Unit 8A green world Task

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《Unit 8A green world Task》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8A green world Task(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Revision: Translate the phrases .成为一个严重的问题成为一个严重的问题减少空气污染和灰尘减少空气污染和灰尘对我们的环境有害对我们的环境有害防止水土流失防止水土流失为动物们提供家园为动物们提供家园为我们提供必要的食物与饮料为我们提供必要的食物与饮料become a serious problemreduce air pollution and dustbe harmful to our environmentkeep soil in placeprovide home for animalsprovide animals with homeprovide us w

2、ith necessary food and drinksprovide necessary food and drinks for us产生土地污染产生土地污染几乎不产生污染几乎不产生污染产生较少的废物产生较少的废物减少废物减少废物减少空气污染减少空气污染通过骑自行车减少空气污染通过骑自行车减少空气污染produce land pollutionproduce little pollutionproduce less wastereduce the wastereduce air pollutionreduce air pollution by riding bicyclesTranslat

3、e the sentences.明年将种多少树?明年将种多少树?慈善演出将在什么时候什么地方举行?慈善演出将在什么时候什么地方举行?关于阳光镇的过去与现在的录像将在演出上展示吗关于阳光镇的过去与现在的录像将在演出上展示吗?将在演出上讨论如何减少空气污染的方法。将在演出上讨论如何减少空气污染的方法。如果随意的把垃圾扔掉,地球就会充满污染。如果随意的把垃圾扔掉,地球就会充满污染。How many trees will be planted next year?When and where will the charity show be held?Will the videos about the

4、 past and present of Sunshine Town be displayed at the show?Ways about how to reduce air pollution will be discussed at the show.If rubbish is thrown away carelessly, the earth will be filled with pollution.This picture is very simple.adj. 简单的简单的step n. 步骤步骤; 措施措施stepsplanting trees take some simple

5、 stepspower n. 电力电力; 力量力量 save powerHow can we go green?protect the environment1. What can we do to save water?2. What can we do to save power?3. What can we do to reduce pollution?How to save water?Reuse water if possible.Turn off the tape when we brush teeth.Take shorter showers.How to save power?

6、Turn off the power when our TV or computer is not in use .Turn off the lights when we leave a room.How to reduce pollution?Separate waste into different groups.Do not use plastic bags. Take our own bags when shopping.Do more exercise and watch less TV.Plant some flowers at home.go greenprotect the e

7、nvironmentWhat else can we do to live a green life?The Class1, Grade 8 students are going to give a presentation on how to go green. Here are Millies ideas. Read her notes and complete her article on P119:Our environment is changing for the worse, so it is time for us to (1) _. Here are some simple

8、steps to take.We can save water by taking (2) _ and turning off (3) _ when we brush our teeth. We should also (4) _ if possible. Ingo greenshorter showersthe tapreuse waterorder to save power, we should (5)_ when we leave a room. We should also turn off the power when our TV or computer is (6)_.Some

9、 other good habits can help reduce pollution too. We should not use (7)_. Instead, we should take(8) _ when shopping. turn off the lightsnot in useplastic bagsour own bagsRecycling is also a good way to help reduce pollution. We should separate (9)_ into different groups so that it can be recycled.M

10、oreover, it is important for us to develop a green lifestyle. We should (10)_ and watch less TV and it is good to (11) _ at home. Follow these small steps, and you can make a big difference to the Earth!wastedo more exerciseplant some flowers Here are some simple steps to take. take some steps 采取一些措

11、施采取一些措施 e.g. We should take some simple steps to save water. 我们应该采取一些简单的措施来我们应该采取一些简单的措施来 节约用水。节约用水。Weve read Millies script. Now its your turn to give a presentation on how to go green. Discuss this in groups of four and write down your notes.1. It is time for us to .2. We can save water by .3. We

12、should use/take .4. is a good way to .5. It is important for us to .6. It is good to .7. Moreover, . 随堂P125书面表达We can save water by taking shorter showers.To save power, we should turn off the lights when we leave a room. Separating waste into different groups can help us reduce pollution. Moreover,

13、its important for us to develop a green lifestyle. We should watch less TV and plant more flowers and trees around our cities.Follow these steps, and you can make a big difference to the earth. I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The waste can be _ (separate) into different groups to recycle. 2. Take y

14、our own bags when _ (shop). separatedshopping3. You should do more exercise and watch _ (little) TV.4. We can save water by _ (take) shorter showers.5. You need to check your homework after finishing _ (write).lesstakingwritingII. 汉译英。汉译英。1. 我们可以通过缩短淋浴时间来节约用水。我们可以通过缩短淋浴时间来节约用水。2. 为了节约电力,当我们离开房间时应该为了

15、节约电力,当我们离开房间时应该把灯关掉。把灯关掉。We can save water by taking shorter showers. In order to save power, we should turn off the lights when we leave a room. 3. 好习惯能够帮助减少污染。好习惯能够帮助减少污染。4. 对我们来说养成环保的生活方式很重要。对我们来说养成环保的生活方式很重要。Good habits can help reduce pollution.Its important for us to develop a green lifestyle.

16、 5. 遵循这些小步骤,你可以对地球产生大影遵循这些小步骤,你可以对地球产生大影响。响。6. 当电视和电脑不用时,我们应该关掉电源。当电视和电脑不用时,我们应该关掉电源。Follow these small steps, and you can make a big difference to the Earth. We should turn off the power when our TV or computer is not in use.1. Finish your script.2. Review all the new words and language points in this unit.



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