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1、 考前冲刺 中考英语语法讲解资料及练习( 共18讲)第 1 讲:名词名词当然是大家都很熟悉的了, 我们吃的food,喝的drinks,穿的clothes都是名词。It is easy, right?但是你可能被名词的单复数变化、名词作定语以及名词所有格等问题搞得糊里糊涂的,到底该怎么用呢? OK,follow me。First,名词复数的特殊变化。普通名词的复数我们知道是直接加-s或 -e s ,可是偏偏有一些名词不听话,变化不规则。这些小调皮是:a. class, box, watch, brush 等词以 s, x, ch, s h ,结尾,复数要加-es:b. story, factor

2、y等以“ 辅音字母+y”结尾的词复数要先将- y 变成-i再加es;c. knife, wi电 life等以- f 或-fe结尾的词一般先将-f或-fe变为-v ,再加-es;d . 以-o结尾的名词, 般来说,末尾是“ 元音字母+ 。 ”的词加- s , 我们学过的有radio,zoo。末尾是“ 辅音字母+o”的词,变复数加-es。tomato, hero, potato,当然其中的piano和 pholo,又是一个例外,他们的结尾只能加e. child (children) , foot (feet) , tooth (teeth) , mouse (mice) , man (men )

3、, woman (women )等词的复数变化全不遵循规则。注意: 与 m an和 woman构成的合成词, 其复数形式也是-m en和-women。 如: an Englishman, twoEnglishmen,但 German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;f. deer, sheep等词更是懒得可以,竟然单复数同形。好记好记。 people, police, cattle等词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数,所以它们的谓语当然也是复数形式,这就是集体名词。the English, theFrench, the Chinese等名词表示国民总称时, ,也作复数用。注意: maths,

4、 politics, physics等学科名词, 虽然以-s结尾, 仍为不可数名词。还有theUnited States( 美国) ,the United Nations ( 联合国) 等应视为单数。别奇怪,名词有时也可以作定语的。它作定语时一般用单数,但也有以下例外。a. man, woman等作定语时,它的单复数以其所修饰的名词的单复数而定。如:men workers,women teachers ob . 数词+ 名词作定语时, 这个名词一般保留单数形式, 中间加连字符。 如: a ten-mile walk十里路,twohundred trees 两百棵树。哇 !这些问题好复杂,我好想

5、轻松一下。那我们就轻轻松松地面对名词所有格问题。这里面内容可谓少之又少,可也不能小视呦。名词所有格:表 示 ” . . .的”通常是在名词的后面加s 如:Childrens day, fathers shoeso但以-s结尾的名词因为已经有s 了, 只 需 加 就 OK 了。 如果两个名词并列, 并且分别有,s , . 则表示“ 分别有 。 . 如: Johnsand Marys room ( 约翰和玛丽各有一间,共两间) ;两个名词并列,只有一 一 个 s , 则表示“ 共有 。如:John and Marys room ( 约翰和玛丽共有一间) 。还有些无生命名词的所属要用介词of来帮助一

6、下 , 如 :a map of China, the end of this termo好,名词部分我们已经学完,Itkapieceofcake?接下来到了我们趁热打铁的时间了,Are you ready?练习:1. All the teachers and students are having a meeting there.A. women ,girlsB. w om engirlC. woman,girlsD. womangirl2. Mr Black is a friend of.A. Jacks auntsB. Jacks auntC. Jack auntsD. aunts of

7、Jack3. This toy was made by a boy.A. ten-year-oldB. ten-years-oldC. ten-year-olderD.ten-years-older4. The farmer raised ten.A.sheepsB. deersC. horseD. cows5. She looked at us sadly with her eyes as large as.A. her grandmotherB. her grandmothersC. her grandmothersD. that of her grandmother6. We have

8、moved into a.A. two- storey houseB. house of two storeyC. two-storeys houseD. two storeys house7. The was too much for the child to carry.A. boxs steelB. box of a steelC. steel boxD. box of the steel8. Well give our English teacher a card for.A. the Teachers DayB. Teachers DayC. a Teachers DayD. Tea

9、chers Day9. Li Ping met an old friend of on a train yesterday.A. heB. himC. hisD. her10 .are big and bright.A. The classroom windowB. The window of the classroomC. The windows of the classroomD. The classrooms windows实战:1. Don*t worry. Your son will come back in hour.A. aB. anC. theD./2. This nice b

10、louse isnt mine. It s.A. youB. yourC. LucyD. yours3. Whats potato1 in Chinese? It s.A .香蕉B .大白菜C .西红柿D. 土豆4. The ninth month of a year is.A. DecemberB. NovemberC. SeptemberD. October5. A: Must I leave now?B: No, you.A. needntB. mustntC. dontD. wont6. We have a history lesson Wednesday afternoon.A. o

11、nB.ofC. atD. to7. Suan has made quite friends since she came to China.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little8. A: Have you ever to the West Lake?B: Yes, I there last winter.A. gone, wentB. been, wentC. gone , have beenD. been, have9. Do you English?A. tellB. sayC. talkD.speak10. A: May I your ruler?B: O

12、K, Pm glad to it to you.A. lend, borrowB. lend, lendC. borrow, lendD. borrow, borrow11. Well go to the museum if it tomorrow.A. cant rainB. wont rainC. dont rainD. doesnt rian12. Do you know?A. where does he studyB. he studies whereC. where he studiesD. he where studies13. A: do you go to see your g

13、randparents?B: Once a monthA. How oftenB. How longC. how muchD. how many14. A: Would you like another cup of orange?B: I m full.A. No, thanksB. Yes, please.C. Here it is.D. I don*t like.15. You must be tired. Why not a rest?A. to stop to haveB. stop havingC. stop to haveD. to stop having第 2 讲:代词我们刚刚

14、讲完了名词,现在再来看看名词的brotheL代词。它与名词的作用其实很相似,所担当的句中成分也相差不多。 但也别小看代词呀! 它还有很多的“ 小个性”呢 !只要抓住它的几个“ 小脾气” ,那么你就可以牢牢地掌握它了。代词中第一个“ 小个性”就是物主代词。像 m y和 mine这两个小冤家总是让人分不清谁是谁。但你只要记住它们最重要的区别一m y 的后面一定要接名词,不可以单独出现,只能做定语,如:my father;而 mine则是名词性,只能单独出现,在句中做主语和表语。如:Mine is green. It*s mine.记住这两个句子,凡是名词性物主代词( yours, hers, hi

15、s, its, ours, theirs)就都可以放在mine的位置上了。这样,通过它们出现的位置不同,我们就可以把它们区别开了。代词的第二个“ 罗嗦” 就是它有一个小跟班一self( selves) 一反身代词, 也就是表示“ 自己、亲自”的意思。关于反身代词,需要注意的是她不能单独做主语,但可以放在人称代词后面,做同位语。如:Marry herself said s o .玛丽她自己这么说的。( 不能说Herself said so.)下面我给你开点小灶,单独讲一讲须“ 特特”注意的地方。Of+名词性物主代词:of +物主代词构成双重所有格。公式为:a ( an, this, that )

16、 + 名词+of +名词性物主代词。 牢记公式, 举一反三。因为物主代词不可与a, an, this, that, these, those, some, any, no,each,every, such, another等词一起前置,修饰一个名词,而必须用双重所有格。如: a friend of mine( 我的一个朋友) ,each brother of his ( 他的每一个兄弟).some, an y 的用法:我们都知道som e用于肯定句中,而 any则用于否定句和疑问句中。 所以somebody, someone也用于肯定句中,而 anybody、anyone则用于否定和疑问句中。

17、注意:在 Would youlike some coffee?( 要来点咖啡吗?)这样的肯定疑问句中,说话人认为对方的答案会是肯定的,或期望得到肯定回答时,用 some而不用any。every和 each的用法:every强调全体的概念,指三个以上的人或物( 含三个) ,不可单独使用;each强调个体概念。指两个以上的人或物( 含两个) ,可 单 独 使 用 Every student in our school workshard.( 我们学校的学生都很用功。 ) Each student may have one b o o k .( 每个学生都可有一本书。 )both, either,

18、neither 的用法:both意 为 “ 两者全都” ,与复数连用。either意 为 “ 两者中间的任何一个 ,neither表 示 “ 两者之间一个也不是“ , 与单数连用。 如: Both of the them come from London。 他们两人都是伦敦人。 Youmay take either with you。 两个中间你随便带哪个都行。 Neither is correcto 两个都不对。Few, a few 和 little, a little 的用法:Few, a few用来代替和修饰可数名词,little, a little用来代替和修饰不可数名词; a few

19、和 a little着重肯定意思,相当于汉语“ 有几个” ,“ 有一点儿” ;few和 little着重否定意思,相 当 于 汉 语 “ 没有几个” ,“ 没有多少”0 K ,代词部分我们已经学完,Ms a piece of cake?接下来到了我们趁热打铁的时间了,Are you ready?练习:1. We had plenty of paper but ink.A. a fewB. fewC. not manyD. not much2. Learning a foreign language is especially difficult for those who have have

20、never learnedbefore.A. oneB. itC. themD. that3. Were very busy because weve so books to read and so homework to do every day.A. much . manyB. many. muchC. many . a lotD. a lot. much4 .1 thought of the matter but still couldnt find out the reason.A. everyB. bothC. nothingD. everything5. My car is not

21、 so expensive as.A. himB. hesC. heD. his6. Lily and Lucy have arrived, but students arent here yet.A. otherB. othersC. the otherD. the others7. There are high buildings on side of the street.A. bothB. everyC. anyD.either8. What do you usually have for breakfast?一 eggs and milk.A Little . a fewB. A l

22、ittle . a littleC. A few . a littleD. A few . a few9.is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it.A. SomethingB. AnythingC. NothingD. Everything10. Is this story the same as in that book?A. the oneB. whatC. thatD. it实战:1. There is old woman in the car.A .不填B. theC. aD. an2. We often go to

23、 the park Sundays.A. onB.inC. atD. from3. My book on the desk.A. isB. amC. areD. be4. Which language is, English, French or Chinese?A. difficultB. the difficultC. more difficultD. the most difficult5. _book is this?Its Kates.A. whenB. WhyC. WhereD. whose6. Can you write a letter in English?-N o, I.A

24、. may notB. mustntC. can*tD. needn*t7 .1 my homework when Mike came last night.A. doB. was doingC. am doingD. have done8. He began to English three years ago.A. learnB.learnsC. learnedD. learning9. Jim is a d r i v e r , h e ?A. doesB. doesntC.isD. isnt10. Whats wrong you? the doctor asked.A. fromB.

25、 withC. forD. at11. He is r i c h, he isnt happy.A. orB. soC. andD. but12. 一Where is Alice?- She to the library.A. goesB. will goC. has goneD. had gone13. Help to some fish, Mary. My aunt said to me.A. themselvesB. ourselvesC. yourselfD. himself14. Well stay at home if it tomorrow.A. rainB. rainsC.

