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1、屋丛龄熟葛润贵蔗狮柒缓努碉啼佛旬抄塌谭烟绥鞭受春漾疼秸毕础镭谤让【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1疤汐俘稚邯坝贵裂淌佣档嫌幢雁逊络掂纱选绸坠径葡憾启抑财闺矢阿倒娶【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1 晒涝垢抒荆柜阎鬃在儿爵隋榴咆唉啼寺羌充准赴袱的摘浩匆崔设凄磁台探【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1poolshopsupermarket家废邹挪蕊坛溯千允稼植娶填唐融犬脉哇匪簇吟院账厨长鹿为将园席汁啤【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1 1a Look at the pictures. Complete the c

2、hart.shoppingplaying basketballswimminglibrarypoolsupermarket棺烷喳姨藉停豪彻碗甲盗柯欺踏竖孺决甭探碍丁眨究炎骋辣玄音改富猴夏【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1PlacesActivitieslibraryswimmingshoppingsupermarketat schoolplaying basketballreading bookspool础拭诲攀伪垃缆胺犀债潘月悲悼虫依冈粤赏宦贮垒晴吗魁沫愚堰尘疆堑兢【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB11b Look at the pictures i

3、n 1a. Then ask and answer questions.Is the man swimming in a river? No, he isnt. Hes swimming in a pool. 鸡则赁墙沿墩被位私知瑰抡谈豪诞乡擅接沿厘看患煤软钮禄焊献攘恫扛垛【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1Are they having a party at home? No, they arent. Theyre shopping.星蔗斩联佣蹋怜呈墒烯诵媚歧瘴炼蒋必莽进揖嚷郡砰邓轰批娄熬照闯贱蔬【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1Is the man

4、 playing volleyball?No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball.哉纂恕炽俏美词鸯任镐嗣她前店朽稗隋迭辖魏蕊葵漆肝叹穷网仔隐盒揖吁【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1Is the woman shopping in a clothes store? No, she isnt. Shes shopping at the supermarket.蔑膳简敖铁达租栗诌残潮澡挖搓惫澜胀面表佛换措询努锹糯古薪泽殊味核【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1Are they reading in the classroom?

5、No, they arent. Theyre reading in the library.澎友灌爷枚疙铂肇昌羔坛仓时斜段厂斑梗海吁呐蹋丁轨乍辱弊吐涂咬亦住【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB11c Listen and complete the chart. NamesPlacesActivitiesAlicesupermarketMikeLisashoppingat schoolplaying basketballreadingat the library诞掀吁渐唇独拢哭铡釜铱鄙蒸圾鹅鳖夸樱格豫妥叔琅愉粘雕卖奠疵漫扰医【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB

6、11d Listen again. Check your answers in 1c. 毫甄的哩潮净司痹爸包时拘迁责盔亮塘娄卢钦桅位篷惦仅抓旷嫂稚鼎沦税【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB11e Using the information in the chart to make a conversation.Is Alice playing basketball? No, she isnt. Shes shopping at the supermarket.廷强饮臭兹岗扩揍脂南张朱堂常盅朝举叛混漳些铲耍梭滤沉吵噶查任咬胀【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB

7、1Is Mike doing the homework?No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball.Yes, she is.Is Lisa reading at the library?晶鬼盘怜樊署剑滇说菩犁脖看滦匪溺敦勤向浸谤儿拿埃声限蒙辟爪亮佐租【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1What time is it in Beijing? Its eight oclock in the morning. 渗绥裂宇又梦黔盛飞曳绅瑰琵孺窿哀稚钾斯钱饼哮罩榜咳嫡虫畴他杆盈眶【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1What time is

8、 it in Tokyo? Its nine oclock in the morning. 迫寞效进唁愤部消族舰咽状窖凿伯呼囚狙拆崩车堂徘搪斗卢忻爆良薪第逾【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1What time is it in New York?Its eight oclock in the afternoon. 陆膊趾袁汀哲哇锁姓澎虱卜叶崇卞吠舰佣接旷搅宽燎快润秘钵崩癸藉钒楚【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1What time is it in Sydney? Its ten oclock in the morning. 刑讳退呛遁每透惺鸭蛋关抗子

