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1、职称英语综合类B级模拟2 5第1部分:词汇选项下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。1 The normal p ric e o f a tic k e t fo r an a d u lt is $ 230.A. o rd in a ry B . p ro p e rC. f a i r D. medium2、 We have to ask them to quit ta lk in g in o rd e r th a t a l l p e o p le p re s e n t co u ldh e a r us d e a rly .A

2、. d e c re a se B . cea seC. c o n tin u e D. keep3、 The K londike was th e scene o f one o f th e b ig g e s t g o ld ru sh e s th e w o rld hase v e r know n.A. lo c a tio n B. viewC. ev en t D. la n d sc a p e4、 Of th e r e p t i l e g ro u p s , th e snake group was th e final one to a p p e a r

3、.A. l a s t B. b e s tC. u g lie s t D. lo n g e st5、 U n iv e rs itie s u s u a lly g iv e diplo m as o r c e r t i f i c a t e s to s tu d e n ts who co m p letec o u rse re q u ire m e n ts adequately.A. re s p o n s ib ly B . s u f f ic ie n tlyC. p a tie n tly D. s u c c e s s fu lly6、 A w ill

4、is a docum ent w r itte n to e n su re th a t th e w ish es o f th e d eceaseda re realized.A. f u l f i l l e d B . a c c e p te dC. ad o p ted D. re c e iv e d7、She has been th eA. e x te n s iv eC. e x p en siv es u b je c t o f massive m edia c o v e ra g e .B . n e g a tiv eD. a c tiv e8、The c

5、o n fe re n c eA. r e je c te dC. p ro p o sedexplored th e p o s s i b i l i t y o f c lo s e r tra d e l i n k s .B . in v e s tig a te dD. p o stp o n ed9、 What w ere th eA. re a so n sC. c au seseffects o f th e d e c is io n she made?B . r e s u ltsD. b a se s10、 The sea wasA. q u iteC . y e tc

6、alm and s t i l l .B. q u ie tD , rough11 In a b u l l f i g h t ,th e b u l l .A. co n fu sesC. s c a re si t is th e m ovem entz n o t th e c o lo r, o f o b je c ts th a t arousesB . e x c ite sD. s a t i s f i e s12 Mary called me up v e ry l a te l a s t n ig h t.A. sh o u ted a t me B. v is it

7、e d meC. te le p h o n e d me D. waked me13、Mary gets 叩 atA. risesC . arrivesthe same time every morning.B . raisesD . awakes14The committeeA. absorbsC . excludescomprises five persons.B . concernsD . involves15、All the peopleA. collectedC . assertedassembled at Mary s house .B . fixedD . assist第2部分

8、:阅读判断下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。Dining CustomEvery land has its own dining custom, and the United States is no exception.Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite guest is to be on time.If a person is invited to dinner at 6 : 30

9、z the hostess expects him to be thereat 6 : 3 0 or not more than a few minutes after. Because she usually does herown cooking, she times the meal so that the coffee and meat will be at theirbest at the time she asks the guest to come. If he is late, the food willnot be so good, and the hostess will

10、be disappointed. When the guest can notcome on time, he calls his host or hostess on the telephone, gives the reason,and tells at what time he thinks he can come.As guests continue to arrive, the men in the group stand when a woman entersand remain standing until she found a chair. A man always rise

11、s when he isbeing introduced to a woman. A woman does not rise when she is being introducedeither to a man or a woman unless the woman is much older.When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is customary for the mento help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them.Even an American may be co

12、nfused by the number of knives, forks, and spoonsbesides his plate when he sits down to a formal dinner. The rule is simple,however : use them in the order in which they lie, beginning from the outside.Or watch the hostess and do what she does. The small fork on the outside onthe left is for salad,

13、which is often served with the soup. The spoon on butterspreader, on a small bread-and-butter plate at the left. As the bread is passed,each guest puts his piece on the bread-and-butter plate.16、 As a country of immigrants, the U.S. does not have its own dinning customs .A. Right B . Wrong C . Not m

14、entioned17 The guest is expected to arrive on time because the coffee and meat willbe at their best at the time he is required to come.A. Right B . Wrong C . Not mentioned18 A woman usually rises when she is being introduced to an aged gentleman.A. Right B . Wrong C . Not mentioned19、 At a dinner ta

