play well.Mr. Davies: Youd better get on with your homework! You can practise all day Saturday. Martin: Oh, Dad. You dont understand at all. This concert could change my life.Mr. Davies: It certainly could! Youve got exams next

129、month. Important ones. If you dont get a good certificate, you wont get a decent job.Martin: (rudely) I dont need a certificate to play the guitar. And I dont want a boring old job in a bank either.Mr. Davies: (angrily) Oh, dont you? Whose boring old job paid for this house? And for that guitar?Mart

130、in: (sighs) Yours, I know. But l*d rather be happy than rich.Letter Dictation. Write your address, your phone number and the date.The letter is to Winnipeg Advanced Education College. Winnipeg, W-l-double N-l-P-E-G,Advanced Education College, Hillside Drive, Winnipeg.Dear Sir or Madam. Please send m

131、e details of your courses in Computer Programming. New line.Thanking you in advance. Yours faithfully, and then sign your name.(Your address)(Your phone number)(Date)Winnipeg Advanced Education College,Hillside Drive,WinnipegDear Sir or Madam,Please send me details of your courses in computer Progra

132、mming.Thanking you in advance.Yours faithfully,Your nameWrite your address, your phone number and the date. To Sea View Hotel. Sea View, S-E-A V-l-E-W Hotel, Harbor Road, Cork, Ireland.Dear Sir or Madam. I would like to book a double room with bath for two weeks from the firstto the fourteenth of Au

133、gust inclusive. New line. I look forward to receiving yourconfimp3ation. Yours faithfully and then sign your name.(Your address)(Your phone number)(Date)Sea View Hotel,Harbor Road,Cork,IrelandDear Sir or Madam,I would like to book a double room with bath for two weeks from the 1st to the 14th ofAugu

134、st inclusive.I look forward to receiving your confirmation.Yours faithfully,Your nameLesson twelve Do you think you could stop whistling? Im trying to write an essay.一Oh, Im sorry. I thought you were in the other room. Is it alright if I leave my rucksack on the back seat?一Yes, of course. Go ahead.A

135、nd would you mind if I took off my shoes? My feet are killing me.Well, Id rather you didnt. Its a rather hot day. Hello, Charles, I haven*t seen you all day. What have you been doing?Actually l*ve been working on my first novel.一Oh, yes. How far have you got with it?Well, I thought of a good title,

136、and I made a list of characters, and Ive designed thefront cover. Have you started writing it yet?Oh, yes. Ive written two pages already.Only two?一Well, yes. I havent quite decided yet what happens next. I saw an accident yesterday.一What were you doing at the time? I was queuing for the cinema.一And

137、what did you do when you saw the accident? I rushed forward to see if I could help. Hmm. You are a good squash player. How long have you been playing? I have been playing since the beginning of the last temp3. What about you? Me? Oh, Ive been playing about two years now. But Tm still not very good.

138、Ive got a watch with a silver strap.Thats nothing. I*ve got one with a gold strap.一Ive got a watch that tells you the date.一Thats nothing. I*ve got one that tells you the date and the day.Woman: Look at these glasses, this ones even got lipstick on it.Waiter: Im very sorry, madam. Til bring you clea

139、n ones right away.Man: Ah, Head Waiter; I want to have a word with you.Head Waiter: Yes, sir. Is there something wrong, sir?Man: Something wrong? I should think there is something wrong. My wife and I have been kept here waiting nearly an hour for our meal!Head Waiter: Tm terribly sorry about that,

140、sir. Our staff has been kept unusually busy this evening. Ill see to it personally myself. Now, if you wouldnt mind just telling me what you ordered.Woman: This coffee is practically cold.Waiter: I am sorry, madam. Til bring you a fresh pot straight away.This table shows the number of commuters into

141、 central London between 7:00 am and 10:00 am daily. The total number is 1,023,000. Of these, 405,000 travel by underground thats 29% of the total, and 28% travel by British Railthats 391,000 people daily. 10% use both rail and underground, and 10%, 99,000 people, travel by bus. That means a total of

142、 788,000 people, 77%, on public transport. The remainder use private transport. 197,000 come by car and the rest come either by motorbike or bicycle. This means 4% come by motorbike or bicycle, and 19% by car.Mrs. Nicholas went away for a fortnight. Before she went, she called in at the local police

143、 station and talked to the policeman on duty.Mrs. Nicholas: Im going away to the seaside for a few days and Id like you to keep an eye on my home while Im away.Policeman: Certainly, Madam. Whats your name and address?Mrs. Nicholas: The names Nicholas, and the address is 14 Spring Vale.Policeman: Tha

144、nk you. Youll lock all the doors, and make sure all the windows are shut, wont you?Mrs. Nicholas: Of course.Policeman: And youll remember to cancel the milk.Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, Ive already done that.Policeman: And the papers.Mrs. Nicholas: Yes.Policeman: And you wont leave any ladders about.Mrs. Nic

145、holas: No, we havent got a big ladder.Policeman: Thats fine. Are you friendly with the people next door?Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, we are.Policeman: Well, I think youd better tell them youre going away, too. Ask them to give usa ring if they see or hear anything suspicious.Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, I will. Thank

146、 you.(There is a party in progress and one person A is standing by the drinks table servingdrinks. B approaches and A offers her a drink.)B: Aha, I thought you might be here.A: Ah, hello. How are you?B: Not bad. How are you?A: All right, I suppose.B: What are you drinking?A: Some sort of wine. Do yo

147、u want some?B: No, I think Id prefer beer. Have they got any?A: Yes, theres some over there.(B pours out a drink.)B: Well, what do you think of the party?A: Its not bad. Im not really in the mood for a party, though.B: Whys that?A: I don*t know, really. I suppose Im a bit tired.(During the last exch

148、ange C has approached the table to get a drink. A offers C a drink butaccidentally drops it.)A: Oh, sorry about that.C: (annoyed) I should think so!A: Dont worry. Its not too bad.C: What do you mean? Its gone all over my trousers-I only bought them last week.A: Theres no need to shout.C: (loudly) Im

149、 not shouting.A: Yes, you are.C: (very loudly) No, Im not!B: (wanting to calm the situation) Look, look, why dont you dry them with this?C: (ignoring B) You should watch what youre doing!A: What do you mean? It was your fault!B: How about another drink? (C ignores B.)C: Anyway, dont I know you?B: Do

150、 you want another drink? (C ignores B.)A: You might do.C: You didnt go to St. Marks School, did you?A: Yes, I did actually.C: Yes, I remember now. You were going out with that awful girl, werent you?A: What do you mean?C: You know, the one with the big nose. What happened to her?A: We got married, a

151、ctually. In fact, that*s her over there.C: Yes.1. A woman went into a bar and asked for a glass of water. The bamp3an pointed a gun at her.She thanked him and went out.2. A man was found lying dead in the middle of a desert. He had a pack on his back.3. A woman dialed the number on the telephone. So

152、meone answered and said, Hello, She put the phone down with a happy smile.4. A man is found dead in the room. There is no furniture, and all the doors and windows are locked from the inside. There is a pool of water on the floor.5. There is a man on the bed and a piece of wood on the floor. The seco

153、nd man comes into the room with sawdust on his hands, smiles and goes out again.Lesson thirteenCan I help you, sir?We want a meal.What sort of meal? A hot one or a cold one?一A salad, I think.一Which one, sir? A ham or a beef salad?Whats this sort of salad in English?Which one are you looking at, sir?

154、一That one over there, next to the bread rolls.一Thats a beef salad, sir.Thank you. Is there any rye bread? No, Im sorry. There are plenty of rolls. Excuse me, sir; where do you come from?一We come from Copenhagen.一You speak English very well.- Thank you.What are you doing at the moment?Were visiting L

155、ondon.What do you both do?We are teachers. Do you like your salad?一Yes. Its nice and fresh. Is yours good, too? No. Mine is rather tasteless.You need some salt and some olive oil.- Allow me to fetch you a chair.一Thank you, but Ive just asked the waiter to get me one.一Let me get you a drink, then.一Th

156、ank you again, but look, Johns bringing me one now. I dont seem to be very useful, do I? Dont say that. There*s always another time, you know.Man: Three gin and tonics please.Waitress: Im sorry, sir; but were not allowed to serve drinks before twelve oclock midday. Would you like me to bring you som

157、ething else? Some coffee?Man: Waiter, this table-cloth is a disgrace. Its covered with soup stains.Waiter: Oh, Im so sorry, sir. It should have been changed before. If youll just wait one moment.Man: Waiter. I cant quite understand how you manage to get ten marks plus twelve marks plus sixty-five ma

158、rks fifty pennies to add up to one hundred and seventy-seven marks fifty pennies.Waiter: One moment, Ill just check it, sir. Youre quite right, sir. I cant understand how such a mistake could have been made. I do apologize, sir.Interviewer: Now lets go back to your first novel, Rag Doll. When did yo

159、u write that?Writer: Rag Doll, yes. I wrote that in 1960, a year after I left school.Interviewer: How old were you then?Writer: Um, eighteen? Yes, eighteen, because a year later I went to Indonesia.Interviewer: Mm. And of course it was your experience in Indonesia that inspired your filmEastern Moon

160、.Writer: Yes, thats right, although I didnt actually make Eastern Moon until 1978.Interviewer: And you worked in television for a time too.Writer: Yes, I started making documentaries for television in 1973, when I was thirty. That was after I gave up famp3ing.Interviewer: Famp3ing?Writer: Yes, thats

161、 right. You see, I stayed in Indonesia for eight years. I met my wife there in 1965, and after we came back we bought a famp3 in the West of England, in 1970. Akind of experiment, really.Interviewer: But you gave it up three years later.Writer: Well, yes. You see it was very hard work, and I was als

162、o very busy working on mysecond novel, The Cold Earth, which came out in 1975.Interviewer: Yes, that was a best-seller; wasnt it?Writer: Yes, it was, and thats why only two years after that I was able to give uptelevision work and concentrate on films and that sort of thing. And after that. ShopAssi

163、stant: Harlings Hardware.Customer: Hello. Id like to buy a new fridge. I cant afford a very expensive one, and itmustnt be more than 140 cm high.Shop Assistant: Right. I think I have one here. Wait a moment. Yes, here we are. Its 50 cmwide and 130 cm high.Customer: Oh. And how much is it?Shop Assist

164、ant: Its one hundred and twenty-nine pounds, very cheap.Customer: Ill come over and have a look at it.A: Good morning. Can I help you?B: Yes. Id like to find my perfect partner.A: I see. Well, if you could just answer a few questions?B: Certainly.A: First of allz what age would you like your partner

165、 to be?B: About twenty. Not more than twenty-five, anyway.A: Okay. And what sort of build?B: What do you mean?A: Well, would you like someone who is very slim or would you prefer someone rather moreplump?B: Ah, I see what you mean. I dont think I mind, actually.A: And what about height?B: Oh, not to

166、o tall.A: So, medium-height?B: Yes, and long hair.A: Any particular color?B: No. As long as its long, it doesnt matter what color.A: Good. Now, is there anything else at all?B: Well, obviously Id like someone good-looking.A: Well, well see what we can do. Would you like to fill in this fomp3 in the

167、next room andIll call you soon.(enters C)C: Hello. Is this the Perfect Partners office?A: Thats right.C: Im interested in meeting someone new.A: Well, youve certainly come to the right place. What sort of person are you looking for?C: Oh, someone tall, dark and handsome.A: I see. And what sort of ag

168、e?C: Oh, mid-twenties, I suppose.A: Well, I might have just the person for you. Could I just ask how old you are?C: Twenty-four.A: Good. Could you just wait here a minute?(C puzzled)(A goes and fetches B)A: This doesn*t usually happen, but I think Ive found just the person for you.B: Oh, no!C: Not y

169、ou!B: What are you doing here?C: I think I should be asking you that.B: Well, I just wanted to . (interrupted by A)A: Excuse me, but whats going on?C: Thats my husband.B: And thats my wife.A: But youre just right for each other; from what you told me.(Pause)B: Yes . I see what you mean.C: I suppose

170、its true. You are what Im looking for.B: Oh, darling. Why did we ever leave each other?C: I dont know, but its not too late, is it?B: No. (they embrace)A: Excuse me.B & C: (surprised) Sorry?A: Thatll be twenty-five pounds please!47 Riverside Road, London SEI 4LP.10th May, 1989Dear Chris,Thanks for y

171、our letter. Im sorry I haven*t answered it sooner but writing is difficult atthe moment. I fell off my bike last week and broke my amp3. It isn*t anything very serious and HI be OK in a few weeks.Your holiday sounds fantastic. Im sure youll enjoy it. Someone at work went to Jamaicalast year and had

172、a wonderful time. When are you going exactly? I hope youll have good weather.There isnt really much more news from here. Ill write a longer letter in a few weeks. Sendme a postcard and give my regards to everyone.YoursKimLesson fourteen I want to fly to Geneva on or about the first.一Ill just see wha

173、t there is.一I want to go economy, and Id prefer the morning. Lufthansa Flight LH 203 leaves at 0920.What time do I have to be there?The coach leaves for the airport at 0815.一You must have some more chicken.一No, thanks. Tm supposed to be slimming.一Cant I tempt you?Well, maybe I could manage a very sm

174、all piece.一I expect you could do with a cup of tea, couldnt you?一Id rather have a cup of coffee, if you dont mind. Milk and sugar?A milky one without sugar; please,What would you like to drink?A black coffee for me, please. How about something to eat?一Yes, Id love a portion of that strawberry tart.

175、Right. Ill see if I can catch the waitresss eye.Can I take your order, sir?Yes. Id like to try the steak, please.And to follow? Ice cream, please.Can I help you, madam? Is there a bank at this hotel?Yes, madam, the International Bank has an office on the ground floor of the hotel. Is it open yet?一Ye

176、s, madam, the bank is open from Monday to Friday from 9:30 am till 3 pm.Thank you. Can I still get breakfast in the brasserie?Yes, sir, if you hurry you can just make itbrea kfast is served until 10:30.一How soon do I have to leave my room?一Nomp3ally its by 12 noon on the day of your departure.Well,

177、you see, my plane doesnt go till half past five tomorrow afternoon. I see. Which room is it, madam? Room 577the name is Browning.Ah yes, Mrs. Browning. You may keep the room till 3 pm if you wish.一Ohz thats nice. Thank you very much.Conversation 1:Mrs. Henderson has just answered the telephone. Fran

178、k wasnt in so she had to take a messagefor him. Listen to the conversation and look at the message she wrote.Julie: 789 6443. Whos calling, please?Paul: Paul Clark here. Can I speak to Mr. Henderson, please?Julie: Sorry, hes out at the moment. Can I take a message?Paul: Yes, please. Could you tell h

179、im that his car will be ready by 6 pm on Thursday?Julie: Yes, of course. Ill do that. Whats your number; in case he wants to ring you?Paul: 2748 double 53.Julie: (repeating) 2 . 7 . 4, 8 . double 5 . 3. Thank you. Goodbye.Conversation 2:Male: 268 7435. Whos calling?Female: This is Helen Adams. Could

180、 I speak to my husband?Male: Sorry, Mr. Adams is out. Can I take a message?Female: Could you tell him that my mother is arriving on Thursday? At about 1 pm.Male: Right, Mrs. Adams. Ill do that. Where are you, in case he wants to ring you?Female: Im not at home. The number here is 773 3298.Male: (rep

181、eating the number) 773 3298. Thank you. Goodbye.Conversation 3:Female: 575 4661. Whos calling, please?Male: This is Mr. Jones from the Daily Star. Id like to talk to Mr. Henderson.Female: Sorry, Im afraid he isnt in. Can I take a message?Male: Yes. Please tell him that the advertisement will definit

182、ely be in Fridays paper.Thats Friday, the 13th of this month.Female: Certainly, Mr. Jones. Whats the phone number, in case he has forgotten.Male: My number? (astounded) The number of the Daily Star? Everyone knows it. (chanting) 1234567.Female: (laughing and repeating) 1-2-3 4-567. Thank you. Mr. Jo

183、nes.Shopkeeper: Yes, Mrs. Davies? What could we do for you today?Mrs. Davies: I want to order some foods.Shopkeeper: Well, I thought that might be the reason you came here, Mrs. Davies. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.Mrs. Davies: But I want rather a lot, so youll have to deliver it.Shopkeeper: Thats perfectly a

184、ll right. You just order whatever you like and well send itstraight round to your house this afternoon.Mrs. Davies: Right. Well, first of all I want two boxes of baked beans.Shopkeeper: You mean two tins?Mrs. Davies: No, I mean two boxes. Two boxes of tins of baked beans.Shopkeeper: But each box con

185、tains forty-eight tins. Are you really sure you want so many? I mean, it would take a long time to eat so many.Mrs. Davies: Who said anything about eating them? Im saving them.Shopkeeper: Saving them?Mrs. Davies: Yes, for the war.Shopkeeper: War? Are we going to have a war?Mrs. Davies: You never kno

186、w. I*m not taking any chances. I read the papers. Youre not going to catch me stuck in the house without a thing to eat. So put down two boxes of baked beans, will you? And three boxes of rice, five boxes of spaghetti and youd better send me a hundred tins of tomato sauce to go with it. Have you got

187、 that?Shopkeeper: Yes, two boxes of baked beans, three boxes of rice, five boxes of spaghetti and a hundred tins of tomato sauce. But Im not sure we have all these things in stock. I mean not that amount.Mrs. Davies: How soon can you get them, then?Shopkeeper: Well, within the next few days. I dont

188、suppose youll be needing them before then, will you?Mrs. Davies: You never can tell. Its touch and go. I was watching the nice man on the television last night. You know, the one with the nice teeth. Lovely smile hes got. And he said, Well, you never can tell. And that set me thinking, you see. Anyw

189、ay, you just deliver them as soon as you can. I shant be going out again after today. Now . now what else? Ahyes, tea and sugar. Id better have a couple of boxes of each of those. No . no make if four of sugar. I*ve got a sweet tooth.Shopkeeper: So two boxes of tea and four boxes of sugar. Anything

190、else? It doesnt sound a very interesting diet. How about half a dozen boxes of tinned fish?Mrs. Davies: Fish? No, I cant stand fish. Oh, but that reminds me, eight boxes of cat food. Shopkeeper: Cat food?Mrs. Davies: Yes. Not for me. You dont think Im going to sit there on my own, do you?A sailor on

191、ce went into a pub in a very dark street in Liverpool. He got very drunk there and staggered out around 11 pm. Around midnight, one of his friends found him on his hands and knees in the gutter. What are you doing there? he inquired. Im looking for my wallet. I think I lost it in that dark street do

192、wn there/ he said, Well, if you lost it in that street, why are you looking for it here? the friend demanded. The sailor thought for a moment. Because the light is better here, he answered.A famous 85-year-old millionaire once gave a lecture at an American university. Im going to tell you how to liv

193、e a long, healthy life and how to get very rich at the same time, he announced. The secret is very simple. All you have to do is avoid bad habits like drinking and smoking. But you have to get up early every morning, work at least 10 hours a day and save every penny, as well, he said. A young man in

194、 the audience stood up. My father did all those things and yet he died a very poor man at the age of only 39. How do you explain that? he asked. The millionaire thought for a moment. Its very simple. He didnt do them for long enough/ he answered.Lesson fifteenWhat flights are there from London to Vi

195、enna tomorrow? If youd like to take a seat, Ill find out for you.一Id like to travel first class, please.一BEA Flight BE 502 takes off from Heathrow at 0925, and flies direct.What time have I got to get there?一Youll have to be at West London Air Temp3inal by 0810 at the latest.Dialogue 2:一Another piec

196、e of meat pie? -No, thanks, really. Im on a diet. Please do. Youve hardly eaten anything. Its delicious, but I dont think I ought to.Dialogue 3:一How about a nice cup of tea before you go?Yes, Td love one. How do you like it?A strong one with three spoons for me, please.Dialogue 4:一What are you going

197、 to have to drink? Id like something cool.Would you care for some cake?Yes, Til try a piece of cheese cake. It certainly looks tempting. I wouldn*t mind some myself. Have you chosen something, sir?一Yes, I think Ill have the curry, please.What would you like afterwards? Id like some fruit if you have

198、 any.一Would you like a cigarette?一No, thanks. Im trying to cut down.Go on. I owe you one from yesterday.一OK, but next time you must have one of mine. I wonder if you could help meIm looking for a room. I have got a vacancy, yes.What sort of price are you asking? Eight pounds fifty a week excluding l

199、aundry.一Would it be convenient to see the room? Can you call back later? Were right in the middle of lunch.Will Dr. Black be able to see me at about 9:15 tomorrow?Sorry, but hes fully booked till eleven unless theres a cancellation.一Would ten to one be convenient?Yes, hes free then. Can you fix me u

200、p with a part-time job?Anything in particular that appeals to you?一I was rather hoping to find something in a school. Have you done that kind of thing before?Yes, I was doing the same job last summer. I might be able to help you, but Id need references.(Mr. Radford has just dropped in for a quick lu

201、nch.)Waitress: A table for one, sir?Mr. Radford: Yes, please.Waitress: Are you having the set lunch?Mr. Radford: Yes.Waitress: What would you like to start with?Mr. Radford: What*s the soup of the day?Waitress: Mushroom.Mr. Radford: Yes, please. Ill have that.Waitress: And for your main course?Mr. R

202、adford: The plaice, I think, and apple tart to follow.Waitress: Would you like something to drink with your meal?Mr. Radford: Yes. A lager please.Waitress: Thank you.Waiter: Good afternoon.Mr. Blackmore: Good afternoon. I have a table for two under the name of Blackmore.Waiter: Yes, sir. Would you l

203、ike to come this way?Mr. Blackmore: Thank you.Waiter: Can I take your coat, madam?Mrs. Blackmore: Thank you.Waiter: Will this table do for you?Mr. Blackmore: That will be fine, thanks.Waitress: Would you like a drink before your meal?Mrs. Blackmore: Yes. A dry sherry, please.Mr. Blackmore: Half of b

204、itter for me.Waiter: Are you ready to order?Mr. Blackmore: Yes, I think so.Waiter: What would you like for starters, madam?Mrs. Blackmore: I cant decide. What do you recommend?Waiter: Well, the prawns are always popular. The pate is very good .Mrs. Blackmore: The prawns then please, for me.Waiter: A

205、nd for you, sir?Mr. Blackmore: I think Ill try the soup.Waiter: Very good, sir. And to follow?Mrs. Blackmore: Rack of lamb, I think.Waiter: And for you, sir?Mr. Blackmore: 1 1 1 have the steak.Waiter: How would you like your steak done, sir?Mr. Blackmore: Medium rare, please.Waiter: Thank you. Would

206、 you like to see the wine list?Mr. Blackmore: Do you have a house wine?Waiter: Yes, sir. Red or white?Mr. Blackmore: Do you have half bottles or half carafes?Waiter: Yes, sir.Mr. Blackmore: One of each then, please.Reporter: Now, Susan. Youve had a few minutes to rest. Can you tell us something abou

207、t yourself? How old are you and what do you do?Susan: l*m twenty-two and Im a bus conductress.Reporter: A bus conductress! So youre used to collecting money. Who taught you to cycle? Susan: Nobody. I taught myself. Ive been cycling since I was five.Reporter: And who bought that beautiful racing cycl

208、e for you?Susan: I bought it myself. I worked overtime.Reporter: Good for you! And what are you going to do now?Susan; Now? If you mean this minute, Im going to have a long hot bath.Reporter: You must need to relax. Again, congratulations. That was Susan James, winner of this years London to Brighto

209、n cycle race.I hope I never grow old! My grandfather lives with us and hes making my life a misery. When I was small he was kind and cheerful. But now hes always complaining and criticising. I mustnt interrupt when hes talking. Its rude. He doesnt like my clothes. *Nice girls dont dress like that. I

210、 shouldnt wear make-up. Natural beauty is best. Sometimes he interferes with my homework. When I was young we used to do maths differently/ he says. Honestly, hes so old he doesnt know anything. But that doesnt stop him criticising me. He doesnt like my friends or my favorite records. Youre making t

211、oo much noise/ he calls. I cant get to sleep. When hes not complaining hes asking questions. Where are you going? Where have you been? Why arent you helping your mother? He thinks Im six, not sixteen. Anyway, why cant I do what I like? Its my life, not his.Philip is a very interesting boy. He is cle

212、ver but he doesnt like school. He hates studying but he is very keen on learning new practical skills. In his spare time he often repairsmotorbikes. He likes helping the neighbours in their vegetable gardens, too.Lesson sixteen How shall I do it, sir?Just tidy it up a bit, please. Do you want some s

213、pray? No, nothing at all. Thank you very much. Is anybody looking after you? No. Tm after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.The best I can do is a 36. Could you order me one?一I should imagine so, yes. If you leave your address, Ill contact you. How much is this greetings telegram to Gemp3any, please

214、?- Ill just make sure. Anything else?Yes. Half a dozen air mail labels and a book of stamps.一Seventy-five pence exactly, please. I keep feeling dizzy, and Ive got a headache. How long has this been going on?一It came on yesterday. I should say youre generally run down.一What ought I to do? Its nothing

215、 serious, but youd better stay in bed for a day or two.一Mrs. Hughes, this is Peter Brown.一How do you do? How do you do? How do you find things over here? If it wasnt for the climate, Id like it very much. It wont take you long to settle down.一If youll excuse me, I really should be off now. Not yet s

216、urely. Have another drink at least. No, thank you all the same.Oh dear! What a pity!Thank you very much indeed for the delicious meal.一Thank you for coming.一Im afraid I didnt quite hear what you said. I said, Theres no rush. I can take you in the car.Wont it make you late?一No, Im going right past yo

217、ur place.That radios terribly loud. Could you turn it down a fraction?一Sorry! Is it disturbing you?一Yes, and something elsewouldnt it be an idea to buy your own soap?Sorry! I didn*t realize you felt so strongly about it.(Two customers are at the Happy Hamburger1.)Waiter: Can I take your orders, plea

218、se?1st Man: Yes. A Maxi Quarterpounder for me, please. With chips.Waiter: Anything else, sir?1st Man: A banana long boat, I think.Waiter: What would you like to drink with your meal?1st Man: Can I have a beer?Waiter: Im sorry sir; we are not licensed to sell alcohol.1st Man: A cold milk then, please

