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1、UnitUnit 4 4TextIAViewofMountains1 1Nuclear technologyThere is a great deal of public concern about its dangers and possible implications. Therefore, every application of nuclear technology is reviewed with care. How much do you know about nuclear technology?2 2Nuclear technologyNucleartechnology is

2、 technology that involves the reactions of atomic nuclei. It has found applications from smoke detectors to nuclear reactors, and from gun sights to nuclear weapons. 3 3Pre-reading questions1. Some people think possessing nuclear weapons threatens the existence of mankind others think it serves as g

3、ood deterrence to prevent countries from going to war.Areyoufororagainstnuclearweapons? Why?2. Do you think nuclear energy is a safe and economical source of energy? Explain.3. Would you live in a place that has a nuclear power plant nearby? Give reasons.4 4TheProsandConsofNuclearEnergyAdvantages:1.

4、Reduction in air pollution: a coal-fire plant releases much more radioactivity, co2 and other elements into the atmosphere than a properly-functioning nuclear power plant does. Nuclear energy is extremely clean and not poisonous; 2. Medical application: nuclear techniques for the diagnosis of many d

5、iseases, such as leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, iodine deficiencies, and sickle cell diseases.5 56 67 7Disadvantages:Mining and purifying uranium has not been a very clean process;Improperly functioning nuclear power plants can create big problems, like the Chernobyl disaster. Chernobyl scattered to

6、ns of radioactive dust into the atmosphere. (切尔诺贝利在1986年因核事故而被废弃) Transporting nuclear fuel to and from plants poses some risk.8 8切尔诺贝利切尔诺贝利在1986年因核事故而被废弃9 9Chernobyl disaster1986年4月26日凌晨1点23分,在乌克兰基辅州普里皮亚特发生,是历史上最严重的核能发电厂意外事故历史上最严重的核能发电厂意外事故。由于切尔诺贝利发电厂没有保护掩体,导致受到核辐射尘污染的云层飘往前苏联西部的部分地区、西欧、东欧、斯堪地那维亚半岛、

7、不列颠群岛和北美东部部分地区。此外,在乌克兰、白俄罗斯及俄罗斯境内遭受到严重的核污染,超过336,000名的居民被迫撤离。依据前苏联的官方报告,约60%受到辐射尘污染的地区皆位于白俄罗斯境内,但根据2006年的TORCH报告指出,半数的辐射尘都落在前述的三个前苏联国家以外。这次灾难所释放出的辐射线剂量是投在辐射线剂量是投在广岛的广岛的原子弹的原子弹的400倍以上倍以上。1010 Background Information of the test 1. about the text This text is the epilogue from Jonathan Schells book The

8、 Gift of Time: The Cause for Abolishing Nuclear weapons Now published by Henry Holt& Co. in 1998. 2. about the author Jonathan Schell is the author of The Village of Ben Sue and The Fate of the Earth. He was a writer for the New Yorker from 1967 to 1987 and a columnist for Newsday from 1990 to 1996.

9、 He teaches at Wesleyan University and the New School, and is the Harold Willens Peace Fellow at The Nation Institute.11113. The Nagasaki is a city which is the seaport in southwest Japan(长崎) and is one the two cities that got nuclear bombing in the War II.4. The Hiroshima is a city which is the sea

10、port in southwest Japan(广岛) and is the other city that got nuclear bombing in the War II.5. The Kokura refers to a seaport in Kitakyushu(九洲),Japan(小仓).1212Cultural notes: Jap proper namesRegular in certain sense姓名用汉字时,姓前名后:山端 庸介姓名用字母时,姓后名前:Yosuke Yamahata(这是明治维新之后日本人脱亚入欧的做法之一)姓名、地名中的汉字,既有训读(Kunyomi,

11、 or semantic borrowing),又有音读,不规则的地方不少,因为存在“一对多”或“多对一”现象。1313Learn some rulesYsuke= Y (庸)+ suke (介)庸是音读(onyomi),而介是训读Rynosuke Akutagawa (芥川龙之介)Ry=龙,no=之,suke=介Akuta=芥,gawakawa=川1414YosukeYamahata山端庸介山端庸介MostwidelyheldworksaboutYosukeYamahataSarinagara:romanbyPhilippeForest(Book)Nagasakijourneythephot

12、ographsofYosukeYamahata:aphotographyexhibitiontouringinternationally1995-1996151516161717181819192020Language workdispatch: (formal) to send someone or sth. somewhere for a particular purpose;to send off to a destinationA reporter was dispatched to Naples to cover the riot.美国朋友们给他寄去了好几包裹食品。Parcels o

