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1、 Leslie Cheung (12 September 1956 1 April 2003), nicknamed elder brother (哥哥), was a film actor and musician from Hong Kong. Cheung was considered as one of the founding fathers of Cantopop, and combining a hugely successful film and music careergolden age in filmAfter quiting the music,he began to

2、focus on film performance and obtained remarkable achievementsReceived awards(film):1993 46th Cannes International Film Festival Golden Palm Award: Farewell to My Concubine(霸王别姬)1990 Hong Kong, China at the 18th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor: Afeizhengchuan(阿飞正传)Received awards(film): No. 1-1995

3、Hong Kong, China Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards Best Actor: Dongxiexidai(东邪西毒) 1993 The 30th China Taiwan Golden Horse Best Original Film Music: Baifamonu(白发魔女) return to music and dieIn 1995, Cheung signed a contract with Rock Records, returning to music as a singer.In 1997, Cheung held his

4、first post-retirement concert series: World Tour 97.return to music and dieLike with the refinements to his musical style, Cheung introduced a new image to his audience. But the audience had different views to his change.return to music and dieIn 1999, he was awarded Hong Kong scene highest reputati

5、on package award.In the same year, he dressed up at golden horse award ceremony for the filmchunguangzhaxie, but failed.In 2000, Cheung held his last concert series, Passion Tour.April Fools Day 2003, Hong Kong, Department of Man in his hotel suicided, his death brought a heavy grief to the Chinese

6、even the whole world.His last film, namedYidukongjian. His ending of his real life is very similar to the character played by him.He is considered by many Hong Kong pop music for a new era of index, he was also one of the characters are most people think of Hong Kong pop music taishan level characte

7、r Jacky cheung successor, he is also renew Jacky cheung after another in Taiwan success of Hong Kong singers . 他被许多人认为是香港流行音乐新时代的指标人物之一,他亦被多数人认为是香港流行音乐泰山级人物张学友的接班人,他也是续张学友后另一个在台湾获得成功的香港歌手 Most of his songs are written after break up vicissitudes and helpless, or after many years old meet scene .他的歌大

8、多数都是写分手后的沧桑和无奈的,或者是多年后旧情人相遇的情景 Do you know who he is ?He is ! Eason chan is now in Hong Kong scene, the voice sound bottom all belong to the most powerful singers, always have many up-and-coming youngster imitated his singing, but all red does not rise. This decade eight years, he in mainstream in t

9、he singing beautiful sound throne have wavered. 陈奕迅是现今香港乐坛中,由声线至声底均属最有实力的歌手,一向有不少后起之秀模仿他的唱法,但都红不起来。这十年八载,他在主流乐坛里的靓声宝座都没有动摇过。某些歌手是以鲜明的特点而著称的。然而陈奕迅属于那种什么风格都想尝试的歌手。无论慢板情歌,劲爆快歌,抑或Hip-Hop、Rap、R&B、Jazz陈奕迅在十余年间都有献唱,而且几乎都有非常出色的演绎。相对于将专辑限制于一种风格中,陈奕迅更喜欢以一种“概念”引领专辑,无论是主题上的还是音乐上的。 Some singer is distinct charac

10、teristics known. However eason chan belong to the what style all want to try the singer. Whatever slow board love songs, punk fast songs, or Hip Hop, Rap, R&B -, Jazz. Eason chan more than ten years in have to sing, and almost all have very good deduce. Relative to will be limited to a kind of style

11、 album, eason chan prefer to a concept lead album, whether theme or music Eason chan singing the biggest characteristic is to emotional expression, his singing skills high but not easily to show off 陈奕迅歌唱的最大特点是感情表现,他的唱歌技巧很高但并不轻易炫耀Lin xi the Leslie cheung and wang fei as their arms, but will eason ch

12、an than for your soul . Lin xi to eason chan many songs all need time and experience can read understand .林夕把张国荣和王菲当作自己的双臂,却将陈奕迅比为自己的心灵,林夕写给陈奕迅的许多歌都需要时间和经历才能读得明白。He is considered by many people as song god Jacky cheungs successor .他被很多人认为是“歌神”张学友的接班人.Since 1995, since his debut in music on Eason has

13、 won more than 150 trophies. 自1995年出道以来,Eason在音乐上共获得150多座奖杯 The many people say that listen to the person of Easons song, all have a story. 很多人说,听陈奕迅的人,都有一段故事。As long as you can have emotional, he can help you sing it. Write each persons story, sing a song, to all who have love. 只要你能有的情绪,他就可以帮你唱出来。写

14、每个人的故事,唱一个人的歌,送给每个有爱的人。只要是有爱的人,你被人爱过,或者爱过别人。家人,朋友,爱人。我们身上拥有太多的情感。你但凡是有这些情感,那你一定明白我为什么如此钟爱这个卷发的老男人As long as it is a loving person, you will be loved, or loved anyone else. Family, friends, love. Our body have too much emotion. You but all who had these feelings, then you must understand why I so dot

15、es on the curl old man . Looks like a big kid, eason chan can be as long as a music he can meet with the fastest speed integrate into one. No matter what themes, he whole heart to deduce songs in the near future. Eason chan of singing of love is a kind of pure love . 看起来陈奕迅像个大小孩,可只要一碰到音乐他就可以以最快的速度融入

