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1、2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文 2 0篇2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文1My Favourite CartoonEvery child loves cartoons, so do I . My favorite cartoon isMr Bean. It is a very famous British cartoon. It stars asmall, middle-aged Mr Bean, who always seems to find himselfin all sorts of misadventures. My favorite moment is when he

2、calmly creates chaos - always bigger than what he startedwith - but he never really gets hurt.One of the best parts of Mr Bean is the physical comedy; heoften uses his body and his facial expressions to expresshimself. His humour is based on chaotic everyday life. Thesituations he finds himself in c

3、an be funny, but they canalso be tragicomic. He is always the victim, but he nevergives up and always finds a way out.Moreover, I admire Mr Beans courage to do what he likes - nomatter what other people say. Even when things get tough andhe faces failure, he always tries his best to make it through.

4、He can be clumsy and naive, but these traits make him evenmore endearing and make me laugh every time.In conclusion, Mr Bean is simply an amazing show - myfavourite cartoon. I love its ability to bring joy, laughterand optimism to the viewers. Mr Bean has been an extremelyimportant part of my life,

5、and I hope it will be around for along time.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文2My hopes for 2023It is just four years from now, 2023! Oh, how I hope that bythat time, there will be more smiles, more warmth and morecare in the world.By 2023, I would love to see more people making a differencein others lives. I hope

6、 that people would be kinder to eachother, that we would help each other without hesitation, andthat one day, nobody will be discriminated against because oftheir skin color or race.I also wish that more people will build a better sense ofenvironmental awareness, so that they will understand theimpo

7、rtance of living an eco-friendly life. Moreover, I hopethat every family wi11 have enough clean water and food touse and that no one will starve or struggle. In addition, Iwish that every single person in this world would be grantedaccess to receive proper education, so that everybody canrelatively

8、have the same opportunity in life.Last but not least, I wish that in 2023, people would be ableto appreciate the small moments that they have in their livesand make wise decisions by holding on to their most genuinevalues and beliefs. I have faith that in four year,s time,our world would be a more b

9、eautiful, peaceful and betterplace to live in.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文3题目: The Power of Kindness范文:Kindness is an essential quality of human beings, and an actof kindness can reach far beyond what most people would think.It is always said that even a smile or a listening ear canhelp to lighten a person s

10、 burden. In the future developmentof all humanity, it is essential to possess the power ofkindness and spread it out effectively.To understand the power of kindness better, one need onlylook indirectly to the past. There is a story from thousandsof years ago about a man who asked his neighbor for he

11、lp. Ashis neighbor denied his request, he smiled and said, T 11remember. Years later, his neighbor was in trouble andasked for help. As kindhearted man smiled and said, Iremember.”This is what the power of kindness is about. It is aboutunderstanding, compassion, love and gratefulness. All ofthese th

12、ings have the power to make a difference in aperson, s life through simple acts of kindness. It can beseen when teachers show graciousness, when students supporteach other, when parents dedicate their time and resources totheir children and when people show care to total strangers.As such, to spread

13、 the power of kindness effectively,everyone needs to do their part in their own life. They needto start seeing things from others eyes and try to helpwhenever they can. It may be a simple “Thank you” or“You re Welcomew , more attention on people* s feelings andthoughts or a quick gesture of charity.

14、 All of these createan atmosphere of support and love in which people feelencouraged and safe.In conclusion, kindness is a powerful quality that can changelives and thus, it should be spread into others, lives daily.It has the power to make someoneJ s day and create a brighterfuture for everyone.202

15、3年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文4My short story2023年小学生精选英语作文题目:My Short Story范文:Once upon a time, there was a little boy and he was full ofenergy and curiosity about the world. He always had so manyquestions about why things were the way they were and howthings could be different. Despite his curiosity, the boy wa

16、sdull in school and couldn, t seem to focus on his books or payattention during lectures.One day, during a break in school, the little boy went out ofthe building and ended up in a big field full of lush greengrass. He found the beauty of the nature so calming andmesmerizing that he decided to stay

17、there and enjoyed thebreathtaking scenery. And as if time had stopped right thenand there, the little boy felt a surge of creativity rushingthrough his being.The little boy sat down in the grass and started to write astory out of his own imagination. He wrote and wrote, and hisquill never ran out of

