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1、Supplementary Information of Specialty English(专业英语补充信息)Nomenclature of compounds(化合物构词法)Zhang BaohuaCollege of Environmental & Chemical Engineering I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds(无机化合物构词法) 1.1. Trivial name (俗名)H2O water CaO quicklime (生石灰) NH3 ammonia (复)ammonium(单) K2CO3 potash(草木灰)CaCO3

2、limestone (石灰石) Hg2Cl2 Calomel (甘汞) I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds 2. If there are only two elements in the compounds(化合物), it is customary(习惯上) to name the more metallic(金属性) element first and the less metallic, or more electronegative(电负性) element second, with the suffix(后缀) “ide”.若化合物中仅有两

3、种元素,习惯上先命名金属性强的元素,后命名金属性弱的元素,再加上ide作为后缀K potassium Na sodium Ca calcium Ba barium S sulfurH hydrogen Cl chlorine Br bromine O oxygen I iodineKCl potassium chloride NaBr sodium bromide BaS barium sulfideCaO calcium oxide HI hydrogen iodide I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds 3. For compounds conta

4、ining still only two elements but more than two atoms(原子), the prefixes (前缀)“mono-”, “di-”, “tri-”, etc. become necessary.对于仅含两种元素、但多于两个原子的化合物,加“mono-”, “di-”, “tri-”等前缀很有必要 (1)mono-, (2)di-, (3)tri-, (4)tetra-, (5)penta-, (6)hex-, (7)hept-, (8)octa-Cl2O di-chlorine monoxide ClO chlorine monoxideClO

5、2 chlorine dioxide ClO3 chlorine trioxideCl2O7 di-chlorine heptoxide ClO4 chlorine tetroxide I. Nomenclature of inorganic compoundsvAnd “-ous”, “-ic” were also used to denote(表示) the lower and higher metallic state.用“-ous”表示低价化合物,用“-ic” 表示高价化合物I. Nomenclature of inorganic compoundsvCuI cuprous iodid

6、e CuI2 cupric iodidevFeBr2 ferrous bromide FeBr3 ferric bromide vSnCl2 stannous chloride SnCl4 stannic chloridevHNO3 nitric acid HNO2 nitrous acidI.Nomenclature of inorganic compoundsThe element symbols not from English symbolEnglishLatinsymbolEnglish LatinCucoppercuprumAugoldaurumSbautimonystibiumF

7、eironferrumPbleadPlumbumAgSilverarrgentumHgmercuryhydrargyrumNaSodium NatriumKpotassium kaliumSntinstannum I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds 4. A class of compounds in which such prefixes are seldom used is that in which the metal atom usually exhibits(展现) only one oxidation state.当化合物中的金属元素仅有一

8、种价态,通常很少加前缀ZnBr2 zinc bromide CaH2 calcium hydrideNa2O sodium oxide Al2S3 aluminum sulfide I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds 5. Three elements present, such compounds are named by combining the suffix “-ate” with the name of the less electronegative of the two nonmetallic elements. And “-ite”,

9、“-ate” are used to denote the lower and higher oxidation state of the same electronegative element. 含三种元素的化合物是通过在两种非金属元素中电负性较弱的一种之后加后缀“-ate” 来命名的。对于电负性相同的元素,用“-ite”表示低价元素,用“-ate” 表示高价元素 NaNO3 sodium nitrate NaNO2 sodium nitrite I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds vWhen there are more than two oxi

10、dation states of the electronegative element, prefix used. The prefix “hypo-” meaning “below”, is used in the name of the lowest oxidation state. The prefix “per-” meaning “highest”, is used when it is in the highest oxidation state.当电负性较低的元素有超过两种价态时,就使用前缀。前缀“hypo-” 表示“低于”,用于低价态之前;前缀“per-” 表示“高于”,用于

