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1、 Unit6 At the snack bar Unit6 At the snack bar(Fun time & Rhyme time)无锡市东北塘实验小学无锡市东北塘实验小学 陆晓静陆晓静hot dognoodlessandwichfruit saladLook and saylemonadej u i c em i l kgreen teaFantasodaCan you find one more word?你能发现隐藏的单词吗?你能发现隐藏的单词吗?What would they like?你能帮助服务员完成点菜单吗?你能帮助服务员完成点菜单吗?Lets reviewFood:Dri

2、nks:They would like 你能帮助服务员你能帮助服务员完成送餐吗?完成送餐吗?Mike would like 你能帮助服务员你能帮助服务员完成送餐吗?完成送餐吗?Helen would like 你能帮助服务员你能帮助服务员完成送餐吗?完成送餐吗?Dad would like Lets dubWhat would you like?Id like some rice, please. 。 ?Lets learnLets learnrice ice creamsome rice What would you like?What would you like?Id like some

3、 rice.Id like some rice.Its very nice.iceWhat would you like?Id like some rice, please.Anything else?Id like A.B. ?Lets learnjuicea glass of juicesome juice一杯一杯(玻璃杯玻璃杯)茶茶I like juice. juiceWhat would you like?What would you like?Id like some juice.A glass of apple juice.Its very nice.juice 选择你们喜爱的果汁

4、和选择你们喜爱的果汁和同桌同桌一一起来说说,比比哪对起来说说,比比哪对同桌同桌说得说得又整齐又响亮!又整齐又响亮!What would you like?What would you like?Id like some juice.A glass of _ juice.Its very nice.What would you like?Id like some rice, please.Anything else?Id like a glass of juice.A.B.Lets learntea a cup of teasome tea一杯一杯(瓷杯瓷杯)茶茶 black tea 红茶红茶

5、green tea 绿茶绿茶 milk tea 奶茶奶茶 Rhyme timeWhat would you like?What would you like?Id like a pie.Id like some rice.Theyre all very nice.Task1: Purchase the snacks. 为小食店采购食物。为小食店采购食物。Task2: Train the waiters. 为小食店培训服务员。为小食店培训服务员。Task3: Design your snack bar. 为小食店装饰一番。为小食店装饰一番。Purchase the snacks.Task1Foo

6、dDrinkshamburgerjuicesandwichmilkricemilk teanoodlesteacakecoffeehot dogice creampie Shopping List 采购单采购单 FoodDrinkshamburgerjuicesandwichmilkricemilk teanoodlesteacakecoffeehot dogice creampie Shopping List 采购单采购单Task2Train the waiters.1.小组合作,先三人做服务小组合作,先三人做服务员,三人做顾客,再交换员,三人做顾客,再交换位置之后轮流问答。位置之后轮流问答

7、。2. 服务结束举手示意。服务结束举手示意。说话流利态度好,面带微笑呱呱叫。说话流利态度好,面带微笑呱呱叫。培训服务员培训服务员A: Welcome. Good morning. What would you like?B: Id like, please.A: Anything else?B: Id like, please./ No, thanks.A: Welcome. Good morning. What would you like?B: Id like, please.A: Anything else?B: Id like, please./ No, thanks.A: Welco

8、me. Good morning. What would you like?B: Id like, please.A: Anything else?B: Id like, please./ No, thanks.A: Welcome. Good morning. What would you like?B: Id like, please.A: Anything else?B: Id like, please./ No, thanks.Task2Choose the waiters.说话流利态度好,面带微笑呱呱叫。说话流利态度好,面带微笑呱呱叫。挑选服务员挑选服务员1.1.组内合作将食物放到合

9、适的位置。组内合作将食物放到合适的位置。2.2.为你的小食店起个名字,打打广告吧为你的小食店起个名字,打打广告吧! !Task3Design your snack bar.Snack Bar 1. 1. 选择你喜爱的小食店点餐。选择你喜爱的小食店点餐。2. 2. 点餐过程要有礼貌,有序排队。点餐过程要有礼貌,有序排队。Lets go to the snack bar.English only! : Good morning. What would you like? B: Id like, please.C: , please. : Anything else? B: , please. /N

10、o, thank you.C: , please. /No, thank you. : Here you are.B/C: Thank you. Lets go to the snack bar.HEALTHY DIET, HEALTHY LIFE.健康饮食,健康生活。健康饮食,健康生活。I can name some food and drinks.I can order food. 我会说一些食物和饮料。我会说一些食物和饮料。我会点餐。我会点餐。Ticking time Tips: 说出说出8 8种及以上种及以上, 说出说出5 5种及以上,种及以上, 说出说出5 5种以下种以下, Tips: 点餐正确流利有礼貌点餐正确流利有礼貌, 点餐正确流利,点餐正确流利, 点餐正确点餐正确, 1. Copy the new words 4 times.(抄写新单词四遍。抄写新单词四遍。)2. Preview Cartoon time and Sound time.(预习卡通和语音板块。预习卡通和语音板块。)Goodbye!T TH HA ANNK K Y YO OU U! !



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