15、ble, it is customary for the men to arrange chairs for ladies .A. Right B . Wrong C . Not mentioned20、 At formal American dinner, the knives, forks, and spoons besides the plateare placed in a certain order.A. Right B . Wrong C . Not mentioned21、 The right order to use the knives, forks and spoons a

16、t a formal dinneris from the left to the right.A. Right B . Wrong C . Not mentioned22 At a formal dinner, bread is usually served together with salad and soup.A. Right B . Wrong C . Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意与完成句子阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1 )第23-26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2-5段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2 )第27-30题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,

17、分别完成每个句子。Adult Education1 Voluntary learning in organized courses by mature men and women is calledadult education. Such education is offered to make people able to enlarge and interprettheir experience as adults. Adults may want to study something which they missed inearlier schooling, get new skil

18、ls or job training, find out about new technologicaldevelopments, seek better self-understanding, or develop new talents and skills.2 This kind of education may be in the form of self-study with proper guidancethrough the use of libraries, correspondence courses, or broadcasting. It may also beacqui

19、red collectively in schools and colleges, study groups, workshops, clubs andprofessional associations.3 Modem adult educations for large numbers of people started in the 18th and19th centuries with the rise of the Industrial Revolution. Great economic and socialchanges were taking place: people were

20、 moving from rural areas to cities; new types ofwork were being created in an expanding factory system. These and other factorsproduced a need for further education and re-education of adults.4 The earliest programs of organized adult education arose in Great Britain in the1790s, with the founding o

21、f an adult school in Nottingham and a mechanics institutionin Glasgow. Benjamin Franklin and some friends found the earliest adult educationinstitution in the U.S. in Philadelphia in 1727.5 People recognize that continued learning is necessary for most forms ofemployment today. For example, parts of

22、 the adult population in many countries find itnecessary to take part in retraining programs at work or even to learn completely newjobs. Adult education programs are springing up constantly to meet these and otherneeds.A. Necessity for developing adult educationB . Early days of adult educationC. W

23、ays of receiving adult educationD . Growth of adult educationE. Institutions of adult educationF. Definition of adult education23、 Paragraph 224、 Paragraph 325、 Paragraph 426Paragraph 5A. by social and economic changesB . guided self-study and correspondence coursesC. by studying together with child

24、renD . what they did not manage to learn earlierE. dates back to the eighteenth centuryF. mass production27、 Some adults want to learn .28 There are various forms of adult education, including29、 Adult education has been made necessary by .30、 The earliest organized adult education originated in .第4

25、部分:阅读理解下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案。弟 扁Medical JournalsMedical journals are publications that report medical information tophysicians and other health professionals.工 n the past, these j ournals were available only inprint. With the developmentof electronic publis

26、hing, many medical journals now have Web sites on theInternet, and some journals publish only online. A few medical journals, likethe Journal of the American Medical Association, are considered general medicaljournals because they cover many fields of medicine. Most medical journalsare specialty jou

27、rnals that focus on a particular area of medicine.Medical journals publish many types of articles. Research articles reportthe results of research studies on a range of topics varying from the basicmechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of differenttreatments. Review article

28、s summarize and analyze the information availableon a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by manyfactors, combining results from different studies on the same topic can behelpful in reaching conclusions

29、 about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease. Case conferences and case reportsmay be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particularillnesses and how to treat at them. Editorials in medical journals are shortessays that express the v

30、iews of the authors, often regarding a research orreview article published in the same issue.Editorials provide perspective on how the current article fits with otherinformation on the same topic. Letters to the editor provide a way for readersof the medical journal to express comments, questions or

31、 criticisms aboutarticles published in that journal.31The main readers of medical journals areA. the general publicB . health professionalsC . medical criticsD . news reporters32、Which of the following statements is NOT true?33、A.B.C.D.Many medical journals also publishA few medical journals are gen

32、eralMost medical journalsMost medical journalsHow many major types ofpublish onlyonline.medical journals.online.are specialty journals.articles are mentioned in the passage?A. FiveB . SevenC , FourD , Six34、 An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topicis called .A. a rese