11、高价态之前I. Nomenclature of inorganic compoundsFormulaOxidation state of less electronegative atomName of saltKNO2+3Potassium nitriteKNO3+5Potassium nitrateRbSO3+4Rubidium sulfiteRbSO4+6Rubidium sulfateCsClO+1Cesium hypochloriteCsClO2+5Cesium chloriteCsClO3+5Cesium chlorateCsClO4+7Cesium perchlorateI. N

12、omenclature of inorganic compoundsvIn inorganic acid, “-ous”, “-ic” are used to denote the lower and higher oxidation state. 在无机酸中, “-ous”表示用于低价态, “-ic”表示用于高价态 I. Nomenclature of inorganic compoundsFormulaOxidation state of less electronegative atomName of saltFormula and name of corresponding acid

13、KNO2+3Potassium nitriteH NO2 Nitrous acidKNO3+5Potassium nitrateH NO3 Nitric acidRbSO3+4Rubidium sulfiteH2 SO3 Sulfurous acidRbSO4+6Rubidium sulfateH2 SO4 Sulfuric acidCsClO+1Cesium hypochloriteHClO Hypochlorous acidCsClO2+5Cesium chloriteHClO2 chlorous acidCsClO3+5Cesium chlorateHClO3 chloric acidC

14、sClO4+7Cesium perchlorateHClO4 perchloric acidII. Nomenclature of organic compounds (有机化合物的命名)A.Nonfunctional CompoundsB.(非功能性化合物)1. Alkane(烷烃) Alkene (olefin)(烯烃) Alkyne (炔烃) IUPAC names (systematic names) trivial names (popular names)IUPAC: International Union of Pure and Applied ChemistryvThe nam

15、es of linear alkanes, alkenes and alkynes(线型烷烃、烯烃、炔烃的命名):vSuffixvMethane(甲烷) Icosane(二十烷) (C1 C20 alkanes) -anevethene (乙烯) Icosene(二十烯) (give position of C=C)-enev trivial name: ethylene(乙烯) propylene (丙烯) butylene(丁烯)vacetylene (ethyne)(乙炔) Icosyne(二十炔) -ynev(give position of C=C)vMethane(甲烷) etha

16、ne(乙烷) propane (丙烷) butane(丁烷) pentane(戊烷) hexane(己烷) heptane(庚烷) octane(辛烷) nonane(壬烷) decane(癸烷) undecane(十一烷) dodecane(十二烷) tridecane(十三烷)vTetradecane(十四烷) pentadecane (十五烷) hexadecane(十六烷) heptadecane(十七烷) octadecane(十八烷) nonadecane(十九烷 )icosane(二十烷) (C1-C20 alkanes)Common substituents(常见取代基): a

17、lkyl(烷基), alkenyl(烯基), alkynyl(炔基) groups:Alkyl omit(省略) the suffix “ane” and add “yl” to the end of the name烷基省略后缀“ane” ,将“yl” 加在名称之后 methyl(甲基) nonadecyl(十九基 ) icosyl(二十基)Alkenyl omit the last letter “e” and add “yl” to the end of the name烯基省略最后一个字母“e” ,将“yl” 加在名称之后 1-propenyl (丙烯基), 2-penten(五亚乙基

18、六胺)-2-yl trivial names: vinyl(乙烯基), allyl (烯丙基)Alkynyl omit the last letter “e” and add “yl” to the end of the name炔基省略最后一个字母“e” 并在名称后加“yl” 1-propynyl(丙炔基), 1-pentynyl(戊炔) benzyl(苄基) phenyl(苯基) If the same alkyl group appears more than once in a molecule(分子), it is indicated(表明) by the prefixes:(如果同

19、样的烷基在分子中出现超过一次,要通过前缀表明) For identical(完全相同的) simple groups: di-, tri-, tetra- (对于相同的简单基团: di-, tri-, tetra- ) For identical complicated(复杂的) group: bis-, tris-, tetrakis-, pentakis-, bi-: biphenyl(联苯), binuclear-(双核的)(对于完全相同的复杂集团:bis-, tris-, tetrakis-, pentakis-, )Branched-alkyl(支链烃) group:Impotant