26、is rainingD. will rain15. The students on a farm for ten days. Then they to a factory.Though they back school, they still remember those fanners and workers.A. have stayed, went, wasB. had stayed, go , areC. have stayed, go, have beenD. have stayed, went, were第 3 讲:形容词Spring is coming. The trees are

27、 green, and the flowers are beautiful.多么美的季节啊!我们要去郊游,去感受、去描绘我们周围美好的事物。形容词会帮你忙。可是形容词怎么使用起来老出错呀?不是放错了位置,搞错了级别,就是在使用多个形容词作定语时排错了顺序。当然了,形容词使用时需要遵循一些规则的。想知道吗?接着往下看。a beautiful little new white wooden house从这个长长的词中可以看出多个形容词作定语时排列有一定的先后顺序。它们往往遵循以下规律:冠词或人称代词所有格+ 数词+ 性质+大小+ 形状+ 表示老少、新旧+ 颜色+ 事物质地、人的国籍、用途。其实,

28、你大可不必这样费神记, 只要记住我给你的句子就可以了。There is something wrong with my bike这句话可能让你挠挠头皮,为什么wrong放在something的后面呢?原来虽然大部分形容词做定语忖的位置是放在名词之前的, 但当形容词所修饰的词为something, anything, nothing, everything等以-thing为字尾的词语时,形容词要后置。形容词级别问题:a. Our classroom is twice larger than theirs。 ( 我们的教室是他们的两倍。 ) 这种表示倍数的句子用 times +形容词比较级+tha

29、n 这样的格式。你记住了吗?b. Im three years older than you.( 我比你大三岁。 )表示 大三岁, 高二厘米 等时用 表示数量词的词+ 比较级 。c.越来越. . . 用 比较级+and+比较级 来表示。如:The earth is getting warmer and warmer0 ( 地球变得越来越暖和。 )d.越. . . 就越. . . . 用the +比较级, the+比较级 来表示。 如: The busier he is, the happier hefeels ( 他越忙, 越觉得高兴。)最高级用法的用法就很简单了,提醒你一点,最高级要用于三者

30、以上。还有几点是不得不提的:alone 和 lonely: I feel lonely, because I am alone at hom e.你独自一人在家用alone表示 单独的 、” 独自一人的 ,它表示一个客观事实,在句中只能做表语。你在家感到寂寞,用“lonely”,表示主观上感到 孤独 寂寞 ,指一种悲伤忧郁的情绪,可作定语和表语。older 和 elder: Jack is older than me, he is my elder brother.杰克比我大要用older,表示 年纪大的,年老的” ,常用做表语;他是我的长兄用 elder”,表示“ 年老的,年长的 ,用做定语

31、、 只用于比较两个人的长幼,只能作表语。接下来又到了我们趁热打铁的时间了,你准备好了吗?练习:1. Tony is going camping with_ boys.A. little two otherB. two little otherC. two other littleD. little other two2. Which is the country, Japan or Australia?A. more developedB. more developingC. most developedD. most developing3. How was your recent visi

32、t to Qingdao? It was great.We visited some friends, and spent the_days at the seaside.A. few last sunnyB. last few sunnyC. last sunny fewD. few sunny last4. The books are not to be published.A. enough interstingB. interesting enoughC. so interestingD. too interesting5. Whats your sports?A. the most

33、favoriteB. most favoriteC. favoriteD. the favorite6. Theres with the recorderA. anything wrongB. wrong anythingC. something wrongD.wrong something7. His sister is than he .A. younger five yearsB. five years youngerC. five year youngeD. five younger years8. We should speak English in and after class.

34、-Ye s , ,.A. more, betterB. the more, the betteC. much, betterD. the often, the better9. The old man lives alone, he feel s.A. aloneB. lonelyC. loneD. alonely10.1 think bananas are of all the fruits.A. deliciousB. much deliciousC. more deliciousD. the most delicious实战:1. What*s this in English? Its

35、apple.A. aB. anC. theD .不填2 .1 was born February 18, 1981.A. onB. inC. atD. of3. There isnt water in the glass.A. someB. lotsC. manyD. any4. do you watch TV?n Twice a week.A. How longB. How farC. How oftenD. How many5 .1 have two pencils, one is l o n g , i s short.A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. o

36、thers6. They are p o o r , t h e y are always happy.A. andB. butC. orD. so7.beautiful the flowers are!A. HowB. WhatC. How aD. What a8. 一 Do you English?*-Only a little.1A. tellB.speakC. sayD. talk9. There are about students in our grade.A. two hundreds and twenty-fiveB. two hundreds and twenty fiveC

37、. two hundred and twenty-fiveD. two hundred twenty-five10. His name is Robert Thomas Brown. The students call him.A. Mr RobertB. Mr ThomasC. Mr Thomas BrownD. Mr Brown11. Your books are here, where are?A. myB. mineC.ID. me12. She will write to me sa soom as she in Paris.A. will arriveB. arriveC. arr

38、ivingD arrives13.- nIts a fine day, ?” Yes, lets go out for a walk.1A. is itB. it isC. isnt itD. it isnt14. Could you tell us?A. when will the meeting startB. when the meeting will startC. the meeting will start whenD. then meeting when will start15. My bike is broken, can you mend it?-“Sorry,A. I c

39、antB. I wontC. I canD. I dont第 4 讲:副词学完了形容词,副词讲解起来会更容易些。 般认为形容词+ly就变成了副词,如形容词quick加上-ly变成副词quickly。但是象friendly , lovely虽 然 以 l y 结尾,但实则是形容词,She is friendlyto me ( 她对我很友好。) 可千万不要误认为是副词哟!副词可修饰动词、形容词和副词,这些用法相信大家已经掌握。那我们挑选一下易混、易用错的来详细讲解一下。already 和 yet :Where is Tom? He hasn*t come yet. But Jack is alre

40、ady here . 这句话中又是 already,又有 y e t,是怎么回事吗?原来already和 yet意思虽然相同,但用法有点小区别。表示事情早已发生或提前发生用 already, 一般放于句中, 用于肯定句和疑问句。 含有already的肯定句, 变为否定句时, 要将already变为y e t,且放在句尾。yet表示预料要发生的事未发生,位于句尾,一般用于否定句和疑问句中。还迷糊吗?再迷糊,只好再看一看上面的例句喽。hard 和 hardly:hard, hardly两者虽然只有-ly之差,意义却大不相同。hard表示 辛苦,使劲,努力,” 如:Heworks very hard

41、.( 他学习非常努力。 )而 hardly为否定副词, 表示“ 几乎不 。 如: The box is so heavy thathe could hardly carry it. ( 这箱子是那么沉,他几乎搬不动。 )ago 和 before:a g o 不能单独使用, 应与three days ( months , weeks) 等连用, 而且和动词的过去时连用。 如:I metmy neighbour an hour ago. Before之前有“ 一段时间 时,指 距这段时间以前 ,和过去完成时连用。如:He said he had finished the work two days

42、 before.( 他说他两天前已完成了工作。 ) 如果 before 单独使用, 是泛指 以前 , 常常和完成时连用。如:I have seen the film before.( 我以前没看过这部电影。 )farther 和 further:fa r有两种比较级, farther, further.在英语中两者都可指距离。 如: He runs farther than she does.( 他比她跑得远。 )在美语中,farther表示距离,further表示进一步。 如: I have nothing further tosay.( 我没什么要说的了。 )至于副词的比较级和最高级问题,

43、参照形容词的就OK 了。试试趁热打铁如何?练习:1. The teacher was very angry and decided to send school, so he wasn*t a student any longer.A. away him fromB. him away from theC. away him out ofD. him away from2., he didnt fail in the English exam.A. LuckB. LuckyC. LuckilyD. Luckly3 .一Are you f e e l i n g ?Yes, Em fine no

44、w.A. any wellB.any betterC.quite goodD.quite better4 . The more we looked at the pi c t ur e , .A. the less we liked itB. we like it lessC. better we like itD. it looked better5. After the new machine was introduced, the factory produced_ shoes in 1988 as the year before.A. as twice manyB. as many t

45、wiceC. twice as manyD. twice many as6. Our English needs to be improved.A. fartherB. farthestC. furtherD. far7. What a pity! Lucy ran more slowly than Lily.A. a fewB. muchC. a littleD. little8. He is running now.A. more slowly and more slowlyB. slowlier and slowlierC. more and more slowlyD. slowly a

46、nd slowly9. Last night my father went back later than before.A. quiteB. veryC. evenD. much morelO. The sick man was too thin to go any.A. farB. fartherC. furtherD. farthest实战:1. The answer is nice and soft. Shall I the shopkeeper if I can try it on?A. askB. answerC.speakD. tell2. Tickets, please. Ma

47、y I your ticket please, madam?A. showB. watchC. findD.see3. Its not good to when you are waiting for a bus.A. stand in lineB. get on wellC. jump the queueD. wait for your turn4. Its hard to count the monkeys, theyre running and j umpi ng.A. at timesB. all the timeC. more or lessD. right away5. Im so

48、rry, weve the shoes in your size.A. paid forB. put onC. sold outD. put away6. Weihuas pen was, so she needed a new one.A. brokenB. longC. cheapD. here7. You can often buy things from their shop home.A. of the wayB. by the wayC. another way ofD. on your way8. The teacher in the school library is very

49、. You must return your library book on time!A. kindB. lonelyC. strictD. polite9. Thanks to man-make satellite, the world itself is becoming a much s m a l l e r .A. spaceB. placeC. roomD. universe10.1 like the sweater, but it too much.A. usesB. takesC. costsD. spends11. Father Christmas lands on top

50、 of house and climbs down the chimney into the fire-place.A. eachB.allC. eitherD. both12. The ice is very thin. Its dangerous walk on it.A. so, thatB. as, asC. from, toD. too, to13. One day his mother was ill. She a doctor.A.sent forB. sent awayC. sent upD. fell behind14. He the radio and listened t

51、o the music.A. openedB. turned onC. turned offD. closed15. The doctor Mrs Brown very carefully and then said: * There*s nothing much wrong withyou.”A. watchedB. operatedC. looked overD. looked after第 5 讲:动词我们步步深入, 开始接触到整个句子的heart- 动词了。掌握了动词,你学起英语来就会感到驾轻就熟了。告诉你,一定要记牢动词的现在分词,过去式,过去分词,如果在这些小地方丢分,那才讨厌呢。

52、比如:catch的过去式和过去分词( caught, caught)你可能就不知道吧? 痛下决心,好好记一记吧。下面呢,我们就各个击破。先讲系动词。系动词:大概是最简单的动词了。你只需注意的是系动词除了 b e 的形式之外,还 有 become,get, grow, turn, sound, look, smell, taste等,它们不能单独作谓语, 必须和作表语的词语( 如形容词,名词等)连用, 所以用的时候,可要小心为是呀!如:It smells delicious.( 它闻起来味道很美) 。delicious是形容词,不是副词。情态动词:首先要记住情态动词后必跟动词原形。must和 n

53、eed几乎是每年的必考题,这里我们重点讲一下。must的意思是 应当, 必须” , 侧重于说话者的主观看法, 没有时态变化, 其否定式是mustnt,在“MustI( we)的疑问句中,须注意的是其否定回答常用neednh如:Must I go?( 我一定要走吗? ) No,youneednt.( 不,不必。)need意为 需要” 。既可作实义动词,又可作情态动词,因此在用法上需要注意。作实义动词时,need后跟名词,动名词,或不定式。如:I need to go.( 我得走了。)作情态动词时,后跟动词原形。如:You neednt come tomorrow if you are busy.