219、.Waiter: And for you, sir?2nd Man: HI have the cheeseburger with a green salad, please.Waiter: And to follow?2nd Man: Ill decide later.Waiter: And to drink?2nd Man: Cola, please.Can I get breakfast in my room?Certainly, sir. Its served in your room from 8 until 10.一How do I order it?- Just ask for R

220、oom Service on the phone, or I can make a note of it if you like, sir.Yes, Id like it at 8.30 tomorrow morning-thats the continental breakfast.Very good, sir. Ive just spilled some soup on my best dress, and were leaving first thing the day aftertomorrow. How on earth can I get it cleaned? If you ha

221、nd it in for dry cleaning before 9 tomorrow morning, itll be returned to you thesame day. I can get you Room Service and arrange it now if you like, madam.Oh, could you really? That would be wonderful.一Ill be needing an early call tomorrowcan you fix that for me?Theres an automatic waking device in

222、the panel at the head of your bed. You just set it to the time you want.一I thought you had TV in all your rooms here. Im afraid not, sir; but we can install one in your room.Will that be extra?Yes, sir. Our charge for a color TV is four Finnish marks per day.一Well, Ill have to ask my wife what she t

223、hinks.Very good, sir; and if you decide to rent one, would you please call Room Service? (Sarcastically) Are you free to answer my question at last?一Yes, of course, madamas you see, weve been rather busy today.So it seems. I tried to find a maid this morning, but there wasnt anyone there.一When you w

224、ant Room Service, madam, just lift the phone in your room and ask for Room Service.Oh, thats how you do itand how was I supposed to know?(Background sound of voices / glasses clinking / ice. Interrupted by doorbell.)Mrs. Phillips: How nice to see you, Mrs. Adams. Do come in. Ill take your coat. Henr

225、y .Henry . Mr. and Mrs. Adams are here.Mrs. Adams: Its very kind of you to invite us. Is it a special occasion?Mr. Phillips: Good evening, Mrs. Adams. Good evening, sir. What would you like to drink?Mr. Adams: My wife is driving tonight so Ill need something strong.Mr. Phillips: Follow me. Everyones

226、 in the sitting room.(Background sounds of subdued merriment, voices, glasses, interrupted by the sound of metal on glass. Pause while noises stop.)Mr. Phillips: Ladies and gentlemen, Id like to tell you the reason for this party. Of course, were always delighted to see all of you but. what I want t

227、o say is . Helen has just won a prize. She entered a competition and we*re going to Bemp3uda on a free holiday. (Background sounds of congratulations. Well done, Helen. Congratulations. What a surprise. When are you leaving?*)Mr. Phillips: Now Id like to ask my wife to tell you about her success. He

228、len?Mrs. Phillips: Well, all I can say is: what a surprise! I had no idea I was going to win. I didnt even know I was going to enter the competition. Henry did all the work, didnt you,Henry? He told me how to fill in the fomp3, how to answer the questions and how to write onesentence about Fluorex T

229、oothpaste. The strange thing is . we*ve never used it.James and Patrick were alone in the office.Patrick: Youre not looking very cheerful. Whats the matter with you?James: Oh, nothing special. Im just a bit fed up.Patrick: With the job?James: With everything, with catching the same train every morni

230、ng, sitting in the sameoffice all day, watching the same television programs .Patrick: You need a holiday.James: It wasnt always like this, you know.Patrick: How do you mean?James: Well, our great-great-grandfathers had more fun, didn*t they? I mean, they hunted for their food and grew their own veg

231、etables and did things for themselves. We do the same sort of job for years and years. There*s no variety in our lives.Patrick: You need a holiday. Thats whats the matter with you.Imagine you are being interviewed for a job you really want. How would you answer these questions?1. What was the worst

232、problem you encountered in your present job?2. How did you handle it?3. Why do you want to leave your present job?4. What are you most proud of having done in your present job?5. Why do you think you are qualified for this job?6. What sort of boss would you most like to work for?7. Supposing a membe

233、r of your staff was frequently away from work, claiming to be ill, what action would you take?8. If you were working as a part of the team, what unspoken rules of behavior would you observe?9. How long do you plan to stay in this job?lesson 18Cigarette? No, thanks. Not before lunch. Please have one.

234、 Its a new brand. I honestly dont feel like one at the moment, thanks.一I believe you take in foreign students.Yes, if you dont mind sharing. How much is it? Nine pounds per week including heating.一Do you think I could have a look at it, please?Were having it decorated at the moment. Will Friday do?

235、I wonder whether the dentist could fit me in early tomorrow.一Im afraid there*s nothing before midday.一How about 12:45?Sorry, but thats taken, too. I was wondering whether you needed any part-timers.一What were you thinking of?一A hotel job of some sort. Have you ever done anything similar? Not so far;

236、 no.Theres nothing at present, but look back in a week. How do you want it, sir?Just a trim, please.一Would you like it washed? No, thank you. Just leave it as it is.一Are you being served?一No. What have you got in the way of brown suede jackets, size forty-two?Sorry, but were sold right out.Are you l

237、ikely to be getting any more in? I should think so, yes. If you leave your phone number; 1 1 1 ring you.-Eastbourne 54655. Hello. John here. Can I speak to Mary, please? Hold the line, please.OK.一Sorry, but shes out.Would you tell her I rang? Id be glad to.4864459. Hello. David Black speaking. May I

238、 have a word with June? Ill just see if shes in. Right you are. Im afraid shes not here. Could you take a message?Yes, of course.(Elina Malinen was in fact invited for an interview at the HBon Appetit Restaurant. Here ispart of the interview.)Johnson: Good evening, Miss Malinen. Wont you sit down?El

239、ina: Good evening. Thank you.Johnson: Now, I notice you left the Hotel Scandinavia in 1980. What are you now doing inEngland?Elina: Im spending a few months brushing up my English and getting to know the countrybetter.Johnson: And you want to work in England too. Why?Elina: Im keen on getting some e

240、xperience abroad, and I like England and English people.Johnson: Good. Now, I see from the infomp3ation you sent me that youve worked in your lastemployment for nearly four years. Was that a large restaurant?Elina: Medium-size for Finland, about forty tables.Johnson: I see. Well, you*d find it rathe

241、r different here. Ours is much smaller, we haveonly ten tables.Elina: That must be very cosy.Johnson: We try to create a wamp3, intimate atmosphere. Now, as to the job, you would beexpected to look after five tables nomp3ally, though we get in extra staff for peak periods. Elina: I see.Johnson: Tm t

242、he Restaurant Manager and Head Waiter; so youd be working directly under me.Youd be responsible for bringing in the dishes from the kitchen, serving the drinks, and ifnecessary looking after the bills. So youd be kept pretty busy.Elina: Im used to that. In my last position we were busy most of the t

243、ime, especially insummer.Johnson: Good. Now, is there anything youd like to ask about the job?Elina: Well, the usual question-what sort of salary were you thinking of paying?Johnson: We pay our waiters forty pounds a week, and you would get your evening meal free.Elina: I see.Johnson: Now, you may h

244、ave wondered why I asked you here so late in the day. The fact is, Iwould like to see you in action, so to speak. Would you be willing to act as a waitress herethis evening for half-an-hour or so? Our first customer will be coming in, let me see, in about ten minutes time.Elina: Well, Im free this e

245、vening otherwise.Johnson: Good. And in return perhaps you will have dinner with us? Now, let me show you the kitchen first. This way, please .Tom: Well, whats the forecast? Are we going to have more snow? And . is your mother awake?Helen: Hang on, Dad. The first answer is yes and the second is no. L

246、ets have a cup of tea.Tom: Thats a good idea. . Wheres Jean? Wheres your mother? Jean, how about some breakfast?Helen: Shh. Mothers still asleep, as Ive told you.Tom: And what about the twins? Where are Peter and Paul?Helen: They were sick all night. Thafs why Mum is so tired today. And . they*re ha

247、ving abirthday party tomorrow. Remember?Tom: Another birthday? Helen, look at the clock. Its 8:45. Lets go. Were going to be late.一Me, officer? Youre joking!一Come off it, Mulligan. For a start, you spent three days watching the house. You shouldn*thave done that, you know. The neighbors got suspicio

248、us and phoned the police . But I was only looking, officer.一. and on the day of the robbery, you really shouldnt have used your own car. We gotyour number. And if youd worn a mask, you wouldnt have been recognized. I didnt go inside!Ah, theres another thing. You shouldve worn gloves, Mulligan. If yo

249、u had, you wouldnt have left your fingerprints all over the house. We found your fingerprints on the jewels, too.You mean . youve found the jewels? Oh yes. Where you . er. hid them, Under your mattress. My God! You know everything! Ill tell you something, officeryou shouldnt have joined the police f

250、orce. If youd taken up burglary, youd have made a fortune!Why do people play football? Its a stupid game, and dangerous too. Twenty-two men fight fortwo hours to kick a ball into a net. They get more black eyes than goals. On dry, hard pitches they break their bones. On muddy ones they sprain their

251、muscles. Footballers must be mad. And why do people watch football? They must be mad too. They certainly shout and scream like madmen. In fact Im afraid to go out when theres a football match. The crowds are so dangerous, Id rather stay at home and watch TV. But what happens when I switch on? Theyre

252、 showing a football match. So I turn on the radio. What do I hear? The latest football scores. And what do I see when I open a newspaper? Photos of footballers, interviews with footballers, reports of football matches. Footballers are the heroes of the twentiethcentury. Theyre rich and famous. Why?

253、Because they can kick a ball around. How stupid! Everyone seems to be mad about football, but Im not. Down with football, I say.Mrs. Brink: Come in. Ohz its you again, Tom. What have you done this time? Tom: Ive cut my finger and it*s bleeding a lot.Mrs. Brink: Let me see, Tom . Hmmm, that is a bad

254、cut. I can clean it and put a plaster onit, but youll have to see the doctor.Lesson 19Good morning. Can I see Mr. Johnson, please?一Have you an appointment?一Yes, at half past ten.一Whats your name, please?一McDonald, Jane McDonald.Ah, yes. Mr. Johnsons expecting you. This way, please. Mr. Johnsons room

255、 is on the next floor.一What does your friend do for a living? Hes one of those people who give legal advice.Oh, I see. He is a solicitor; you mean.Yes. Thats the word I was looking for. My vocabulary is still very small, l*m afraid.Never mind. You explained what you meant.一What shall we do this week

256、end?-Lets go for a walk.Where shall we go, then? Lets go to the new forest. We havent been there for a long time.一Thats a good idea. Ill call for you in a car at about half past ten. Is that alright?Thatll be splendid. See you tomorrow, then. Goodbye.一You have some brown, suede shoes in the window a

257、t four pounds. Would you show me a pair insize six, please?Oh, what a pity. We have no size six left in that style. But we have a pair in slightlydifferent style. Can I try them on?一Yes, of course.一I like these very much. How much are they?They are exactly the same price. Four pounds.Good. Ill have

258、them, then.一Excuse me, but I really must go now.Oh, must you? Its still quite early. Im terribly sorry, but I have to be at home by midnight. My wife will be very worried. I quite understand. What time does your train go?一At 11:15. Dear me, ifs gone 11:00. Ill have to ask you to drive me to the stat

259、ion.- Thats alright. But you must come again soon.- Thats most kind of you.You are up early this morning.一Yes. Ive been out and bought a paper.Good. Then you can tell me what the weathers like. Its freezing.一Oh, dear; not again.一Dont worry. Its not nearly as cold as yesterday.Thank goodness for that

260、.一Excuse me, can you tell me where the James Bond film is showing?Yes, at the Palace Cinema. Do you happen to know when it starts? I dont know when it starts, but I can tell you how to find out. Ifs here in the localpaper.Can you show me which page it is on? Here it is. But I dont know which perfomp

261、3ance you want to see.Why arent you eating your breakfast? I dont feel very well.一Oh, dear; whats the matter? I feel feverish, Im shivering.Go and lie down. Ill send for the doctor. Look, I hate causing any bother. I prefer working it off. Certainly not. You must go to bed and keep wamp3. Excuse me,

262、 can you tell me the way to the swimming pool, please? I cant, Im afraid. Tm a stranger here, you see. But why not ask that man over there?Hell be able to tell you, Im sure.一Which one do you mean?一Look, the one over there, on the other side of the road.Ah, yes. I can see him now. Thank you so much.A

263、nnouncer I: This is Radio 2 and you are listening to the 6 o*clock news. Here are the main points: Texas is having its worst stomp3s for fifty years. Many people are homeless . and damage to property is estimated at over two million dollars. Todays Irish budget has introduced the highest increase in

264、 taxes since 1979. The film Living at Home, has received the Best Film of the Year Award. This is the first British film to win the top award for four years. The rise in the cost of living has been the lowest for six months.Announcer 2: More news later. And now for the latest sound from The Freakout

265、s.Mike: (confused) Look, Jenny. I dont understand whats going on. You said your sister was arriving at 7:30. Its 8:30 now.Jenny: Im sorry, Mike. I dont understand either. Heres Helenas telegram. Have a look at it.Mike: Arriving Heathrow Tuesday 19:30. Can*t wait to see you. (sarcastic) Cant wait to

266、see you. Hmmm. I cant wait to see her. Jenny, wheres she coming from? What airline is she traveling on? Whats the flight number?Jenny: I dont know, do I? This telegram is the only infomp3ation I have.Mike: Never mind, Jenny. Lets have a coffee. We can sit down and think about the best thing to do.一H

267、ave you ever been chased by a dog, Keith? No, I havent, but I have been chased by a bull.一Really? Yes, it was a couple of weekends agoI was . er. I was going for a walk out in the country following this footpath and it went through a field, and I was so busy looking out for the footpath that I didnt

268、 notice that the field was full of young bullocks. And the trouble was I was wearing this bright red anorak, and suddenly the bulls started bucking and jumping up and down and started chasing me.What did you do?一Well, I was pretty scaredI just ran for the nearest fence and jumped over it.一Actually I

269、 do know somebody who once got bitten by a dog while he was jogging.Was he? How did that happen?Well, he was running past a famp3 when suddenly this sheepdog came out and started barking at him, so he tried to kick it out of the way but then suddenly the dog jumped up and bit him in the leg. I think

270、 he had to go to the doctor to make sure it wasnt infected.My grandfather was called Charles, and my grandmother was called Ann. They lived in Manchester. My grandmother died last year; aged ninety-eight. They had three children, named David, John and Alice. They are, of course, my father; my uncle,

271、 and aunt. My father is called David, and he is the eldest of the three. My mother is called Mary. My father was an engineer. Hes retired now. My fathers brother, my uncle, as I said, is called John. Hes married to Heidi. They have two children. The oldest is called Simon, and the younger one is cal

272、led Sally. My uncle John is in the amp3y, serving in Gemp3any. Simon is married to a girl called Diana. They have two children, Richard and Fiona. My auntie, Alice, married a man called Henry Jones. They moved to Australia when I was very young. I dont remember them very well.My husbands name is And

273、y. We have two children, Ida aged two and Tom who is six months old.Were working in China now, and may visit Aunt Alice next year.I was born in Scotland. In Glasgow to be exact. In the early 1950s and I suppose like everybody else, I went to school. Primary school, then secondary school. The only di

274、fference really is that I always went to the same school from when I was aged five, right through until I was aged eighteen. So there wasnt really much to relate about that part of my life.I suppose it was much the same as everybody elses. I lived in my hometown, Paisley, all that time. But then age

275、d eighteen, like most British people of my sort of class and so on, I left my hometown and moved away to university. A lot of British people dont go to their local universitythey go to another one which is further away. Possibly because theyd rather not stay at home with their parents. So I left my

276、hometown of Paisley and I went to St. Andrews on the east coast of Scotland. There I studied English and then Modern History, and so for four years I studied those subjects and was very happy. Later I left St. Andrews with a degree in Modern History, and not really knowing what I wanted to do. I was

277、nt sure whether Id go on to do some research or whether Id like to be a teacher. So I took a year off to think about it. And then one year later I decided I wanted to be a teacher and I went to Teacher Training College. And this time yet again it was in another part of the country. In Newcastle in t

278、he northeast of England, so there I trained to be a teacher and I qualified as a teacher of History and English. And after that year I began workreal work for the first time in my life. I suppose this would be around 1977.So then I went to work in a comprehensive school in southeast England outside

279、London in a place called Basildon. And there I taught History, but I found out I really disliked both the place, Basildon, and the school. It was a terrible school. So I thought I dont want to be stuck here the rest of my life. I want to try something different. So I did something completely differe

280、nt. I went to er. would you believe, the Sudan. And I ended up in 0mdump3an which is near the capital city of Khartoum in Sudan. And I taught English, Itaught English to foreignersto, in fact, teachers of English in a Teacher TrainingCollege. That went on for a couple of years. And then I returned t

281、o Britain where I did my Masters degree in Applied Linguistics. This time, again, in another part of the country. In Wales, in North Wales, at a place called Bangor. After graduating, and getting my masters, I went and I taught at Lancaster University. I taught Algerian students who were going to co

282、me to British universities to study.Then I went, for quite a long time, to Yugoslavia, to Lubijiana to be exact. And I taughtESP. ESP means English for Special Purposes-in particular I taught Scientific English in a Chemistry Department connected to UNESCO, U-N-E-S-C-O. And so I worked there for fiv

283、e years and then I moved, but still in the same city. I moved to another job, in medical English, in a hospitalwhich was also connected with UNESCO.After a total of seven years in Yugoslavia, and I left and I ended up here where I am now in China, teaching at Yiwai.Doctor Sowanso is the Secretary Ge

284、neral of the United Nations. Hes one of the busiest men in the world. Hes just arrived at New Delhi Airport now. The Indian Prime Minister is meeting him. Later theyll talk about Asian problems.Yesterday he was in Moscow. He visited the Kremlin and had lunch with Soviet leaders. During lunch they di

285、scussed international politics.Tomorrow hell fly to Nairobi. He*ll meet the President of Kenya and other African leaders.Hell be there for twelve hours.The day after tomorrow hell be in London. Hell meet the British Prime Minister and theyll talk about European economic problems.Next week hell be ba

286、ck at the United Nations in New York. Next Monday hell speak to the General Assembly about his world tour. Then hell need a short holiday.Lesson 20 Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the cinema, please? No, Tm sorry I cant. Im a stranger in these parts. But why dont you ask that man witha b

287、eard? Hell be able to tell you, Im sure.Which one do you mean?一Look, the one over there, by the lamp-post.Ah, yes. I can see him now. Thank you very much.Not at all.一You are not eating your breakfast.一I dont feel very well.Oh, dear; whats the matter?I got a terrible headache.You must go back to bed.

288、 You look quite ill.I dont want to cause any bother. Id rather work it off.一Out of the question. You must go to bed and keep wamp3.一Im sorry to bother you. Can you tell me where War and Peace is showing?Yes. At the Empire Cinema.Would you know when it starts?一No. I cant tell you when it begins. But

289、I know how you can find out. It*s here in thisEntertainment Guide.Can you show me which page is it on?Certainly. But Im not sure whether you want to go early or late.一You are up early this morning.一Yes. Ive been out and bought a paper.Good. Then youll be able to tell me what the weathers like.-Its r

290、aining.一Oh, dear; not again.Dont worry, its not nearly as wet as it was yesterday.Thank goodness for that.Good morning. Can I see Mr. Baker; please?一Have you an appointment?Yes, at ten oclock.Whats your name, please. Jones, Andrew Jones.Ah, yes. Mr. Baker is expecting you. Will you come this way, pl

291、ease? Mr. Bakers office isalong the corridor.What does your friend do for a living?一She is one of those persons who look after people in a hospital.一Oh, I see. She is a nurse, you mean.一Yes. Thats the word I was looking for. My vocabulary is rather poor; Im afraid. Never mind. You explained that ver

292、y well.一What shall we do this weekend?一Lets go for a swim.一Where shall we go for it? Lets go to Long Beach. We haven*t been there for a long time.Thats a splendid idea. Ill call for you in a car at eleven o*clock. Is that alright foryou?一Yes. Thatll be perfect. See you tomorrow, then. Goodbye.You ha

293、ve some black, walking shoes in the window. Would you show me a pair in size seven, please?Oh, dear; what a pity! There are none left in size seven. Here is a pair in a slightly different style.Can I try them on?一Yes, of course. I like these very much. What do they cost?一They cost 4.25 pounds.一Good.

294、 Ill have them, then.一Excuse me, but I must say goodbye now.Cant you stay a little longer? No, Im sorry, but I really must go. I shall miss my bus if I dont hurry.When does your bus go?- At ten oclock. Good gracious, it*s already 10:15. Ill have to ask you to drive me home.- Thats alright, but I hop

295、e to see you again soon.- Thats most kind of you.Woman: Which do you prefer: driving a car yourself or being a passenger?Man: Wellthat depends. I enjoy driving, especially on long empty roads where I can go nice and fast. But Im not very fond of sitting in traffic jams waiting for lights to change,

296、and things like that. I suppose I dont mind being a passenger, but only if Im sure that the other person really can drive properly.Woman: So you dont really like being in other peoples cars, then?Man: Well, as I say, its all right with a good driver. Then I can relax, sit back and enjoythe scenery.

297、But yes, youre right-on the whole I certainly prefer driving to being a passenger.-Hello, Allen. This is Collin speaking.一Fine. How about you?Good. And hows Bob feeling after his holiday?一I see. Ive got quite a lot to tell you.一Ive just got engaged!Yes! No. We havent fixed the date yet.一Whats she li

298、ke?一Lovely girl! We met on a bus, believe it or not.Yes. We just happened to be sitting together and got into the conversation. And we made a date for the same evening, and discovered weve got a lot in common, you know, same interests and, we laugh at the same things.一No. You don*t know her. Hmm. At

299、 least she doesnt know you or Bob.-Oh, about three weeks now.Well, yes. It was quite a sudden decision, but I feel really happy. Id like you both to meet her. Now, how about a meal together one evening soon?Would you ask Bob to ring me?-Oh, I must go now. My boss has just come into the office. Bye.O

300、h, thanks. Bye.Everyone knows him as Old Arthur. He lives in a little hut in the middle of a small wood, about a mile from the village. He visits the village store twice a week to buy food and paraffin, and occasionally he collects letters and his pension from the post office. A fewweeks ago, a repo

301、rter from the local newspaper interviewed him. This is what he said: I get up every morning with the birds. There is a stream near my hut and I fetch water from there. Its good, clear; fresh water; better than you get in the city. Occasionally, in the winter; I have to break the ice. I cook simple f

302、ood on my old paraffin stove, mostly stews and things like that. Sometimes I go to the pub and have a drink, but I dont see many people. I don*t feel lonely. I know this wood very well, you see. I know all the littlebirds and animals that live here and they know me. I don*t have much money, but I do

303、nt need much. I think Im a lucky man.James wrote a play for television, about an immigrant family who came to England from Pakistan, and the problems they had settling down in England. The play was surprisingly successful, and it was bought by an American TV company.James was invited to go to New Yo

304、rk to help with the production. He lived in Dulwich, which is an hours journey away from Heathrow. The flight was due to leave at 8:30 am, so he had to be at the airport about 7:30 in the morning. He ordered a mini-cab for 6:30, set his alamp3 for 5:45, and went to sleep. Unfortunately he forgot to

305、wind the clock, and it stopped shortly after midnight. Also the driver of the mini-cab had to work very late that night and overslept.James woke with that awful feeling that something was wrong. He looked at his alamp3 clock.It stood there silently, with the hands pointing to ten past twelve. He tur

306、ned on the radio and discovered that it was, in fact, ten to nine. He swore quietly and switched on the electric kettle.He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot when the nine oclock pips sounded on the radio. The announcer began to read the news:. reports are coming in of a crash near H

307、eathrow Airport. A Boeing 707 bound for New York crashed shortly after taking off this morning. Flight number 2234 . James turned pale.My flight, he said out loud. If I hadnt overslept, Id have been on that plane.Interviewer: Do you mind if I ask you why you*ve never got married?Dennis: Uh . well, t

308、hat isnt easy to answer.Interviewer: Is it that youve never met the right woman? Is that it?Dennis: I dont know. Several times I have met a woman who seemed right, as you say. But forsome reason it*s never worked out.Interviewer: No? Why not?Dennis: Hmm. Im not really sure.Interviewer: Well, could y

309、ou perhaps describe what happened with one of these women?Dennis: Uh . yes, there was Cynthia, for example.Interviewer: And what kind of woman was she?Dennis: Intelligent. Beautiful. She came from the right social background, as well. I felt Ireally loved her. But then something happened.Interviewer

310、: What?Dennis: I found out that she was still seeing an old boyfriend of hers.Interviewer: Was that so bad? I mean, why did you . why did you feel that.Dennis: She had told me that her relationship was all over; which . uh . which was alie.Interviewer: Are you saying that it was because she had lied

311、 to you that you decided tobreak off the relationship?Dennis: Yes, yes, exactly . Obviously, when I found out that she had lied to me, I simplycouldnt. uh . well, I simply couldnt trust her any more. And of course that meantthat we couldnt possibly get married.Interviewer: Uh, huh. I see. At least,

312、I think I do. But. you said there were severalwomen who seemed right.Dennis: Yes.Interviewer: Well,. what happened the other times?Dennis: Well, once I met someone who I think I loved very deeply but. unfortunately shedidnt share my religious views.Interviewer: Your religious views?Dennis: Yes, I ex

313、pect the woman I finally marry to agree with me on such . such basicthings as that.Interviewer: I see.Dennis: Does that sound old-fashioned?Interviewer: Uh . no. Not necessarily. What was her name, by the way?Dennis: Sarah.Interviewer: Do you think youll ever meet someone who meets . uh . how shall

314、I say it . who meets all your. requirements?Dennis: I don*t know. How can I? But I do feel its important not to . not to just driftinto . a relationship, simply because I might be lonely.Interviewer: Are you lonely?Dennis: Sometimes. Arent we all? But I know that I can live alone, if necessary. And

315、I think I would far prefer to do that. to live alone . rather than to marry somebody who isnt really . uh . well, really what Im looking for. what I really want.Every color has a meaning. And as you choose a color; you might like to remember that its saying something. Weve said that red is lovable.