33、arch articleB . a review articleC . a case reportD . an editorial35、 Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express commentson .A. any medical eventB . articles published in the same issueC . articles published in that journalD . medical development弟 一 扁Feast On Turkey and Good

34、 Wishes at ThanksgivingFour weeks ago US children dressed as monsters and asked for sweets. Thatwas Halloween. In a few weeks American houses will be red and green and filledwith presents for Christmas.As if all this isn* t enough, on Thursday this week, America will enjoyanother festivalThanksgivin

35、g. Children will have two days off school z shopswill close and houses will be filled with families enjoying mountains of food.Every year, in Gainesville, Florida, all entire class celebrates Thanksgivingtogether. The class dresses up and puts on plays for their families. Afterthe plays the families

36、 share a feast of traditional Thanksgiving foods liketurkey and pumpkin p i e .Dean Foster, an 11-year-old boy will take part in this celebration. Hesaid: I love Thanksgiving because it means time off school, lots of nicefood and a happy family. His brother Ben, nine, said : The best thing aboutThan

37、ksgivingz is that when it is finished, it is time to start Christmas.But behind the food and the large amount of money spent there is anothermessage. On Thursday evening, Dean and Ben * s family will make a basket andput it on the table as they eat their evening meal. Each of them will writea list o

38、f things that they are thankful for and place the paper in the basket.The family will read the pieces of paper and take time to thank God and eachother for providing them with comfortable and happy lives.Thanksgiving is a traditional festival that started in 1621 z when the firstpilgrims arrived in

39、the US to start new lire. After a hard year, they hada big autumn harvest. They held a feast and invited the native American Indiansalong to thank God for giving them enough food.Many countries celebrate Thanksgiving. They often fall after the fieldshave been harvested and the crops collected for wi

40、nter.36、 On Halloween, children in the United States often dress up as .A. ghosts B . playersC . pilgrims D . visitors37、 When are turkey and pumpkin pie eaten?A. On Halloween. B . On Thursday.C . On Thanksgiving. D . On Christmas D a y .38、 Thanksgiving is the time for the American people to thank

41、God for.A. looking after themB . providing them with comfortable and happy livesC . clothing themD . protecting them39、 Many children in the United States like Thanksgiving because .A. they call stay with their parents at home and eat a lot of nice foodB . they can dress up like monstersC . they can

42、 put on playsD . they call visit American Indians40、 The first pilgrims settled in the United States in .A. 1621 B. 1620 C. 1622 D. 1619第 二-答Ford Abandons Electric VehiclesThe Ford motor company * s abandonment of electric cars effectively signalsthe end of the road for the technology, analysts say.

43、General Motor and Honda1 ceased production of battery, powered cars in1999, to focus on fuel cell and hybrid electric gasoline engines, which aremore attractive to the consumer. Ford has now announced it will do the same.Three years ago, the company introduced the Think City two-seater car anda golf

44、 cart called the THINK, or ThinkNeighbor. It hoped to sell 5,000 carseach year and 10 z 000 carts. But a lack of demand means only about 1,000 ofthe cars have been produced, and less than 1,700 carts have been sold so farin 2002. J“The bottom line is we don * t believe that this is the future of env

45、ironmenttransport for the mass market. Tim Holmes of Ford Europe said on Friday. Wefeel we have given electric our best shotH.The Think City has a range of only about 53 miles and up to a six-hourbattery recharge time. General Motors * EVI electric vehicle also had a limitedrangez of about 100 miles

46、.The very expensive batteries also mean electric cars cost much more thanpetrol-powered alternatives. An electric Toyot-RAV4 EV vehicle costs over$ 42,000 in the US, compared with just $17,000 for the petrol version. Toyotaand Nissan are now the only major auto manufacturers to produce electricvehic

47、les.There is a feeling that battery electric has been given its chance. Fordnow has to move on with its hybrid program, and that is what we will be judgingthem on. * Roger Higman, a senior transport campaigner at UK Friends of theEarth, told the Environment News Service.Hybrid cars introduced by Toy