54、( 如果你忙,明天就不必来了。)实意动词: 实意动词可谓家族兴旺,人员众多。我们跑( run) , 我们跳( jump) , 我们笑( laugh) ,这些都得用实意动词来表达。我们一起来看一看一些特殊的词吧。它们在接动名词和不定式时意义有所不同。stop:这个词让好多同学大伤了一番脑筋,到底什么时候加to d o ,什么时候加doing呢? 两者意义又有什么不同呢? OK, Come wilh m e.看下面两个句子。When the teacher came in, they stopped to read.When the teacher came in, they stopped ta

55、lking.第一句的意思是” 当老师进来时,他们停下来开始读书” 。而第二句的意思是” 老师进来时,他们停止了说话 。所以stop to do sth表示” 停止正在做的事情去干另一件事” 。而 stop doing表示” 中断正在做的某事” 。现在明白了吗?forget, remember, regret这三个词用法基本相同, 只要记住+doing表示 事情已经做过 , +to do表示 事情还未做” 就可以了。forget to d o 忘记要去做某事。( 未做) forget doing忘记做过某事。( 已做)如 : The light is still on. He forgot to

56、 turn it off.灯还在亮着,他忘记关了。 (没有做关灯的动作)He forgot turning the light o ff.他忘记他已经关了灯了 (已做过关灯的动作)感官动词: see,watch, notice,look at,hear,listen to,smell,taste,feel 等 +do 表示动作的完整性, 真实性 +doing表示动作的连续性,进行性。$ 1 1 : I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。( 强调 我看见了” 这个事实) I saw him working in the gard

57、en yesterday.( 强调, 我见他正干活” 这个动作)昨天我见他正在花园里干活。又到了我们趁热打铁的时间了,好学的你准备好了吗?练习:1. Wang Lin some help. Can you help him?A. needsB. wantC. need toD. ask2. All of us enjoy football very much.A. playB. playingC. playedD. to play3. The light in the classroom is still on. Oh, I forgot_.A. turning it offB. turn i

58、t offC. to turn it offD. having turned it off4 .1 regret_ the window.A. to doB. to be doingC. to have doneD. having broken5. His grandparents saw her_up from childhood.A. growB. grewC. was growingD. to grow6. -Whats this in English?- Sorry, I can*t it in English.A. tellB. sayC.speakD. talk7. 一 I fin

59、ish my homwork today?- No, you neednt.A. CanB. MayC. MustD. Need8. In Spring , the days longer and longer, the trees green.A. get, turnB. gets, turnsC. got, turnedD. have got, have turned9. When the traffic lights are red, you stop.A. canB. mustC. wontD. neednt10. When the teacher came into the clas

60、sroom, I to my deskmate.A. stopped to talkB. stopped talkingC. stop to talkD. stop talking实战:1.-Whose calculator is it? Ifs.A. shesB. hersC. herD. she2.December 23, Mr and Mrs Hopkens flew to London for a trip.A. onB.inC. atD. for3. The Science Museum is located the centre of the town.A. withB. near

61、C. besideD. in4. Do you think maths is important than English?A. veryB. asC. moreD. quite5. The captain has a daughter.A. five-years-oldB. five years oldC. five year oldD. five -year-old6. Two fishermen saw in the sky while they were fishing by a river.A. something strangeB. anything strangeC. stran

62、ge somethingD. strange anything7. They got a Christmas tree and it was ours.A. so tall asB. so taller asC. as tall asD. as taller as8. Whos woman over there?A./B. theC. aD. an9. A: h a v e the scientists been there?B. For about two years.A. How many timesB. HowC. What timeD. How long10. t hat pair o

63、f new expensive?A. Is, shoeB. Are, shoeC. Is, shoesD. Are, shoes11. Dick jumped into a large hole he saw the bear.A. whileB. as soon asC. untilD. if12. cold weather it is at the South Pole!A. WhatB. What anC. HowD. What a13.1 dont know last night.A. why they didnt go to the moviesB. when they didnt

64、go to the moviesC. why didnt they go to the moviesD. when didnt they go to the movies14. There arent many oranges here, but you can take if you want to.A. fewB. a fewC. a littleD. little15. Tom failed in the exam. He l ooke d.A. happyB. sadlyC. upsetD. lovely第 6 讲:不定式不定式和动词象一对姐妹一样亲密,本不该拆开来讲,可是篇幅有限,只

65、能让他们分开了。不定式的构成非常简单,告诉我是什么?对 ! 是 to+动词原形。当然啦,to 有时也可以不带。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化, 可以担当除谓语外的任何句子成分。 那什么时候可以不带to 呢? Listen to mecarefully.不定式省t。有四种情况:使役动词let,have,make等后接不定式。如:Let him g o !让他走!would rather, had better 后。如:You had better stay at home.你最好呆在家里。Why/ why not 后。如: Why not have a good rest on Sunday?为什

66、么星期天不好好休息, 下呢?感官动词 see, watch, look at, hear, listen to, smell,feel, find 等后作宾补, 省 to。 如: I saw him dance.我看见他跳舞。注意:这些情况在被动句中可千万不可省t o 哟 ! 如:The boss made them work the whole night.变成被动句:They were made to work the whole night.不定式的特殊用法:I t 与不定式:动词不定式可以做主语,但如果动词不定式太长,显得头重脚轻的,那么我们就可用形式主语it代替,而把真正主语( 即不

67、定式) 放于句尾。如: It is not difficult for me to study English well.( 对我来说学好英语是可能的。)不定式还可以充当句子的宾语,但有些动词,如 find, think, believe等,在语法上不能接受不定式作宾语,只有用it作形式宾语,从而把动词不定式置于句尾。这样的不定式可继续充当其宾语的作用。如: I found it difficult to fall asleep.我发现很难入睡。还有一点:动词不定式,还可用在how, when, where, what, which等疑问代词或副词之后,与其共同作宾语。如:I dont kno

68、w how to use a computer.我不知道怎样使用电脑。Remember?too.to 和 enough. 。 : too.to表达” 太 . . . 一致于不能enough . t o 表 达 ” 足以这两个词组的用法用两个例子就可以说清楚了。The box is too heavy for me to lift.这个箱子太沉了,我提不动。He is old enough to go to school.他到上学的年龄了。也就是说,他的年龄足够上学了。记住这两个句子就可以举一反三,应用自如。你记住了吗?好吧,再试一把趁热打铁!练习:I. Tell him_ the window

69、.A. to close notB. not to closeC. to not closeD. not close2. Paul doesnt have to be made_ . He always works hard.A. learnB. to learnC. learnedD. learning3. Youd better the story in Japanese.A. sayB.speakC. tellD. talk4. The patient was warned_ oily food after the operation.A. to eat notB. eating not

70、C. not to eatD. not eating5 . I usually go there by train. Why not_by boat for a change?A. to try goingB. trying to goC. to try and goD. try going6. There are some books on the floor, would you like?A. to pick them upB. to pick up themC. pick it upD. pick up it7. She is very ill, lets a doctor at on

71、ce.A. to wake upB. send forC. to pay forD. pay for8 . 1 want a teacher when I grow up.A. to beB. toC. beD. being9. Its cold here. Youd better your coat.A. not take outB. not to take downC. not take offD. not to take away10. My mother told me more water.A. drinkingB. drankC. to drinkD. drink实战:1. You

72、d better read in the sun.A. not toB. notC. dontD. to2. You arent a new driver, are you?.A. No, I amB. Yes, Tm notC. No, you areD. Yes, I am3. Must I stay here now?.A. No, you mustntB. No, you needntC. Yes, you canD. Yes, you may4. There i s* sn in the word bus.A. aB. anC. theD./5. Neithere of us a d

73、octor.A. isB. isntC. areD. arent6. Who was the first in the g i r l s * r a c e ?A. 400 metreB. 400-metreC. 400 metresD. 400-metres7. Its too noisy here, I can t .A. go to sleepB. fall to sleepC. sleepingD. get to sleep8. The story happened the evening of October 20, 1995.A. atB. onC. inD. to9. Coul

74、d I speak to Mr Gao, p l e a s e ? . He has gone to the hospital.A. I think soB. Certainly, you canC. Im afraid notD. Pm not sure10. Im sorry to trouble you, Miss Hu. .A. Fine, thank you.B. All right.C. Its very kind of you .D. It doesnt matter.11. Can you tell me whe r e ?A. is the post officeB. th

75、e post office isC. does the post officeD. the post office does12. In England, the first name is name, but in China, the first name is name.A. family, givenB. given, familyC. family, familyD. given, given13. Li Ping met an old friend of on a train yesterday.A. heB. himC. hisD. her14. Kate is girl.A.

76、a eighteen-year-oldB. a eighteen-years-oldC. an eighteen -years-oldD. an eighteen-year-old15. Our city is ge t t i ng.A. beautiful and beautifulB. beautifuler and beautifulerC. more and more beautifulD. more beautifler and more beautifuler第 7 讲介词别看介词是一种虚词,它在句中的作用却非常重要。它用来表明名词与句中其他词的关系,不 能 单 独 使 用 。

77、常 考 点 包 括 些 固 定 搭 配 和 一 些 近 义 词 。 固 定 搭 配 如 :on ones wayhome.help.with,send for,be interested in., be late for, be angry with,be good at 等。当然这需要你好好记忆了。常用介词解析及用法比较:at,on和 in:这三个介词在试卷中的出现频率极高。对于它们的的分辨只要记住一句话就可以了。 at表示点, on表示线, in表示面。 什么意思呢?也就是说它们表达的范围逐渐增大。 at six oclock,at noon, at the age of sixteen等

78、用a t表示时刻或时间的点以及年龄。 on具体到一周中的各天, I I期及某特定的一天早上, 下午, 晚上:on Saturday, on July 1st, on my birthday, on the morning of July 16th,on a spring afternoono in表达的范围更大一些。与世纪、年代、季节、月份以及早上、上午、晚上等连用 o 如 : in the seventh century, in 1950s ,in 2000, in the morning 等。for,since: fo r表示多长时间。since后接时间起点, 其终点往往为现在,常与完成时

79、连用。牢牢记住哟。after, in :这两个介词都可以表示时间 在以后 的意思。其区别是:after以过去为起点,表示过去一段时间之后,常用于过去时态的句子;i n 以现在为起点,表示将来一段时间以后,常用于将来时态的句子。by, with, in: by表示 以的方式,方法,手段 和 乘某种交通工具 ;with指 借助于具体的手段或工具” ;i n 表示 以 方式,用语言,文字等媒介“ 。for 和 of: 试比较:Its impossible for me to watch TV after eleven oclock. Its kind of you to help me.两句中介词的

80、选择依据其前形容词而定, 一般来说, of之前的形容词往往是用于描写人的品质的好坏,人自身的特点,如聪明与否,细心与粗心等;for之前的形容词用于描写事物的特点,如可能性,必然性,难易程度等。好,又到了趁热打铁的时间了,来检测一下你的学习成效如何?练习:1. Can you tell the story Russian?A. withB.inC. onD. by2. Here are some birthday cards our t e a c h e r s , o u r best wishes.A. of, withB. for, withC. of, inD. for, in3. T

81、he visitors Japan arrived Beijing station last Tuesday morning .A. from, atB. of, toC. from, toD. of, on4. Hes badly hurt, we must send a doctor at once.A. toB. upC. onD. for5. Do you usually come to school foot or- bike?A. by . byB. on. onC. on . byD. by . on6. -when was Jim born?-July, 18,1978.A.o

82、nB.atC.inD.to7. Wei Fang bought a new pen at a shop her way home.A. onB. atC. inD. to8. Dont tell anybody about it. Keep it a secret you and me.A. amongB. betweenC. inD. with9. The teacher will be back an hour.A. inB. afterC. ofD. at10. How long have you been in Beijing ? Ive been he r e 1989.A. inB