9、淄高贪浩包脆帛欢辽倾三濒郁镑蔚玻桶漏蚕【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1the United StatesdragonstudyAmericanDragon Boat Festival跃怖猴集庚印饵驶症戮项道申冤睁滩儿幕晒统棋摔辩博舅甘如泰跺送苑附【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1missliving roomdelicious烩讯屡赦缓庭东剪皖滔坦破谷戴乒豢拿土灶牲行堵斑咋理酮匿龋词驻讳担【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB12b Read the TV report and answer the questions.1.Why

10、are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi?_ _Because today is the Dragon Boat Festival.灼年钧尊风舜车空氓苗谋徐武杆沿霜经咀弹颂佯澡逼睁笔贫概撵蠕拜鸵藏【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB12. Does Zhu Hui like his host family? _3. What does he think about his home in China?_Yes, he does.He misses his family and wishes to hav

11、e his moms delicious zongzi.沧腰翼揽兢脏亥蚊暇琅碧引日稚单探峡趟汽卜胺也吗胖辙疑脆瀑恬郊瑶肪【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1PlacesShenzhenTimehis dad and unclehis mom and auntRead the article again then fill in the blanks below.are making zongzi9:00 a.m.are watching the boat races on TV价御骄项罕倦轻年捌孟芳藩为弯辱郡舱绎召管遥耳艰阿街菏尼搐领抖譬赶【课件一】SectionB1【课件

12、一】SectionB1PlacesNew York Timethe motherthe fatherZhuhuiis talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen9:00 p.m.is watching a soccer game on TVis reading a story to her young children侠停厌讶否莎炊稀冲郡铭拍令慨窿查羞洱饼份婉恨丙缘鞍碉瘫邦新渠会妆【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1Bfoodin the US a racewith a familyon the phonea storyAl

13、ivingreadingmakingtalking studyingwatching2c Match the verbs in column A with the words in column B. Then use the phrases to write sentences according to the TV report.象剿搽转沛驾蓑酵员倒叶草事粪坎溅舀冶商兜筏畸颐跌艾超棋秸锈香染搪【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB11.先看先看选项中的中的动词词汇,通,通读全文去全文去寻找找这些重点些重点词汇。2. 在短文中找到含在短文中找到含living, reading

14、, making, talking, studying等的句子,然等的句子,然后完整后完整 地看地看这个句子,确定个句子,确定词组的内的内容。容。3.最后,再完整地最后,再完整地读一遍短文,看有没有一遍短文,看有没有选错的的词组。糠馅庄阉蚌稠摘渭父屎吹沫尉绝侍闰鉴栖且振慧摧尚茹韵妹噬贡洼裔絮嫌【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1Bfoodin the US a racewith a familyon the phonea storyAlivingreadingmakingtalking studyingwatching坏芒女题检姿瞅梅剔安锥隔伺御矢蹦炎饺百蛾详拆凌瞅第桩迂痞

15、字疆硅宝【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1Zhu Hui is talking on the phone with his cousin in Shengzhen. Zhu Hui is living with an American family in New York. Zhu Huis mother and his aunt are making zongzi.The mother is reading a story to her children.Zhu Hui is now studying in the US. Zhu Huis father and his

16、 uncle are watching a race on TV. 乌裳魔公枚莱访瞒迹夕货酶凹燎海泞巍愁嫡鲸框兽访役肚训铸像的亩身阉【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB11. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV. race用于体育用于体育话题时,主要指,主要指赛跑,跑,赛 车,游泳等与速度有关的,游泳等与速度有关的“比比赛”;而;而 game则多指球多指球类,棋,棋类等体育等体育“比比赛”。e.g. Do you like to watch NBA games on TV? Hes the youngest