20、 prefix: iso-(异), neo-(新), sec-(仲), tert-(叔) sec-, tert- used only for the butyl groupsec-, tert-仅用于烃基 sec-butyl(仲丁基), tert-butyl (叔丁基)iso-, neo- used for both compounds and substituents(取代基).iso-, neo-可用于化合物和取代基 isobutyl(异丁基), isobutane(异丁烷), isohexyl(异己基), neopentyl(新戊基), neopentane(新戊烷) The names

21、 of the substituents are given in alphabetical(依字母顺序的) order in the systematic names(系统名称) of organic compounds. Except the prefixes iso- and neo-, the other prefixes, such as di-, tri-, sec-, tert- are not involved in alphabetical listing.在有机化合物的系统命名中,取代基的名称是按照字母顺序给出的,除了前缀iso- and neo-, 其他前缀,比如di-,

22、 tri-, sec-, tert- ,不包含在依字母顺序的列表中Exercises:2-methylpentane2-甲基戊烷2,2-dimethyl-5-ethyloctane2,2-二甲基-6-乙基壬烷 3-methyl-6-ethyloctane3-甲基-6-乙基辛烷 4-sec-butyl-3-methylnonane3-甲基-4-仲丁基壬烷4-propyl-5-isopropyldecane4-丙基-5-异丙基癸烷3-propyl-1,3,5-hexatriene3-丙基-1,3,5-己三烯2-methyl-4,4-bis(tert-butyl)-octane2-甲基-4,4-二异

23、丁基辛烷5-sec-butylnonane5-(2-butyl)nonane5-2-butylnonane5-异丁基壬烷(2Z,4E)-3-ethyl-2,4-hexadiene顺,反- 3-甲基-2,4-己二烯4-vinyl-1-hepten-5-yne3-acetylenyl-1,5-hexadiene3-乙炔基-1,5-己二烯3-vinyl-4-propyl-1,3-hexadiene-5-yne3-乙烯基-4-丙基-1,3-己二烯-5-炔v苄基 benzyc 苯基 phenylvpara-p-对位 meta-m-间位 o-邻位vFe(NO3)3 ferric nitrate Fe(NO

24、2)2 ferrous nitritevNaOH sodium hydroxidevKCl potassium chloridevH2SO4 sulfuric acid H2SO3 sulfurous acidvBaI2 barium iodidevKClO potassium hypochlorite KClO2 potassium chloritevKClO3 potassium chlorate KClO4 potassium perchloratevCO2 carbon dioxidev实际中的变通:ethene-ethylene ethyne-acetylene2. Monocycl

25、ic(单环的) compounds(单环化合物)cyclo + alkane(烷烃) cyclo + alkyl(烷基)cyclo + alkene(烯烃) cyclo + alkenyl (烯基)Cyclohexane(环己烷) Cyclohexene(环己烯)Cyclopentylcyclohexane环戊基环己烷1,3 cyclohexdiene1,3-环己二烯trans-1-ethyl-4-methylcyclohexane反-1-乙基-4-甲基环己烷3-ethyl-1,4,5-trimethylcyclohexene3-乙基-1,4,5-三甲基环己烯2-methyl-5-cyclop

26、entyl-heptane2-乙基-5-环戊基庚烷Aromatic compounds(芳香族化合物)xylene(二甲苯)o, m, p-benzene(苯)toluene(甲苯)mesitylene(1,3,5-三甲基苯)styrene(苯乙烯)Monosubstituted(单基取代的) benzenes:nitrobenzene(硝基苯)ethylbenzene(乙苯)chlorobenzene(氯苯)aniline(苯胺)cyanobenzene(苯甲腈)phenol(苯酚)Multisubstituented aromatic compounds(多取代的芳香化合物)m-sec-b