316、Green, on the other hand, stands for hope; it is tranquil. Pink is romantic, while brown is serious. White is an easy onewhite is pure. Orange is generous. Violet is mysterious, turquoise is strong and blue is definitely feminineLesson 21Can I see Zulu on Sunday?- l*m not sure.一Do you like football?

317、Yes, very much.一Would you like to go to a match on the 18th of December?一Id like to see Coming Home at the Royal Theatre.What a good idea! Do you know what time it starts? I think it starts at 8 pm.Tomorrow is the third of December. Its my birthday and Im going to the George andDragon. Would you lik

318、e to come?To celebrate your birthday? Of course I would. What groups playing?The Riverside Stompers, I think.一I like organ music. Do you know where I can hear a recital?Try St. Marys Church. I know they have a beautiful organ.一Id like to go to a recital on the 16th of December, but Im working from t

319、en to four. Do you know what time the recital begins?Sorry, Im afraid I dont. Why dont you look at your Whats on?1st Student: Well, first of all, Im intending to have a good holiday abroad, just traveling round Europe, and then when I get tired of traveling Im going towell, come back and start looki

320、ng for a job. I havent quite decided yet what job, but Im probably going to try and get a job in advertising of some kind.2nd Student: Well, eventually l*m planning to open my own restaurant. Only I havent got enough money to do that at the moment, of course, so Ive decided to get a temporary job fo

321、r a year or so, and Im going to work really hard and try and save as much money as possible. Actually, Im thinking of working as a waiter; or some job in a restaurant anyway .Male Voice: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Victoria Hall for our annual presentation of the Nurse of the

322、Year Award. First Id like to introduce Dame Alice Thornton. Dame Alice is now retired after more than forty years of dedicated service to the public and the nursing profession. Dame Alice Thornton.Male Voice: Dame Alice, you were the first nurse of the year. That was thirty years ago.Would you now a

323、nnounce this years winner?Dame Alice: Good evening. It gives me great pleasure to introduce our nurse of the year;Miss Helen Taylor.Dame Alice: Miss Taylor; you have been awarded this prize as a result of recommendations from your senior officers, your colleagues and the parents of the children you

324、nurse. Here are some of the recommendations: efficient but patient, helpful and happy, strict but caring, human and interested. These are the greatest recommendations any nurse could receive. I congratulate you!Jerry: Could I speak to you for a few minutes, Mr. Sherwin?Sherwin: Im very busy at the m

325、oment. Cant it wait until tomorrow?Jerry: Uh,. well, its rather urgent. And it wont take long.Sherwin: Oh, all right, then. What is it?Jerry: Its a personal matter. Uh, you see, my wife is ill and has to go into hospital.Sherwin: Sorry to hear that. But why do you want to talk to me about it?Jerry:

326、Because . because we have a baby and theres nobody to look after her while shesin hospital.Sherwin: Who? Your wife?Jerry: No, no. My daughter.Sherwin: Oh, I see. But I still don*t understand what all this has to do with me.Jerry: But thats what Im trying to explain. Id like to stay at home for a few

327、 days.Sherwin: But why?Jerry: To look after my daughter; of course.Sherwin: I thought you said she was going to hospital. Theyll look after her there, won*tthey?Jerry: No, no, no! Its my wife whos going to hospital! Not my daughter.Sherwin: Really? I thought you said it was your daughter. You are no

328、t explaining this verywell.Here is an alternative dialogue between Jerry and Mr. Sherwin. Listen.Jerry: Uh . excuse me, Mr. Sherwin, but I was wondering if I could speak to you for a fewminutes.Sherwin: Well, Im rather busy at the moment, Jerry. Is it urgent?Jerry: Uh, yes, I . Im afraid it is. Its

329、a personal matter.Sherwin: Oh, well, then, wed better discuss it now. Sit down.Jerry: Thank you. Uh . you see, its about my wife. She . uh . well . she .Sherwin: Yes, go on, Jerry. Im listening.Jerry: Shes ill and has to goto hospital tomorrow. But we have a young baby, you know.Sherwin: Yes, I know

330、 that, Jerry. You must be rather worried. Is it anything serious? Yourwifes illness, I mean?Jerry: The doctors say its just a minor operation. But it has to be done as soon aspossible. And . well . the problem is my daughter. The baby. Thats the problem.Sherwin: In what way, Jerry? Im not quite sure

331、 if I understand.Jerry: Well, as I said, my wifell be in hospital for several days, so theres nobody tolook after her.Sherwin: You mean, nobody to look after your daughter; is that it?Jerry: Yes, exactly. Both our parents live rather far away, and .and thats why Id like to have a few days off. From

332、tomorrow.Sherwin: I see. I think I understand now. You need a few days off to look after yourdaughter while your wife is in hospital.Jerry: Yes, yes. Thats it, Im not explaining this very well.Sherwin: No, no. On the contrary. I just want to be sure I understand completely. Thatsall.Jerry: Will . wi

333、ll that be all right?Sherwin: Yes, Tm sure it will, Jerry. All I want to do now is make sure that there*ssomeone to cover for you while youre away. Uh . how long did you say youll need?Jerry: Just a few days. She . my wife, I mean . should be out of hospital by nextThursday, so I can be back on Frid

334、ay.Sherwin: Well, perhaps youd better stay at home on Friday, as well. Just to give your wifea few extra days to rest after the operation.Jerry: Thats very kind of you, Mr. Sherwin.Sherwin: Don*t mention it.Landlady: 447 4716.Student: Hello. Is that Mrs. Davies?Landlady: Speaking.Student: Good after

335、noon. My names Stephen Brent. I was given your address by the studentaccommodation agency. I understand you have a room to let.Landlady: Yes, thats right. Ive just got one room still vacant. Its an attic room, on thesecond floor. It*s rather small, but Im sure youll find its very comfortable.Student

336、: I see. And how much do you charge for it?Landlady: The rents twenty-five pounds a week. That includes electricity, but not gas.Student: Has the room got central heating?Landlady: No, its got a gas fire which keeps the room very wamp3.Student: I see . And what about furniture? It is furnished, isnt

337、 it?Landlady: Oh yes . Er. Theres a divan bed in the corner with a new mattress on it. Er. Let me see . Theres a small wardrobe, an amp3chair, a coffee table, a bookshelf . Student: Is there a desk?Landlady: Yes, theres one under the window. Its got plenty of drawers and theres a lampon it.Student:

338、Oh good . Is there a washbasin in the room?Landlady: No, Tm afraid there isn*t a washbasin. But theres a bathroom just across the corridor; and thats got a washbasin and a shower as well as a bath. You share the bathroomwith the people in the other rooms. The toilet is separate, but unfortunately it

339、s on the floor below.Student: Oh, thats all right. What about cooking? Can I cook my own meals?Landlady: Well, theres a little kitchenette next to your room. It hasnt got a proper cooker in it, but theres a gas ring and an electric kettle by the sink. I find my students prefer to eat at the universi

340、ty.Student: I see. And is the room fairly quiet?Landlady: Oh yes. Its at the back of the house. It looks onto the garden and it faces south, so its bright and sunny, too. Its very attractive, really. And its just under the roof, so it*s got a low, sloping ceiling. Would you like to come and see it?

341、Ill be in for the rest of the day.Student: Yes, Im very interested. It sounds like the kind of room Im looking for. Can you tell me how to get there?Landlady: Oh, its very easy. The house is only five minutes* walk from Finchley Road tube station. Turn right outside the station, and then its the thi

342、rd street on the left. You can*t miss it. Its got the number on the gate. Its exactly opposite the cemetery.Frankly, Ive been delighted. As you know, I decided to give it up ten years ago. I put them all in the atticall fifty or sixty of themto gather dust, and forgot about them. Then I just happene

343、d to meet him one day in a bar; entirely by chance, and we got talking about this and that, and, wellto cut a long story shorthe went to have a look at them, and this is the result. Its for two weeks. And its devoted entirely to my work. Doing very well, too, as you can see from the little tickets o

344、n about half of them. You know, now that theyre hanging on the wall like this, with all the clever lighting, and glossy catalogue, and the smart people, they really dont seem anything to do with me. Its a bit like seeing old friends in new circumstances where they fit and you dont. Now, you see her?

345、 Shes already bought three. Heard her saying one day shes dying to meet the man. Afraid shedbe very disappointed if she did. Interesting, though, some of the things you overhear. Some know something about it. Others know nothing and admit it. Others know nothing and don*t. By the way, I heard someon

346、e say the other day that the Portrait of a Woman reminded her of you, you know. So you see, youre not only very famous, but-as I keep on telling you-you havent changed a bit.Ours is a very expensive perfume. When people see it or hear the name we want them to think of luxury. There are many ways to

347、do this. You show a woman in a fur coat, in a silk evening dress, maybe covered in diamonds. You can show an expensive car, an expensive restaurant, or a man in a tuxedo. We decided to do something different. We show a beautiful woman, simply but elegantly dressed, beside a series of paintings by Le

348、onardo da Vinci, and it works.Because she is wearing the perfume, and because she is next to expensive and beautiful paintings, our perfume must be beautiful and expensive too. It does work.Lesson 2 2 -Is that the Manager?一Speaking. Can I be of any assistance?Could you speed up your switchboard a bi

349、t, please? I booked a call to Brussels a good twenty minutes ago and I haven*t had a reply yet.一Well, perhaps they are rather busy at this time of the day. After allz we are an hour ahead of Belgium. I know that, but I could have dialed myself direct in no time at all.- We do like to route the calls

350、 through the operator and then there can be no misunderstanding about the charges, Im sure you understand. No, I suppose it would be difficult to check the cost of directly-dialed calls, but nevertheless I do have to put through an important call to Brussels. Ill get on to them myself and see what t

351、he delay is, then call you back as soon as I know anything.And what seems to be the trouble, sir?一They dont want to let me into the nightclub.Well, Im afraid there is an entrance charge, sir.一But damn it a ll-I am a resident. Its ridiculous. Im very sorry, sir, but you see it is something of a speci

352、al evening. Our guest star this evening is Sammy Davis Junior and Im afraid that the tickets do cost 250 marks each. I could see if there are any left if you would like one. We generally try to keep a few back for the residents.Good Lord. That*s nearly thirty-five pounds. No, on second thoughts, I d

353、ont think Ill bother. Could you have them send up a bottle of scotch to my room. Ill entertain myself instead.Very good, sir. That is room 634, isnt it?Good evening, sir. Im the Assistant Manager. How nice!Yes, Im afraid weve had a complaint about the noise from your neighbor across the corridor. He

354、s trying to get some sleep as he has an early start tomorrow. Im sure you understand.Oh, I see.一Do you think it might be possible to ask your friends to be a little quieter? We do liketo give our guests a chance of getting a good nights sleep. It is well after eleven.一Oh, Im so sorry. I do apologize

355、. I suppose we were talking rather loudly. Its just thatwe*ve signed a very important contract. We were having a bit of celebration.- Im pleased to hear it. Shall I ask Room Service to bring you some coffee?一No, that wont be necessary. We were just about to pack up anyway.Thank you, sir; and good ni

356、ght to you.Could I see the Manager; please? I have a complaint.Can I help you, madam?一Yes. Did you have this room checked before we moved in? Theres not a scrap of lavatory paper and the toilet doesnt flush properly, the water doesnt run away in the shower and I would like an extra pillow. What have

357、 you to say to that?一Im extremely sorry to hear that. TH attend to it right away. The housekeeper usually checks every room before new guests move in. We have been extremely busy with a large conference.Thats no way to run a hotel. One doesnt expect this sort of thing in a well-run hotel. No, madam.

358、 I do apologize. Its most unusual. We do try to check the rooms as thoroughly as possible. Just the one pillow, was it? Is there anything else?Well, your themp3ostatically-controlled air-conditioning doesnt seem to be working too well. Its as hot as hell up there. Ill just adjust the regulator for y

359、ou and I think youll find it a little cooler in a short time. Ill also send someone along right away to look at the toilet and shower.Salesman: Good evening, all you holiday dreamers. Its holiday planning time again and were here with suggestions as usual. We know what you want. something more inter

360、esting, something less expensive. So . what about America? New York from 199 pounds. Or Canada? Or Hawaii? Ah . Hawaii. And from only 372 pounds. Or the beautiful Bahamas? From just 400 pounds. Nearer home we suggest Wales or Scotland. And if you would like an easy package holiday, you could visit M

361、inorca from 103 pounds, Ceylon from 343 pounds, Mombasa from 311 and sunny Florida from 243 pounds. Is time a problem? Is money a problem? Just send for our brochure and both problems will disappear.Peggy: Bob, can we really afford a holiday? Were paying for this house and the furniture is on HP and

362、 .Bob: Now listen, Peggy. You work hard and I work hard. Were not talking about whether we can have a holiday. Were talking about where and when.Peggy: Shall we go to Sweden?Bob: Swedens colder than Sheffield. Id rather not go to Sweden.Peggy: What about Florida? Floridas wamp3er than Sheffield.Bob:

363、 Yes, but ifs a long way. How long does it take to get from here to Florida?Peggy: All right. Lets go to Hawaii.Bob: You must be joking. How much would it cost for the two of us?Peggy: But the brochure says the problem of money will disappear. Bob, where do you really want to go?Bob: Im thinking of

364、Wales or Scotland. Do you know why? Peggy: Yes. *Theyre right on our doorstep and so close to home., Jill: Now, let me see. Blue Skies Travel Agency. Ah, yes, its a London number. 01 748 9932.I think Ill ring now.(sound of dialing and ringing)Voice: Hello.Jill: Uh . good morning. Is that 748 9932?Vo

365、ice: No, it isnt. It*s 738 9932.Jill: Sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number.(sound of dialing and ringing tone)Telephonist: Blue Skies Travel Agency. Can I help you?Jill: Could you give me some infomp3ation about holidays in North America?Telephonist: Just one moment. Ill put you through to our

366、 North American department.Miss Jones: North American department. Miss Jones speaking. Can I help you?Jill: Yes, please. Im planning my holiday and l*d like some infomp3ation about holidays inNew York.Miss Jones: Certainly. What would you like to know?Jill: First, how much is the cheapest return fli

367、ght to New York? And what will the weatherbe like?Miss Jones: I see. When do you want to go?Jill: In May . and l*d like to know about the inclusive holidays and good hotels and .Miss Jones: (interrupts) Certainly. Just give me your name and address. Ill send you allthe infomp3ation you want.Jill: My

368、 name is Jill Adams. Miss J. Adams. And my address is .Traveller: Hello. Id like some infomp3ation about your trips to Kathmandu.Travel Agent: Yes, of course. What can I tell you?Traveller: Well, how, how do we travel?Travel Agent: Its a specially adapted bus with room for sleeping and .Traveller: A

369、nd, and, er, how many people in a group?Travel Agent: Well, the bus sleeps ten. Usually there are eight travellers and two drivers,a guide to look after you.Traveller: So, so we sleep, um, nomp3ally, in, in the bus?Travel Agent: Yes, and its fully equipped for cooking and its got a shower system tha

370、t weput up every evening, weather pemp3itting.Traveller: Ei; um . We leave from, from London?Travel Agent: Yes, and return to London.Traveller: Is there anything special wed have to bring?Travel Agent: Oh, we give everyone a list of suitable clothes, etc. to bring. Of course,space is limited.Travell

371、er: Oh, oh yes, I understand that. Now, how, how long in advance would I have to book?Travel Agent: Well, it depends. Usually six or eight months. Its amazing the number ofpeople who are interested.Traveller: Well, Im interested in the ten-week trip next spring.Travel Agent: Um, that one leaves on t

372、he fourth of April.Traveller: Yeah. Thats right, yeah. Itll be for two people.Travel Agent: Thatd be fine. Could you come in and we can go over all the details.Traveller: Yes, I think thatd be best, um, but can you give me some idea of how muchthatll cost.Travel Agent: Spring for ten weeks . Um, we

373、havent got the exact figures at the moment,but, er, something like, ei; 1,100 pounds per person.Traveller: OK. Um, Ill come and see you one day next week.Travel Agent: Yes. Thanks for ringing.Traveller: Thank you. Bye.Travel Agent: Bye bye.Woman: So you have a half day, a full day and a day and even

374、ing tour of London?Man: Thats correct.Woman: Well, as were only here for a few days, I think perhaps we should take the full dayand evening tour. Give my children the opportunity to see everything.Man: Wont that be a bit tiring for them?Woman: Yes, youre right. Its probably better if we dont include

375、 them on the evening partof the program.Man: Not the theatre and the dinner entertainment?Woman: Yes, thats what I mean. The hotel will take care of them.Man: Yes, Im sure that can be arranged.Woman: Now, can you tell me what the cost will be?Man: For the full tour? Seventy pounds per head.Woman: So

376、 that would be 140 pounds for myself and my husband. What about the children, isthere any reduction for them?Man: Certainly, we have half price for children and if theyre not going to the theatre orthe dinner; I think we could let them have the full day tour for thirty pounds each.Woman: Thats fine.

377、 Could you tell me more details of the tour? I mean, what will we beactually seeing and so forth?Man: Well, heres a brochure for you to read, but I can quickly run through the main itemsof the tour with you. Now, as you see, youre picked up from your hotel at 8:30, so you must be sure to order an ea

378、rly breakfast.Woman: Yes .Man: Then youre taken to see the Changing of the Guard and youll see Buckingham Palace at the same time of course. After that youll be taken down Whitehall to see the House of Parliament, Big Ben, you know the famous clock, and nearby Westminster Abbey. Now from there we ha

379、ve a river trip down the Thames towards the lower of London. During the river trip youll be provided with sandwiches and coffee, orange juice for the kiddies. When you get to the Tower; youll see the Beefeaters, the traditional guards of the Tower and then youll be shown the Crown jewels.Woman: And

380、will we have a guide during all this?Man: Of course. Theres an official guide who will explain the sights to you and give ashort account of their historic associations in three languages, English, Gemp3an andFrench. If you have any further questions hell be only too pleased to answer them.Woman: Oh,

381、 that sounds perfect.Man: Now in the afternoon, youll be taken to London Zoo for a couple of hours. We try to arrange this to coincide with the monkeys* tea party. The children always enjoy that. Woman: Oh, Im sure mine will.Man: And from there we just go round the corner to Madame Tussauds to see t

382、he waxworks and after that right next door to the London Planetarium where youll see the stars simulated by laser beams.Woman: That sounds very exciting. What a full day.Man: Yes, well we do let you have a couple of hours rest before taking you on to thetheatre and dinner in the evening.Woman: Oh, t

383、hats good. Ill be able to get the children off to bed or settled down watchingtelevision or something. Well, that sounds marvellous. Thank you very much.Man: Not at all. Er. there is just one thing, madam.Woman: Oh, whats that?Man: The cheque.Woman: (laughs) Of course.I have always been interested i

384、n making things. When I was a child I used to enjoy painting, but I also liked making things out of clay. I managed to win a prize for one of my paintingswhen I was fourteen. That is probably the reason that I managed to get into art college four years later. But I studied painting at first, not pot

385、tery. I like being a potter because Ilike to work with my hands and feel the clay; I enjoy working on a potters wheel. Tm happy working by myself and being near my home. I dont like mass-produced things. I think crafts and craftspeople are very important. When I left college I managed to get a grant

386、 from the Council, and I hope to become a full-time craftswoman. This workshop is small, but I hope to move to a larger one next year.Lesson 23Mr. Hanson: Could I have my bill, please?Waitress: Yes, sir. One moment, please.(She brings the bill and the customer looks at it carefully.)Mr. Hanson: Coul

387、d you kindly explain this to me? What is item 6?Waitress: Perhaps I could go through it for you. The first item is the cover charge. Number2 is the beer. Then your starter, your main course and the vegetables. The main course was4.50 not 3.50, so item 6 is the difference.Mr. Hanson: Oh, I see. But h

388、ow was I expected to know that?Waitress: Yes, sir. They are a bit hard to follow sometimes. Number 8 is your dessert andnumber 9 the cigarettes. Oh, and number 7 is your second beer.Mr. Hanson: And what about the service, is that included?Waitress: Yes, thats marked down here, 10 per cent service.Mr

389、. Hanson: Good. Thank you. Now, can you take my credit card?Waitress: Im afraid we dont accept credit cards.Mr. Hanson: Oh dear. What about a cheque with a bankers card?Waitress: Yes, sir. That will be all right.Customer: Can you bring me the bill, please?Waiter: Certainly, sir.(He brings the bill.)

390、Customer: I think there has been a mistake.Waiter: Im sorry, sir. What seems to be the trouble?Customer: I think you have charged me twice for the same thing.Look, the figure of 5.50 appears here and then again here.Waiter: 1 * 1 1 just go and check it for you, sir.(He returns a few minutes later.)W

391、aiter: Yes sir; you are quite right. The cashier made a mistake. I think you will find itcorrect now.Customer: Thank you.Waiter: We do apologize about this, sir.Customer: Thats all right. No hamp3 done. Now, can I pay by travelers cheques?Waiter: Certainly, sir. Well give you the change in local cur

392、rency if thats all right.Customer: You neednt worry about that. There wont be much change out of twenty-five dollars.Waiter: Thank you, sir. Thats most kind of you.Waiter; there*s a fly in my soup.Shh, dont do too loud. Everyone will want one.一Waiter theres a fly in my soup.There is a spider on the

393、bread. Itll catch it.- Whats this fly doing in my soup? I think its doing the backstroke, sir.一There is a dead fly swimming in my soup!- Thats impossible. A dead fly cant swim.There is a dead fly in my soup.Yes, sir. Its the hot liquid that kills them.Waiter; there is a fly in my soup.一Yes, sir. We

394、give extra meat rations on Fridays.Waiter; there is a fly in my soup. Dont worry, sir. There is no extra charge.A strange thing happened to Henri yesterday. He was on a bus and wanted to get off. So he stood up and rang the bell. To make sure the driver heard him he rang it twice, but the bus didnt

395、stop, and the conductor came and shouted at him.The conductor was so annoyed, and spoke so fast, that Henri didnt understand a word. The bus stopped at the next bus stop and Henri got off. As he got off he heard someone say, I think hes a foreigner.When Henri got home, he told his landlady about the

396、 incident.How many times did you ring the bell? she asked.Twice/ said Henri.Well, thats the signal for the driver to go on/ his landlady explained. Only theconductor is allowed to ring the bell twice. Thats why he got so annoyed. Henri nodded. I see/* he said.(A and B are a married couple. C is a tr

397、avel agent.)C: Good morning.A and B: Good morning.C: Can I help you?A: Yes, were thinking of going on holiday somewhere, but were not sure where.C: I see. What sort of holiday did you have in mind?A: Lots of sunbathing.B: (at the same time) Lots of walking.C: Mm. (looking puzzled) So youd like somew

398、here wamp3?B: Not too wamp3.A: Yes, as sunny as possible.C: And are you interested in the night-life at all?A: Yes. Itd be nice if there were some good discos and clubs we could go to.B: Oh, no! Surely thats what were trying to get away from!A: What do you mean? We never go out at all, so how could

399、we get away from it?B: Well, whats the point of going somewhere where there are lots of people just like here?C: (interrupting) Could I just ask what sort of price you want to pay?B: As cheap as possible.A: What do you mean? We want a top hotel.B: But we cant afford it.A: Of course, we can. Weve bee

400、n saving up all year.(Their voices rise as they argue. The travel agent looks bemused.)C: Just a minute, please. I think I can make a suggestion. Why dont you try the South ofFrance? Then one of you can go to the beach and the other can walk in the mountains.A: That sounds like a good idea. And ther

401、e are some good hotels there.B: Nothere are too many English people there!A: Well, then at least wed have someone to talk to.B: But, theres no point in going abroad to meet English people there!C: (interrupting again) Excuse me.A and B: Yes?C: Well, my wife and I have the same trouble as you. I like

402、 hot, lively places and sheprefers a bit of peace and quiet and we always disagree about how much to spend. We usuallysplit up and go to different places, but this year Ive got a better idea.A and B: Whats that?C: Well, I could go on holiday with you (indicates one of them) and you could go with myw

403、ife.A: Thats an interesting idea.B: Im not so sure .C: Look, why dont you come round now and meet my wife and we can see what we can arrangeThe scene is at an airport. A man and a woman carrying several cases approach a customs officer (C.O.).Man: (whispering) Don*t worry. Everything will be all rig

404、ht.Woman: I hope you know what youre doing!(They put their bags down in front of the customs officer.)C.O.: Good morning, sir; madam. Just returning from a holiday, are you?Woman: Thats right.C.O.: And how long have you been abroad?Woman: Two weeks.Man: Yes, not very long. Not long enough to buy any

405、thing anyway. (laughing)C.O.: I see. Have you got anything to declare?Man: Im sorry, I dont really know what you mean.Woman: Harry!C.O.: Come on, sir. Im sure you know what I mean. Have you got anything to declare?Man: Well. yes. I would like to declare that I love my wife.Woman: Oh, Harry. Youve ne

406、ver said that before.Man: Well, its true! Its just that Ive never been able to tell you before.Woman: And I love you too!C.O.: (clearing throat) Im sorry to interrupt, but I must ask you whether you have any goods to declare.Man: Ah, well I do have a record-player; a fridge and something for my wife

407、s birthday thatId rather not tell you about.Woman: Harry! And I thought youd forgotten again!Man: Of course not, dear!C.O.: (annoyed) What I want to know, sir; is whether you have any goods in that bag that I should know about.Man: Well, let*s have a look, (opens bag) Weve got some bars of soap, a t

408、ube of toothpaste, clothes, a jar of cream .C.O.: (angry) I only want to know if you have anything liable for tax, like cigarettes, perfumes or bottles of anything.Man: Well, we do have a bottle of shampoo.C.O.: Okay. Ive had enough. You can go.Man: You mean thats it?C.O.: Please go away!Woman: Come

409、 on, Harry. He just told us we could go.(Takes hold of the suitcase and the contents spill out.)C.O.: Just a minute. May I see that jewellery, please?Man: Oh, my God! You great clumsy idiot!Woman: Im sorry. I didnt mean to.Man: You never do anything right. I dont know why I married you in the first

410、place!Woman: But Harry! You just said you loved me.Man: Not any more.C.O.: And now what have you got to declare, sir?Sam Lewis was a customs officer. He used to work in a small border town. It wasnt a busy town and there wasnt much work. The road was usually very quiet and there werent many traveler

