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1、大学英语六级真题及解析汇总全年完整版作文模板资料仅供参考( .6-,12)大学英语六级真题及解析汇总( 全年完整版) + 作文模板目录12月大学英语六级真题错误! 未定义书签。6 月英语六级完形填空原文+ 答案错误 ! 未定义书签。六 级 作 文 模板. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411 2 月大学英语六级真题tory courses. The newer trend is to startrecruiting poor and non-white students as ear

2、lyas the seventh grade, using innovative tools toidentify kids with sophisticated verbal skills.Such pro grams can be expensive, of course, butcheap compared with the millions alreadyinvested in scholarships and grants for kids whohave little chance to graduate without specialsupport.资料仅供参考With effo

3、rt and money, the graduation gap canbe closed. Washington and Lee is a small,selective school in Lexington, Va. Its studentbody is less than 5% black and less than 2%Latino. While the school usually graduatedabout 90% of its whites, the graduation rate ofits blacks and Latinos had dipped to 63% by .

4、“We went through a dramatic shift/1 says DawnWatkins, the vice president for student affairs.The school aggressively pushed mentoringof minorities by other students andn partneringn with parents at a specialpre-enrollment session. The school had itsfirst-ever black homecoming. Last spring theschool

5、graduated the same proportion ofminorities as it did whites. If the United Stateswants to keep up in the global economic race, itwill have to pay systematic attention tograduating minorities, not just enrolling them.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡i上作答。1. What is the author*s main concern aboutAmerican higher educatio

6、n?资料仅供参考A) The small proportion of minority students.B) The low graduation rates of minoritystudents.C) The growing conflicts among ethnic groups.D) The poor academic performance of students.2. What was the pride of P resident Barry Millsof Bowdoin College?A) The prestige of its liberal arts program

7、s.B) Its ranking among universities in Maine.C) The high graduation rates of its students.D) Its increased enrollment of minority students.3. What is the risk facing America?A) Its schools will be overwhelmed by thegrowing number of illegal immigrants.B) The rising generation will be less welleducat

8、ed than the previous one.C) More poor and non-white students will bedenied access to college.D) It is going to lose its competitive edge inhigher education.4. How many African-American studentsearned their degrees in California community资料仅供参考colleges according to a recent review?A) Fifty-sixpercent

9、.Fifteen percent.B) Thirty-ninepercent.Sixty-seven percent.5. Harvard, Yale, andno gap between blackrates mainly because .A) theirharderare generally smallerB) they recruitstudentsstudents more attentionC)D)P rinceton show almostand white graduationstudents workC) their classesthe bestD) they give6.

10、 How does Amy Wilkins of the EducationTrust view minority students* failure to get adegree?A) Universities are to blame.B) Students dont work hard.C) The government fails to provide the资料仅供参考necessary support.D) Affirmative action should be heldresponsible.7. Why do some students drop out after a ye

11、aror two according to the author?A) They have lost confidence in themselves.B) They cannot afford the high tuition.C) They cannot adapt to the rigor of the school.D) They fail to develop interest in their studies.8. To tackle the problem of graduation gap,the University of Wisconsin-Madison helpsmin

12、ority students get over the stereotype that9. For years, private colleges such asP rinceton and MIT have provided minoritystudents w ith during the summerbefore freshman year.10. Washington and Lee University is citedas an example to show that the gap ofgraduation rates between whites and minorities

13、canP art III ListeningComprehension (35 minutes)资料仅供参考Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 shortconversations and 2 long conversations. At theend of each conversation, one or more questionswill be asked about what was said. Both theconversation and the questions will be spokenonly o

14、nce. After each question there will be apause. During the pause, you must read the fourchoices marked A), B), C) and D), and decidewhich is the best answer. Then mark thecorrespond ing letter on A nsw er sheet 2 with a singleline through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。11. A) She will give him the rece

15、ipt later.B) The man should make his own copies.C) She has not got the mans copies ready.D) The man forgot to make the copies for her.12. A) She phoned Fred about thebook. C) She ran into Fred on her wayhere.B) She was late for the appointment. D)She often keeps other people waiting.13. A) Mark is n

16、ot fit to take charge of the资料仅供参考Student Union.B) Mark is the best candidate for the post ofchairman.C) It wont be easy for Mark to win the election.D) Females are more competitive than males inelections.14. A) It failed to arrive at its destination intime.B) It got seriously damaged on the way.C)

17、It got lost at the airport in P aris.D) It was left behind in the hotel.15. A) Just make use of whatever information isavailable.B) P ut more effort into preparing for thepresentation.C) Find more relevant information for theirwork.D) Simply raise the issue in their presentation.16. A) The man has d

18、ecided to choose LanguageStudies as his major.B) The woman isnt interested in the psychologyof language.资料仅供参考C) The man is still trying to sign up for thecourse he is interested in.D) The woman isnt qualified to take the coursethe man mentioned.17. A) They are both to blame.B) They are both easy to

19、 please.C) They can manage to get along.D) They will make peace in time.18. A) They are in desperate need of financialassistance.B) They hope to do miracles with limitedresources.C) They want to borrow a huge sum from thebank.D) They plan to buy out their business partners.Questions 19 to 22 are bas

20、ed on the conversation you have just heard.19. A) We simply cannot help reactinginstinctively that way.B) We wish to hide our indifference to theirmisfortune.C) We derive some humorous satisfaction fromtheir misfortune.D) We think it serves them right for being mean资料仅供参考to other people.20. A) They

21、want to show their genuinesympathy.B) They have had similar personal experiences.C) They don*t know how to cope with thesituation.D) They dont want to reveal their ownfrustration.21. A) They themselves would like to do it butdont dare to.B) Its an opportunity for relieving theirtension.C) Its a rare

22、 chance for them to see the bosslose face.D) They have seen this many times in old films.22. A) To irritatethem. C) To relieveher feelings.B) To teach them alesson. D) To show hercourage.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. A) Smuggling drugs into Hong资料仅供参考Kong.

23、C) Stealing a fellow passengersbag.B) Having committed armed robbery. D)Bringing a handgun into Hong Kong.24. A) He said not a single word during theentire flight.B) He took away Kumars baggage while he wasasleep.C) He was travelling on a scholarship fromDelhi University.D) He is suspected of having

24、 slipped somethingin Kumar*s bag.25. A) Give him alift. C) Check thepassenger list.B) Find AlfredFoster. D) Search allsuspicious cars.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 shortpassages. At the end of each passage, you willhear some questions. Both the passage and thequestions will b

25、e spoken only once. After you hear资料仅供参考a question, you must choose the best answer fromthe four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Thenmark the corresponding letter on A n sw er S h eet 2 With C lsingle line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。P assage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage

26、 you have just heard.26. A) They think travel has become a trend.B) They think travel gives them their moneysworth.C) They find many of the banks untrustworthy.D) They lack the expertise to make capitalinvestments.27. A) Lower their prices to attract morecustomers.B) Introduce travel packages for yo

27、ungtravelers.C) Design programs targeted at retired couples.D) Launch a new program of adventure trips.28. A) The role of travelagents. C) The number oflast-minute bookings.B) The way people资料仅供参考travel.D) The prices ofpolar expeditions.P assage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you hav

28、e just heard.29. A)The old stereotypes about men and women.B) The changing roles played by men andwomen.C) The division of labor between men andwomen.D) The widespread prejudice against women.30. A) Offer more creative and practical ideasthan men.B) Ask questions that often lead to controversy.C) Sp

29、eak loudly enough to attract attention.D) Raise issues on behalf of women.31. A) To prove that she could earn her living asa gardener.B) To show that women are more hardworkingthan men.C) To show that women are capable of doingwhat men do.D) To prove that she was really irritated withher husband.资料仅

30、供参考P assage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32. A) Covering major events of the day in thecity.B) Reporting criminal offenses in Greenville.C) Hunting news for the daily headlines.D) Writing articles on family violence.33. A) It is a much safer place than it used

31、 to be.B) Rapes rarely occur in the downtown areas.C) Assaults often happen on school campuses.D) It has fewer violent crimes than big cities.34. A) There are a wide range of cases.B) They are very destructive.C) There has been a rise in such crimes.D) They have aroused fear among the residents.35.

32、A) Write about somethingpleasant. C) Offer help to crimevictims.B) Do some research on local politics. D)Work as a newspaper editor.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passagethree times. When the passage is read for the firsttime, you should listen carefully for its general资料仅供参考i

33、dea. When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numberedfrom 36 to 43 with the exact words you have justheard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 youare required to fill in the missing information. Forthese blanks, you can either use the exact wordsyou have ju

34、st heard or write down the main pointsin your own words. Finally, when the passage isread for the third time, you should check what youhave written.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。CIn America, people are faced with more andmore decisions every day, whether its pickingone of 31 ice cream ( 36) or decidingwhether a

35、nd when to get married. That soundslike a great thing. But as a recent study hasshown, too many choices can make us ( 3 7 ) ,unhappy - even paralyzed with indecision.Thafs ( 38) true when it comes to theworkplace, says Barry Schwartz, an author ofsix books about human ( 3 9 ) . Students aregraduatin

36、g with a ( 40) of skills and资料仅供参考interests, but often find themselves (41)when it comes to choosing an ultimate careergoal.In a study, Schwartz observed decision-makingamong college students during their (42)year. Based on answers to questions regardingtheir job-hunting (43)and careerdecisions, he

37、divided the students into twogroups: n maximizersn who consider everypossible option, and nsatisficersn who look untilthey find an option that is good enough.You might expect that the students (44)_ . But itturns out thafs not true. Schwartz found thatwhile maximizers ended up with better payingjobs

38、 than satisficers on average, they werent ashappy with their decision.The reason (45)_ Whenyou look at every possible option, you tend tofocus more on what was given up than what wasgained. After surveying every option, (46)资料仅供参考P art IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25minutes)Section A

39、Directions: In this section, there is a short passagewith 5 questions or incomplete statements. Readthe passage carefully. Then answer the questionsor complete the statements in the fewest possiblewords. Please write your answers on Answ er sheet 2 .Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following pass

40、age.How good are you at saying no? For many,if s surprisingly difficult. This is especially trueof editors, who by nature tend to be eager andengaged participants in everything they do.Consider these scenarios:If s late in the day. That front-page packageyouve been working on is nearly complete; one

41、last edit and ifs finished. Enter the executiveeditor, who makes a suggestion requiring amore-than-modest rearrangement of the designand the addition of an information box. Youwant to scream: No! Its done!” What do youdo?The first rule of saying no to the boss is dont资料仅供参考say no. She probably has s

42、omething in mindwhen she makes suggestions, and its up to youto find out what. The second rule is dont raisethe stakes by challenging her authority. Thatissue is already decided. The third rule is to beready to cite options and consequences. Theboss 飞 suggestions might be appropriate, butthere are a

43、lways consequences. She might notknow about the pages backing up that needattention, or about the designer who had to gohome sick. Tell her she can have what she wants,but explain the consequences. Understand whatshes trying to accomplish and propose a P lan Bthat will make it happen without destroy

44、ingwhat youve done so far.Heres another case. Your least-favorite reportersuggests a dumb story idea. This one should beeasy, but ifs not. If you say no, even politely, yourisk inhibiting further ideas, not just from thatreporter, but from others who heard that youturned down the idea. This scenario

45、 is commonin newsrooms that lack a systematic way to filter资料仅供参考story suggestions.Two steps are necessary. First, you need asystem for how stories are proposed andreviewed. Reporters can tolerate rejection oftheir ideas if they believe they were given a fairhearing. Yourgw reaction ( 本能 反 应 )anddis

46、missive rejection, even of a worthless idea,might not qualify as systematic or fair.Second, the people you work with need tonegotiate a “What if agreement coveringWhat if my idea is turned down? How arepeople expected to react? Is there an appealprocess? Can they refine the idea and resubmitit? By a

47、nticipating What if.?n situationsbefore they happen, you can reachunderstanding that will help ease you out ofconfrontations.47. Instead of directly saying no to your boss,you should find out.48. The authors second warning is that weshould avoid running a greater risk by资料仅供参考49. One way of respondi

48、ng to your boss*ssuggestion is to explain the to herand offer an alternative solution.50. To ensure fairness to reporters, it isimportant to set up a system for stories to51. P eople who learn to anticipate Whatif.?n situations will be able to reachunderstanding and avoi d.Section BDirections: There

49、 are 2 passages in this section. Eachpassage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there arefour choices marked A)f B), C) and D), Youshould decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding letter onAnswer sheet 2 with a single linethrough the centre.P assage One

50、Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.At the heart of the debate over illegalimmigration lies one key question: areimmigrants good or bad for the economy? TheAmerican public overwhelmingly thinks they1 rebad. Yet the consensus among most economists资料仅供参考is that immigration, both lega

51、l and illegal,provides a small net boost to the economy.Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower theprices of everything from farm produce to newhomes, and leave consumers with a little moremoney in their pockets. So why is there such adiscrepancy between the perception ofimmigrants* impact on the econ

52、omy and thereality?There are a number of familiar theories. Someargue that people are anxious and feelthreatened by an inflow of new workers. Othershighlight the strain that undocumentedimmigrants place on public services, like schools,hospitals, and jails. Still others emphasize therole of race, ar