16、其中。无论什么主题,他都全心去演绎出歌曲的神采。陈奕迅对歌唱的挚爱是一种纯真的爱。 The studio, eason chan always strive for songs emotional expression service. While in concert, we often see some of his bold, exaggerated stage performance. He knew that one is give a person with long-lasting taste, and the other one is to pay attention to f

17、ield interaction 录音室中,陈奕迅总是力求为歌曲的情感表现服务。而在演唱会上,我们常会看到他的一些大胆、夸张的舞台表现。他清楚,一个是给人以持久的品味的,另一个则是注重现场互动。 2008 年5月2日,陈奕迅当选为2008年第29届中国北京奥运香港特别行政区男明星火炬手 May 2, 2008, eason chan was elected in 2008 the 29th session of the Hong Kong special administrative region of China Beijing Olympic torch male star 2008 年5

18、月2日,陈奕迅当选为2008年第29届中国北京奥运香港特别行政区男明星火炬手Eason chan by time magazine, described as affect Hong Kong scene style character .陈奕迅被时代杂志形容为影响香港乐坛风格的人物 You are legend You are legend (传奇)in my heart Show timeA star of over 100 films and one of Asias most popular singers, Andy Lau (刘德华) Tak-Wah was born on Sep

19、tember 27, 1961 in Hong Kong. He grew up in a very poor area where there was not even running water . the young Tak-Wah had to make up to eight trips a day to collect water for his family. Despite financial problems, Andys parents encouraged him to do well in school, and upon graduating, he entered

20、the TVB academy, where he studied acting . In 1982,andy was nominated(提名提名)for the Best New Artist in the Hongkong film awards. Lau has also become a mainstay of the modern gambling(赌博赌博) movie With Running Out of Time, he won his very first Hong Kong Film Award (aka Golden Statue Award) for Best Ac

21、tor. Andy laus Musical career highlights He is also one of the most successful Chinese music celebrities, with an extensive list of Cantonese(粤语) and Mandarin(国语) hits to his credit. He has even sang a Taiwanese song entitled 世界第一等. His first music contract came in 1985, but his singing career reach

22、ed stellar status in 1990 with the release of the album entitled可不可以( Would It Be Possible?“), and his subsequent releases only solidified his status as a marketable singer. The most notable hits by Andy Lau include 一起走过的日子 (The Days We Spent Together), 爱不完 (Everlasting Love), 潮水 (The Tide), 忘情水 (Fo

23、rget Love Potion), 中国人 (Chinese People), 笨小孩 (Stupid Child), 爱你一万年 (Love You Forever (lit. Love You For 10,000 Years), 你是我的女人 (You Are My Woman), 暗里着迷 (Secret Admiration). A BETTER DAYA BETTER WAY 得失只一念风景不转心境转得失只一念风景不转心境转 烦恼来自偏执一切也依恋烦恼来自偏执一切也依恋 风吹草动命途乱了我不乱风吹草动命途乱了我不乱 交出了平常心再随缘交出了平常心再随缘 常言道常言道 能演一切好东

24、西能演一切好东西 无论戏份再少都花却了心计无论戏份再少都花却了心计 为了干活用半世为了干活用半世 没有一秒浪费没有一秒浪费 活着是沉迷活着是沉迷 从来没有空从来没有空 去享受美丽去享受美丽 身边的一切身边的一切 谁盼望一人麻木了在影圈献世谁盼望一人麻木了在影圈献世 影帝无用 无须逼观众拍掌无须逼观众拍掌 无须逼观众景仰无须逼观众景仰 无须逼观众无情情心痒无须逼观众无情情心痒 能摇动他的心窗能摇动他的心窗 随时可再次登场随时可再次登场 要永远发亮要永远发亮 求专心的唱求专心的唱 无须担心无须担心以后前途翻覆要镇定以后前途翻覆要镇定 以后迷途不需找算命以后迷途不需找算命 以后沿途危难要企定以后沿途

25、危难要企定 学会张一张开一双眼睛学会张一张开一双眼睛 未见得光阴一去需要停未见得光阴一去需要停 无用去一再望背影无用去一再望背影 人没有一生挥不去的惨情人没有一生挥不去的惨情 是会好心好报应是会好心好报应 张开眼睛张开眼睛别人讲我勤劳我会很开心,其实歌唱的好不好,戏演得好不好,这个人帅不帅都是各人有各人的看法的。但是勤奋对于每个人来说都是一个共同的标准。 Andy Lau 一双眼一双眼 能看世界的表面能看世界的表面 却永远看不见却永远看不见 人生的另一边人生的另一边 绽放着一道美丽的光线绽放着一道美丽的光线 一颗心代替一双眼一颗心代替一双眼 世界变得真一点世界变得真一点 只要相信自己只要相信自己 有爱就有明天有爱就有明天 虽然幸福这么远虽然幸福这么远 但那么甜但那么甜 -ANDY LAU人善天不欺你懂得以后人善天不欺你懂得以后掌握心中节奏掌握心中节奏只要食得落睡得好天天里笑得开口只要食得落睡得好天天里笑得开口 便已足够便已足够如果有一天如果有一天 战争与饥荒充斥全个地球战争与饥荒充斥全个地球别害怕你心我心手与手连成一线别害怕你心我心手与手连成一线为你可分忧为你可分忧 好朋友好朋友 如果有一天如果有一天andylauFor Andy Lau my heart will go on thank you



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