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1、Lesson1APrivateConversation私人对话Key words and Expressions请用以下单词或词组填空private, conversation, seat, loudly, angryCan you come out for a minute? I want to have a conversation with you. It is a only between you and me.Come in, please. Have a , please.You speak too ! You have waken him up!Dont be . I didnt

2、 mean it.privateprivateconversationconversationseatseatloudlyloudlyangryangryKey words and ExpressionsPrivate /praiveit/ 近义词: personal, secret; 反义词: publicadj. 私人的,个人的,私立的private space/property/school/hospital/company/parts私人空间/财产/学校/医院/企业/?这是间酒店吗?不,这是间私宅。Is this a hotel? No, its a private house.我想和

3、你私下谈谈。Id like to have a private talk with you.privacy n. 隐私 privately adv. 私下地= in privateI want to talk with you privately/in private.vi.adv.adj.n.Key words and Expressionsconversation /knvsein/近义词:talk, chat, dialoguen.谈话,会话,交谈have a conversation with sb 和某人对话have a quiet/nice/difficult/telephone

4、conversation with sbmake a conversation 编写一段谈话Talk 一般用语Chat 口语,指聊天、瞎扯、闲聊Conversation 稍微认真、正式的谈话Dialogue 对话,非常正式,例如 a diplomatic dialogue 外交对话Key words and Expressionstheatre(美)= theater(英) /it/ n. 剧场,戏院,剧院go to the theatre 去戏院go to the cinema 去看电影go to see the film 去看电影 Key words and ExpressionsSeat

5、 /si:t/n. 座位,席位请坐下。take a seat, please. (特殊用法:Be seated, please.)对不起,这是我的座位。I am sorry. Its my seat. 这个座位已经有人了。This seat has been taken.Key words and Expressionsangry /gr/Adj.生气的be angry with / at sb, be angry about sthAn angry young man 愤青别生我的气。不是我的错。Please dont be angry with me. It wasnt my mistak

6、e.anger n. 愤怒 angry adj. 生气的 adj. + n. angrily adv. 生气地 v. + adv.Key words and Expressionsanger n. 愤怒 angry adj. 生气的 angrily adv. 生气地He talked to me _. In my eyes, he is only an _ young man.I think the society now is full of _.Dont be _. I didnt mean it.He looks _.angryangrilyangerangryangryKey word

7、s and Expressionsattention /tnn/n. 注意,注意力May I have you attention please? 请大家注意啦!pay attention to sth 集中注意力在某物pay attention to doing sth 集中注意力做某事Listen to the story and see if you can fill in the blanks. Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting.I did not

8、 enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention.In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a wor

9、d! I said angrily. Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. This is a private conversation!.Intensive reading & RepetitionThe story happened in the past!Last week I went to the theatre.go to the theatre go to see a playgo to the cinema go to see a filmgo to the post office go to send a

10、lettergo to the bank go to save/deposit moneygo to the bed go to sleep go to the school go to studygo to the hospital go to see the doctorI did not enjoy it (the play). enjoy在英文中是一个相当常用的词,表示享受,喜欢 = like sth very muchenjoy sth I did not enjoy the food / book / class / film / trip / .enjoy doing sth I

11、 enjoy surfing on the internet. I enjoy having conversations with Mr. Johnson. I enjoy this book = I enjoy reading this book. 这个小宝宝喜欢玩电脑游戏。这个小宝宝喜欢玩电脑游戏。I got very angry.got是get的过去式,表示变得. 类似:be动词 / feel / look等联系动词,后面可以直接加形容词。 The food is getting cold. The weather is getting hot. 他生气了/疯了! He has got

12、angry / mad / crazy! I could not hear the actors.在英文中,听到某人直接用hear sb. Can you hear me?hear 表示结果 ; listen to表示动作 Hes not listening to me. 我正在听音乐。 我听到了他的脚步声。I looked at the man and the young woman angrily.look at 和 see 的区别,与 listen to 和 hear 是一样的. look at 强调看这个动作本身, see 强调结果,表示看到了 Did you see Johnson

13、yesterday? He is looking at a picture. 他正在看美女的时候,却看到了他的爸爸。watch 观看 watch the show / TV注意看书是 read the book! They did not pay any attention.l原文省略了to me,他们丝毫没注意到我.l pay attention to sth / doing sth 必须加TO! You guys must pay attention to my class. = pay attention to listening to my class 注意这条狗,它真的很疯狂。 请注

14、意墙上这幅画! In the end, I could not bear it.u it 代指作者之前所发生的事情u in the end = at last = eventually = finally =ultimately 最后u bear = stand = live with = endure = put up with = tolerate 忍受 The rock music is so noisy that i cannot bear it ! 我无法忍受他这样的笨蛋. (jackass)Its none of your business!lbusiness n.生意,商业,交易

15、. business center 商业中心 business man 商人 hes doing a great business. 他生意做得不错。 The bank has opened for business. 该银行已经开业。 n. 事务,事情,责任,使命 What is your business here? 你来这有何贵干? Its my / your / our business. 这是我/你/我们的事。 l Its none of your business! 这根本不关你的事! Its none of = its not , 只是前者语气更重。 adj or advangr