53、guing that foreigners add to thenations fears and insecurities. There*s sometruth to all these explanations, but they arentquite sufficient.To get a better understanding of whaf s going on,consider the way immigrations impact is felt.Though its overall effect may be positive, its资料仅供参考costs and bene

54、fits are distributed unevenly.David Card, an economist at UC Berkeley, notesthat the ones who profit most directly fromimmigrants* low-cost labor are businesses andemployers - meatpacking plants in Nebraska,for instance, or agricultural businesses inCalifornia. Granted, these producers* savingsproba

55、bly translate into lower prices at thegrocery store, but how many consumers makethat mental connection at the checkout counter?As for the drawbacks of illegal immigration,these, too, are concentrated. Native low-skilledworkers suffer most from the competition offoreign labor. According to a study by

56、 GeorgeBorjas, a Harvard economist, immigrationreduced the wages of American high-schooldropouts by 9% between 1980-.Among high-skilled, better-educated employees,however, opposition was strongest in states withboth high numbers of immigrants and relativelygenerous social services. What worried them

57、most, in other words, was the fiscal ( M资料仅供参考的) burden of immigration. That conclusion wasreinforced by another finding: that theiropposition appeared to soften when that fiscalburden decreased, as occurred with welfarereform in the 1990s, which curbed immigrants*access to certain benefits.The iron

58、y is that for all the overexcited debate,the net effect of immigration is minimal. Evenfor those most acutely affected - say, low-skilledworkers, or California residents - the impactisnt all that dramatic. The unpleasant voiceshave tended to dominate our perceptions,n saysDaniel Tichenor, a politica

59、l science professor atthe University of Oregon. But when all thosefactors are put together and the economistscalculate the numbers, it ends up being a netpositive, but a small one. Too bad most peopledont realize it.注 意 :此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。52. What can we learn from the firstparagraph?A) Whether immigra

60、nts are good or bad for the资料仅供参考economy has been puzzling economists.B) The American economy used to thrive onimmigration but now ifs a different story.C) The consensus among economists is thatimmigration should not be encouraged.D) The general public thinks differently frommost economists on the i

61、mpact of immigration.53. In what way does the author think ordinaryAmericans benefit from immigration?A) They can access all kinds of public services.B) They can get consumer goods at lowerprices.C) They can mix with people of differentcultures.D) They can avoid doing much of the manuallabor.54. Why

62、 do native low-skilled workers suffermost from illegal immigration?A) They have greater difficulty getting welfaresupport.B) They are more likely to encounter interracialconflicts.资料仅供参考C) They have a harder time getting a job withdecent pay.D) They are no match for illegal immigrants inlabor skills

63、.55. What is the chief concern of nativehigh-skilled, better-educated employees aboutthe inflow of immigrants?A) It may change the existing social structure.B) It may pose a threat to their economic status.C) It may lead to social instability in thecountry.D) It may place a great strain on the state

64、budget.56. What is the irony about the debate overimmigration?A) Even economists cant reach a consensusabout its impact.B) Those who are opposed to it turn out tobenefit most from it.C) P eople are making too big a fuss aboutsomething of small impact.D) There is no essential difference between资料仅供参考

65、seemingly opposite opinions.P assage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.P icture a typical MBA lecture theatre twentyyears ago. In it the majority of students willhave conformed to the standard model of thetime: male, middle class and Western. Walk intoa class today, however, a

66、nd youll get acompletely different impression. For a start, youwill now see plenty more women - theUniversity of P ennsylvanias Wharton School,for example, boasts that 40% of its newenrolment is female. You will also see a widerange of ethnic groups and nationals ofpractically every country.It might

67、 be tempting, therefore, to think that theold barriers have been broken down and equalopportunity achieved. But, increasingly, thisapparent diversity is becoming a mask for a newtype of conformity. Behind the differences in sex,skin tones and mother tongues, there arecommon attitudes, expectations a

68、nd ambitionswhich risk creating a set of clones among the资料仅供参考business leaders of the future.Diversity, it seems, has not helped to addressfundamental weaknesses in business leadership.So what can be done to create more effectivemanagers of the commercial world? Accordingto Valerie Gauthier, associ

69、ate dean at HEC P aris,the key lies in the process by which MBAprogrammes recruit their students. At themoment candidates are selected on a fairlynarrow set of criteria such as prior academicand career performance, and analytical andproblem solving abilities. This is then coupled toa schooFs picture

70、 of what a diverse class shouldlook like, with the result that passport, ethnicorigin and sex can all become influencing factors.But schools rarely dig down to find out whatreally makes an applicant succeed, to create aclass which also contains diversity of attitudeand approach - arguably the only d

71、iversity that,in a business context, really matters.P rofessor Gauthier believes schools should notjust be selecting candidates from traditional资料仅供参考sectors such as banking, consultancy andindustry. They should also be seekingindividuals who have backgrounds in areas suchas political science, the c

72、reative arts, history orphilosophy, which will allow them to putbusiness decisions into a wider context.Indeed, there does seem to be a demand for themore rounded leaders such diversity mightcreate. A study by Mannaz, a leadershipdevelopment company, suggests that, while thebully-boy chief executive

73、 of old may not havebeen eradicated completely, there is a definiteshift in emphasis towards less tough styles ofmanagement - at least in America and Europe.P erhaps most significant, according to Mannaz,is the increasing interest large companies havein more collaborative management models, suchas t

74、hose prevalent in Scandinavia, which seek tointegrate the hard and soft aspects of leadershipand encourage delegated responsibility andaccountability.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。资料仅供参考57. What characterises the business schoolstudent population of today?A) Greaterdiversity. C)Exceptional diligence.B) Intellec

75、tualmaturity. D) Higherambition.58. What is the authors concern about currentbusiness school education?A) It will arouse students* unrealisticexpectations.B) It will produce business leaders of a uniformstyle.C) It focuses on theory rather than on practicalskills.D) It stresses competition rather th

76、ancooperation.59. What aspect of diversity does ValerieGauthier think is most important?A) Age and educationalbackground. C) Attitude and资料仅供参考approach to business.B) Social and professionalexperience. D) Ethnic origin andgender.60. What applicants does the author think MBAprogrammes should consider

77、 recruiting?A) Applicants with prior experience in businesscompanies.B) Applicants with sound knowledge in mathand statistics.C) Applicants from outside the traditionalsectors.D) Applicants from less developed regions andareas.61. What does Mannaz say about the currentmanagement style?A) It is eradi

78、cating the tough aspects ofmanagement.B) It encourages male and female executives towork side by side.C) It adopts the bully-boy chief executivemodel.资料仅供参考D) It is shifting towards more collaborativemodels.P artV Cloze(15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the followingpassage. For each bla

79、nk there are four choicesmarked A)f B), C) and D) on the right side of thepaper. You should choose the ONE that best fitsinto the passage. Then mark the correspondingletter on Answ er Sheet 2 with a single line through thecentre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。Organised volunteering and work experiencehas long be

80、en a vital companion to universitydegree courses. Usually it is left to _ 62 todeduce the potential from a list ofextracurricular adventures on a graduatedresume, 63 now the University of Bristolhas launched an award to formalise theachievements of students who _ 64 time toactivities outside their c

81、ourses. Bristol P LuSaims to boost students in an increasingly _ 65job market by helping them acquire work and资料仅供参考life skills alongside _ 66_ qualifications.nOur students are a pretty active bunch, but wefound that they didnt _67_ appreciate thevalue of what they did _ 68 the lecture hall Jsays Je

82、ff Goodman, director of careers andemployability at the university. Employers aremuch more _ 69 than they used to be. Theyused to look for _ 70 and saw it as part oftheir job to extract the value of an applicant*sskills. Now they want students to be able toexplain why those skills are _ 71_ to the j

83、ob.Students who sign _ 72 for the award will beexpected to complete 50 hours of workexperience or _ 73 work, attend fourworkshops on employ-ability skills, take part inan intensive skills-related activity _ 74,crucially, write a summary of the skills theyhave gained. 75 efforts will gain anOutstandi

84、ng Achievement Award. Those who76 best on the sports field can take theSporting P LuS Award which fostersemployer-friendly sports accomplishments.资料仅供参考The experience does not have to be _ 77organised. Were not just interested in easilyidentiHable skills/* says Goodman. n _ 78 ,one student took the

85、lead in dealing with adifficult landlord and so _ 79 negotiationskills. We try to make the experience relevant toindividual lives.nGoodman hopes the _ 80 will enable activestudents to fill in any gaps in their experienceand encourage their less-active 81 to takeup activities outside their academic a

86、rea ofwork.62. A) advisors B)specialists C) critics D)employers63. A) which B)but C) unless D)since64. A) divide B)devote C)deliver D) donate65. A) harmonious B)资料仅供参考competitiveresourceful66. A)technicalC)D) prosperousartisticC) academicB)D)interactive67. A) dominantly B)earnestly C) necessarily D)

87、gracefully68. A) outside B)along C) over D)through69. A) generous B)considerate C) enlightening D)demanding70. A) origin B)initial C) popularity D)potential71. A) relevant B)responsive C) reluctant D)respective72. A) out B)off C) away D)资料仅供参考up73. A) casual B)elective C) domestic D)voluntary74. A)

88、or B)thus C) so D)and75. A) Occasional B)Exceptional C)Informative D) Relative76. A) perform B)convey C) circulate D)formulate77. A) roughly B)randomly C) formally D)fortunately78. A) For instance B) Inessence C) In contrast D) Ofcourse79. A) demonstrated B)determined C) operated D)involved资料仅供参考80.

89、 A) device B)section C) scheme D)distraction81. A) attendants B)agents C) members D)peersP artVI Translation(5 minutes)Directions: Complete the sentences by translating intoEnglish the Chinese given in brackets. Pleasewrite your translation onAnswer sheet 2 .注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答,只需写出译文部分。82. Even thoug

90、h they were already late, they(宁愿停下来欣赏美丽的景色) than just go on.83. No agreement was reached in the discussionbetween the two parties, as(任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场).84. The pills(原来能够治愈那位癌症病人的), but he didn*t follow thedoctors advice and take them regularly.资料仅供参考85. It is( 你真好, 给了我那么多帮助) ; I really feel obliged

91、to you.86. The war left the family scattered all over theworld, and it was thirty years( 她们才得以重聚) .参考答案P art I WritingCertificate crazeRecently the phenomenon of certificate crazehas become a big concern of the public. It is alsoa new craze in the university, which seems like aroutine activity on ca

92、mpus, for certificates doplay a vital role when students look for a decentjob.Admittedly, there are different purposes behindthis phenomenon. Some people aim atcertificates because of the employment pressure.With the admission expansion of colleges, agreat many graduates have to face the fiercecompe

93、tition in the job market. So it is thecertificates that can make them more资料仅供参考competitive. However, some others consider allthe diploma and certificates importantstandards by which a persons ability can bemeasured. They spare no effort to get thecertificates for the sole purpose of proving thatthe

94、y are qualified in a certain field. Moreover,there are those who just want to enrich their lifeby preparing for the certificates because theyreally enjoy their progress.From my point of view, we should be morerational when it comes to certificates, sincecertificates do not necessarily prove ones abi

95、lity.Being crazy in getting certifications blindly isnothing but wasting time. To conclude, weshould focus on improving our ability but notmerely getting a certificate.P art II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1. B. The low graduation rates of minoritystudents2. D. its increased enrollme

96、nt of minoritystudents3. B. The rising generation will be less welleducated than the previous one.资料仅供参考4. C. Fifiteen percent5. B. they recruit the best students6. A. Universities are to blame.7. B. They cannot afford the high tuition.8. that they are less qualified9. some preparatory cources10. be

97、 closedP art III Listening ComprehensionSection A11.M: I left 20 pages here to copy. Here is thereceipt.W: Im sorry, sir. But were a little behind.Could you come back in a few minutes?Q: What does the woman mean?答案: C. She has not got the mans copies ready.资料仅供参考12.W: I hope youre not too put out wi

98、th me for thedelay. I have to stop by friends* home to pick upa book on my way here.M: Well, thafs not a big deal. But you might atleast phone if you know you*re going to keepsomeone waiting.Q: What do we learn about the woman from theconversation?答案 : B. She was late for the appointment.13.W: Mark

99、is the best candidate for chairman ofthe student union, isnt he?M: Well, that guy wont be able to win the资料仅供参考election unless he gets some majority vote fromwomen students. And I*m not sure about that.Q: What does the man mean?答案:C. It wont be easy for Mark to win theelection.14.M: Sorry to have ke

100、pt you waiting, Madam. Ivelocated your luggage.lt was left behind in P arisand won*t arrive until later this evening.W: Oh, I cant believe this. Have it deliver to myhotel then , I guess.Q: What happened to the womans luggage?答案:A. It failed to arrive at its destination intime.资料仅供参考15.W: I dont thi

101、nk we have enough informationfor our presentation, but we have to give ittomorrow. There doesn*t seem to be much wecan do about it.M: Yeah, at this point we * 1 1 have to make dowith what we*ve got.Q: What does the man suggest they do?答案: A. Just make use of whatever informationis available.16.M: I

