Pub Talk and the King′s English 张汉熙高级英语第二册课件

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《Pub Talk and the King′s English 张汉熙高级英语第二册课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Pub Talk and the King′s English 张汉熙高级英语第二册课件(164页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、LessonThreePub Talk and the Kings EnglishAims1.To learn the methods in developing an expository writing,esp. the use of examples2. To know how to make good conversation3. To trace the history of the Kings English4. To analyse the features of spoken English5.To appreciate the language features Teachi

2、ngContentsn1. Exposition n2. History of Britain n2. Detailed study of the textn3. Organizational patternn4. Language featuresn5. The characteristics of spoken English Timeallocation1. Exposition and history (15 min.)2. Detailed study of the text (105 min.)3. Structure analysis (15 min.)4. Language a

3、ppreciation (15 min.)5. The characteristics of spoken English (30 min)n Writingstylena piece of expositionnWhat is Kings English?nWhat is pub talk?WritingstylenThe title of this piece is not very aptly chosen. nIt misleads the readers into thinking that the writer is going to demonstrate some intrin

4、sic or linguistic relationship between pub talk and the kings EnglishWritingstylenWhereas the writer, in reality, is just discoursing on what makes good conversation.nHe feels that bar conversation in the pub has a charm of its own.WritingstylenThe writer illustrates his point by describing the char

5、ming conversation he had with some people one evening in a pub on the topic “the Kings English.nThe thesis - in the opening sentence of Para 1.WritingstylenConversation is the most sociable of all human activities.nThe last sentence of the last par. winds up the theme by pointing out what is the ban

6、e (祸害)of good conversation . talking sense“WritingstylenThe real thesis - in the 3rd para. “Bar conversation has a charm of its own”.nA better title would be:n The Art of Good Conversation“nThe Charms of ConversationTheHistoryofBritainn1.The native people in Britain Celts n- Celt (language)n2. Roman

7、 Conquest 43 AD, ruled for 400 yearsn Latin (language)TheHistoryofBritainn3. In 449 Angles, Saxon, and Jutes from Northwest of Germany , conquered the most part of England n English - old EnglishTheHistoryofBritainn4. 9th century, Scandinavian conquest Danish (language)n5. 11th century Norman Conque

8、st for 400 years French (language)n6. British people conquered the conquest again. English won its recognition.n*shtml *Detailedstudyofthetextnpub talkn - conversation held in the public housenThe Kings English n- standard EnglishDetailedstudyofthetextnConversation is the .:nConversation helps to pr

9、omote an agreeable pleasant and informal relationship among people.sociablen - friendly; agreeablenThe smiths are a sociable family.nWe spent a sociable evening drinking the other day.nA sociable person is one who is friendly.Anditisanactivityonlyofhumann- And conversation is an activity which is fo

10、und only among human beings. nAnimals and birds are not capable of conversation.intricate-complicatednThe intricate computer requires a skilled operator.nan intricate argument / plotn design / patternindulgeinn- enjoy; satisfy 容许自己享受; 尽情nallow oneself to have or enjoynHe indulged heavily in conversa

11、tion and drink.indulgeinnHe occasionally indulges in the luxury of a good cigar.nWe indulge in an expensive supper after the concert.nNazi madmen indulged in the torture of their victims before they killed them.Par.2n How to make good conversation?Whatmakesgoodconversation?n1. Anything can start a c

12、onversation. It does not need a special topic to start a conversation. And once started, no one knows how or where it will end.Whatmakesgoodconversation?n2. What spoils the conversation is people who think they have a lot of important things to say. He who would have anything important to say spoils

13、 the conversation.n3. Conversation is not for making a point.Whatmakesgoodconversation?n4. There is no winning in conversation. One does not try to prove himself right and others wrong. We may argue but we neednt try to convince others that they are wrong and we are right.makeapointn- prove effectiv

