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1、第一部分第一部分词词 汇汇重点、易考词汇识记重点、易考词汇识记1.现现在;目前在;目前2.北方的北方的3.妻子(妻子(单单复数)复数)4.污污染(物)染(物)5.工厂工厂6.意意识识到;到;实现实现7.形形势势;情况;情况8.不可能的不可能的9.丈夫丈夫10.采采访访;会;会见见11.近来,最近近来,最近12.环环境境13.条件,状况条件,状况14.返回返回15.到(在)国外到(在)国外16.小学教育的;初小学教育的;初级级的的17.交流,交交流,交际际(v.)()(n.)1.present2.northern3.wife,wives4.pollution5.factory6.realize,

2、municate,communicationfactories1. marry(形容词形容词)2.marry (名词名词)3. pollute (名词名词)4. pollute (形容词形容词)5. pleasant (反义词反义词)6. feel(名词名词)7. recent(副词副词)8. throw (过去式过去式)9.throw(过去分词过去分词)10.north(形容词形容词)11. possible(反义词反义词)marriedmarriagepollutionpollutedunpleasantfeelingrecentlythrewthrownnorthernimpossibl

3、e 15 years of marriage用所给词的适当形式填空:用所给词的适当形式填空:1.They had a very _ trip to Hangzhou. (please)2.My parents were very _ when I got good marks in the English test. (please) 3.Sally knows that city very _ because she used to lived there.(good)wellpleasantpleased用所给词的适当形式填空:用所给词的适当形式填空:4. Water _ is more

4、terrible than noise _. (pollute)5. Guang dong Province is in the _ part of China. (south)6. Have you _ that youve made a big mistake? (realize)7. The girl felt _ because she failed in the exam again. (happy)pollutionpollutionsouthernrealizedunhappy用所给词的适当形式填空:用所给词的适当形式填空:8. The water in that river i

5、s much _ than before. (clean)9. The old man was _ when his wife died. (alone)10. You can take the following_ to stop it happening. (act)cleanerlonelyaction第二部分第二部分短语句型短语句型not any moreknow wellsince then in the southern part of town get married over the yearsturn into much cleaner in some ways from t

6、ime to time1. 不再不再2. 很了解很了解3. 自打那时起自打那时起4. 在镇的南部在镇的南部5. 结婚结婚6. 这些年这些年7.7. 变变为为8.8.干净多了干净多了9.9. 在某种程度上在某种程度上10.10.时不时时不时11. 出国出国12.变化很大变化很大13.过去常做过去常做14.和以前一样经常和以前一样经常go abroadChange a lotused to doas often as before选用词组的适当形式填空选用词组的适当形式填空1.I miss my friends in the primary school _ because I cannot se

7、e them _ before.2.My uncle _ since he _.get married, turn into, in fact, change a lot, in the past, noise pollution, as often as, from time to time, not any more,as often as got marriedhas changed a lotfrom time to time选用词组的适当形式填空选用词组的适当形式填空get married, turn into, in fact, change a lot, in the past,

8、 noise pollution, as often as, from time to time, not any more3. There was _ in my living area _. But now it has become much quieter than before.4. Im afraid the post office _ there _ because things has changed a lot. noise pollutionin the pastisntany more选用词组的适当形式填空选用词组的适当形式填空get married, turn into

9、, in fact, change a lot, in the past, noise pollution, as often as, from time to time, not any more5. He looks naughty. _, he is a very clever boy.6. We are trying our best to _ our country _ a modern and strong one.In fact turn into第三部分第三部分词汇的应用词汇的应用重点句型重点句型1.It has changed a lot in my hometown ove

10、r the years. Many changes have taken place in my hometown over the years. There have been great changes in my hometown over the years .2.You used to be so kind to me .3. Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time .4.I have learnt more about Beijings past and present .5.The streets are wide and clean

11、with many green treeson both sides.6.When I got married in 1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away and weve lived in this area since then . change n./v.change a lotthe changes toBaoying_overtheyears.这些年宝应来变化很大!这些年宝应来变化很大!There_Baoyingovertheyears.Greatchanges_inBaoyingovertheyears.haschangedalotha

12、vebeengreatchangesin/tohavetakenplaceused to do sth过去常常做某事过去常常做某事e.g.1. 我父亲过去是个老师我父亲过去是个老师. My father _ _ _ a teacher. 2. 我曾经在这所学校学习我曾经在这所学校学习. I _ _ _ in this school.use sth to do sth 用某物做某事用某物做某事be used to do /for doing sth 被用来做某事被用来做某事be used as sth被用为某物被用为某物be used to doing sth习惯于做某事习惯于做某事used t