27、utyl chlorobenzene间仲丁基氯苯p-acetylbenzoic acid对乙酰苯甲酸o-hydroxybenzoic acid邻羟基苯甲酸p-ethyltolene对乙基甲苯p-bromomethoxy benzene对溴甲氧基苯3-ethyl-4-phenyl cyclohexene3-乙基-4-苯基 环己烯m-methylaniline间甲基苯胺O-cyanophenol邻氰基苯酚o-xylene邻二甲苯phthalic acid邻苯二甲酸perfluorobenzene六氟苯II. Nomenclature(命名法) of organic compounds B. Fun

28、ctional compounds 1. Alkyl halides (卤化物)2-iodopropane2-碘丙烷isopropyl iodide异丙基碘(1) halo + the name of alkane (2) The name of alkyl group + halidehalo: fluoro, chloro, bromo, iodohalide: fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide2-bromoisohexane2-溴异己烷Some special names for alkyl halides: CHX3 choroform 氯仿 br

29、omoform溴仿 iodoform碘仿 CH2X2 methylene chloride 二氯甲烷 CX4 carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳 X3C-CX3 perchloro ethane2. Alcohols(醇)The name of alcohol are given by replacing the final letter “e” of the name of alkane with the suffix “ol”.醇的命名是将烷烃中的最后一个字母“e变为后缀“ol”2-propanol 2-丙醇Isopropanol 异丙醇2-methyl-1,4-cyclo

30、hexanediol2-甲基-1,4-环己二醇2-cyclopenten-1-ol 2-环戊烯-1-醇 3. Thiols (mercaptan 硫醇) the name of alkane + thiol O-mercaptotoluene邻巯基甲苯1-propanethiol1-丙硫醇 4. The salts of alcohols (ROM)醇类的盐The name of cation(阳离子) + the name of R group + oxide(氧化物)ammonium cyclohexyl oxide铵氧环己烷potassium isopentyl oxide钾氧异戊烷 5

31、. The salts of thiols (RSM)硫醇的盐(1) The name of cation + the name of R group +sulfide (2) The name of cation + the name of thiol + atelithium tert-butyl sulfide叔丁基锂硫lithium tert-butanethiolate叔丁基硫锂6. Ethers (R1-O-R2)(醚)(1) The name of R1 + the name of R2 + ether (2) The name of small alkyloxy + the n

32、ame of alkaneethyl isopropyl ether乙基异丙基醚(di)ethyl ether 二乙醚sec-butyl methyl ether 仲丁基甲醚2-methoxybutane2-甲氧基丁烷crown ethers(冠醚)12-crown-418-crown-6 7. Epoxides(环氧化合物)epoxy + the name of alkane1-chloro-1,2-epoxypropane1-氯基-1,2-环氧丙烷8. Sulfides R1-S-R2)(硫化物)(1) The name of R1 + the name of R2 + sulfide (

33、2) The name of small alkylthio + the name of alkanesec-butyl methyl sulfide仲丁基甲基硫醚2-(methylthio)butane2-甲硫基丁烷In order to avoid the confusion of SR and CSOH groups in same cases, parenthesis(圆括号) must be correctly used.为了避免在某些情况下对于-SR和-CSOH基团的混淆,圆括号必须正确使用p-ethyl(thiol)benzoic acid对乙基(硫醇)苯甲酸p-(ethylth

34、iol)benzoic acid对乙硫醇苯甲酸 9. Amines(胺)RNH2 primary RRNH secondaryRRRN tertiaryFor simple amines(胺类): the names of alkyl groups + amine N,N-dimethylpentanamineN,N,-二甲基戊胺1-dimethylaminopentane1-二甲基戊胺2-butylamine2-丁胺bis(2-chloroethyl)amine2(2-氯乙基)胺cyclohexylammoniumchloride 氯化环己铵tertramethylammonium hydr

