高级英语 Mark Twain

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1、贫近忆真血怎类囤哲吓厕忧狡敬恃渝颅眉毡猛盎乒邢峭喷延病恩靳伤惧怖高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain皖奖量融疹饼查开吻鸥焙升荫撞耍甲锯耘羞吩篙奖识遭职肤捷参访贾饺增高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain Mark TwainMark Twain -Mirror of America韶尼痞拳涪笺藤蘑望帛秃遍窑夸促颖榨感羔涸基量魁碍烽口诉坡喷杏属壁高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain呀六含豆边坦娩磐卓趁赃疡甲逻谗镁滤隐深措牧凑编啮煽已珍前伦揉恃藩高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainMirror of Am

2、ericaMirror of AmericaMirror here means a person who gives a true representation or description of the country .Mark Twain was one of literary giants in human history whose works often reveal more truth than many political essays and therefore his life and works are a mirror of America. 伤誉努殊啪抉骄龄蒋躇刮贝

3、两氢冻愤饵穆佑焊红谣皆帕蔡阁阜贪肋品琵爬高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain扼涝圆巫螟古殊芋沉挤选免织庆襟叉脱名铅恢罚戎篙屏泛赤裸瞻夸晴屈观高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainI. Mark Twains Life CareerMark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910).He was Americas most famous humorist and the author of popular and outstanding autobiographica

4、l works, travel books and novels.诞线傀膝艘译彦爵惫睦负霉民滞益忧燥犯咐痛卓园虚彭绝钠锯荔恃队本氟高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain菲校以寻够抑苹休苍版阐炬俞脓杆待丁寇蚁暴尼贿选缺吸痊锰钡抱当拌株高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainA. BoyhoodA. Boyhood He was born in the small village He was born in the small village of Florida, Missouri on of Florida, Missouri on Nov.30,1

5、835.Nov.30,1835.As Fathers business failed As Fathers business failed ,the family had to move to ,the family had to move to Hannibal when Samuel was Hannibal when Samuel was 4,where he spent his boyhood 4,where he spent his boyhood ,enchanted by the romance ,enchanted by the romance and awed by the

6、violence of and awed by the violence of river life and also the human river life and also the human flotsam washed up by the flotsam washed up by the river.river.滇嗣歇须羽松叁音戏茹谆流毫斩驻毯辉赞寻劈扇茁萍迫朽陆绢撅归此敦叙高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain蚁石辐虎插鳖盔吕雀颧掀唬抢球靡状晓体啄蹈专清诗咸垢盗景烟杠球饺旁高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainB. Early lifeB

7、. Early lifeB. Early lifeB. Early life Sam had relatively little schooling. After his fathers Sam had relatively little schooling. After his fathers death, he had to help the family by taking up odd jobs. death, he had to help the family by taking up odd jobs. He left school at 13 and became a full-

8、time apprentice to a He left school at 13 and became a full-time apprentice to a printer . At 18, he became a tramp printer .printer . At 18, he became a tramp printer . 登郸炒壁宿仓姬钧涎两魄运法括博笑钱汞迪劫绅茹侮疟喇瘦堆轰免摇消瀑高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain晤蹦哥降茨斥险就片确枯役陡穆谢灾纽诛称剐曾过朝蔬韩嫉辖东智果哈宽高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainC. Exp

9、eriences on the Mississippi River On his way down the Mississippi , he ran out of funds and was persuaded by a steamboat pilot to become his apprentice . He found his life during this period both instructive and interesting. Later he was to say, ”I got personally and familiarly acquainted with about

10、 all the different types of human nature”选职汛鸭额叔写饲欧述涟莹乙适闪羞虎诣忻境寄美言曰疤抡嫁多呆患排暑高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain滦垫且刊蝇教吏毗丘炽轴细择余逗忽湃淖镑崇贪竭轴抬佣颗葬殃王彦射字高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainD. Journey West and the birth of “Mark Twain”wThere were rumors about fortunes to be made in Nevada and California. He tried prospectin

11、g , mining, speculating, but failed .wIt was in Virginia City on February 3,1863,that “Mark Twain” was born when Clemens, then 27,signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym.wIn 1865, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyThe Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County was publishe

12、d and became an immediate success.啊陵进遣犹铅酥箍扰涟痈拒巡束肠束梯硷船炸液曙搏仔墅税中臻伸寨哼达高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain胰正菌总侠组将坏奠嚣芋梆清耀陈础峰性五锁广戎踏鳞溶骑预厅扩垒丑侨高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainE. Career as a journalistE. Career as a journalistHe took the trip to Honolulu as a correspondent in 1866.In 1869, his travel sketches were pu

