2023年考研英语小作文预测第四种 (英一英二通用)

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《2023年考研英语小作文预测第四种 (英一英二通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年考研英语小作文预测第四种 (英一英二通用)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2023年考研英语小作文预测第四种( 英一英二通用)称 呼:Dear Sir or Madam,1 段 : 自我介绍+ 目的:apply for sth / apply to be a .2段 : 细节如下。首 先 : 为什么我适合这个项目( 你的优势); 北大本科毕业, 专业是中文/ 历史/ 英语, 并且获得了很多国际大奖。其 次 , 因为我的洁癖特点, 所以是否可以安打弹人间, 这样我就可以休息好并关注于学术研究。/ 因为我对不同文化的兴趣, 所以我想问是否有去当地 农 村Field trip实地考察的机会, 这样我就可以有自己的切身体会have a personal meaning3段

2、: 希望对方回信。适 合 :suit / be decent for / be qualified for1 .申请文化交换机会Suppose you are interested in a Sino-American culturalexchange program. Write a letter to express your expectation tobe a member and ask for more relevant information.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your o

3、wn name at the end of the letter. Use ”LiMing instead.Do not write your address. (10 points)Dear Sir or Madam,As a student who has just learnt of your exchange program, Iam writing to apply to be a member of you.The details are as follows. To start with, why I make such arequest is that I am studyin

4、g in Peking University majoring inhistory and have a strong interest in different cultures, not leastAmerican folk customs. Furthermore, it is due to the significanceof cultural exchange that I am wondering if the program coversthe field trips to rural areas, enabling me to have a betterpersonal mea

5、ning.I would be much obliged if you offered me a positive reply atyour earliest convenience.Yours Respectfully,Li Ming2 .申请一门选修课Suppose you find many of your classmates often have negativemoods. Write a letter to the department dean Smith to apply fora relevant course.You should write about 100 word

6、s on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use ”LiMing instead.Do not write your address. (10 points)Dear Dean Smith,As a student who has found some problems referring tostudents* mental health, I am writing to apply for an optionalcourse, Psychology.The details are as f

7、ollows. To start with, why I make such arequest is that a host of students tend to be found going toextremes, which will damage their health and developmentphysically and emotionally. Furthermore, it is due to the prestigeand the high level of popularity of Professor Zhu that I wonder ifyou could in

8、vite him as our instructor/lecturer, making itpossible for us to get acquainted with more practical skills.I would be much obliged if you offered me a positive reply atyour earliest convenience.Yours respectfully,Li Ming3 .请求一个水果店Dear President,As a student who has found some problems referring to o

9、urphysical condition, I am writing to apply for a fruit shop.The details are as follows. To start with,why I make such arequest is that a host of students are always found dry andcracked lips, in that they are shortage of enough vitamins.Furthermore, it is due to an army of students from poor areasthat I wonder if they could be arranged as part-timers, making itpossible for them to relieve their parents1 financial stress.I would be much obliged if you offered me a positive reply atyour earliest convenience.Yours respectfully,Li Ming



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