18、 ink. The words seemed to pour out fromthe tip of his quill like a waterfall, and he felt trulyalive and at peace for the first time in a long time. As hewrote about the adventures of his protagonist, he felt hisentire being come alive.The little boy wrote for so long that the sun had started toset

19、and the sky was turning an orange hue. He felt that hisshort story was complete with a joyful end and decided toname it My Short Story . Taking one last look at thebeautiful sunset, the boy held his story tightly close to hisheart and walked back to the school building.In the following days, the lit

20、tle boy worked again day andnight to perfect his story and eventually, his teachernoticed his passion and dedication. Encouraged by theteacher s recognition and appreciation, the little boy wasnow a star student and was constantly encouraged and praisedfor his creativity and hard work.The little boy

21、 s story has now been published as part of abook and has also been shared in many schools. He is nowhappy and content, but he will always remember that one daywhen his creativity took off in the vast field of that day.My Short Story has now become the title of my life, and Iam the little boy who wro

22、te it.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文5My Ideal HomeIn 2023, when I become an adult, I want to move out of myparents, home and buy my own. So, what would my ideal homelook like?My ideal home would be located in a green, quiet neighborhoodwith plenty of nature nearby but not too far away from thecity. Inside my h

23、ome, Id like an open floor plan, with alarge kitchen and dining area, connected to the living roomand then to the garden. Id like a two-bedroom plus twobathrooms, with lots of windows and a cozy balcony. Thebalcony will be my spot to relax and take really nicepictures. I11 have a functional, organiz

24、ed office spacewhere I can do my work in peace and privacy.My home will be filled with everything I love and need, fromfurniture, to wall, floor and other pieces of decorations.I , 11 make sure everything emits a sense of tranquillity,comfort and relaxation. Everything will be tidy andenvironmental-

25、friendly; sun and nature will play a part in mydecor, from plants to trees, from curtains to cushions.In my ideal home, V 11 make sure to have a personal library,a nd a gym a rea to k eep fit. I 11 c rea te a light, a iry a ndc omforta ble a tmosphere. The wa lls a nd roof will be a lightc olor to b

26、ring a touc h of pea c e a nd joy to my home. I wa ntwhole fa mily to join me in the future, a nd the spa c e wouldfit everyone* s need s a nd d esires.M y id ea l home is not just a bout the ma teria l a spec ts, butmost importa ntly a bout the person tha t lives insid e it. I 11ma k e sure to ma k

27、 e my home a refuge of serenity, ha ppiness,pea c e a nd love.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文62023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文Topic : The importa nc e of M a k ing N ew F riend sW ith the d evelopment of soc iety, ma k ing new friend s ha sbec ome more a nd more importa nt. W e c a n lea rn k nowled ge,exc ha nge id ea s a

28、nd sha re life experienc e by ma k ing newfriend s.M a k ing new friend s gives us a wid er life c irc le. W e c a n findd ifferent interests, hobbies, c ultures a nd professions fromnew friend s, so tha t we c a n broa d en our vision. Also, newfriend s c a n bec ome our insta nt soulma te, who c a

29、 n c heer us upwhen we a re in sorrow, a nd ma k e us wa rm when we a re lonely.M oreover, when we meet friend s of d ifferent ba c k ground s, theywill influenc e ea c h other a nd sha re d ifferent k ind s of lifeexperienc es. W e c a n get a d vic es or enc oura gement from newfriend s* d ifferen

30、t points of views. It ma y be useful when weare faced with some dilemmas. It even can lead us to findbetter solutions.New friends can also give us a hand when we need help.Sometimes, we need someone to help us solve the problems, sohaving more friends may bring us more choices.In a word, making new

31、friends is beneficial for us. It canteach us knowledge, open our eyes to different cultures andeven provide us with a hand when we need help. It plays avitally important role in our life.Therefore, we should actively make new friends and enrich ourlife, and make progress together with new friends ev

32、eryday.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文72023年小学生精选英语作文题目:My DreamMy DreamWhen I was a little girl, I often dreamed of becoming asuccessful fashion designer in the future. Fashion has alwaysbeen my passion, and I love the idea of creating beautifulclothes and making people look their best.In my dream, I am surrou