83、.sinceC.onD.for实战:1 .man in brown is friend of my fathered .A. The., theB. The . aC. A. aD. A. the2. Here is a letter you. Ifs your aunt.A. to. forB. for. toC. from. toD. for. from3. The twins are interested in Chinese food.A. allB. bothC. neitherD. each4. It is hot in Nanjing in summer.A. too muchB

84、. much tooC. much moreD. so much5 .Thats too dear. Have you got?A. cheaper somethingB. everything cheaperC. cheaper anythingD. anything cheaper6. -Can I go out to play football now? No, you. You must do your homework first.A. wontB. cantC. needntD. dont7. The boy didnt go to bed he was asked to.A. w

85、hileB. sinceC. untilD. as soon as8. Lesson Two is than Lesson One .A. much difficultB. much more difficultC. the most difficultD. little difficult9. Youd better here any longer.A. dont stayB. not to stayC. to not stayD. not stay10. It him half an hour to ride a bike to get here.A.spentB. usedC. took

86、D. paid11. Mrs Read doesnt know for her daughter.A. what will she buyB. which will she buyC. to buy whatD. what she will buy12. These childern have never seen s n o w , t h e y ?A. doB. dontC. haventD. have13. Why shopping at once?A. dont goB. not go toC. didint goD. not go14. The Great Wall all ove

87、r the world .A. is being knownB. was knownC. has knownD. is known15. My friend has worked in that h o s p i t a l .A. since it openedB. for it openedC. since it opensD. since it is open第 8 讲:连词好了,现在我们在攻克词类的最后一个堡垒连词。连词更好对付了,我们只讲几个常考 的词组就可以了。连词常考到的有以下几个词组:both .and:表 示 两 者 都 注 意 :当 both.and连接主语时,后面动词一

88、般要用复数。如:BothLily and Lucy are right.not only. but also: 不仅 而 且 注 意 :后面动词采用就近原则, 与 but also后的词保持一致。如: Not only my parents but also my brother likes the cat.either.or:或者 或 者 注 意 谓 语 动 词 采 用 就 近 原 则 。如:Either you or I am wrong.neither.nor: ” 既不 也不. . . ”是 “either.or” 的否定形式。谓语动词采用就近原则,与 nor后的词保持一致。 如:Ne

89、ither you nor he is right.o r的用法: 意 思 为 否 则 如 :I must work hard, or TH fail in the exam.( 我必须好好学习, 否则我会考不及格了。)So easy, not difficult at all! OK! Lets come to our 趁热打铁。练习:1. John I are policemen.A. Neither. norB. Either. orC. Both . andD. Not only. but also2. Mr Smith teaches well his lessons are not

90、 easily forgotten.A. very. thatB. quite . butC. so. asD. so . that3. He didnt go to sleep he finished his homework.A. tillB. beforeC. afterD. until4 .1 didnt buy the dictionary yesterday my aunt would give me one.A. untilB. becauseC. ifD. before5. The runner fell he quickly got up and went on runnin

91、g.A. orB. andC. butD. down6. Wait for me in the room I come back.A. untilB. andC. soD. or7. Ill return the books to the library soon as possible.A. asB. soC. justD. but8. Go along the r o a d , y o u l l find the market at the end of it.A. whenB. andC. orD. though9. YDU1 1 be late you dont get up ea

92、rly tomorrow morning.A. ifB. whenC. beforeD. until10. It was late. She washed her face went to bed.A. orB. andC. soD. but实践:1. Mr Lin often comes to the park to do morning exerciese at this time of day.A. theB. aC .不填D. an2. This is business, not mine.A. Mr Yang and Mr Zhang*sB. Mr Yang and Mr Zhang

93、C. Mr Yangs and Mr ZhangD. Mr Yangs and Mr Zhangs3. I have got news from my friend. Do you want to know?A. a very goodB. anyC. a piece ofD. two pieces4. She a thick coat today, though it isn*t very cold.A. is wearingB. put onC. dressedD. is dressing5. That woman is very tired, so she.A. stopped to w

94、orkB. stopped having a good restC. stopped to have a restD. stopped to working6. Hello, who are you?-M y mother.A. waitingB. waiting forC. findingD. looking7. My uncle went to Moscow to do some business three mo n t h s ?A. beforeB. laterC. agoD. after8. Edison was cleverer than students in his clas

95、s, but his teacher didin*t know this.A. all theB. otherC. anotherD. the others9 .1 dont know where Jack is now. - in the cinema.A. Maybe heB. May be heC. He might beD. He may be10.lt was dark we couldnt see anything clearly.A. very, thatB. too, toC. so, asD. so, that11 .There are two dictionaries on

96、 his desk, but of them is useful to me.A. allB. neitherC. bothD. either12 .I saw him driving a car across the street.A. Right nowB. Just a momentC. Right awayD. Just now13. She will be back by air from s h a n g h a i .A. in a weekB. after a weekC. a week laterD. until a week14. You may pay attentio

97、n to your writing nobody can understand what you want to write.A. butB. andC. orD. that15. The test is easier and interesting than that one.A. more, muchB. much, moreC. more, moreD. much, much第 9 讲:时态一提起时态,当然是指动词的时态啦。过去、现在利未来等不同时间段发生的事情要用不同的时态来表示。时态是动词的一种形式,表示动作或状态发生或存在的时间和方式。闭上眼睛想一想,初中我们学过的时态有几个?初中

98、我们共学过八种时态。本讲将这几个时态总体介绍一下:一般现在时:常与always,often,sometimes, every day连用,表示习惯或经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态。提醒你当第三人称单数做主语时,别忘了动词的变化。注意:象” 地球大,月亮小” 等客观真理、事实一定用一般现在时。现在进行时: 要注意其构成: 由be+动词+ing,表示说话时正在进行的动作。 如: WeTe studying now.我们现在正在学习。一般过去时:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常 与 yesterday,last year,in 1949,twoyears ago,等表示过去时间的状语连用。

99、 注意: We often went to dance last summer.有的同学一见到often就想到用一般现在时, 其实因为后面有表示过去时间的last summer,所以要用过去式, 千万别误用了,切记,切记。过去进行时: 显然过去进行时表示过去某一时刻正在做什么, 常和特定的时间状语如at that time,at six yesterday, at that moment, when he came in 等连用。如: When he knocked at the door,his motherwas cooking.一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来时间

100、状语如next year,tomorrow等连用。注意:在 Will you . ? 问句中, 回答必须是YesJ will.或 No,I wont而不能用Yesshall. No,I shant.来回答过去将来时:过去将来时不可以单独使用,它一般在宾语从句中作间接引语,表示从过去某一时间看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。如:They told me that they would go to work inGuangdong.现在完成时:顾名思义,现在完成时表示的是已经完成的动作,但动作造成的影响还在,常被just,already,yet等副词修饰。如: He has already gone

101、 to Tianjin.对现在造成的影响是他已经不在这儿了。现在完成时还可用来表示过去发生的动作一直延续到现在,常带有for或 since等表示一段时间的状语。如:Mr Wang has lived here since 1983.表示说话前发生过次或多次的动作,我们常用“ 过来表示,常带有 twice, once, ever, never 等时间状语。如:Ive never seen that film.过去完成时:我们可以用” 过去的过去” 来概括过去完成时,表示过去某时刻或某动作之前己经完成了的动作,通常与by,before等构成的短语或when, before, after引导的从句连

102、用。也可表示过去某一时间开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作,常和for或 since构成的时间状语连用。用法和现在完成时大致相同,只不过又向前推了一个时态。八个时态可能得让你好好对付阵子,但细细学来,也并不困难。不信吗?试试趁热打铁你就知道了。练习:1. The zoo in the north of the city.A. liesB. buildsC. seemsD. lying2. -Tom out.-Oh, is he? What time he out?A. is, did, goB. went, is, goingC. has gone, did, goD. is going, d

103、oes, go3. -It must be on channel 2. Try that.- I that. But I still cant get anything.A. have triedB. triedC. tryD. will do4. They usually TV in the evening.A. watchB. will watchC. are watchingD. watches5. He has for about twelve years.A. bought the houseB. left hereC. lived hereD. gone here6. The tw

104、o old man each other since 1970.A. didn*t seenB. dont seeC. havent seeD. wont see7. Lucy and Lily can speak good Chinese, because they China fbr six years.A. have been inB. have been toC. have come toD. have gone to8. -Our country a lot so far. Yes, I hope it will be even.A. has changed , wellB.chan

105、ged, goodC. has changed , betterD. changed, better9. I saw Ann a green dress at the meeting.-I think she looks better red.A. dressed, inB. put on, wearC. wearing, inD. wear, put on10. I didnt come to school because my mother was ill yesterday. I am sorry that.A. hearingB. hearC. hearsD. to hear实践:1.

106、 There will be interesting film tomorrow evening.A. aB. anC. theD. some2. Whats that over there ?It*s bag.A. IB. meC. myD. mine3. The students of Class One on the playground.A. am playingB. is playingC. are playingD. was playing4. Youd better late next time!A. not beB. not to beC. won*t beD. don11 b

107、e5. He always gets up e a r l y , h e ?A. isB. isnt heC. doesD. doesnt6.tall the building is!A. How aB. HowC. WhatD. What a7. Lesson Seven is one in this book.A. importantB. more importantC. most importantD. the most important8.1 will call you as soon as she back.A. comesB. comeC. cameD. will come9.

108、 He put on his coat went out.A. andB. butC. orD. so10. I get there before six oclock?- No, you neednt.A. CanB. MayC. MustD. Shall11. Their baby was born April 2, 1997.A. inB. onC. atD. by12. Her father is busy the truck.A. mendB. mendsC. mendedD. mending13. We the floor when she left.A. sweepB. swep

109、tC. were sweepingD. are sweeping14. He wants some apples and oranges.A. to buyB. buysC. boughtD. buy15. Do you u n d e r s t a n d ?A. what did he sayB. he said whatC. what does he sayD. what he said第 10讲 : 时 态 ( 二)时态的运用比较复杂,好多同学因为做题时不知应用哪种时态而挠头皮。其实你只要把易混的时态掌握好,对你来说时态就没有什么难点可言了。而你易混的时态无非是一般过去时和现在完成时

110、,一般过去时和过去完成时的比较罢了。这有何难? 看看下面的分析,你会发现一切as easy as A BC一般过去式和现在完成时:一般过去式只是表示事情发生在过去,陈述一个事实, 它可以和确定的表示过去的时间状语如:last night, in 1999, three days ago等连用。而现在完成时表示某一完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用。如: We have seen that film .我们已看过那部电影。 对现在造成的影响是我们对影片已有所了解。 We saw the film last night.昨天晚.上我们看了

111、那部电影。只说明昨天晚上看电影这一事实。注意:有些时间状语,0 this morning,tonight, this m onth等,既可用于一般过去时,又可用于现在完成时,但所表达的意义有所不同。用于现在完成时表示包括现在在内,而用于, 般过去式则与现在无关。如: I have read this book this April.( 说话时仍然为四月。) I read this book this April.( 说话时四月份已过。)一般过去式和过去完成时的比较:一般过去式表示过去时间发生的动作或存在的状态,而过去完成时在过去某一时间或动作之前已完成的动作或状态,即” 过去的过去” 。当强调