14、ely truth of ones statement by argument or in some other way.立论; 证明观点nThis is the first point I want to make.nIn this case he made a point. n在这一点上,他发表了自己的观点。inaflash-inasecondnIn a flash he realized that they were presents from his patients.nEverything happened in a flash in a panTheyarerea

15、dytoletitgo.n- They are ready to give up the opportunity to tell one of their best anecdotes (because the conversation has moved onto other subjects)metaphornmeandernleap - river 1. flow slowly turning here and there2. jump overmetaphornSparklenglow - fire 81. small flashes82. bright lightmixedmetap

16、hornmeander/ sparkle - smooth / peacefulnleap / glow - exciting / heatednThe writer in the same sentence compares conversation to river and fire as well.Para 3nthe real thesis - nBar conversation has a charm of its ownWhydoesthewriterlikebarconversationsomuch?1. The writer is only a frequenter of pu

17、bs.2. Bar goers are not intimate friends.nBar/church, the place for people to make friends. Bar plays an important role in social activities in the western world.ontherocks-8 infml clich1. wrecked or ruinednMr Jones business was on the rocks. = His business was losing money and almost ruined.onthero

18、cks82.with ice onlynSally ordered an orange juice on the rocks.= Sally ordered an orange juice with ice cubes.nMarriage is compared to a ship wrecked on the rocks.Ancientsuperstition:1. get out of bed on the wrong sideget up on the wrong side of the bedAncientsuperstition Getting out of bed on the w

19、rong side will bring you bad luck. The wrong side is usually the left side. When one get out of bed on the wrong side, it usually means youre in the grumpy or bad mood.nGo back to bed and get up on the right side.Ancientsuperstition2. “Step on a spider. it is sure to rain”nThis superstition is told

20、to all children, because no one wants it to rain. Spiders generally live a long and healthy life.3. The number 13 has often been thought to be a bad omen. People should never invite 13 guests to dinner. It is believed that one will die before the year is out .Ancientsuperstition4. Friday the 13th is

21、 day to stay at home and do nothing. It is doubly unlucky, when the 13th of the month falls on a Friday. Bad things will happen. Many people refrain from starting activities on the 13th to make sure no evil will happen to them.up-bringing- the training and education received while growing upnHis upb

22、ringing explains a lot about his attitude towards women.ofonesown- belong strictly to oneselfnShe has a mind of her own. 她颇有主见。nFor reasons of his own, he refused to join the club.n由于某些个人理由,他拒绝参加那个俱乐部。delve8dig, research; investigatendelve into book 专研书本ndelve into the past 调查过去的情况nIf you delve into

23、 sth, you try to discover new information about it.twokindsoflanguage:a) colloquial expressionnon the rocksnget out of bed on the wrong sideb) literary allusion 文学典故, 引喻 in reference to a person; event; storyMusketeersofDumas“1. :/ cadytech /dumas/biographie.php2.The three Musketeers in Dumas novel

24、are very close friends. They supported each other with their fortune and their lives, yet they showed no curiosity in or tried to find out anything about each others private life. Para.1-3Questions:1.How do you comment on the title?2.What is the first topic the writer puts forward?3.Do you think the

25、 writer sticks to this topic?4.What makes a good conversation?5.Why does the writer like bar conversation so much?Para.4nSpecific example. It may be used as a transitional paragraph. In order to arouse the readers curiosity the writer didnt mention the topic until the next paragraph.desultory- aimle

26、ss, half-hearted (fml) 散漫nThe word comes from the Latin desultor - leaper . Something that is desultory is done or happen in an unplanned and disorganized way, and without enthusiasm.desultorynThere were some desultory attempts to defend him.nHe began to look desultorily for another apartment.n a co

27、nversation 漫谈n research 漫无边际的研究n a walk 漫步commonplace - ordinary, commonnDisposable cigarette lighters are commonplace. Air travel has now become .nn. In earlier centuries the death of children was a commonplace.alchemy-magic1.the form of chemistry studied in the Middle Ages, which was especially co