13、f food were ed to him by A.政府正准备派出4000士兵对全岛进行搜索。The gov. was preparing to 4, 000 s.2121constitute: 1) compose; form. be the componets or essence of; make up form 组成,构成 e,g. Meat,milk,vegetables,fruit and starches constitute a balanced diet.肉类、牛奶、蔬菜、水果以及淀粉质食物构成了均衡饮食。 Nitrogen constitutes 78% of the e

14、arths atmostphere.2) be equal to It is up to the teacher to decide what constitutes satisfactory work. 2222constitute为正式用语,意为“若干部分构成一个整体”,一般不用于被动语态,如:54 cards constitute a pack. 54张卡片组成一副纸牌。compose意为“一个整体由若干部分组成或由哪些要素构成”,常用短语为be composed of,如:Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.水是由氢和氧构成的。compri

15、se也为正式用语,不仅有“整体由若干部分构成”的意思,也不用于被动语态,如:The book comprises ten chapters. 这本书有十章。Studying and doing experiments _ practically the whole of his life.研究和做实验几乎就是他生活的全部内容。 2323brandv. mark with hot iron; impress firmly打烙印;铭记,铭刻Imagery of the war has branded itself into the national consciousness.战争的印象深深地铭刻

16、在人民的脑海里。(点拔)其宾语后面接介词as,意为“指为;使显得”,如:They branded him as a liar.他们指他为说谎者。Her hairstyle branded her as old fashioned. 她的发型使她显得守旧。其宾语后面接介词on,意为“铭记,如:Brand the lesson on your mind.牢记这个教训。2424 survive v. remain alive or in existence; live longer than; outlive 活着,继续存在;比活得长He was the only passenger that su

17、rvived the plane crash.他是这次飞机失事中惟一幸存的乘客。(点拨)意为“比某人多活年”时,介词用by,如:她比他丈夫多活了十年。 She survived her husband by ten years.2525intact adj. remaining sound,entire, or uninjured; not impaired in any way 完好无损的He can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputation intact他经此丑闻名誉很难不受损。(点拨)通常只作表语或宾语补足语,如:The vase

18、 he dropped remained intact.他掉下来的那个花瓶完整无损。keep our friendship intact让我们的友谊不受损害。2626apprehendv. grasp mentally;understand 理解,担心(释例)At last I apprehended his meaning最后,我理解了他的意思。apprehend,comprehend,understand,grasp都有“理解,领会”的意思Apprehend强调心灵的接受Comprehend,understand强调对现实和知识的把握Comprehend,apprehend都强调完全的认识

19、和知识grasp是指紧紧地抓住和保持一种想法2727spare v. refrain/ prevent from harming, punishing or killing 免于伤害或毁坏He did the work to spare you the trouble.It will spare him embarrassment if you speak to him about it in private.2828Can you spare a dollar for/to me till payday?Can you spare me a dollar till payday? 你能在发薪

20、之日前借给我一块钱用吗?They spared him from the ordeal.=They spared him the ordeal.他们免除免除了时他的严峻考验。That will spare him from calls again.这样就省得省得他再来造访。2929ensure v. make sure or certain使确信或肯定;保证We must take measures to ensure that the policies are carried out to the full. 我们必须采取措施保证这些政策不折不扣地得到贯彻执行。(点拨)assure,ensu

21、re,insure和和guarantee为一组近义词。 synonymsassure意为“使确信,使放心”,如:The doctor assured her that her child would recover soon.医生让她相信她的孩子很快就会痊愈。3030ensure,意为“保证”,指一般性的保证一般性的保证,如:To ensure childs quick recovery,the doctor gave him an antibiotic.为了使孩子迅速恢复,医生给他使用了抗生素。we ensure their right to exist: we guarantee a sa

22、fe living environment for them.ensure用于此义时可与assure通用,但二者的搭配不同,如:ensure sb. sth.或ensure sth. to sb.,ensure + that clause; assure sb. of sth.,assure sb.+ that clause。3131insure通常意为“保险”,多用于人寿保险,如:The old lady has insured her life.这个老太太已经办理了人寿保险中国人寿保险股份有限公司(China Life Insurance Company Limited) guarante

23、e意为“保证”,指对产品质量、人的质量、人的品质品质保证,或对承担的义务保证承担的义务保证,如:This clock is guaranteed for one year.这个钟保用一年。3232. their bodies are often brandedwith the patterns of their clothes: their bodies are often marked with the patterns of their clothes P1Hangover: menace; overshadow P2 The threat of nuclear war hangs ove