112、过去某一动作发生在某一动作之前时,常用此时态。如: He had finished his homework before nine o clo ck .九点之前他已经完成了作业。实际上,一般现在时和过去完成时常搭配使用。 如:When he got home, his daughter had already gone to b ed .当他到家的时候,他的女儿早已去睡觉了。在带有after和 before引导的时间状语从句的复合句中,由于从句的动作和主句的动作发生的先后顺序已经非常明确,所以可以用一般过去时代替过去完成时。 如:He called on me soon after he h

113、adfinished his homework.他做完作业后不久便来拜访我。也可以说: He called on me soon after hefinished his homework.哇塞,我们终于学完了所有时态,摩拳擦掌,试试趁热打铁!练习:1. Zhao Lan already_ in this school for two years.A. was.studyingB. will . studyC. has .studiedD. are studying2. They usually TV in the evening.A. watchB. will watchC. are wat

114、chingD. watches3. Judy the Great Wall twice, and now she still to go there.A. went to , wantedB. goes to , wantsC. has gone , wantsD. has been to, wants4. She will find him a kind man when she more about him.A. knowsB. knowC. will knowD. is going to know5. What are you going to give our teacher for

115、Teachefs Day? Im not sure. Maybe I him some flowers.A. have givenB. will giveC. gaveD. give6. -Tom out.-Oh, is he? What time he out?A. is, did, goB. went, is ,goingC. has gone, did, goD. is going, does, go7. Its nine otlock now, they an English class.A. haveB. are havingC. havingD. will have8. -H Wh

116、ere is Li Lei?” He his sports shoes in the room. He football with his friends.*A. is putting on , is playingB. puts on, will playC. is putting on , will playD. put on, played9. Miss Smith with her parents China si nce.A. have been in , two years agoB. has gone to, two yearsC. have been to, two years

117、D. has been in, two years ago10. When I knocked at the door, my mo t h e r .A. is cookingB.cookedC. was cookingD.cooks实践:1. Jacks father is doctor.A. aB. anC. someD./2. He often does some washing Sunday.A. atB. inC. onD. by3. This room is ours, and that one is.A. theyB. themC. theirD. theirs4. Tom i

118、s boy in his class.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. the tallest5. Can you come here next Friday?1Sorry, I/A. cantB. mustntC. needntD. may not6. Did you the football match last night?A. seeB. watchC. lookD. read7. There many high buildings in this city.A. isB. areC. haveD. has8. John has two brothers. On

119、e is an a r t i s t , i s a scientist.A. the othersB. anotherC. the otherD. others9. The man asked the p o l i c e m a n .A. let hime to goB. to let him to goC. let him goD. to let him go10. Please page 54 and read lesson Twelve.A. turn toB. turn intoC.turn inD. turn on11. He did not go home he fini

120、shed the work.A. ofB. becauseC. untilD. since12. The old man was tired that she couldnt walk on.A. soB. tooC. veryD. quite13. We are busy our lessons these days.A. prepareB. preparingC. to prepareD. prepared14. Fil go with you if I free tomorrow.A. will beB. shall beC. amD. was15. Do you know?A. whe

121、re does he liveB. where he livesC. he where livesD. he lives where第 11讲:动词语态和时态样,语态也是动词的一种形式,用来说明句中主语和谓语的关系。如果动作由主语执行,就可使用主动语态,如果主语不是由主语执行,主语是动作的承受者,则可使用被动语态。由此我们可以看出英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。被动语态:表示主语是动作的承受者,什么事情被主语做。被动语态的构成和形式被动语态由助动词be+及物动词的过去分词” 构成, 一定要记住是及物动词。 助动词必须与主语的人称和数一致,注意要与我们前一讲学过的八个时态配合使用。适合被

122、动语态的情况:不知道动作由谁发出, 或由于某种原因没有必要说明谁发出动作。 如:This table is made of wood.需要突出或强调动作的承受者时,如: This park was built for children.注意:主动句中的主语如果是people, they, somebody等含糊的表示“ 人或人们 ,没有确指执行者是谁,为被动句时,通常省略”by+执行者 。如:The door was opened secretly. But nobody came in.注意:在主动句里, 不定式在make, see, hear等动词后面作宾语补足语时都不带t o , 但变成

123、被动句时, 后面的不定式都需带to。如 : He was made to do that work.主动语态不能变被动语态的情况:学了被动语态,别以为主动句和被动句可以随意转换,千万要注意呀! 有些主动语态不能转换成被动语态。 当宾语是反身代词时,如: You should take care of yourself.当谓语是表状态的而不是表具体动作的及物动词时,如:Does the skirt suit you?练习:1. The stars in the daytime.A. cant seeB. cant be seenC. cant been seeD. see2. A present

124、 to me by Mother next week.A. will giveB. is givenC. will be giveD. will be given3. The Communist Party of China in Shanghai in 1921.A. was foundB.foundC. was foundedD.founded4. Great changes in my hometown since liberation.A. have been taken placeB. took placeC. have taken placeD. were taken place5

125、 .1 was astonished ( 吃惊) to hear that the colour TV set 5,000 yuan.A. has costB. costC. costedD. was cost6. He was seen something from the shop.A. steelB. to stealC. to be stolenD. stealed7. She has by her classmates.A. laughedB. laughed atC. been laughedD. been laughed at8. The computer in the room

126、.A. can useB. can be useC. can be usedD. can used9. That clock Big Ben.A. callB. callingC. is calledD. calls10. The film again sometimes next week.A. showsB. will showsC. will be showedD. shows实践:1.1 have never seen UFO in sky.A. a , theB. an , theC. a, aD. the, a2. How is your brothers housework do

127、ne?A. GoodB.A11 rightC. Quite wellD. Very bad3. They come from England . They are.A. EnglishmanB. EnglishC.EnglishmansD.an English4. Would you please give me colour pencils?A. anyB. someC. a littleD. much5. My father is sleeping now, could you the radio a bit?A. turn upB. turn onC. turn downD. turn

128、off6. It will be Childrens Day soon and were now busy a bee.A. as.asB. as. likeC. like.asD. so. like7. -W ell,? I have a headache, doctor.A. how do you doB. whats the matter with youC. how are you feeling likeD. what kind of illness do you have8. The teacher told the boy it again.A. dont doB. does n

129、ot doC. to not doD. not to do9 .1 left her e, .A. Mary doesB. so does MaryC. Mary did soD. so did Mary10. Who teaches English? Mr Lin.A. youB. yourC. sheD. Toms11. Have you finished the book?A. readB. to readC. readingD. reads12. The farmers taught us.A. to how pick apples.B. how pick apples.C. how

130、picking applesD. how to pick apples13. I watch Pro. Brown from morning till night?-No, you neednt.A. MustB. CanC. MayD. Need.14. Do you know?A. how long has he lived hereB. how long he has lived hereC. he has lived here how longD. he has lived how long here15. We will go to the Great wall if it tomo

131、rrow.A. doesnt rainB. wont rainC. isnt rainingD. didnt rain第 12讲:句子种类( 一)我们都知道,根据句子的使用目的,句子可分为陈述句,疑问句,祈使句,感叹句。疑问句是常考的重点,也是要掌握的难点,这里我们先重点讲下.疑问句中我们只讲一讲难掌握的反意疑问句和特殊疑问句.反意疑问句: 在陈述句之后附上一个简短问句,对陈述句所叙述的事实提出相反的疑问, 这种疑问句叫做反意疑问句. 如前面陈述句部分是肯定式,后面问句部分般用是否定式;如前一部分是否定式, 后一部分一般用肯定式. 前后两部分在人称, 数及时态上通常保持一致. 如: You a

132、re a student,arent you?( 你是学生,对吗? )在祈使句后面用反意疑问句,要注意人称的变化。 如:Go to the cinema, will you?在省略的感叹句后面,要注意主语的单复数。 如:What fine weather, isnt it?陈述句部分的主语如是I , 疑问部分要用arent I. Im as tall as your sister, arent I?陈述部分用 never, hardly, few, nothing,nobody,few,seldom,hardly,little 等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义. 如: He seldom

133、came here,did he?陈述句部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didnt+主语或usednt + 主 语 . 如 : He used to go toschool at seven, didnt he? / usednt he?陈述部分有 had better + v .疑问句部分用 hadnt you? 如: Youd better read it by yourself, hadntyou?陈述部分有 You*d like to +v.疑问部分用 wouklnl+主语. 如: Youd like to go with me, wouldnl you?主语是 everyo

134、ne, someone, anyone, no one 等不定代词时,多用 they 指 代 . 如 :Everyone ishere, arent they?( 所有的人都来了吗? )主语是everything, something, anthing, nothing时,用 i t 指代。省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用 will you。$0: Dont do that again, will you?注意 Lets 开头的祈使句,后用 shall we?Let u s 开头的祈使句,后用will you?陈述部分是there be”结构的,疑问部分用there省略主语代词。如:

135、There is something wrong withyour watch, isnt there?特殊疑问句: 注意疑问词 how many how much , how often , how old, how long, what, what time,what day , what colour, which , when , who, whose 等疑问词的用法。练习:1. Dont forget to give the baby some food ,?A. will you?B. shall weC. wont youD. do you2. You have met b e

136、f o r e , ?A. haven*t youB. have youC. do youD. dont you3. She has never read the book b e f o r e , ?A. has sheB. hasnt sheC. is sheD. isnt she4. Mike has to finish her work now, ?A. has heB. hasnt heC. does heD. doesnt he5. Doni smoke in the dining-hall, will you?A. Yes, I agreeB. Yes, of course,C

137、. Yes, I dont think soD. Whafs wrong6. did you stay in Urumqi last summer? For two weeks.A. How oftenB. HowC. How longD. How many times7. He nearly hurt himself in the a c c i d e n t , ?A. doesnt heB. didnt heC. did heD. does he8. will your aunt be back from work? In an hour.A. How soonB. How often

138、C. How longD. What time9. The old man had to do the farm work h i ms e l f , ?A. did heB. didnt heC. had heD. werenl he10. do they have a meeting?nEvery two weeks.1A. How longB. How oftenC. WhenD. What time实践:1. Mr Williams will visit our school again some day.A. the otherB. anotherC. an otherD. oth

139、er2. We shall never laugh people when they are trouble.A. on, inB. at, inC. on, toD. to, at3. Thank you for your help.A. You are welcomeB. It doesnt matterC. You are kindD. Its no need4. To learn English well is not e a s y , i t is important for us.A. andB. soC. orD. but5. Must I get there before e

140、ight?KNo, youA. cantB. mustntC. needntD. must6. My sister isnt there, she to Beijing.A. wentB. will goC. has beenD. has gone7. New factory in our hometown next year.A. buildB. will buildC. will be builtD. is building8 .1 dont think he is doing his h o m e w o r k ,?*A. is heB. isnt heC. does heD. do

141、nt I9 .1 enjoyed to school in the morning last year.A. to runB. runC. runingD. running10. Sorry, Tve kept you for a long time.A. waitB. waitingC. to waitD. waited11. mother told an interesting story yesterday.A. Mine, IB. My, IC. My, meD. My, my12. His grandma in 1968. She has been for years.A. died

142、, diedB. dead, diedC. dead, diedD. died, dead13. The old man is under the tree.A. lyingB.lieC. layingD. to lie14. He runs than his classmates.A. fastestB. the fastestC. fastD. faster15. The twins father is standing them.A. amongB. betweenC. duringD.above第 13讲:句子的种类( 二)本讲主要讲一下感叹句, 祈使句, 再顺便提一下强调句.感叹句注