411、s. It wasnt a very interesting job, but Sam liked an easy life. About once a week, he used to meet an old man. His name was Draper. He always used to arrive at the border early in the morning in a big truck. The truck was always empty. After a while Sam became suspicious. He often used to search the

412、 truck, but he never found anything. One day he asked Draper about his job. Draper laughed and said, Im a smuggler.*Last year Sam retired. He spent his savings on an expensive holiday. He flew to Bemp3uda, and stayed in a luxury hotel. One day, he was sitting by the pool and opposite him he saw Drap

413、er drinking champagne. Sam walked over to him.Sam: Hello, there!Draper: Hi!Sam: Do you remember me?Draper: Yes . of course I do. Youre a customs officer.Sam: I used to be, but Im not any more. I retired last month. I often used to search your truck.Draper: . but you never found anything!Sam: No, I d

414、idn*t. Can I ask you something?Draper: Of course, you can.Sam: Were you a smuggler?Draper: Of course I was.Sam: But. the truck was always empty. What were you smuggling? Draper: Trucks!The first thing they do is to put out an APB and this goes to all the police stations in the country. Next we conta

415、ct the hospitals. Often the person we are looking for has been in an accident. Then we might try parents, friends or relatives they might be with. We try tofollow their movements and to find the last person they saw or were with. Then we try the media. We put photographs in local or national paperse

416、specially papers they might read. There are other things we can do: put posters in places they might be, go on television.Here in America there is a magazine in which there are photographs of missing children. This is often the last hope. Of course, with nearly two million missing children every yea

417、r, we cant do all these things for everyone. We haven*t got the time, the money or the staff.Are you a morning person or an evening person? Thats the question. When do you work best? For me the answer is easy. I work best in the morning. All my creative work is done before lunchtime. I get up at abo

418、ut eight, and then have breakfast. I listen to the radio a bit, and read the papers. And I start. Usually I work from nine or nine thirty until twelve but after that Im useless. On a good day I write fifteen hundred words or more, sometimes two thousand words, in the morning. Then after lunch I go f

419、or a walk, or read. In the evening I like to relax, go to the pub or go out and meet people. If youre a writer you need selfdiscipline. But if youre tired, it shows: the mind and body must be fresh.Lesson 241. Add two and four; eight and ten; fourteen and seven.2. Subtract six from eighteen; four fr

420、om eleven; five from nineteen.3. Multiply two by eight; five by three; six by four.4. Divide six by three; eight by two; twenty by five.1. Ill take a commission of ten per cent.2. The current rate of interest is twenty-three per cent.3 .1 only get three-eighths of the total.4. Its only a fraction of

421、 the cost, about a sixteenth.5. Divide nine by two and you get four point five.6. You only get two point four six per cent.1.1 have to get a new pair of Jeans. Is there anywhere .? Do you know a, a good shop where I can get a pair?2. Look, er; I want something interesting. All Ive eaten since Ive ar

422、rived here is junkfood. I want some good local food. Where should I go and what shall I ask for?3. The cars giving problems again. I had it serviced last week but its as bad as it was before. I dont know what to do about it.4. Ooh, yes, I need your advice. The problem is that I have to go to this ve

423、ry fomp3al dinner party next week and I havent got a dinner suit here. I really dont want to buy one. What do you suggest?5. Ever since Ive been here I had this stomach problem, you know. I mean, it*s not serious. Well, I dont think it is. I mean, you often get these things when you travel. Must be

424、the different water or something. But it really is a nuisance and it seems to be getting worse6. Damn! Ive lost my wallet!Man: Telegram, miss.Jean: Oh, thanks.Jean: I wonder who its from. Oh, its for Helen. Helen, theres a telegram for you.Helen: For me? Oh, Jean, will you open it? I hate opening te

425、legrams.Jean: Do you? Why?Helen: Well, it*s just that I think a telegram must mean bad news.Jean: Im just the opposite. I love opening telegrams because Im sure they must mean something exciting.Jean: Helen, youd better sit down. You arent going to believe this. It says, Congratulations, Nurse of th

426、e Year. Letter follows., Helen: It cant be true.Jean: Here. You read it.Hello. This is Sophie Peters ringing from the Brook Organization. Um, we got your job application and Im ringing just to arrange an interview with you. How about Monday morning at, er, 11:30? Would that be all right? Thats Monda

427、y morning of the 10th of August. Um, if you can*t make that time, could you please give us a ring? The interview will be with myself and Brian Shaw, so we, um, we look forward to seeing you then. Bye-bye.Henry!“Yes, dear?Im going up to bed now. Dont forget to do your little jobs.“No, dear.”Henry tur

428、ned off the television and went into the kitchen. He fed the cat, washed up several dishes, dried them and put them away. Then he put the cat out, locked all the doors and turned out all the lights. When he got to the bedroom, his wife was sitting up in bed reading a book and eating chocolates.Well

429、dear, have you done all your little jobs?I think so, my love.Have you fed the cat?nYes, dear.Have you put him out?Yes, dear.Have you washed up the dishes?Yes, dear.Have you put them all away?“Yes, dear.Have you tidied the kitchen?Yes, dear.Have you turned out all the lights?Yes, dear.Have you locked

430、 the front door?Yes, dear.Then you can come to bed.Thank you, dear.After a little while they heard a gate banging downstairs.Henry.Yes, dear.Im afraid youve forgotten to shut the garden gate.Oh dear! .H Ladies and gentlemen, it*s the Lake Late Talk Show, with your host, Dickie Reeves.(applause) Nice

431、 to be with you again, folks. And among the line of interesting guests Ill show you tonight is the lady youve all been reading and hearing about recently. She is beautiful.She is clever. And she is brave. She is the lady who makes friends with monkeys. She is with us tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, t

432、he apewoman herself, Josephin Carter, (applause) Hello,Josephin, or can I call you Joe? Please do.The first question that I know everybody has been dying to ask you is, how long have youbeen living with monkeys?一Apes actually. Well, l*ve been studying apes for quite a long time, ever since I was at

433、university. But Ive only been actually living with them for five years. Five years in the African jungle, with only monkeys to talk to.Apes actually.Oh, with only apes to talk to. Thats fantastic! And I know youre going back to your monkey colony.Ape colony actually.一. . . to finish your work.Oh, ye

434、s. I havent finished it yet. Although I have been recording their behavior and watching their movements very closely, I still havent finished my work. Ive also been training my husband to work with me.Your husband?Yes. Hes come with me tonight. Let me introduce you to Tarsan!一Hi, everybody.People th

435、ink that all solicitors are rich and prosperous. In any town there are, of course, rich and prosperous solicitors, but there are also solicitors like me. I am neither rich nor prosperous. I have an office over a fish and chip shop, for which I pay an exorbitant rent, and two rather inefficient secre

436、taries.I suppose it is because my premises are in the less fashionable part of the town, but my clients always seem to have enomp3ous problems and miserable incomes. Mr. Pollard was exactly that sort of client. He was a small, untidy little man, with a large head and round, old-fashioned spectacles.

437、I have a problem, he began nervously, I bought this house, you see. I got a mortgage from the building society, but then I lost my job, so I got behind with the payments. He gave me the details. It appeared that he owed eleven payments of fifty pounds, and had no job and no money. Not surprisingly t

438、he building society had written to say they intended to take possession of the house; sell it, and thus get back their money.What would happen if they sold it for less than I paid? he asked. Would I get back anymoney?Probably not, I replied.Would you mind telephoning the building society? he pleaded

439、, and see if they could possibly give me a little more time?If youre not earning any money, how will more time help? I asked. He looked at me hopelessly.In the end the house was sold. The building society debt was paid off and Mr. Pollard got sixty pounds.Everybody agrees Im just ordinary. My face i

440、s ordinary, my voice is ordinary, my clothes are ordinary. Everything about me is ordinary. Whats Frank like? they say. Frank? Oh you know, ordinary. they say. Now look at that man two rows in front. He*s not ordinary. In fact I cant see anybody apart from me who is. Even this fellow next to me. Qui

441、te ordinary on the whole, I suppose. But theres something a bit. something a bit odd about his mouth. Mustnt catch his eye. Might start a conversation. Dont want that. Interesting that he was just in front of me in the queue.They looked in his bag, they looked in his pocketsmade him take his shoes o

442、ff even. Mm theyve nearly finished with the foodthough she didnt take my glass when she collected my tray. Ahshes pressed her button again. Probably wants another gin and tonic. Had four already. Or is it five? Not bad, though. At least not in this light. Good-some of them are getting their blankets

443、 down now. I reckon that in about half an hour itll all be quiet. And then . Of course they looked in my briefcase too. Didnt look here, though, did they? Oh, no. Hah! Though they think otherwise, I know very well who those two in the back row are. Noticed them when I went to the toilet. But they wo

444、n*t shoot. Not as long as I have this in my hand, they wont. And its so small. Marvellous what they can do these days. Just about now, if I were sitting in funny mouths seat and not by the aisle-just about now, I could probably look down and see the mountains gleaming in the moonlight. I like that.

445、Mm. Well,now I must go over my speech again. Mustnt forget what my demands are, must I?Well, I think that this problem of teenagers getting into trouble with the law is mainly caused by unemployment. You see, because of the high level of unemployment, so many teenagers nowadays leave school and find

446、 that they have no chance of getting a job, and this obviously makes them feel bored and frustrated. And as a result of this, theyre much more likely to get drunk and so on. Another thing of course is that you get groups of unemployed teenagers wandering around the streets with nothing to do, which

447、can easily lead to trouble of one sort or another.Lesson 251. At the third stroke, the time sponsored by Accurist will be twelve one and fifty seconds.2. The code for Didcot has been changed. Please dial 05938 and then the number.3. In the train crash in India, three hundred and twenty-five people a

448、re feared dead.4. The 3.45 at Ascot was won by Golden Dove, ridden by Willie Carson.5. Well, um, for a trip like that, we are speaking in the region of, er, two thousand eight hundred pounds a head.6. Er; Celtic three, Manchester City nil, Queen*s Park Rangers two, Motherwell United one.7. In New Yo

449、rk, the Dow Jones Index fell by point four to a low of two oh six four point eight. While in London, the FT Index rose eight points to one seven nine four point three. 8. Thatll be sixty-eight p, please.9. The, er; latest figures show an increased profit of seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred and f

450、ifty-six pounds.10. And how can we continue like this with unemployment running at three million, two hundred and fifty thousand. It really is unaccept.11. Yes, we can give you a special rate of, er; five point six eight per cent.12. Well have to adjust all our figures by an eighth.13. Well, thats y

451、our choice. Eleven pounds forty-five for this one, fourteen pounds, or fifteen pounds ninety-nine.14. So, its two thousand three hundred and ninety-eight plus two thousand four hundred and eighty-nine plus two thousand four hundred and sixty three. Ill just total that up for you.Woman: So, youll tak

452、e the cream at three pounds five, the pills are four pounds thirty and then, um, this if fifty-five p. Thats seven pounds ninety-five.Man: Sorry. I think perhaps its seven pounds ninety.Woman: Is ten pounds all right?Man: Yeah, thats fine. It comes to six pounds thirty-five. Your change.Woman: Thank

453、s.Man: Can I help you, sir?Woman: Oh, just a minute, I think youve given . Man: Oh, I am sorry. Of course. Here you are.Well, we met at a party in London. You see, Id just moved to London because of my job and I didnt really know anybody, and one of the people at work had invited me to this party an

454、d so there I was. But it was one of those boring parties, you know everybody was just sitting in small groups talking to people they knew already, and I was feeling really bored with the whole thing. And then I noticed this rather attractive girl sitting at the edge of one of the groups, and she was

455、 looking bored too, just about as bored as I was. And so we started, um, we started looking at each other, and then I went across and we started talking. And as it turned out shed only just arrived in London herself so we had quite a bit in commonand well thats how it all started really.Whats the ma

456、tter with you, then? You look miserable. Its us.一What do you mean us?Well, we used to talk to each other before we were married. Remember?What do you mean? Were talking now, arent we? Oh, yes, but we used to do so much together. 一We still go to the cinema together; dont we?Yes, but we used to go out

457、 for walks together. Remember? Oh, I can remember. Its getting wet in the rain.And we used to do silly things, like running bare foot through the park.Yes. I remember. I used to catch terrible colds. Honestly, you are being totally ridiculous.一But we never used to argue. You used to think I was wond

458、erful. Once . (sound of the dooropening) Where are you going? Back to live with my parents. Thats something else we used to do before we were married. Remember?Not long ago I was invited out to dinner by a girl called Sally. I had only met Sally twice, and she was very, very beautiful. I was flatter

459、ed. HShe likes me, I thought. But I was in for a disappointment.Im so sorry we asked you at such short notice, she said when I arrived, but we suddenly realised there were going to be thirteen people at the table, so we just had to find somebody else.A superstition. Thirteen. The unlucky number. Rec

460、ently I came upon a little group of worried people, gathered round a man lying on the pavement beside a busy London road. They were waiting for an ambulance, because the man had been knocked down by a passing taxi. Apparently he had stepped off the pavement and into the street, to avoid walking unde

461、r a ladder.They say this superstition goes back to the days when the gallows were built on a platfbmp3.To get up on to the platfomp3 you had to climb a ladder. To pass under the shadow of that ladder was very unlucky .Other superstitions are not so easily explained. To see a black cat in England is

462、lucky. But if you see a black cat in India, it is considered very unlucky. There too, if you are about to set out on a long journey, and someone sneezes, you shouldnt go.Break a mirror-you will have seven years bad luck. Find a four-leafed clover; you will have good luck. Just crazy superstitions, o

463、f course.I have an African friend. One day he said to me: If ever an African says to you that he is not superstitious, that man is a liar Perhaps that is true of all of us.This is Lethbridges description of a ghost near Hole House.One of the first incidents happened near to our home in Devon. One Su

464、nday morning my wife and I were standing on the hill and looking at Hole Mill, which belongs to Mrs. N. I satdown and admired the view. After a time I heard a motorbicycle start up and I saw the papemp3an riding off and, as I watched, I saw Mrs. N come out from behind the Mill. She was dressed in a

465、bright blue sweater and had on dark blue tartan trousers and a scarf over her head. She looked up, saw me and waved. I waved back. At this moment a second figure appeared behind Mrs. N and perhaps a meter from her. She stood looking up at me. Mrs. N went back behind the Mill and the other woman foll

466、owed. I did not know her. She looked about sixty- five to seventy years old, was taller than Mrs. N and rather thin. Her face appeared to be tanned and she had a pointed chin. She was dressed in a dark tweed coat and skirt and had something which looked like a light grey cardigan beneath her coat. H

467、er skirt was long. She had a flat-crowned and wide-brimmed round hat on her head. The hat was black and had white flowers around it. She was, in fact, dressed as my aunts used to dress before the First World War. She didnt look like the sort of person who was likely to be staying at Hole Mill today.

468、 Later we were leaning over a gate, admiring some calves, when we saw Mrs. N alone. Oh, said my wife, disappointed. We were expecting to see two of you.* *How is that? asked Mrs. N. I have only seen you and the papemp3an all morning.A journalist has a strange story to tell.Ive never been a superstit

469、ious person . never believed in ghosts or things like that.But, two years ago, something happened which changed my attitude. I still cant explain it . somehow I dont think I ever will be able to.I was living in Frankfurt. in Gemp3any . where I was a financial journalist. A very good friend . one of

470、my closest friends. wed been at university together. was coming over from England by car to see me. He was supposed to get there around six in the evening . Saturday evening.I was at home in my flat all that afternoon. At about three in the afternoon, the phone rang. But. but when I answered it, the

471、re was nobody there . on the other end, I mean.Nobody. The phone rang again just a few minutes later. Again, nobody was there . I couldnt understand it. Just a few minutes later; there was a knock at the door. I was in the kitchen, making some coffee. I remember I was just pouring the boiling water

472、through the filter when I heard the knock. I opened the door and there was my friend . Roger, that was his name. Roger. He looked a bit. strange . pale . and I said something like Roger;how did you get here so early?* He didnt answer. he just smiled slightly . he was a bit like that. He didnt say ve

473、ry much . I mean, even when Id known him before, he often came into my flat without saying very much. And . well. anyway, I said Come in and went back to the kitchen to finish pouring the coffee. I spoke to him from the kitchen, but he didnt answer. didnt say a word . and I thought that was a bit. s

474、trange . even for Roger. So I looked round the door; into the next room, where I thought he was sitting . and . and he wasnt there. The door was still open. I thought for a moment that hed gone down to the car to get his luggage . and then I began to wonder where his girlfriend was. She was coming w

475、ith him, you see, from England.Well, then the phone rang again. This time there was somebody there. It was Rogers girlfriend, and she sounded . hysterical . At first I couldnt understand her. She was still in Belgium, several hundred kilometers away . and she told me that she was in a hospital. she

476、and Roger had been involved in a car crash, and . and Roger had just died . on the operating table . just a few minutes before.It was early afternoon, and the beach was almost empty. It was getting hot now. Most of the tourists were still finishing their lunch back at the hotel, or taking their afte

477、rnoon siesta in the air-conditioned comfort of their rooms. One or two Englishmen were still lying stretched out on the sand, detemp3ined to go home with a good suntan, and a few localchildren were splashing around in the clear shallow water. There was a large yacht moving slowly across the bay. The

478、 girl was on board. She was standing at the back of the boat, getting ready to dive. Jason put on his sunglasses and casually wandered down towards the sandy beach.Lesson 261. Four; nine, seventy-sevenFourth of September; nineteen seventy-seven2. Twenty-fouo eight, sixty-threeTwenty-fourth of August

479、, nineteen sixty-three3. Seven, seven forty-threeSeventh of July, nineteen forty-three1. Ten sixty-six2. Seventeen seventy-six3. Eighteen one4. Nineteen eighteen5. Two thousand6. Fifty-five B.C.1. O-two-o-two, two-seven-fou r-on e-four2. O-one-four-eight-three-two-nine-double one3. O-three-o-four-tw

480、o-three-eight-double seven4. O-one-double four-one-double four-double six5. O-four-seven-three-five-eight-nine-o-five1. R.S,V,P. (French, meaning HPlease reply.)2. et cetera (Latin, meaning and so on)3. care of4. approximately5. p.p. (Production Phase)6. i.e. (Latin, meaning that is)7. e.g. (Exempli

481、 gratia. = For example.)8. P.T.O. (Please turn over.)9. Limited10. Co. (Company)11. versus12. P.S. (postscript)13. VIP (Very Important Person)14. Great15. Avenue16. Road17. Street18. Gardens19. Square20. Park21. Crescent22. A.D. (Anno Domini)23. B.C. (Latin, before Christ)24. a.m. (ante meridiem)25.

482、 p.m. (post meridiem)26. MP (Member of Parliament)27. BBC (the British Broadcasting Corporation)28. VAT (Value-Added Tax)29. TUC (Trades Union Congress)30. AA (Automobile Association/Atomic Age/Associate in Arts)31. RAC (Royal Aero Club)32. PC (Personal Computer)33. EEC (European Economic Community)

483、Man: I see that dreadful women*s liberation group was out in Trafalgar Square yesterday.Hmm. In my opinion, they all talk rubbish.Woman: But you cant really believe they all talk rubbish.Man: Of course, I can. I consider that it is unfeminine to protest.Woman: But you cant really believe its unfemin

484、ine to protest.Man: Women should be seen and not heard.Woman: But you cant really believe that women should be seen and not heard.Man: Certainly. Its my belief that a womans place is in the home.Woman: But you cant really believe that a womans place is in the home.Man: Yes. And she should stay there

485、. Women should look after men.Woman: But you cant really believe women should look after men.Man: Created to feed and support them. Thats what they were. Im certain that women areintellectually inferior to men.Woman: But you cant really believe women are intellectually inferior to men.Man: Not only

486、inferior; but I know they cant do a mans job.Woman: But you cant really believe they cant do a mans job.Man: Yes, Maggie. Thats my fimp3 belief. But don*t tell your mother I said that.Georges mother was worried about him. One evening, when her husband came home, she spoke tohim about it.Look, dear;

487、she said, you must talk to George. He left school three months ago. He stillhasnt got a job, and he isnt trying to find one. All he does is smoke, eat and play records.Georges father sighed. It had been a very tiring day at the office.All right, he said, Ill talk to him.George, said Georges mother;

488、knocking at Georges door; your father wants to speak to you., “Oh!” Come into the sitting room, dear. Hello, old man, said Georges father, when George and his mother joined him in the sitting-room.Your fathers very worried about you, said Georges mother, Its time you found a job. Yes, replied George

489、 without enthusiasm.Georges mother looked at her husband.Any ideas? he asked hopefully.Not really, said George.What about a job in a bank? suggested Georges mother; Hor an insurance company perhaps? I dont want an office job, said George.Georges father nodded sympathetically.Well, what do you want t

490、o do? asked Georges mother.Id like to travel, said George.Do you want a job with a travel fimp3 then?The trouble is/ said George, I dont really want a job at the moment. Id just like to travel and see a bit of the world.Georges mother raised her eyes to the ceiling. I give up, she said.A manager is

491、talking about the prevention of shoplifting.Well, I manage a small branch of a large supemp3arket, and we lose a lot of money through shoplifting. I have to try to prevent it, or else Ill lose all my profits. A lot of shoplifting is done by young people, teenagers in groups. They do it for fun. They

492、re not frightened so we have to make it difficult for them. Obviously a supemp3arket cant have chains or alamp3s on the goods, so we have store detectives, who walk around like ordinary shoppers, otherwise theyll be recognized. We have big signs up, saying shoplifters will be prosecuted/ but that do

493、esnt help much. Weve started putting cash desks at all the exits, weve found we have to do that, or else the shoplifters will walk straight out with things.Of course, that worries the ordinary shopper who hasnt found what he wanted. We also use closed-circuit television, but thats expensive. In fact

494、, all good methods of prevention arequite expensive, and naturally, they make our prices more expensive, but it has to be done, otherwise shoplifting itself will make all the prices much higher; and the public doesnt want that!Principal: We are very honored to have Tania Matslova here today. It is o

495、nly ten oclock and Tania has already done two hours of practice. And she kindly agreed to watch your rehearsal after that. She is very interested in the training of young dancers and wants to ask questions. Dont forget, however, that Miss Matslova has two perfomp3ances today. She must not get too ti

496、red . Miss Tania Matslova.Tania: Good morning. Were going to be very infompSal, arent we? Why are you standing? Move some chairs. Lets sit in a circle.(sound of chairs being moved, excited voices and piano music)Tania: Thats better. I can see you now. And I want to congratulate you. Your rehearsal w

497、as very professional. I was impressed by your technique and your feeling for the music. I remembered myself twenty years ago. Do you think twenty years is a long time? It all depends. You must look forward to twenty years of practising six hours every day. Twenty years of traveling uncomfortably. Tw

498、enty years of going to bed instead of going to parties. Do you look forward to this discipline? I didn*t know how difficult my life was going to be, but I wouldnt change it. The important thing is . Im still dancing. For me, dancing is living. Im so sorry. Im talking too much. Would you like to ask

499、me some questions?James: I would. Im really worried about my career; Miss Matslova.Tania: Please call me Tania. Whats your name?James: James, Tania.Tania: So, James. Why are you worried?James: I love dancing but I hate changing in cold dressing rooms. I dont mind practising every day. In fact, I lik

500、e it, I enjoy exercising. But Im fed up with going to bed early every night and refusing invitations to parties. I like travelling . but not if its uncomfortable, Im confused. Do you think I should carry on?Tania: It depends what you want, James. Would you rather go on dancing or would you ratherliv

501、e a nomp3al, ordinary life? James: I want to do both.Tania: That, my dear James, is impossible. Im fed up with getting up early. Im tired of travelling. Ive always hated leaving my family for weeks or months. But. Im a dancer and I look forward to dancing as long as I can. What can I say? If you don

502、t want to be a professional dancer more than anything else, youd better change your plans.James: Thank you, Miss M . er, Tania. Your advice was really helpful. I can see now that just being keen on dancing isnt enough for a career.Principal: l*m quite sure you are all grateful to Miss Matslova for s

503、pending so much time with you.Tania: James, please let me know what you decide to do. I think you are very talented but that isnt enough. It depends what you want. And that applies to all of you. You must make up your minds.Jacqueling got out of the bus and looked around her. It was typical of the s

504、mall villages of that part of the country. The houses stood in two long lines on either side of the dusty road which led to the capital. In the square, the paint was peeling off the Ibwn Hall, and some small children were running up and down its steps, laughing. On the other side there were a few ol

505、d men sitting outside a cafe playing backgammon and smoking their pipes. A lonely donkey was quietly munching the long dry grass at the foot of the statue that stood in the center of the square. Jacqueling sighed.Lesson 27Due to fog we regret that changes have been made to the scheduled departures.