24、r us, we couldnt enjoy our vacation.dispel: cause to vanish P3 In his latest novel he aims to dispel the myth that real men dont cry.3333Text Study 3434TextAnalysisText I A View of Mountains Thisargumentative essaycomprisesthreeparts:Inthefirstpart(Paragraph1)Inthesecondpart(Paragraphs2-3)Inthelastp

25、art(Paragraph4)3535Structural AnalysisStructural Analysis In the first part, the writer puts forward his thesis: a view of mountains in the background suggests the real extent to which the city was destroyed by the atomic bomb. In the second part , the author argues that the bombing of Nagasaki is m

26、ore representative of the nuclear peril threatening the world than that of Hiroshima and that we need to take actions to dispel nuclear threat from the Earth. In the last part, he restates his main idea, i.e. we should not just worry about the nuclear peril but take actionstake actions to eliminate

27、it to create a safer world.3636Summary of the textOnAugust9,1945,thesecondatomicbombwasdroppedonNagasaki.YosukeYamahatawasd_tothedestroyedcitytotakesomep_.SincenosystematicphotographicrecordwasleftofHiroshima,thefirstcitydestroyedbya_bomb,thepicturesYamahatatookofNagasakibecamethefullestphotographic

28、recordofnucleard_inexistence.In1995,exactly50yearsafterthebombing,Yamahataspicturesweree_inNewYork.Theywerepicturesofatotallyd_city,picturesoftheendoftheworld. 3737However,thes_ofthesepictureswasmorethanonlyarecordofwhathadhappened.Itservesmoreasaw_toeveryone.Itseemstotellusthatthesamethingcouldeasi

29、lyhappentoanyplaceaslongastherearenuclearw_inexistence.Thinkingofourfuturegenerations,itsthegreatestofther_ofthegenerationnowalivetod_ nuclear weapons once and for all.3838dispatchedphotographsatomicdestructionexhibiteddestroyedsignificancewarningweaponsresponsibilitiesdispeldispel3939Part I paragra

30、ph 1In para. 1 the writer describes what Yamahatas pictures display: the effects of a nuclear weapon on human beings. And then he repeats the main point of his argument: the true measure lies not in the wreckage but in the gone city, and this is where the significance of a view of mountains in the b

31、ackground of one of the pictures lies.40401. why does the author think that Yamahatas pictures compose the fullest record of nuclear destruction in existence?2. Why were the bodies often branded with the patterns of their clothes?3. why does the author particularly mention “ a view of mountains” in

32、one of the pictures? 4141Questionstobeasked:1)WhydoestheauthorthinkthatYamahataspicturescomposethefullestrecordofnucleardestructioninexistence?Becausetherewerefewpicturesofthedestructiveconsequencesofthefirstatomicbomb.In contrast,Yamahatasphotossystematicallyandtimelyrecordtheeffectsofthesecondbomb

33、onNagasaki.42422)Whywerethebodiesoftenbrandedwiththepatternsoftheirclothes?Becausethedifferentcolorsofthepatternsabsorblightindifferentdegrees.Thatis,theypermittedthebodytobeheatedbythethermalpulseindifferentdegreesinaccordancewiththecolorsofthepatterns.The lighter the color, the less burned the par

34、t of the body.43433)Whydoestheauthorparticularlymentionaviewofmountainsinoneofthepictures? Becausetheviewofmountainsreminds the viewers of the city that had been erased from earth.Itisinthevanishedcityratherthaninthewreckagethatthesignificanceoftheeventlies.4444http:/ The three most impressive photo

35、s 454546464747484849492. It was therefore left to Yamahata to record, methodically - and, as it happens, with a great and simple artistry - the effects on a human population of a nuclear weapon only hours after it has been used:本句话可理解为:With skillful and artistic techniques, Yamahata took the respons

36、ibility to record the calamity against human being produced by nuclear weapon within a few hours after the explosion.50503. A third shows a girl who has somehow survived unwounded standing in the open mouth of a bomb shelter and smilinganunearthlysmile, shocking us with the sight of ordinary life, w

37、hich seems to have been left behind forgood in the scenes we are witnessing.本句话可理解为:In the third picture, a girl escaping from the calamity intactly , stands in the entrance of a bome shelter and smiles ghostly/strange and unnatural. We were knocked back by witnessing ordinary peoples tragedy caused

38、 by nuclear weapon and these terrible scenes were branded in our minds forever.5151Part II Paragraphs 2-3Inthispart,thewriterfirstclaimsthatthe bombing of Nagasaki is the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger menacing the world;thenhearguesthatwe should not just apprehend the nuclear peril but try to

