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1、Inaccessible 难以接近的:unreachablePrior to 在前,局先:precedingExtracting 提取,提炼:removingAdvocates 提倡者,赞成者:proponentsStrength 基础:basisUnsubstantiated无确实根据的,未经证实的:unverifiedSurging 激增,迅速上升:acceleratingMaintain 维持:preserveTrend 倾向,趋势:tendencyConsiderable 极其,相 当 ,大 量 : substantialPeak最高点,最高峰:maximumV ast巨大的,辽阔的:

2、largeEnactment 制 定,执行:performanceSparked 发 动 ,鼓 舞 : brought aboutStaggering 令人惊愕的:overwhelmingPotential 潜在的,可能的:possibleDevastated 毁坏:ruinedOutstanding 突出的,显著的:excellentDemonstrate 证明,示威:showedAccount for 解释,说明:explainExtend 延伸,扩展:stretchPicking up 沿着:followingSupplanted 代替:replacedA supremacy 至高,霸权

3、:a dominanceMyriad 无数: manySolemn 严肃的:seriousSupreme 最高的: most outstandingComposed 创作,作曲:createdSettle 解决,决定:decideScores 乐谱:music compositionAscending 上升,攀登:climbingComprises 包含,由,构成:consists ofIntense 居 U 烈的:extremeMargins 空白:edgesRelated 有关系得:connectedSupport 支撑:holdSupported 支撑:upheldAppreciatio

4、n 感激,评价,欣赏:recognitionForward-looking 向前看的: progressive 进步的Bias 偏见:prejudiceRudimentary不发达的,未发展的:undevelopedPrevailing 流行的:most frequentSole 唯一的:onlyAccumulated 积 聚 ,堆 积 : collectedsidizes 资助:financeRotates 旋转:alternatesBizarre 古怪的:oddImplements 玩具:toolsCasts off 抛弃:gets rid ofClues 线索:informationHo

5、mogeneous 一致的,同一的:uniformHemispheres 半球:sidesLargely renounces 基本上拒绝:generally rejectsSubject to 遭受:susceptible toPrevail流行,支配控制:dominatesCharacterized 不同,区别于其他:distinguishedDistinction 不同,区别:differencesSubtle轻微的,精细的:slightFused 结合:combinedCompile 收集,积累:put togetherLure 吸引:attractR aw 未加工的,为处理的:unpr

6、ocessedPlaced 放置:depositedProspect 前景,可能性:possibilityDiscrete 分泌:separateRoughly 大约地:approximatelyOvertaxed 负担沉重的:heavily burdenedMagnify 增加,扩大:increaseInadequate 不充足的:deficientInevitable 不可避免地:unavoidablyVessel 船只:craftLamented 不满,抱怨:complaint aboutSmothering 窒息的: eliminatedFirst rank 最高水平:highest

7、qualityCoined 组成,创造:createdFaded from 消失于:disappeared fromIntervention 干预:influenceNovel创新的,新颖的:innovativeEmerged 出现:appearedStationary 固定的:fixedOutlining 概括,总结:summarizingVaried 不同:differedDeliberate 仔细地:carefulCumbersome 笨重地:burdensomeDemanded 需要:requiredConfined 局限: limitedImitate 模仿:copyFramed 构

8、造,制定:posedComparably 相似地:similarlySupposedly 可能地,推测地:seeminglyInclinations 偏好,喜 好 : preferencesSanitation 卫生:healthBarren 贫瘠的:infertileConflicting 对立的:apposingH ard坚硬的:filmGive way to 让位于:turns intoDivergence 不同,区别:differenceSpeculate 假设:hypothesizeDurable 耐久地:long-lastingAlternative 选择:optionDwelli

9、ng 住 所 : housesImposing要求高的,费力的:demandingElaborately 精心地:done in a great detailPenetrate 穿过:go throughBounds 限 制 : limitsExtended 增加,延长:increaseChance 偶然的:unplannedPreferred 喜欢; favoredIntegral 必要的,基本的:an essentialEffect 影响:influenceCarry 承担:supportSetting 建立:establishingConcentrated 集中:clusteredEnd