35、oxide四甲基氢氧化铵For complicated(复杂的) amines:Replace the final letter “e” in the name of alkane + amine代替烷烃中的最后一个字母“e” + amineN-ethyl-3-methyl-2-pentanamineN-乙基-3-甲基-2-戊胺3-ethylamino-2-methylcyclohexanol3-乙基胺-2-甲基环己醇N-ethyl-2-methyl-3-hydroxycyclohexanamineN-乙基-2-甲基-3-氢氧化环己胺10. Aldehydes(醛)Replace the fi

36、nal letter “e” of alkane with “al” , or “carbaldehyde”用“al”或“carbaldehyde”代替烷烃最后一个字母“e” for C1- C5 aldehydes:formaldehyde(甲醛) acetaldehyde(乙醛) propionaldehyde(丙醛) butyraldehyde(丁醛) Valeraldehyde(戊醛) 2-methylcyclohexane-carbaldehyde2-甲基环己烷-甲醛4-ethyl-4-pentenal4-乙基-4-戊烯醛propanedial 丙二醛benzaldehyde 苯甲醛

37、1,2,5-pentanetricarbaldehyde1,2,5-三甲醛戊烷3-formyl(甲酰基)heptanedial3-甲酰基庚二醛 11. ketones(酮)Replace the final letter “e” in the name of alkane with “-one”.用“-one”代替烷烃最后一个字母“e”Write the names of the groups R and R, followed by the word “ketone”.写出基团R和R的名称,后接“ketone” 4-methyl-4-hexen-2-one4-甲基-4-乙烯基-2-酮3-pe

38、ntanone3-戊酮3-phenylcyclopentanone3-苯基环戊酮1,3-cyclopentanedione1,3-环戊二酮Acetophenone 乙酰苯methyl phenyl ketone 甲基苯基酮 12. Carboxylic acids(羧酸)vReplace the final letter “e” in the name of the hydrocarbon with “-(o)ic acid” or “carboxylic acid”.v用“-(o)ic acid”或“carboxylic acid”代替碳氢化合物中的最后一个字母“e”vTrivial nam

39、es(俗名) for acids containing C1C5 carbon atoms: formic acid(甲酸) acetic acid(乙酸) propionic acid(丙酸)butyric acid(丁酸) valeric acid (戊酸) 2-isohexenoic acid2-异己烯酸butanoic acid 丁酸butyric acid3-butynoic acid 3-丁炔酸 13. Amides(酰胺)vOmit the final letter “e” in the name of alkane, and then add the suffix “amide

40、” or carboxyamide to the end of the name.v省略烷烃中的最后一个字母“e”,然后在名称的最后加后缀“amide” 或carboxyamide Trivial names for amides containing C1C5 carbon atoms: formamide(甲酰胺)acetamide(乙酰胺) propionamide(丙酰胺) butyramide(丁酰胺) valeramide(戊酰胺)N,N-dimethylformamideN,N-二甲基甲酰胺butanamide丁酰胺N-ethyl-4-methyl-2,5-hexadienami

41、deN-乙基-4-甲基-2,5-己二烯酰胺cyclopropanecarboxamide环丙基甲酰胺 14. Ester(酯)vOmit the final letter “e” in the name of alkane, and then add the suffix “(o)ate” or “carboxylate” to the end of the name.v省略烷烃的最后一个字母“e”,然后在名称的最后加后缀“(o)ate”或“carboxylate” isopropylbenzoate苯甲酸异丙酯ethylbutanoate丁酸乙酯ethyl cyclopentanecarbo

42、xylate环戊酸乙酯cyclopentyl 4-methylpentanoate4-甲基丁酸环戊酯(2-methyl) 3-methylcyclohexanecarboxylate3-甲基环己酸(2-甲基)丁酯 15. The salts of acids 羧酸盐The name of cation(阳离子) + alkane + “-(o)ate” or “carboxylate”.lithium cyclopentanecarboxylate环戊酸锂sodium acetate 乙酸钠potassium isohexanoate 异丁酸钾 16. Carboxylic anhydride

