【教育资料】北师大版英语九年级Unit 8 Discoveries Lesson 22 Famous Discoveries 第一课时 教案学习精品

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《【教育资料】北师大版英语九年级Unit 8 Discoveries Lesson 22 Famous Discoveries 第一课时 教案学习精品》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【教育资料】北师大版英语九年级Unit 8 Discoveries Lesson 22 Famous Discoveries 第一课时 教案学习精品(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教育资源 教育资源 英语教学设计 教学基本信息 课题 Unit8Famous Discoveries 姓名 学校 课型 阅读课& 语法课 年级 初三 教材分析 教学内容分析: 本单元是北师大版九年级第八单元,话题是 Discoveries,涉及到著名的发现,年度发现、一份实验报告。在承接 Get Ready 部分有关“发现”话题的基础上,阅读方面包括三项重要发现 Lesson 22: Famous discoveries(antibiotics, DNA, X-rays);Lesson 24 An experiment report 种植马铃署的步骤和经过。听力方面是听一段演讲,熟悉正式演讲构

2、成的要素, Lesson 23 Discovery of the year ;写作是写一篇关于自己的发现或经历的报告 Communication Workshop:Learning from discoveries。语法是条件状语从句(conditionals ) Lesson 22 是一节阅读课,涉及的话题是 Famous discovery 。第一发现是抗生素,它在现实生活中作用比较大,但要注意适当使用。第二发现是 DNA,文本中介绍了它的架构,同时通过这个我们可以获知孩子从父母那遗传了哪些基因,同时也能在医学界可以帮助治疗很多疾病。第三个发现是 X光射线,介绍了它的发明人及它的作用,在生

3、活中人们把它用到了各行各业中。通过文本学习,使学生了解这些方面的知识,在生活中能够解决一些小问题。 设计思路: 由科技发现小介绍引出本单元话题Discoveries. 以对话形式讨论 Getting ready 中的图片并处理 key words 。 Lesson 22 Famous discoveries 以介绍屠呦呦为切入点导入本课文本内容:医学发现(学案上提供一些名人及他们的发现帮学生拓宽视野) 以猜谜的形式引出本课并以 skim 的阅读形式呈现三个医学发现名称,以熟悉、挖掘文本来完成不同任务获取发名人(有补充) 、时间及三个发现各自在生活中的用途。 以深挖文本内容完成活动 4 作为读后

4、活动 1,活动 9 为读后活动 2 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 通过阅读文本,获取有关 three discoveries 的名称、发明人及用途等基本信息。 2. 通过阅读文本,表达出这些发现在现实生活中的所起的作用,了解一些简单的医学常识。 3. 通过对文本的理解与参与活动 1,感知条件状语从句的意义 4. 通过本节课的学习,使学生了解到需要长久不懈的努力和坚持,才能有所发现,有所成就。 教学重、难点 第一课时: 教育资源 教育资源 教学重点:1.通过阅读文本,获取有关 three discoveries 的名称、发明人及用途等基本信息。 2. 运用文本信息完成读后两个活动

5、。 教学难点:运用所学内容,就这些著名发现来谈论它们在现实生活中的所起的作用,了解一些简单的医学常识。 教学过程: 教学环节 教学活动 设计意图 时间 Warm-up Step1 T gives students two pictures and two discoveries about space and show the topic “ discoveries” of this unit.(The information is on students worksheet.) 出示两个有关太空方面的图片及信息,引出本单元话题 “发现” 3 Getting ready Step2 1. T:

6、 Look at the pictures on P89 and try to answer: 1). What are people doing in the pictures? 2).What do you think they are trying to discover? Students discuss them and talk about them with the model. Example: I think the person in Photo A is observing the stars. Maybe he is trying to discover a new s

7、tar. 2. Students listen and read after the tape. chemistry, do experiments, electricity, health, lab, machine, observe, physics, research, space, technology 3. Finish Ex2 (this step can be finished quickly, it can also be done with Activity 9). Extra information is shown on the worksheet. 1.Do you k

8、now any other scientific discoveries? 2.Can you name some famous ones? 3. Among these discoveries, which do you think are the most important ones? 谈 论 Getting ready 中的图片,完成活动1。 处理 Key words 迅速处理活动 2,也可与活动场所 9 整合。(学案上给出拓展内容供学生参考) 5 Pre-reading 教育资源 教育资源 Step3 T shows a picture of To Youyou and have a

9、 brief introduction and lead in Lesson 22 T: Lets look at three sentences and guess what they are? 1. Its a discovery in physics(身体). It can go right through some things like skin(皮肤) and wood but stop by bones or metal. 2. Many children died very young because of different diseases. Now it can be c

10、ured( 治愈) easily with it. 3. Its the building block of life and we know a great deal about what we get from our parents from it. Maybe students answers are vary, so this time show them three pictures and let them match. 图片(图哟哟)导入, 课前背景知识激活 猜测之后,让学生把图片与句子匹配 5 While- reading Step4 1st reading Skim the

11、 text and find out the names of three pictures and make sure whether your match is right or not. T explains the word “ antibiotic” with picture. 浏览文章,找出三个发现的名称并验证匹配正确与否 图 片 解 释 生 词antibiotic 3 2nd reading Read and finish Ex3: fill in the table Event Year The structure of DNA was discovered. Wilhelm

12、Roentgen received the Nobel Prize. Scientists discovered DNA. T explains “ DNA structure and Wilhelm Roentgen ” while checking the answers. 第二遍读,完成表格 词汇解析 5 教育资源 教育资源 3rd reading Read and find out the answers and fill in What effect do these discoveries have? discoveries effect antibiotic DNA X-ray

13、After that, help student make the outline of the text. 第三遍阅读 通过阅读找出三项发现的用途 帮助学生梳理文章脉络 5 Post -reading Step 5 1. Listen and read 2. Try to answer the fowling questions according to the text 1. What can cure a lot of diseases easily? What passed on certain characteristics fromparents to children? 3. W

14、hat can scientists know from the map of our DNA? 4. Who was the first to study and name X-ray? 5. What prize did the discoverer of X-ray award? 听录音,朗读课文 根据文本内容,回答问题,帮助学生继续内化文本内容。 8 Step 6 Activities 1. If you are a doctor, please treat! Pair work 1)If Marys hand is cut by a knife for 3days, what wil

15、l she do? 2) If your leg gets hurt in P.E, what should you do? 3) If you have a headache, what can you do? 4) “Doctor, can you explain what antibiotic isfor me?” asks one patient. 5). 2. Which discovery do you think is the most important according to the text?Group work 活动 运用所学内容,解决有可能发生在生活中的问题,体现知识迁移 Pair work: 你是大医生 Group work: 自由理论 10 Homework 1 1. Match the people with the descriptions on P99 2. If you live in school or travel around for more than 10 days, what will you take in your medicine bag(急救包)? Discuss with yourpartner, and write down on the worksheet.



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