28、ncerned with trying to discover ways to change ordinary metals into gold.2.a literary use, the power to do sth. so well that it seems mysterious and magical the alchemy of his performanceaffirmation- a statement of your belief in and support for them &the denunciation of privilege and affirmation 指责

29、特权 &affirmation of equality 赞同平等atermofcriticism-why?&The Kings English is a kind of language one should try to use and imitate. Someone told me that the language should not be used. The term is criticizing instead of praising.convict - a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to priso

30、n esp. for a long timenan escaped convictnan ex-con 前科犯barrier,obstacle,difficultyndifficulty - the most general of the words and may be applied loosely to any troublesome state of affairs&to have difficulty in learning higher mathematics&the difficulty of driving a car through deep mudbarrier,obsta

31、cle,difficultynobstacle - something that one must either remove or go around before being able to proceedn The huge tree that had been blown down by the storm was an obstacle to traffic.nIll health may be an obstacle to a childs progress in school.barrier,obstacle,difficultynbarrier - an obstacle th

32、at temporarily impedes progress but is not necessarily impassable.nWriters never tire of depicting the barriers that arise between parents and growing children.barriernThe thick walls and moats of castles were built as barriers against attackers.n城堡修筑厚实的城墙及护城河都是为了将其用作防御进攻的障碍物。churl- (old use) a pers

33、on of low birth, esp. a peasantswing- (cause to) change to a large degreenShe swung from happiness to tearsnThe value of the dollar swung downwards.Par8nHistory of English. TnThe writer here makes digression to show conversation going on without focus.outofsnobberyn - (in order) because they want to

34、 show their superior taste in matter of food.outofsnobberynIn English restaurants, esp, in high-class restaurants, the names of the dishes on the menus are quite often in French. This is done out of snobbery because in the Western countries people consider French food to be the best.outofsnobberynBu

35、t even if they wrote their menus in English, they would have to use many words, such as pork, beef, veal, poultry etc derived from French and which were first introduced into England by the Norman rulers.snobbery-n1. the attitude of someone who belongs to or admires the higher social class of societ

36、y, and despises people of a lower social classsnobbery-n2. the attitude of sb, who believes that his own special tastes, interests and abilities are superior to those of other people.nsnobbish / snobrift-fml,lit.n1. a crack, narrow opening made by breakingnThe sun appeared through a rift in the clou

37、ds.n2. (fig) division Im afraid theres been a rift between us. A deep rift has started in their family life.Par.10nexample to show class distinctionnscamper -nWhen people or small animals scamper, they move with small, quick, bouncing steps.nThe mouse scampered into its hole.turnuponesnoseatn- a tri

38、te expressionnshow contempt for / ignore / score / consider sth not good enoughnI wish my child wouldnt turn up his nose at vegetables.turnuponesnoseatnMy friend turns up his nose at anyone who hasnt had a college education.n- turn up ones toes n to die (slang)bilingualeducationn- using two language

39、s in teaching nSince there are now some two or three million Americans of Latin American parentage whose language is Spanish, a recent movement has been for bilingual education, usually English and Spanish. nUnder this plan, students whose first language is sth other than English receive instruction

40、 in that language as well as English, so as not to deprive them of equal educational opportunity. bilingualeducationnThis proposal, which has been only sporadically(不时发生地) implemented (执行,生效)has caused a great deal of controversy in the meaning double, two, appearing twicenbimonthly 每月二

41、次nbiannual 每年二次nbiplane 双翼飞机intotheshoesofn- (infml) in the position of experiencing what another has to experiencenIm glad Im not in his shoe just now.culturalhumiliation-nThe English must have felt greatly humiliated when they were forced to listen to and use a foreign language and to accept a for

42、eign language. So they took up arms against this cultural humiliation. The leader is Hereward the Wake.HerewardtheWaken3image-1*nan Anglo-Saxon patriot and rebel leader, he rose against the Norman conquerors but was defeated. nThis sentence means like Herewaaard the Wake, when the English rose again