39、dispel it from the earth.Forthispurpose,hemaintainsthatpicturetakingisnotenoughandactioniscalledfor.5252Part II Part II paragraph 2-3paragraph 2-3The following questions can be considered: 1. Why is the meaning of Yamahatas picture universal? 2. Why has Nagasaki always been in the shadow of Hiroshim

40、a?53533. Do you agree with the author when he says the bombing of Nagasaki is the fittersymbol of the nuclear peril? Why or why not?4. What should we do in addition to apprehending the nuclear peril?5. What do we need to meet the more important challenge of eliminating nuclear weaponry?54541 ) Why i

41、s the meaning of Yamahatas pictures universal?Becausetheyexpressanapprehensionofthenuclearperilthathangsoverus.WhathappenedtoNagasakicouldhappentoanyothercityintheworld.2) Why has Nagasaki always been in the shadow of Hiroshima?BecauseHiroshimawasthecityonwhichthefirst atomic bombwasdroppedandithasd

42、rawnalmostalltheattentionoftheworld.Bycontrast,Nagasakihas nearly been forgottenasanatomicallydevastatedcity.55553) Do you agree with the author when he says the bombing of Nagasaki is the fitter symbol of the nuclear peril? Why or why not? Thisisanopen-endedquestion.Studentswhoanswernohavetoofferth

43、eirownexplanations;thosewhosayyescanfollowthewritersreasoning.Firstitisthe evidence of the dangerthatnuclearweaponscanbeusedagain.Second,itshowstheunpredictability of nuclear attacks.56564) What should we do in addition to apprehending the nuclear peril?Inadditiontoapprehendingthenuclearperil,weshou

44、ldtrytodispel it completelyfromtheearth.Thisisamoresignificantchallenge.5) What do we need to meet the more important challenge of eliminating nuclear weaponry?Weneedactionsratherthanpictures.Nopictureseemsadequateforthispurpose.5757Language Work1.stumble: walkorgounsteadilyTheroomwasdarkandStannear

45、lyfelloverachairashestumbled tothephone.Havingdrunkhalfabottleofwhiskey,Istumbled upstairsandintobed.2.ruin:devastate,reducetotheremainsTherainabsolutelyruined ourbarbecue.Ifthepressshouldfindoutaboutthis,hismarriage,hisreputation,andhiscareerwouldallberuined.58583.glimpse:averybriefpassinglook,sigh

46、t,orviewIcaught a glimpse ofthedriverofthegetawaycar,butIdoubtIwouldrecognizeherifIsawheragain.Thisbiographyoffersonlyafewglimpses ofhislifebeforehebecamefamous.5959Part III Part III paragraph 4paragraph 4In this part the writer calls on us to take the responsibility of creating a safer world for ne

47、w generations. Whatshouldwedotoensureasaferworldforthefuturegenerations?6060Thisisanopen-ended question.Accordingtothetext,oneofthethingsweshoulddoismake efforts to banish nuclear peril from the Earth forever.However,thereareotherthingstobeconsidered.Forinstance,the issue of pollution and environmen

48、t protection, the development and application of high technology including cloning and nuclear energy, and the issue of terrorism.6161Wordusagetechnically speaking: 从技术角度来说Technically speaking,theinventionofcarisasimportantasanyinventionsinmoderntime.(从技术角度来说,汽车的发明与现代社会的任何一项发明都从技术角度来说,汽车的发明与现代社会的任何一

49、项发明都同等重要。同等重要。)类似于的表达结构,如类似于的表达结构,如:generallyspeaking(总的来说,一般地来说)(总的来说,一般地来说);honestly/franklyspeaking(坦率地说,老实说坦率地说,老实说)personallyspeaking(就个人来说,就自己而言就个人来说,就自己而言)plainlyspeaking(坦率地说坦率地说)properlyspeaking(确切地说确切地说)roughlyspeaking(粗略地说粗略地说)strictlyspeaking(严格来说严格来说)6262Structural analysisStructural an

50、alysisWhat makes clear the authors opinion about the meaning of Yamahatas pictures is the sentence that appears at the end of the first para. What makes clear the authors opinion on what should be done about the existing nuclear peril is the sentence that appears in the middle of the last paragraph:

51、 Performing that act is the greatest of the responsibilities of the generations now alive.6363Rhetorical featuresRhetorical featuresApart from the two sentences that have been already mentioned, we can find the following sentences with the “A but B” structure in the text: The true measure of the eve

