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1、人教版七下英人教版七下英语导学案学案Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?单元基元基础巩固巩固单元基础巩固单元基础巩固 一、单项填空。一、单项填空。( )1.Did you do well in English exam?Yes,I got “A”.A.the;an B.an;the C.a;/ D.the;aA单元基础巩固单元基础巩固( )2.Can I use your bike for a while?Yes.You may use bike.Toms bike is here and I can use .A.my;mine B.mine;his C.my;hi

2、s D.her;hers( )3.Doctor Li went to see the patient(病人) it was raining heavily.A.because B.and C.but D.thoughCD单元基础巩固单元基础巩固( )4. I have your name,please? Yes,Smith.S-M-I-T-H.A.Must B.May C.Will D.Need( )5.He be at home because the light is on. A.must B.could C.may D.can( )6.Ann a photo of her school.

3、Its nice.A.knows B.draws C.spells D.callsBAB单元基础巩固单元基础巩固( )7.Mikes favorite fruit is apples,and he likes pears.A.only B.too C.also D.sure( )8.Is the girl in red your classmate your cousin? She is my cousin. A.and B.or C.of D.so( )9.My mother wants to buy a pair of shoes for me.A.sport B.sporting C.s

4、ports D.a sportCBC单元基础巩固单元基础巩固( )10.Rose isnt here today.Is she ill? .I saw her at the doctors this morning.A.I hope so B.I dont mindC.I am afraid so D.I dont think so( )11.My sister wants the movie club very much.A.joins B.to join C.joining D.joinCB单元基础巩固单元基础巩固( )12.Can you paint? .A.Yes,a little B

5、.Yes,little C.No,a little D.No,little( )13.Most people in China Chinese.A.say B.tell C.speak D.talk( )14.Tom can play the guitar, he cant play it well.A.and B.but C.or D.becauseACB单元基础巩固单元基础巩固( )15.My sister cant a kite.A.made B.do C.to make D.make( )16.Then you can in our school music festival.A.be

6、 B.is C.are D.am( )17.Can I sit here? No, .A.I cant B.you cant C.I dont D.you dontDAB单元基础巩固单元基础巩固( )18.Hi,can I help you? .C.Yes,I can D.You are welcomeA.Yes,please B.No,I cant( )19.Do you like ? Come and join .A.dancing;we B.to dance;our C.dancing;us D.dance;oursAC单元基础巩固单元基础巩固( )20.Little Tom draws

7、 .His drawings are very .A.good;well B.well;good C.good;good D.well;wellB单元基础巩固单元基础巩固二、根据所给单词的中文意思或其适当形式二、根据所给单词的中文意思或其适当形式完成句子。完成句子。21.Tony can sing,but he cant (游泳) well.22.Tom often (画画) animals at home.23.There are some (俱乐部) in our school and we all like them.24.Miss He (教授) us math.swimdrawscl

8、ubsteaches单元基础巩固单元基础巩固25.How many (人) are there in Zhanjiang?26.Jay Chou is a famous (sing).27.The girl likes music.She is a famous (music).28.I would like to join the _(swim) club.29.These (kid) are very lovely.30.My brother can sing,so he wants (join) the music club.peoplesingerswimmingkidsmusicia

9、nto join单元基础巩固单元基础巩固三、完成句子。三、完成句子。31.我们需要学会与别人好好相处。We need to learn to others.32.你喜欢和老人交朋友吗?Do you like _the old people? be good with/get on well withmaking friends with/to make friends with1单元基础巩固单元基础巩固33.我的朋友擅长拉小提琴。Myfriend_ the violin. 34.丽莎是一个好女孩,因为她经常帮助妈妈做家务。Lisa is a good girl,because she often _ housework.35.他周末经常踢足球。He often .is good at /does well in playinghelps her mother with/doplays soccer on weekends 谢谢观看!



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