506、Flight LH302 is now due to leave at 10:00. Frankfurt airport is closed and this fight will be diverted to Wiesbaden. Flight BA314 will now leave at 10:20 and Flight AI411 at 10:25. Please await further announcements.Hello. This is John. Im afraid I cant make it this evening. Ive asked Peter to meet

507、youbut he cant get away from work until twenty past six. It seems better if you met at 6:50 atthe entrance to Waterloo Station. Well, you know there have been a lot of changes over the last few years. In fact, since 1978 the population has increased to about a quarter of a million. Unemployment is m

508、uch better than in some cities. Now its about five and a half per cent.Yes, but in 1978 it was only about three per cent.Its not bad, as I said. But there have been changes at the airport since we found oil.Since 1978 the number of aeroplane passengers has increased from 980,000 to 1,400,000. And ov

509、er these last few years, from 1978 until now, the number of helicopter passengers has also increased enomp3ously. It was 220,000 in 1978, but since then its increased to 600,000.This time last week Roy Woods, a bus conductor from Streatham, in South London, was worried about money. He owed twenty po

510、unds to his landlady in rent. Today he is rich, for last Saturday he won 120,000 pounds on the football pools.Last night he was interviewed on television by reporter Stan Edwards.Edwards: Well, Mr. Woods, what are you going to do now? Are you going to give up your job on the buses?Woods: Yes, Im goi

511、ng to finish at the end of the week.Edwards: And what other plans have you got?Woods: Well, Im going to buy a house.Edwards: Have you got a house of your own now?Woods: No, no, we live in a furnished flat.Edwards: Have you got a car?Woods: Yes, Ive got an old Ford, but Im going to buy a new car. and

512、 my wife says shes going to have driving lessons!Today, Tm going to tell you how to make stir-fried beef with ginger. This typically Guangzhou dish is one of the quickest and tastiest ways to cook beef. The ginger adds spiciness. Serve it with ham and bean sprouts soup. See page 64. Ingredients: 350

513、 grams of lean beef steak.Quarter of a teaspoon of salt.Two teaspoons of light soy sauce.Two teaspoons of dry wine.Half a teaspoon of sesame oil.One teaspoon of corn flour.One slice of fresh ginger.One table spoon of oil.One table spoon of chicken stock or water.And half a teaspoon of sugar.First, y

514、ou put the beef in the freezing compartment of the refrigerator for twenty minutes.This will allow the meat to harden slightly for easier cutting.Then cut it into thin slices of about one and a half inches, thats three and a half centimetres long.Put the beef slices into a bowl. And add the salt, so

515、y sauce, wine, sesame oil, and corn flour; and mix well.Let the slices soak for about fifteen minutes.Meanwhile, finely shred the ginger slice and set it aside.Heat a wok or large frying pan and add the oil.When it is very hot, stir-fry the beef for about two minutes.When all the beef is cooked, rem

516、ove it, wipe the wok or pan clean and re-heat it.Add a little oil and stir-fry the ginger for a few seconds.Then add the stock or water and sugar.Quickly return the meat to the pan, and stir well.Turn the mixture onto a plate, and serve at once.Julie has just arrived at Bobs house. She has bought a

517、new camera. She wants Bob to show her how it works.Julie: Youre a good photographer; Bob. Can you have a look at this camera and show me how it works?Bob: Yes, of course. It isnt difficult. But first you have to buy a film.Julie: (scornfully) I know that. Here*s the film.Bob: Right. Now first you ha

518、ve to open the film compartment. Just press the release. Then you have to put a film cartridge in the compartment. Close it carefully. After that you have to push the lever until you see number 1 in the counter window. And then all you have to do is this look through the viewfinder and press the but

519、ton. Its very easy.Julie: Thank you, Bob. Lets try it. Im going to take your photograph, so say cheese,.Yes, I agree. Lovely breakfast. Very nice. Excellent coffee, especially, dont you think?Anyway, as I was telling you, it happens to me every time I go to a new place: I always end up paying twice

520、or three times as much as I should for the first ride. But last night was the worst ever. The train got in at about eleven, so I felt lucky to get one-though it looked a bit old and battered. But he was so politeand you dont get much of that these days: let me take your bags/ he says. No trouble/ he

521、 says. Its a hot, sticky night, he says, but dont worry, madam, its air-conditioned, -and it was, surprisingly- *just relax and Ill get you there in no time. So we went for miles down this road and that road and he pointed out all sorts of buildings and other sights that he said Id appreciate when I

522、 could see them properly in the morning. And he told me that though this was one of the few cities in the world where a woman could go at that time of night on her own and nothing to fear; even so, it was a good thing Id taken a registered vehicle, because you never knew, did you? Though I couldnt s

523、ee any special registration number of anything, and I didnt think to make a note of his licence plateand it wouldnt have made any difference, I dont suppose. So here I am. And as you can see, if you look out of the window thats the station! Just across the road! Anyway. Well, its a lovely hotel, isn

524、t it? Are you on holiday too?My problem is with my mother; who is now well over seventy and a widow and becoming very fragile, and she really needs my help. But where she lives, in the country, theres no work available for me-Im a designer-and she cant come and live with me because she says she does

525、n*t like the climate because its too bad for her rheumatism, which is actually true its very cold here. And if I go and work there as something else where she lives, perhaps as a secretary, it means we have to take drastic drop in salary. So I dont really know what to do.Lesson 28(a)Tomatoes! Tomato

526、es! Forty p a pound. Yer lovely salad tomatoes today. Lots olovely mush.Fifty p half pound, and a punnet strawberries . for one pound.(b)You have exactly three and a half hours before polling stations close. Three and a half hours, which means, obviously that youve got three and a half hours in whic

527、h to cast your vote, a vote which I know youre all going to cast for Mary Hargreaves, the future member of Parliament. Mary Hargreaves has campaigned furiously and industriously over.(c)Welcome to Tescos. May we infomp3 our customers that today we have English strawberries on special offer at only s

528、ixty-five p a pound and raspberries at only forty-nine p a pound and loganberries at thirty-eight p a pound. We hope you will avail yourselves of our special offers.(d)(sound of applause and cheering in background)We cant continue the concert until people have cleared the central aisle. The space .W

529、e*ve got to keep the path clear for emergency services and we cant continue the music until it is cleared. Novy, please, clear the central aisle!(e)End Apartheid! End Apartheid! Apartheid! Out! Out! Out! Free Africa! Free Africa! Black and white together! Black and white together! Apartheid out! Apa

530、rtheid out! Out! Out! Out!(f)Er; now, a, a few points for all the stewards and demonstrators before we move off. Er.er. Can you be quiet, please! Now, will all the stewards please remember to walk on the outside of the column, on the outside, very important, and the demonstrators, please pay particu

531、lar attention to the route. Now, we will be walking down Park Lane to, to Piccadilly and we will be going through Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square and from then on into Trafalgar Square. No right turns, no left turns, straight on into Trafalgar Square. Is thatOK?(g)Any old iron? Any old iron?

532、Anybody, iron? Any old iron?Hes quite a solitary type of person, really. You know, he spends most of his time at home, reading, listening to the radio, things like that. He goes out to the pub occasionally, and he does quite a lot of singing, too-he belongs to the local choir; I believebut you never

533、 see him at weekends. Hes always off somewhere in the country, walking or fishing. He does a lot of fishing, actually-but always on his own. Funny sort of bloke.Miss Barbara Pream, the Head of Pushet Advertising Agency, is being interviewed for a radio program on women and work.Interviewer: So, here

534、 you are, Miss Pream, right at the top of the profession in advertising. I suppose you have quite a lot of men working under you, dont you? Pream: Yes, I do. Most of my employees are men, in fact.Interviewer: I see. And they dont mind having a woman boss?Pream: No. Why should they? Im good at my job

535、.Interviewer: Yes, of course. But, tell me, Miss Pream, have you never thought. about getting married? I mean, most women do think about it from time to time.Pream: But, I am married.Interviewer: Im sorry. I didnt realize, Mrs.Pream: I prefer not to use my married name in the office.Interviewer: And

536、 your husband, how does he like being married to a career woman?Pream: He has nothing to complain about.Interviewer: No, of course not. By the way, what does he do?Pream: Well, he prefers to stay at home and run the house. He enjoys doing that as a matter of fact.Beale: Well, uh . 1 * 1 1 come strai

537、ght to the point. As you know, your uncle, Eduardo Gatto, died last December.Bruno: Yes. I was very sorry to hear that, even though I hadnt heard from him for a long time.Beale: Hmm. Did you know that he was a very rich man?Bruno: Uh . n . no . I didnt.Beale: Yes. Thats why Ive come to see you. I .

538、I have some news for you.Bruno: What?Beale: Hes left everything to you.Bruno: What?!Beale: Yes. The sum comes to more than two million Australian dollars.Bruno: What?! I . I cant believe it.Beale: Its all true. In his will, Mr. Gatto left clear instructions that I should come toLondon personally to

539、see you.Bruno: I . I just cant get over it. I . I feel its just. just too good to be true.Beale: Oh, its true all right. Believe me. However; there are certain restrictions abouthow you can use the money. Would you like me to go through them with you now?Bruno: Yes, yes. Please do!Beale: Well, first

540、 of all, you mustnt spend it all at once. The money will be paid to you gradually, over a period of ten years.Bruno: Yes, yes . I understand, but, before you go on, could you tell me how my uncle made all this money?Beale: Pizza.Bruno: Pardon?Beale: Pizza. You know, the thing people eat, with cheese

541、 and .Bruno: Yes, yes, of course! But how could he make so much money with pizza?Beale: Well, he introduced it into Australia just before it became very popular. And he setup a chain of pizza restaurants. Theyre very successful. He was a very intelligent, good businessman.Bruno: Its strange that he

542、never wrote to us. Never. I know he was very fond of me.Beale: But he couldnt. That was his problem.Bruno: Pardon? He couldnt what?Beale: Write.Bruno: He couldnt. Do you really mean he couldnt.Beale: Write. Even though he was very intelligent. And that brings me to the other restriction in his will.

543、 You must use part of the money for your own further education. Mr.Gatto was a great believer in it. He always regretted he didnt get one himself.Cathy: Im fed up with sitting on packing cases, Joe. Don*t you think we could buy at least two chairs?Joe: Do you know how match new chairs cost? One chea

544、p comfortable amp3chair. eighty pounds.Cathy: Yes, I know. Its terrible. But I have an idea. Why dont we look for chairs at astreet market? Ive always wanted to see one.Joe: All right. Which one shall we go to?Cathy: Portobello Road, I think. There are a lot of second-hand things there. But well hav

545、eto go tomorrow. Its only open on Saturdays.Joe: What time do you want to go? Not too early I hope.Cathy: The guide-book says the market is open from nine to six. Its a very popular marketso wed better be there when it opens.Joe: Right. Ill set the alamp3. * * *Cathy: Oh, Joe. Look at the crowd.Joe:

546、 They must have the same guide-book that we have.Cathy: But its very exciting . look at that old table-cloth and those beautiful curtains.Joe: Arent we looking for chairs?Cathy: Yes, but we need curtains. Come on. * * *Cathy: Whew. Im so tired that I cant even remember what weve bought.Joe: I can. A

547、 lot of rubbish. Ill make some tea. You can have a look at our bargains.Cathy: Joe, the curtains are beautiful but theyre very dirty.Joe: What did you say?Cathy: I said the curtains were very dirty.Joe: Why dont you wash them?Cathy: I cant. Theyre too big. Ill have them dry-cleaned.Joe: And what are

548、 you going to do about those holes. Can you mend them?Cathy: I cant. I cant sew. Ill have them mended.Joe: How much will all that cost? I never want to see another bargain . and we stillhavent got any chairs.One night, Mrs. Riley, an elderly widow, was walking along a dark, London street. She was ca

549、rrying her handbag in one hand and a plastic carrier bag in the other. There was nobody else ill the street except two youths. They were standing in a dark shop doorway. One of them was very tall with fair hair; the other was short and fat with a beard and moustache. The youths waited for a few mome

550、nts, and then ran quickly and quietly towards Mrs. Riley.The tall youth held her from behind while the other youth tried to snatch her handbag. Suddenly, Mrs. Riley threw the tall youth over her shoulder. He crashed into the other youthand they both landed on the ground. Without speaking, Mrs. Riley

551、 struck both of them on the head with her handbag, and walked calmly away.The two surprised youths were still sitting on the ground when Mrs. Riley crossed the street towards a door with a lighted sign above it. Mrs. Riley paused, turned round, smiled at theyouths and walked into the South West Lond

552、on Judo Club.(The scene is in a bank. A clerk is sitting behind the desk and a customer is writing out acheque.)Clerk: Would you mind showing me your cheque card?Customer: Certainly. Here you are.(Suddenly a robber bursts in, he is holding a gun.)Robber: This is a hold-up! (points gun at Clerk) Hand

553、s up! Hand over the money or Illshoot.Clerk: Just a minute. Would you mind waiting your turn? This lady was before you.Robber: All right, but hurry up!Clerk: (to the customer) How would you like the money?Customer: In fives, please.(Clerk counts out the money and hands it to the Customer, who goes t

554、o the side to count themoney.)Clerk: (to the Robber) Now then, sir. What can I do for you?Robber: fve just told you. This is a hold-up and I want some money.Clerk: Well, Im afraid its not that easy. If you want me to give you some money, youllhave to open account first.Robber: Do you mean that if I

555、open all account, then youll give me some money?Clerk: That would be the first step.Robber: Okay, Ill open an account. Hand over the fomp3. Quickly.Clerk: (gets a fomp3) Here we are. Just fill it in and sign at the bottom.Robber: I havent got a pen!Customer: You could borrow mine if you like.Robber:

556、 Thanks.(The Robber tries to fill in the fomp3, but has difficulties because he is holding the gunin his right hand and is unable to write with his Ie代 hand.)Customer: If it would make things easier; Ill hold that for you (points to gun).Robber: Okay.(The Customer holds the gun while the Robber fill

557、s in the fomp3. When the Robber hasfinished, the Customer hands back the gun.)Robber: Right. Now hand over the money. Quickly.Clerk: Im sorry, but before we can open the account youll need referees.Robber: (points to Customer) Will she do?Customer: Id be happy to write a reference.Clerk: No, she doe

558、snt know you well enough.Robber: What about my doctor?Clerk: Yes, thatll be fine for one. And the other?Robber: (thinks hard) Would my probation officer do?Clerk: Yes, I should think so. Would you like to ask him to fill in these fomp3s and then bring them back next week?Robber: So, if I bring back

559、these fomp3s next week, youll give me some money?Clerk: Well, well see what we can do.Robber: (holds up fomp3s and puts gun away) Right, then, TH see you next week. Thanks forbeing so helpful.Clerk: Its all part of the service. Good morning.Robber: Good morning.Customer: Good morning.Lesson 29Specia

560、l announcement for Mr. Valans. Would Mr. Valans, passenger on Pan Am Flight Number35212 to New York, please contact the Pan Am transfer desk immediately. Mr. Valans to contact the Pan Am transfer desk immediately, please.This is a security announcement. Passengers are reminded not to leave their bag

561、gage unattended at any time. Passengers must not leave their baggage unattended. Unattended bags will be removed immediately by the police.Kenya Airways to Rome and Nairobi, Flight Number 155, boarding now Gate Number 10. Kenya Airways, Gate Number 10.Your attention please. Olympic Airways Flight Nu

562、mber 563 to Athens boarding now at Gate Number 31. Olympic Airways to Athens, Gate Number 31.Would passenger Aldo Betini, who arrived from Rome, please go to the meeting point. Aldo Betini to the meeting point, please.BA wish to apologise for the delay of their Flight Number 516 to New York. This is

563、 due to the late positioning of the aircraft to the stand.Assistant: Good morning, sir.Man: Good morning. I wonder if you can help. I*ve lost my coat.Assistant: Where did you lose it, sir?Man: Er. I left it on the . um . underground yesterday morning.Assistant: Can you describe it?Man: Well, its a f

564、ull-length brown overcoat with a check pattern on it. It*s got a wide belt, and one of those thick furry collars that keep your ears wamp3. Its a very nice coat,actually.Assistant: Hmm. Im afraid we havent got anything like that, sir. Sorry.Man: Well, to tell you the truth, I lost another coat last

565、week. On the bus. Its a three-quarter length coatits grey, with big black buttons and a black belt.Assistant: Sorry, sir. Nothing like that.Man: Hmm. And then only this morning I left my white raincoat in a park. It*s got a silklining.Assistant: Look, sir. Im a busy woman. If you really need a coat

566、so badly, theres a verygood second-hand clothes shop just round the corner.Doctor: Well, hows the patient this morning?Nurse: He appears to have had a very restless night.Doctor: Oh. Was he in very severe pain?Nurse: Yes. Im afraid he was, doctor.Doctor: Hmm. In that case, I think wed better increas

567、e his dosage of diamorphine.Nurse: Yes, doctor. By how much?Doctor: Lets see. How much is he on at the moment?Nurse: Five milligrammes.Doctor: Hmm. Increase it to fifty.Nurse: Fifty? All at once?Doctor: Yes, thats what I said, nurse.Nurse: But thats an increase of forty-five milligrammes.Doctor: Im

568、quite aware of that. However; when I operated on the patient yesterday, I foundhis abdomen was riddled with carcinoma. Im sure you realize what that means.Nurse: Yes, I do, doctor. But I still don*t feel I can accept responsibility foradministering such an increase.Doctor: Cant you? What exactly do

569、you suggest, then?Nurse: That if you*re convinced its the right thing to do, you ought to administer theinjection yourself.Doctor: Hmm. I see what you mean. Very well, I will.Woman: What did you do during the earthquake, James?James: Stayed in bed.Woman: What do you mean? Didn*t you try to get outsi

570、de?James: No. Id got terrible flu, so I just stayed in bed.Woman: So what happened?James: Well, I must have slept through the first earthquake although nobody believes me.They said it was so noisy. Then I woke up about four in the morning. Still feeling terrible with the flu. Eyes running, nose runn

571、ing. You know how you feel when youve got the flu. Woman: Dont I just. Ive been lucky so far this year, though.James: So I decided to get up and make a cup of tea. I*d just got into the kitchen when I started to feel all unsteady on my feet. Then I got this roaring noise in my ears. I still thought

572、it was the flu, you see.Woman: So what happened then?James: Well, I slowly realized that it wasnt me feeling dizzy and the noises weren*t in my head. I heard the people upstairs screaming. The wooden floor started moving up and down, the doors and windows started rattling and banging, all the kitche

573、n cupboards were thrown open and cups and saucers came crashing to the floor, the kitchen clock fell from the wallWoman: Well, what did you do?James: What could I do? I just stood there and watched.Woman: Why didnt you try to get out?James: Oh, I couldnt be bothered. I was feeling so terrible with t

574、he flu. I just went backto my bedroom. Some books had fallen from the bookcase and that little porcelain vase had rolled to the floor but fortunately didnt break. I even had to look for my transistor radio under the bed. I picked it up and switched it on and they were telling people to go and sleep

575、in the parks.Woman: So why didnt you?James: I told you, I was feeling too ill. And the nearest park is a long walk from my flat.And I didnt want to be with a lot of people. So I just stayed in bed and hoped for the best. I didnt really think the house was going to fall down around me. Though several

576、 did, I found out later.Woman: Yes. I was sitting in a cafe when the first one started and the whole place started to shake. People were running and screaming and pushing to get out.Martin, Robert and Jean are being interviewed on the subject of friendship. Interviewer: How important are friends to

577、you, Martin?Martin: Ive never had a lot of friends. Ive never regarded them as particularly important.Perhaps thats because I come from a big family. Two brothers and three sisters. And lots of cousins. And thats whats really important to me. My family. The different members of my family. If you rea

578、lly need help, you get it from your family, dont you? Well, at least thats what Ive always found.Interviewer: What about you, Jean?Jean: lb me, friendship . having friends . people I know I can really count on . to me thats the most important thing in life. Its more important even than love. If you

579、love someone, you can always fall out of love again, and that can lead to a lot of hurt feelings, bitterness, and so on. But a good friend is a friend for life.Interviewer: And what exactly do you mean by a friend?Jean: Well, Ive already said, someone you know you can count on. I suppose what I real

580、ly mean is . lets see, how am I going to put this . it*s someone who will help you if you need help, wholl listen to you when you talk about your problems . someone you can trust. Interviewer: What do you mean by a friend, Robert?Robert: Someone who likes the same things that you do, who you can arg

581、ue with and not lose your temper; even if you dont always agree about things. I mean someone who you dont have to talk to all the time but can be silent with, perhaps. Thats important, too. You can just sit together and not say very much sometimes. Just relax. I dont like people who talk all the tim

582、e.Interviewer: Are you very good at keeping in touch with your friends if you dont see them regularly?Robert: No, not always. Ive lived in lots of places, and, to be honest, once I move away, I often do drift out of touch with my friends. And Im not a very good letter writer; either.Never have been.

583、 But I know that if I saw those friends again, if I ever moved back to the same place, or for some other reason we got back into close contact again, Im sure the friendship would be just as strong as it was before.Jean: Several of my friends have moved away, got married, things like that. One of myf

584、riends has had a baby recently, and Ill admit I dont see her or hear from her as much asI used to . She lives in another neighborhood and when I phone her; she always seems busy.But thats an exception. I write a lot of letters to my friends and get a lot of lettersfrom them. I have a friend I went t

585、o school with and ten years ago she emigrated to Canada, but she still writes to me every month, and I write to her just as often.Bill Walker works for an import-export company. Last Wednesday morning Bill rang his officeat nine oclock. His boss, Mr. Thompson, answered the phone.Mr. Thompson: Hello,

586、 Thompson here .Bill: Hello. This is Bill Walker.Mr. Thompson: Oh, hello, Bill.Bill: Im afraid I can*t come to work today, Mr. Thompson.Mr. Thompson: Oh, whats the problem?Bill: Ive got a very sore throat.Mr. Thompson: Yes, you sound ill on the phone.Bill: Yes, Ill stay in bed today, but Ill be able

587、 to come tomorrow.Mr. Thompson: Thats all right, Bill. Stay in bed until you feel well enough to work.Bill: Thank you, Mr. Thompson . Goodbye.Mr. Thompson: Goodbye, Bill.* * *Mr. Thompson liked Bill very much. At 12:30 he got into his car; drove to a shop and boughtsome fruit for him. He went to Bil

588、Ts flat and rang the doorbell. BilTs wife, Susan, answered the door.Susan: Oh, Mr. Thompson! Hello . how are you?Mr. Thompson: Fine, thanks, Susan. Ive just come to see Bill. How is he?Susan: He doesnt look very well. I wanted him to see the doctor.Mr. Thompson: Ill go in and see him . Hello, Bill!B

589、ill: Oh . hello . hello, Mr. Thompson . er. er.Mr. Thompson: Ive brought some fruit for you, Bill.Bill: Thank you very much, Mr. Thompson.Mr. Thompson: Well,. I had to pass your house anyway. Hows your throat?Bill: It seems a little better. Ill be OK tomorrow.Mr. Thompson: Well, dont come in until y

590、ou feel better.Bill: All right. but Im sure Ill be able to come in tomorrow.Mr. Thompson: Goodbye, Bill.Bill: Goodbye, Mr. Thompson.* * *At three oclock in the afternoon, Mr. Thompson locked his office door; and switched on hisportable television. He wanted to watch an important international footba

591、ll match. It wasEngland against Brazil. Both teams were playing well, but neither team could score a goal.The crowd were cheering and booing. It was very exciting. * * *Then at 3:20, England scored from a penalty. Mr. Thompson jumped out of his chair. He was very excited. He was smiling happily when

592、 suddenly the cameraman focused on the crowd. Mr.Thompsons smile disappeared and he looked very angry. Bill Walkers face, in close-up, was there on the screen. He didnt look ill, and he didnt sound ill. He was smiling happily and cheering wildly!Lesson 30Special announcement for Mr. Valans. Would Mr

593、. Valans, passenger on Pan Am Flight Number 35212 to New York, please contact the Pan Am transfer desk immediately. Mr. Valans to contact the Pan Am transfer desk immediately, please.This is a security announcement. Passengers are reminded not to leave their baggage unattended at any time. Passenger

594、s must not leave their baggage unattended. Unattended bags will be removed immediately by the police.Kenya Airways to Rome and Nairobi, Flight Number 155, boarding now Gate Number 10. Kenya Airways, Gate Number 10.Your attention please. Olympic Airways Flight Number 563 to Athens boarding now at Gat

595、e Number 31. Olympic Airways to Athens, Gate Number 31.Would passenger Aldo Betini, who arrived from Rome, please go to the meeting point. Aldo Betini to the meeting point, please.BA wish to apologise for the delay of their Flight Number 516 to New York. This is due to the late positioning of the ai

596、rcraft to the stand.Assistant: Good morning, sir.Man: Good morning. I wonder if you can help. Ive lost my coat.Assistant: Where did you lose it, sir?Man: Er. I left it on the . um . underground yesterday morning.Assistant: Can you describe it?Man: Well, its a full-length brown overcoat with a check

597、pattern on it. Its got a widebelt, and one of those thick furry collars that keep your ears wamp3. Its a very nice coat,actually.Assistant: Hmm. Im afraid we havent got anything like that, sir. Sorry.Man: Well, to tell you the truth, I lost another coat last week. On the bus. Its a three-quarter len

598、gth coatits grey, with big black buttons and a black belt.Assistant: Sorry, sir. Nothing like that.Man: Hmm. And then only this morning I left my white raincoat in a park. Its got a silklining .Assistant: Look, sir. Im a busy woman. If you really need a coat so badly, theres a verygood second-hand c

599、lothes shop just round the corner.Doctor: Well, hows the patient this morning?Nurse: He appears to have had a very restless night.Doctor: Oh. Was he in very severe pain?Nurse: Yes. I*m afraid he was, doctor.Doctor: Hmm. In that case, I think wed better increase his dosage of diamorphine.Nurse: Yes,

600、doctor. By how much?Doctor: Lets see. How much is he on at the moment?Nurse: Five milligrammes.Doctor: Hmm. Increase it to fifty.Nurse: Fifty? All at once?Doctor: Yes, thats what I said, nurse.Nurse: But thats an increase of forty-five milligrammes.Doctor: Im quite aware of that. However; when I ope

601、rated on the patient yesterday, I foundhis abdomen was riddled with carcinoma. Im sure you realize what that means.Nurse: Yes, I do, doctor. But I still dont feel I can accept responsibility foradministering such an increase.Doctor: Cant you? What exactly do you suggest, then?Nurse: That if youre co

602、nvinced its the right thing to do, you ought to administer theinjection yourself.Doctor: Hmm. I see what you mean. Very well, I will.Woman: What did you do during the earthquake, James?James: Stayed in bed.Woman: What do you mean? Didnt you try to get outside?James: No. Id got terrible flu, so I jus

603、t stayed in bed.Woman: So what happened?James: Well, I must have slept through the first earthquake although nobody believes me.They said it was so noisy. Then I woke up about four in the morning. Still feeling terriblewith the flu. Eyes running, nose running. You know how you feel when you*ve got t

604、he flu. Woman: Dont I just. Ive been lucky so far this year; though.James: So I decided to get up and make a cup of tea. I*d just got into the kitchen when Istarted to feel all unsteady on my feet. Then I got this roaring noise in my ears. I stillthought it was the flu, you see.Woman: So what happen

605、ed then?James: Well, I slowly realized that it wasnt me feeling dizzy and the noises werent in my head. I heard the people upstairs screaming. The wooden floor started moving up and down, the doors and windows started rattling and banging, all the kitchen cupboards were thrown open and cups and sauc