143、意事项:感叹句往往由what和 how引导。至于what和 how的区别则是再好辨别不过了。跟我背一背下面的顺口溜, 感叹句你就不再陌生了.感叹句用法很简单, How和 What放句前, How与形、副词类连, What后面名词添. 主语谓语不用变, 省掉它们也常见. 当然, w hat感叹句和how 感叹句有时可以互相转换。当 What修饰单数可数名词时,如果这一名词有形容词修饰,也可用how 引导感叹句,但不定冠词a 或 a n 需放在形容词之后。如: What a large factory = How large a factory it is!祈使句: 祈使句所需注意的是:含有第二人

144、称的祈使句的否定句用dont.含有第一、第三人称的祈使句的否定句用Lel+not+动词原形或Dontlel+第三人称代词的宾格或名词。下面稍微提一下常考的强调句:我们学过的强调句是it引导的句子。记住:强调句的连词只有两个,that和 who。当强调的部分是人,且为句子的主语时,才 用 “who”,其余用“that”. 句式是:It is(w as)被强调部分+that(who)十句子其他部分。此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。判断一个句子是否是强调句,只需看去掉It be that是否还是一个完整的句子。看下面例题:It is twenty years_Miss Feng return

145、ed to China. A. that B. when C. since D. as答案C.本题易误选为A(that).其实本句不是强调句。若 是 ,去掉It be that还应是一个完整的句子。而本句去掉It is.that,只剩卜ten years Miss Feng returned to China.不成句。因此本句不是强调句。句子的种类你掌握的如何? 何不试试趁热打铁?练习:1. It was yesterday Xiao Ming finished all his homework.A. thatB. whenC. whereD. at2. You are not in Grad

146、e T wo , y o u ?A. arentB. areC. doD. dont3. She has never read the book b e f o r e , ?A. has sheB. hasnt sheC. is sheD. isnt she4. -I want to shopping this afternoon. What about you?A. So did IB. So I didC. So I doD. So do I5. Its time for supper now. Lets it.A. stop to have itB. stop havingC. to

147、stop to haveD. stopping to have6.lovely she smiles !A. HowB. How aC. WhatD. What a7. Thank you for me with my English.A. helpB. helpedC. helpingD. helps8. Would you please the shoes on the floor?一 Im sorry. I wont do it again.A. not throwB. dont throwC. not to throwD. didnt throw9. Lily has not visi

148、ted many places of great interests in Chi na . .A. So has her twin sisterB. Neither is her twin sisterC. So her twin sisterD. Neither has her twin sister10. Dont books again! You must be careful now on.A. lost, fromB. lose, fromC. lost, sinceD. lose, since实践:1. When I entered the room, I saw the lit

149、tle boy in the corner.A. to standB. standsC. stoodD. standing2. It is a great shame for me in front of so many people.A. to laugh atB. to laughing atC. to be laughed atD. to have laughed at3. He dares to climb that tall t r e e , h e ?A. doesntB. darentC. hasntD. isnt4. Please anything you can remem

150、ber about the accident.A. fill inB. draw outC. write inD. put down5. -Will the clouds lift in the afternoon? -.A. I hope soB. I hope itC. I hope thatD. I hope such6. We had to stay at home the heavy rain.A. asB. sinceC. because ofD. because7. They will visit our school next week.A. sometimesB. some

151、timeC. some timesD. sometimes8. Although he tried hard, he was maths.A. good atB. doing well inC. weak inD. interested in9. The stars in the daytime.A. can*t seeB. cant be seenC. can be seenD. seelO.This kind of cars in Shanghai.A. is madeB. are madeC. are makingD. is making1 l.Mr Blacks just come b

152、ack from the E n g l a n d , h e ?A. isntB. doesntC. hasntD. is12. ten years since I left my hometown.A. TheyB. ItisC. There have beenD. It was13.1s this looking for?A. you wereB. that you wereC. what were youD. what you were14 .The Blacks go to the seaside to have their holidays, but now they no lo

153、nger go there.A. were used toB. used toC. usuallyD. seldom15 .Dont hurry. Only one person can enter the r oom.A. at a timeB. in no timeC. in timeD. on time第 14讲:宾语从句一个句子如果加上宾语从句,句子显然变复杂了,也变的difficult 了,其实,你大可不必发愁。只要掌握好宾语从句的用法,一切问题就迎刃而解了。宾语从句由关系代词或关系副词引出。我们根据引导宾语从句的连词不同,可把宾语从句分为三类。以 that 引导的宾语从句。 如:I

154、 hear that you have passed the examination. Good luck!以 if 和 whether 引导的宾语从句。 如:I dont know if you can come tomorrow.以连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句。 如:Please tell me how you can get here.运用宾语从句要注意以下几点:宾语从句的语序一定是陈述句语序。主句的谓语动词的时态如果是过去时态,宾语从句谓语动词的时态要选用相应的过去某一种形式。如果宾语从句表示的是客观真理,事实时,即使主句是过去式,从句仍用一般现在时。练习:1. She asked

155、 me if I knew.A. whose pen is itB. whose pen it wasC. whose pen it isD. whose pen was it2 .1 dont know he still lives here after so many years.A. whetherB. whereC. whatD. when3 .1 dont know he will come t o m o r r o w . h e comes, Fil tell you.A. if, whetherB. whether, whetherC. if, ThatD. if, If4.

156、 The small children dont know.A. what is their stockings inB. where is in their stockingsC. where is their stocking inD. what in their stockings5. Can you tell me?A. when does the ship leaveB. when the ship will leaveC. when the ship leaveD. when will the ship leave6. Can you tell me?A. when did he

157、comeB. when he cameC. when did he cameD. he came when7. Can you tell me the radio ?A. how did he mendB. what did he mendC. how he mendedD. what he mended8. He asked his f at her .A. where it happensB. where did it happenC. how it happenedD. how did it happen9 .1 didnt know what col our .A. is the ba

158、gB.the bag isC. was the bagD. the bag was10. Could you tell me with the money?A. how to doB. what should I doC. how should I doD. what I should do实践:l .We are going to the factory and work there.A. brieflyB. latelyC. recentlyD. shortly2.For most students, their teachers advice is more important than

159、 of their parents.A. oneB. whatC. whichD. that3 .They talked in a low voice be heard by others.A. so not as toB. so as not toC. so as to notD. so as to4 .Not until this evening that the meeting had been put off.A. I did knowB. did I knowC. I knewD. I have known5 .We are looking forward to seeing you

160、 again,and well be very disappointed if you.A. didnt comeB. havent comeC. wont comeD.dont come6.1f I there earlier, I him.A. had arrived ,would have metB. have arrived, would haveC. arrived, have metD. arrived, had met7.Lily is said for London last month.A. to have leftB.to leaveC. to be leavingD. t

161、o be left8.Life on earth impossible unless we stop destroying the forest and poisoning the oceans.A. wasB. has beenC. will have beenD. will be9.The twins will go fishing with us this weekend they are free.A. thoughB.ifC. whetherD. but10. we go at 8:00? What about it a little earlier?A. Shall, making

162、B. Shall, to makeC. Will, makingD. Will, make1 l.New York is bigger than in the United States.A. any other cityB. any citiesC. any cityD. other cities12 .Her mother for more than three years.A. has diedB. had diedC. is deadD. has been dead13 .All the guests got to the classroom on time.A. invitedB.

163、being invitedC. invitingD. to be invited14 .At twelve that night we arrived in the village we once lived.A. whatB. whichC. whereD. that15 .He ran from house to h o u s e ,p e o p l e the good news.A. toldB. tellingC. tellD. to tell第 15讲:状语从句状语从句是句子的状语由一个从句充当,来修饰主句中的动词,形容词或副词等。状语从句都由从属连词引导,与主句连接,放在句末

164、时,一般不在前面加逗号。状语从句根据它表示的意思可分为时间,原因,条件,比较,结果,目的等类。下面我们拣重点的一个一个来分析。时间状语从句:是由when, as, while, after, before, since, until, as soon a s 等从属连词引导的状语从句。时间状语从句中的谓语动词不能用一般将来时,只能用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。 如:I will call you as soon as I arrive there.原因状语从句: because, since, as和 for都表示原因。常常令我们不知该用哪个好。我们来比较一下。because语势

165、最强,回答why提出的问题,用来说明人所不知的原因。当能够很明显的看出原因或人们已知原因, 就用 as 或 sinceo 如: I dont like that coat,because the color looks terrible.由 because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗号,则可以用for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,而是多种情况加以推断,就只能用 for。如:He is not here, because / for his mother is ill.目的状语从句: 表示目的状语的从句可以由in order that, so that,等词引导。 如: You must

166、 raise yourvoice so that/in order that everybody can hear you clearly.结果状语从句:结果状语从句常由so.that或 such.that引导,要掌握和区分这两个句型,首先要了解so和 such后面分别跟什么词。such是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so 是副词, 只能修饰形容词或副词。 s o 还可与表示数量的形容词many, few, much, little连用, 形成固定搭配。 如: The boxis so heavy that I cant carry it.让步状语从句:是由though, although引导的

167、状语从句。though, although和 but不能同时使用。Although it rained, they had a good time.练习:1. She will find him a kind man when she him.A. knowsB. knowC. will knowD. is going to know2. We*ll go out for a walk as soon as it.A. stops rainingB. rainingC. stop to rainD. rain3. The film was interesting everyone wanted

168、 to see it again.A. too, toB. so, thatC. not,untilD. very, that4. We dont understand the passage there is few words in it.A. andB.ifC. thoughD. because5. You are sure to pass the exam you study hard.A. ifB. thoughC. thatD. when6. If you free tomorrow, we wont go for a picnic.A. arentB. won*t beC. we

169、rentD. dont7. What was Jim doing the teacher came in?A. whileB. andC. whenD. but8. You must stop the policeman say: stop!”A. thatB.ifC.thenD. until9. The boy failed to pass the English examination.he didnt work hard.A. IfB. BecauseC. WhenD. So10. Fil go for a walk with you if it tomorrow?A. wont rai

170、nB. doesnt rainC. will rainD. rain实践:1.1 get up half past six every day.A. inB. onC. atD. for2 .1 heard Robin an English song last night.A. sangB. to singC. singD. sung3. Is there in todays newspaper?A. important somethingB. something importantC. important anythingD. anything important4. fine weathe

171、r it is!A. What aB. What anC. HowD. What5. Where are your bikes?“is under tree, and beside the wall.A. Mine, herB. Me, hisC. Mine, hisD. His, her6.students listened to the report.A. Four hundredB. Four hundred ofC. Four hundreds ofD. Four hundreds7. Football was once a game, but now more and more gi

172、rls enjoy playing it.A. boys,B. boysC. boyssD. girFs8. Dont mo v e , I will kill you!A. andB. orC. soD. but9. There is ink in my pen. Will you please give me drops?A. a few, a littleB. few, littleC. little, a fewD. little, a littlelO .They could hardly believe it,?A. couldnt theyB. could theyC. cant

173、 theyD. can they11 .May I smoke here ? No, you.A. cantB. needntC. mustntD. may not12 .His father for six years.A. has diedB. has been deadC. has deadD. has been death13 .There is umbrella in the r o o m .u m b r e l l a is in the comer.A. the, theB. a, TheC. an, TheD. an, A14. lt was the Christmas E

