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1、2022年辽宁省营口市初中毕业学业水平考试英语试卷注意事项:1 .答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上, 并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2 . 选择题每小题选出答案后, 用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。答在试题卷上无效。3 . 非选择题的作答用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷上无效。4 . 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后, 请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分选择题I.单项选择( 共 20分, 每小题1分)从下列各题的备选答案中选出一个最佳答案。

2、1. 一Confucius was great teacher and thinker.Yes, were still influenced by his ideas today.A. aB. an C. the D. /2. 一Lucy, is this dictionary?No, it i s n t . i s in my bag.A. your; Yours B. my; Mine C. your; Mine D. my; Hers3. In China, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck.一Oh, th

3、afs interesting! want to know more Ch i n e s e .A. events B. policies C. festivals D. traditions4. Su Yiming got his gold medal of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics the afternoon of February 15th.A. on B. in C. at D. for5. Tom was angry because Jerry ate of his nine apples secretly. Now he had only thre

4、e left.A. a quarter B. one third C. a half D. two thirds6. In the war against COVID-19 the Chinese government is making great efforts to make sure the vaccine ( 疫苗)is taken through out the country.A. hardly B. deeply C. widely7. Im so because the interview is coming. Dont worry! Maybe listening to s

5、ome soft music is helpful.A. shy B. active C. nervous8. My pen friend knows a lot about China she has never been here.A. although B. if C. because9. My parents to buy me a new bike if I pass the final exam.D. simplyD. seriousD. untilA. promise B. remember C. forget D. expect10. L i s t e n ! n e w s

6、 report Betty is giving! Everyone likes it very much.A. How boring B. How wonderfulC. What a wonderful D. What a boring11. 一Mum, Ive signed for the box. Whafs in it?一Im not sure. It be a present from your uncle.A. cant B. must C. may D. need12. Middle School students should learn time and make good

7、use of every minute.A. to waste B. to choose C. to record D. to manage13. Our country develops really fast.- Yes. , it has made great achievements in many areas.A. In the end B. From now onC. As a result D. In fact14. David is very productive and five books in the past ten years.A. writes B. wroteC.

8、 has written D. is writing15. 一I dont know how to the old clothes.You can give them away to the charity.A. sell out B. take away C. give back D. deal with16. With the help of 5G technology, the apps on the smart phone can provide help for users than before.A. fewer B. weaker C. worse D. more17. A sp

9、eech on robots in the school hall next Friday afternoon.A. is given B. will be givenC. was given D. has been given18. Jane, could you please tell me?I take exercise at least an hour every day.A. how you keep healthy and strongB. when you joined the swimming clubC. where you do exerciseD. who you pla

10、y tennis with19. He does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.A. whom B. / C. which D. who20. 一Shall we go fishing?一 . The wind is too strong. Lefs stay at home and read books.A. Good idea B. I agree with youC. Dont be silly D. No problemI I . 完 形 填 空 ( 共 15分, 每 题 1分)One day a little boy asked

11、 his father, 4tWhat does the word great mean? Who are great people and21 do they become great?The father asked his son to bring two plants and then told him to plant one of them 22 the house andthe other outside the house. The boy did as his father said.The father asked his son, “Which one of the tw

12、o plants do you think will be 23 and bigger? 44The boy replied, 4tThe plant inside the house will be safer, 24 it will grow bigger, while the plantoutside the house is not safe at all. No one will be there to 25 it.lt may be eaten by animals.,The father smiled and said, Lets wait 26 .We will know th

13、e answer.”Then the boy 27 fbr study and after four years he came back to his house. He said to his father,“Look, 28 happens to this plant inside the house and it is safe75When the boy went outside, he was very 29 to see a big tree. The boy couldnt believe his eyes. Hecouldnt 30 how the plant outside

14、 was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside the house.“The plant outside the house faced four 31 and many difficulties!” the father 32 to hisson why the plant outside was bigger. The plant inside was safe, it didnt face weather changes, and it didnt getproper 33, so it didnt become big.”Here

15、 is the 34 to the question about being g r e a t : 35 a great person, one must havefailed many times, experienced many difficulties and overcome those difficulties. After that, he is able to becomegreat.21. A. howB. whyC. whenD. where22. A. besidesB. oppositeC. behindD. inside23. A. strongerB. safer

16、C. nicerD. weaker24. A. butB. orC. soD. because25. A. look afterB. come acrossC. take awayD. cut down26. A. seriouslyB. carefullyC. activelyD. patiently27. A. waitedB. lookedC. leftD. asked28. A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything29. A. excitedB. satisfiedC. pleasedD. surprised30. A. realis

17、eB. understandC. considerD. accept31. A. seasonsB. chancesC. yearsD. choices32. A. smiledB. apologizedC. turnedD. explained33. A. protectionB. sunlightC. careD. water34. A. resultB. answerC. wayD. reason35. A. To chooseB. To saveC. To findD. To becomem. 阅读理解( 共20分, 每题i分)根据短文内容, 从各题的备选答案中选出一个最佳答案。Uni

18、versal Beijing ResortUniversal Beijing Resort is a widely expected theme park. There are several all- newattractions ( 景点)along with the best rides, and shows from around the world. Here are someof the most popular and interesting choices.Wand ( 魔杖)Magic Rhythm Drifters ( 流浪者)Feel what it is like by

19、 waving a wand. This mustbe the coolest experience for a Harry Potter fan.Feel overawed with all that is happening? Dontworry! Someone who knows how to use a wandis nearby and happy to help guide you on yourway!This musical group of drifters know how tomake the most of things to create music!Using w