43、st the Norman conquerors, they must have felt greatly humiliated when they were forced to listen to and use a foreign language to accept a foreign culture.heirstoitn- it is not clearn1. the English we speak and write in America today also shows the French influence of that time. We have inherited th

44、is French influence on the English language.heirstoitn2. In America today we are facing the same problem that existed in England 900 years ago. The problem of having two languages existing side by side.(English and Spanish)Par12n the history of the Kings EnglishnNewes - archaic spellingnStrange News

45、 of the Intercepting Certain Lettersnthou clipst the Kings English - middle Englishclip-simplifynabbreviate in speech or writing as nkyou for thank you“nThey gave him clipped and precise instructions.nHis plays are written in a very clipped style. nA clipped style of language expresses things quickl

46、y and clearly using as few words as possible.Godspatience.nThere will be a great trying of ones patience and plentiful misuse of the Kings English.nNo matter how patient you are, you wont be able to bear him, because he will even try Gods patience. God is more patient than any human being.abusingn1.

47、 take unfair or undue advantage of (ones patience)n2. improper or incorrect use of language (the Kings English)comeintoitsown-nreceive what properly belongs to one, esp acclaim or recognition 获得应得的nShe didnt really come into her own until shed won the election for Party leader. 才奠定了应有的地位nWith the su

48、ccess of the Model T Ford, the automobile industry came into its own.n随着T型福特汽车的成功,汽车工业受到了应有的重视。Elizabethans-nthe famous writers in Elizabethan time (period)nShakespeare/ MiltonSimilenExtended simile nblow on a dandelion clock seeds multiplied floated to the ends of the earthnTo spread the English la

49、nguage is compared to the blowing of a dandelion clock.nEnglish was spread far and wide by those famous writers.TheKingsEnglishwasnolonger.“nThe use of English was no longer restricted to a certain race or class. Now English is used both by the King and common people in England.pejorativendisparagin

50、g, downgradingn(a word, phrase) that suggests that somebody or sth, is bad or worthlessnI didnt think he is using inequality in a pejorative sense.facetiousn - comes from the French faetie - a jestnjoking esp. at an inappropriate timenI became angry with that facetious boy.nA phrase used pejorativel

51、y or facetiously is clearly lowered in importance and dignity.underling(s)-derogna person of low rank or position in relation to another such as a servantEnglishasitshouldbespoke“nThe deliberate poor grammar used here reflects the desire by some members of the lower classes to strip the language of

52、any pretence, to keep it from being used in snobbish way.Carlyle-ThomasCarlyle(1795-1881)na Scottish essayist and historian and a very strong voice in the intellectual circles of Victorian England.nCarlyleism卡莱尔风格hardenn- become hard or forcefulnThere exists a kind of danger. Thats for us, words wil

53、l become concrete things.edict-(fml)nan official public order having the force of law, which everyone must obey a firm, authoritative command or instructionimmune(to)不受影响的不受影响的nIf you are immune to sth. that happens or is done, you are not affected by it.nHe was immune to the flattery of others peop

54、le.nThe American economy is proving surprisingly immune to big fluctuations 波动in interest rates.nbe against attacknbe from taxationnn. diplomatic immunity外交豁免权commonsense-n头脑,见地, 应有的判断力npractical good sense and judgment gained from experience, rather than special knowledge from school or studycommon

55、sensena persons natural ability to make good judgments and to behave in a practical and sensible way.n1. Although she is not very clever shes got a lot of common sense.n2. Havent you enough to know that its unwise to go swimming just after a big meal?ultimatum-na final statement of terms made by one

56、 party or another. There is an implication of serious penalties if the terms are not accepted. The word comes from Latin “ultimatus” (last) and is obviously related to “ultimate” 最后通牒; 最后条件ultimatum-nWhen Iran held American diplomats hostage, ultimatums were issued by the Iranian now and then demand