102、am taking this great course-P sychology ofLanguage, its really interesting. Since you are apsychology major, you should sign up for it.W: Actually I tried to do that, but they told me I资料仅供参考have to take language studies first.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?答案:D. The woman isnt qualified

103、to take thecourse the man mentioned.17.W: Can you believe the way Larry was talkingto his roommate? No wonder they dont getalong.M: Well, maybe Larry was just reacting tosomething his roommate said. There are twosides to every story you know.Q: What does the man imply about Larry andhis roommate?答案:

104、A. They are both to blame.资料仅供参考18.M: We dont have the resources to stop thosepeople from buying us out unless a miraclehappens. This may be the end of us.W: I still have hope we can get help from thebank. After all we dont need that much money.Q: What do we learn about the speakers fromthe conversa

105、tion?答案: A. They are in desperate need of financialassistance.Conversation One听力原文Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversationyou have just heard.资料仅供参考W: You know I*ve often wondered why peoplelaugh at the picture of a big belly businessmanslipping on a banana skin and falling on hisbottom. We

106、are to feel sorry for them.M: Actually, Laura, I think we laugh because weare glad it didnt happen to us. But of coursethere is also a kind of humorous satisfaction inseeing somebody self-important making a fool ofthemselves.W: Yes, and there are a lot of jokes about peoplewho are too fat or physica

107、lly handicapped, youknow, deaf, or short-sighted things like that.After all, ifs not really funny to be like that.M: Oh, I think thafs because we*reembarrassed. We dont know how to cope withthe situation. P erhaps we are even a bitfrightened we may get like that, so we laugh.M: What about the custar

108、d pie routine?资料仅供参考W: What do you mean custard pie routine!?M: You know, all those old films where someonegets so outraged with his boss, He picks up acustard pie and plasters it all over the otherpersons face.W: That never makes me laugh much, becauseyou can guess what*s going to happen. But a lot

109、of people still find it laughable. It must becauseof the sort of the thing wed all love to do once ina while and never quiet have the courage to.M: I had an old aunt who used to throw cups oftea at people when she was particularly irritated.She said it relieved her feelings.W: It must have come a bi

110、t expensive.M: Not really. She took care never to throw herbest china.资料仅供参考19. Why does the man say we laughed when wesee some self-important people making fool ofthemselves?答案: C) We derive some humorous satisfactionfrom their misfortune.20. Why do some people joke about those whoare fat or handic

111、apped according to the man?答案:B) They dont know how to cope with thesituation21. Why do many people find it funny to seesomeone throwing a custard pie on their bosssface?答案: A) They themselves would like to do it butdont dare to.22. Why do the man say she would drop cups of资料仅供参考tea at people occasi

112、onally?答案:C) To relieve her feelings.Conversation Two听力原文W: Your name Sanjay Kumar is that correct?M: Yes, madam.W: You claim you are traveling on a scholarshipfrom Delhi University.M: That*s right.W: Now it seems that a hand gun was found inyour luggage. Do you admit that?M: Yes, but.资料仅供参考W: Accor

113、ding to the statement you made, youhad never seen the hand gun before it was foundin your bag. Do you still maintain that?M: But it*s true. I swear it.W: Mmm, you do realize Mr. Kumar that tobring a hand gun into Hong Kong withoutproper authorization is a serious offense.M: But I didnt bring it. I .

114、 I mean I didntknow anything about it. It wasnt there when Ileft Delhi. My bags were searched. It was part ofthe airport security check.W: Maybe so, but someone managed to get thathand gun onto the aircraft or it couldnt havebeen there.M: Someone but not me.W: Tell me , where was your personal bag资料

115、仅供参考during the flight?M: I had it down by my feet between me and theman in the next seat.M: He was the only person who could haveopened my bag while I was asleep. It must havebeen him.W: I see. Have you any idea who this man was?M: He told me his name, Alfred Foster. He wasvery friendly, after I wok

116、e up that is. He hadn*tspoken before.W: Alfred Foster, we can check that on thepassenger list.M: He said he had a car coming to meet him. Heoffered me a lift.W: Oh, Why should he do that?资料仅供参考M: So he can get his handgun back, thafs why.P lease find him, Madam.Questions 23-25 are based on the conve

117、rsationyou have just heard23. What is Sanjay Kumar suspected of?答案: D) Bringing a handgun into Hong Kong24. What do we know about Alfred Foster?答案:D) He is suspected of having slippedsomething into Kumars bag25. What does Sanjay Kumar ask the woman todo finally?答案:B) Find Alfred Foster.Section B资料仅供

118、参考P assage One听力原文Everyone is looking for a good investment thesedays. And with stocks, currencies and companiesall crashing, some are finding that taking thetrip of a lifetime is actually a smart move rightnow. P rices are good, crowds are fewer and thedividends like expanded worldview, lifelongmem

119、ories, the satisfaction of boosting the globaleconomy一cant be easily snatched away. Sylviaand P aul Custerson, a retired couple fromCambridge, England, recently took a 16-dayvacation to Namibia, where they went onbird-watching excursions. Later this year, theyare planning a trip to P atagonia. Were

120、usingour capital now, says Sylvia, “And why not?Were not getting any interest in the bank. If itsa place we really want to go, then we will go. Wemay as well travel while we*re fit and healthy. n资料仅供参考Some travel agents are thriving in spite of theeconomy. Weve had more people booking inthe first qu

121、arter of this year than last,“ saysHubert Moineau, founder of Tselana Travel,which is planning to introduce a new program oflonger adventure trips, including polarexpeditions and cruises in the Galapagos.Were hearing things like, *We dont knowwhat the situation will be in six months so lefstravel no

122、w ”, Ashley Toft, managing director ofthe U K tour operator Explore has beensurprised to see an increase in last-minutebookings of high-priced trips to such places asIndia, Bhutan and Nepal. It seems peoplewould rather give up something else than the bigtrip, he says. Travel has become a necessity.

123、It*sjust how we travel that is changing.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage youhave just heard.资料仅供参考26. According to the speaker, why are somepeople willing to spend their money on travelthese days?答案:B) They think travel gives them theirmoneys worth.27. What is Tselana Travel planning to d

124、o,according to its founder?答案: D) Launch a new program of adventuretrips.28. According to Ashley Toft, managing directorof Explore, what is changing now with regard totravels?答案:B) The way people travel.P assage Two听力原文资料仅供参考Somehow the old male and female stereotypesno longer fit. Men and women in

125、this countryhavent been fulfilling their traditional roles forsome time now. And there seem to be fewer andfewer differences between the sexes. Forinstance, even though more women than menare still homemakers without paying jobs,women have been taking over moreresponsibility in the business world, e

126、arninghigher salaries than ever before and enteringfields of work that used to be exclusively maleareas. At office meetings and in groupdiscussions, they might speak up more often,express strong opinions and come up with morecreative and practical ideas than their malecolleagues. Several days ago, m

127、y 23-year-olddaughter came to me with some important news.Not only had she found the highest paying job ofher career, but she*d also accepted a date withthe most charming men shed ever met.资料仅供参考“Really?, I responded, tell me about them.”“ Receptionist in an attorneys office and awelder at a constru

128、ction site. She answered in amatter-of-fact way. The interesting thing is mydaughters date is the receptionist and mydaughter is the welder. The old stereotypes ofmens and womens work have been changingmore quickly than ever before, except perhapsin my own marriage.“Whos going to mow the lawn? ” I a

129、sked myhusband this morning.“ Oh, I will,“ he answered politely. Thatsmens work.99“What?” Irritated, I raised my voice. “Thats aridiculous stereotype. 1 * 1 1 show you who can dothe best job on the lawn.”The work took 3 hours and I did it all myself.资料仅供参考Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage

130、youhave just heard.29. What is the speaker mainly talking about?答案: B) The changing roles played by men andwomen.30. What might women do at office meetingsnowadays according to the speaker?答案: A) Offer more creative and practical ideasthan men.31. Why did the speaker mow the lawn herselfthat morning

131、?答案:C) To show that women are capable ofdoing what men do.P assage Three资料仅供参考听力原文Florence Hayes is a journalist for the GreenVille Journal, the daily newspaper in town.Specifically she covers crime in the Green Villearea. This responsibility takes her to manydifferent places every week-the policest

132、ation, the court and the hospital. Most of thecrimes that she writes about fall into two groups:violent crimes and crimes against property.There isnt much violent crime in a small townlike Green Ville, or at least not as much as in thelarge urban areas. But assaults often occur onFriday and Saturday

133、 nights, near the barsdowntown. There*re also one or two rapes oncampus every semester. Florence is veryinterested in this type of crime and tries to writea long article about each one. She expects thatthis will make women more careful when theywalk around Green Ville alone at night资料仅供参考Fortunately

134、, there were usually no murders inGreen Ville. Crimes against property make upmost of Miss Heyes* reporting. They range fromminor cases of deliberate damaging of things tomuch more serious offenses, such as caraccidents involving drunk drivers or bankrobberies but Florence has to report all of these

135、violations from the thief who took typewritersfrom every unlock room in the dormitory to thethief who stole one million dollars worth of artwork from the university museum. Miss Hayesenjoys working for a newspaper but shesometimes gets unhappy about all the crime shehas to report. She would prefer t

136、o start writingabout something more interesting and lessunpleasant such as local news or politics, maybenext yearFlorence HayesGreen Ville资料仅供参考Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage youhave just heard.32. What is Florence Hayes* main responsibilityas a journalist?答 案 : B: Reporting criminal of

137、fenses inGrennville.33. What does the speaker say about security inGreenville?答案:D: It has fewer violent crimes than bigcities.34. What do we learn about crimes againstproperty in the Greenville area?答案: A: There are a wide range of cases.35. What would Florence Hayes prefer to do?资料仅供参考答案:A. Write

138、about something pleasant.Section C Compound Dictation听力原文In America, people are faced with more andmore decisions every day, whether ifs pickingone of thirty-one ice cream flavors, or decidingwhether and when to get married. That soundslike a great thing, but as a recent study hasshown, too many cho

139、ices can make us confused,unhappy, even paralyzed with indecision.Thats particularly true when it comes to thework place1, says Barry Schwartz, an author ofsix books about human behavior. Students aregraduating with a variety of skills and interests,but often find themselves overwhelmed when itcomes

140、 to choosing an ultimate career goal. In astudy, Schwartz observed decision-makingamong college students during their senior year.Based on answers to questions regarding theirjob hunting strategies and career decisions, he资料仅供参考divided the students into two groups :maximizers, who consider every pos

141、sible option,and satisficers, who look until they find anoption that is good enough. You might expectthat the student who had undertaken the mostexhausted search would be the most satisfiedwith their final decision, but it turns out thafsnot true. Schwartz found that while maximizersended up with be

142、tter-paying jobs than satisficerson average, they werent as happy with theirdecision. The reason why these people feel lesssatisfied is that a world of possibilities may alsobe a world of missed opportunities. When youlook at every possible option, you tend to focusmore on what was given up than wha

143、t wasgained. After surveying every option, a person ismore acutely aware of the opportunities theyhad to turn down to pursue just one career.36 flavors 37 confused 38 particularly 39behavior 40 variety 41 overwhelmed 42 senior43 strategies 44 who had undertaken the mostexhausted search would be the

144、most satisfied资料仅供参考with their final decision 45 why these people feelless satisfied is that a world of possibilities mayalso be a world of missed opportunities. 46 aperson is more acutely aware of theopportunities they had to turn down to pursuejust one career.P art IV Reading Comprehension (Readin

145、g indepth)Section AQuestions 47 to 51 are based on the followingpassage.47. what is in your boss, mind48. challenging our bosss authority49. possible consequences50. be proposed and reviewed51. confrontationsSection BP assage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the followingpassage.52. What can we le

146、arn from the firstparagraph?资料仅供参考答案:D. The general public thinks differentlyfrom most economists on the impact ofimmigration.53. In what way does the author think ordinaryAmericans benefit from immigration?答案: B. They can get consumer goods at lowerprices.54. Why do native low-skilled workers suffe

147、rmost from illegal immigration?答案: C. They have a harder time getting a jobwith decent pay.55. What is the chief concern of nativehigh-skilled, better-educated employees aboutthe inflow of immigrants?答案: D. It may place a great strain on the statebudget.56. What is the irony about the debate overimm

148、igration?答案: C. P eople are making too big a fuss aboutsomething of small impact.P assage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following资料仅供参考passage.57. What characterises the business schoolstudent population of today?答案:A. Greater diversity.58. What is the authors concern about currentbusiness

149、school education?答案:B. It will produce business leaders of auniform style.59. What aspect of diversity does ValerieGauthier think is most important?答案: C. Attitude and approach to business.60. What applicants does the author think MBAprogrammers should consider recruiting?答案:C. Applicants from outsi

150、de the traditionalsectors.61. What does Mannaz say about the currentmanagement style?答 案 : D. It is shifting towards morecollaborative models.P art V Cloze62 employers63 but资料仅供参考64 devote65competitive66 academic67 necessarily68 outside69 demanding70 potential71 relevant72 up73 voluntary74 and75 Exc

