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1、NIKE Fundamental VM Training耐克初级陈列培训耐克初级陈列培训 -Zoning -区域区域ddzoning 区域Gender Placement. 性别分区Retail is the point where consumers meet out product and make a decision to buy or not to buy. Product is on center stage, use the environment as an opportunity to tell stories that will excite and educate our

2、 consumers.零售店铺是一个让消费者接触产品,然后决定是否购买的环境。在这里,产品是主角,它利用这个环境向消费者传达产品故事,从而起到吸引并教育消费者的作用。Zoning doesnt just organize product within a space, it also provides a clarity to the space that enables consumers to navigate more easily through it.对店铺进行区域的划分,不单只是把产品进行了划分,而且让各个空间更为清晰的引导消费者在区域内的游走。The Initiative Zon

3、e The Initiative Zone 主题区主题区This is an important area as it is the first area within the store that the customer will see, introducing them to the NIKE brand and what the store has to offer. This is your opportunity to make whats important obvious to the shopper. Inspire the shopper with powerful pr

4、oduct presentations.主题区很重要,它是消费者进入店铺时第一眼看到的区域,它向消费者介绍了耐克品牌以及店铺卖什么产品。主题区域给了我们向顾客介绍主打产品的机会,并通过很强的视觉展示来刺激消费者购买产品。The Genders The Genders 性别分区性别分区The store will be divided into different areas to display mens, womens and kids.店铺会被分为男子,女子和儿童区域。Initiative 主题区Mens 男子区域Womens 女子区域Kids 儿童区域dzoning 区域Gender P

5、lacement. 性别分区The floor plan on this page shows a typical example of how a shop floor could be divided. However, the exact layout of a store will depend on many things including the buy, the consumer base and the location of the store. Each layout should be decided on an individual basis. 此平面图是个展示店铺

6、分区的典型例子。 然而,真正的店铺布局要依赖于实际情况,包括货品,消费群及店铺的地理位置。每家店铺的布局都应当基于不同的实际情况。Performance 运动We begin by placing the performance products at the front of the store close to the initiative zone. Products featured under the performance label speak directly to sports and are the real heritage of Nike. Customers are

7、introduced to NIKE through technology and innovation. 我们会从店铺的前部,紧挨着主题区域的位置开始陈列运动系列产品。有运动吊牌的产品能直接诠释体育运动,而且是真正的耐克风格。顾客是通过耐克的科技和创新来了解这个品牌的。Sport culture 运动生活The sport culture products are placed towards the back of the store and close to the footwear wall. Products from this group feature large logos,

8、making the products clearly visible from the front of the store.运动生活的产品则被陈列在店铺靠后且靠近鞋墙的区域。此系列产品会有大的耐克标识, 在店铺的前方就可以清楚的看到。Initiative 主题区Womens Performance 女子运动区域Womens Sport Culture 女子运动生活区域Mens Performance 男子运动区域Mens Sport Culture 男子运动生活区域kids 儿童区域Accessories 装备区域Mens Footwear 男子鞋区Womens Footwear 女子鞋区



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