174、ve that I first saw him.A. atB. inC. onD. by15.She has an pencil in one hand, a pen in.A. othersB. anotherC. the otherD. the others第 16讲:考前指导中考在一天天的接近,现在大家肯定非常紧张。面对这一大堆问题,该如何充分利用这几天有限的时间来达到复习的最佳效果呢? 不要着急,不要着急,稳下心来, Doit step by step,中考就会志在必得。考前主要思路:目前中考英语的趋向是向考察语言实际应用的方向转化,对语法的考察则趋向于基本、基础的知识考察。同时将对语

175、法的考察与语言情景向结合。所以:记住该记的关键、废话少说! 考什么记什么。时间宝贵呀! 一谈到考前复习,很多人便想到抓 考点 、” 要点” 。实际上,最关键的是抓住 知识点 ,找出 重点 和” 难点” ,才能举一反三,触类旁通。忠告:音标部分:在平时学习时所掌握的知识的基础上,复习一遍音标规则,复习过程中结合自己所学单词进行验证,可加深印象和理解程度。同时总结容易混淆的音标及不符合音标规则的特殊读音词。介词的用法一直是考试的重点,原因是在英语里,介词往往能起到汉语里动词的作用,而且很多时候用法的区分很细致。复习时认真总结一下,还是有用的。因汉语里没有冠词一说,冠词的用法一直是个难点。a,an用

176、法还好区分些,只要知道其后面所跟的词的发音就可轻易判断。th e 则难一些,但只要知道用th e 则必特指,大多数题也就迎刃而解了。当然还有不用冠词的时候。句中单复数的对应关系,其中包括名词、代词的单复数形式,并不是很难理解,考试时细心一些就可以了。肯定句、疑问句的相互变换时,更要特别注意到这一点。动词词组的含义、用法,要是没有掌握得很好,则针对每一词组的不同用法记忆一组例句,到时候套用可保万无一失。初二、初三的英语中有了时态、句中词序的变化,复习时多加对比,考时跟着感觉走。初中英语的阅读理解部分,并不涉及词语的隐讳含义或双关等。因此只要阅读速度不是很慢,平时所积累的词汇量够用就行。万一你的速

177、度赶不上去,考试可先读题,后读文章,读时抓住与问题相关的内容点就行。练习:1. Would you mind lending me your radio?A. Yes, here you are.B. Certainly not. Here you are.C. No, my radio is badD. No, thanks.2. If you dont know how to read a word, youd better in a dictionary.A. look up itB. to look up itC. look it upD. to look it up3. There

178、a lot of rice in the bag.A. areB. hasC. haveD. is4. The radio is too noisy, would you please a little?A. turn it downB. turn it onC. stop it fromD. pick it up5. Beijing will beautiful flowers when National Day comes.A. coverB. cover withC. be coveredD. be covered with6. John knows a computer.A. how

179、to useB. how useC. how usesD. what use7. The English for 10,440 is.A. ten thousand, four hundreds and fortyB. ten thousand, four hundred and fortyC. ten thousand, four hundred fortyD. ten thousand and four, forty8 .1 saw playing in the street at that time.A. themB. theyC. theirD. theirs9. There is i

180、n the world if you put your heart into it.A. something difficultB. difficult somethingC. nothing difficultD. difficult nothing10. all the students in his class, Xiao Ming wr i t e s .A. Of, most carefullyB. In, the most carefulC. Of, very carefullyD. In, much more carefully实践:1.1 have four friends.

181、Both Tom and Peter from the USA,but neither Tom nor Peter western food.A. is, likesB. are,likesC.is, likeD. are, like2. The Nile is the longest river in the world. It is kilometres long.A. six thousands six hundred and seventyB. six thousand and six hundred seventyC. six thousands six hundreds seven

182、tyD. six thousand six hundred and seventy3. my aunt comes to stay with us for in our home town.A. Sometime, sometimesB. Sometimes, sometimeC. Some time, sometimesD. Sometime,sometime4. Uncle Wang wanted me to water the t r ees . .A. So did usB. So we didC. So was ID. So I did5. Nobody can go into th

183、e cinema a ticket.A. withB.exceptC. andD. without6.is the most popular football player in your country?A. Who do you thinkB. Do you think whoC. Do you think whomD. Whom do you think7 .hard and you will catch up with your classmates.A. To workB. WorkC. If you workD. Working8 . The dress cost money th

184、at she couldnt afford to buy it.A. too muchB. so muchC. so manyD. quite much9. A: You are very beautiful in the new skirt.B:.A. Its too goodB. Tm sorry to hear thatC. That*s greatD. Its quite good10. Such a thing will not be found everywhere. That me a ns .A. such a thing is nowhere to be foundB. su

185、ch a thing can be found somewhere , but not everywhereC. you can never find such a thingD. such a thing can not be found in any places11. is clear that learning English well is not easy.A. ThisB. WhatC. ItD. That12. He said he was a teacher he taught English.A. whether, thatB. that, that andC. , and

186、 thatD. whether, but that13. We should open our mouth learn English well.A. for order toB. in order toC. in order thatD. in order for14. Ifs a great shame for me in front of so many people.A. to laugh atB. to laughing atC. to be laughed atD. to have laughed at15. The boys basketball on the playgroun

187、d are my classmates.A. playB. playedC. to playD. playing第 18讲:模拟考场单项选择I. 选出划线部分读音相异的词1. A. mind B. dinner C. bridge D. happily2. A. lot B. strong C. doctor D. front3. A. park B. start C. large D. quarter4. A. born B. short C. world D. north5. A. foot B. moon C. cook D. stood6. A. south B. thin C. ei

188、ghth D. eitherII.选择填空7. Lin Tao is Class 2, Grade 3.A. of B. on C. in D. at8. My sister her homework every evening.A. do B. did C. does D. doing9. Cars and buses stop when the traffic lights turn red.A. can B. must C. may D. need10. -Fm sorry to trouble you, Miss Gao.A. The same to you. B. Fine, tha

189、nks. C. Thats all right D. It doesnt matter11. You may call Robert Thomas Brown .A. Mr. Robert B. Mr. Thomas C. Mr. Brown. D. Mr. Robert Thomas12. The new evening dress her 300 yuan.A. spent B. took C. pay D. cost13. Jim at this school two years ago.A. has been .for B. has been .since C. have been .

190、since D. have been .for14. Please the radio. Its too loud.A.turn off turn on C. turn down D. turn up15. Mr. Black couldnt buy_ many things.A. he B. his C. himself D. himselves16. Could you tell me_ the computer?A. how to use B. to how use C. how use D. how use to17. Youd better_ late for the meeting

191、.A. not to B. not be C. not to be D. not18. Bruce studies_ Dick.A.so hard as B. as harder as C. as hard as D. as hardy as19. My parents_ teachers of maths.A. all are B. are all C. both are D. are both20. -Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please? _. Hes gone to the post office.A. I think so B. Certainly y

192、ou can C. Tm afraid not D. Im not sure21. The shop is on weekdays. But it*s on weekends ( 周末) .A. to open.closed B. opens.closed C. open.closed D. opened.close22. My brother asked me_ kite_.A. who.this was B. whose.this was C. whose.was this D. who.was this23. _ do you write to your mother? Once a m

193、onth.A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. What time24. Whos going to_ care of the garden while you are away?A. have B. give C. take D. look25. There are two Chinese classes on Friday,_ ?A. is there B. arent there C. are there D. isnt there26. -Would you like a cup of tea?A. Not at all. B.No, I wo

194、uldnt C. No, thanks D. Yes, I like it27. Do you enjoy popular music?A.to listen to B. listening to C. to hear D. hearing28. Before you decide to buy a new coat, you may_ .A.try it in B.try in it C. try on it D. try it on29. People plant trees to stop the sand _ towards the rich farmland.A. to move B

195、.to moving C. from move D. from moving30. This jacket_ cotton.A. makes of B. are make in C. is made of D. made in31. The work was_ difficult_it took us quite a long time to do it.A. such.that B. so.that C. too.that D.too.to完型填空At the entrance to a big office in London there was a book. All workers h

196、ad to write( 1) whenthey (2) each morning. At nine oclock, the manager( 经理) had to draw a red line ( 线 ) (3)the last name in the book, and anyone who came after that had to write why he was (4). Whenthere was a thick (5) in the city, the first person to arrive late usually(6) Delayed ( 耽搁)byfog unde

197、r the red line in the book, and then everybody(7) who came after thet just wrotenThesame. But one foggy morning, the (8) man to arrive late wrote My wife had a baby early thismorning M instead of ( 代替)Delayed by fog under the red line in the book.Twenty (9) thirtypeople who came after wrote “( 10) a

198、s usual.1. A. numbers B. times C. names D. excuses2. A. arrived B. left C. got up D. met3. A. on B. beside C. above D. under4. A. out B. late C. away D. sorry5. A. rain B. fog C. snow D. traffic6. A. found B. understood C. said D. wrote7. A. else B. only C. or D. here8. A. last B. first C. old D. yo

199、ung9. A. with B. of C. or D.but10. A. No B. Yes C. OK D. The samePassage 1When Martin was a little boy, he lived in the little town-Holthan. At that time, he thought the townwas very big. Well, Martin came back to the town last night, Its a small town! he thought.The town has changed very little in

200、the past forty years. But Martin has changed a lot. Hehas grown into a man.His thought ( 思维) are mans thoughts.He sees things through a manseyes.Martin stayed in the town for five hours.He walked from street to street, but he knewnobody. Was Holthan, then, a town of strangers ( 陌生人) ?No. He suddenly

201、 understood it all. Only he was a stranger of the town.根据短文内容,选择正确答案1. Holthan was_ .A. a small villageB. a small townC. a big countryD. a big town2. Martin left the town_ .A. when he was fortyB. four years agoC. when he was thirtyD. forty years ago3. Now Martin sees things through_ eyes.A. a mansB.

202、 a boyC. a childsD. a strangers4. Martin_ during his five hours stay in the town.A.saw nobodyB. saw a lot of thingsC. met no friendsD. didnt want to see his friends5. Which of the following is true?A. Martin stayed in the town or two hours.B. Martin was not a stranger in the town.C. The town has cha

203、nged a lot.D. A mans thoughts and a childs thoughts are different.Passage 2Many places in the world need more fresh( 淡的) water. Every country is trying to find ways to turn saltwater into fresh. Why arent there many factorres like the Symi factory? In some places, the sunis not hotenough. Or it does

204、 not shine every day. In such places, other ways of heating ( 力 II热) : seawater can beused.These ways cost more money,but tehy work faster then the sun.By boiling ( 煮沸) ; sea water with highheat, a lot of fresh watercan be made quickly. But heating is not the only way toget fresh water from saltwate

205、r, other ways are tried. One way is freezing ( 冷冻) .The fresh part ofsalt water freezes first.To get freshwater, the bits of ice are taken out. Which way is best? The onethat gives the nost water for the least money.It may be a different way for each place. Symis way seems very good for small, hot p

206、laces. It does notmake very much water at a time. But the factory is easy to build and costs little.That is why people in manydry places talk about Symi!1. From this passage( 短文) we know that fresh wa t e r .A. is needed in every countryB. can be found in many factoriesC. can be used in many waysD.

