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1、综合型阅读理解一 . 阅读理解( 共15小题)1 . 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文.( 1) The TV series ( 连续居 1) Nirvana in Fire ( 琅珊榜 )is very popular. Lotsof people watch the TV series on TV or on the Internet. (2) A teenage actor becomes popularalong with the TV series. His name is Wu Lei. He played a role in the TV series, the name

2、of the role is Fei Liu. In the TV series, Fei Liu doesnt like talk much, but he has the bestkung fu at that time. ( 3 ) 他尽他最大努力照顾他的哥哥.Some people say that Wu Lei is not handsome. But Wu Lei never gets angry. (4)He often says that he doesnt care about his look. He has a big dream. (5) 他期待成为最好的男演员. So

3、 he works hard in every TV show. (6) His hard work on the screen won himlots of fans. I believe that his dream can come true one day.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)2. Mrs. Luo is a teacher from Shaoyang. She asked her students to hand in their homeworkthrough a QR code ( 二维码) . “ ( 1) When students finish the ho

4、mework, they keep it onWechat. So I can check their homework everywhere using my computer or mobile phone. ”said Luo.( 2 ) 大多数学生喜欢这种新方式,认为它有趣. “We are living in the informationage. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun. saidTingting, a student of Luos.nThe paper is

5、 not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share, “ Luo said, Itis worth trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. (3)I dont want my students to fall behind the times. ”( 4 ) 然而,一些父母有担忧. They are afraid that their children will spend too muchtime on

6、computers and less time communicating with teachers. But in fact, it isunnecessary. Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when theydo their homework. They only use the code when they hand in their work, which doesnttake them too much time. (5) As for teachers, it allo

7、ws them to check the students workat any time. And it is also an easy way to share homework with other students.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)3. 66. Drinking lea bag is mosl Westerns favorile way of drinking lea. Do you know how itcame about?67.茶包是由一位美国人在1908年被发明的. Sullivan was sending out free tea in silk ( 丝绸 )

8、bags for people to try. People put the bags together with the tea leaves into the cup andadded hot water. 68. The lea laslcd good, and people ihoughc il was easy lo lean (hecup. They were not happy when Sullivan started sending them loose ( 散的) tea again.=69 The man realized that he had a new thing

9、in his hands, and he built a machine to packthe tna bags. As tea bags became popular, they were changed from silk to gauze ( 薄纱)and later paper. In 1952, Lipton Tea made the tea bag even more popular with its inventionof the four - sided tea bag. Tea bags were soon a hit in the UK, and today 85% of

10、the tea inthe UK is packed in paper bags.However, many people still prefer loose - leaf tea. This is because some tea companies putnot very good tea in their tea bags. 7 0 .但是对于大多数人来说,茶包仍然是最简单的方式.英汉互译66. . 双向互译(7 0 )你怎样去学校? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train? Forma

11、ny students, it is easy to get to school. But for the students in one small village in China,it is difficult. (71) There is a very big river between /heir school and the village. There isno bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. So these students go on rope way to crossthe river to school.

12、 One 11 - year - old boy, Liangliang , crosses the river every schoolday. But he is not afraid because he loves school. I love to play with my classmates. And1 love my teacher. (72)他像我的父亲一样. “ many of the students and villagers never leavethe village. (73) It is their dream to have a bridge. (74) 他们

13、的梦想能实现吗?70. _71. Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented. ( 1 )ITs always inlerestingto watch other people show their talents. (2 )才艺表演正变得越来越流行 : . And of all theseshows, they have one thing in common: They try to look fbr the best singers, the mosttalented dance

14、rs, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on. All kinds ofpeople join these shows. But who can play the piano best or sing most beautifully? ( 3 ) 那由你自 己来决定. When people watch the shows, (4) they usually play a role in decidingthe winner. And the winner always gets a very good priz

15、e.Not everyone enjoys watching these shows. (5) Some people think the lives of theperfoiTners are made up. However, if you dont take these shows too seriously, they are funto watch.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)6. We are in a world full of competition. Our parents compete with others in their offices, ourbrothers

16、and sisters compete with others in their colleges, and we compete with classmates inschool. Many of us give up in the face of competition and will never be successful. Whycant we do better than others? One important reason is that we have no self - confidence.In fact, everyone is born equal. You can

17、 do what others do. Although your classmatesmay be better than you in some ways, you may be better than them in other subjects. Soeveryone has his or her own advantages, (T)and believe that you can do better than others inthose ways.Competition is not so terrible. Dont be afraid of it. And dont be a

18、fraid of thoseclassmates who are better than you. Remember that self - confidence is the first step tosucceed, 相信自己,总有一天你会成功的.( 1) Are we living in a world full of competition ?(2) How can you improve your self - confidence according to the passage?(3) Whafs the main idea of the passage?( 4 ) 将文中划线句

