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1、写作指导妙笔生花写作指导妙笔生花如何描述交通问题如何描述交通问题How to describe traffic problems?陈泽娟陈泽娟Module2 Book4 Writing1.Beijing isnt the only city with traffic problems. You can get stuck in a traffic jam anywhere in the world.2.Los Angeles, which was built with the motor car in mind, and is famous for its sixlane highways,

2、is now the USAs most congested city.3. The situation in central London, where drivers spent fifty percent of their time in queues, became so bad that the local government decided to do something about it.4.In February 2003 the Mayor of London introduced a “congestion charge” a tax for cars entering

3、the centre of the city.写法指写法指导在在描描述述任任何何一一个个问题时,都都要要按按一一定定的的顺序序,如如:现象象、原原因因、解解决决办法法及及对未未来来的的预测。写写作作时要要注意思路清晰,注意思路清晰,语言准确。言准确。描述交通描述交通问题应该注意以下几个方面:注意以下几个方面:1.所描述的所描述的问题应该是是值得关注的。得关注的。2.文章的文章的整体整体时态应以一般以一般现在在时为主主。因。因为文章所文章所表述的是近期或表述的是近期或长期以来困期以来困扰人人们的的问题。写作指写作指写作指写作指导导3.逻辑顺序序应该清晰,一般按照以下清晰,一般按照以下顺序来描述:

4、点名序来描述:点名问题分析或描述分析或描述问题以以唤起人起人们对问题的关注的关注 建建议或措施或措施 希望或憧憬。希望或憧憬。常用句式常用句式1.What is the problem with.?2.What causes it?3.What is the solution to the problem?4.There are reasons for.First of all,.Secondly,.Thirdly,.5.In view of.,measures must be taken to solve this problem.6.We should think of ways to s

5、olve the problem.7.It is high time for.to do.典典典典题题示例示例示例示例写作内容写作内容 近几年来,由于汽车产业的飞速发展、私家车购买量近几年来,由于汽车产业的飞速发展、私家车购买量的猛增,的猛增,停车难、行车难已成为一大难题停车难、行车难已成为一大难题。请就如何解。请就如何解决这一难题给出你的建议。决这一难题给出你的建议。 1.如有可能,拓宽部分街道,由原来二车道改为四车道,如有可能,拓宽部分街道,由原来二车道改为四车道,四车道改为六车道;四车道改为六车道; 2.多建地下停车场;多建地下停车场; 3.限制部分车辆如摩托车、卡车进入市中心;限制部分

6、车辆如摩托车、卡车进入市中心; 4.鼓励市民乘公交车上下班或购物,减轻城市交通的压鼓励市民乘公交车上下班或购物,减轻城市交通的压力。力。 1.停车难、行车难已成为一大难题停车难、行车难已成为一大难题2.我的建议如下我的建议如下:3.如有可能,拓宽部分街道,由原来二车道改为四如有可能,拓宽部分街道,由原来二车道改为四车道,四车道改为六车道;车道,四车道改为六车道; 多建地下停车场;多建地下停车场; 4.限制部分车辆如摩托车、卡车进入市中心限制部分车辆如摩托车、卡车进入市中心5.鼓励市民乘公交车上下班或购物,减轻城市交通的压力。鼓励市民乘公交车上下班或购物,减轻城市交通的压力。1.许多市民愿意买私

7、家车过上更好的生活,这个很好但是许多市民愿意买私家车过上更好的生活,这个很好但是文章结构:一、现象文章结构:一、现象 二、建议二、建议写作要求写作要求1只能用只能用5句句话表达全部内容;表达全部内容;2开开头已已给出,不出,不计入入总句数。句数。评分分标准准句子句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。How to Solve Traffic JamsIn the past years,with the rapid development of car industry,more and more cars are produced._佳作欣佳作欣赏How to Solv

8、e Traffic Jams In the past years,with the rapid development of car industry,more and more cars are produced. Many citizens are willing to buy their own cars to enjoy a better life,which looks good but parking and driving have become a terrible problem. My suggestions are as follows. Firstly,if possi

9、ble,we can widen streets by changing twolane streets into fourlane ones and fourlane ones into sixlane ones,or build more underground parking areas,which can reduce the number of cars in the street. Secondly,some traffic vehicles,such as motors and trucks are forbidden to enter the centre of the cit

10、y. Finally,citizens are encouraged to go to and off work or go shopping by bus.实战实战演演演演练练第一第一节基基础写作写作【写作内容写作内容】 我我们国国家家许多多城城市市都都存存在在着着交交通通问题:塞塞车、行行人人经常常违反反交交通通规则等等。假假如如你你是是志志愿愿者者之之一一,倡倡导举行行一一次次文文明明交交通的活通的活动,并,并为这次活次活动提供一些建提供一些建议:1公众公众应遵守交通遵守交通规则;2鼓励人鼓励人们多搭乘公共交通工具;多搭乘公共交通工具;3政府政府应拓拓宽(widen)路面,改善路况。路面

11、,改善路况。一、审题:一、审题:就交通问题提建议就交通问题提建议二、文章结构:二、文章结构:1.提出现象;提出现象;2.建议建议三、列要点,整理写作思路三、列要点,整理写作思路1.街道上总是挤满了公交车街道上总是挤满了公交车,汽车和自行车。汽车和自行车。2.行人经常违反交通规则等。行人经常违反交通规则等。3. 要改善这种情况要改善这种情况,公众应遵守交通规则。,公众应遵守交通规则。4.鼓励人们多搭乘公共交通工具。鼓励人们多搭乘公共交通工具。5.政府应拓宽政府应拓宽(widen)路面,改善路况。路面,改善路况。【写作要求写作要求】1只能使用只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;个句子表达全部内容;2可以

12、适当增加可以适当增加细节,以使行文,以使行文连贯;3开开头和和结尾已尾已为你写好,不你写好,不计人人总词数。数。【评分分标准准】句子句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。Traffic jam is a very serious problem in most of the cities in our country._ Only if everybody in our city takes part in the activity can we solve this problem.写作重点词语写作重点词语:1.挤满了公交车挤满了公交车,汽车和自行车汽车和自行车 f

13、ull of buses,cars and bikes2. 遵守交通规则遵守交通规则 follow the traffic rules3. 鼓励人们多搭乘公共交通工具鼓励人们多搭乘公共交通工具 encourage people to use public transport4. 缓解交通流缓解交通流 ease the traffic flow5. 拓宽拓宽(widen)路面路面 widen roads6. 改善路况改善路况 provide better traffic conditions One possible version: Traffic jam is a very serious

14、problem in most of the cities in our countryThe streets are always full of buses,cars and bikes. Some people do not follow the traffic rules. To improve the traffic in these cities, I think, first,everyone in the city,especially those who drive or walk in the street should follow the traffic rules.

15、Second,we should encourage people to use public transport so as to ease the traffic flow. Third,the government should widen or build more roads to provide better traffic conditions. Only if everybody in our city takes part in the activity can we solve this problem【报纸报纸38期基础写作范文背诵期基础写作范文背诵】 I live in

16、 a neighborhood where there are too many vehicles during the rush hour, which often causes traffic jams and loud noises. In addition, because there is a primary school and a middle school nearby, many parents pick up their children by car, which raises the chance of accidents. Whats worse, many driv

17、ers park their cars casually without realizing the trouble they might cause to others. To deal with this problem, I think it is best for parents not to pick up their children by car and that drivers should park their cars in the specified places. I do hope everyone can obey the traffic rules and only by this can we live in s safer neighbourhood.



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