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1、近五年铜仁市中考短文改错真题2021年 铜仁Li Bai*s writings have influenced the lives of millions.He was an famous character in Chinese literature.91._ a_He is considering to be one of the best romantic poets in China.92. consideredHe was born on the year 701 A.D, He lived during the Tang dynasty.93.inIn her lifetime,

2、he wrote a lot of poetry94.hisMost of his poem are full of imagination and creativity95._ poemsMore than 900 of his poems were still read today.96.areStill Night Thoughts was written for him97._ byIt is easy to understand and very moved98._movingIt expresses the feelings of the man which is faraway

3、from his99.whohometown. Most Chinese children can recite it very good.100.well2020年 铜仁The summer holiday is coming. I cant wait to making a good plan for it.91. _makeFirst, I will take hours on my study every day. Reading more books92. _spendAnd practising writing will be good way to improve myself.

4、 Second,93. _waysin order to keep fit, I will do any sports with my friends,94. _somesuch like playing basketball and swimming. This summer holiday will be95. _asa good time for fun, so I plan to watch movies and have picnics with me96. _usfamily. Whats more, to experience differently cultures97. _

5、differentin other places will be_a_most important part of my plan.98. _IheAll of these will are helpful for my future life. I am99. _belooking forward for a meaningful holiday.100.to2019 铜仁Dear Tom,How are you? Do you know something about Chineseknots ( 中国结) ? Maybe you know nothing with them. It do

6、esntmatter. I will tell you. In China, people usual make them withred silk, cloth and other material. They look very beautiful ina shape of diamond ( 钻石) , about 5 inches long and 4 incheswide. In China, these knots stand for friendship, love and goodluck. People can either give them as gifts to fri

7、ends nor hang themin houses as decorations. Tm good at make Chinese knots. Ifanyone in your country want to know more about Chinese knots,let them write to me. I will try my best to introduce my Chineseknots to anyone who is inleresting in Chinese culture.91. anything92. about_93. usually_94. materi

8、als95. the96. or_97. making98. wants99. our_100. interested12018 铜仁I enjoy read books very much because there are91._readinglot of interesting things in them. When I was young,92.lotsI dont think reading books was interesting,93.didntbecause I found nothing was most interesting than computer94.moreG

9、ames. But two years before, I received a book95.agolike a birthday present, it was a book about plants96.asand animal in the world. It was so interesting97.animalsthat I lost oneself in it. After that,98.myself1 was fond in reading books and I read about 100 books.99.ofThey brought me many knowledge

10、 and fun.100.much2017年 铜仁Boys and girls! I will tell you anything about a sad story91.somethingIt happens on a cold winter evening.When many people were92._ happenedgetting together in them warm houses, a poor little girl was still93.theirwalking in the streets without shoe. There were some matches

11、in94.shoesHer hand,Matches, matches!9,the little girl cried in an low voice.95.aNo one heard her when they are passing by. She didnt sell any96.werematches and no one gave her a coin. The wind was blowing strong97.stronglyand the snow was falling down on her long hair. She felt cold but98.andHungry.

12、 She could neither find food to eat or find a house to live in.99.norIn the morning of the next day, the girl was lying against the wall, dead!100._OnDo you know the name of the story? Its called The Little Match Girl.根据以上五年中考真题的答案,统计以下词性出现的频率。年份名词( 次)动词( 次)形容词( 次)代词( 次)副词( 次)冠词( 次)介词( 次)数词( 次)连词( 次

13、)限定词( 次)2021 年2020 年2019 年2018 年2017 年总计2若在做改错题时,出现下列词性,我们应该首先想到什么了?优先考虑改错方向名词动词形容词介词冠词数词连词代词副词限定词单复数时态比较级、最高级基数词与序数词的互换a/an/the之间的互换同类词副词逻辑关系固定孑苔配记忆口诀:改错技巧不常见,平常积累是关键。考试出现不会题,下列口诀帮助你。形和副,名的数;介词固搭要记住;数词包含基和序,互相转化要牢记。若遇动词看时态,b e的单复也存在。动 词to d o也常考,in g形式也偏爱。连词、代词、限定词,同类词语往里带。冠词分为the、a、a n ,相互之间来转换。运用

14、记忆口诀,完成下列改错,并指出是哪一句口诀帮助你完成。1、The wind was blowing strong.2、In China, people usually make them with red silk, cloth and other malerial.3、Our English teacher is usually strict for us.4、Kangkang lives in a farmhouse with third floors.5、I was doing my homework while my mother was cook in the kitchen.6、P

15、m looking forward to hear from you.7、All of us except Jane_is going to Zhongnanmen Ancient City.8、There are not some rice left.9、I will try me best to pass the P.E. exam.10 Its very important for use to be_a honest man.11 All the Chinese people are kind and friend.3根据本课学到的知识,完成下列短文改错:Heres some info

16、rmation about we trip to Zhongnanmen Ancient City. It lies in the center ofTongren city and is cross from Jinjiang Square. There is the beautiful river calling Jinjiang River.It is a historical but cultural tourist area with a history of 608 years. Covering a total area of about290000 square meters,

17、 and has 164 building in total, including 47 new buildings and 117 oldbuildings. It is a place suitable for live and traveling as well. We* 1 1 go there takebus. Its a long trip, Ifs over 2 hours. The bus will wait for you at the school gate in 8:00tomorrow morning. If you got lost during the trip,

18、please call me.The Winter Olympic Games is a important international sports event who is held once everyfour years. The one Winter Olympic Games was held in 1924 and the 24th Olympic Winter Gamescalling the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics was held for China. It opened on February 4th andclosed in Febru

19、ary 20th. It motto is Together for a Shared Future”. The mascot of the 2022Beijing Winter Olympic Games is Bing Dwen Dwen. “Bing” mean ice and Dwen Dwen“ standsfor children.lt want to told the people from all over the world the spirit of the Olympics, and weeither should have a strong mind and a health body.In the Beijing Winter Olympics, China wonnine gold medals.4



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