19、子译成汉语.( 5 ) 将文中划线句子译成英语.7 . 语篇翻译阅读下面的短文,将画线部分译成英文或中文What can we talk about with a foreigner?If you have a chance to talk with a foreigner, what will you talk about with him or her?Maybe you have heard that ( 1) many westerners do not like to talk about theic own lives ortheir families with people th

20、at they dont know well. Asking an American how much moneyhe or she makes is a no - no ( 禁忌) .When you want to start a conversation with a foreigner, its better to talk about what you havein common. ( 2 ) 比如, 你可以问他天气情况. Then, you can talk about somesafentopicslike sports, movies, and music. As you kn

21、ow him or her better, you can begin to talk aboutmore personal topic with him or her.Of course, there are differences among cultures. ( 3 ) Americans like to talk about themselvesralher ihan Iheir families because most of them think that they are special and unique ( 独一无二的) . Besides, some questions

22、 likenDo you believe in God? nornWill a black man be agood president? may cause strong feelings in many Americans. ( 4 ) 最好不要谈论这些话题. If you dont try to avoid these topics, you may cause trouble. In Brazil you can talk aboutanything except soccer. You may have a terrible fight if you talk about it wi

23、th a new friendthere.(5) Knowing Ihe differences between your own culture and another is a good way lo knowanother country. If you know more about whats important to people in their lives, you mayfind a good topic to talk about.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)8. A rich man was once riding along the road and saw an o

24、ld man digging in his garden. On theground lay a young tree, ready to be planted. The rich man called out to the old man,Whatkind of tree are you planting there, my good man7 ”This is a fig ( 无化果) tree, sir. * He said.nA fig tree? * the rich man was very suiprised, Why, how old are you, ruay I ask?H

25、nI am a ninety year - old man now. ”“What! cried the rich man, You are planting a very young tree now and itll takeyears to give fruit. You certainly don*t hope to live long enough to get any fruit from thistree. Theold ruan looked around the garden. Then he said with a smile, Tell me,sir. Did you e

26、at figs when you were a boy? Sure,” 那个男人不知道他为什么问这个问题. Then tell me this, he said, Who planted the fig trees? n,Who? I dontknow. MYou see, sir. * went on the old man, Our forefathers ( 祖 先 ) planted trees forus to enjoy and I am doing the same for the people after m e .”The rich man was quiet and sai

27、d, You are right, my good man. We should dosomething meaningful for the people after us. Thank you very much. ” Then he rode away.( 1) How old is the old man ?(2) Did the rich ruan eat figs when he was a boy?(3) What should we do for the people after us?( 4 ) 将划线处译为中文.( 5 ) 将划线处译为英文.9. Five things t

28、o do before you are 18Camp out in the gardenGo into your garden or your friends. Two or three friends, a small tent, sleeping bags,food and drink are necessary. When it gets dark, tell thrilling stories, play games and eatyour sweets. You will need a torch or you wont be able to see sweets, and it m

29、ight get a bittoo scary.Learn to swimSeriously, this is so important that it could save your life. ( 1) If you cant swim, youwont be able to do water sports. Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous.Collect thingsOne of the best hobbies for under - 18is collecting things. You could collect stamps,c

30、inema tickets and so on. The best way to collect them is to have a special album to put yourcollection in and to write what each thing means to you.Try at least one kind of team sportTeam sports help you work well with other people. Being a good team player is animportant skill in life. And (2) they

31、 can make you kee、healthy and are also great fun.Write your family treeGet to know all the older people in your family and find out as much as you can aboutwhen they were young. Draw a family tree and make notes about.(1)(2)10. Mrs. Miller is our English teacher. She has some pictures. Today she sho

32、ws those picturesto us in class. ( 1) 她想要我们从中学到一些东西.Here are three pictures. (2) 【 n the first picture, we can see Mrs. Miller and her familywatching the boat race on TV. Oh, it*s the Dragon Boat Festival and they are really excitedabout the race. In the next picture, we can see Mrs. Miller reading

33、books in thelibrary. (3) The library is nol loo far from her home, so she usually goes there on fool asa kind of exercise. Every day, there are many people studying and reading there. It is veryquiet in the library. ( 4 ) 米勒老师喜欢在那里阅读度过周末时光 When she reads books,time goes quickly. In the last picture,

34、 Mrs. Miller is in a park. There is a pool in thepark. (5) It is afternoon right now and she is sitting by the pool and drinking orangeiuice. She tells us the best things in life are free.(1)(2) _(3) _(4) _(5)11. ( 1) All over America, yeung people are making a difference to society. Throughvoluntee

35、ring, they have found exciting ways to enrich ( 充 实 ) their lives. Some youngpeople choose to help others such as disabled people ( 2 ) 许多年轻人关心环境. Last month,they started a discussion on the Internet about the best ways to protect the environment.Jack (A farmer)I think the best way to protect the en