48、ota and Honda in the past few years have soldwell. Hybrid engines offer greater mileage than petrol-only engines , andthe batteries recharge themselves. Ford says it thinks such vehicles willhelp it meet planned new guidelines on vehicle emissions in the U.S.However, it is not yet clear exactly what

49、 those guidelines will permit.In June, General Motors and Daimler Chrysler won a court injunction, delayingby two years Californian legislation requiring car-makers to offer 100,000zero-emission and other low-emission vehicles in the state by 2003 . Carmanufacturers hope the legislation will be rewr

50、itten to allow for morelow-emission, rather than zero-emission, vehicles.41、 What have the Ford motor company, General Motor 1 s and Honda done concerningelectric cars?A.B.C.D.TheyTheyTheyTheyhavehavehavehavestarted to produce electric cars.done extensive research on electric Carsgiven up producing

51、electric cars.produced thousands of electric Cars42、 According to Tim Holmes of Ford Europe, battery-powered cars .A. will be the main transportation vehicles in the futureB . will not be the main transportation vehicles in the futureC . will be good to the environment in the futureD . will replace

52、petrol-powered vehicles in the future43、 Which auto manufacturers are still producing electric vehicles?A. Toyota and NissanB . General Motor * s and HondaC . Ford and ToyotaD . Honda and Toyota44、 According to the eighth paragraph, hybrid cars .A. offer fewer mileage than petrol driven carsB . run

53、faster than petrol driven carsC . run more miles than petrol driven carsD . offer more batteries than petrol driven cars45、 Which of the following is true about the hope of car manufacturers accordingto the last paragraph?A. Low-emission cars should be bannedB . Only zero-emission cars are allowed t

54、o run on motorwaysC . The legislation will encourage car makers to produce more electric carsD . The legislation will allow more low. emission to be produced第5部分:补全短文阅读下面的短文,文章有5处空白,文章后面有6组文字,请根据文章的内容选择5组文字,将其分别放回文章原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。How One Simple Movement Can Let Slip the Secrets of the MindBody languag

55、e is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! Itis said that our body movements communicate about 50 percent of what we reallymean while words themselves only express 7 percent. So, while your mouth isclosed, just what is your body saying.Arms. 46 If you keep your arms to the sides of yo

56、ur body or behind yourback, this suggests you are not af raidof taking on whatever comes your way. 47 .If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you * re unhappy!Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you aremonitor in classz you also take on this position when y

57、ou want your wordsto be taken seriously. 48 .Legs. Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you arenervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews z try to keep them still!Posture. A good posture makes you feel better about yourself. 49 . Thismakes breathing more difficult; which

58、in turn can make you feel nervous oruncomfortable. When you are thinking, you often purse your lips. You mightalso use thisposition toholdback all angry comment you don * t wish to show. 50 .A. If you are feeling down, you normally don * t sit straight z with yourshoulders inwardsB . If you are plea

59、sed, you usually open your eyes wide and people can noticethisC , Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieterpeople keep them close to their bodiesD . How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to peopleyou meetE . However, it will probably still be no

60、ticed, and people will know you * renot pleasedF . However, to be friendly in listening or speaking, you must move yourhead a little to one side第6部分:完形填空阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出4个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案。The Greatest Mystery of WhalesThe whale is a mammal ( 哺乳动物)warm-blooded, air-breathing, giving b

61、irthto its young alive, sucking themand, like all mammals, originated on land.There are many signs of this.51 front flippers ( 鳍肢) ,used for steering and stability, are tracesof feet.Immense strength is built into the great body of the big whales, and infact most of a whale * s body is one gigantic

62、muscle. The blue whale * spulling 52 has been estimated at 400 horsepower. One specimen was reportedto have 53 a whaling vessel for seven hours at the 54 of eight knots.An enraged whale will attack a ship. A famous 55 of this was the fateof whaler Essex, which was sunk 56 the coast of South America

63、early in thelast century. More recently, steel ships have had their plates buckled ( 扭曲变形) in the same way. Sperm whales were known to 57 the old-time whaleboatsin their jaws and crush them.The greatest mystery of whales is their diving ability. The sperm whalecan 58 the bottom for his favorite food