151、eptional76 perform77 formally78 For instance79 demonstrated80 scheme81 peersP art VI Translation82 . Even though they were already late, theywould rather stop for the beautiful view( 宁愿停下来欣赏美丽的景色) than just go on.资料仅供参考83. No agreement was reached in the discussionbetween the two parties, as either

152、side refuses tosoften their positions ( 任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场)84. The pills could have cured the cancer patient( 原来能够治愈那位癌症病人的) , but he didn*tfollow the doctors advice and take themregularly.85. It is really kind of you to give me so muchhelp ( 你真好, 给了我那么多帮助) ; I really feelobliged to you.86. The war left

153、 the family scattered all over theworld, and it was thirty years before they wereable to reunite ( 她们才得以重聚)6 月英语六级试题答案汇总Part II Reading Comprehension快速阅读原文+ 答案+点评Part II Reading Comprehension( Skimming and Scanning) ( 15minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have资料仅供参考15 minutes to go over the p

154、assagequickly and answer the questions onAnswer sheet 1. For questions l-7fchoose the best answer from the fourchoices marked A), B), C) and D). Forquestions 8-10z complete thesen-tences with the informationgiven in the passage.Welcome,Freshmen. Have an iPod.Taking a step that many professorsmay vie

155、w as a bit counterproductive,some colleges and universities aredoling out Apple iPhones andInternet-capable iPods to theirstudents.The always-on Internet devices raisesome novel possibilities, liketracking where students gathertogether. With far less controversy/colleges could send messages aboutcan

156、celed classes, delayed buses,campus crises or just the cafeteria资料仅供参考menu.While schools emphasize itsusefulness online research in classand instant polling of students, forexample a big part of the attractionis, undoubtedly, that the iPhone iscool and a hit with students. Beingequipped with one of

157、the most recentcutting-edge IT products could justhelp a college or university foster acutting-edge reputation.Apple stands to win as well, hookingmore young consumers with decadesof technology pur-chases ahead ofthem. The lone losers, some fear,could be professors.Students already have laptops andc

158、ell phones, of course, but thenewest devices can take classdistractions to a new level. Theypractically beg a user to ignore thelong-suffering professor strug-gling资料仅供参考to pass on accumulated wisdom fromthe front of the room a prospectthat teachers find most irritating andstudents view as, well, in

159、evitable.When it gets a little boring, I mightpull it out,“ acknowledged NaomiPugh, a first-year student atFreed-Hardeman University inHenderson, Term., referring to hernew iPod Touch, which can connectto the Internet over a campuswireless network. She speculatedthat professors might try evenharder

160、to make classes interesting ifthey were to compete with thedevices.Experts see a movement toward theuse of mobile technology ineducation, though they say it is in itsinfancy as professors try to come upwith useful applications. Providingpowerful hand- held devices is sure to资料仅供参考fuel debates over t

161、he role oftechnology in higher education.“We think this is the way the futureis going to work,“ said Kyle Dickson,co-director of re- search and themobile learning initiative at AbileneChristian University in Texas, whichhas bought more than 600 iPhonesand 300 iPods for students enteringthis fall.Alt

162、hough plenty of students taketheir laptops to class, they don ttake them everywhere and wouldprefer something lighter. AbileneChristian settled on the devices aftersurveying students and finding thatthey did not like hauling around theirlaptops, but that most of themalways carried a cell phone, Dr.D

163、ickson said.It is not clear how many colleges anduniversities plan to give out iPhones资料仅供参考and iPods this fall; officials at Applewere unwilling to talk about thesubject and said that they would notleak any institution s plans.“We can t announce otherpeople s news,“ said Greg Joswiak,vice president

164、 of iPod and iPhonemarketing at Apple. He also said thathe could not discuss discounts touniversities for bulk purchases.At least four institutions theUniversity of Maryland, OklahomaChristian University, AbileneChristian and Freed-Hardeman have announced that they will givethe devices to some or al

165、l of theirstudents this fall.Other universities are exploring theiroptions. Stanford University hashired a student-run com-pany todesign applications like a campusmap and directory for the iPhone. It资料仅供参考is considering whether to issueiPhones but not sure it, snecessary,noting that more than 700 iP

166、honeswere registered on the university snetwork last year.At the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, iPhones might alreadyhave been everywhere, if AT&T, thewireless carrier offering the iPhonein the United States, had a morereliable network, said Andrew Yu,mobile devices platform projectmanager at

167、 M.I.T.“We would have probably goneahead with this, maybe just getting athousand iPhones and giving themout, Mr. Yusaid.The University of Maryland at CollegePark is proceeding cautiously, givingthe iPhone or iPod Touch to 150students, said Jeffrey Huskamp, vicepresident and chief information资料仅供参考of

168、ficer at the university. We don tthink that we have all the answers/Mr. Huskamp said. By observing howstudents use the gadgets, he said,We re trying to get answers fromthe students.At each college, the students whochoose to get an iPhone must pay formobile phone service. Those servicecontracts inclu

169、de unlimited data use.Both the iPhones and the iPod Touchdevices can connect to the Internetthrough campus wireless networks.With the iPhone, those networks mayprovide faster connections andlonger battery life than AT&T s datanetwork. Many cell phones allowusers to surf the Web, but only somenewer o

170、nes are capable of wirelessconnection to the local areacomputer network.University officials say that they have资料仅供参考no plans to track their students (andApple said it would not be possibleunless students give theirpermission). They say that they aredrawn to the prospect of learningapplications outs

171、ide the classroom,though such lesson plans have yet tosurface.“My colleagues and I are studyingsomething called augmented reality(a field of computer research dealingwith the combination of real-worldand virtual reality),“ saidChristopher Dede, professor inlearning technologies at HarvardUniversity.

172、 a Alien Contact/, forexample, is an exer-cise developedfor middle-school students who usehand-held devices that candetermine their location. As theywalk around a playground or otherarea, text, video or audio pops up at资料仅供参考various points to help them try tofigure out why aliens were in theschoolya

173、rd.“You can imagine similar kinds ofinteractive activities along historicallines/ like following the FreedomTrail in Boston, Professor Dede said.It s important that we do research,so that we know how well somethinglike this works.The rush to distribute the devicesworries some professors, who saythat

174、 students are less likely toparticipate in class if they aremulti-tasking. m not someonewho s anti-technology, but I,malways worried that technologybecomes an end in and of itself, and itreplaces teaching or it replacesanalysis,/ said Ellen Millender,associate professor of classics atReed College in

175、 Portland, Ore. (She资料仅供参考added that she hoped to buy aniPhone for herself once prices fall.)Robert Summers, who has taught atCornell Law School for about 40years, announced this week in adetailed, footnoted memorandumthat he would ban laptopcomputers from his class on contractlaw.“I would ban that

176、too if I knew thestudents were using it in class/Professor Summers said of theiPhone, after the device and itscapabilities were explained to him.“What we want to encour-age inthese students is an activeintellectual experience, in which theydevelop the wide range of complexreasoning abilities require

177、d of goodlawyers/The experience at Duke Universitymay ease some concerns. A few资料仅供参考years ago, Duke began giving iPodsto students with the idea that theymight use them to record lectures(these older models could not accessthe Internet).We had assumed that the biggestfocus of these devices would bec

178、onsuming the content/ said TracyFutheyz vice president forinformation technology and chiefinformation officer at Duke.But that is not all that the studentsdid. They began using the iPods tocreate their own “content,“ makingaudio recordings of themselves andpresenting them. The studentsturned what co

179、uld have been apassive interaction into an active one,Ms. Futhey said.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。1. Many professors think that givingout Apple iPhones or资料仅供参考Internet-capable iPods to studentsA) updates teaching facilities inuniversitiesB) has started a revolution inhigher educationC) can facilitate teacher

180、-studentinteractionD) may not benefit education asintended2. In the author s view, beingequipped with IT products may helpcolleges and universitiesA) build an innovative imageB) raise their teaching efficiencyC) track students activitiesD) excite student interest in hi-tech3. The distribution of iPh

181、ones amongstudents has raised concerns thatthey will.A) induce students to buy moresimilar productsB) increase tension between资料仅供参考professors and studentsC) further distract students fromclass participationD) prevent students fromaccumulating knowledge4. Naomi Pugh at Freed-HardemanUniversity specu

182、lated thatprofessors woul dA) find new applications for iPodTouch devicesB) have to work harder to enliventheir classesC) have difficulty learning tohandle the devicesD) find iPhones and iPods in classvery helpful5. Experts like Dr. Kyle Dickson atAbilene Christian University thinkthat.A) mobile tec

183、hnology will be morewidely used in educationB) the role of technology in资料仅供参考education cannot be overestimatedC) mobile technology can upgradeprofessors teaching tool-kitD) iPhones and iPods will replacelaptops sooner or later6. What do we learn about theUniversity of Maryland at CollegePark concer

184、ning the use of iPhonesand iPods?A) It has sought professorsopinions.B) It has benefited from their use.C) It is trying to follow the trend.D) It is proceeding with caution.7. University officials claim that theydole out iPhones and iPods so asto.A) encourage professors to designnewer lesson plansB)

185、 help improve professor-studentrelationshipsC) facilitate students learning资料仅供参考outside of classD) stimulate students interest inupdating technology8. Ellen Millender at Reed College inPortland is concerned thattechnology will take the place of9. Professor Robert Summers atCornell Law School banned

186、 laptopcomputers from his class because hethinks qualified lawyers need topossess a broad array of.lO.The experience at Duke Universitymay ease some concerns because thestudents have used iPods fora c t i v e .【 点评E这是一篇讨论ipod等电子产品是否应该融入课堂的议论文。 文章开头提出人们对ipod等电子产品融入课堂的两种相反的观点,反对者认为ipod等电子产品会分散学生在课堂上的注

187、意力,有损她们接受课堂教学的积极性。 而支持者则认为, ipod进入课堂会促进学生的课外学习, 是发资料仅供参考展的潮流。文章最后提到,ipod在有些学校正在进行谨慎的实验, 而且实验效果良好, 表示了作者对ipod融入教学的乐观。 文章整体脉络清晰,论点明确,论据详实。考生只要依照文章顺序,按图索骥,答对本篇阅读中的题目还是相对容易的。【 参考答案】 :1. D. may not benefit education asintended2. A. build an innovative image3. C. further distract students fromclass partic

188、ipation4. B. have to work harder to enliventheir classes5. A. mobile technology will be morewidely used in education6. D. It is proceeding with caution.7. C. facilitate students learningoutside of class8. teaching or analysis9. complex reasoning abilitiesrequired of good lawyers资料仅供参考10. interaction

189、Section A短对话Directions: In this section, you willhear 8 short conversations and 2long conversations. At the end ofeach conversation, one or morequestions will be asked about whatwas said. Both the conversation andthe questions will be spoken onlyonce. After each question there willbe a pause. During

190、 the pause, youmust read the four choices marked A),B), C) and D), and decide which is thebest answer. Then mark thecorresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through thecentre.11.W: Whats wrong with your phone,资料仅供参考Gary? I tried to call you all nightyesterday.M: Im sorry. No ones abl

191、e to getthrough yesterday. My telephonewas disconnected by the phonecompany.Q: What does the woman ask the manabout?12.W: I finally found a really niceapartment thats within my pricerange.M: Congratulations! Affordablehousing is rare in this city. Ive beenlooking for a suitable place since Igot here

192、 six months ago.Q: What does the man mean?13.M: I got this in my mailbox today, butI dont know what it is. Do you haveany idea?W: Oh, thats your number for the资料仅供参考new photocopier. It acquires anaccess code. Everyone got one.Q: What do we learn from theconversation?14.W: Jane told me that youll be

193、leavingat soon. Is it true?M: Yeah, my wifes maternity leave isclose to an end. And since she wantsto go back to work, Ive decided totake a year off to raise the baby.Q: What does the man mean?15M: Well never find a parking spacehere. What about dropping you atthesouth gate and Ill find parkingsomew

194、here else.W: Well, OK. It looks like everyone intown came to the mall today.Q: What does the woman mean?16W: When will the computers be back资料仅供参考online?M: Probably not until tomorrow. Theproblem is more complicated than Ithought.Q: What does the man mean?17M: Did you catch Professor Smith onTV last

195、 night?W: I almost missed it, but my motherjust happened to be watching athome and gave me a call.Q: What does the woman imply?18M: May I get this prescription refilled?W: Fm sorry, sir, but we cant giveyou a refill on that. Youll have to geta new prescription.Q: What can we infer from theconversati

196、on?Conversation OneW: Well, it s the South TheaterCompany. They want to know if资料仅供参考we d be interested in sponsoring atour they want to make to East Asia.M: East Asia? uhh- and how muchare they hoping to get from us?W: Well, the letter mentions 20,000pounds, but I don t know if theymight settle for

197、 us.M: Do they say what they wouldcover? Have they anything specific inmind?W: No, I think they are just asking allthe firms in tongue for as muchmoney as they think they, I I give.M: And we are worth 20, 000 pounds,right?W: It seems so.M: Very flattering. But I am notawfully happy with the idea. Wh