36、vironment is to plant more tree. (3) Trees can make theair clean and make our city beauliful.Bob (A bank worker)Driving is one cause of pollution. Youd better walk or ride a bike if you travel a shortdistance. So in my opinion, walking or riding a bike is a good way to protect theenvironment.Linda (

37、A housewife)I usually use natural things and try to recycle things as much as possible. When I goshopping, ( 4 ) 我使用一个篮子而不是塑料袋Lucy (A student)I think water is the most valuable thing. If we dont save water, it could run out. So I oftenshorten ( 缩短) my shower time and tum off the running water after

38、washing my hands. Wecan do far more than these things in our daily life. (5) Please protect the environment fromsmall things.After the discussion, they will do more for the environment.(1) _(2)(3)(4)(5)12. Housing prices in big cities are going too high. The young are getting into trouble. ( 1) 对他们来

39、说,拥有一套房子很有必要. But they don*t have enough money.So what can they do? Some people say that they arent able to buy a house bythemselves and they dont have other ways to make so much money in a short time. (2) 因此他们向父母借钱. In fact, most often they wont return the money to their parents. (3)Perhaps they ru

40、n out of the money that their parents make all their live.Its a Chinese tradition for parents to help their children, though they have grownup. (4) Some parents offer to provide lhei children with money. They think their childrenwill take good care of them when they are old. Others say that parents

41、have done a great dealalready. (5) Children shouldnt depend os theic parents all the time. If young people cantget so much money, why not wait until they can?(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)13. Bus Driver and Passengers Saved an Old ManAt 9: 00 a. m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver

42、 saw anold man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help.The bus driver, 24 - year - old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. 61. He gotoff aid asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem andshould go to the hospital. 62.王先生知道

43、他不得不快速采取行动. He told the passengers thathe must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off andwait for the next bus.63. Bui lo his surprise, ihcy all agreed lo go wilh him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wangto move the man onto the bus.64. Thanks to Mr. Wang and t

44、he passengers, the man was saved by the doctors in time. Itssad that many people dont want to help others because they dont want to help others becausethey dont want any trouble, says one passenger. ”65. 但是司机并没有考虑他自己. He onlythought about saving a life .61. _62.63.64.65. .14. In our daily life, much

45、 plastic package is used just once and then thrown away. Accordingto a new study from the University of California, 9% of this is recycled, 12% is burnt and79% goes to landfill. And because most plastic doesnt biodegrade, once ifs in the ground,it stays there. ( 1) The study also shows that eight mi

46、llion tons of plastic waste are pouringinto the sea every year.Scientists have calculated the total amount of plastic ever made: 8.3 billion tons. Thatsas heavy as one billion elephants. And almost all of it has been made in the last 65 years.( 2 ) 每 个 人 都 应 该 参 与 拯 救 地 球 . Protecting the environmen

47、t is protectingourselves. If the environment is taken good care of, we can have clean water and greenmountains. ( 3 ) 绿水青山或是金山银山.What can we do as students? Just say no to single - use plastics like straws, cups andbags. Many people love to drink from a straw or use plastic to carry things, but they

48、 arereally bad for the environment.(4) Bring your own chopsticks if youre planning to eat outside. It can be hard toremember.Just put a pair of chopsticks in your bag before you leave home.You know youYe going to need some water to get you through your day. So carry abottle (or a cup) with you. (5)

49、That will help you avoid plastic bottles.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) _15. What do you think of your Chinese? Is it good or bad? ( 1) 如果你认为你擅长汉语,你 可 以 参 加 一 个 比 赛 . The competition is Chinese Characters ( 汉 字 ) DictationCompetition. (2) The competition has been popular among teenagers since last summer.Today tee

50、nagers are using computers and smart phones. (3) Many of them lose themselvesin digital ( ) products such as electronic dictionaries and computers to help with theirstudy. Overuse of these tools will make students too lazy to think and write. (4) 有些学生甚至忘记了如何写汉字. Teachers and parents are very worried

51、 about it. What can theydo ?Such worries have brought about the popular TV show, Chinese Characters DictationCompetition, where middle school students stand on the stage to write down Chinesecharacters.(5) Over two hundred students from forty - six schools competed.Chen Keyu, a Grade 8boy beat the o

52、ther competitors. Can you be the next winner?(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) _综合型阅读理解参考答案与试题解析一 . 阅 读 理 解 ( 共15小题)1 【 分析】本文主要介绍了电视剧 琅珊榜中的演员吴磊.【 解答】1 . 电视剧 琅娜榜非常受欢迎. 考查英汉互译. 根据句中可知the TV series表示电视剧,popular表示受欢迎的.2 .随着电视剧的热播,一个十几岁的演员变得很受欢迎. 考查英汉互译. 根据句中teenager actor表示青少年演员,become popular表示变得受欢迎,along with表示随着.3 . H