606、ers came crashing to the floor, the kitchen clock fell from the wallWoman: Well, what did you do?James: What could I do? I just stood there and watched.Woman: Why didnt you try to get out?James: Oh, I couldnt be bothered. I was feeling so terrible with the flu. I just went backto my bedroom. Some bo

607、oks had fallen from the bookcase and that little porcelain vase hadrolled to the floor but fortunately didnt break. I even had to look for my transistor radiounder the bed. I picked it up and switched it on and they were telling people to go and sleep in the parks.Woman: So why didnt you?James: I to

608、ld you, I was feeling too ill. And the nearest park is a long walk from my flat.And I didnt want to be with a lot of people. So I just stayed in bed and hoped for thebest. I didnt really think the house was going to fall down around me. Though several did, I found out later.Woman: Yes. I was sitting

609、 in a cafe when the first one started and the whole place started to shake. People were running and screaming and pushing to get out.Martin, Robert and Jean are being interviewed on the subject of friendship. Interviewer: How important are friends to you, Martin?Martin: Ive never had a lot of friend

610、s. Ive never regarded them as particularly important.Perhaps thats because I come from a big family. Two brothers and three sisters. And lots ofcousins. And thats whats really important to me. My family. The different members of myfamily. If you really need help, you get it from your family, dont yo

611、u? Well, at leastthats what Ive always found.Interviewer: What about you, Jean?Jean: To me, friendship . having friends . people I know I can really count on . to methats the most important thing in life. Its more important even than love. If you lovesomeone, you can always fall out of love again, a

612、nd that can lead to a lot of hurt feelings,bitterness, and so on. But a good friend is a friend for life. Interviewer: And what exactly do you mean by a friend?Jean: Well, Ive already said, someone you know you can count on. I suppose what I reallymean is . lets see, how am I going to put this . its

613、 someone who will help you if youneed help, wholl listen to you when you talk about your problems . someone you can trust. Interviewer: What do you mean by a friend, Robert?Robert: Someone who likes the same things that you do, who you can argue with and not loseyour temper; even if you dont always

614、agree about things. I mean someone who you dont haveto talk to all the time but can be silent with, perhaps. Thats important, too. You can justsit together and not say very much sometimes. Just relax. I dont like people who talk allthe time.Interviewer: Are you very good at keeping in touch with you

615、r friends if you dont see themregularly?Robert: No, not always, Ive lived in lots of places, and, to be honest, once I move away, Ioften do drift out of touch with my friends. And Im not a very good letter writer; either.Never have been. But I know that if I saw those friends again, if I ever moved

616、back to the same place, or for some other reason we got back into close contact again, Im sure thefriendship would be just as strong as it was before.Jean: Several of my friends have moved away, got married, things like that. One of myfriends has had a baby recently, and Ill admit I dont see her or

617、hear from her as much asI used to . She lives in another neighborhood and when I phone her; she always seems busy.But thats an exception. I write a lot of letters to my friends and get a lot of lettersfrom them. I have a friend I went to school with and ten years ago she emigrated to Canada, but she

618、 still writes to me every month, and I write to her just as often.Bill Walker works for an import-export com pa ny. Last Wednesday morning Bill rang his officeat nine oclock. His boss, Mr. Thompson, answered the phone.Mr. Thompson: Hello, Thompson here .Bill: Hello. This is Bill Walker.Mr. Thompson:

619、 Oh, hello, Bill.Bill: Im afraid I cant come to work today, Mr. Thompson.Mr. Thompson: Oh, whats the problem?Bill: Ive got a very sore throat.Mr. Thompson: Yes, you sound ill on the phone.Bill: Yesz Ill stay in bed today, but Ill be able to come tomorrow.Mr. Thompson: Thats all right, Bill. Stay in

620、bed until you feel well enough to work.Bill: Thank you, Mr. Thompson . Goodbye.Mr. Thompson: Goodbye, Bill.* * *Mr. Thompson liked Bill very much. At 12:30 he got into his car; drove to a shop and boughtsome fruit for him. He went to BilTs flat and rang the doorbell. Bills wife, Susan, answered the

621、door.Susan: Oh, Mr. Thompson! Hello . how are you?Mr. Thompson: Fine, thanks, Susan. Ive just come to see Bill. How is he?Susan: He doesnt look very well. I wanted him to see the doctor.Mr. Thompson: Ill go in and see him . Hello, Bill!Bill: Oh . hello . hello, Mr. Thompson . er. er.Mr. Thompson: Iv

622、e brought some fruit for you, Bill.Bill: Thank you very much, Mr. Thompson.Mr. Thompson: Well,. I had to pass your house anyway. Hows your throat?Bill: It seems a little better. Ill be OK tomorrow.Mr. Thompson: Well, dont come in until you feel better.Bill: All right. but Im sure Ill be able to come

623、 in tomorrow.Mr. Thompson: Goodbye, Bill.Bill: Goodbye, Mr. Thompson.* * *At three oclock in the afternoon, Mr. Thompson locked his office door, and switched on his portable television. He wanted to watch an important international football match. It was England against Brazil. Both teams were playi

624、ng well, but neither team could score a goal. The crowd were cheering and booing. It was very exciting. * * Then at 3:20, England scored from a penalty. Mr. Thompson jumped out of his chair. He was very excited. He was smiling happily when suddenly the cameraman focused on the crowd. Mr. Thompsons s

625、mile disappeared and he looked very angry. Bill Walkers face, in close-up, was there on the screen. He didnt look ill, and he didnt sound ill. He was smiling happily and cheering wildly!Lesson 31Dialogue 1:Passenger: West London Air Temp3inal, please. I have to be there by 11:10.Taxi Driver: I cant

626、promise, but Ill do my best.Taxi Driver: Youre just in time. Seventy pence, please.Passenger: Thanks a lot. Heres eighty pence. You can keep the change.Dialogue 2:Passenger: Do you think you can get me to Victoria by half past?Taxi Driver: We should be OK if the lights are with us.Taxi Driver: Youve

627、 still got five minutes to spare. Seventy pence, please.Passenger: Thanks very much indeed. Heres a pound, give me twenty pence, please.Dialogue 3:Passenger: Piccadilly, please. I have an appointment at 10:30.Taxi Driver: I think we can make it if we get a move on.Taxi Driver: Here we are, sir. Eigh

628、ty pence, please.Passenger: Many thanks. Lets call it a pound.Dialogue 4:Passenger: Paddington, please. I want to catch the 11:15.Taxi Driver: Well be all right if there are no hold-ups.Taxi Driver: This is it, sir. Seventy pence, please.Passenger: Thank you. Heres the fare, and this is for you. No

629、luck then, John?Afraid not, sir. Not yet, anyhow. Were still checking on stolen cars.一Mm.Where do you think hell head for; sir?Well, he definitely wont try to leave the country yet. He may try to get a passport, and hell certainly need clothes and money. Hell probably get in touch with Cornfield for

630、 those, so I expect hell make for Bimp3ingham.一Right. 1 ,1 1 put some men on the house.一Yes, do that. Mind you, I doubt if he*ll show up there in person. Hammonds no fool, you know. I should think hell probably telephone.What about his wife? Mm. I shouldnt think hell go anywhere near her-though he m

631、ight get her to join him after hes left the country. And when he does leave, he probably wont use a major airport, either. So youd better alert the coastguard, and keep an eye on the private airfields. Right, sir. Id better get his description circulated.Yes. He may change his appearance, of course,

632、 but I dont expect hell be able to do much about the tattoos . And Johnbe careful. He could be amp3ed. And if I know Hammond, he certainly wont give himself up without a fight.A lot of young people today find it difficult to get a job, especially in the first few months after they leave school. This

633、 is much more of a problem now than it has ever been in the past. In some parts of the country sixty or even seventy per cent of young people in the last years of school will be without a job for a whole year after leaving school.Our Jobs Infomp3ation Service has been in touch with thousands of youn

634、g people over the last two or three years, talking to them about their hopes and their fears, and we have in fact been able to give a lot of help and advice to young people who have just left school.Are you recently out of school and still without a job? Or are you still at school and worried about

635、getting a job when you leave?We have found that many people dont know who to talk to and sometimes dont know what questions to ask. That is why our experience at Jobs Infomp3ation Service is so important.It will cost you nothing-just a phone call. If you would like to talk to usand we are here to ta

636、lk to youthen please phone 24987 any day between 9:00 and 5:30.Man: I want to do something tonight for a change, lets go out.Brian: All right, lets go to the movies.Woman: In this heat? Are you joking?Brian: We can go to an outdoor movie. Do you think Id suggest an indoor one in the middleof the sum

637、mer in San Diego?Man: Id rather go out for a meal.Woman: Yes, that sounds a better idea. The outdoor movies are so uncomfortable.Brian: Why dont we do both at the same time? We could pick up some take-away food and eat it in the movie.Man: That sounds like fun. What a good idea.Woman: But they never

638、 show any good films in the summer. At least not any of the new ones.All you get is the old classics.Brian: And whafs wrong with them?Woman: Oh nothing, its just that weve seen them all half a dozen times.Brian: But thats why theyre classics. Theyre worth seeing again and again.Man: Youve got a poin

639、t there, Brian. My main objection to outdoor movies is that you can never hear properly. You hear all the traffic from outside.Brian: Well, we can find a foreign film with subtitles, then you dont need to hear the sound.Woman: Supposing its a musical.Brian: Oh trust you to say that! I think it would

640、 be fun to sit watching an old film and eating a meal at the same time.Woman: Last time I went to an outdoor movie, I bought a bar of chocolate to eat as I went in. It was a horror film and I was so shocked I just sat there holding my bar of chocolate until the interval when I found it had melted in

641、 my hand and run all down my dress. That was an expensive evening out.Man: Well, we wont go and see a horror film, darling, and take-away meals dont melt.Presenter: Good evening and welcome to Interesting Personalities, Tonight weve got a realtreat in store for you. We have here in the studio Mrs. A

642、nnie Jamp3an of Bristol.Mrs. Jamp3an: Hello. Thats me.Presenter: Say hello to the listeners, Mrs. Jamp3an.Mrs. Jamp3an: I just did. Hello again.Presenter: Now Mrs. Jamp3an is eighty-four years old.Mrs. Jamp3an: Nearly eighty-four.Presenter: Sorry, nearly eighty-four years old and she holds .Mrs. Jam

643、p3an: Not quite.Presenter: Yes, I explained. Now Mrs. Jamp3an holds the English record .Mrs. Jamp3an: Eighty-three years, ten months and fifteen days.Presenter: Good, well, now that weve got that out of the way.Mrs. Jamp3an holds the English record for having failed her driving test the most times.M

644、rs. Jamp3an: Im still trying.Presenter: Quite. Now precisely how many times have you failed your driving test, Mrs.Jamp3an?Mrs. Jamp3an: Well, the last attempt last Wednesday brought it up to fifty-seven times. Presenter: Over how long a period?Mrs. Jamp3an: Twenty-eight years.Presenter: What do you

645、 think is the cause of this record number of failures?Mrs. Jamp3an: Bad driving.Presenter: Yes, quite. Well, it would be. But in what way do you drive badly?Mrs. Jamp3an: Every way.Presenter: Every way?Mrs. Jamp3an: Yes. I hit thing. Thats the really big problem, but Im working on that. AlsoI can*t

646、drive round corners. Each time I come to a corner I just drive straight on.Presenter: Ah, yes, that would be a problem.Mrs. Jamp3an: It causes havoc at roundabouts.Presenter: I can imagine. And how many examiners have you had in all this time?Mrs. Jamp3an: Fifty-seven. None of them would examine me

647、twice. Several left the job, said it was too dangerous. One of them got out of the car at the end of the test, walked away and was never seen again.Presenter: Oh dear. But why do you drive so badly?Mrs. Jamp3an: I blame the examiners. Its all their fault. They dont do their job properly. Presenter:

648、Really? In what way?Mrs. Jamp3an: They distract my attention. They keep talking to me. Turn left, turn right, park here. By the time Ive turned round to ask them what they said we*re half way through a field or slowly sinking into a pond surrounded by ducks. They should keep quiet and let me concent

649、rate.Presenter: But they have to tell you where to go, Mrs. Jamp3an.Mrs. Jamp3an: Then they should give me time to stop each time before speaking to me. Why do you think they have those notices on the buses, *Do not speak to the driver, eh? Im surprised there arent more accidents.Presenter: How long

650、 do your tests usually last, Mrs. Jamp3an?Mrs. Jamp3an: Two or three minutes. Not longer. Theyve usually jumped out by then. Except the last one.Presenter: And how long did that last?Mrs. Jamp3an: Four hours and twenty-five minutes, exactly, from beginning to end.Presenter: Four hours and twenty-fiv

651、e minutes?Mrs. Jamp3an: Yes. You see, Id got on the motorway and as I told you I cant turn right orleft, so we didnt stop until I hit a post box just outside London.Presenter: And was the examiner still with you?Mrs. Jamp3an: Oh, yes, he*d fainted much earlier on.Presenter: Well, there we are. Thats

652、 the end of Interesting Personalities for this week.Thank you Mrs. Jamp3an for coming along and telling us about your experiences with cars.Mrs. Jamp3an: Can I just say a word?Presenter: Er. yes. Go ahead.Mrs. Jamp3an: Id just like to say if there are any driving instructors in the Bristol arealiste

653、ning in, well, Id like to say thank you very much and my offer to pay double stillholds good if any of them will come back. Thank you.Presenter: Thank you, Mrs. Jamp3an, and good night.Mrs. Jamp3an: I wont give up.A psychiatrist who has studied the legend of Bonnie and Clyde compares the characters

654、of thetwo.Interviewer: So in your book why do you focus more on Bonnie than you have on Clyde?Shivel: Bonnie had something which Clyde completely lacked. Style. And she was also far moreintelligent than he was. Without her, there never would have a legend. He was just a ratherstupid hoodlum who got

655、into difficult situations almost by accident and then startedshooting wildly. She was a much wamp3erz more generous person.Interviewer: But she could be very ruthless, couldnt she? I mean what about that policemanshe shot in Grapevine, Texas? Didnt she laugh about it?Shivel: Well, first of all, we d

656、ont know if thafs what actually happened. A famp3er sayshe saw her shoot the second policeman and then laugh. Thafs the only evidence we have thatshe actually did that. But even if the story is true, the whole incident illustrates thiswamp3er; almost motherly, side to her character.Interviewer: Moth

657、erly? How does the incident of shooting a policeman illustrate that she wasmotherly?Shivel: Well . uh . just let me finish. You see, the day before the shooting, Bonnie and Clyde were driving about with a pet rabbit in the car. Bonnies pet rabbit. Clyde started complaining because the rabbit stank.

658、So they stopped and washed the rabbit in a stream. The rabbit almost died because of the shock of the very cold water. Bonnie got very worried, and wrapped the rabbit in a blanket and held it close to her as they drove on. Then, the next morning, when the rabbit still wasnt any better; she made Clyd

659、e stop and build a fire. She was sitting in front of that fire, trying to get the rabbit wamp3 when the two policemen drove up and got out. Probably the policemen had no idea who was there. They just wanted to see who was burning a fire and why. A moment later; as we know, they were both dead. All b

660、ecause of that pet rabbit which Bonnie wanted to mother. And .uh . perhaps . in a strange way, Clyde was something like a pet rabbit, too. She was attracted to him because he was weaker than she was and needed someone to mother him. It*s strange, you know, but strong, intelligent women are often att

661、racted to such men . weaker than they are . men who are like children, or pet rabbits.Psychiatrist: Goodbye Mr. er. um . er. Just keep taking those tablets and youll be all right in no time. Next please. Good morning, Mrs. er. your first visit, is it? Mrs. Parkinson: Yes, doctor.Psychiatrist: I see.

662、 Well, let me just fill in this fomp3. Name? Mrs. Parkinson: Parkinson. Enid Parkinson. (Crunch) Mrs. Psychiatrist: So you*re married, Mrs. Parkinson.Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Yes.Psychiatrist: I see. Now, your date of birth, please. Mrs. Parkinson: Wednesday the twelfth of June. Psychiatrist: No, no

663、t your birthday, Mrs. Parkinson. Your date of birth. Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Twelfth of June 1946. But not a word to my husband, mind, he thinks it was 1956.Psychiatrist: 1946. Right. Now, What seems to be the trouble?Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Well, its nothing very much, doctor. Its just that (crun

664、ch) I cant stop (crunch) eating these crisps (crunch).Psychiatrist: Yes, I had noticed that you seemed to be getting through rather a lot of them.Er. do you mind picking up those two empty bags off the floor, please? Thank you. Now,when did this problem start?Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) About six month

665、s ago. My husband and I won a. huge box of crisps ina talent competition. And weve not been able (crunch) to stop eating them ever since. Itscosting us a fortune. (Crunch)Psychiatrist: I see. Now, what do you think about when youre eating these crisps?Mrs. Parkinson: More (crunch) crisps.Psychiatris

666、t: I see. And what do the crisps remind you of?Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Potatoes. (Crunch) Potato crisps. (Crunch) All nice, crisp andgolden brown with plenty of salt on them.Psychiatrist: I see. But dont they remind you of anything else?Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Cheese. Cheese crisps. Cheddar crisps

667、. Roquefort crisps. Edamcrisps. Oh, Id definitely say they remind me of cheese.Psychiatrist: Yes, they certainly seem to do that. Does anything else come to mind whenyoure eating these vast amounts of crisps?Mrs. Parkinson: Not much, apart from crisps, doctor. (Crunch) If Im really on fomp3 I canwor

668、k up an appetite for, oh, paprika crisps, or shrimp crisps or even ham and bacon crisps.Psychiatrist: And have you made any effort to stop eating these crisps?Mrs. Parkinson: Oh, no. I wouldnt want to (crunch) eat anything else. I like my crisps. Psychiatrist: But if you dont want to stop eating the

669、m, why come to a psychiatrist?Mrs. Parkinson: (Crunch) Well, its the noise, doctor. (Crunch) My husband complains hecant hear the telly. And the neighbors bang on the walls late at night. (Crunch) Say theycant sleep. I*ve offered them a whole box so that. so that they can do the same, but(crunch) th

670、ey say theyd rather sleep.Psychiatrist: I should have thought earplugs would have been a more sensible thing to offerthem.Mrs. Parkinson: Earplugs! Thats it! The problems solved. (Crunch) Thank you. Thank youvery much, doctor.Psychiatrist: Er. Mrs . um .Mrs. Parkinson: Parkinson.Psychiatrist: Parkin

671、son, yes. Er. could I have a crisp?Mrs. Parkinson: Certainly, (crunch) doctor. Here, have a couple of bags.Psychiatrist: Oh, thank you, Mrs. Parkinson. Oh, paprika with cheese. (Crunch) Thank you somuch and good day. (Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch)Lesson 32Presenter: Now before the weather

672、report, we have some road news for you from Philip Thomson.Philip Thomson: Yes, well, the A4I is still very busy at the Dome roundabout this morning. Harrow Road, the A404, Harrow Road is now flowing freely, no problems there. The other congestion we have is in the AIM up near Hatfield. The Ml is he

673、avy but at least is moving along, a little bit slower than nomp3al. In Hammersmith, road repairs between Ridge Street and King Street are causing delay. Finally, a demonstration march at twelve thirty will cause congestion in central London.Presenter: And now our weather report.Reporter: Nice sunshi

674、ne all day long today, soon becoming very wamp3, but there will be some relief from the heat with something of a breeze developing. Even so, the temperature will get up to twenty-five degrees later today, its already up to nineteen degrees Celsius now, at nine in the morning, and ifll go on rising.

675、Very little cloud at any stage during the day, just a few clouds drifting around early in the afternoon, so we should end up the day with a good fourteen hours of sunshine going into the record books. That breeze is an easterly one thats going to keep the coastal areas a little bit cooler during the

676、 day but still quite pleasant. Over the night, clear; dry weather still a little bit of the breeze and the temperature down to sixteen in central London and twelve or thirteen out of town.Visitor: Where can I stay in this town?Resident: There are lots of hotels, but they tend to be fairly expensive.

677、 And then there are bed and breakfast places, which are much cheaper-and you can find out about them through looking in the paper, or else just walking around the streets, and they have signs in the window saying Bed & Breakfast. And then there are youth hostels.Visitor: What are the youth hostels l

678、ike?Resident: The youth hostels are OK. All you get is a bed, but they do tend to be very cheap. Visitor: Do I have to become a member?Resident: Yes, you do, in fact. But it*s very easy to join, and there*s an office along the road, where you can go and sign on.Mrs. Weston is describing her schedule

679、 in the nursing home.I usually get up at 6:30. Ive always been an early riser. When my husband was alive, we had to be up by five oclock. He was a long distance train driver; you see. Before breakfast I have a cup of tea and I listen to music on the radio. Then between seven and eight I get dressed

680、and eat breakfasta boiled egg and a large glass of orange juiceI never have anything else. Then at eight oclock I always watch breakfast televisionfor the news and the weather and the chat. And then I usually have a nap until lunch. Thats always at twelve. We have a big lunch here at Twyburyssoup, r

681、oast meat, potatoes, vegetables, always a pudding. After lunch I like being taken out in my wheelchair; or even in a car; if theres anyone to take me. I hate staying indoors. I like looking in the shop windows, or sitting in a park and watching the world go by. Sometimes someone will read to me or w

682、rite some letters. I usually fall asleep about three, and then of course we have our tea around fivenothing heavy-cold meats and salads and fruit, and that kind of thing. In the evening we play cards, or do knitting, and then Im in bed by eight. I am getting on a bit, you know. Im nearly eighty-thre

683、e.Man: Good morning, love.Woman: Morning.Man: Sleep well? Ive made some tea; there you are.Woman: Thanks. Any post?Man: Not really. There*s a postcard from Aunt UI and theres a questionnaire to fill in from the company which gave us the free samples of tinned meat to try out for them. Woman: Theyve

684、got a nerve!Man: But we did say wed return the questionnaire when we took the samples.Woman: What do they want to know?Man: If we liked it.Woman: If we liked it? Are they joking? Youre not filling it in now, are you? What for?Man: We did promise and if I do it now I can post it on my way to work.Wom

685、an: Well, write we didnt like it.,Man: Ill put not much. That sounds nicer. Then it says If not, why?Woman: No flavor. Too much fat.Man: How did you cook it?1 is next.Woman: Fried it like they said, didnt I? Took a mouthful and gave it to the cat.Man: Guests comments, if any!*Woman: The cat became i

686、ll. Poor thing, her fur went all green.Man: Did guests ask for the brand name?Woman: Tell them that our cat cant speak.Man: Will you be buying our product regularly?1Woman: Certainly not! They must be out of their minds.Man: Did you find the tin attractive?Woman: Cut myself opening it. Nearly lost m

687、y thumb. Couldnt use it for a week. I thought itwas infected.Man: *Any other comments?Woman: Well, tell them were too polite to answer that.Mrs. Woodside: Well, Mrs. Long, how do you like it here?Mrs. Long: Oh, since we had the house redecorated, its much nicer to live in. But there arestill a few t

688、hings that bother us.Mrs. Woodside: Oh, what sort of things?Mrs. Long: Nothing to do with the house, really. Its just that our daughter; Jane, hasntbeen . uh . well, she hasnt been sleeping well lately. I mean, shes had a fewnightmares.Mrs. Woodside: Oh, Tm sorry to hear that.Mrs. Long: Uh, excuse m

689、e, Mrs. Woodside, but. do you mind if I ask you something?Mrs. Woodside: No, of course not. Go ahead.Mrs. Long: What. what do you know about. the people who lived here before?Mrs. Woodside: Not very much. Nobody has stayed here very long since . well, since . youknow .Mrs. Long: Since? . Since when?

690、Mrs. Woodside: Well, since those . surely you must know about it?Mrs. Long: No, I don*t know. What are you talking about?Mrs. Woodside: Those terrible murders that happened here more than twenty years ago?Mrs. Long: Murders? What murders?Mrs. Woodside: But I thought you knew! This house once belonge

691、d to a . I really thought you knew . to a man whos supposed to have murdered three or four women! Right here! Inthis house! Afterwards, hes supposed to have cut up their bodies . right here . in thekitchen.Mrs. Long: What? Are you serious?Mrs. Woodside: Oh, dear. I hope I havent said anything to . w

692、ell, to upset you.Mrs. Long: I cant believe it.Mrs. Woodside: Neither could I. Not at first, at least. He seemed such a nice man.Mrs. Long: Who?Mrs. Woodside: Taplow. Gordon Taplow. He didnt seem like the kind of man who could do suchthings at all.Mrs. Long: You mean you knew him?Mrs. Woodside: Yes,

693、 of course I did. Not very well, but I used to see him in the streetoccasionally . We said hello to each other. He was a very quiet man. You wouldnt havethought he could have hurt a mouse. Once, I remember, he invited me in for a cup of tea.Mrs. Long: And what happened?Mrs. Woodside: Nothing. I . I

694、never got round to it. to coming in for a cup of tea. Iwas always too busy. I suppose it was a good thing, wasnt it?Mrs. Long: What?Mrs. Woodside: That I never came in for a cup of tea.Bank Manager: Now, Miss Andrews, how much do you actually want to deposit with us in yournew account?Helen Andrews:

695、 Well, its just around two thousand pounds that I won on the premium bonds.Bank Manager: Right. I now need your full name and address.Helen Andrews: Helen Andrews. 33 Bedford Road .Bank Manager: Helen Andrews. Would you please spell that?Helen Andrews: A-N-D-R-E-W-S.Bank Manager: Address?Helen Andre

696、ws: 33 Bedford, thafs B-E-D-F-O-R-D .Bank Manager: So 33 Bedford .Helen Andrews: Road, London E14.Bank Manager: Right, er. now do you want a deposit or a current account?Helen Andrews: Well, I want to be able to take my money out at any time.Bank Manager: I see. So you probably want a current accoun

697、t.Helen Andrews: Well, if you say so. Ive only had a post office savings account until now.Bank Manager: Well, with a current account you can . have a cheque book, or you can comeinto the bank and take the money out as you like. Of course, there*s no interest on a current account.Helen Andrews: Not

698、at all?Bank Manager: No. If you put it into a seven days deposit account, of course, you get interest, but in a current account, none.Helen Andrews: Well, most people have current accounts, dont they?Bank Manager: Well, they do if theyve not got an awful lot of money and they need to use it regularl

699、y. Eh . so that*s probably the best thing for you.Helen Andrews: Well, youll give me a cheque book, wont you?Bank Manager: Ill give you a cheque book immediately, yes, er.Helen Andrews: Do you need my signature?Bank Manager: Ah yes, well need er. two or three specimen signatures .Helen Andrews: OK.