64、, the octopus ( 章鱼) . 59 that searchhe is known to go as far down as 3,200 feetz where the pressure is 1,400 pounds,to the square inch. Doing 60 he will remain submerged ( 水下的)as long asone hour. Two feats ( 绝技)are involved in this : storing up enough 61 ( allwhales are air-breathed) and withstandin

65、g the great change in pressure.Just 62 he does it scientists have not determined. It is believed that someof the oxygen is stored in a special system of blood vessels, rather thanjust held in the lungs. And 63 is believed that a special kind of oil inhis head is some sort of compensating mechanism t

66、hat automatically adjuststhe internal pressure of his body. But 64 you can * t bring a live whale intothe laboratory for study, no one 65 just how these things work.51A.TheirB.i t1 sC.TheirsD.Its52、A.strengthB . widthC.heightD.length53、A . eatenB.crashedC.towed ( 拖)D . lifted54、A . distanceB . rateC

67、.voyageD . sail55、 A.pictureB . filmC.exampleD , book56、 A . offB . ofC.aboveD . over57、 A.hitB . seizeC.damageD . kick58、 A.fly toB . jump toC.dive toD . crawl on59、 A.InB . OnC.By D . At60、 A soB suchC.aboveD . the same61 AwaterB . oxygenC.energyD . heat62、 A.whatB whoC.howD . which63、 A.itB . heC

68、.sheD . there64、 A . becauseof B . due toC.sinceD , owing to65、 Acommunic:ates B . knowsC.hearsD . develops答案:第1部分:词汇选项1、A 解析 一张成人票的正常价格是230美元。normal和ordinary的词义相近,都具有 通 常的,普通的 的含义。fair是 公平的 ;proper是 适当的,正确的 ;medium是 中间的,中等的2、B 解析 为 了让所有在场的人听清楚,我们不得不要求他们停止谈话。, 其中除A以外,其余的被选项者口可以跟动名词结构:quit doing=ceas

69、e doing停止做;continue doing继续做;keep doing一直做。3、A 解析 划线词和四个备选项这5个名词都是较为常见词汇。其中,scene是 现场,场面情景,景色 ;view是 景色,风景,观点,见解 ;event是 事件 ;landscape是 风景,山水画, 地形” 。从句意( 克朗代克河地区是人们迄今为止所知道的最大淘金热发生地之一) 来看,scene的含义是 地点” ,所以答案是A。4、A 解析final作为形容词其含义是 最 后的, 最终的 ,last ( 最后的) 是final的近义词。ugliest是形容词ugly ( 丑的) 的最高级。该句的含义是 在爬

70、行类物种中,蛇排在最后一种 。5、B 解析adequate ( adj .适当的,足够的) 在含义上与suf f icient ( adj . 充分的,足够的) 接近,因此它们的副词结构adequately和sufficiently词义接近。 该句的含义是 大学通常会给已经修完足够课程的学生颁发文凭或证书“ 。responsibly adj.有责任地,可靠地。6、A 解析realize与the wish ( 愿望) 搭配使用,其含义是 实现 。fulfill vt.履行,实现,完成( 计划等) ,该词与划线词的含义最接近。adopt vt.采用,收养;accept vt.接受,认可,承担。该句

71、的含义是 遗嘱是确保已故的人的心愿能够被实现的文件” 。7、A 解析根据搭配 媒体报道 判断A ( 大量的,广大的,广阔的) 合适。而借助mass的含义( n.块,大多数,质量,群众,大量;adj.群众的,大规模的,集中的) 也可猜测出massive的含义与 大量的 有关,这样也能判断答案。negative adj . 否定的,消极的,负的;expensive adj . 昂贵的;active adj.积极的,能起作用的。该句的含义是 她一直是许多媒体报道的对象。8、B 解析根据搭配 的可能性” 判断B ( 调查,研究) 最合适。reject:拒绝, 抵制;propose:计划,建议,向. .