53、e tries/does his best to look after/take care of his elder brother.考查英汉互译. 本文主体时态是一般现在时,其结构是主语+ 动词原形,但此处主语是第三人称单数,则谓语动词应用单三形式;其次try/do ones best to do s th .表示尽某人最大的能力做某事,lookafter/take care o f表示照顾,elder表示年龄较长的.4 .他经常说他不在乎他的外表. 考查英汉互译. 本句是一个宾语从句,其 中 。 ften表示经常,care about表示在乎,look表示外表.5 . He expects

54、 to be the best actor.考查英汉互译. 本句时态是一般现在时,其结构是主语+ 动词原形,且本句主语是第三人称单数,则谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式;其次expect to do s th .表示期待做某事,best表示最好的,actor表示男演员.6 . 他在荧幕上的努力让他赢得了许多粉丝. 考查英汉互译. 句中hard work表示努力工作,on the screens表示在屏幕上或者在荧幕上,won表示赢得、获得,lots of fans表示许多粉丝.【 点评】本题考查英汉互译,认真阅读文章,理解文章大意,注意翻译时时态、固定短语等细节,难度一般.2. 【 分析】本文主要

55、内容是西安的罗老师,让学生通过扫二维码交作业. 这样老师检查作业更容易,可随时批阅. 学生可以和其他学生共享作业.【 解答】1 . 当学生完成作业时,他们会保存在微信上. 句子翻译题. when当时候,引导时间状语从句,keep继续,onWechat在微信上. 故答案为:当学生完成作业时,他们会保存在微信上.2. Most students like this new way and think it is interesting.句子翻译题. 根据上下文可知用的是一般现在时,此处也应该是一般现在时,Most students大多数学生,think it isinteresting 认为它有趣

56、. 故答案为: Most students like this new way and think it is interesting.3 . 我不想要我的学生落后于时代. 句子翻译题. want sb. to do s th .想要某人做某事,fall behind the times落后于时代. 故答案为:我不想要我的学生落后于时代.4 . However, some parents are worried.句子翻译题. 根据上下文可知用的是一般现在时,此处也应该是一般现在时,故答案为:However, some parents are worried.5 . 至于教师, 允许他们随时检查

57、学生的作业. 句子翻译题. As for teachers至于教师, allowsb. to do s th .允许某人做某事. 故答案为:至于教师,允许他们随时检查学生的作业.【 点评】本题注意考查句子翻译. 注意翻译的时候要符合语法和固定搭配.3. 【 分析】这是一篇关于茶包发展历程的说明文. 文章从西方人喜欢用茶包喝茶开始,然后介绍茶包的来历. 他讲到茶包是由一个美国人Sullivan在 1908年偶然发明的,原本他是为了分发免费的包在丝绸里的茶叶,人们直接将茶叶和丝绸泡进热水里发现这样的茶叶不仅口感好而且方便,随后他开始大量生产这种茶包. 随着茶包的流行,茶包的材质也在不断变革,从丝绸

58、到薄纱再到纸.1952年立顿公司( 英国公司名,出品茶饮料) 四面茶叶袋的发明使得茶包在英国更加流行. 但是大多数人还是喜欢散装茶叶,这就导致很多公司将品质不好的茶叶放在茶包里. 最后作者指出茶包仍然是最简单的饮茶方式.【 解答】 6 6 .喝茶包是大多数美国人最喜欢喝茶的方式. 英汉互译: 由下文的信息可知teabags应该翻译成茶包, 注意其中最高级的应用most favorite翻译为最喜欢的. 故翻译为:喝茶包是大多数美国人最喜欢喝茶的方式.67. The tea bags were invented by an American in 1908.英汉互译:主要考查被动语态的理解和掌握

59、, 被动句结构一般是:宾语(The tea bags) +be ( were) + 动词ed ( invented)+ 介 词 (by) + 主 语 (an Am erican),其次注意时态,因为是1908年,所以全句是一般过去时. 故答案为 The tea bags were invented by an American in 190868. 茶尝起来很好,并且人们认为清洁杯子很容易. 英汉互译主要考查并列句,注意and的应用,an d 在此处翻译成并且. 此外注意代词i t , 指代的都是前边的tea但可以省略不翻译,使句子更简洁. 故答案为:茶尝起来很好,并且人们认为清洁杯子很容易.