207、is very important for factories2. What is the writer mainly ( 主要的) talking about in the passage?A. Water-making factories in different countriesB. The ways of making fresh water from sea waterC. Hot places and dry placesD. How to make good use of the sun3. The Symi f a c t o r y .A. seems good but t

208、oo smallB. is a fresh water-making factoryC. can make much fresh water at a timeD. does not need sunshine every day4. Which is the best way for small and hot places to get fresh water?A. Boiling or heating the sea waterB. The way in hotter and drier placesC. The Symis wayD. Freezing the sea water in

209、 cold places.5. Which of the following is not true?A. New ways are tried to get fresh water.B. A lot of fresh water can be made quickly by heating.C. The best way is to get more fresh water with the least money.D. The Symis way does not work in dry places.第 17讲 There be句型与中考试题There be句型的基本用法是表示“ 某 地

210、 ( 或某时)有 某 人 ( 或某物” ,其形式为“Therebe+代词或名词( 短语)+地点/ 忖间状语 。这里there是引导词,没有词义,be是谓语动词,代词或名词 ( 短语)是主语。be要与主语保持人称和数的一致。否定句是在be后加not; 一般疑问句是将be放在句首;反意疑问句中的简短问句是由“be ( 或其否定式) +there” 构成。例如:1. There is a desk and two chairs in the room .( 紧挨着be动词的主语是a d esk ,是单数,故 b e的形式要用is)2. There arent two chairs and a des

211、k in the room .( 否定句)3. Is there anything wrong with your ears? (Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.)4. There wasnt a meeting yesterday, was th e re ? ( 反意疑问句)除此之外,还有个重要句式“ 有某人在做某事” ,要 用 “There be +sb. + doing sth. +地点/时间状语” 。例如:There are several children swimming in the river. 河里有儿个孩子在游泳。There b e 结构中

212、常见的时态有如下几种情况:通过上表可知:各种时态的变化是通过b e 动词的变化来体现的。至于你提到的两个句子我们先不考虑对错,首要的问题是弄清楚There be与 have所表示的意义。There be句型表示“ 存在”关系,have表 示 “ 所属”关系,两者不能混合在一个句子中。例如,要 说 “ 明天有一个班会。 ( 1)There will have a class meeting tomorrow. ( X ) (2) There is going to / will be a class meetingtomorrow. ( V ) 有时候既表示“ 存在” 又表示“ 所属” 时两种都

213、可以用。 例如: Class Three have a mapof China on the wall.( “ 地图” 为三班学生所有) There is a map of China on the wall in Class Three.( “ 地图”存在于三 班 ) 山此看来,There will have是错误的。复习There be句型时除了掌握基础知识外,还应注意以下问题:1. There be句型的考查更多的是将be动词与主语结合在一起进行的,即主谓的一致性。例如:( 1) There is on the floor.(2) There are on the floor.选项:A.

214、 cat B. water C. boxes D .football解析:( 1) 由is 可知主语应是可数名词单数或不可数名词,而 A、D 项中都缺少冠词a , 故选B , 同理可知( 2 ) 应选C。2 . 如果作主语的是一个短语,则常常考查短语中的修饰语。可数名词的复数形式前可以用any, some, few, a few, many 或用数词 + hundred / thousand / million, hundreds / thousands / millions of,no等修饰;不可数名词可以受any, some, no, little, a little, much等词的修饰

215、。例如:( 1) There were students in our school.A. hundreds B. eight hundred C. eight hundreds of(2) There is water. You neednt get some more.A. few B. little C. much解析:( 1 ) 由数词与名词的搭配关系可知选B, ( 2 ) 由 water可知排除A 项,再由后句意思便知选 C。3 . 注意不定代词的用法。( 1) 不定代词在句中作主语, 谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:There is nothing in the fridge. (2)

216、 不定代词受形容词修饰时要放在形容词的前面。例如:There is something interesting in todaysnewspaper.4 . There be句型的反意疑问句,要注意陈述部分的形式。如果陈述部分含有little, few, no, nobody, none等否定词时,后面的简短问句中要用肯定形式。例如:There is nobody in the room, is there?但有的含有否定意义的形容词修饰不定代词时则仍看作肯定句式。例如:There is somethingunusual in the room, isnt there?5 . 要注意句子前后意

217、思的一致性。有的句子单独看其意义时,可能不止一个选项适合于它,但如果联系上下句的意思则只能有一个恰当的选项。例如:( 1) There is food. You neednt buy any. (2) There is food. Youhave to buy some. (A. anyB. someC. n o )从这两题中的第一个句子来看均可选用some和 n o ,但与后面的句意结合看,答案则是唯一的:( 1) B, (2) CoThere be句型命题趋向有两个方面:一是进一步加强对知识的理解与运用方面的考查。例如be动词与主语的一致性、名词或代词的修饰语、搭配关系、含否定词的反意疑问

218、句等。二是有可能出现 “ 有某人在做某事”这一句型,即 “There be +sb. +doing sth. +地点/ 时间状语” 。下面是一些英语中考试题原题:1. There are days in a week.A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven2. There are few in the fridge. Lets go and buy som e peas, carrots and cabbages.A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs3. Look! There are some o

219、n the floor.A. child B. water C. boxes D. girl4. There were two people at yesterdays meeting.A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred5. The letter from my uncle was short. There wasnt news.A. many B. a few C. much D. few6. 一Oh, there isnt enough for us in the lift.It doesnt matter, lets wait for the ne

220、xt.A. ground B. floor C. place D. room7. There an English Evening next Tuesday.A. was B , will be C. will have D. are going to be8. There a football gam e in our school.A. has B. will have C. will be9. There is going to a report Chinese history in our school this evening.A. have; on B. be; on C. hav

221、e; for D. be; of10. There is food here. Well have to buy some.A. any B. some C. no11. There is in the bag. Its em pty.A. nothing B. something C. anything D. somebody12. There is knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody13. Is there wrong with me, doctor

222、?Fm afraid so. Your heart is beating a bit too slow.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing14. There is interesting on this channel. Try others.A. nothingB. noneC. anythingD. no15. There is interesting in the film, so is interested in it.A. something; nobody B. nothing; somebodyC. anything

223、; anybody D. nothing; nobody16. There is in todays newspaper.A. nothing new B. anything newC. new anything D. new something17. There is in todays newspaper.A. new anything B. new somethingC. anything new D. something new18. There will be a volleyball match in our school, ?A. be there B. is thereC. w

224、ill there D. wont there19. There is little water in the bottle.( 改为反意疑问句)There is little water in the bottle, ?20. There is som ething unusual on the island.( 改为反意疑问句)There is som ething unusual on the island, ?Key:There be句型与中考试题15D A C C C6 10D B CB C11 15ABBAD16 18 A D D 19. is there 20. isnt the

225、re第 18讲 被动语态复习ABCA . 熟记结构被动语态的结构为“ 助动词be+ 及物动词的过去分词( p .p ) 被动语态的不同时态是通过b e的时态变化来表示的,其人称和数方面应与主语保持一致。其具体变化为:一 般现在时:am / is / are + p. p.- 一 般过去时: was / were+p. p.一 一 般将来时:shall / will be +p. p.现在完成时:have / has been +p. p.现在进行时:am / is / are+being+p. p.过去将来时:should / would be +p. p.含情态动词的被动结构:情态动词+be

226、+p. p . 例如: Chinese by the largest number of people.A. speakB. is speakingC speaksD. is spoken( 选 D。考查一般现在时的被动语态) The boy to get supper ready after school.A. were toldB. is tellingC. was toldD. tells( 选 C。考查一般过去时的被动语态) A lot of new roads built in the west of China.A. mustB. must beC. hasD. have( 选 B

227、。考查含情态动词的被动语态)B . 明确用法被动语态常用于以下两种情况:1 . 不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者;2 . 强调动作的承受者。例如:这棵树是那个男孩弄断的。The tree by that boy.( 填 was broken)C . 熟练转换1 . 将主动语态变被动语态的基本方法为:将主动语态的宾语作被动语态的主语;谓语动词变为“be+ 及物动词的过去分词” ,并通过b e的变化来表达出不同的时态;主动语态的主语变为介词by的宾语,组成介词短语放在被动结构中的谓语动词之后。( 有时by短语可以省略) 。2 . 被动语态的一般疑问句是将一个助动词置于主语之

228、前;否定句是在第一个助动词后加not;特殊疑问句的语序为:疑问词+ 一般疑问句。例如: You must throw the broken pottery away at once.The broken pottery at o n ce.( 同义句)( 填 m ust be thrown away) Where did they grow vegetables?( 改为被动语态)Where v e g e t a b l e s ? ( M were; grown)D . 注意特例将主动语态变被动语态应注意几个特殊情况:1 . 含双宾语的主动结构变为被动结构时,有两种方法:将间接宾语变为主语

229、,直接宾语保持不变;将直接宾语变为主语,间接宾语用介词to或 for引导。例如: He told us a sto ry .( 变被动语态)f We were told a story ( by him) . 或: A story was told to us by him. Her mother gave her a new p e n .( 变被动语态)A new pen her by her mother.( 填 was given to)2 .短语动词的被动语态:在变为被动语态时,要将短语动词视为一个整体,其后的介词或副词不能省去。例如: This dictionary mustnl

230、from the library.A . take awayB . taken awayC . are taken awayD . be taken awayED She will take good care of the children.( 变被动语态)The children will(by her).( 填 be taken good care of)3 .含有复合宾语的主动结构变被动结构时,通常将宾语变为被动句的主语,而宾语补足语就成为主语补足语。注意:省略t。的不定式作宾补时,不定式符号to必须补上。例如:Someone saw him swim in Qianling Lake

231、 yesterday.( 变被动语态)He swim in Qianling Lake yesterday.( 填 was seen to )4 .不定式的被动结构:动词不定式的被动语态为“ tobe +过去分词” 。例如:The radio says a wild animal zoo is to in our city.A. be buildingB. buildC . be builtD. builtEC5 . 以疑问代词开头的疑问句转换成被动句时要注意词序:应将主动句中的疑问代词改为介词b y 的宾语,但仍然放在句子开头。例如:Who has broken Ihe c u p ? (

232、改为被动语态)f By whom has the cup been broken?E . 注意区别被动语态和过去分词作表语的区别:1)含义不同:被动语态强调动作,重点说明动作由谁完成、怎样完成;而过去分词作表语通常用来描写情景,叙述人或事物的特征及所处的状态。试比较:The window is broken. 窗子破了。( 系表结构)The window is broken by h im .窗子被他打破了。( 被动语态)2)用法不同:过去分词作表语时可以被so, very, too等程度副词修饰,而被动语态则不能用so,very, too 修饰,而需用 much, very much, so

233、 much, too much 修饰。试比较:He was very interested in science.他对科学有极大兴趣。( 系表结构)I was so much suiprised at the scene that 1 didnt know what to d o .我被那种场面搞得大吃一惊,不知所措。( 被动语态)F . 牢 记 ( 相关)句型初中教材中与被动语态相关的句型有:1. be covered with 被. . . 覆盖2. be made o f由. . . 制 作 ( 发生物理变化)be made from由. . .制 作 ( 发生化学变化)be made

234、in 由 ( 某地)制造be made by被 ( 某人)制造3. be used for 被用来be used as被 当 作 ( 作为). . .来使用be used to do s th .被用来做某事4. It is said that. . 据说. . .It is hoped that. . 希望. . .It is well known that. . 众所周知. . . 例如:一Your coat looks nice. Is it cotton?一Yes. It*s Shanghai.A. made of; made byB. made of; made inC. made for; made byD. made for; made inB This machine is used the room wet.A. for keepingB. as keepingC. keepD. to keepingA据说在南京长江上又在建一座桥。that is being over the Changjiang River in Nanjing.( 填 It is said; another bridge; built)



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