57、ing concession from the Americans if their demands were not met.DetailedstudyofthetextnThe Kings English sets up an excellent standard for us to imitate for we can gain a lot of useful knowledge or information by studying it, but people should not forced to accept it.Par18n “so we may return”nThe wr

58、iter realizes he has been digressing from his subject so he comes back to his central them - conversation.slipsandslidesnmetaphornto slide on a slippery surface, to lose ones footing, hence to make a mistake, fall into errornThe English one uses is no longer absolutely correct.Fostern Collective Poe

59、try n- Aspects of the novel is a major study of the novel and Fosters most important critical work. n 1939 - move to the USn1946 - became a citizenn1956-1961 - professor of poetry at Oxford n1967 - awarded the national medal for literatureFosternTHE DOG BENEATH THE SKIN 1935 皮下之狗nON THE FRONTIER 193

60、8 边界上nJOURNEY TO A WAR 1935 战地行 a record of their experience to ChinaFosternNEW YEAR LETTER 1941 新年来信nFOR THE TIME BEING, A CHRISTMAS ORATORIO 1945 暂时nFOR AGE OF ANXIETY 1947 Pulitzer Prize 忧虑的年代sinisternthe sinister corridor of our age metaphornthe road we travel - compared to a corridornin our age

61、, people are traveling along a sinister road doing all kinds of evil sinister look on his facenA rather sinister figure was walking about behind the bushessinisternFosters metaphor refers to the ugly and frightening world of the 20th century which has indeed been a sinister corridor for ma

62、nkind to walk down, fraught as it has been with danger on every side.situpnIf sth, makes you sit up, it makes you pay sudden attention to what is happeningnWhy dont you threaten to resign, - that would make them sit up.greatmindsn - people with great mindsndistinguished eminent peoplesalon-n1. A sal

63、on is a drawing room or large room for entertaining guests. In 18th century France, such salons of the rich were often gathering places for persons of social and intellectual art exhibition the Salon“n3. parlor na beauty salonnliterary salonsaloon-n1. a grandly furnished room f

64、or the social use of a ships passengers ( in a hotel0n2. sedan (car) for 4 to 7 passengersn3. a large public drinking place = barnItalian word sala = hallranknSirnLadynduke / duchessnmarquis / marchionessnearl , count / countessnviscount / viscountessnbaron / baronessnthe only difference .Detailedst

65、udyofthetextnthe sauces prepared by Mme. Deffands cook and supreme chef, Brinvilliers, were equally terrible. The only difference between the two cooks lay perhaps in their different purpose /intention in preparing the sauces. Organizationalpatternn4 sectionsnThe writer puts forward the theses.n1. C

66、onversation is the most sociable of all human activities.n2. Bar conversation has a charm of its own.OrganizationalpatternnSect. II par. 4-11nan example to support the thesisnno fixed topic - the Kings English - Australia - Saxon churls - the language barriersnThe example has well explained where it

67、s charm lies.OrganizationalpatternnSect. III par.12-19 more digressions (what the writer thought about after the bar conversation the night before)nPara.12-15 He gives his personal reflection on the history and meaning of the Kings EnglishnPara.16-19 By the mentioning of dictionaries and salons of 1

68、8th Paris, he reveals his attitude towards the Kings Englishattitude:n1) not ultimatumn2) slips and slidesOrganizationalpatternnSect. IV. Para. 20-21 conclusionnThose people who ruin the conversation by trying to talk sense are just like chimpanzees who are not capable of conversation.Languagefeatur

69、esnconversational stylenloosely organizedninformal language - nto suit the themeLanguagefeaturesnReasons for the informal style:n1. the title misleadingn The writer talks about the charm of conversation by illustrations.nHow to Make Good Conversation“n The Charm of Conversation“Languagefeaturesn2. t

70、he thesisnWe have two theses heren a) Conversation is the most .n b) Bar conversation has a charm of . (the real one)Languagefeaturesn3. the transition or digressionnpara.5 served as transitionn shift general discourse to specific oneLanguagefeaturesn4. two different kinds of languagen a) colloquial