198、at weget out of it?W: Oh, good publicity I suppose. Sowhat I suggest is not that we justgive them a sum of money, but that资料仅供参考we offer to pay for somethingspecific like travel or something, andthat in return, we ask for our name tobe printed prominently in theprogram, and that they give us freeadv

199、ertising space in it.M: But the travel bill would beenormous, and we could nevermanage that.W: I know. But why don t we offerto pay for the printing of theprograms ourselves on condition thaton the front cover theres somethinglike This program is presented withthe compliments of NorlandElectronics,

200、and free advertising ofcourse.M: Good idea. Well, let s get back tothem and ask what the program theywant will cost. Then we can see if weare interested or not.Questions 19-21 are based on the资料仅供参考conversation you have just heard.19. What do we learn about the SouthTheater Company?20. What benefit

201、does the woman saytheir firm can get by sponsoring theTheater Company?21. What does the woman suggestthey do instead of paying the SouthTheater Company s travelexpenses?Conversation TwoW: Rock stars now face a new hazard-voice abuse. After last weeksannouncement that Phil Collinsmight give up tourin

202、g because liveconcerts are ruining his voice,doctors are counseling stars aboutthe dos and donts of voice care. Herein the studio today, we have Mr. PaulPhillips, an expert from the HighField Hospital. Paul, what advicewould you give to singers facing资料仅供参考voice problems?M: If pop singers have got v

203、oiceproblems, they really need to bemore selective about where theywork. They shouldnt work in smokyatmospheres. They also need to thinkabout resting their voices after ashow. Something else they need tobe careful about is medicines. Aspirin,for example, singers should avoidaspirin. It thins the blo

204、od. And if asinger coughs, this can result in thebruising of the vocal cords.W: And is it true that some singersuse drugs before concerts to boosttheir voices when they have voiceproblems?M: Yes, this does happen on occasion.They are easily-available on thecontinent and they are useful if asinger ha

205、s problems with his vocalcords and has to sing that night. But资料仅供参考if they are taken regularly, theycause a thinning of the voice muscle.Most pop singers suffer from threethings: lack of training, overuse andabuse of the voice, especially whenthey are young. They have difficultlives. When they go o

206、n tour, they do avast number of concerts, singing insmoky places.W: So, what would you advise thesingers to do?M: Warm you voice up before a showand warm it down after.Questions 22-25 are based on theconversation you have just heard.22. What does last weeksannouncement say about rock star,Phil Colli

207、ns?23. What does Paul Philips say aboutaspirin?24. What does Paul Philips say aboutyoung pop singers?资料仅供参考25. What are the speakers mainlytalking about?Passage 1Would you trust a robot to park yourcar? The question will confront NewYorkers in February as the citys firstrobotic parking opens in Chin

208、atown.The technology has beensuccessfully applied overseas, butthe only other public robotic garagein the United States has beentroublesome, dropping vehicles andtrapping cars because of technicalproblems.Nonetheless, the developers of theChinatown garage are confident withthe technology and are cou

209、nting on itto squeeze 67 cars in anapartment-building basement thatwould otherwise fit only 24,accomplished by removing amaneuver space normally required.资料仅供参考A human-shaped robot wont bestepping into your car to drive it.Rather, the garage itself does theparking. The driver stops the car on aflat

210、platform and gets out. Theplatform is lowered into the garage,and it is then transported to a vacantparking space by acomputer-controlled device similarto an elevator that also runssideways.There is no human supervision, butan attendant will be on hand toaccept cash and explain the systemto newly us

211、ers. Parking rates will beattracted about $400 monthly or $25per day, according to Ari Milstein, thedirector of planning for AutomationParking Systemsf which is the U.S.subsidiary of a German company.This company has built automatedgarages in several countries资料仅供参考overseas and in the United States

212、forresidents of a Washington, D.C.apartment building.Questions 26 to 29 are based on thepassage you have just heard.26. What do we learn about the robotparking in the U.S. so far?27. What advantage does roboticparking have according to thedevelopers?28. What does the attendant do in theautomated gar

213、age?29. What does the company sayabout the parking rate?Passage 2A recent study shows that meatconsumption is one of the main waysthat human can damage theenvironment, second only to the useof motor vehicles. So how can eatingmeat have a negative effect on theenvironment? For a start, all animals,资料

214、仅供参考such as cows, pigs and sheep, alwaysgas limed methane, which is thesecond most common green housegas after carbon dioxide. Manyenvironmental experts now believethat methane is more responsible forglobal warming than carbon dioxide.It is estimated that 25% of allmethane that released into theatmo

215、sphere coming from farmanimals. Another way in which meatproduction affects the environmentis through the use of water and land.2,500 gallons of water are needed toproduce one pound of beef. While 20gallons of water are need to produceone pound of wheat. One acre offarmland use to for raising cows c

216、anproduce 250 pounds of beef. Oneacre of farmland use to for cropproduction can produce 1,500pounds of tomatoes. Many people资料仅供参考now say the benefits of switching tovegetarian diet which excludes meatand fish. Not just for health reasons,but also because it plays a vital rolein protecting the envir

217、onment.However, some nutritionists adviseagainst switching to a totally strictvegetarian diet. They believe such adiet which includes no products fromanimal sources can be deficient inmany of the necessary vitamins andminerals our bodies need. Todaymany people have come to realizethat help the envir

218、onment and for thehuman race to survive, more of uswill need to become vegetarian.Questions 30 to 32 are based on thepassage yoiTve just heard.30. What does the recent study show?31. What do some nutritionists sayabout the strict vegetarian diet?32. What does the speaker think资料仅供参考more people need

219、to do?Passage 3Alcoholism is a serious disease.Nearly nine million Americans alonesuffer from the illness. Manyscientists disagree about what thedifferences are between the alcoholaddict and social drinker. Thedifference occurs when someoneneeds to drink. And this need gets inthe way of his health o

220、r behavior.Alcohol causes a loss of judgmentand alertness. After a long period,alcoholism can deteriorate the liver,the brain and other parts of the body.The illness is dangerous, because it isinvolved in half of all automobileaccidents. Another problem is thatthe victim often denies being analcohol

221、 addict and won t get help.Solutions do exist. Many hospitalsand centers help patients cope.资料仅供参考Without the assistance, the victimcan destroy his life. He would detachhimself from the routines of life. Hemay lose his employment, home orloved ones.All the causes of the sickness are notdiscovered ye

222、t. There is no standardfor a person with alcoholism. Victimsrange in age, race, sex andbackground. Some groups of peopleare more vulnerable to the illness.People from broken homes and NorthAmerican Indians are two examples.People from broken homes often lackstable lives. Indians likewise had thetrad

223、itional life taken from them bywhite settlers who often encouragethem to consume alcohol to preventthem from fighting back. Theproblem has now been passed on.Alcoholism is clearly present insociety today. People have started to资料仅供参考get help and information. Withproper assistance, victims can putthe

224、ir lives together one day.Question 33 to 35 are based on thepassage you have just heard.Q33. What is the problem of thevictims about alcoholism accordingto the speaker?Q34. Why did white settlersintroduce alcohol to Indians?Q35. What does the speaker seem tobelieve about those affected byalcoholism?

225、复合式听写Self-image is the picture you have ofyourself, the sort of person youbelieve you are. Included in yourself-image are the categories inwhich you place yourself, the rolesyou play and other similardescriptors you use to identifyyourself. If you tell an acquaintance资料仅供参考you are a grandfather who

226、recentlylost his wife and who does volunteerwork on weekends, several elementsof your self-image are bought to light the roles of grandparent, widowerand conscientious citizen.But self-image is more than how youpicture yourself; it also involves howothers see you. Three types offeedback from others

227、are indicativeof how they see us: conformation,rejection, and disconfirmation.Conformation occurs when otherstreat you in a manner consistent withwho you believe you are.You believeyou have leadership abilities andyour boss put you in charge of a newwork team. On the other hand,rejection occurs when

228、 others treatyou in a manner that is inconsistentwith yourself definition. PierreSalinger was appointed senator from资料仅供参考California but subsequently lost hisfirst election. He thought he was agood public official, but the votersobviously thought otherwise Theirvote was inconsistent with hisself-con

229、cept. The third type offeedback is disconfirmation, whichoccurs when others fail to respond toyour notion of self by respondingneutrally. A student writes what hethinks is an excellent composition,but the teacher writes noencouraging remarks. Rather thanrelying on how others classify you,consider ho

230、w you identify yourself.The way in which you identifyyourself is the best refection ofyourself-image.Part IV Reading ComprehensionSection A原文+ 答案+点评Section A资料仅供参考Directions: In this sectionf there is ashort passage with 5 questions orincomplete statements. Read thepassage carefully. Then answer the

231、questions or complete thestatements in the fewest possiblewords. Please write your answers onAnswer Sheet 2.Questions 47 to 51 are based on thefollowing passage.Oil is the substance that lubricatesthe worlds economy. Because somany of our modern technologiesand services depend on oil, nations,corpor

232、ations, and institutions thatcontrol the trade in oil exerciseextraordinary power. The energycrisis” of 1973-1974 in the UnitedStates demonstrated how the price ofoil can affect U.S. governmentpolicies and the energy-using habitsof the nation.资料仅供参考By 1973, domestic U.S. sources of oil.were peaking,

233、 and the nation wasimporting more of its oil, dependingon a constant flow from abroad tokeep cars on the road and machinesrunning. In addition, at that time agreater percentage of homes andelectrical plants were run onpetroleum than today. Then, in 1973,the predominantly Arab nations ofthe Organizat

234、ion of PetroleumExporting Countries (OPEC) resolvedto stop selling oil to the United States.The move was prompted by OPEC sdesire to raise prices by restrictingsupply and by its opposition to U.S.support of Israel in the Arab-IsraeliYom Kippur War. The embargo ( 禁运)created panic in the West and caus

235、edoil prices to shoot up. Short-term oilshortages drove Americanconsumers to wait in long lines at gas资料仅供参考pumps.In response to the embargo, the U.S.government enforced a series ofpolicies designed to reduce relianceon foreign oil. These includeddeveloping additional domesticsources ( such as those

236、 on Alaska sNorth Slope) , resuming extraction atsites that had been shut downbecause of cost inefficiency, cappingthe price that domestic producerscould charge for oil, and beginning toimport oil from a greater diversity ofnations. The government alsoestablished a stockpile ( 贮存)of oil asa short-te

237、rm buffer ( 缓 冲 )againstfuture shortages. Storedunderground in large salt caves inLouisiana, this stockpile is called theStrategic Petroleum Reserve, andcurrently contains over 600 millionbarrels of oil, roughly equivalent to资料仅供参考one month s supply.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。47. We learn from the passage th

238、atin today s world, whoevermonopolizes the oil market will beable to.48. Oil prices may exert influencenot only on American governmentpolicies but on how energy49- Besides the sharp increase inoil prices, OPECs 1973 oil embargocaused.50. Over the years before theOPEC s embargo America haddepended he

239、avily on.51. As a measure to counter futureshortages, the American governmentdecided to in cavesunderground.答案:47. exercise extraordinary power48. is used in the nation资料仅供参考49. panic in the West50. foreign oil51. establish a stockpile of oil【 点评】 :本文介绍的是上世纪7 0 年代的美国石油危机。 难度不大,只要根据各个题目的题干句子的意思在文中找到相

240、对应的句子就基本能够用原文中的词来进行填空。Section B-1原文+答案+点评Section BDirections: There are 2 passages inthis section. Each passage is followedby some questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them thereare four choices marked A), B), C)and D). You should decide on the bestchoice and mark the correspondingletter o

241、n Sheet 2 with a single linethrough the center.Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the资料仅供参考following passage.Depression is more than a seriouseconomic downturn. Whatdistinguishes a depression from aharsh recession is paralyzingfear-fear of the unknown so greatthat it causes consumers, busine

242、sses,and investors to retreat and panic.They save up cash and desperatelycut spending. They sell stocks andother assets. A shattering loss ofconfidence inspires behavior thatoverwhelms the normalself-correcting mechanisms thatusually prevent a recession frombecoming deep and prolonged: adepression.C

243、omparing 1929 with -09, ChristinaRomer, the head of PresidentObamas Council of EconomicAdvisers, finds the initial blow toconfidence far greater now than then.资料仅供参考True, stock prices fell a third fromSeptember to December 1929, butfewer Americans then owned stocks.Moreover, home prices barelydroppe

244、d. From December 1928 toDecember 1929 , total householdwealth declined only 3%. By contrast,the loss in household wealthbetween December and Decemberwas 17%. Both stocks and homes,more widely held, dropped more.Thus traumatized ( 受至! j 仓1 J 伤 ),theeconomy might have gone into a freefall ending in de

245、pression. Indeed, itdid go into free fall. Shoppersrefrained from buying cars,appliances, and other big-ticketitems. Spending on such durablesdropped at a 12% annual rate in sthird quarter, a 20% rate in thefourth. And businesses shelvedinvestment projects.资料仅供参考That these huge declines didn t leadt

246、o depression mainly reflects, asRomer argues, counter-measurestaken by the government. Privatemarkets for goods, services, labor,and securities do mostly self-correct,but panic feeds on itself and disarmsthese stabilizing tendencies. In thissituation, only government canprotect the economy as a whol