52、nt lies not in what remains but in all that has disappeared.( Para 1) the challenge is not just to apprehend the nuclear peril but to seize a God-given opportunity to dispel it once and for all(para3)Apart from the “A but B”sentence structure, we can also find the “A yet B” type: Nagasaki has always

53、 been in shadow of Hiroshima yetyet the bombing of Nagasaki is in certain respects the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger that still hangs over us. (para2)6464 Yamahatas pictures afford a glimpse of the end of the world. Yet in our day(para3)And we can find a sentence that organizes information in

54、a similar way without the use of the conjunction but or yet: Arriving a half-century late, they are still news. (para2)By admitting something is correct first and then saying something else is even more correct, or admitting something is urgent first and then saying something else is more urgent wit

55、h the help or the above-mentioned sentence structures, the author succeeds in makinghissentenceswellbalancedandhisargumentationforcefulandconvincing.6565 IV.ClassCheck1.He _ his head , wondering how to solve the problem.A) scrapped B) screwed C) scraped D) scratched2. E-mail is a convenient, highly

56、democratic informal medium for conveying messages that well _ to human needs.A) satisfies B) conforms C) adheres D) reflects3. When supply exceeds demand for any product, prices are _ to fall.A) timely B) subject C) simultaneous D) liable4. An _ degree was conferred on the distinguished professor.A)

57、 honest B) honored C) honorary D) honorific D B D C6666KeytosomeoftheExercises(inStudentsBook)IV.Paraphrase1. TheresponsibilitywasthereforeplacedonYamahatasshoulderstorecordtheeffectssystematicallyandincidentallywithagreatandsimpleartistry.2. Thatvanishedcityratherthanitsremainsrepresentsthetruemeas


59、gestedbytheruinedNagasaki.6868V.Make sentences:1.Ittookherayeartofindthis English novel, but it took her only three days to finish reading it.2. Ill come onlyif you promise me that you wont invite Henry.Gases like hydrogen or coal-gas or petrol vapor are perfectly safe onlyif they are not mixed with

60、 air.6969 1. willcometohisown2.isbrandedwith3.forgood永久的,永远的永久的,永远的4.layinfeudalsystem5.Incertainrespects6.cameintoexistence7.outskirts8.onceandforall彻底地彻底地70701.existencetheologian神学者神学者2.survivalnavigationtechniques3.unearthlylandscapevirtualoppositestereotypelush苍翠繁茂的苍翠繁茂的4.wreckedcompartmentblow

61、torch喷灯喷灯5.exhaustiveinvestigation彻底的调查彻底的调查6.apprehensive7.continuation8.Accuracy CABADBCA71711.save/relieve/refrain2.danger/risk/jeopardyjeopardize3.incomplete/injured/impaired4.supernatural/mysterious/weird5.omnipresent/ubiquitous6.slip/stagger/flounder挣扎着前进挣扎着前进7.individual/personal8.particular/

62、odd/queer7272 securitycalculatedeffectiveincreased/highernotoftenfoundperspective7373 1.Theircattlewerebrandedwiththeletter“C”sothattheycouldbeeasilyidentified.2.InthisseasonBrookshasreallycomeintohisownasagoalscorer.3.Aneconomiccrisisishangingoverthatcountry.4.Heisthemanwhoreallygivestheorder,buthe



65、近他们。摄形师没能拍下他们的脸。然而,正如在遥远的天边陷入险境的人们在黑匣子里留下的信息一样.他们的遗言不仅让人们感受令人不寒而栗的灾难场景,还让人们了解到在这徉一个残酷的时刻,仍然存在着体面和风度。7777http:/ 畅想2010的生活方式http:/ Madonna 感人时刻 http:/ 视频视频:21世纪全国英语演讲比赛世纪全国英语演讲比赛 7878Text II Text II Statement of the 2003 Session of United Statement of the 2003 Session of United Nations Disarmament Com

66、missionNations Disarmament CommissionQuestion refence for discussion 1. it is uncertain and unpredictable because military confrontation caused by disputes over territory, resource, religion and interest continues and non-traditional security threats characterized by terrorism and proliferation of w

67、eapons of mass destruction have become more salient.7979 2. The speaker proposes nine measures for nuclear disarmament. . Refer to para9-17. 3. In para22-25, the speaker talks about the concrete and practical measures taken by China in recent years to build up confidence between China and its neighboring countries.8080 4. The multilateral approach is necessary because more than one country possess nuclear weapons and these weapons cannot be reduced and destroyed without willing cooperation between the nuclear states, especially the nuclear powers like the United States.8181



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