13、o beused to studyFill in the blanks.1.There _(过去是)过去是)a clean river and it _(use) to wash clothes.2.Can you tell me different _(用处用处)of a computer?3.The new light rail _(投入使用投入使用)since 2005. 4.刀被用来切东西刀被用来切东西 Knives _5.以前,我不习惯早起以前,我不习惯早起 In the past, I _used to bewas used useshas been in useare used

14、to cut things/for cutting thingswasnt used to getting up early get married 结婚 be/get married to Sb. marry Sb. 和某人结婚 Tom _ Mary in 1965. Mary _ Tom in 1965. Tom and Mary _ in 1965. marriedgot marriedwas/got married to Hefeelslonely.Hefeelslonely.Hespentdoinghishomework.Wewillvisittherenextweek.fromti

15、metotimesometimessometimesometimefromtimetotimesometimessometimesometime一段时间一段时间某一时候某一时候有时有时 feel a bit lonely 感到有点儿寂寞 alone 单独 , 一个人 ( 用作表语或状 语 ) lonely 孤独的,寂寞的,偏僻的 (作表语或定语 ) eg.1. 他一个人单独居住,但从不感到寂寞. He lives _, but he never feel _. 2. 他一个人住在偏僻的山村里. He _.alonelonelylives alone in a lonely villageabi

16、t/alittle+adj.(adv.)abitof/alittle+不可数名不可数名词词Heknows_French.eg.他懂得一点法语他懂得一点法语Shes_afraidofherfather.a bit/a little a bit of /a little a bit of /a little/a bit 她有点她有点/有一点害怕她的父亲。有一点害怕她的父亲。haveaninterviewwithsbinterviewsbinterviewn/vMyparents_myteacher. =Myparents_myteacherThereare_somefamousfootballpl

17、ayers.我父母已经采访了我的老师我父母已经采访了我的老师havehadaninterviewwithhaveinterviewedanumberofinterviewswith有很多采访一些著名的足球运动员有很多采访一些著名的足球运动员return 返回返回= go back归还归还= give back1. 返回到学校返回到学校2. 把它还给我把它还给我return to school = go back to schoolreturn it to me = give it back to me第四部分语法第四部分语法Presentperfecttense一一.现在完成时的主要用法现在完

18、成时的主要用法( (一)一)表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果和现在有联系或造成影响。其结果和现在有联系或造成影响。Someone has just turned off the light.(有人刚把灯关了。有人刚把灯关了。) I have already finished my homework.(我已经完成了家庭作业我已经完成了家庭作业。)(二)表示从过去某一时刻开始并一直延续到(二)表示从过去某一时刻开始并一直延续到现在的动作或事情现在的动作或事情, ,但动作或事情可能仍在但动作或事情可能仍在继续。继续。I have learnt English

19、 for more than ten years.我已经学了我已经学了10多年的英语。多年的英语。(三)表示人曾有过或到目前为止从未有过的经历.Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?(你曾去过颐和园吗你曾去过颐和园吗?) I have never had a car.(我从未有过汽车。我从未有过汽车。)(四)现在完成时还常与以下句型连用。(四)现在完成时还常与以下句型连用。This is the first timeIts the first time 上一页下一页This is the first time he has driven a car .

20、这是他第一次开车。这是他第一次开车。(五)现在完成时和最高级连用表示到现在(五)现在完成时和最高级连用表示到现在 为止最为止最的。的。Its the most boring film Ive ever seen.这是我看过的最令人厌烦的电影。这是我看过的最令人厌烦的电影。二、现在完成时的构成二、现在完成时的构成1.现在完成时的肯定句句型现在完成时的肯定句句型主语(第一、二人称单、复数主语(第一、二人称单、复数)+have主语(第三人称复数)主语(第三人称复数)+have+过去分词过去分词主语(第三人称单数主语(第三人称单数)+has 2.现在完成时的否定句句型现在完成时的否定句句型主语主语+h


22、nytimeshaveyoubeentotheGreatWall?三、现在完成时的标志词三、现在完成时的标志词标志词标志词(1):这种用法常与:这种用法常与already, just, yet, ever, never, recently,before(句末句末)等连用等连用1.I _ (do) my homework already.2.He _(not finished) his homework yet.3._you ever _(be) to Beijing?4.We _ never _ (see) such an exciting match before.5.Mother _ ju

23、st _(clean) the house. Please dont come in.6.They _(practice) this dialogue twice.havedonehasnotfinishedHavebeenhaveseenhascleanedhavepracticed注意:当在肯定陈述句中含有注意:当在肯定陈述句中含有alreadyalready或或just just 时,在转换成否定句或疑问句时,要把句中的时,在转换成否定句或疑问句时,要把句中的already already 或或just just 去掉,在句末加上去掉,在句末加上yet.yet. I havent see