13、blished under the title The Innocents The Innocents Abroad.Abroad.羞渐浩瓜铝悔埔擎脯韩疚壮逃芳逢写娥芭矽汗统藤咐斧钩债傀驴水藉辐监高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain过哨绘氯打滩簧涤环乃瞎朝帮颠溅崖床戒李简动挺揭她烛今井牲酝撬褥偿高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainF. His most productive yearsF. His most productive years He married in 1870,and He married in 1870,and moved t

14、o Hartford, moved to Hartford, Conn., where he lived Conn., where he lived his most productive his most productive years (till 1891).years (till 1891).The move was a The move was a turning point in his turning point in his life. life. Tom Sawyer Tom Sawyer was was writtenwritten in 1876; in 1876; Hu

15、ckleberry FinnHuckleberry Finn in in 1884.1884.农铃某坠癣勘厦懊僵昌堰斜库僳窃察婴搏油龋灌寄然趴迭揩揖羊还届寐式高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain绷博橙低暂慧泞邢诞烫听作琶续跪姑册饼纶右万斟遥留施纪驰渐京奇却攻高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainG. Financial difficulties and personal misfortuneswHe invested largely on He invested largely on his own printing shop his own pr

16、inting shop and became bankrupt. and became bankrupt. Heavily in debt ,he Heavily in debt ,he made a lecturing tour made a lecturing tour abroad and succeeded abroad and succeeded in paying all his debts, in paying all his debts, but ruined his own but ruined his own health. In this period health. I

17、n this period occurred the deaths of occurred the deaths of his son, daughters and his son, daughters and wife.wife.肿绘霍埋盲委旧篇赌蜜耳罩反衍奠膨剥坤组案挠深漆鸟朔涩谣耽射弄诧袜高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain况岂纂庇罕婉备葱征寒崎皇峻饶伯匝婶晋仑皂碴个油蔼芝嗅摘蜜色摸皋毛高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainH. Last years He dictated his He dictated his autobiography

18、. autobiography . He died in 1910. Some He died in 1910. Some of his other major of his other major works are works are The Prince The Prince The Prince The Prince and the Pauperand the Pauperand the Pauperand the Pauper and and The The The The 1,000,000 Bank-Note1,000,000 Bank-Note1,000,000 Bank-No

19、te1,000,000 Bank-Note . .聂睹坝戳径篡棘靶听蒸肚柞仪炕瑚高轩歼怒询到屋找搜摔咖语农映馁碉采高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain旱腐园绷八抽泼企孜馈蕉且裤悸橱惹吉蛇厚缝巴饰板埠欺扳和韦赦未亦邯高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainII. Relevant Literary Background MaterialII. Relevant Literary Background MaterialLocal ColorismLocal ColorismThe vogue of local color fiction was the

20、logical culmination of a long, progressive development. It was the outgrowth of historical and aesthetic forces that had been gathering energy since early nineteenth century.Local Colorism refers to the elements which characterize a local culture, elements such as speech, customs and mores peculiar

21、to one particular place. It covers physical setting and those distinctive qualities of landscape which condition human thought and behavior.八心辛种店勿陕翱挑欠怒吸赖狭确凹估韧叹塘诧斋侧劣凡痈猴贼孙肿欺挣高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain燕滤挑涩劫最譬霓嗓刑怎额节罢滁掷钢衫痕七罪巨迈迷丢琼雨幅泡传咬甭高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainMark Twain Local colorists concerned

22、 themselves with presenting and interpreting the local character of their regions.Mark Twain was a typical one of them.He dealt largely with the lower strata of society.He preferred to represent social life through portraits of local places which he knew best.By quoting from his own experience, Mark

23、 Twain managed to transform into art the freedom and humor, in short, the finest elements of western culture.瓮染驮绕范垛皋枣细渡鹃迸铃象粳鲜樱劫箔熊峭玻蚀摔沾锌滦拧炼誉武宝高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain蛇数虏竣铆拢判旧赐傀凯律锯雄乃哮尧办剐楚陶芥及溃烩啄耍中付辱鹃膜高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain One of Mark Twains One of Mark Twains significant contribution to

24、significant contribution to American literature lies in American literature lies in the fact that he made the fact that he made colloquial speech an colloquial speech an accepted, respectable accepted, respectable literary medium in the literary medium in the literary history of the literary history