247、e,because most individuals andcompanies are involved in theself-defeating behavior ofself-protection.Government s failure to performthis role in the early 1930stransformed recession intodepression. Scholars will debatewhich interventions this time-theFederal Reserve s support of afailing credit syst

248、em, guarantees ofbank debt, Obama s astimulus资料仅供参考plan and bank stress test -countedmost in preventing a recurrence.Regardless, all these complexmeasures had the samepsychological purpose: to reassurepeople that the free fall would stopand, thereby, curb the fear thatwould perpetuate ( 使持久)a free f

249、all.All this improved confidence. But theconsumer sentiment index remainsweak, and all the rebound hasoccurred in Americans1 evaluation offuture economic conditions, not thepresent. Unemployment ( 9.8%) isabysmal ( 糟 透 的 ),the recoverysstrength unclear. Here, too, there isan echo from the 1930s. Des

250、pitebottoming out in 1933 , theDepression didnt end until WorldWar II. Some government policiesaided recovery; some hindered it.The good news today is that the bad资料仅供参考news is not worse.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答52. Why do consumers, businessesand investors retreat and panic intimes of depression?A) They su

251、ffer great losses instocks, property and other assets.B) They find the self-correctingmechanisms dysfunctioning.C) They are afraid the normalsocial order will be paralyzed.D) They dont know what is goingto happen in the future.53. What does Christina Romer sayabout the current economicrecession?A) I

252、ts severity is no match for theGreat Depression of 1929.B) Its initial blow to confidencefar exceeded that of 1929.C) It has affected house ownersmore than stock holders.资料仅供参考D) It has resulted in a free fall ofthe prices of commodities.54. Why didn t the currentrecession turn into a depressionacco

253、rding to Christina Romer?A) The government intervenedeffectively.B) Private markets correctedthemselves.C) People refrained from buyingdurables and big-ticket items.D) Individuals and companiesadopted self-protection measures.55. What is the chief purpose of allthe countermeasures taken?A) To create

254、 job opportunities.B) To curb the fear of a lastingfree fall.C) To stimulate domesticconsumption.D) To rebuild the credit system.56. What does the author think of资料仅供参考today s economic situation?A) It may worsen without furtherstimulation.B) It will see a rebound sooner orlater.C) It has not gone fr

255、om bad toworse.D) It does not give people reasonfor pessimism.【 总评】 这是一篇经济社会类文章。 文章首先解释了什么是经济萧条, 以及经济萧条与经济衰退之间的区别。 第二段列举了很多数据和事例来比较 和1929这两个时期的经济表现。第三段指 出 的经济衰退没有最终导致经济萧条的主要原因是政府采取了一系列应对措施。 第四段进一步指出20世 纪30年代初期,由于政府没能扮演好经济干预这一角色, 最终导致经济衰退演变成了经济萧条。同时本段还强调: 政府的干预措施均有一个共同的目的:使人们恢复信心,相信经济不会无止境地下滑。最后作者总结说

256、,虽然当前的经济形势非常糟糕, 可是好消息是没有进一步恶化。资料仅供参考【 参考答案】 :52. D) They dont know what is goingto happen in the future.53. B) Its initial blow to confidencefar exceeded that of 1929.54. A) The government intervenedeffectively.55. B) To curb the fear of a lastingfree fall.56. C) It has not gone from bad toworse.Pas

257、sage TwoUsually when we walk through therain forest we hear a soft sound fromall the moist leaves and organicdebris on the forest floor,“ saysecologist Daniel Nepstad. Now weincreasingly get rustle and crunch.That s the sound of a dying forest/Predictions of the collapse of thetropical rain forests

258、have beenaround for years. Yet until recently资料仅供参考the worst forecasts were almostexclusively linked to direct humanactivity, such as clear- cutting andburning for pastures or farms. Leftalone, it was assumed, the world srain forests would not only flourishbut might even rescue us fromdisaster by ab

259、sorbing the excesscarbon dioxide and otherplanet-warming greenhouse gases.Now it turns out that may be wishfulthinking. Some scientists believethat the rise in carbon levels meansthat the Amazon and other rainforests in Asia and Africa may gofrom being assets in the battleagainst rising temperatures

260、 toliabilities. Amazon plants, forinstance, hold more than 100 billionmetric tons of carbon, equal to15-years of tailpipe and chimneyemissions. If the collapse of the rain资料仅供参考forests speeds up dramatically, itcould eventually release 3.5-5 billionmetric tons of carbon into theatmosphere each year

261、makingforests the leading source, ofgreenhouse gases.Uncommonly severe droughtsbrought on by global climate changehave led to forest-eating wildfiresfrom Australia to Indonesia, butnowhere more acutely than in theAmazon. Some experts say that therain forest is already at the brink ofcollapse.Extreme

262、 weather and recklessdevelopment are plotting against therain forest in ways that scientistshave never seen. Trees need morewater as temperatures rise, but theprolonged droughts have robbedthem of moisture, making wholeforests easily cleared of trees and资料仅供参考turned into farmland. The pictureworsens

263、 with each round of El Nino,the unusually warm currents in thePacific Ocean that drive uptemperatures and invariably presage( 预示)droughts and fires in the rainforest. Runaway fires pour evenmore carbon into the air, whichincreases temperatures, starting thewhole vicious cycle all over again.More tha

264、n paradise lost, a perishingrain forest could trigger a dominoeffect sending winds and rainskilometers off course and loading theskies with even greater levels ofgreenhouse gasesthat will be feltfar beyond the Amazon basin. In asense, we are already getting aglimpse of what s to come. Eachburning se

265、ason in the Amazon, firesdeliberately set by frontier settlersand developers hurl up almost half a资料仅供参考billion metric tons of carbon a year,placing Brazil among the top fivecontributors to greenhouse gases inthe world.57. We learn from the firstparagraph thatA) dead leaves and tree debrismake the s

266、ame soundB) trees that are dying usuallygive out a soft moanC) organic debris echoes thesounds in a rain forestD) the sound of a forest signifiesits health condition58. In the second paragraph, theauthor challenges the view thatA) the collapse of rain forests iscaused by direct human interferenceB)

267、carbon emissions are theleading cause of current globalwarming资料仅供参考C) the condition of rain forestshas been rapidly deterioratingD) rain forests should not beconverted into pastures or farms59. The author argues that therising carbon levels in rain forestsmay.A) turn them into a major source ofgree

268、nhouse gasesB) change the weather patternsthroughout the world leavesC) pose a threat to wildlifeD) accelerate their collapse60. What has made it easier to turnsome rain forests into farmland?A) Rapid rise in carbon levels.B) Reckless land development.C) Lack of rainfall resulting fromglobal warming

269、.D) The unusual warm currents inthe Pacific Ocean.61. What makes Brazil one of the资料仅供参考world s top five contributors togreenhouse gases?A) The domino effect triggered bythe perishing rain forests,B) Its practice of burning forests forsettlement and development,C) The changed patterns of windsand ra

270、ins in the Amazon area.D) Its inability to curb the carbonemissions from industries.【 总评】本文颠覆了人们根深蒂固的一个观念, 即热带雨林能够吸收大量二氧化碳及其它温室气体, 从而保护人类免于危害。该文指出, 一些科学家现认为碳含量的升高意味着热带雨林或许会从温室效应的“ 卫士”, 转而成为导致气温升高的元凶。 她们指出亚马逊森林中的植物本身含有1000公吨的碳,如果热带雨林加速瓦解, 它们所释放的二氧化碳将是导致温室效应的主要原因。短文后几段还指出极端天气和毫无节制的开发让科学家们见到了从未想象的可怕画面,

271、 更糟糕资料仅供参考的是,厄尔尼诺的“ 雪上加霜”会导致恶性循环。文章最后指出热带雨林的衰变会形成一个多米诺效应, 最终导致巴西的亚马逊森林成为世界上导致温室气体的五大元凶之一。【 参考答案】 :57- D. the sound of a forest signifiesits health condition.58. A. the collapse of rain forests iscaused by direct human interference.59. A. turn them into a major sourceof greenhouse gases60. C. Lack of

272、 rainfall resulting fromglobal warming.61. B. Its practice of burning forestsfor settlement and development.6月英语六级完形填空原文+ 答案The continuous presentation of scarystories about global wanning in thepopular media makes usunnecessarily frightened. Even资料仅供参考worse, it 62 our kids.Al Gore famously _63_ how

273、 asea-level rise of 20 feet would almostcompletely flood Florida, New York,Holland, and Shanghai, _64_theUnited Nations says that such a thingwill not even happen, _65_ thatsea levels will rise 20 times less thanthat.When _66_ with theseexaggerations, some of us say thatthey are for a good cause, an

274、d surely_67_is no harm done if the resultis that we focus even more ontackling climate change.This_68_is astonishingly wrong.Such exaggerations do plenty ofharm. Worrying_69_about globalwarming means that we worry lessabout other things, where we coulddo so much more good. We focus,_70_ , on global

275、warmings impact资料仅供参考on malaria (疟 疾 which will putslightly more people at _71_ in100 years - instead of tackling thehalf a billion people _72_frommalaria today with prevention andtreatment policies that are muchcheaper and dramatically moreeffective than carbon reductionwould be._73_ also wears out

276、 the publicswillingness to tackle global warming.If the planet is _74_r peoplewonder, why do anything? A record54% of American voters now believethe news media make globalwarming appear worse than it reallyis. A _75_of people now believe -incorrectly - that global warming isnot even caused by humans

277、.But the_76_cost of exaggeration,I believe, is the unnecessary alarmthat it causes - particularly _ 7 7 _资料仅供参考children. An article in TheWashington Post cited nine-year-oldAlyssa, who cries about thepossibility of mass animal _ 78_from global warming.The newspaper also reported thatparents are _ 79

278、_ productiveoutlets for their eight-year-olds1obsessions ( 忧心忡忡) with dying polarbears. They might be better offeducating them and letting themknow that, contrary_ 80_commonbelief, the global polar bearpopulation has doubled and perhapseven quadrupled ( 成为四倍)over thepast half- century, to about 22,0

279、00._81_diminishing - and eventuallydisappearing - summer Arctic ice,polar bears will not become extinct.62. A. exhausts B. suppresses C.terrifies D. disgusts63. A. dismissed B. distracted C.资料仅供参考deposited D. depicted64. A. as if B. even though C. in that D.in case65. A. measuring B. signifying C.es

280、timating D. extracting66. A. confronted B. identified C.equipped D. entrusted67. A. such B. there C. what D. which68. A. morality B. interaction C.argument D. dialogue69. A. prevalently B. predictably C.expressively D. excessively70. A. for example B. in addition C. bycontrast D. in short71- A. will

281、 B. large C. ease D. risk72. A. suffering B. deriving C.developing D. stemming73- A. Explanation B. Reservation C.Exaggeration D. Revelation74. A. dumped B. dimmed C. doubledD. doomed75. A. mixture B. majority C. quantity资料仅供参考D. quota76- A. smallest B. worst C. fewest D.least77. A. among B. of C. b

282、y D. toward78. A. separation B. sanction C.isolation D. extinction79- A. turning out B. tiding over C.searching for D. pulling through80. A. upon B. to C. about D. with81. A. Despite B. Besides C.Regardless D. Except【 总评】本文选自6月15日英国卫报里面的一篇报道,讲述了夸大气候变暖引起了一些不必要的惊慌的现象。【 答案及解析】62. C. terrifies 考查动词辨析。ex

283、haust表 示 “ 使筋疲力尽,用 尽 ;suppress表示“ 镇压,抑 制 ;terrify表 示 “ 使惊吓”;disgust表 示 “ 使反感”。前文表明关于气候变暖的惊悚报道让我们感到恐惧,更糟糕的是,它吓到了我们的孩子们。资料仅供参考63. D. depicted 考查动词辨析。dismiss表 示 “ 开除, 解 散 ; distract表 示 “ 使分心,分 散 ; deposit表 示 “ 储蓄, 寄 存 ; depict表 示 “ 描绘,描述 O64. B. even though考查连词。题考查考生对上下句关系的理解,上半句Al Gore讲述海平面上升20英尺会几乎完全

284、淹没佛罗里达、 纽约、 荷兰和上海, 后半句讲联合国说这种事不会发生,由此可见前后句是转折的关系,因此用even though,表 示 “ 尽 管 ;而 as if表示“ 似乎, , ;访 that表 示 “ 因 为 ;in case表示 “ 以防” o65. C. estimating 考查动词。 measure 表示 “ 测量,估 量 ;signify表 示 “ 意味,预示”; estimate表 示 “ 估计, 预测”; extract表 示 “ 提取”。 空格所在的句子说联合国认为淹没事件不会发生,同时预测海平面只会上升20英尺的二十分之一。66. A. Confronted 考 查

285、动 词 。 beconfronted with为固定短语, 表 示 “ 面临( 困难、危险等)”。67. B. there考查there be句型。由句中资料仅供参考的连词and可知前后必须都是句子,表示某个现象或东西存在用there be句型。68. C. argument 考查名词。morality 表示 “ 道德,伦理”;interaction表 示 “ 相互沟通,相互作用 ;argument表 示 “ 争论,辩 论 ; dialogue表 示 “ 对话”; 文章前面两段都是在讲Al Gore与联合国不同的观点,因此这里填争论。69. D. excessively 考 查 副 词 辨 析

