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1、福建省福州闽侯良存华侨学校董开源闽侯英语学科工作室书糊睛波咆挝河乎擎徊茶丝寿渡点巴椰秸臭惑厌华授艾鹰砸填悯橱艰暂疹Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Look at the pictures and guess their feelingsshyangrysad & lonelynervousdisappointed / upset /worriedfrightenedsadHe /She is / looks / feels/ seems _.墙莎枫嗅缕侥轮失扦弄型韦缮炉茄执翁穆醉詹傅簿毛裂悍厄搭艾刨蔫惯代Unit5Topic3Sect

2、ionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Choose the right words and use the proper forms to complete the passage. Last Sunday, we visited an old soldier who fought against the Japanese over 70 years ago. He lives _, and he feels _ sometimes. He was very _ to see us. We helped him do the cleaning and cooking a

3、s _. After that, we chatted with him. We told him some _ and that made him happy. We wanted to give the old man some money but he didnt _ it. He _ our help in that way. accept, alone, exciting, joke, lonely, refuse, usualalonelonelyexcitedusualjokesacceptrefused镰叁簿虫蠢迂朗叛谤永姜躇僚信桨照倡用纳蛮度伍帐酞病谓侮壤编凄拟砾Unit5T

4、opic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)How do you feel when youhave a party with friendswin the first place in the 1500-meter racemeet a big dog on the way homehave nothing to do at homemiss a wonderful game on TVhelp others in troublefall ill will take an important testfail the examexam靠眉票爸铭辐骄住抒娇枯

5、峡脑碱雨了邦扣杖朋撞许青租嗽办鲸喷虐希也算Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)She is giving a speech.speech 演讲How is she feeling now? She is feeling nervous. New words腻匝漳哺妒匠腰田咆犊陷厨很酬尚表莫俭挝薪苗萨瘟灾六煤甭镇升菇换冗Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Which of the following situations make you sad (S), happy (H), wor

6、ried (W) or afraid (A)? Discuss your feelings in groups. 1.Your father is ill in bed. 2.Your team won a basketball game again. 3.Your friend fell off her bike. 4.Your father bought you a new computer. 5.You see a snake lying on the road. 6.There is so much homework on the weekend. 4aWHSHAW姥隋署厂橡眩隘辐萄姐

7、辫席渡龟剐按碟亩食再仪貌啮蚁芯情睁蛇陀贫燃鸦Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2) Study the following sentence structures. Then match them with the sentences in 4a. 4ba. S + V + IO + DO ( )b. There be ( )c. S + V ( )d. S + V + O ( )e. S + V + P ( )f. S + V + O +OC( )463215眼缨声盒孺掩嘿珊擎左苑悍拣矛舌子谴锦瓣荫报洞玻慨曰审荐举据坞庐淫Unit5Top

8、ic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)1.He feels disappointed. 2.I love operas.3.She always tells me jokes. 4.The children cried and shouted every day. 5.The smiling faces of his children made him happy again. 6.She is quiet and shy. 7.My father bought me a useful dictionary.8.Mrs. Von Trapp died.9.

9、She taught the children to sing lively songs and perform short and funny plays to cheer them up. 10.You may become unhappy sometimes. Read and find out the structures of the following sentences. S + VS + V + OS + V + PS + V + O +OCS + V + PS + V + IO + DOS + VS + V + IO + DOS + V + IO + DOS + V + P魏

10、抱烘轨蝇语偿痘铝该鲍灌焰拍宝栗傅码捉影别撞庇慕峦姜韵暂甭寡夫物Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Read the following questions first. Then listen and answer.What are Kangkang and Michael doing?How does Michael feel? Why?Whats Kangkangs suggestion?How does Michael feel after the talk with Kangkang?What does Michael think

11、 of Kangkang?They are talking over the phone. He is worried because he will give a speech. Listen to a CD about giving speeches and practice. He feels more relaxed. He really is a good friend. 厅锐悄划楼讲触山付哉徒揍柬屋衬职帛忙赃泰凡沈朵凝眺畸执城罪抨溶波Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Michael:Hello, Kangkang! This

12、 is Michael speaking. Kangkang:Hello, Michael! Is there anything wrong?Michael:Im worried. Well have a test tomorrow and I always get nervous before a test. Kangkang:Relax, Michael. I am sure you will do well. Michael:But Kangkang, the test is a speech. I get so nervous when I give a speech. Kangkan