700、And I will get a cheque card . I mean one of those cards which Im allowed to use for up to fifty pounds a day.Bank Manager: Eh, eh, now we dont actually give a cheque card until youve had an account with us for six months.Helen Andrews: Six months?Bank Manager: Yes, we have to see how the accounts g

701、oing, you see.Helen Andrews: But thats crazy. I mean I used to work in a shop and wed never accept cheques without a cheque card. I mean no one will accept my money.Bank Manager: Well, er. this is how we work, Tm afraid.Helen Andrews: Well, Ill have to reconsider everything again, I think. I had no

702、idea you were as strict as this .If you ask someone, theyll say that the bank is where you can cash a cheque. But its more than that and we have to tell people that in our advertisements. There are several things to think about. When do you start? I mean at what age. That is the first problem. I thi

703、nk you must start very young. So we said: Lets introduce the name of the bank to children and they will never forget it. The next question is this: How do you attract the different age groups? My partner said Why dont we use a gimmick for each age group? Give them something for nothingmoney boxes fo

704、r young children, T-shirts for teenagers, gold pens for young executives. That always works. But what do you give to your best customer? Thats another question. What about leather diaries, for example?Banks are very competitive. How do you think of something new? Thats always a problem. Wewere one o

705、f the first banks to have drive-in banks and to open on Saturdays, but now many banks do. Of course, most banks now offer insurance and travel services, and all the usually standing order and direct debit services. The other thing about advertising is where. Where do you put the ads-on television, o

706、f course, but which journals and newspapers? And when and how often? These are questions you have to ask yourself.Lesson 33Actress Virginia Darlington, who plays Judy in the TV soap opera Texas, got marriedyesterday surrounded by amp3ed bodyguards at the most luxurious hotel in Texas, the Mansion.Th

707、e 39-year-old star exchanged vows with plastic surgeon Henry Jones under a bough of ivy and gardenias, wearing a wedding-dress designed by Britains Saunders. Because this is the second time she has married a flautist marked the celebrations by playing Love is Wonderful the Second Time Around.The Foo

708、tball Association Secretary Mr. John Gamer says hes delighted with the decision to lift the worldwide ban on English soccer clubs. As a result of serious incidents of hooliganism in European and international matches, footballs international ruling body FIFA decided last June that English teams shou

709、ld not be allowed to play outside Britain. FIFA announced its new decision to lift the worldwide ban this morning, but the ban on European matches still stands. Now, the Football Association Secretary says its up to the English fans to improve themselves and if they do behave the ban could be lifted

710、 in as short a time as twelve months.A group of twelve women are working hard to become the first all-female crew to sail around the world. At the moment the crew are busy trying to raise the three hundred and fifty thousand pounds needed to buy and equip a sixty-two foot yacht to make the record at

711、tempt.As part of their fund-raising the crew have been repainting the famous boat Gipsy Moth 4, onshow at Greenwich, which has raised one thousand two hundred and fifty pounds from the British Yachting Association. The crew are also busy training to get ship-shape for their round-the-world sailing r

712、ace which starts in September. The crew skipper says she doesnt think the fact the crew are all women will lessen their chances of winning.Well, its got two big wheels one behind the other; and theres a kind of metal frame between the wheels that holds them together. And theres a little seat above t

713、he back wheel that you can sit on, and above the front wheel theres a sort of metal bar that sticks out on both sides. And you sit on the seat you see, and you put your hands on this metal bar thing-and the whole thing moves forwards-its amazing.What makes it move forward, then?Ah well, in the middl

714、e you see, between the two wheels, there are these other bits of metal and you can put your feet on these and turn them round and that makes the wheels go round. Hang on-if its only got two wheels why doesnt the whole thing fall over? 一Well, you see, um, well l*m not sure actually .Speaker A: Well,

715、to be honest, Im not sure what I would have done. I mean, it would have depended on various things.Interviewer: On what, for instance?Speaker A: Well, on . hmm . on how valuable the things the boys stole were. The text doesnt. it doesnt say whether they had just stolen a tin of peas or something lik

716、e that. So, I cant really say . except well,. I think I would have told the shopkeeper if they had stolen something really valuable. Otherwise, I suppose I would have just. I dont know . minded my own business, I suppose.Speaker B: Well, I think its quite clear what I should have done. The boys had

717、broken the law. You cant allow that sort of thing to go on, can you? After all, it affects all of us.If you let boys or anybody else get away with theft, theyll just go on stealing! So, I think the woman should have toldwhats his name? the shopkeeper.Interviewer: Mr. Patel.Speaker B: Patel. She shou

718、ld have told him and if necessary she should have held the boys while he got the police, or she should have gone for the police herself. Interviewer: So youre saying that thats what you would have done? Speaker B: Exactly. If I had been in that situation, that*s exactly what I would have done.At lea

719、st. at least, thats what I ought to have done. Thats what I hope I would havedone.Fred: A funny thing happened to me the other night.Man: Oh, yes? What happened, Fred?Fred: Well, you know I usually go out for a walk every night just after dark. Well, I wasout the other night taking my usual walk and

720、 I heard a funny noise coming out of thebuilding site down the road, you know, the one where they dug a big hole lately. Going tomake it into an underground garage, I believe.Man: Yes, I know it, go on.Fred: Well, as I said, I heard this funny noise and I thought perhaps there was a kid downthere, y

721、ou know how kids go playing on building sites. But as I got nearer I could tell itwasnt a kid, it sounded more like an animal. I thought it must be some dog or cat that hadgot itself trapped or something.Man: So, what did you do?Fred: Well, I went down there to investigate. I climbed down, ruined my

722、 trousers because ofall the mud. You see it had been raining heavily for three or four days. Man: Yeah.Fred: Well, when I got down there I found the hole was full of water and the water was fullof frogs.Man: Frogs?Fred: Yes. You know, those green things that jump up and down and go croak croak. So I

723、thought What are they going to do when the bulldozers come to work tomorrow? So I climbedback out, went home and got some plastic bags, big ones, like you use for the rubbish. Man: What for?Fred: Ill tell you. I went back and started collecting the frogs and putting them into the plastic bags. I tho

724、ught Id take them to the pond in the park. Theyd be happy there.Man: I suppose they would.Fred: Next thing I know there are sirens screaming and bright lights everywhere. Man: What was going on then?Fred: It was the police. Two cars full of police with flashlights and dogs. Somebody had reported see

725、ing me going into the building site and thought I was a burglar. Man: Well, what happened?Fred: They put me in one of the cars and took me down to the Station.Man: Why didnt you tell them what you were doing?Fred: I tried to in the car; but they just told me I would have to talk to the inspector on

726、duty. Luckily I still had one of the bags on me full of frogs. A couple of them got out while the inspector was questioning me and you can imagine what it was like trying to catch them.Man: So what happened in the end?Fred: Oh, the inspector turned out to be a bit of an animal lover himself and he s

727、ent the two cars back to the building site and told his men to help me collect all the frogs. We did that and then they drove me home and I invited them all in for a cup of tea and we all had a good laugh.Man: Well, I never. If you wrote that in a book theyd say you made it up.A newspaper has a comp

728、lex hierarchy. The easiest way to show this is in the fomp3 of a chart.At the top of the chart there are four major positions. These are the Executive Editor; who talks to the unions and deals with legal and financial questions. Then there is the actual Editor of the paper and his deputy. The Editor

729、 makes decisions about what goes into the paper. The deputy has close contact with the House of Commons and the political content. Finally there is the Managing Editor, who sees that everything runs smoothly. Below this there are three Assistant Editors and the heads of the five departments. Each of

730、 the three Assistant Editors has a different responsibility. For example, one is responsible for design. The five departments are City News, which deals with financial matters, then the Home, Foreign, Sports and Features. Features are the special sections including films, books and the Womans page.

731、So on the second level there are three Assistant Editors and the fiveDepartment Heads. Also on this level is the Night Editor. He looks after the paper, especially the front page, in the afternoon and evening, preparing material for publication the next morning. Below the second level there are the

732、reporters and specialists, who write the reports and articles, and the sub-editors, who check and prepare the copy for the printer. There is also full secretarial back-up.This lift is taking us to departures on the first floor.We are now in departures. Arrivals and departures are carefully separated

733、, as you have seen. Just to the left here we find a 24-hour banking service, and one of three skyshops on this floorthere are two in the departure lounge. And here, as you can see, you can buy newspapers, magazines, confectionery, souvenirs and books. If you will turn around now and look in front of

734、 you, you can see the seventy-two check-in desks, sixty-four of which are for British Airways. The airline desks, for enquiries, are next to the entrances on the far left and far right, and straight ahead is the entrance to the departure lounge and passport control. Shall we go airside?We have now c

735、leared passport control and security, and you can see that security is very tight indeed. You are about to enter a departure lounge which is a quarter of a mile in length. But dont worry. There are moving walkways the length of the building, so you dont have to put on your hiking boots.Straight ahea

736、d of you is a painting by Brendan Neiland. As you can see it is a painting of Temp3inal 4 and it measures twenty feet by eight feet. On the other side of it are the airline infomp3ation desks. Lets walk around to those. Now, if you face the windows you can see the duty-free shops. There is one on yo

737、ur left and one on your right. They have been decorated to a very high standard, to make you feel like you are shopping in Londons most exclusive shops. The duty-free shops sell the usual things but they also have outlets forfine wines and quality cigars.If we turn to the right and walk along in fro

738、nt of the duty-free shops, we will come to a buffet and bar opposite. You see, this one is called the Fourth Man Innall the bars, restaurants and cafeterias have names including the number four and many of them have jokey signboards like this one, to brighten up a travellers day.If we turn left out

739、of here and go back along the concourse, we come to the plan-ahead insurance desk, on the far side of the first duty-free shop, with public telephones alongside. Notice that here we can see what is going on outside, through the windows. Opposite the insurance desk, next to the other duty-free shop,

740、is the international telephone bureau. Lets just go across there. Across from this duty-free shop is an area just like the one we have just seen, with a buffet, bar and skyshops, and now lets go along the moving walkway to the gates, shall we?Mary Jones: Excuse me. Excuse me.Man: Yes, madam?Mary Jon

741、es: Can you help me. Please, look, Im desperate. Are you responsible for lost property?Man: Yes, I am.Mary Jones: Well, Ive got something to report.Man: What is it youve lost?Mary Jones: Ive lost my handbag.Man: Your handbag?Mary Jones: Well, its terrible. I dont know what to do.Man: Where did you l

742、ose your handbag, madam?Mary Jones: On the train, on the train. Look, weve got to stop the train. Man: Which train?Mary Jones: Ive just come off the tube, this last train, in from Paddington.Man: Yes, the last train tonight. There isnt another one.Mary Jones: On the circle line, on the circle line.M

743、an: Yes, yes.Mary Jones: Oh, its terrible. We havent got much time, I mean I have got so many valuable things in that bag.Man: Will you . will you please explain .Mary Jones: I was asleep on the train. I must have dropped off. I woke up, almost missed mystation, so I rushed off the train and then I

744、realized my handbag was still on it.Man: Yes?Mary Jones: By that time the doors were shut and it was too late.Man: So your handbag is still on the train.Mary Jones; Its on the train travelling .Man: Yes. All right. All right, just a moment. Now, can I have your name and address?Mary Jones: Well, loo

745、k the thing l*ve got to tell you is that theres money in that handbag.Man: Yes, we realize this, madam. We need your name and address first.Mary Jones: OK. My names Mary Jones.Man: Mary Jones. Address?Mary Jones: 16 .Man: 16 .Mary Jones: Craven Road.Man: Craven Road. Thats C-R-A-V-E-N?Mary Jones: Ye

746、s.Man: Now, can you tell me exactly what was in the handbag?Mary Jones: Well, there was money .Man: How much?Mary Jones: Nearly thirty pounds. I had my driving licence .Man: So, thirty pounds, driving licence, yes .Mary Jones: I had my keys, and I had the office keys, they*ll kill me when I go to wo

747、rk tomorrow, and Id just been to the travel agent, I had my ticket to Athens .Man: Just. just one moment. House and office keys, ticket to Athens.Mary Jones: Yes, hurry please. Youve got to phone the next station.Man: Yes, all right, just a moment. Anything else?Mary Jones: I had my season ticket.Ma

748、n: Your season ticket for travelling on the tube.Mary Jones: And a very expensive bottle of perfume, and . and . and I had a .Man: Yes, well, Ill get the guard to look in . the train .Lesson 341 .1 borrow videos every week. I can watch cartoons or adventures at any time and I can watch them over and

749、 over again. I never watch childrens programs on television any more.2. My wife likes the video because she doesnt speak any English. But I say, if she doesnt hear English, how can she learn it? She needs to learn English to meet people and make friends.3. Videos are ruining the cinema, of course. T

750、oo many people copy films instead of buying or borrowing them. There are too many pirates. Of course, more people can see their favorite films now. Videos are obviously cheaper than the cinema, but they dont have the sameeffect, do they?4 .1 watch the video every day while I knitmostly old films, ic

751、e-skating and pop videos. I used to watch television all the timenews, talk shows, soap operasanything that was on. Now I can choose what I watch and when I watch it.5. A lot of educational videos are made with government money and video is used by a lot of schools now. Videos can be used at any tim

752、e of the day and they can be stopped and replayed. When I was learning to be a teacher we were filmed and we could see our mistakes. Of course some teachers just put the video on and let it do the work, but it can be extremely valuable in the classroom.6 .1 use the video for three things: I record p

753、rograms when Im not at home and I watch them when I have time. At work we use videos for training new employees, and I hire films at weekends and my friends come to watch. It makes quite a nice social evening.Speaker A: Well, hunk is a verb. And it means to carry something, particularly something th

754、ats heavy and difficult to move. So you can say something like When I saw the men they were hunking the piano down the stairs.Speaker B: Actually, hunk is the cry made by an elephant, especially when it*s angry, or its trying to contact other elephants. The word sounds like the noise they make hunk,

755、 hunk. So you can say, for example, The elephants are hunking a lot tonight.Speaker C: No, no, the truth is, hunk is a noun. And it means a piece of something, a big thick piece. So if you cut a thin piece of bread, thats not a hunk. When you tear off a thick piece of bread, thats a hunk. Today, for

756、 example, I had a big hunk of bread and cheese for my lunch.Tony; Whew. The disco wasnt bad but Im glad to escape from the noise. Arent you? Richard: Ummmmm.Tony: Richard, Id forgotten. Youve got a letter. Now where did I put it? There it is.Under the gas bill.Richard: Oh, from my brother.Tony: Good

757、. How many brothers have you got?Richard: Only one.Tony: Name?Richard: Mark.Tony: Older or younger?Richard: Much older.Tony: How much?Richard: Five years.Tony: Get on all right?Richard: Yes, all right.Tony: Tell me about Mark. You must have a lot in common. Such as problems.Richard: Well, when I hav

758、e a real problem I usually discuss it with Mark.Tony: And what is a real problem?Richard: Money is one. But Mark never minds helping me out.lbny: You say money is one problem. I suppose you mean there are others.Richard: Well, yes. Of course there are. Friends and possessions. He knows who my friend

759、s are and I know who his friends are. But when we meet we hardly ever speak. His friends arent interested in talking to my friends. And my friends think his friends are boring and patronising.Tony: Go on, Richard. You mentioned possessions. What about possessions?Richard: I can never find my favorit

760、e cassettes. Mark and his friends keep borrowing them. I suppose Mark has a point when he says he cant find his calculator. I use it whenever I can find it.Tony: So . if you were in real trouble, who would you contact first? Richard: Mark, of course.Chaimp3an: Now Mr. Grant has a question, I think,

761、on gardening. Mr. Grant?Mr. Grant: Can the team please suggest any suitable gardening task that could be given to young children between eight and twelve years old.Chaimp3an: I usually get them to wash my car. But a gardening task, well, what do you suggest, Peter?Peter: Theres a great tendency amon

762、g some people I know to treat young children like slave labor. I dont think you should. I think you should give them a job which is going to be useful to you, not one that you would object to doing yourself and, if possible, one whichis going to be of some educational benefit to them. A job I would

763、suggest is hand weeding. Chaimp3an: You must have thought about this, Jeff. What job would you give them? Jeff: Well, Id sooner have them eating ice cream. No, seriously, I like having young peoplein the garden. One thing that they enjoy doing, because they get very messy, is cleaning tools, you kno

764、w spades, rakes and things like that. I mean you give a little boy an old rag to clean them with and he is so happy. Another job they love and which I hate absolutely is edging. You know, trying to give a shape to the lawn. They make a horrible mess of it cutting it smaller and smaller and giving it

765、 no shape at all, but they thoroughly enjoy it. The other thing that I like to give them to do is pot washing. Theyre not so keen on that but I get them to wash the pots. But anything thafs going to get them messy, lovely! Chaimp3an: What do you say, Susan?Susan: Well, I would say heaven help any yo

766、ung boy or girl who came into my garden because their life would be made a misery. The only way I would let anybody touch my garden is if I was in the garden with them and working alongside, so I think the only thing to do is, whatever you do, work with them and make sure (a) that its done properly

767、and (b) that theyYe happy while they do it.Three people are giving their opinions about boxing.Speaker 1: When I look at a picture like this I feel . hmm . I feel. Im not reallysure how I feel.Interviewer: Disgusted perhaps? Horrified?Speaker 1: No, no, I wouldnt say that.Interviewer: Are you excite

768、d, perhaps?Speaker 1: Excited? No, no, not at all. What*s there to be excited about? Interviewer: Well, a lot of people who go to boxing matches seem to be excited. Speaker 1: Yes, I know. But I really cant understand why anybody should do that sort of thing at all.Interviewer: What? Go to a boxing

769、match? Or box in one?Speaker 1: No, the first. I . I think . well. its hard to understand why people should want to earn their living by fighting, but I think I can. I mean, its the money,isnt it? No, I meant going to a thing like that and watching it. I . I just cantunderstand it. Thats all.Speaker

770、 2: Well, before . I used to be disgusted by the idea of this sort of thing. Menfighting for money. Blood. All that sort of thing.Interviewer: And now?Speaker 2: Well, since Ive started going to a few boxing matches with my boyfriend, I thinkI see something . something else in it.Interviewer: What?S

771、peaker 2: Well. perhaps youll be surprised when I say this . but I think there*s areal element of skill. Yes. Skill.Interviewer: What kind of skill?Speaker 2: Physical skill. Those men are really . fit. And if you watch two good boxers. boxers who know what theyre doing . you can see the skill. The

772、way they . they .the way they watch each other and wait for an opening. That sort of thing. Its quiteexciting, really. A bit like . a chess game. Yes.Speaker 3: To me its just disgusting. A brutal, disgusting spectacle. It ought to bebanned. It sickens me . the very thought of it sickens me.Woman: W

773、ell, what did you think of the film, Margaret?Margaret: Oh, I enjoyed it actually. But I do like musicals and I think Julie Andrews iswonderful.Woman: Lovely voice.Margaret: Oh, beautiful.Woman: And a lovely face.Margaret: Oh, shes very very attractive.Woman: I can*t think why so many people critici

774、ze her.Margaret: Oh well, a lot of people do, but I think its a snob thing with a lot of people.Woman: Ive always enjoyed her films. Very well produced, too.Margaret: Oh, excellent, yes.Woman: Those lovely scenes in the Alps.Margaret: Yes, where she was doing that number where she was dancing on the

775、 hills.Woman: Mm, and that scene in the school. It brought tears to my eyes. What about next weekthen?Margaret: Yes, what are we going to see next week? Do you know whats on? I havent looked at the local paper to see whats on next week.Woman: Well, Id better give you a ring about it.Margaret: All ri

776、ght. I hope theres another musical on.Woman: Well, I believe theres Guys and Dolls on, if I remember well. Margaret: Really? Are they bringing that back again?Woman: I believe so. But its on at the Odeon, on the other side of town, so it would involve quite a bit of travelling.Margaret: Oh, yes, but

777、 Id go anywhere to see Frank Sinatra.Woman: Id forgotten he was in it, so he is. Well, lets try and see that if we can.Margaret: I have seen it before, of course, but theyre always bringing it back.Woman: What do you say, shall we meet for tea and then take in a matinee?Margaret: Yes, thats a good i

778、dea. Where shall I meet you?Woman: Now what about the Odeon cafe. Four o*clock?Margaret; Fine. Which day?Woman: Tuesday?Margaret: No, I cant make it Tuesday. How about Thursday?Woman: Yes, Thursday is all right. My husband likes to go off to his club on Thursday. Margaret: So Thursday, four oclock,

779、have tea and then go and see Guys and Dolls. Well, thatll be nice because I do like Frank Sinatra. So Ill see you on Thursday. I have to be off now. Goodbye.Woman: Bye.Angela Rogers is describing a boat trip which she took with her husband down the Nile.It was the summer of last year when we went. I

780、t was a special package holiday which included three days in Cairo, and a week cruising down the Nile. It sounded lovely in the brochure.Relaxing, luxurious, delicious food-all the usual things. And the boat looked nice in the picture. In fact when we got there, and on the boat, it was exactly the o

781、pposite of luxurious. It was positively uncomfortable. It was too small to be comfortable. And too hot. The only air-conditioning was from the wind, and inside, in the cabins, it was too hot to sleep, and the dining room was stifling.My husband and I paid the special rate for the best cabin. Im glad

782、 we didnt have to stay in the worst one. The cabins were very poorly equipped; there wasnt even a mirror; or a socket for a hair drier, or even a point for the electric razor. There was a shower; but the water pressure wasnt high enough to use it. The cabin was badly designed as well. There wasnt en

783、ough room to move. The beds took up three quarters of the space.The brochure also talked about the mouth-watering French cuisine available on board, but youcould hardly call it food. It was boring, and practically inedible. There was nothing to do, really. There was a table-tennis table, but one bat

784、 was broken. In the daytime the decks were so crowded, there wasnt even enough room to sit. We did stop now and then for a swim, but who wants to swim in that filthy river? I certainly didnt.Professor Ernest Taylor is a sociologist and the author of a number of books. He was interviewed recently on

785、CBC radio by Nomp3an Blunt.Blunt: Now Professor; in your latest book Granny Doesnt Live Here Any More, you suggest that Granny is a problem, and she is going to become even more of a problem in the future. Am I correct?Taylor: Yes, in fact its not only Granny who is a problem, its Grandfather, too,

786、and old people in general.Blunt: Now, is this a peculiarly British phenomenon? It seems very sad that parents should give so much of their lives to bringing up their children and then, when they become old, be regarded as a problem.Taylor: Our research was mainly carried out in Britain. In many coun

787、tries it is stillregarded as quite natural that a widowed mother should go to live with one of her married children, but in Britain, certainly during the last thirty or forty years, there has been considerable resistance to this idea.Blunt: Now why do you think this is? Surely having a Granny about

788、the place to take care of the younger children, and give a hand with the housework, can take a lot of pressure off a young wife, cant it?Taylor: Yes, I think this is true. But remember the old people themselves are of ten totally opposed to the idea of going to live with the young family. And modern

789、 houses and flats are very small, much smaller than the sort of homes people used to live in.Blunt: And when Granny gets very old, then the situation becomes even worse, doesn*t it? Taylor: Yes, as long as old people are able to look after themselves, the system works quite well. But as soon as they

790、 need anything in the way of care and attention, the situationbecomes very difficult indeed.Blunt: Well, presumably a point comes when old people have to go into a nursing home or something similar.Taylor: Yes, but its not as simple as that. Because of improvements in medical science, life expectanc

791、y is increasing all the time. The birth rate has fallen. This means that an ever smaller working population is having to provide for an ever larger number of old people, in need of care and attention. The number of places in old peoples homes provided by the State is strictly limited. There are priv

792、ate nursing homes, but the cost is way out of reach of the average family.Blunt: And how do you see the situation developing in the future?Taylor: Well, obviously a lot of money is going to have to be spent. But its difficult persuading people to do this. There arent many votes for politicians in pr

793、oviding nursing homes for elderly.Blunt: You dont see a reversal of this trend, with Granny going back to live with the family.Taylor: I think this is most unlikely.Lesson 35Woman A: I cant stand places like Majorca or the Costa Brava.Man: No, nor can I.Woman A: You know, where you have to share the

794、 beach with thousands of other people and everyone speaks English.Woman B: Oh, I dont mind that.Man: Oh, I do. I never go to places like that. I like to get right away from all the tourists, go somewhere thats really quiet and peaceful, like an island or something. Woman A: Yes, so do Iwhere no one

795、speaks English.Woman B: Whats wrong with people speaking English? I like meeting people when Im on holiday. I like places with a good night life, and plenty of men around, and . well, you know, where you can have a good time .I remember sailing on a pond that used to be by my grandfathers sawmillwe

796、had a boat, andwe used to go sailing on this. Also, we used to do a lot of climbing trees. We used to climb these trees for apples, which we then ate and made ourselves very sick. And my mother would come along and complain very strongly, but I don*t think that stopped us at all. And of course in th

797、ose days I had a bike, too, and I remember I used to push it up this very long hill near our house and then Id get on and ride down as fast as I could go. My mother used to complain about that, too.Doris: Hello. Whats all this then, Harry?Harry: Whats all what? Im making a cake.Doris: Yes. We can se

798、e what youre up to. Obviously youre making a cake. What else would you be doing with a cake tin and a rolling pin on the table and the place absolutely covered in flour. Yes, we can see what youre doing. But why are you doing it?Man: Yes, its rather unlike you, Harry.Harry: Well, I just decided Id t

799、ry and make one for a change instead of buying one. Anyway this is going to be a rather special sort of cake. You cant buy them like this. And while youre here, Doris, do you mind beating up half a dozen eggs in that blue bowl over there? Youll find a fork and egg whisk, whichever you prefer; in the

800、 drawer on the left.Doris: OK. I dont mind. But whats so special about this cake?Harry: Its a surprise cake.Man: A surprise cake?Harry: Yes. Doris, dont forget to add five tablespoons of sugar.Doris: No, dear. But tell us about this surprise cake.Harry: Well, it was an idea I had while I was lying i

801、n bed last night.Man: Do you usually think of food in bed?Harry: I wasnt thinking of food. I decided to have a party for some old friends of mine,but I want to give them a surprise.Man: What kind of surprise?Harry: Can you add a half of a pint of cream to that, Doris? Thats right, drip it in slowlya

802、nd then beat it up again until it becomes all sticky. Thats the way.Doris: I have made a cake before, you know. Now, come on, whats the surprise? Harry: Well, its quite simple, really. You see I serve the cake with candles on it. Then I switch out the lights and I slip out of the room. But before th

803、is I tell them that they must count to twenty before trying to blow out the candles and theyll get a surprise.Man: And then? (Explosion effect) Listen! Im terribly sorry Im late.Oh, thats all right. It doesnt really matter; does it? I havent got anything better todo, have I?一Just let me explain, wil

804、l you?一l*ve only been waiting for over an hour; thats all.Yes, I know, and I would have got.After all, my time isnt really that important, is it? Please don*t be like that. Just let me explain. I . I tried to get here in time but justafter I left home, the car broke down.- The car broke down?Yes, an

805、d . well. luckily . there was a garage near me. And . and it took them awhile to repair it.Why didnt you at least phone?一I would have! But I didnt know the number of the restaurant.一You could have looked it up in the telephone book!Yes, but. youll never believe this . I couldnt remember the name of

806、the restaurant.I knew where it was, but forgot the name. I see. Well, at least it was lucky you found a garage to repair your car.Yes. It was something I couldn*t do myself. It didnt take too long, but thats why Imlate, you see. Hu huh. Which garage, by the way? Pardon?Which garage did you take it t

807、o?一Uh . the one near my flat. You know. Lewis Brothers.Yes, I know that garage. Its the only one near your flat.一Hmm. Well now, lets have something to eat. Uh, what about some . I know the garage very well!Yes. Lets see now. Yes, I think Ill have some .A pity its Sunday.一Pardon?A pity its Sunday. Th

808、at garage is closed on Sunday!Donald: Isnt it a relief to see people and lights, Walter? Now, let me see. Where are weexactly? According to my map, this must be Chagford.Walter: Youre right, Don. That sign says Chagford Town Hall. But theres a more interesting notice on the other side of the square.