33、nded by the most fashionable clothes,inspiring materials, and the brightest colors possible. Theideas just keep coming, and I find myself creating more andmore clothes everyday. I discover new techniques and combinedifferent elements to make something unique.I ima gine opening up my own d esign stud

34、 io a nd c rea tingc ollec tion a fter c ollec tion for runwa y shows a round the world .M y c lothes a re not just for fa shion shows or ed itoria ls, butfor a nyone who wa nts to express themselves through fa shion.M y ultima te d rea m is to be a n inspira tion to a spiring fa shiond esigners who

35、 wa nt to ma k e a d ifferenc e in the fa shionind ustry. E ventua lly, I pla n on sta rting my own fa shionsc hool to help nurture my future stud ents5 c rea tivity a ndhelp them obta in the sk ills they will need to bec omesuc c essful fa shion d esigners in the future.M y d rea ms ma y seem fa r-

36、fetc hed , but I truly believe tha t oned a y a ll of my ha rd work will pa y off. I a m going to c ontinuelea rning a bout fa shion a nd honing my sk ills to ma k e my d rea msof bec oming a suc c ess in the fa shion ind ustry c ome true. 2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文8“ 我的父亲”M y fa ther is a well-ed uc a ted

37、 ma n who gra d ua ted from a fa mousuniversity. He ha s been work ing for a la rge S ta te-ownedenterprise for more tha n two d ec a d es, a nd d espite his busywork life, he still ma k es time to spend qua lity time with me.W hen I wa s a c hild , he often helped me d o my homework a ndta ught me

38、how to d ra w. I c a n still remember the brea th-ta k ingfinish he pa inted on the pic ture I d rew of a n old Chinesela d y wea ring a tra d itiona l c oa t fa n. It wa s my very firstexperienc e of a rt.My father taught me the importance of diligence and hard-workfrom a young age. He always motiv

39、ated me to be a betterstudent and encouraged me to pursue my goals. He explainedthat with hard work and determination, I could achieveanything I wanted.On the weekends, my dad would take me on long hikes,exploring the mountains and rivers nearby. We also enjoyedgoing fishing together. We would talk

40、about many differenttopics, from the latest news to my dreams of the future, bothof us learning from each other.My father has always been a source of inspiration to me.Through his hard-work, perseverance and kind-heartedness, Ihave learnt valuable lessons of life that have helped me inboth my studie

41、s and my life in general. He has taught me theimportance of responsibility, accountability and mutualrespect, skills that I will carry with me forever.My father is the most important person in my life. He hasbeen my teacher, my friend and my mentor, who has alwaysbelieved in me and encouraged me no

42、matter what. I know thathe will always be by my side, and I will never forget hislove and support.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文9【 题目】My Ideal TeacherMy ideal teacher is a well-educated, kind and patient person.He has high expectations of his students, but he is notstric t in enforc ing them, lie enc oura ges

43、his stud ents to thinkc ritic a lly a nd c ome up with c rea tive solutions.M y id ea l tea c her enc oura ges us to a sk questions a nd thinkoutsid e the box. He listens to a ll of our id ea s, no ma tterhow silly they seem. He a lwa ys gives us positive feed ba c k ,even when we ma k e mista k es.

44、 He wa nts us to lea rn from ourmista k es a nd bec ome better stud ents.M y id ea l tea c her never gives up on us, even if we ma k e thesa me mista k e multiple times. He und ersta nd s tha t lea rningsometimes is d iffic ult a nd gives us the opportunity to trya ga in. He enc oura ges us to work

45、ha rd a nd strive forexc ellenc e.M y id ea l tea c her a lwa ys sets a sid e enough time to help ea c hstud ent ind ivid ua lly. He enjoys spend ing time with hisstud ents, ea ting lunc h together a nd c ha tting. He a lso ta k estime to a nswer our questions a nd provid e helpful a d vic e.M y id

46、ea l tea c her is the tea c her everyone strives to bec ome.He is pa tient, k ind , a nd und ersta nd ing. He ha s a pa ssion fortea c hing a nd wa nts his stud ents to suc c eed . He ma k es thec la ssroom a fun, sa fe a nd welc oming pla c e, where stud ents c a nlea rn a nd grow. 2023年小学生精选英语作文题目