24、n the film yet.2I have done my homework already.I havent done my homework yet.3.Mother has just cleaned the house.Mother hasnt cleaned the house yet.1I have seen the film already. 标志词(标志词(2):这种用法还可与):这种用法还可与 for +一段时间一段时间, since+过去的时间点过去的时间点, these years, so far, in the past/last years等连用等连用1.We _ (

25、learn) English for three years/ since two years ago/since 2000.2.Mr. Green _ (be) in China these years.3.They _(write) 15 songs so far.4.The population _ (grow) more slowly in the past ten years.havelearnedhasbeenhavewrittenhasgrownAttention: since的用法1. Since+ 过去某个时间(此时过去某个时间(此时 since充当介词)充当介词) Eg:

26、He has been in this school since 1999.2. Since+一段时间一段时间+ago (此时(此时 since充当介词)充当介词) Eg: ShehasknownSusansincesevenyearsago.3. Since+从句从句 (此时(此时 since充当连词)(此时主句使用充当连词)(此时主句使用完成时,从句则要使用过去时)完成时,从句则要使用过去时)Eg: IhavelivedheresinceIwasborn.4.当主句的谓语动词为当主句的谓语动词为be或或seem时,则主句要采用一般时,则主句要采用一般现在时现在时,从句仍使用过去时。从句仍使

27、用过去时。Eg: Itsalongtimesinceweleftschool.for or since1.Wehavelivedhere_1990.2.Howlonghaveyoustudiedhere?_5years.3.Theboyhashadabadcold_lastnight.4.Mr.Huanghaskeptthebooks_aweekago.5.Ihavetaughtintheschool_Icamehere.6Wehavebeenfriends_alongtime.sinceForsincesincesincefor切记有些动词是非延续的,在此用法中要换成其相对应的延续性动词:切



30、ince1978.A.joinedB.hasjoinedC.hasbeeninD.wasinExercise:四、现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:四、现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:现在完成时,强调这一动作产生的结果对现在现在完成时,强调这一动作产生的结果对现在的影响,与现在有关。的影响,与现在有关。 一般过去时,仅仅表示在过去某一时刻曾发生一般过去时,仅仅表示在过去某一时刻曾发生过这一动作,与现在无关过这一动作,与现在无关。 他已学英语五年了他已学英语五年了。 He has studied English for five years.他曾学过五年英语。他曾学过五年英语。 He studied

31、English for five years.(说明他还继续学下去)(说明他还继续学下去)(只说明他过去学过五年英语,但现在不学了。)只说明他过去学过五年英语,但现在不学了。)一般过去时与现在完成时有一些明一般过去时与现在完成时有一些明显的时间状语:显的时间状语: 遇到遇到yesterday,Lastyear,inMay,in+过去过去某一年,某一年,twodaysago,justnow等就用一等就用一般过去时。般过去时。当有当有sofar,inthepast/lastfewdays(在过在过去去/最近的几年里最近的几年里),since接过去时间状语接过去时间状语或过去时的句子或过去时的句子等

32、常用现在完成时。等常用现在完成时。用所给词的适当形式填空:用所给词的适当形式填空:He _(work) in our school for one year.He _(come) to our school last year.They _(cook) the supper already.They _ (cook) the supper half an hour ago.hasworkedcamehavecookedcooked第五部分第五部分 作文作文Changes in my hometown 1.Introduction :简要介绍自己的家乡(地点,环境)并引入话题。2.Mainbod

33、y : 过去怎样,现在怎样(环境,生活,交通工具等)3.Conclusion :谈谈自己的想法感受等 The changes in my hometown Many changes have taken place in my hometown over the years. In the past , my hometown was a poor town . There was rubbish everywhere . People lived in short houses . They used to walk or ride bikes to the town. Now , most

34、 people have moved into flats . The roads are wider . The government has also built shops and tall buildings in some large open spaces . People can go to the town by bus or taxi. But the air isnt as fresh as before. There are fewer trees than before. People realize that it is important to protect th

35、e environment . Now people are enjoying a comfortable life . In a word(总之总之) , life in my hometown is better now than before. 1._ he _(learn) one thousand words so far?2._the town _(change) a lot over the past few years?3.He _(not finish) his work yet.4.They _(live) here since then.5. Mr Brown _(wat

36、er) flowers when I got there.6.She _ (give) a book to me last week .7. In 2012, the Wangs _(go) abroad.Has learntHas changedhasnt finishedhave livedwas wateringgavewent用所给词的正确时态填空。用所给词的正确时态填空。选择填空选择填空 1、UncleDongis_fromtimetotimebecausehemisseshisoldfriends.A.lonelyB.aloneC.happyD.unkind2、MrandMrsBl






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