10、s 目标:goalsFundamental 基本的:basicDrastic 激进的:radicalSkilled 专业的:expertExtracted 提取:removedPresided over 管理控制:managedInstances 例子: casesCelestial 天文学的:astronomicalEntombed 陷入:trappedEntities 物体:objectsMarked 明显的: pronouncedMotifs 母题,图案:designsUshering 开始,引入:beginningRare 罕见的: infrequenlExecute 执行,创造:cr

11、eateMaintaining 维持:preservingDomains 领域:fieldsTolerate 忍耐:endureCounteracted 否定,抵消 negatedObtain 获得 getIn season 应季 a particular time of yearRoll back 减少 reduceFixture 寻常物品 commonplace objectStimulating 刺激 encouragingNevertheless 但是 howeverDepressed 降低,使沮丧 loweredRotates 转动,改变 turnsStringent 严厉的 str

12、ictReadily容易地,欣 然 地 easilyDictates 决定 determinesConstituting Z 旦成 making upWitnessed 看到 observedPits 洞,坑 holesA break with 分开 a departure fromDisputes 争论 argumentsConserve 维持,保留 retainUnrestricted 不受限制的 unlimitedMagnified 加强,加剧 intensifiedSnap 折断 breakForage 觅食 feedF ed 吃/ 放入putHeralded 宣布 announced

13、Exposed t o 易受影响的,受 支 配 subjected toPosition 职位 jobE xert引起,导 致 causeMajor 主要的 principalDiffuses 穿过,扩散 travelsSymmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的 proportionally balancedRapture 破裂 burstObvious 明显的 apparentMiniscule 微小的 tinyDominated 占支配地位的 were prevalent inEnables 使能够 allowsSupplements 补充 extensionsAesthetically

14、美学的,艺术的 artisticallyCrisscross 交叉 move back and forthRefreshing非同寻常的,耳目一新的unusualSkepticism 怀疑主义 doubtDevote 奉献 dedicateSubsidy 资助 financingBound 系,绑 tiedConjectural 猜测的 based on guessingAssembling 聚集 gatheringEmploying 采用 usingAdorned 装修 decoratedAssortment 种类 varietyAttire 服装 clothingExalted 高级的 s

15、uperiorUnravel 揭露 discoverIngots 银锭/ 块 blocks of silver mixed with copperMundane 平凡的 ordinaryCame of age 出现了, 成名 了 established itselfG叩 空 隙 openingTrace 痕迹 imprintsDiscards 抛弃 gets rid ofExposed 暴露 uncoveredDeft 灵巧的 skilledAdversely 逆向/ 反的 negativelyRobust 强壮的 strongAltered 改变 changedConsumption 消费,

16、吃 eatingNoxious有毒的,有 害 的 harmfulConstituents Z 目成部分 componentsDetectable 可以探测的 measurableCalculated 计算,决定 determinedAcute敏锐的,剧 烈 的 intenseCeased 停止 stopExceeded 超越 surpassedProminent 著名的 distinguishedAstounding 惊讶的 surprisingApply to 应用于 used forDurable 耐久的 lastingCoarser 粗糙的 rougherCustomarily 通常 u

17、suallyDense 浓密的 thickInduced 导致 causedThanks to 由于 because ofRemarkable 异常的 extraordinaryEagerly anticipated 渴望, 期待 looked forward toExerted 运 用 即pliedProperties 特征,特点 characteristicsRestricted 限制 limitedAscribed to 归功于,认为 assumed to be true ofIntricate 错综复杂的 complexRevolutionized 巨变,革命 dramatically

18、 changedV ary区别,不 同 differAppeal 吸弓I attractionInitially 首先 at firstSpawned 产生,产卵 createdCohesion 凝聚力 unityCore 核心 centerConsciously有意识地,故 意 地 purposelyEmbedded 镶嵌 encasedUnadorned未装饰的,平 凡 的 plainSpotting 识别 identifyingCritical 关键的 essentialDogma信仰,教 条 beliefJolting 震动 shockingDetect 发现 discovered the presence ofMagnitude 程度/ 大小 extentShied away from 避免 avoidedPuncture 刺穿:pierceMilestone 里程碑 significant developmentDramatic戏剧性的, 显著的:striking



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