47、及范文102023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文题目:M y D rea mMy dream is quite simple I want to be successful inwhatever I choose to do. With that, I would have the power tomake my own decisions, think for myself and feel accomplishedin reaching my goals.I plan on achieving my dream through getting an education.I d like t

48、o go to university and study in the field of mychoice. During my time at university I want to makeconnections and learn what I can to set me up for success. Iknow it won t be easy, but with dedication and hard work Ibelieve that I can reach my dream.Success also means having enough money to provide

49、acomfortable life. Of course, I understand that money isn, teverything, but having it will give me financial freedom andallow me to pursue activities I enjoy. I want to save enoughmoney to be able to afford meaningful experiences withouthaving to worry about everyday bills.The realization of my drea

50、m will result in me leading afulfilling life. I plan on giving back to my community andhelping others in need, just like so many others have donefor me. I strongly believe that success is within reach, andwith good values, resilience and an unwavering ambition I 11be able to turn my dream into a rea

51、lity.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文11【 题目】What Changes Will We See in the World in 20 Years?The year 2023 puts us in the near future, where humanity hasthe potential to abundant technological advances and majorsocial changes. With the advent of new technologies, we couldsee some significant changes in the worl

52、d in the next 20years.To begin with, transportation and communication should becomefaster and more efficient. With advances in electric vehicles,drones, and even driverless cars, we could see fewer cases oftraffic jam or transportation delays. Along with 5Gtechnology, communication will become smoot

53、her and faster,allowing us to talk to people on different sides of the worldwhich was impossible before.Further, with Artificial Intelligence, healthcare andmedicine should be made more convenient and efficient. AI-driven systems can help in the diagnosis and even surgery,making the industry much mo

54、re accessible and instantaneous.Smart homes and wearable technology should also ensure thatliving a healthy lifestyle becomes much more effortless.More importantly, with the advancement of virtual andaugmented reality, the way we interact and consume mediacould drastically change. With VR and AR, ed

55、ucation canbecome both entertaining and intuitive, while entertainmentand gaming should become much more realistic and immersive.In conclusion, the world 20 years from now should be muchmore dynamic and efficient than it is today. From fastercommunication, smarter healthcare, and immersiveentertainm

56、ent, the world in 2023 should be more embedded intechnology and convenience than ever before. 2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文12参考范文:M y D rea mW hen I wa s young, a ll I ever wa nted wa s to bec ome a d oc tor. Iima gined myself in a white c oa t, c uring people a nd sa vinglives. As I grew, I find myself still

57、 wa nting the sa me thing,but I ha ve rea lized a few more d rea ms of mine a long the wa y.M y first d rea m is to tra vel a round the world . I ha ve a lrea d ytra velled to some c ountries a nd I pla n to ha ve moreexperienc es a nd visit more pla c es. I wa nt to visit everyc ontinent a nd exper

58、ienc e d ifferent c ultures. W ith this d rea m,I hope to broa d en my horizon, a pprec ia te d ifferent things a ndlea rn something new every d a y.M y sec ond d rea m is to inspire people. I wa nt to be the k indof person tha t c a n d o something a nd be someone tha t othersc a n look up to. W it

59、h this d rea m, I wa nt to be a ble to ma k e ad ifferenc e in peoples lives a nd help them a c hieve their ownd rea ms.M y third d rea m is to help others. I wa nt to find wa ys to helpthose in need , so tha t I c a n ma k e a n impa c t a nd ma k e ad ifferenc e in other people,s lives. I wa nt to

60、 be pa rt of thesolution by volunteering my time a nd using a ny resourc es Iha ve to help those in need .Hold ing these d rea ms c lose to my hea rt, I will a lwa ys striveto rea c h them, no ma tter how ha rd it ma y be. I k now tha t if Inever give up and always strive forward, one day I willachi

61、eve my dreams. So this is my dream in 2023 and I am surethat it will come true.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文13My School LifeI am a student at XX Primary School, which is my alma mater.From the faint memory of the past, I still remember the daywhen I entered this school.At the beginning of my primary school li

62、fe, I studied thebasic knowledge of Chinese and mathematics. At the same time,I also began to learn the foreign language of English. Inorder to achieve better results in English, I strive toreview the knowledge in class and at home, hoping to have abetter performance in the future. In the process of