60、6 9 . 这个男人意识到在他手中有一样新东西,然后他建了个机器来打包这些茶包. 主要考查宾语从句的用法和理解. 在这里th at可以不用翻译,其次注意一些单词的翻译,realized意识到; machine机器; pack sth 包 装 s th .故答案为:这个男人意识到在他手中有一样新东西,然后他建了个机器来打包这些茶包.70. But for most people, tea bags are still the easiest w a y .英汉互译:主要考查最高级的用法. the+形容词最高级+ 名词, 并且通过分析最后一句话可以知道, 表达的是一般事实,因此运用一般现在时. 故

61、答案为: But for most people, tea bags are still the easiest way.【 点评】这是一篇难度中等的翻译题. 解答翻译这类试题时,翻译既要忠实于原文,又要符合汉语和英语的语法规则和表达习惯,准确翻译. 在翻译过程中首先确定考查的重点和语法结构. 最重要的还有在英译汉的过程中要注意时态,语态,例如:67小题,通过分析可知,应该运用过去式. 70小题,则说明的是一般事实,因此使用现在时.4. 【 分析】文章大意:你是怎么去上学的?对于很多学生来说,去上学很容易. 但是对于偏远地区的孩子来说,可能和困难. 亮亮就是其中之一,他每天要穿越一条大河去上学

62、.【 解答】 70. How do you go to school? 询问方式用h o w ,上学go to school,根据句意可知,要用一般现在时,需要添加助动词do.故答案为 How do you go to school?71 .在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条大河.there is有 , betweenand在和之间,village,原句是一般现在时.故答案为:在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条大河.72 . Hes like my fa th e r.像- - 样 be lik e ,父亲father,根据句意可知,要用一般现在时.故答案为 Hes like my father.73 .

63、有一座桥是他们的梦想.it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to have a bridge,有一座桥,their dream他们的梦想,原句是一般现在时.故答案为:有一座桥是他们的梦想.74 . Can their dream come true?他们的梦想 their dream ,实现 com etrue,根据句意可知,要用一般现在时,要用情态动词can.故答案为 Can their dream come true?【 点评】英汉互译是基础题,需要学生根据句意、时态和固定搭配等,来选择合适的单词或者短语. 另外,学生多积累单词和短语,也有助于解答这类题目.5. 【 分析】本文讲述了现在许多才

64、艺节目很流行,有的人喜欢这些节目,但有些人觉得表演者的生活是编造的,不过如果不那么认真,看看这些节目还是很有趣的,它很好的一点就是给了人们实现梦想的道路.【 解答】( 1)看着别人展示自己的才能总是很有趣的. 考查英译汉题,根据题干可知,考查句型:it is+形 容 词 to do sth做某事是的 , watch sb do sth观看某人做某事,talentshow才艺表演,故得出答案.(2) Talent shows are becoming more and more popular.考查汉译英题,根据题干,可知考查句型:比较级+and+比较级越来越,Talent show s才艺表演

65、,时态为现在进行时be+doing,表示正在,故得出答案.(3) Its up to y o u .考查汉译英题,根据题干,考查考查句型be up to 由决定,故得出答案.( 4 ) 他们通常在决定获胜者的时候起作用. 考查英译汉题,根据题可知,考查句型playa role in doing sth在做某事上起作用,decide the winner决定获胜者,时态为一般现在时,故得出答案.(5 )有些人认为表演者的生活是虚构的. 考查英译汉题, 根据题干可知, 考查句型think+宾语从句,Ihe lives of the performance表演者的生活,make up编造,故得出答案

66、.【 点评】做题时首先要仔细阅读短文,掌握大意,然后结合具体的题目,找出相关信息,就可以确定正确答案.6. 【 分析】本文主要讲述了我们生活在一个充满竞争的世界,很多人因为竞争轻易放弃的原因是没有自信. 作者告诉我们要充满自信,不要害怕竞争,相信自己总有一天会成功的.【 解 答】1. Yes, we are.细节理解题. 根据文中 We are in a world full of competition.可知我们生活在一个充满竞争的世界里. 故得出答案.2. Everyone is born equal and we can do what others do. /We can believ

67、e that we can dobetter than others in some ways. /We have our own advantages.细节理解题. 根据文中可知很多人因为竞争放弃是因为没有自信,在第二段作者讲述了每个人生来都是平等的,你可以做其他人可以做的事情,你有自己的优势,这些都有助于提高你的自信. 该题回答以第二段为依据,只要言之有理即可. 故得出答案.3. Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful one day. / We should try to improveour self - confidence

68、. / We should be full of confidence.主旨大意题. 本文作者主要讲述了在激烈的竞争面前,我们一定要自信,相信自己可以获得成功. 该题回答只要涉及到自信,言之有理即可. 故得出答案.4. 相信你在那些方面能比别人做得更好. 英汉互译题. 本句是一个宾语从句,believe表示相信,从句中you can do better表示你可以做得更好,than表示比,others表示其他人,in those ways表示在那些方面. 故得出答案.5. Believe in yourself, and you will be successful/succeed one d