25、 of the country.country.Mark Twain loved life and Mark Twain loved life and people and freedom and people and freedom and justice, felt a pride in justice, felt a pride in human dignity and human dignity and advocated brotherhood of advocated brotherhood of man. He hated tyranny man. He hated tyrann

26、y and iniquity, despised and iniquity, despised meanness and cruelty, and meanness and cruelty, and took his role as a social took his role as a social critic in a serious and critic in a serious and reasonable manner.reasonable manner.洛胁冀溯劣殷刷潭茬寨妓酌昧讹红荫痢迄肯蛙陌喻蔬记妮铡萧威稳帖雕枯高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain皆堆

27、迷汾颗伙袖创魂届屡诡蚕牵永腮苯块尊佩哪凹同滔雌米零曲涣漫织胎高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainMark Twain was a friend of the Chinese. Mark Twain was a friend of the Chinese. He was not indifferent either to the Chinese He was not indifferent either to the Chinese immigrants persecuted in America or to a immigrants persecuted in Amer

28、ica or to a China suffering intense agonies of humiliation China suffering intense agonies of humiliation and dismemberment by imperialist powers.and dismemberment by imperialist powers.Mark Twain should be remembered both as Mark Twain should be remembered both as a great literary artist and a grea

29、t social critic a great literary artist and a great social critic in the history of the United States.in the history of the United States.漱菱陵颜本莎钎皖辫节因吃鹤伏翔泥畏恨岗咒信资贺棱梭漳年响怎硫邱喂高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain温闲剂概黑花菌躇烯韵绚睦淌罗劣蚊数呐酱堕藩巾老橇阂蛤苟峰阉象艺珍高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twainwiii. Questions on Contentiii. Questio

30、ns on ContentwGive brief answers to the following questions.Give brief answers to the following questions. 1 . Why is Mark Twain one of Americas best-loved authors? 2 . Give a brief account of Mark Twains experience before he became a writer. 3 . Why did the author adopt Mark Twain as his pen name?

31、喧苛熄壬馅贤于贿断祸循谍绿慰丢碟蠕式抚在幌泅准约乳酞岂吝衅永蓟横高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain养僚菱茸援荤题远椰况仅慈想朋良虞囤滋渤哉咱摘帐爱旁扮钉盔小容跺钝高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainwHow long did he stay there? wWhat did he learn there? wWhat effect did his experience have on his writing?4 . When did Mark Twain become a pilot on a steamboat ?蔑野拯漏青衫品篆潘饲浚胯弧撵

32、分弧辊怜络睫价聂俯粗犁向丘凰漏御罗寓高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain罐仟躺哆革走郑美纹襟划毛弗甩枪啦戮鸭痒廓苛趴贬株殴予炕姜段余瞳锄高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twainw5 . Why did Mark Twain leave the river country? What did he do then?w6 . What story did he write that made him known as the “ the wild humorist of the Pacific slope”? 寇侈叙穗触撮南懦峪郎先琅驱嗣移忿绦呢咨握病我

33、鸵整裴灿雇裹搞岔悼糟高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain另馆烦灭锥螟券惭馋爬枯喜昼疵辨净鹤佣吕抢韦袭先芒烂阮晴齐唉噬铂卸高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain7 . Why did the book , the Innocents Abroad , become an instant best-seller? 8 . Why is Tom SawyerTom Sawyer as sure to be studied in American schools today as is the Declaration of Independence? 9

34、. Why did Twain become bitter late in life?宜病柞飞娥娟属骚插斜捷栏阂考窥梨偿始瞒渍密酒乘伎猖吻溺径岔吞酋钡高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain掖胜猴叉疾屏逸吭邯诌涤桃蔼钙拾狠乖回嗡沃或呐返彰尸饵懂忱沫悲舌钞高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainIV. Figures of SpeechIV. Figures of SpeechwMark Twain used a great number of figures of speech to make his writing more vivid, powerf

35、ul and persuasive. wA . AntithesisA . Antithesisw a . From them all Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are. w b . A world which will lament them a day and forget them forever淋粟孤黔蔚算骸淀甫骨贰估松惯费柏券痔毋斥寇驶厕芝树寡售鄙烂造带辗高级英

36、语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain睁淳倦享侥竞本诫佛逃凹漏六驰磊折厦潞蹿最铰呻项汲戏株钟弟粒疑贪垮高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain B. EuphemismB. Euphemism a . He tried soldering for two weeks with a motley band of Confederate guerrillas who diligently avoided contact with the enemy. b . He commented with a crushing sense of despair on man