72、 . . . . 提议;postpone:推迟,使延期;该句的含义是 会议研究了进行更加紧密的贸易联系的可能性” 。9、B 解析 effect是常见的基本词汇, 其含义是 结果, 效果” 。 因此B ( 结果) 是答案。 该句的含义是 她作出的决定所带来的结果/影响是什么? 10、B 解析 根据and的使用特点: 前后结构对称, 词义色彩一致, 判断B ( 平静的; 安静的) 是答案。 roughadj.粗糙的,粗略的,大致的,粗暴的,汹涌澎湃的。该句的含义是 大海安静而又平静” 。11、B 解析句子中出现了in a bullfight ( 在斗牛中) 和color ( 颜色) ” 这样的结构

73、和词语,因此,猜测划线词所在的结构含义可能是 ( 刺激) 牛” 。因此判断B ( 使. . . . . . 兴奋) 是答案。confuse vt. 搞乱,使糊涂;scare v.惊吓;satisfy vt. 满足,使满意。该句的含义是 在斗牛比赛中,让牛兴奋的是物体的运动;而不是物体的颜色 。12、C 解析call up v . 使想起,打电话给( 某人) 。因此C ( 给我打电话) 是答案。该句含义是 玛丽昨晚很晚的时候给我打了电话” 。13、A 解析get up v . 起床;rise v.起床,上升。因此A是答案。awake vi. 醒,觉醒,觉悟;vt.唤醒;adj.警觉的,醒的;ra

74、ise vt. 提高,饲养,筹集。该句含义是 玛丽每天在同一时间起床” 。14、D 解析comprise v . 包含,由. . . . . . 组成;该词和D ( involve vt. 包括) 是近义词。absorb vt.吸收,吸引;concern vt. 涉及,关系到;n . ( 利害) 关系,关心;exclude vt. 把. . . . 排除在外。该句含义是 这个委员会是由5个人组成15、A 解析assemble vt. 集合,聚集,装配;vi. 集合。该词和A项 ( collect v . 收集,聚集)是近义词。fix vt.使固定,装置,修理;assert v . 断言,声称;

75、assist v . 援助,帮助。该句含义是 所有的人都在玛丽的房子里集合“ 。第2部分:阅读判断16、B 解析文章第1段的第1句是说 每个国家都有自己的饮食风俗,美国也不例外 。17、A 解析答案查找的相关线索词:on time ( 准时) 和coffee and meat ( 咖啡和肉) 。于是先在第1段的第2句中找到on time,并在该段的第4句发现coffee an ( 1 meat。再看该句的语义: 因 为女主人计算时间做饭,以便当客人在预期的时间里到达时可以享受到最可口的咖啡和饭菜” ,所以该说法正确。18 B 解析 该问题说 当 一个妇女被介绍给一个年长的男人时,她通常站起来”

76、 。答案查找的相关线索词或短语:woman ( 妇女) 和an aged gentleman ( 一个年长的男人) 。于是在第2段的最后一句中找到woman和。 Id ( aged的近义词) 。而该句说的是 年长的妇女” 这种情况,而不是年长的男人,所以该说法不正确。19、C 解析 该问题说 在餐桌上,按照习俗男人应为女人安排座位” 。答案查找的相关线索词或该短语的同义短语/ 句子:arrange chairs for ladies ( 为女人放好椅子) 。于是不难发现原文中并没提到该动作,所以答案为C。20、A 解析 该问题说 在正式的美国宴席上,盘子旁边的刀、叉子和调羹按一定的顺序摆放”

77、。答案查找的相关线索词:knives, forks and spoons ( 刀、叉子和调羹) 。于是不难发现在第3段的第1句发现knives, forks and spoons,并在随后的一句发现提到了顺序。该句说 原则是按照它们摆放的顺序使用 ,所以,刀、叉子和调羹是有摆放顺序的。21、B 解析 该问题说 在正式的美国宴席上,盘子旁边的刀、叉子和调羹的使用顺序是从左到右” 。这道题与前一题相关, 在前一题我们已发现了涉及刀、 叉子和调羹摆放顺序的句子, 而该句说 从外到里 ,所以应是从右到左,而不是从左到右。22、C 解析该问题说 在正式的美国宴席上,面包通常和沙拉、汤一块儿上 。答案查找