69、a y .英汉互译题. 根据文中句子大意可知本句可用 祈使句,and陈述句 句型,其中believe in yourself表示相信自己,陈述句可用一般将来时,其结构是主语+will+动词原形,you will be successfulyou will succeed, one day表示有一天. 故得出答案.【 点评】本文是一篇任务型阅读,作此类题要求学生认真阅读文章,理解大意,仔细审题,联系上下文,在文中找到每道题的依据即可进行回答,难度适中.7. 【 分析】本文讲述的是如果你有机会和外国人交谈,你会和他或她谈论什么?西方人不喜欢和他们不熟悉的人谈论他们自己的生活或他们的家庭,了解自己和

70、别人的文化差异是了解另一个国家的好方法,如果你更多地了解什么对人们的生活很重要,你可能会找到一个好话题来谈.【 解答】 1. 很多西方人并不喜欢与他们不熟悉的人谈论他们的生活或他们家人的生活. 句子翻译题.like to do s lh .喜欢做某事,talk about 谈论某事,that Ihey dont know well 是定语从句,修饰先行词people.故答案为:很多西方人并不喜欢与他们不熟悉的人谈论他们的生活或他们家人的生活.2. For example, you can ask him how the weather is .句子翻译题. For example 例如, yo

71、ucan ask him是宾语从句的主句, how the weather is是宾语从句,注意语序应该是陈述句语序. 故答案为:For example, you can ask him how the weather is.3 . 比起聊他们家人,美国人更喜欢聊他们自己. 句子翻译题.like to do sth. rather thando s th .喜欢做某事而不太喜欢做某事. talk about谈论. 故答案为:比起聊他们家人,美国人更喜欢聊他们自己.4. Youd better not talk about these topics.句子翻译题. had better not d

72、o sth. 最好不要做某事,talk about 谈论. 故答案为:Youd better not talk about these topics.5. 了解你自己的文化和另一个国家文化的不同是了解另一个国家的好方式. 句子翻译题 . Knowing the differences between your own culture and another 是动名词做主语,了解你自己的文化和另一个国家文化的不同,a good way t o 做某事的好方法. 故答案为:了解你自己的文化和另一个国家文化的不同是了解另一个国家的好方式.【 点评】做题的时候要看清要求,要在理解好文意的基础上,与题目

73、有机的结合,从文章中找到相关细节性的句子从而得出符合文章内容的正确答案.8.【 分析】这篇短文讲述了一个9 0 岁的老人种植无花果树,别人说他自己肯定享受不到果子了 . 他说他们小时候之所以能够吃到无花果也是因为祖先们为他们种好了果树,所以他也要为后代做同样的事情.【 解答】 ( 1) He is ninety years old. /90.考查细节理解题. 根据I am a ninety year - old mannow. ” 可知老人 90 岁了, 故答案为:He is ninety years old. /90.(2) Yes. /Yes , he d id .考查细节理解题. 根据T

74、ell me, sir. Did you eat figs when youwere a boy? ”Sure, 告诉我,先生,你还是个小男孩的时候吃过无花果吗? “ 当然.”从而得知他吃过,故答案为:Yes. /Yes , he did.(3) We should do something meaningful for the people after u s .考查细节理解题. 根据We should do something meaningful for the people after us 可知我们应该为后人做一些有意义的事情,故答案为:We should do something

75、meaningful for the people after us.( 4) 你现在种一棵幼小的树而且结果实要花费很多年. 考查句子翻译. You are planting avery young tree now是现在进行时态, 你现在种一棵幼小的树. take to ,花费时间做某事. 根据故答案为:你现在种一棵幼小的树而且结果实要花费很多年.(5) The man did not know why he asked the question.考查句子翻译. 上下文用的是一般过去时,此处也应该是一般过去时态. The man did not know 这个人不知道,是主句,后面是宾语从句

76、,语序应该是陈述句. 故答案为:The man did not know why he asked thequestion.【 点评】做题的时候要看清要求,要在理解好文意的基础上,与题目有机的结合,从文章中找到相关细节性的句子从而得出符合文章内容的正确答案.9 【 分析】文章主要讲述了在18岁之前要做的五件事. 在花园里露营,学游泳,收集东西,至少尝试一种团队运动,写家谱图.【 解答】1. 如果你不会游泳, 你将不能做水上运动. 句子翻译题,根据题干,可知if表示“ 如果” , 引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来, 主句用will+动词原形, cant swim不会游泳,be able to

77、 do sth能够做某事,do water sports做水上运动,故得出答案.2. 它 们 ( 团队运动)能使你保持健康并且( 它们)也充满乐趣. 句子翻译题,根据题干,可知考查句型make sb do sth使某人做某事,keep healthy保持健康,be great fun很有趣,故得出答案.【 点评】本文是一篇综合型阅读,做题时要先通读短文,弄清楚短文大意,然后在文中找出相关句子,根据句子选择正确答案.10 【 分析】M iller夫人是我们的英语老师,她有一些照片,今天她在课堂上给我们展示这些照片. 本文介绍的是三张照片中人们正在做的事情.【 解答】本题考查句子的翻译.1 . S