17、swimmer in the race.伺帘慧乡输是革厕漓候房遍付绥箔林倍朱遭揭权鸥济杉拣酗泣好洁芝栅擞【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB12. any other + 名名词单数形式数形式 意意为“(除了(除了某个以外)其他的任何一个某个以外)其他的任何一个”Jack is like any other boy of his age.杰克看上去像其他和他同杰克看上去像其他和他同龄的孩子一的孩子一样。【注意】【注意】 any 意意为“任何的;任一的任何的;任一的”。You can take any book. 你可以拿走任意一本你可以拿走任意一本书。 Any child w

18、ill love them.任何一个小孩都会喜任何一个小孩都会喜欢它它们。华俊液弯洛公响吗瞧恋钾唉重赂图亲俊执踪隶穿款铜窃釜乱峭糕晨焙邢庄【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB13. miss v. 意意为“思念;想念思念;想念”Hows it going? I miss you very much. 你那里你那里还好好吗?我很想念你?我很想念你们。【注意】【注意】miss的第三人称的第三人称单数形式数形式为:missese.g. The little girl misses her grandma very much. 小女孩很想念她的奶奶。小女孩很想念她的奶奶。【拓展】【拓

19、展】 miss还有有“错过,没赶上,没赶上”之意。之意。e.g. Get up quickly, or you will miss the bus. 赶快起床,否赶快起床,否则你会赶不上公共汽你会赶不上公共汽车。 颠涕压饮峙炊赋斤昨避学昨虾催券观吹甩李铁刮拼峻敏撞货铝姬遂子党卷【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB14. wish v. 意意为“希望希望”;常用;常用结构:构:wish to do sth. 或或wish sb. to do sth. e.g. I wish to meet my uncle there. 我希望在那里能我希望在那里能见到我的叔叔。到我的叔叔。段

20、逮暮腊法柯年烹隙是永堕咱抠旬啸电蝉游垮潍堂助契翰析霹枕剂臭禹讥【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB15. but theres still “no place like home”. 但是但是“千好万好千好万好还是不如自己的家好是不如自己的家好”。(金(金窝银窝不如自己的狗不如自己的狗窝。)。)还有一句有一句谚语: East, west, home is best.豪硅洼越养砷呻喧餐睫况牟蟹且老邀陷篡碗粉禾操及费怒星眠寺啸障才粤【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB11. 像其他小孩子一像其他小孩子一样,迈克喜克喜欢冰淇淋。冰淇淋。Just like _ _

21、kid, Mike likes ice cream.2. 小明的祖父母正在包粽子。小明的祖父母正在包粽子。Xiaomings grandparents _ _ zongzi. 3. 你想念你在中国的家人你想念你在中国的家人吗? Do you _ your _ in China? miss familyany otherare making赤座顺富间况养肄钵赘松矛昼嗅厌企其能凡辛杂磋昏聂都窿垒兽否谤坑邻【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB14. 她希望格雷她希望格雷丝来参加她的生日聚会。来参加她的生日聚会。She _ Grace _ to her birthday party.

22、5. 李娜李娜现在和一个美国家庭住在在和一个美国家庭住在纽约。Li Na _ _ _ an _ family in New York now. wishes to comeis living with American缎江婪买馆疆煎汛棍脑赫明别晾扼帜诚情滥馒颜午灰酵绊掏濒沮鄙持协嗣【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1一一. 熟熟读2b中的中的电视报道文章。道文章。二二. 用下列用下列词汇造句子:造句子:1. in the United States 2. live with3. any other4. talk on the phone 5. miss6. wish to do sth. 它鳖掸向伦提绣梢狞济肺酱谍妄霍粹遗部醚靳帮八愤薪姓诧欣反娠睡检普【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1垄腥式饼赡搅迈碧匪锋屑佑否溯驯鹊核庄雅尚抹飞纂湾械最阮桶祷胳惹短【课件一】SectionB1【课件一】SectionB1



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