78、的相关线索词:bread和soup。 于是不难在原文的第4段的4句中发现 沙拉和汤一块儿上 的说法, 但并没提到面包,所以答案为C。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子23、 解析解题思路:该段中列举了 图书馆 、 函授课程” 等教育方式,所以C是答案。24、 解析解题思路:由于该段段首句较长,因此转而看段尾句,发现段尾句中有“need”对应A中的necessity ( 需要)。25、 解析 解题思路: 该段只有两句, 但两句中都提到了earliest( 最早的) , 该词对应B中的earlydays ( 早期) o26、 解析解题思路:该段段首句很长,所以转而看段尾句,该句用了spring up(

79、出现) ,该词对应D中的growth ( 发展情况) 。27、 解析 首先结合搭配句意判断,选项中只有A和D合适。再利用learn作为答案线索词判断答案相关句在第1 段的最后句:Adults may want to study something which they missed inearlier schooling, get new skills or job training, find out about newtechnological developments, seek better self-understanding, or develop newtalents and s

80、kills.28、 解析该题可直接借助句意判断答案为B。如果借助原文,可利用forms作为答案线索词,则在第2段的第 1 句中找到答案相关句:This kind of education may be in the form ofserf-study with proper guidance through the use of libraries, correspondencecourses, or broadcasting.29、 解析利用necessary作为答案线索词,则在第3段的最后一句找到答案相关句:These andother factors( great economic an

81、d social changes) produced a need for furthereducation and reeducation of adults.30、 解析该题可直接借助搭配句意选择答案。如果借助原文:利用originated作为答案线索词,这样在第4段的第1句找到答案相关句:The earliest programs of organized adulteducation arose in Great Britain in the 1790s”第4部分:阅读理解第一篇31 B 解析细节题。问题问及 医疗杂志的主要读者,借助题干中的main readers作为答案线索,这样发

82、现答案相关句:Medical journals are publications that report medicalinformation to physicians and other health professionals. 该句间接上也回答了问题:为医生和其他健康专家提供医疗信息,所以答案是B。32、C 解析 细节题。 发现备选项在内容上都是涉及 医疗杂志的出版 , 所以借助publish作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句: many medical journals now have Web sites on the Internet ( i句与A内容一致) ,and some j

83、ournals publish only online . ( 该句直接与C矛盾) A fewmedical journals, like the Journal of the American Medical Association, areconsidered general medical j ournals because they cover many fields of medicine .( 该句与B内容一致) Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on aparticular area of medici

84、ne . ( 该句与D内容一致)33、A 解析细节题。该题涉及到文章类型,注意文章中提及文章类型的句子。这样发现答案相关句:Medical journals publish many types of articles. Research articles report theresults of.Review articles summarize and analyze.Case conferences and casereports may be published in medical journalsEditorials provide perspectiveon.Letters to

85、 the editor provide a way for readers o f . . .34、B 解析细节题。利用题干中的核心结构different studies on the same topic作为答案线索,这样找到答案相关句:Review articles summarize and analyze the informationavailable on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature .该句说 综述文章是在对医学文献进行了仔细的查询后找出的有关某一具体主题的信息进行概括和分

86、析, ,与题干 涉及同主题的不同研究结果的文章内容一致,因此判断答案是B。35、C 解析借助题干中的核心结构Letters to the editor和express comments on作为答案线索,这样在文章最后部分找至I 答案相关句:Letters to the editor provide a way for readersof the medical journal to express comments, questions or criticisms aboutarticles published in that journal. 该句内容直接回答了问题:对杂志上发表的文章进行

87、评论,提出问题或提出批评意见。勺第 一答J , AHj36、A 解析该题问的是: 在万圣节,美国儿童常常打扮成什么样子? ” 文章的第1段第1个句子说 四周前,美国儿童打扮成怪物,四处要糖吃 。 鬼 ( ghosts) 跟 怪物( monsters) 比较接近,因此A正确。37、C 解析该题问的是: 火鸡和南瓜饼是什么时候吃的? 火鸡和南瓜饼是感恩节的传统食物。这一信息可以从第2段的最后一个句子中找到。38、B 解析该题问的是: 在感恩节美国人为什么要感谢上帝? ” 选项B说: 是感谢上帝为他们提供了舒适、幸福生活的日子。 该答案可以从文章的倒数第3段中找到。39、A 解析该题问的是: 许 多