78、he wants us to learn something from i t . 句子翻译题. 根据上下文可知用的是一般现在时,此处也应该是一般现在时,主语是sh e ,动词应该用第三人称单数形式,want sb. todo s th .想要某人做某事.learn from 从. . .中学习. 故答案为:She wants us to learnsomething from it.2 . 在第一张照片中,我们可以看到Miller夫人和她的家人在电视上观看划船比赛. 句子翻译题.In the first picture在第一张照片中, see sb. doing sth .看见某人正在做某事

79、. 故答案为:在第一张照片中,我们可以看到Miller夫人和她的家人在电视上观看划船比赛.3 .图书馆离她家不太远,所以她通常步行去那里作为一种锻炼. 句子翻译题. far from离. . .远, on foot步行, as a kind of exercise作为一种锻炼. 故答案为:图书馆离她家不太远,所以她通常步行去那里作为一种锻炼.4 . Miss Miller likes to spend time reading there.句子翻译题. 根据上下文可知用的是一般现在时, 此处也应该是一般现在时. , 主语是Miss Miller , 动词应该用第三人称单数形式,spend do

80、ing sth .花费时间做某事. 故答案为: Miss Miller likes to spend time reading there.5 . 现在是下午,她正坐在池边喝橙汁. 句子翻译题. 本句用的是现在进行时,正在做某事.right now现 在 . sit by the pool坐在池边. 故答案为:现在是下午,她正坐在池边喝橙汁.【 点评】翻译的时候要根据意思,还要注意语法和固定搭配.11 【 分析】在整个美国,年轻人正在用自己的行动改变社会. 本文介绍了几个年轻人的实际行动.【 解答】( 1)在整个美国,年轻人正在改变社会. 句子翻译题,根据题干,可知All overAmeric

81、a美国各地;a difference to society对社会产生影响,时态为现在进行时,表示正在,故得出答案.(2)Many young people care about the environment.句子翻译题, 根据题干, 可知 care about关心,environment环境,时态为一般现在时,主语是复数,所以动词用原形c a re ,故得出答案.( 3 ) 树木可以使空气变得清新,使我们的城市变得美丽. 句子翻译题,根据题干,可知make the air clean使空气变得清新; make our city beautiful使我们的城市变得美丽,can可以,后面接动词原

82、形,故得出答案.(4) I use a basket instead of a plastic bag. 句子翻译题, 根据题干, 可知use使用, 时态为一般现在时,主语是I 所以用原形use; instead of代替;plastic bag塑料包,故得出答案.( 5 ) 请保护环境不受小事情的影响. 句子翻译题,根据题干,可知句子为祈使句,可知几次protectfrom保护不受;environment环境small things小事情,故得出答案.【 点评】 本文是一篇综合型阅读理解, 在整个美国, 年轻人正在用自己的行动改变社会. 解题时主要是根据前提问题来做出相应的要求内的答案,题型

83、比较灵活但是考查了学生多方面的知识和技能,要做好这类题,就要注意平时知识的积累,包括单词、词组、句型等.12.【 分析】本篇文章主要讲述了中国年轻人面临的买房的问题,房价太高,年轻人挣不到太多的钱财,他们不得不使用父母的钱.【 解答】 ( 1) Its necessary for them to have a house.汉译英题;it is necessary for sb to do ,对某人来说干某事是很有必要的,it形式主语, to have a house真正的主语.(2) So they borrow money from their parents.汉译英题: borrow fr

84、om, 从“ 借; So 连词,they主语,borrow money from ,向借钱;their parents介词宾语. 一般现在时态.( 3 ) 也许他们花光了父母积攒了一辈子的钱. 英译汉题;Perhaps或许,副词;they主语; run out of 用光;the money 宾语; that Iheir parents make all their lives 定语从句.(4) 一些父母主动为他们的孩子提供钱. 英译汉题;Some parents主语,offer to d o 主动提出干某事;provide sb with sth 提供给某人某物.( 5 ) 孩子不应该一直依

85、赖父母. 英译汉题; Children主语, shouldnt不应该, 情态动词;depend on 依靠,依赖;their parents 宾语; all the time 总是一直,状语.【 点评】此题是综合型阅读,主要考查翻译,在理解意思基础上,结合语法结构仔细分析,便可得出正确答案.13 【 分析】文章主要讲述了公车司机和乘客救了一名老人的故事.【 解答】61. 他下车问那个女人发生了什么事. 句子翻译题,根据题干,可知get off下车;ask后接what引导的宾语从句;what happened发生了什么,故答案为:他下车问那个女人发生了什么事.62 . Mr. Wang knew