286、 。prevalently表 示 “ 流行地,普遍地”;predictably 表 示 “可 预 言 地 ” ;expressively 表 示 “意 味 深 长 地 ” ;excessively表 示 “ 过度地,极度”。本句表示的意思是过度担心气候变暖意味着我们担心的其它事情会变少, 而在这些事情上我们本能够做得更好。70. A. for example 考查固定短语。forexample 表 示 “ 例如”;in addition 表示“ 另外,除此之外 ;by contrast表 示 “ 相比之下 ;in short表 示 “ 总之”;从上下文我们能够看出这句话是举例子,因 此 用 f

287、orexample。资料仅供参考71. D. risk考查固定短语。该题较为简单,at risk为固定短语,表 示 “ 有危险”。72. A. suffering 考查动词。suffer from表 示 “ 遭受;患病”。73. C. Exaggeration考 查 名 词 辨 析 。explanation 表 示 “ 解释“;reservation表 示 “ 预约;预 定 ;exaggeration表示“ 夸张”;revelation表 示 “ 启示”。本题显然承接上文提到的人们对于全球气候变暖这个问题过度夸张的情况。74. D. doomed考查形容词辨析。clumped表 示 “ 废 弃

288、 的 ;dimmed表 示 “ 暗灰色的 ;doubled表 示 “ 两 倍 的 ;doomed表 示 “ 注定的;命 定 的 。 这里表示人们假设如果地球的命运是注定好的, 也就是说如果全球变暖这个问题是注定了的话, 那么就不需要做任何事情来拯救,因为做了也没有用。75. B . majority 考 查 名 词 辨 析 。amajority o f表 示 “ 大多数的;mixture表示 “ 混合 ;quantity表 示 “ 质量”;quota表 示 “ 配额;限额”。76. B. worst考查形容词辨析。前面文章一资料仅供参考直在讲夸大全球变暖问题所带来的坏处, 这里是作者想强调的最

289、坏的代价,因此用worsto77. A. among考查介词辨析。among表示“ 三者或三者以上之间”,among children表 示 “ 在孩子们当中”。78. D. extinction 考 查 名 词 辨 析 。separation 表 示 “ 分离,分开“ ;sanction表 示 “ 制裁,处罚”;isolation表 示 “ 隔离,孤 立 ;extinction表 示 “ 灭绝”。 全球变暖只有可能会造成大量动物的灭绝, 其它选项均不恰当。79. C. searching for 考查词组辨析。turnout表 示 “ 生产;结 果 是 ;tide over表示“ 克服,度

290、过 ;search for表 示 “ 寻找,搜索”;pull through表 示 “ 克服困难, 渡过难关”。这里是说有些小孩子担心北极熊会灭绝,而这种担心显然对于她们来说是多余的, 因此一些家长会寻找一些其它的东西来转移孩子们的注意力。80. B. t o考查介词辨析。contrary to为固定搭配,表 示 “ 与相反”。81. A. Despite考查介词辨析。despite表资料仅供参考示 “ 尽管”,后面一般跟doing; besides表示 “ 另外,而且”;regardless o f表 示 “ 尽管,不 论 ;except表 示 “ 除之外”。1 . If you do to

291、o many things at thesame time, ( 将以一事无成告终)2 . Now we can find almost everythingwe need online andhave(我们所购之物送上门)3 .(你 越 知 道 你 自 己 的 弱 点 ), the better preparedyou will be for the undertaking.4 .(你 们 事 故 调 查 做 的 彻 底 的 话 )fthe police would nothave jumped to the conclusion.【 参考答案】1. nothing will be acco

292、mplished.2. our buyings delivered to our doors.3. The better you know yourweakness4. If you had made a thorough资料仅供参考accident investigation作文范文高分版:Keep Our Hearts StrongAs the proverb goes, constantdrops wear out the stone. Goodhabits help pave our way to success.However, during the cultivation ofgo

293、od habits we are frequentlybewildered and baffled bytemptations from the world aroundus. Only when we are alert anddetermined enough to resist thesetemptations can we take a right andunswerving road to successoIn our daily life, it is essential forus to be self-disciplined. A healthylifestyle, which

294、 may consist ofregular exercise and balanced diet, iswhat most people are pursuing incontemporary society. Yet manypeople cannot resist the coziness ofstaying in and temptation of tasty but资料仅供参考fatty food, thus giving up half waycultivating healthy habits and gettingdecreasingly robust. In addition

295、, ourprogress in academic performancedepends on good habits. We mustrestrain ourselves from endlessentertainment. Otherwise, distractedand indulged, we can never maintaina good learning habit, let aloneachieve academic excellence。In summary, good habits rely onstrong hearts that are not disturbedby

296、temptations. With persistence andperseverance, we are heading tosuccesso6级作文模板1)先背3 个句子1 Nowadays with the rapid development ofadvanced ., more and more. arecommonly and widely used in everyday life. ( 讲资料仅供参考重要性)2 The popularity of digital .will have greatinfluence on our work, study and everyday l

297、ife.On the one hand But on the other hand.(讲影响)3To conclude, .are just like a double-edgedsword. With them we may have less troubledealing with problems in life and enjoy abetter-off life. However, one point should bekept in mind that we should take sensible use ofthem , always being the master of t

298、hem.( 结尾段)P s:灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合。2)模 板(2个模板)1开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。中间段:措施资料仅供参考结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结开头段 Nowadays with the rapid development ofadvanced ., more and more. arecommonly and widely used in everyday life.However, what worries most of us is that.中间段 Firstly.Secondly.Lastly but in nomeans least.

299、结尾段 To conclude, .are just like adouble-edged sword. With them we may haveless trouble dealing with problems in life andenjoy a better-off life. However, one point shouldbe kept in mind that we should take sensible useof them , always being the master of them.2 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论中间段:转折( 即列出两种不同人的观点)结尾

300、段:直接进入总结( 即你的观点)开头段: It is accepted that. P lays a significantpart for both and whafs more , a lot of资料仅供参考attention is being drawn to the change of.However, whether . deserves such an attention ,peoples ideas vary.中间段:On the one hand, some people hold theview that.On the other hand, a great many pe

301、opleinsist that.结尾段: From my perspective, however. ( 你的观点) . Therefore, its time that ( 措施之类的)6 级作文万能句子( 补充在 .” 里面的万能句子,自己琢磨每个句子放在哪里比较适合)重点背:1) 5) 6) 7) 句子,最好全部都被过一遍,自己琢磨怎么用。1) Sth will make our life more enjoyable, that isto say, sth can add color to the dull routine ofevery day life. o o o能让我们的生活更

302、美好,也就是说, O o o 能够给我们枯燥的生活带来色彩2 ) For the majority of people, reading orlearning a new skill has become the focus oftheir lives and the source of their happiness andcontentment对于很多人来说,学习一门新技术资料仅供参考占据了她们的生活和充实了她们的生活。3 ) o o o o o , by occupying spare time soconstructively, makes a person contented, wi

303、thno time for boredom.。 。 。占据了某人大部分时间,使得某人没空想东想西( 充实了某人生活)4) Whats more, living in school can save them agreat deal of time on the way between home andschool everyday, so they would be able toconcentrate more time and energy on theiracademic work.住校为学生省去了不少时间,这样学生能够把更多的时间用在学习上5) Little by little, ou

304、r knowledge will be wellenriched, and our horizons will be greatlybroadened.一点一滴,这样做能够丰富我们的知识和拓宽我们的视野6) For people who want to adopt a healthy andmeaningful life style, it is important to find timeto learn certain new knowledge. Just as an oldsaying goes: it is never too late to learn. 对于想过一种有意义的人来说

305、, 抽空学习一门新技术很重要资料仅供参考7 ) The majority of students believe thatpart-time job will provide them with moreopportunities to develop their interpersonalskills, which may put them in a favorableposition in the future job markets.兼职能够让学生们学习个人技巧, 这样能够在找工作时更有竞争力8 ) By taking a major-related part-job, students

306、can not only improve their academic studies, butgain much experience, experience they willnever be able to get from the textbooks.学生不但能够提高学习成绩, 还能够获得在课本上学不到的工作经验9 ) Now people in growing numbers arebeginning to believe that learning new skills andknowledge contributes directly to enhancingtheir job

307、opportunities or promotionopportunities.10 ) ISth can produce positive effects on .inmore than one way. 什么东西可带来好影响2Sth may bring about negative impacts on 什么东西可带来不好的影响资料仅供参考30个经典的6 级词语替换1 .individuals,characters, folks 替 换(people,persons)2: positive, favorable, rosy ( 美好 的) ,promising( 有希望的) ,perfec

308、t, pleasurable , excellent,outstanding, superior 替换 good3: dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill( 有害的) 替换bad如果bad做表语, 能够有be less impressive替换eg.An army of college students indulgethemselves in playing games, enjoying romancewith girls/boys or killing time passively in theirdorms. When it approac

309、hes to graduation ,as aresult, they records are less impressive.4. (an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, amultitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.注: 用 many, if not most 一定要小心, many后一定要有词。Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor资料仅供参考the idea that同理用 most, if not all , 替换most.5: a slice of,

310、quiet a few , several 替换 some6:harbor the idea that, take the attitudethat,hold the view that, it is widely shared that,it is universally acknowledged that)替 think( 因为是书面语,因此要加that)7:affair ,business ,matter 替换 thing8 : shared 代 common9 .reap huge fruits 替换 get many benefits )10:for my part ,from my

311、 own perspective替换 in my opinion11 :Increasing( ly),growing 替换 more andmore( 注意没有growingly这种形式。因此当修饰名词时用increasing/growing. 修饰形容词,副词用 increasingly.Eg.sth has gained growing popularity,popular with the advancement of sth.12.1ittle if anything,或 little or nothing 替换 hardly13.beneficial, rewarding 替换 h

312、elpful,资料仅供参考14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser,替换 customer15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable .替换unnecessary, avoidable1 7.sth appeals to sb, sth exerts atremendous fascination on sb 替换 sb takeinterest in / sb. be interested in18 .capture ones attentio

313、n 替换 attract one*sattention.19 .facet,demension,sphere 代 aspect20 .be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,befearful of 代 indicate, suggest ,fear21 .give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换 cause.22 . There are several reasons behind sth 替换.reasons for sth23 .desire 替换 want.24 .pour attention into 替

314、换 pay attention to25 .bear in mind that 替换 remember26 . enjoy, possess 替换 have( 注意 process资料仅供参考是过程的意思)27 . interaction 替换 communication28 .frown on sth 替换 be against , disagreewith sth29 .to name only a few, as an example 替换for example, for instance30 . next to / virtually impossible,替换 nearly/ alm

315、ost impossible1 .Along with the advance of the society moreand more problems are brought to our attention,one of which is that.随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是 O2 .As society develops, people are attaching muchimportance to.随着社会的发展,人们开始关注. . . . . .3 .P eople are attaching more and moreimportance to the

316、interview during job hunting求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。4 .As to whether it is worthwhile . , there is a资料仅供参考long-running controversial debate. It is quitenatural that people from different backgroundsmay have divergent attitudes towards it.关于是否值得 的问题,一直以来争论不休。 当然, 不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。5 .Recently the phenomeno

317、n has aroused wideconcern, some people are in alarm that.最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心 O6 .The human race has entered a completely newstage in its history, with the increasingly rapideconomic globalization and urbanization, moreproblems are brought to our attention.人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带

318、来了很多问题。7 plays such an important role that itundeniably becomes the biggest concern of thepresent world, there comes a question, is it ablessing or a curse? n显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。不过,问题是:资料仅供参考” 我们该如何抉择? ”8 .Now we are entering a new era, full ofopportunities and challenges,现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑

319、战的新时代。9 .There is a good side and a bad side toeverything, it goes without saying that.万事万物都有其两面性,因此,勿庸置疑,10 .When it comes to most people believeth a tb u t other people regard .as .提到 问题, 很多人认为,不过,一些人则认为 是.ll .Some people contend that . has proved tobring many advantages (disadvantages)有些人认为 有很多有利

320、之处( 不利之处) 。H.P eople who support. give some or all of thefollowing reasons.那些支持 观点的人列出了如下原因:O13 .But on the other hand, there are also quite a资料仅供参考few people who strongly advocate that.,.不过,另一方面,也有少部分人坚持认为_ O14 .P ersonally, I am in favor of the former(latter)point of view.就我个人而言,我较同意前( 后) 一种看法。15

321、.To my mind, the advantages far overweighthe drawbacks(disadvantages, shortcomings)我认为,优点胜过缺点。16 .Now we are entering a brand new era full ofopportunities and innovations, and greatchanges have taken place in peoples attitudetowards some traditional practice.现在我们进入了一个充满机遇和创新的崭新时代, 很多人对某些传统的看法也发生了很大改