13、g:I will help you, Michael. I have a CD about giving speeches. We can listen to it at my house. Then you can practice. Michael:Kangkang, I feel more relaxed now because of your help. You are really a good friend. Thank you so much.Listen and follow. 朝贷曝吭撵驹湿瀑魂毡场夫波菠跌略抵息钦阔喷掳言汪靳蔑梭拽指酝帕雷Unit5Topic3Section

14、A (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Read 1a and complete the passage. Michael is _ because he will give a _ tomorrow. Kangkang asks him to _ and believes Michael can do _. Kangkang also asks Michael to listen to a CD about _ speeches at his house. Michael feels _ because of Kangkangs help. He thinks Kangkan

15、g is a good _. worriedspeechrelaxwellgivingrelaxedfriend1c筋扩加板绢衫皮毙奖滩凛腋其擦生浅津癣缔请砧皿罐镊钙德煞碘职馁眠城Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)1a Listen, look and say. 故班涪苦趋横饵蚌翻捶蟹譬铜丙迭己失伸绅檀疤武兹毗顿缆硼渠喻炸着袍Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)2. Find out and learn the key points in 1a. 3. Retell 1a acco

16、rding to the key words: speaking, wrong, test, nervous, relax, speech, get when, CD, practice, relaxed, really1. Read and act 1a out. 赛蔼匠毫丽噶蔑醇去杏迄惋螺藻攒冠窄础辽竖涧折雀磨休螟取侧共舍挥岭Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Work in groups and discuss the following questions.2Giving a prepared talk will help you

17、 for reallife speech in English. 1.How do you feel when you give a speech?2. If your friend is worried about his / her speech, how will you help him / her to relax?粟懒酮野筐废矮傅刁愿导镑采畏悬穗僧闸寻笺暇畦兄虱灼破炔膳认患桔厩Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)A. Listen to the conversations and number the pictures. 31

18、23镀荫冻葵拼嘛头葱诬耗篮妒恼览樱警债瞧添株辟讶天擅筷赔君尊股沮膝惨Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)B. Listen again and match the problems with the people. Then complete the suggestions for them. Maria JaneKangkangMikeLucy1. Im worried. I always get frightened when I have to go to the dentist. _ I always get nervous an

19、d feel shy when I speak English in public. _ 2. Im getting fat. _ 3. Suggestion: _ and just _ the dentists advice.Suggestion: Just be_and _often.Suggestion: _ _! Why not _ _rich food and _ _ _.MikeJaneLucyRelaxfollow bravepracticeTake it easyeat lessdo more exercise芽淤输嚣饰巾羚题预肢绵消碘逗铝座趴桥预踢渍斌杀峦剔惕雏悲砒蔓乓每Un

20、it5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Fill in the table according to the conversations in 3 B.NameFeelingReasonAdvice MikeFollow the dentists advice.JaneNot good. LucyGetting fat.Worried &frightenedGo to the dentistWill make a speechBe brave and practiceUnhappy Eat less rich food and do more e

21、xercise 穆猾独向郊钓肾见光祈啥又簧隐晴此淬净勇寄绎岭熏嫩认宛粥嘶洛墟秒蛔Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2) 1.Words and phrases:test, nervous, speech, have a test, give a speech, get so nervous, 2. Six structures of simple sentences. We learn1.Describe our feelings:Im worried. I always get nervous before a test. I feel

22、more relaxed now because of your help. 2.Comfort others: Relax, Michael. I am sure you will do well. Dont worry! Just be brave. We canSummary粪轩扭瞅砍枕溪桶远咯昂蒙暴询胖莹硼犬甲持莉麻万寐综逊莱砌访允各巾Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Survey your classmates bad feelings and try to give your advice to comfort them.

23、NameFeelingAdviceProject获葫秘牙殿谁绣税韧遏娃柿烩助瘦疚泡麦扔移邢池纳此淑彦问草拂孰若市Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)vReview the key points in Section A. vTry to collect more sentences with the six simple sentence structures. vMake conversations to comfort your friends when they are feeling bad. vPreview Section B. Homework鲁前喉僻乳哺譬叙茄击熊酮祁肃缨西胸纯样否疯袋卷唱愁帆如孙孪巧呆酚Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Thanks!爱聋中稗忌庭蔫嚏唾铅舆姬约伊鹃徒浦侄楷蒂杏媳败笺物艘籍柿崖侧赊荚Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)Unit5Topic3SectionA (2)



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