43、s酸酐vThe name(s) of the acid(s) + “(o)ic” anhydridebutyric propionic anhydride丁酸丙酸酐butanoic propanoic anhydridebutyric anhydride 丁酸酐butanoic anhydridebenzoic anhydride 苯甲酸酐cyclohexanecarboxylic anhydride环己甲酸酐butanedioic anhydride丁二酸酐 17. Acyl halides酰氯vOmit the final letter “e” in the name of alkane,

44、 and then add the suffix “oyl halide” to the end of the name.v省略烷烃的最后一个字母“e”,然后在名称的最后加后缀“oyl halide” butanoyl chloride丁酰氯benzoyl fluoride苯甲酰氟3-pentenoyl bromide3-戊烯酰溴 18. Nitriles(腈)vAdd the suffix “(o)nitrile” or “carbonitrile to the end of the name of the hydrocarbon.v在碳氢化合物最后加后缀“(o)nitrile”或“carb

45、onitrile vTrivial names of nitriles containing C1C5 carbon atoms:hydrocyanic acid (氢氰酸) acetonitrile propiononitrilebutyronitrile(丁腈) valeronitrile(戊腈)1,3,5-hexanetricarbonnitrile1,3,5-tricyanohexane1,3,5-己腈3-pentynenitrile 3-丁炔腈cyclopentanecarbonitrile环戊腈 19. Lactones and lactams(内酯和内酰胺)vAdd the su

46、ffix “(o)lactone” or “(o)lactam” to the end of the name of the hydrocarbon.v在碳氢化合物名称的最后加后缀“(o)lactone”或“(o)lactam” 4-butanelactone4-丁酸内酯4-butyrolactone5-petanelactone5-戊酸内酯5-valerolactone5-heptanelactone5-庚酸内酯4-butanelactam4-丁内酰胺4-butyrolactamN-methyl 5-pentanelactamN-甲基-5-戊内酰胺N-methyl 5-valerolacta

47、m 20. Acetals and ketals缩醛和缩酮 The name of dialkyloxy OR” + the name of the hydrocarbon. The name of aldehyde(醛) or ketone(酮) + the name of the alkyl group R” + the suffix acetal.2,2-diethoxybutane2,2-二乙氧基丁烷2-butanone diethylacetal2-丁酮二乙缩醛m-nitrobenzaldehyde dimethylacetal间硝基苯甲醛二甲基乙缩醛1-ethylenedioxyp

48、entanepentanal ethyleneacetal戊醛乙烯基缩醛 21. Imines亚胺vN- + the name of R3 group + the name of the hydrocarbon (omit final letter “e”) + the suffix “imine”. N-methyl 2-pentanimineN-甲基 2-丁亚胺cyclohexanimine环己亚胺 22. Hydroperoxides氢过氧化物The name of the R group + the suffix “hydroperoxide”.ethylhydroperoxide过氧

49、乙酸tert-butylhydroperoxide (TBHP)过氧叔丁酸 23. Ether peroxides (ROOR)过氧醚类The name of R group + the name of R group + peroxidediethyl peroxide过氧二乙基醚methyl propyl peroxide过氧甲基丙基醚 24. Acid peroxides过氧酸Omit “ic acid” in the name of the acid + the suffix “(o)hydroperoxide”.benzohydroperoxide过氧苯甲酸acetohydroperoxide过氧乙酸hexanohydroperoxide过氧己酸v卤化物:alkyl halides 醇:alcoholsv硫醇:mercaptan 醚:ethers v冠醚:crown ethersvNo pains, no gains. 一分耕耘,一分收获vGood fences make good neighbers.v亲兄弟明算账/先小人后君子vA teach repeated until learned.v吃一堑,长一智vFull house 浪漫满屋 Ghost 人鬼情未了vMoonstruck 月色撩人 v苯:benzene 甲苯:toluene 二甲苯:xylene



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