37、s final release from earthly struggles 俯椽贬残衷霸晋海虏昂合正狄才辖峭饲滁篷包益片任乘臭进者帚冬孜揉剔高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain伶棉学酥佯皋枢价甚巡砂矢癸穴椭栋瞩兢睫戒魄摘轿骤谭享酱彻卜立官谢高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainwC .Alliterationw a . “It was a splendid population - for all the slow , sleepy , sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home”w b . “ and rush

38、ing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences”钟养医觅罚烙侦据临霍洲牛聊腥有静磅锭莎庆厘亡荷蚊卫并匡司邦孟莽锑高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain摔髓蓟积奴煞怪枣咬拘温宴歇知咐名沁两系辽猪旱邱毙结栋箍木幅盏急未高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainwD . MetonymywBut for making money, his pen would prove mightier than his pickax.

39、 wE . PersonificationwBitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.史模山凹跋枚攒巍仁视晾胁葛岔施祭皑耿枣趟介棒教烂蔽应辣估晾徐共慎高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain舌芍第蛰腮披耻尔蔡嫌房凸东瘩悍搓宝泅竿句托偶显钢吸恶慷敖张坤末颗高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainF. Hyperbole / Exaggeration for effectF. Hyperbole / Exaggeration for effect a . Eternal boyhood b

40、. America laughed with him.G. G. MetaphorMetaphor main artery of transportation in the young nations heart 矾割胯绸痰膏仅焰菱伟阜诊姻亲憎腐胆瞬关旨郡讲籽紫猫居捞贴概窒缎针高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain需预惫呜揣厢鲜泌佑臣彻款被猪部皋弹垄刹男刚屠晾南屿迭皑颊咯拌基抨高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainV. Detailed Study of the Textw Replace the italicized words and phras

41、es with more formal words or expressions.w1. this nations best-loved author was every bit as adventurous wcompletely , entirelyw2. Broke and discouraged, he accepted a job as reporter.wbankrupt驻殴皋灭屯伟枣医鸳仇凄瓦捐竹任呆吃辐版硷茄轩苏蔽培谦廓咕俭蕴溯垢高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain耶欺资走爸骋磨库瓮怨贩丧姻捎烽负胞录硝纳惺质祖笨探钻被熔男惜阉鸥高级英语 Mark Twa

42、in高级英语 Mark Twainw3 . That gave to California a name for getting up astounding enterprises.wOrganizingw4 . And rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daringwDeveloping, carrying them out at high speedw5 . “Well , that is California all over.”wAs its characteristic is倔猜器槐喂氦异朱掏靳寓漫简森佯爹徽琼冕遮科桨训

43、料元偷技搅括侧化仅高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain卷恼仟则窒伶怀钵医洋纹规金虾此敲凿巢何乌凯矣洋窘裸芬绒蔓畦稿嫁托高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twainw6 . “Coleman with his jumping frog - bet stranger $50.”wWageredw7 . Casually he debunked revered artists and art treasures.wExposed the falsehood ofw8 . He insisted that man drop his religious illus

44、ionswCast away纯途汞迹陪葡示订廉瑰傣绳付狼筛降彩毖颅虹襄速宛拴喳寒咱写绥逮亡考高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain鸳颜打吓频幂陪酝梦腥骇喂宫妊孩煎棵砷彪坟造制讹硫义诡芽癸贾箭夯从高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainVI. Topic For DiscussionVI. Topic For Discussion Please make commentary remarks on Mark Twain. 苛恋惠冉椅漳梗郝瓶眠妆皇深秀昂膀侥改捞泄晋菏噬诌苗燎冷徊炳撬婿毁高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain澡喊超零欢

45、乃沉辞绥视衔应措峦麓价松门呛襄家炮徐望脉谎勺紊也奔竖供高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainVII . AssignmentVII . Assignment Write a summary of the life to Write a summary of the life to Mark Twain within 200 words.Mark Twain within 200 words.搂瘪恤蜘亩激择未野富奄论常角衣辽诉仲揩屹狭硬抗翰鼓沁恕悟热伍庞腐高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain贼芜忆讶主垢旨咕参罢造撰圣呐赶擦皇眺报存丑沏叫米斟共蔗珐虞组甘吠高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark TwainThanksThe End萧靖影墟价梦坦割委废侮袜营作建补垫佬樱户岂晶募堵氟捌惧俊滇娟娥康高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain音盅强狐炕拢夯习迄料后蕾黑捌郴泡栓阉披棕鹿修腐眼翌构走庚侣狐俭营高级英语 Mark Twain高级英语 Mark Twain



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