88、美国儿童喜欢感恩节的原因是什么? 选项A说: 他们可以呆在家里,跟父母在一起,并且会吃到很多好吃的东西。” 答案可以从第3段中找到。40、A 解析该题问的是: 第一批清教徒是什么时候去美国定居的? ” 答案可以在倒数第2段的第1个句子中找到。第三篇41、C 解析 第1段第1个句子告诉我们福特汽车公司放弃了电动汽车,第二段说通用汽车公司和本田汽车公司停止生产电动汽车。42、B 解析第4段第1个句子是Tim Holmes对电动汽车未来的评价,他认为未来的交通运输的大众市场不可能是电动汽车。43、A 解析答案的依据是第6段最后1句。44、C 解析答案的依据是第8段第2句。45、D 解析答案的依据是文

89、章的最后一句:the legislation will be written to allow forlow-emission, rather than Zero-emission. Vehicles.第5部分:补全短文46、 解析本段讲的是手臂的动作。已知的两个句子是对手臂在具体情况下具体动作的描述。从所处的位置上看,用以补充的句子应该是对手臂动作的概括性描述。D符合条件。47、 解析这个位置的前后两个句子都是对手臂在具体情况下具体动作的描述。用以补充的句子也应该如此。C讲的是开朗的人和沉默寡言的人手臂的动作,符合条件。48、 解析本段前两句讲在哪种情况下不能歪头。F讲的是应该歪一点头的情况

90、,恰好与前面构成对比。49、 解析 本段讲身体姿势。填充句后一个句子提到This ( 这) ” 会使呼吸更加困难,This显然指的是一种不太好的身体姿势,A与此相吻合。50、 解析本段讲嘴的动作。填充句的上一个句子谈到,如果想要抑制自己,使自己不发火,可以将嘴唇闭拢。但事实上,这样做别人仍能看出自己不高兴,也就是E的内容。第6部分:完形填空51、D 解析 指称代词,前面谈到whale时用的是单数,因此要用单数的代词its, 是itis的缩写。theirs是名词性物主代词,代替their和它后面的名词。52、A 解析此处谈到鲸鱼的力气之大,蓝鲸的拉力估计可达400马力。strength:力气;其

91、他三个备选项分别是宽度、高度和长度。53、C 解析蓝鲸的力气之大可依拖得动一艘捕鲸船,因此填入tow,表示 拖,拉 的意思。54、B 解析这里表达的是蓝鲸拖捕鲸船的速度问题,四个选项中只有rate表示速度,和speed同义。voyage:航行,航海;sail:航行。55、C 解析该段第一句话说发怒的鲸鱼会对船发动攻击。接下来给出了一个例子,是一件真实的事情,因此不选picture ( 图片) 、film ( 电影) 或者novel ( 小说) 。56、A 解析表示在离岸不远处用介词off。57、B 解析要看整个句子再做出判断,后面的in their jaws只能用动词seize。鲸鱼把老式的捕

92、鲸船咬在嘴里,然后把它咬碎。58、C 解析这里讲到鲸鱼潜水的本领,所以选dive,其他几个意思都不对。59、A 解析在search前面只能用介词in,意思是在这一搜寻过程中。60、A 解析s。 代替前面提到的一个动作。这里指sperm whale为了觅食潜至海底3200英尺处。61、B 解析 store up:储存;由于鲸鱼能在深海中停留一小时,因此它必须具备储存氧气的本领,所以填 oxygen.62、C 解析科学家只知道鲸鱼储存氧气和抵御压力的绝技,但它究竟是怎么样做到这一点的他们还不了解。该句的宾语从句提前。63、A 解析固定句式 工t is believed that中,it先行主语,代替后面的that从句,该从句为主语从句。64、C 解析该处缺少连接词,因为后面是一个从句而非短语,四个选项中只有since可以做连接词,其他三个都是复合介词,后面接名次,不跟句子。65、B 解析根据意思选knows。既然人们无法把活的鲸鱼搬到实验室研究,那么更没有人知道那到底是怎么回事了。communicate:通讯,交流;develop:发展,开发。



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