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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块八模块八 高二下学期高二下学期) )Making a book about unusual pictures_by Chen yanxiangUnit 3Do you know what unusual pictures are?Can you think of some of them? And how to do them?Have you heard of other ways to create unusual pictures?There are also many other ways to create unusual pictures.Lets

2、 enjoy some pictures.steamed buns Pizza The Mona Lisa is made out of slices of bread toastedThe house is made of chopsticksThe owl is made of stringThe paint is made of feather.The plum blossom is made of shells.The swan is made of beans. The paint is made of fabric.神秘洞穴由花椰菜、角瓜和蜗牛构成海底世界,而神秘洞穴由花椰菜、角瓜

3、和蜗牛构成海底世界,而稻米和意大利粉形成暗礁。在此洞穴里,胡萝卜从稻米和意大利粉形成暗礁。在此洞穴里,胡萝卜从面包岩石悬挂下来充当石钟乳面包岩石悬挂下来充当石钟乳烤面包构成了阿尔卑斯山风景的背景,有斯第尔顿奶酪和切达干酪岩石、薄脆饼干的屋子、花椰菜云彩和面包屑铺就的乡间小路。Read the article about unusual pictures. Skim the text and answer the following questions:How many unusual ways to create pictures are mentioned in the passage?Wh

4、at are they?Work in groupsSix students in a group, choose your own type of unusual pictures and then complete the chart.TypeThings neededWay to makepizza facesdifferent foods; camera; oven or _oven think about the pattern make a face with the foods on a _take a photo of it cook the pizza and eat it_

5、card; thin string; glue; crayon or pencil draw the _on the card put the glue on the card_paint the stringfeather and shell pictures_ think about the _lay all the pieces out on the card stick them downstring picturesfeathers; small shells; card; gluepizza put the string on the gluepatternmicrowaveout

6、linerubbish picturesrubbish including plastic, aluminium foil,_; strong paper card; glue put the rubbish on a card_the rubbish onto the card_the different parts_a cardboard tube or_; paint; card dip a cardboard tube or old cloths into paint_the painted rubbish on a card to make different shapesrubbi

7、sh printscloth and paperstick paintold clothspressWork in groups to discuss the following questions1. Which idea do you think is the most interesting? 3. How would you use them to make unusual pictures? 2. What other things could you make unusual pictures from? Doing your project1. Planning: groupin

8、g the students into a team of six or seven and decide on the name of their unusual picture Our topic _. Doing your project2. Preparing: discussing the tasks for each member of the team Who is responsible for the design of the unusual picture?Who takes charge of the materials to be found?Who writes t

9、he text?Who presents the oral report?The deadline for our project is _Doing your project3. Producing: Each member of the group starts his/her work within the time due. Before the given time is due, remind the students to edit their text like sentence structure, organization, punctuation, vocabulary,

10、 grammar, spelling, etc.Doing your project4. Presenting:(1) When the set time is due, ask the students to present their report orally.(2) Put their art works on the display wall of the classroom for everyone to see. Lets work together to make a display wall with your marvelous work of art!Write a short article. It can be information or instructions for other people to follow and make an unusual picture.



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