16、y/angrily rude/rudely loud/loudly quiet/quietlyThe writer got very _. Thats why he looked at them _.All his classmates do not like him because he is _. He always speaks to others _.The teacher has a _ voice. He likes to speaking _. He always says that he cant hear us if we dont talk _.Listen. Its ve

17、ry _ in the reading room. Everybody is reading their books _. So, please keep _.It is _ to talk _ at the theatre. People will get _ with us.adj or advangry/angrily rude/rudely loud/loudly quiet/quietlyThe writer got very _angry_. S. he looked at them _angrily_.All his classmates do not like him beca

18、use he is _rude_. He always speaks to others _rudely_.The teacher has a _loud_ voice. He likes to speaking _loudly_. He always says that he cant hear us if we dont talk _quietly_.Listen. Its very _quiet_ in the reading room. Everybody is reading their books quietly. So, please keep quiet .It is _rud

19、e_ to talk _loudly_ at the theatre. People will get _angry_ with us.angry-angrily, loud-loudly, rude-rudely, quick-quickly slow-slowly, quiet-quietly, careful-carefully, easy-easilyListen again and answer:1.Where did you go last week? 2.Did you have a good seat? 3.Was it an interesting play? 4.You e

20、njoyed the play, didnt you?5.Who was sitting behind you? 6.Could you hear what the actors were saying? 7.Why couldnt you hear?8.What were they doing? 9.Did you get angry with them or not?10.You turned round, didnt you? 11.How did you look at them? 12.They didnt pay any attention, did they? 13.Could

21、you bear it? 14.What did you do then?15.What did the young man say? (To the theatre.)(Yes, I did.)(Yes, it was.)(No, I didnt.)(A young man and a young woman.) (No, I couldnt.) (They were talking loudly.)(Talking loudly.)(Yes, I did.) (Yes, I did.)(Angrily.) (No, they didnt.) (No, I couldnt.)(I turne

22、d round again and said angrily, I cant hear a word!)( Its none of your business. This is a private conversation!)Tell the story1 Last week - went - theatre2 play very interesting - didnt enjoy 3 young man - woman - behind me4 talking loudly5 could not - actors6 I turned - and looked - angrily7 didnt

23、 pay - attention8 In the end - couldnt bear9 cant hear - word - said10 none - business - man -privateSummary writing1.Where did the writer go last week?2.Did he enjoy the play or not?3.Who was sitting behind him?4.Were they talking loudly, or were they talking quietly?5.Could the writer hear the act

24、ors or not?6.Did he turn round or not?7.What did he say?8.Did the young man say, The play is not interesting, or did he say, This is a private conversation!?The writer went to the theatre last week. The writer went to the theatre last week. He did not enjoy the play. He did not enjoy the play. A you

25、ng man and a young woman were sitting behind him.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly. They were talking loudly. The writer could not hear the actors. The writer could not hear the actors. He turned round. He turned round. I cant hear a word! he said. I cant

26、 hear a word! he said. This is a private conversation! the young man said.This is a private conversation! the young man said.时态时态 Tense见一般现在时PPT 一般过去时基本结构 1.主语+动词过去式+其他 I saw him last night. 2.否定形式be+not;在动词前加didnt,同时还原行为动词 I was not (wasnt)there. I didt beat him yesterday 3.一般疑问句did置前,动词还原 Did you

27、go to school yesterday? 肯定式 疑问式 否定式 I worked Did I work ? I didnt work I ate Did I eat ? I didnt eat i chose Did I choose? I didnt choose常用的时间状语常用的时间状语this morning 今天早上 five days ago 5天前 three weeks ago 3周前the whole morning 整个早上 all day 整天yesterday 昨天 from nine to ten last evening 昨天晚上从9到10点at that

28、time 在那时 just now a moment ago 刚才 last week 上周 last year 去年 造句:1. 我去年没去香港。 2. 当时我想看电视。 3. 三天前他还在上班,昨天他就请假回去了。 4. 去年的这个时候我每天早上坐公交上学。改错题改错题1How is Jane yesterday? _ 2He go to school by bus last week. _ 3He often goes home at 6:00 last month. _ 4I can fly kites seven years ago. _ 5Did you saw him just

29、now? _ Homework常规作业Roy OuyangContact: 159 9976 7754 My Email: QQ group number: abc123Weekly Study Plan Weekly Study Plan 每周每周每周每周学学学学习计习计划划划划Preview 预习预习 2 hours预习新单词:四个“一”,即one word, one phrase, one usage, one sentence预习课文:简单听一遍录音,尝试阅读一遍,标注不明白的地方In-class Study 课堂学习课堂学习Group and Individual Presentation 集体和个人演示 -1 Group and 2 students per week -For individual presentation , please make PPT -For group presentation, please refer to 玩转口语900句Word Test and Listening Test 单词测验、听力测验单词、课文及课后练习的讲解Review 复习复习 at least 6 hours完成课后练习,掌握所学词汇,背诵每一篇课文准备presentation,背诵PETS-3单词,自学玩转口语900句GAMEOVER



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