63、 learningEnglish, I have also made many friends, with whom I canpractice language skills.Time flies, and soon Im in the third grade. As the schoolyear progresses, Im more interested in English and willingto explore it. Every day I take notes in class and reviewthem in my spare time. In order to bett

64、er understand andmaster the English knowledge, I even go online to find theEnglish material I need and carefully study it.Meanwhile, Im also working hard in other subjects likeChinese and mathematics. I often exchange experiences withclassmates in these subjects to deepen my understanding andapplica

65、tion of knowledge. In student activities, I activelytake part in various kinds of competitions. Although myperformance is not particularly outstanding, I am verysatisfied with my self-improvement through active explorationand hard work.It has been four years since I entered this school. AlthoughI fe

66、lt bored when I first came here, I always felt a sense ofaccomplishment after years of hard work. Looking forward tothe future life, although the road is full of difficulties, Iwill move forward with a firm determination!2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文14My Life GoalThe year is 2023, and I m a six-grader in the

67、local primaryschool. Ever since I was a little kid, I have wanted to dosomething with my life that will make a difference. I want toset goals that will help me reach success, and continue topush myself to reach even higher.No matter how old I am or what I am doing, I will never giveup on my dreams.

68、My life goal is to be an example to youngergenerations, showing that anything is possible as long as youstay focused and consistent. I want to show them that if youcan see it, you can achieve it. Having goals also helps meput things in perspective. I also aim to travel as much as Ican, to broaden my

69、 perspectives and explore what the worldhas to offer. I believe that doing this will help open myeyes to different cultures and ways of living that I canlearn from.Another goa l I ha ve is to ma k e the world a better pla c e forthe genera tions to c ome. I wa nt to d o my best to c onserve theenvir

70、onment, red uc e pollution, a nd tea c h people theimporta nc e of rec yc ling a nd re-use so tha t there will be lesswa ste in our pla net. I a lso wa nt to help sprea d a wa renessa bout other importa nt issues suc h a s c lima te c ha nge, povertya nd hea lth, so tha t there will be less sufferin

71、g in our world .To ma k e my d rea ms, goa ls a nd a spira tions c ome true, I need towork ha rd , be persistent a nd be willing to lea rn. I willstrive to d o my best in a ll tha t I d o, no ma tter wha t theta sk is, a nd d evelop a prod uc tive mind set so tha t I c a ninc rea se my k nowled ge a

72、 nd progress. I m d etermined to c rea tea better future for the genera tions to c ome a nd strive to bethe best version of myself.Im c onfid ent tha t if I sta y foc used a nd k eep my d rea ms a live,I c a n a c hieve my goa ls a nd ma k e the world a better pla c e.W ith this in mind , this is wh

73、y my life goa l is to be theexa mple for future genera tions. 2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文15M y D rea mM y d rea m is to bec ome a d oc tor. As a d oc tor, I c ould help alot of people. W henever people fell sic k , I would d o my bestto trea t them.I would a lso strive to invent med ic ines whic h c ould he

74、lp c ured isea ses more effec tively. To rea lize my d rea m, I ha ve towork ha rd . I ha ve to stud y d iligently a nd lea rn a ll things Ishould k now a s a d oc tor. S inc e med ic ine is a va st field a ndstill growing, I will try my best to k eep on upd a ting myk nowled ge.Besid es, I ha ve to

75、 be rea d y to a d opt a ny new tec hnology tha tmight be need ed for hea ling. I would a lso d o my best tod isc over new a nd effec tive wa ys for this. I a m gra teful forha ving this d rea m a nd I a m hopeful of ha ving the c ha nc e totra nsla te it into rea lity.To pursue this d rea m, I will

76、 a lwa ys k eep in mind the nobleprofession of being a d oc tor. I would lik e to d evote my lifeto helping others a nd giving them a better life. And I wouldc ontinue lea rning a nd pra c tic ing to be the best d oc tor I c a nbe.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目M y Opinion on E xa ms要求:写出你对考试的看法,不少于400字。M y Opinio

77、n on E xa msE xa ms pla y a n importa nt role in sc hool life. It mea sures theperforma nc e of stud ents a nd provid es feed ba c k to them, whic hc ould motiva te them to work ha rd er a nd rea c h further in theirstud ies.Usua lly, exa ms test a stud entJ s und ersta nd ing a nda pplic a tion of