71、 expressions n b) copious historical allusionsn literary allusionsLanguagefeaturesn5. mixed metaphors n6. no big and abstract wordsn7. sentence fragmentsExercisenParaphrase:nConversation is an activity which is found only among human beings.n2. Conversation is not for persuading others to accept one

72、s own idea or point of view.Exercisen3. In fact, those who really enjoy and skilled at conversation will not argue to win or force other to accept their point of view.n4. People who meet each other for a drink in a bar are not close friends for they are not deeply absorbed or engrossed on each other

73、s lives.Exercisen5. The conversation went on without knowing who was right or wrong.n6. These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feeding in the field, but when we sit down at the table to eat, we call their meat beef.Exercisen7. The new ruling class by using French instead of English

74、made it difficult for the English to accept or absorb the culture of the rulers.n8. The English language received proper recognition and became an official language.Exercisen9. The phrase the Kings English has always been used disparagingly or jokingly by the lower classes.n10. There still exists in

75、 the working people a spirit of opposition to the cultural control of the ruling class.Exercisen11. There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent.n12. Even the most educated and literate people do not use stand

76、ard, formal English all the time in their conversation.Synonymsnignorant, illiteratenuneducated unlearnedignorant-无知无知nIt implies a lack of knowledge, either generally or on some particular subjectnHes quite ignorant.nHes not stupid, merely ignorant.nYou know Im entirely ignorant about these things.

77、illiterate-缺乏文化修养缺乏文化修养nWith little or no education esp. unable to read and writenThere is a large illiterate population in the countryside.在农村文盲占多数人口。nHe is musically illiterate.他缺乏音乐修养。uneducated-n没有受到正规的系统教育nIt implies a lack of formal or systematic educationnHes uneducated enough not to be your

78、secretary.unlearnednIt suggests a lack of learning, esp in a special field nHe was unlearned in the ways of the world.他不通晓人情世故。nA lawyer is not unlearned profession. 律师是一个需要学问的职业。scoffn- 嘲弄,嘲笑,专对普遍被人们所信任崇拜或敬重的事物,冷嘲热讽nspeaking slightly and with derision of sth usually accorded honor, reverence or res

79、pect by otherscoffnHe scoffs an advice given by his elders. 他对长辈的劝告总是冷嘲热讽。nThose who scoff history will be scoffed by history.n嘲弄历史的人们必将被历史所嘲弄。n They scoffed at his fervent patriotism. n炽热的爱国精神sneern - 带有强烈的感情色彩,侧重于面部表情或语言中所含的轻蔑嘲笑之意nsneer carries a much stronger feeling, as by a derision smile or sc

80、ornful insinuating tone of voicesneernIts very discouraging to be sneered at all the time.n成天受讥笑是很令人泄气的。jeern-侧重指用粗鲁的,侮辱性的言辞或粗俗的嘲笑来表示轻nIt suggests openly insulting, coarse remarks or mocking laughter.nThe crowd jeered at the prisoners.jeernThey jeered at the proposal put forward by the speaker.nDont

81、 jeer at the mistake or misfortunes of others.n 不要嘲弄别人的错误或不幸。giben- 不带恶意的取笑或捉弄人的笑骂nIt implies a taunting or mocking without illwilln My brother gibed at my efforts to paint a picture.n Its unkind to gibe at anothers English.floutn - 以不理不睬或视而不见的态度表示出轻视nIt suggests a treating with contemptnShe flouted

82、 my offers of help and friendship.n 她对我所提供的帮助与友情均嗤之以鼻。TheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishnthe characteristics of spoken conversational languagenthose which interfere with and interrupt the fluency of speechnfeatures of normal non-fluencyTheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishn1. Hesitation pauses (or filled