322、变。17 .The issue whether it is good or not to . hasaroused a heated discussion all over the country.的利与弊已在全国范围内引起热烈的讨论。六级十二句万能作文法资料仅供参考第二节:写作技巧及作文结构安排写作技巧。根据文章大意判断作文题型。各种题型的写作方法。现象解释型:基本方法为:描述现象一分析原因f对现象做出预测或如何促进( 限制) 这种现象的进一步发展。对比选择型:基本方法为:阐述一种观点或态度并表明这种观点或态度正确的理由; 阐述第二种( 相对或相反的) 观点或态度并说明这种观点或态度正确的理

323、由; 表明个人支持或反对以上观点或态度,并说明原因。问题解决型:基本方法为:提出问题一分析问题f解决问题。观点论证型:基本方法为:分析主题一得出结论f举例论证一得出结论( 证明观点的正确性) 。应用文基本方法为: 分析所给情景一选择写作方法。三段式作文的结构安排题型第一段第二段第三段资料仅供参考现象解释型描述现象说明现象产生的原因表明个人态度或阐述个人做法对比选择型表明一方或双方由的观点及理表明另一方的观点及理由, 指出双方观点不足之处及理由表明个人态度或阐述个人做法问题解决型提出问题分析问题, 给出解决方案表明个人态度或阐述个人做法观点论证型提出论点例证论点得出结论或表明个人看法或做法应用文

324、描述事实阐述原因表明观点或提出建议第三节:十二句作文法写作模板现象解释型写作模板现象解释型模板一Tojpic sentence-has become a common partof peoples life.And- has always aroused thegreatest concern.信息提示1.空格内用概括性的词语填出最近出现的总体现象。2.空格内填题目要去讨论的具体现象资料仅供参考what impresses us most is-.The reasons-are varied.3.现象的具体表现4.过度句,填现象或现象带来的后果,为下文分析产生的原因做铺垫。5 . Among

325、the variousreasons, plays an important role.6 .That is to say,-7 .What is more,-8 .For example,-5 .原因之一。6 .具体说明原因一。7原因二。8举例说明原因二9. When talking about- , -,10. On the one hand-11. On the other hand,-12. In brief,-9.空格一填作者要讨论的现象,空格二填作者的看法。10.支持看法的理由一或说明看法的第一个方面。11.理由一或第一个方面。12.总结。现象解释型模板二l.We have wit

326、nessed2 .According to ,1 .空格内填最近出现的总体现象。2.空格一根据题目填thechart,thereport 等,空格二内填资料仅供参考3 .And4.Many reasons contributeto-现象的具体表现一。3.现象的具体表现二4.过度句,填现象或现象带来的后果,为下文分析产生的原因做铺垫。5. To begin with,-.6.More over;-7.1n addition,-8.As a result,-5 .原因之一。6 .原因二。7原因二。8原因导致的结果。9 .As to me,- ,10. First of all,-11.Beside

327、s,-12.To conclude,-9 .空格内填作者对现象的看法。10. 支持看法的理由一。11.理由二。12.总结。现象解释型模板三1.-has been broughtinto focus.2.Nowdays,-.3.In addition,-.1 .空格内填最近出现的总体现象。2.空格内填现象的具体表现一。3.现象的具体表现二4.过度句到分析原因。资料仅供参考4.Many reasonscontribute to-5 . Generallyspeaking,-.6 .First of all,-7 .More over-8 .Therefore,-5 .承上启卜开始列举原因6 .原因

328、之一。7原因二。8对原因一二进行总结。9 .As far as I amconcerned,-,10 .As we known,-11. Furthermore,-12.In a word,-9 .空格内填作者对现象的看法。10. 支持看法的理由一。11.理由二。12.总结。对比选择型作文模板模板一1.Different people havedifferent views on-1 .开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。资料仅供参考2. Some peopleperfer,- .3. Others tend to,-.4. As to me, I agree with/to-2. 表

329、明一部分人的看法。3 .另一部分的看法。4 .作者的看法。5. Of course,-.6. For example,-7.But,-8.The foltowing reasonscan account for mypreference-5 .承认自己不赞同的看法有一定的合理性。6 .举例说明支持第五句。7转折指出这种观点的不足。8启下句过度到卜段具体阐述自己所支持的观点的理由。9 .The main reason is10. A good example toillustrate is-l l . Fur another;-12. From the9.支持观点的理由一。10.举例说明理由一。

330、1L理由二。12.总结全文,从长远看来。资料仅供参考foregoing,-模板二(1999年6月真题)l.There is no completeagreement amongpeople as to-2. Some peopleconsider;-.3. Howevei; othersthink,-.4.Some people may say5. They hold thisopinion because-.6. However; othersbelieve,-7. They argue that,-1 .开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。2 .表明一部分人的看法。3 .另一部分的

331、看法。4 .观点一的理由。5 .深入阐述观点一的理由。6 .观点二的理由。7深入阐述观点二的理由。8我的看法。9 .个人看法依据一。10. 个人看法依据二。11. 个人看法依据三。12 .总结全文。资料仅供参考8.Personally;I am infavor of the-9. Firstly;-.lO.Secondly,-ll.M ost important of all12.Takingabove-mentionedfactors intoconsideration, we/I mayreasonably concludethat-模板三1.-When asked about-,diff

332、erent people willoffer different opinions.2. Some people take it for1 .开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。2 .提出观点一。3. 观点一的理由一。资料仅供参考granted that- .3 . In their opinion,-4 . Besides-5 . Howevei; othershold-.6 .They maitain-7 .And8 .Weighing up thesearguments, I am for-9 . For one thing-.10 .For anther,-l l .For i

333、nstance,-12 .Therefore, as statedabove-4. 观点一的理由二5 .提出观点二。6 .观点二的理由一。7观点二的理由二。8我的观点。9 .个人观点理由一。10. 个人观点理由二。11. 举例说明。12 .综上所述再次强调自己的观点。问题解决型作文模板模板一资料仅供参考1. With thedevetopment/improvementof ,-.2. It is necessary that-.3. On the one hand,-.4. On the other hand,-5. Therefore, how to-isworth paying atte

334、ntion.6. Firstly 7,Secondly-8.For example,-9.Thirdly,-.lO.In other words,-ll.In fact, ways to-arecountless.12 Its time that-1 .空格一处铺垫,空格二处填写某一问题。2 .关注解决现象引出的问题很必要。3 .解决问题很必要的理由一。4 .解决问题很必要的理由二。5 .承上启下,填要解决的问题。6 .解决办法一。7解决办法二。8 .举例解释解决办法二。9 .解决办法三。1 0 .阐明解决办法三。11 .指出解决问题的办法多种多样。12 .强调解决问题时不可待。资料仅供参考模

335、板二1. There has been adiscussion recentlyabouot-.2. It is obvious that-3. Additionally,- .4. So it is high time,-5. First of all,-6.The reasonis-7,Secondly-8.That is to say,-9. Thirdly,-.lO.In fact, more thanthree ways can beadopted,-1 .提出现存的问题。2. 解决问题很必要的理由一3. 解决问题很必要的理由二。4. 承上启下,说明解决问题的必要性。5 .解决办法一

336、6 .解决办法一的理由7. 解决办法二。8 .阐明解决办法二。9 .解决办法三。10. 指出解决问题的办法多种多样。11. 小结解决问题的根本途径。12 . 总结全文。资料仅供参考ll.A s for me,-12.A11 in all,模板三(1月)1.11 is certain that-2. For one reason,-.3. For anothei;-.4. Howevei; some stillpuzzle on how to-.5. Here come somesuggestions.6.To beginwith,-7.Secondly8.For instance,-9 . T

337、hirdly,-.lO .That is because-1 .提出问题及解决的必要性。2. 解决问题很必要的理由一3 .解决问题很必要的理由二。4 .转折到如何解决问题。5 .呈上指出解决问题的方法很多。6 .解决办法一7. 解决办法二。8 .阐明解决办法二。9 .解决办法三。10 .其理由。1L解决问题的办法随具体情况不同而变化根本途径。12. 总结全文, 要灵活地依据具资料仅供参考ll.The solutionvaryaccording to differentsituations.12.Therefore,-体情况处理问题。观点论证型作文模板模板一1. It is true that-

338、 .2. Howeveri-.3.1 think-.4.-can be listed asfollow.5. First of all,-6. Secondly-7.Forexample-8.Thirdly,-9. A case in point is-.1 .提出普遍存在地观点。2 .谈小同地观点。3 .自己地观点,即文章地论点4 .过度句, 转折到观点地论证,由题目选择具体的词。5 .论证理由一6 .论证理由二。7 .举例具体说明理由二。8 .论证理由三。9 .举例说明理由三。1 0 .提出执行该观点时应注意资料仅供参考10.lt goes without sayingthat-11.Th

339、ere is no doubt that12.In conclusion-的事项。11. 得出结论。12 . 总结全文。2 . 模板二1. Some people believethat-.2. The truth is deep andprofound.3. As we know,- .4. In addition,- .5. There are numerousexamples-1 .直接提出本文的观点。2. 进一步强度观点的正确性。3 .论证理由一4. 论证理由二5 .承上启下。6 .举例一具体论证。7 . 总结例一。8 .举例二具体论证。9 .举例三具体论证。资料仅供参考6. A ca

340、se in point is-7.There is dose tosuggest-8,For anotherexample-9.Moreovei;-.10.A11 mentioned abovetell us-ll.But one thing we haveto notice is that-12.1n a word,-10 .总结上下,重申论点。11 .指出该论点应注意什么。12 . 总结全文。四、说明原因型模块These days we often hear that (l).It iscommon that (2). Why does such circumstanceoccur in

341、spite of social protects? For one thing,(3).For another, (4). What is more, since(5),it is natural that (6).To solve the资料仅供参考problem is not easy at all, but is worth trying.We should do something such as ( 7) to improvehe present situation, and I do believe everythingwill be better in the future.注释

342、:1、提出论题2、说明现状3、理由一4、理由二5、理由三6、理由三引起的后果图表式作文写作模板It is obvious in the graphic/table that therate/number/amount of Y has undergonedramatic changes. It has goneup/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recentyears (as X varies). At the point of XI, Y reachesits peak value of.( 多少) . What is the reasonfor

343、this change? Mainly there are. ( 多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in thegraphic/table. First of all,.( 第一个原因) .More importantly,.( 第二个原 因) .Most资料仅供参考important of all,.( 第三个原因) . From theabove discussions, we have enough reason topredict what will happen in the near future. Thetrend descri

344、bed in the graphic/table willcontinue for quite a long time ( if necessarymeasures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势) .提纲式作文写作模板1、对立观点式A .有人认为X 是好事,赞成X ,为什么?B .有人认为X 是坏事,反对X ,为什么?C .我的看法。Some people are in favor of the idea ofdoing X. They point out the fact that 支持 X 的第一个原因。They also argue that支持X 的另一

345、个原因。However, other people stand on adifferent ground. They consider it harmful to doX. They firmly point out that 反对 X 的第一个理由。 An example can give the details of thisargument: There is some truth in botharguments. But I think the advantages of Xoverweigh the disadvantages. In addition to the资料仅供参考ab

346、ove-mentioned negative effects it might bringabout, X also may X 的有一个坏处。2、批驳观点式A. 一个错误观点。B . 我不同意。Many people argue that 错误观点。By saying that, they mean对这个观点的进一步解释。An example they have presentedis that 一 个 例 子 。(According to a surveyperformed by X on a group of Y, almost 80% ofthem 赞成这个错误观点或者受到这个错误观点

347、的影响) 。 There might be some element of truthin these people s belief. But if we consider it indepth, we will feel no reservation to concludeth at与错误观点相反的观点。There are anumber of reasons behind my belief.( 以下参照辩论文的议论文写法) 。3、社会问题( 现象) 式A. 一个社会问题或者现象B . 产生的原因C .对社会和我们生活的影响D . 如何杜绝。( 如果是问题的话)E . 前景的预测。Now

348、adays, there exists an increasingly资料仅供参考serious social/economic/environmental problem.(X has increasingly become a common concernof the public). According to a survey,调查内容说明这种现象的情况。( 或者是一个例子) 。There are a couple of reasons booming thisproblem/phenomenon , 下面参照辩论式议论文写法。 X has caused substantial impa

349、ct on thesociety and our daily life, which has beenarticulated in the following aspects.参照辩论式议论文的写法。 A dozen of measures aresupposed to take to prevent X from bringing usmore h a rm .同上 Based on the abovediscussions, I can easily forecast that more andmore people will.辩论式议论文模版( 一)Some people believe

350、 (argue, recognize,think)that观点 1. But other people take an oppositeside. They firmly believe that观点 2. As for me, I agree to theformer/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasonsbehind my belief. First of all,资料仅供参考论据 1. More importantly,论据 2. Most important of all,论 据 3. In summary,总结观点。 As acollege

351、 student, I am supposed to 表决心。或From above, we can predict that 预测。辩论式议论文模版( 二)P eople hold different views about X. Somepeople are of the opinion that观点 1. While others point out that观点 2. As far as I am concerned, theformer/latter opinion holds more weight. Forone thing,论据 1. For another,论据 2. Last but not the least,论据 3. To conclude, / 总结观点 As a collegestudent, I am supposed to 表决心。或 Fromabove, we can predict that 预测。



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