78、k nowled ge. It c ould help tea c hers to eva lua tea stud ent s performa nc e a s well a s tra c k their progress.M oreover, c ompa red to other forms of a ssessment, exa ms oftena llow stud ents to rec a ll informa tion a nd a pply it in problemsolving.However, exa ms ma y a lso bring stud ents ne

79、ga tive experienc es.They ma y fea r exa ms a nd be stressed right before the tests.Therefore, it is c ritic a l to d esign the exa ms in wa ys tha tc ould minimize the stud ents stress a nd red uc e their fea r ofexa ms.In my opinion, exa ms should not be the only wa y to jud ge astud ent s perform

80、a nc e. Other forms of a ssessment should a lsobe c onsid ered . F urthermore, tea c hers should a lso introd uc emore a c tivities in c la ss to motiva te stud ents lea rning.E xa ms a re a nec essa ry pa rt of sc hool life a nd I believe tha twith proper d esign a nd implementa tion, exa ms c a n

81、benefit astud ent s lea rning a nd help them to rea c h their fullpotentia l. 2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文162023年小学生精选英语作文题目:M y D rea msM y D rea msI m a prima ry sc hool stud ent a nd I ha ve ma ny d rea ms. M y firstd rea m is to bec ome a d oc tor. I ha ve seen ma ny med ic a l tea mmembers on television

82、 helping sic k people a nd I a m very movedby them. I wa nt to d o the sa me thing when I grow up. To bec omea grea t d oc tor,I need to work ha rd to lea rn ma ny med ic a lk nowled ge. In the future,I will rea lize this d rea m a nd d o mybest to help people.M y sec ond d rea m is to bec ome a n a

83、 rtist. P a inting is one of myfa vorite hobbies,I ha ve felt the pea c e a nd c ontentment ofbeing a ble to c rea te something with my own ha nd s a nd to thinkof new id ea s. I will d evote myself to being a n a rtist a ndlea rn more a bout pa inting tec hnique. I believe tha t I c a nc rea te mor

84、e a rt piec es a we-inspiring a nd ma gnific ent in thefuture.M y third d rea m is to be a n inventor. In c urrent world , I c a nsee the d evelopment of ma ny new tec hnologies. I hope one d a y Ic a n d esign a nd invent more things tha t a re benefic ia l topeople. F or this d rea m, I will sta r

85、t from stud ying sc ienc e a ndma thema tic s. I believe it will help me a lot in rea lizing thisd rea m.These a re my three d rea ms a nd I will work ha rd until I c a nma k e them c ome true.I will never give up no ma tter wha tha ppens a nd I believe tha t I will a c hieve these d rea ms oned a y

86、! 2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文17M y D rea mM y d rea m is to bec ome a professiona l d oc tor in the future. Toa c hieve this d rea m, I must sta rt to la y d own a solidfound a tion right now.F irst of a ll, I need to stud y ha rd . Knowled ge is essentia l tobec oming a qua lified d oc tor. I must a c quir

87、e a s muc h med ic a lknowledge as possible, enhance my professional skills andkeep up with the development of medical science. Besides, Imust read widely and understand world situation well. To adoctor, knowledge is the most powerful weapon to treatdiseases.Furthermore, I need to be responsible and

88、 compassionate whenfacing our patient. It is of great importance for a doctor totreat patients with considerate and professional attitude.Its a doctor* s job to order individuals to live healthily.Therefore, I must set a good example for others by living ahealthy life.Finally, I need to practice my

89、professional skills in the lab.Experiments are complex and attention needs to be paid todetails to prevent mistakes from happening. In addition,working in the lab requires good communication skills tobetter cooperate with team members and overcome difficulties.Although the road to becoming a doctor

90、is long and arduous, Iwill keep my dream in mind. With hard work and perseverance,I am sure I will reach my goal one day.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文18Topic: A Wonderful Teacher I AdmireAs far as Im concerned, I would like to talk about awonderful teacher I admire一Mr. Lin, my English teacher.Mr. Lin, with an