83、 pauses) 填补词语nFilled pauses are those which are plugged by stopgap noises such as ererm“TheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishn2. False startsnThese can take the form either of a needless repetition of a word, eg I erI, or of a reformulation of what has been said eg. you get taught youre taught to drive

84、the result is an ungrammatical sequence of words.TheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishn3. Syntactic anomalies (不规则)nOften we fail to keep control of the syntax of what we are saying, and produce anomalous constructions which, if they are not entirely ungrammatical, would nevertheless be regarded as awkw

85、ard and unacceptable in written composition eg. Weve got. youve got to take.TheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishnThe voiced fillers er and erm, for example, are useful delaying devices, so that we are able to continue holding the floor while we think of what next to sayTheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglish

86、nfillers - or tag constructionsnsuch as: you know, well, oh, you see, I mean mm, shall I say, I thinknisnt it - an invitation to the listeners to confirm the speakers observationOnthesyntacticlevelnConversation tends towards coordination rather than subordination of clauses, for coordination simplif

87、ies the planning of sentence structure andbut.Onthesyntacticleveln1. Sentences are short and the structure is simple.n2. Verbal phrases are simple.nseldom use passive voicenoften use present and past tensesOnthesyntacticleveln3. more use of none pre-modifiersn4, in conversation, there is more use of

88、 declarative sentence than interrogative sentence(interrogation ) nless frequent use of imperative sentenceOnthelexicallevel(lexis)nlexis is short, simple and easy to understand , plainly colloquial, emotional, exaggerativeOnthelexicallevel(lexis)n1. the use of basic verbs, seldom use different word

89、s to describe the same thing or the same action.n2. a great deal of informal words, slang words and taboo, vogue words 时髦词Onthelexicallevel(lexis)n3.the use of emotional words and exaggerative wordsn4.the use of vague terms 模糊词语nkind of, sort of, thing, whatsit, whatshisname, eg. I met old whatshisn

90、ame in town this morningnthings like that, like anything, for anything, somehow , somewhatOnthelexicalleveln5. the use of abbreviation or abbreviated verb formsn dorm = dormitory n lab = laboratoryn flu = influenzan ad = advertisement Onthelexicalleveln6. conversational gambits 套话nExcuse me, but.nSo

91、rry, but.nIn my opinionOnthephonologicalleveln1. an obvious feature in conversation is abbreviated verb forms and negative formsnIm hesnshednwouldnt2. use of stress, intonation pauseTheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishnThe pragmatic实用,语用学的 analysis of language can be broadly understood to be the invest

92、igation into that aspect of meaning which is derived not from formal properties of words and constructionnbut from the way in which utterances are used and how they relate to the context in which they are uttered.TheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishnThe pragmatic实用,语用学的 analysis of language can be broa

93、dly understood to be the investigation into that aspect of meaning which is derived not from formal properties of words and construction,but from the way in which utterances are used and how they relate to the context in which they are uttered.TheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishnIn pragmatics, much of

94、 what we learn comes from inference from the language, rather than from what is openly said. The extra meanings that we infer, and which account for the gap between overt sense and pragmatic force, may be called implicaturesTheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishnThe term implicature was proposed by the p

95、hilosopher HP Grice. He suggests that when people converse with one another they acknowledge a kind of tacit agreement 默契to cooperate conversationally towards mutual ends. This agreement he calls the Cooperative Principle. When one abides by the cooperative principle, one agrees to act according to

96、various rules, or rather Maxims 准则.TheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglishnGrice has suggested four conversational maxims:1. The maxim of quantity 数量准则nGive the required amount of information - not too much or too littleTheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglish2. The maxim of quality 质量准则nDo not say that for whic

97、h you lack evidence or which you believe to be false.TheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglish3. The maxim of relation 关联准则n Make your contributions relevant to the purpose in hand.A: Im running out of ink.B. There is a shop round the corner.TheCharacteristicsofSpokenEnglish4. The maxim of manner 风格准则Avoid: nobscurity不明, nambiguity 模棱两可nunnecessary prolixity 罗嗦



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