86、 he had to act quickly.句子翻译题,根据题干,可知此句为复合句,时态为一般过去时;主语短语:have to+动词原形,表示不得不;act quickly迅速行动;故答案为:Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly.63 . 但出乎他意料的是,他们都同意和他一起去. 句子翻译题,根据题干,可知考查句型:to ones surprise令某人感到惊讶的;agree to do sth同意做某事;故答案为:但出乎他意料的是,他们都同意和他一起去.64 . 多亏王先生和这些乘客,这个老人才能及时得救. 句子翻译题,根据题干,可知考查介词:thanks

87、 to 多亏了; was saved by是被挽救; in time及时,故答案为:多亏王先生和这些乘客,这个老人才能及时得救.65 . But the driver did not consider him self.句子翻译题,根据题干,可知此句为简单句,但是用转折连词but, consider himself考虑他自己, 时态为一般过去时, 所以用助动词did,did 后接动词原形,故答案为:But the driver did not consider himself.【 点评】做这类题型,首先通读全文,了解文章大意,然后根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知

88、识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.14. 【 分析】 本文讲述的是塑料对环境是有危害的,我们应该做一些事情来减少塑料的使用.【 解答】 1 .这个研究也表明每年有800万吨的塑料废物被倒进海里. 这是一个宾语从句,The study also shows这个研究也表明,是主句,后面是从句, eight million tons of 800 ZJ吨,句子翻译题. 故答案为:这个研究也表明每年有800万吨的塑料废物被倒进海里.2 . Everyone should take part in saving the earth.句子翻译题. 根据上下文可知用的是一般现在时,此处也应该是一般现在时,sh

89、ould应该,take part i n 参加,后跟动名词. 故答案为:Everyone should take part in saving the earth.3 . Clean water and green mountains are , mountains of gold and silver. / There are no placelike clear water and green mountains. / Clear water and green mountains are invaluableassets.句子翻译题. 根据上下文可知用的是一般现在时, 此处也应该是一般现

90、在时, Cleanwater and green mountains 绿水青山,mountains of gold and silver 金山银山. 或者引伸一下,强调绿水青山的重要性. 故答案为:Clean water and green mountains are , mountainsof gold and silver. / There are no place like clear water and green mountains. / Clear water andgreen mountains are invaluable assets.4 . 如果你打算在外面吃饭,带上你自己

91、的筷子. 句子翻译题. 这是if 引导的条件状语从句,如果. . . Bring your own chopsticks带上你自己的筷子. 故答案为:如果你打算在外面吃饭,带上你自己的筷子.5 . 那可以帮助你避免使用塑料瓶. 句子翻译题. avoid避免,plastic botlles塑料瓶. 故答案为:那可以帮助你避免使用塑料瓶.【 点评】本题考查的是句子的翻译. 注意翻译的时候要符合语法和固定搭配.15.【 分析】本文主要向我们介绍了中国的汉字听写大会. 自去年夏天以来,这场比赛在青少年中很流行. 文章向我们介绍了汉字听写大会的必要性.【 解答】1. If you think you a

92、re good at Chinese, you can take part in a competition.考查汉译英:根据语境,这是一个由i f 引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现的原则,擅长于是短语 be good at s t h .故从句是 If you think you are good at Chinese,参力口是短语 take parti n . 故主句是 you can take part in a competition,故答案是 If you think you are good atChinese, you can take part in a competition

93、.2 .自去年夏天以来,这场比赛在青少年中很流行. 考查英译汉:分析句子,这是一个现在完成时,主句的意思是这场比赛在青少年中很流行,since自从,引导一个句子,意思是自去年夏天以来,故答案是自去年夏天以来,这场比赛在青少年中很流行.3 .他们中的许多人在数字产品中迷失了自己. 考查英译汉:这是一个一般现在时,短语 lose themselves in迷失在,digital products数字产品,故答案是他们中的许多人在数字产品中迷失了自己.4 . Some students even forget how to write Chinese characters.考查汉译英:根据语境,时态

94、是一般现在时,主语是Some students,副词even修饰动词forget忘记,后面引导一个句子充当宾语, 即 how to write Chinese characters,故答案是 Some students even forget howto write Chinese characters.5 .来自四十六所学校的二百多名学生参加了比赛. 考查英译汉:时态是一般过去时,主语是Over two hundred students二百多名学生参加,from forty - six schools来自四十六所学校,谓语动词是competed参加比赛,故答案是来自四十六所学校的二百多名学生参加了比赛.【 点评】做题的时候要看清要求,要在理解好文意的基础上,与题目有机的结合,从文章中找到相关细节性的句子从而得出符合文章内容的正确答案.



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