91、 infectious smile and a leaning body, is verypassionate in teaching and is always helpful and patient toeach of us. His excellent teaching skills, impressivelanguage ability and unique sense of humor have greatlyinspired us, making us feel interested and motivated inlearning English. His teaching is

92、 always creative, providingus with a fun-learning environment. Instead of thetraditional boring classroom teaching, he has organizedvarious activities like conversations, reading and writinggames, enabling us to learn English in a fun way. What smore, he also never hesitated to give us encouragement

93、s whenwe made mistakes and gave praises when we achieved something.Had it not been for his motivation, I would not have achievedso much progress in English, and Im grateful to Mr. Lin forthat, r m also deeply moved by his kind-hearted personality.Without any reservation, he has helped and guided usp

94、atiently whenever we have encountered difficulties. He issuch an outstanding teacher and encouraging friend to me andall of us.To conclude, I sincerely admire Mr. Lin, who has been aninfluential teacher in my mind since the first day I met him.I really look forward to his wonderful and inspiring les

95、sons,and hope that our class can have him as our teacher forever!2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文19My Experience in ExamsIt was a sunny day in 2023, I , a student in a primary school,was about to face an important exam. When I got to theexamination hall all I could see was people walking in,inside the hall the a

96、tmosphere was of solemnity and all Icould feel was the pressure of nervousness.As the time for the examination came closer I took theexamination booklet and started to feel the exam fevergetting to me, I felt sort of dazed and lost and I had tosteady my breathing so as to keep myself in my senses. I

97、 gavemy paper a once over and I paused and began recollectingwhatever I had learnt during the past year but my mind seemedblank as I just couldn t concentrate.Then suddenly I remembered all the practices sessions I hadattended with my teacher and how he had encouraged me to domy best and how I had w

98、orked hard throughout that year.I took a moment to gather my thoughts and said a littleprayer, then I started writing. I wrote the answers based onmy knowledge, I no longer felt anxious and I finished thepaper with confidence.At the end of the exam I was refreshed and relieved, I knewthat I had trie

99、d my best and had worked to the best of myability. I contented, that was all that mattered.That experience during the exams will remain with me as aguiding light and a lesson that, no matter how tough it gets,you can face it confidently and be successful.2023年小学生精选英语作文题目及范文20In 2023, the English abi

100、lities of primary school students aregradually maturing, and many of them can write essays withextended structure and persuasive content. There are manytopics for students to choose from in the process of writingan essay. The following are some topics recommended forprimary school students, with a s

101、hort sample essay forreference.Topic 1: The Beauties of Creativity-Creativity is a wonderful quality of human nature, allowingus to find solutions to challenging problems and generateideas that are imaginative, productive and beautiful.Creativity has no boundaries; it can come from hard study,from c

102、areful observation of the world around us or even justfrom daydreaming. For children, it is especially important tonurture their creativity as it may be key to their successnot only in school, but in many areas of life down the line.I believe that creativity should be an important part of achild s d

103、evelopment. Encouraging children to explore theircreative side through activities such as drawing, playing aninstrument, writing stories or even just creating somethingfrom nothing gives them an outlet to express their uniqueperspective on the world. My teacher once told me,Creativity is a way to br

104、ing beauty into the world, andthats something every child should strive to do.”Creativity can help kids look at the world in a different wayand discover their own unique path. It is something thatshould be celebrated and cultivated so kids can learn tothink for themselves and be proud of what they c

105、reate.Topic 2: The Joy of ReadingReading is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.It broadens our perspectives, enriches our mental andemotional capacities, and can even be a form of relaxation.Good books can transport us to other places, reveal hiddentruths, and open our minds to new idea

106、s or possibilities.The habit of reading develops from an early age and isessential for a child to get ahead in school. Reading helpschildren to acquire knowledge, think critically and becomeconfident when expressing opinions in conversation. It canalso help improve verbal and written communication s

107、kills.However, reading is more than the technical aspects; itoffers the opportunity to escape our world, tap into the past,and explore themes and ideas that are outside our mundaneexistence.As parents, we should strive to instill a love of reading inour children. Encourage them by example and by fin

108、ding booksthat will capture their imagination. Reading can and shouldbe a joyful experience that equips children with the skillsand empathy they will need to make sense of our complex anddiverse world.I believe that the more we foster our children,s love ofreading, the brighter and better their futures will be.



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