809、 Do you see what it says? Open for Devon CreamTeas. * * * Donald: Oh, yes, so it does. Hold on a moment. I must get a newspaper. Theres a newsagent next door.Walter: What do you want a newspaper for?Donald: lb find out whats been happening, of course.Walter: I dont need a newspaper to find out whats

810、 been happening. We must have been walking for at least six hours. My feet have been hurting for about four hours and Ive been starving since we shared that tin of cold beans.Donald: You dont mean youre hungry again? I see what you mean. That tea shop does look interesting. We could plan to morrows

811、walk while we were having tea, couldnt we? * * Walter and Donald have just finished their Devon Cream Tea, but they dont seem to want to leave.Waitress: I really dont know what to do, Mrs. Adams. The two gentlemen at table four have had complete Devon cream teas, with additional sandwiches and cakes

812、, and another order of scones. They dont seem to want to leave and its a quarter past five and I should be going off.Mrs. Adams: Never mind, Mary. You go. Poor lads. They must have been walking all day by the look of them. They must have been starving.Walter: I feel a hundred per cent better. How ab

813、out you, Donald?Donald: I must admit that a Devon cream tea is better than a tin of cold beans. In fact, its better than almost anything I can think of . except a good newspaper. Do you ever buy a newspaper?Walter: Not often. But I watch television a lot.Donald: Television! It only scratches the sur

814、face.Walter: I dont know what you mean by that. Television coverage is very dramatic.Donald: Dramatic, yes. You learn what happened but never why it happened.Walter: Rubbish. The television pictures show you what happened and then the people concerned are interviewed and they tell you why it happene

815、d.Donald: They say what they saw, but they arent in a position to fill in the background.Walter: Yes, they are. They were there.Donald: That doesn*t mean theyre in a position to fill in the background. Anyway, the television pictures dont show you the whole truth. They only show you the bits thathap

816、pened while the cameraman was filming. Very often he missed the most important bits.Mrs. Adams: Excuse me. Im afraid its almost half past five and we must close. Could I justgive you your bill?Donald: Yes, of course. See to it, will you, Walter. I must get a newspaper before thenewsagent closes.Walt

817、er: . Er. Don .Donald: Yes?Walter: Could you get me a paper; too?Donald: What do you want a paper for?Walter: To find out whats on television.Alan: Yes, well . good . that sounds great. thanks a lot. havent been to a partyfor ages. Ill drop round then. Er. tell me how I get there.Caller: I just told

818、 you, Alan.Alan: You didnt. You just reminded me it was somewhere near Willesden Green.Caller: I told you exactly how to get here.Alan: Then I wasnt listening. Tell me again and Ill write it down.Caller: All right. Take a 46 bus.Alan: A what?Caller: A 46.Alan: It cant be a 46.Caller: It is, it is.Al

819、an: Look, the 46 goes in the opposite direction. It goes towards the Elephant and Castle.Caller: No, it doesn*t.Alan: It does.Caller: Listen, it may go towards the Elephant and Castle on its way back but before thatits headed in the opposite direction because I happen to catch it every day on my way

820、 homefrom work.Alan: All right, but Ive seen the 46 going the opposite way, Im sure. I didnt want to endup at the wrong end of town, thats all.Caller: In any case, what you may have seen is the 46B. That goes from here down to theElephant on its return journey.Alan: But I seem to remember coming to

821、your house one time on the 28. Am I right? I used tocatch it at Marble Arch.Caller: Yes. Its discontinued. It used to run from Tooting straight through to here. Its aPity.Alan: OK, so I catch the 46. Now where do I get off?Caller: Get off at Boots the chemists on the corner; two stops after the rail

822、way bridge.Turn right and walk on until you come to the second set of traffic lights then turn rightinto Hartington Road.Alan: Hang on . let me write that down. So I get off at Boots the chemists after the railway bridge.Caller: Two stops after youve gone under the railway bridge.Alan: All right. Th

823、en what?Caller: Then turn right and turn right again at the second set of traffic lights.Alan: Right at the second set of lights.Caller: Then first right into Hartington Road and Im number one, second floor.Alan: OK, Ive got all that. Where do you think is the nearest place for me to catch the 45?Ca

824、ller: 46. The 45 would take you up to Wembley and you wouldnt get here till the middle ofnext week.Alan: All right the 46. Where do I catch it?Caller: I should think Piccadilly Circus or Green Park would be the nearest to you.Alan: Oh well, theyre both within walking distance. Have you any idea how

825、often they run? Caller: What?Alan: The 46, do you know how often it runs?Caller: Ive no idea. I should think every ten or fifteen minutes. I never have to waitlong.Alan: Good. I should be there in about an hour. Thanks for the invitation. Cheers. Caller: Cheers. See you later.Fred: Are you sure this

826、 is the right house?Harry: Course Im sure. I used to live next door; didnt I? It*s easy and safe. Shes notbeen out for twenty years. Frightened to go out in case someone pinches her money.Fred: That*s just what were going to do, isnt it? Except shes in. What if she hears us? Harry: She wont. Deaf as

827、 a post. Probably half blind, too. Living in the dark all thoseyears. Come on, get in this window. Stand on my back and give me a hand up. Right, now comeon. Lets have a look around. * * *Wendy: Ah, good evening, youve come at last.Fred: Blimey!Harry: Oh. . er. good evening. Yeah . er. sorry to be l

828、ate.Wendy: Late! Oh, you are naughty. Keeping me waiting here twenty years. And then trying to surprise me by coming in the window. And youve brought a friend, I see. Good evening. Ihope you didnt damage your clothes coming in the window like that. Harrys such a silly boy. Still up to his tricks. Do

829、 take a chair. And you Harry, sit down and we can all have anice cup of tea. Youd like that, wouldnt you?Fred: Oh . er. yeah, er. thanks very much. Er. thank you.Wendy: Lovely. Now, wont be a minute. Harry, entertain your friend, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Fred: A right mess this is. Quick, back out of

830、 the window.Harry: No. Calm down. Cant you see? Its even easier. She thinks Im her old boyfriend.Mustve been waiting for him for twenty years. All I have to do is ask her for the money and shell give it to me. Shes off her head.Fred: Do you think so? Reckon itll be as easy as that?Harry: Course it w

831、ill. Now shut up. Shes coming back.Fred: She didnt even notice our masks.Harry: Oh, shut up.Wendy: Here we are. A nice cup of tea and a bun. Now, Harry, you havent introduced yourfriend.Harry: Oh, no. Sorry. Er. this is Fred. Yeah . *Fred. Fred, this is .Wendy: Hello, Fred. So pleased to meet you. I

832、m Wendy. Wendy Hartfelt.Fred: Oh, very pleased, Im sure.Harry: Wendy, I wanted to talk to you about money.Wendy: Ah yes, Harry. I wondered. I wasnt going to mention it quite so soon, but that ten thousand pounds I lent you must have acquired quite a lot of interest by now, and times are rather hard.

833、 Now, drink your tea like a good boy and well discuss how you can pay it back. Twenty years is a long time to wait, after all. Harry? Harry, what are you doing? Come back in here at once. Oh dear. He is a naughty boy. But I know hell come back. Always did. But Im afraid his tea will be cold. Ah .A f

834、riend of mine, Rob Jenkins, almost had a nervous breakdown last year. I told him to go to the doctor.Doctor: Hello, Mr. Jenkins. What can I do for you?Mr. Jenkins: Well, doctor. Im very tense and nervous. I haven*t been able to sleep for several days.Doctor: Hmm . have you been working hard?Mr. Jenk

835、ins: Oh, yes. Ive been very busy. Ive been working twelve hours a day.Doctor: Have you been taking any pills?Mr. Jenkins: No, but Ive been smoking too much, and Ive been drinking a lot of coffee.Doctor: Well, you should take a holiday. You should go somewhere quiet and peaceful, likeCornwall. Why do

836、nt you go there? * * *Rob decided to go to Cornwall the next weekend. Penquay was a very small fishing village on the north coast of Cornwall. There were no trains or buses to Penquay, so he had to drive.It was a long journey, and Rob arrived late on Friday evening. The landlady of the guest house,

837、Mrs. Doone, answered the door and showed him to his room. Rob was very tired and went straight to bed. He slept well and didnt wake up until nine oclock the next morning.Rob went downstairs for breakfast. Because there were no other guests, Mrs. Doone invited him to have breakfast with her and her d

838、aughter; Catherine. Catherine was already sitting in the dining room. She was about thirteen years old, with long, black hair and clear; grey eyes. Mrs. Doone went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Rob and Catherine looked at each other nervously for a few seconds.Mr. Jenkins: There are four plac

839、es at the table. Is there another guest?Catherine: Oh, no . we never talk about the empty place.Mr. Jenkins: The empty place? What do you mean?Catherine: Well, that used to be my fathers place.Mr. Jenkins: Used to be? I dont understand.Catherine: My father was a fishemp3an. Three years ago he went o

840、ut in his boat, and he never returned.Mr. Jenkins: What happened to him?Catherine: Nobody knows. They searched everywhere, but they found nothing. My mother always keeps that place for him, and she makes his breakfast every morning. She thinks hell come back. Thats a photograph of him . over there,

841、on the wall. My mothers been waiting for him for three years.* *Rob said nothing, but he looked very worried. At that moment Mrs. Doone returned. She poured four cups of tea, and put one cup in the empty place. Rob looked more worried and he staredat the empty chair. Suddenly, he heard footsteps out

842、side the door and a tall man, with a black beard, walked into the room. Rob looked terrified. It was the man in the photograph! He jumped up and ran out of the room.Man: Who was that? Whats the matter?Mrs. Doone: I dont know. I dont understand. Hes a guest from London. He arrived lastnight while you

843、 were asleep.Man: Catherine! Do you know anything about this?Catherine: No, I dont, father. But hes here because he*s very nervous. He says hes hidinghere because a tall man with a black beard is trying to kill him.Man: Catherine, have you been telling stories again?Catherine: Stories, father? Me? (

844、laughing)Lesson 36Robert Gordon is phoning to book a hotel room in Paris.Receptionist: 45-21-64. Allo?Robert: Is that the Saint-Martine Hotel?Receptionist: Oui. Yesz it is. Can I help you?Robert: Have you got a double room for the night of 23rd July?Receptionist: One moment please. Ill just have a l

845、ook. Yes, we have got a double room on that date.Robert: Has it got a double bed or two singles?Receptionist: Two singles, monsieur.Robert: And is that with or without bath?Receptionist: Its a room with shower and toilet, monsieur.Robert: That sounds fine. Is there a TV?Receptionist: Could you repea

846、t that, please?Robert: Is there a color television in the room?Receptionist: Yes, but of course. And a video, if you choose.Robert: How much will it be for one night?Receptionist: About four hundred francs.Robert: And what does that include?Receptionist: It includes morning newspaper; continental br

847、eakfast and service.Robert: Where is the nearest metro?Receptionist: Opera, monsieur. Its only five minutes from here.Robert: And is there an extra charge for children?Receptionist: If the child is under sixteen and we put an extra bed in your room, the chargeis seventy-five francs. Do you want the

848、room?Robert: Yes, for one night-23rd July.Receptionist: Oui, monsieur. May I have your name, please?Robert: Actually, it*s for my wife and two daughtersMrs. Jean Gordon, Linda and Maggie.Receptionist: Yes, monsieur. So you need an extra bed. And what time will they be arriving on July 23rd .Intervie

849、wer: Now youve been a veterinary doctor for some thirty years, what was it that made you become a vet in the first place?Vet: Well, I studied as an ordinary doctor in the beginning, but I slowly realized that I liked animals very much. I almost prefer animals to people. So I took an extra course in

850、animal medicine. Its as simple as that really.Interviewer: And you still enjoy working with animals?Vet: Oh, yes, very much so. In fact, more than ever now. I*ve got to know animals much better; you see, and I get on better with them in every way. Their owners sometimes get on my nerves, though.Inte

851、rviewer: Oh . why is that?Vet: Well, some people know very little about animals and keep them in the wrong conditions. Interviewer: What sort of conditions?Vet: Oh, you know, some people buy a large dog and then try to keep it in a small flat; they dont take it out enough to give it proper exercise.

852、 Other people have a cat and try to keep it in the house all day, but a cat needs to get out and be free to come and go as it pleases. A lot of people dont feed their animals properly. It*s very common to give pets too much food which is very bad for them, especially if theyre not getting enough exe

853、rcise. Or not to feed them regularly, which is equally bad. An animal is a responsibility which is something many people dont seem to realize.Interviewer: You mean people keep pets for the wrong reasons?Vet: Yes, some people want a pet because theyre lonely, or simply for decoration, or just to show

854、 how rich they are.Interviewer: And just how do you deal with these people?Vet: Well, I try to tell them what the animal needs, what is the right sort of food, the proper exercise. I try to teach them that animals are not toys and if theyre to be healthy, they have to be happy.Interviewer: Yes, I su

855、ppose youre right. In your thirty years as a vet you must have comeacross some interesting cases?Vet: Oh yes, there are lots of interesting cases. I was once called to a lioness who was giving birth and having difficulty. Now that was really interesting.Well, now, ladies and gentlemen, that was our

856、last item, and all that remains for me to do is to thank our perfomp3ers sincerely on behalf of us all for the pleasure they have given us this evening. And of course I must express thanks to those whove worked behind the scenes. And especially our producer. But most of all I want to say thank you t

857、o all of you for coming here this evening and supporting this event, especially in such weather. I think perhaps I should take this opportunity to renew my sincere apologies to those sitting in the back rows. We*ve made temporary repairs to the roof, but unfortunately the rain tonight was unexpected

858、ly heavy, and were grateful to you for your understanding and cheerful good humor. I may say that we had hoped that temporary repairs would suffice. But we were recently infomp3ed by our surveyor that the whole roof will have to be replaced: which is of course a severe blow when you think its only f

859、ive years since we replaced the roof of the church itself. And so we shall be having another concert soon, I hope.Manager: Good morning, madam. And what can we do for you?Woman: What can you do for me?Manager: Yes, madam, what can we do for you?Woman: Youve already done it, thank you very much. And

860、I want something done about what youve done for me.Manager: Is something the matter; madam?Woman: Ill say there is, I want to see the manager.Manager: Im the manager; madam. Now . now what seems to be the trouble? Woman: Look at my face!Manager: Your face? Ah yes. Oh dear. Well, never mind. Whats wr

861、ong with your face? What exactly am I supposed to be looking at?Woman: My lines, my Wrinkles.Manager: Well, we can soon put that right, Madam. You need a bottle of our New GenerationWrinkle Cream. With this wonderful new cream your lines and wrinkles just.Woman: Shut up!Manager:. just disap . I beg

862、your pardon?Woman: I said shut up! I was silly enough to listen to you before. Ill listen to no more of it.Manager: You say youve been here before, madam. Tm afraid I dont recognize you.Woman: Of course you dont recognize me! Last time I came in here I was a very attractive middle-aged woman. Now I

863、look old enough to be even your grandmother.Manager: Well, yes . er. some of us do age quicker than others.Woman: Its not a question of age, my man, its a question of your cream. I used it for two small lines under my eyes and I woke up next morning looking like Lady Frankenstein. Your advertisement

864、 says Lose ten years overnight. For only five pounds you can look young and attractive again. Tried by thousands. Money back guarantee. Well, I want more than my money back. I want you to pay for me to have plastic surgery.Manager: But, madam, there must be some mistake.Woman: Ill say theres been a

865、mistake. My mistake was believing your advert and buying your silly cream. *lt can do the same for you, too/ it said. Well, its certainly done something for me, but now what it did for the lady in the picture.Manager: But our product is tested and approved by doctors. It was thoroughly tested on tho

866、usands of volunteers by experts before it was allowed to be sold on the market. This is the first complaint weve had.Woman: I told you, I want you to pay for a face lift or Im taking you to court! So there! Manager: Er; do you happen to have a . a recent photograph, madam?Woman: What. whatever do yo

867、u want with a photograph? You can see the way I look. Manager: I mean a photograph of you just before you used the cream.Woman: Do you think I go to the photographers everyday? (Pause) Look, Just give me the five pounds, will you?Manager: Do you have your receipt with you, madam?Woman: Er. just a mi

868、nute . let me have a look. (Rummages in bag) Er. no. No, I seem to have lost it?Manager: Then theres nothing I can do, madam. Sorry.Woman: (furious) Ill take you to court. TH take you to court.Manager: You can do as you please, madam. Good morning. Right, what do you want me to get then? Right, er.

869、well, go to the green grocers first.Yeah, the green grocer*s. (Right.) OK. Right, let me see, potatoes, but new potatoes, not mottled ones. I mean theyre really not very good any more. Ump3z three pounds . Hang on. Im trying to write this down. New potatoes. Right. . three pounds.一Three pounds. Yes.

870、一Spring onions, one bunch.一One bunch of spring onions.Yeah.OK.一And . a pound of bananas.And a pound of bananas. Right.一And then, could you go to the supemp3arket as well?Yes, yes. Mm, let me see. A packet of sugar cubes.A packet of sugar cubes.Yeah. Cubes, mind you, not the other stuff. Right.一Coffe

871、e, instant coffee, but yeah, get Nescafe, Nescafe gold blend.一Nescafe?一Yeah. I dont really like any other kinds.OK. Nescafe . what did you say?Gold blend.Gold blend. Yeah.You know one of those eight-ounce jars.一Eight ounces. Yes, yes.Cooking oil.Cooking oil.一Sunflower. you see, I need it for.一What i

872、s it? Whats that?一Sunflower.Sunflower? I need it for a special recipe. Never heard of that.Sunflower cooking oil.一Yeah. Right.一Wine.Any special kind?Any dry white. Dry white wine. Yeah.And some bread.一Some bread. Any, again, any particular kind?- No.Any kind?Any kind, yeah.一OK. Yeah. Anything else?

873、No, I dont think. Oh yes, hang on. I forget apples. Golden delicious, ump3, from thegreen grocers.Golden delicious apples. How many?Two pounds.Two pounds.一Yes. * * * Hi, Im back.Ah, good. Right, well, lefs see what youve got then. Right, lets see what we have got here. Three pounds of potatoes.Oh lo

874、ok. Thesere old potatoes. I did say new potatoes. These, these are no good. Oh, Im sorry. It doesnt make much difference.一Yes, it does. Im sorry. Well, actually, I couldnt, I didnt see any new potatoes. Mm, alright. What are these, onions?Onions, yes. But these are not spring onions.一Oh, they are ni

875、ce, nice big ones, though, arent they?一Yeah, but not spring onions.Oh, sorry. I didnt, I didnt really know what spring onions were.一Well, you know, theres long ones .Oh, they have all sorts. . and thin ones.一Right. Some bananas.一That, yeah, they are fine. Great.一Good. Two pounds of apples.Cooking ap

876、ples? I did say golden delicious. Look, these are for cooking. I wanted some foreating. You know, for. oh well .一Oh well, I didnt know. I thought they would do. They look nice. Mm, no. Right. A bottle of wine. Riesling, OK?Yeah, fine, great. Thats fine. And sugar cubes here. Great.一Yes, yes.OK.一Righ

877、t. Now they didnt have any Nescafe Gold Blend, so I got Maxwell House. Thats allthey had.Alright, alright. Never mind.Yeah. And oil. But not Sunflower oil. I couldnt see that. I got this. I think its good stuff, good quality.Yes, it is good, but its olive oil and thats not what my recipe wanted. I n

878、eed Sunflower一Well, I dont think youll find it. And a loaf of bread.- Thats fine. All right. Well, I suppose Ill have to go out myself again then.Well, sorry, but I dont think its my fault. Mm.Hugh is on the telephone. Listen to his conversation with Herr Kohler.Secretary: I have a call for you on l

879、ine one, Mr. Gibbs. Its Mandred Kohler in Dusseldorf.Hugh: Oh, yes. Put him through. Hello, Herr Kohler. How are you?Kohler: Very well, thank you. And you?Hugh: Just fine.Kohler: Glad to hear it. uh . Ill come straight to the point, if you dont mind. Imsure you know why Im phoning.Hugh: Yes, of cour

880、se. About the .Kohler: Exactly. Are you in a position to give us a definite assurance that the goods willbe delivered on time?Hugh: Well, um . you can count on us to do our very best, however.Kohler: Hmm. Excuse me, Mr. Gibbs, but Im afraid that really isnt good enough . I begyour pardon, I dont mea

881、n your best isn*t good enough, but will you meet the deadline orwon*t you?Hugh: I . I was coming to that, Herr Kohler. I must be frank with you. Weve run into afew problems.Kohler: Problems? What kind of problems?Hugh: Technical problems. Nothing very serious. Theres no need to worry.Kohler: I hope

882、not, Mr. Gibbs, for your sake as well as ours. Im sure youre aware thattheres a penalty in your contract with us for late delivery and well .Hugh: Yes, Herr Kohler, Im perfectly aware of that. But do you need the whole order by the24th?Kohler: We would certainly prefer the whole order to be delivere

883、d by then, yes.Hugh: Yes, but do you need the whole order then?Kohler: What exactly are you suggesting?Hugh: You can count on us to get half of the order to you by then.Kohler: Hmm . and how long before the other half is delivered?Hugh: Another week at the most!Kohler: Hmm . youre sure thats all?Hug

884、h: Yes, absolutely! You can depend on us to get half the order to you by the 24th and the other half within a week.Kohler: Hmm . yes, that should be all right. but there must be no further delays!Hugh: There wont be! You can count on that.Kohler: Very well, Mr. Gibbs.Hugh: Thank you! Youve been very

885、 understanding.Kohler: Goodbye, Mr. Gibbs.Hugh: Goodbye, Herr Kohler. And thank you again! Phew! Well,. thats at least one problem out of the way!When Elvis Presley died on 16th August, 1977, radio and television programs all over the world were interrupted to give the news of his death. President C

886、arter was asked to declare a day of national mourning. Carter said: Elvis Presley changed the face of American popular culture . He was unique and irreplaceable. Eighty thousand people attended his funeral. The streets were jammed with cars, and Elvis Presley films were shown on television, and his

887、records were played on the radio all day. In the year after his death, one hundred million Presley LPs were sold.Elvis Presley was born on January 8th, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi. His twin brother, Jesse Garon, died at birth. His parents were very poor and Elvis never had music lessons, but he was

888、 surrounded by music from an early age. His parents were very religious, and Elvis regularly sang at church services. In 1948, when he was thirteen, his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. He left school in 1953 and got a job as a truck driver.In the summer of 1953 Elvis paid four dollars and record

889、ed two songs for his mothers birthday at Sam Phillips Sun Records studio. Sam Phillips heard Elvis and asked him to record Thats All Right in July 1954. Twenty thousand copies were sold, mainly in and around Memphis. He made five more records for Sun, and in July 1955 he met Colonel Tom Parker; who

890、became his manager in November. Parker sold Elviss contract to RCA Records. Sun Records got thirty-five thousand dollars and Elvis got five thousand dollars. With the money he bought a pink Cadillac for his mother. On January 10th, 1956,日vis recorded Heartbreak Hotel, and a million copies were sold.

891、 In the next fourteen months he made another fourteen records, and they were all big hits. In 1956 he also made his first film in Hollywood.In March, 1958, Elvis had to join the amp3y. He wanted to be an ordinary soldier. When his hair was cut thousands of women cried. He spent the next two years in

892、 Gemp3any, where he met Priscilla Beaulieu, who became his wife eight years later on May 1st, 1967. In 1960 he left the amp3y and went to Hollywood where he made several films during the next few years.By 1968 many people had become tired of Elvis. He hadnt perfomp3ed live since 1960. But herecorded

893、 a new LP From Elvis in Memphis and appeared in a special television program. He became popular again, and went to Las Vegas, where he was paid seven hundred fifty thousand dollars for four weeks. In 1972 his wife left him, and they were divorced in October; 1973.He died from a heart attack. He had been working too hard, and eating and drinking too muchfor several years. He left all his money to his only daughter; Lisa Marie Presley. She became one of the richest people in the world when she was only nine years old.



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