20、hatever they can find, they alwayscreate the best music! Their special concertis wonderful. You will certainly get anunforgettable memory.SING on TourSee the energetic ( 充满活力的)and colorfulconcert starring your favorite SING characters.This is a must watch for guests of all ages!Warm up your vocal ch

21、ords ( 声带)becauseyoull be singing all day long!Lights Camera ActionEver wondered what its like to film aspecial effects ( 特效)movie? Let our twospecial guests give you a learningexperience like none other.Attention:Tickets are sold from Sep. 14th and you can visit it from Sep.20th. Besides, remember

22、that youshould visit Universal Beijing Resort from 9 a.m to 9 p.m. If you have any questions, pleaseclick https:/ ay like Wand Magic most.A. A music lover B. A Harry Potter fan C. A tour guide D. A film maker37. In Rhythm Drifters and SING on Tour, we can.A. enjoy wonderful music B. see a special ef

23、fects filmC. wave a wand D. create music38. In Lights Camera Action, visitors will l ear n.A. how to guide special guests B. how to warm up vocal chordsC. how to create the best music D. how to film a special effects movie39. You can visit the Universal Beijing Resort on.A. Sep. 10th, 9 a.m B. Sep.

24、14th, 10 a.m C. Sep.20th, 8 a.m D. Sep.23th, 10 a.m40. If you want to know more, pl eas e.A. call us B. write to us C. visit our website D. email usPreparing fbr the college entrance exam is heavy work for high school students. For Wang Xiaofeng, who hasa muscular ( 肌肉的) illness, the challenge was e

25、specially big.The 17-year-old boy comes from Luoyang, Henan Province. When he was at high school, he had a seriousillness. As a result, he often fell while walking. And this became more serious as he grew older.Every night, Wang had to use a ventilator ( 呼吸机) while he was sleeping. To correct his be

26、nt back, hewore a rigid frame ( 钢架) on his upper body during the day.In spite of all these difficulties, he refused to give in and never stopped learning. 44I am fighting against theillness, and I cannot give myself up. he said.According to Wangs mother, Wang got up at 5:45 am and went to bed at 11:

27、30 pm every day during his threeyears at high school. Sitting down means a big challenge for Wang. Because of his illness, he always felt very tiredafter sitting for two classes, let alone seven or eight classes a day. But he seldom complained, and just fixed onstudying.The school gave Wang the grea

28、test support. To make it easier for him to take lessons, his class was arranged inthe school on the first floor. And that lasted for 3 years. The school also gave his mother a job as a cleaner andoffered them free rooms to live in.Luckily, Wangs hard efforts paid off*. He was admitted into Nankai Un

29、iversity in 2021. He decided to dosomething to repay the kindness he received. So during the summer vacation, he offered free teaching on highschool courses to the students from his village. He hoped to help them realise their personal ambitions.41. was Wangs biggest challenge while he was preparing

30、 for the college entrance exam.A. No room to live in B. Lack of sleepC. His bent back D. The muscular illness42. What did he do with all these difficulties he faced?A. He refused to give in. B. He had to stop learning.C. He always complained about them. D. He never fought against them.43. In order t

31、o have more time to study, Wang only slept about hours a day while he was at high school.A. 8 B.4 C. 18 D. 644. was not the support given to Wang by his high school.A. Giving his mother a job B. Providing him with a ventilator and a rigid frameC. Arranging his class on the first floor D. Offering hi

32、m and his mother free rooms45. How did he repay the kindness he received?A. By teaching students high school courses to make money.B. By helping all the villagers to realise their personal ambitions.C. By letting the students know about his muscular illness.D. By offering free teaching to the studen

33、ts from his village.It is often said, You can5t live only on air. But now the Chinese scientists can tell you: Maybe you can.Recently, some Chinese scientists have developed a new technique ( 技术). They turned CO2, one of themain greenhouse gases, into starch ( 淀粉).Starch is the main part of flour (

34、面粉), rice and com that we eat every day. Usually, its created by plantswith CO2, water and sunlight. According to the teams director Ma Yanhc, it takes the plants nearly 60 steps toproduce starch. But now, the team, after six years of hard work, has found a simpler way to do this, with only 11steps.

35、“Our study shows that creating something like starch is possible in a lab, and this technology may be helpfulin many areas. said Ma.The scientists first turned CO? and hydrogen ( 氢气)into methanol ( 甲醇).Then they pieced ( 分解)these methanol molecules ( 分子)into bigger and more complex ( 复杂的)molecules.

36、Finally the starch wasproduced.This method makes it possible to produce food in factories replacing traditional farming. This will not onlyhelp make plenty of food, but also save water and land. It may also help recycle CO? to deal with climate ( 气候)change, according to China Daily.The study can be

37、helpful in space, too. Astronauts may no longer need to wony about their food as they travelin space. They may simply turn the CO2 they breathe out into the food they eat!46. With a new technique, the Chinese scientists could turn into starch.A. CO2 B. air C. water D. sunlight47. Plants can create w

38、ith CO2, water and sunlight.A. methanol B. hydrogen C. starch D. greenhouse gas48. According to the last two paragraphs, the new method may not hel p.A. produce food in factories B. recycle CO2 to deal with climate changeC. save water and land D. send astronauts into space49. According to the passag

39、e, which of the following is wrong?A. Producing starch in the lab needs fewer steps now.B. The new technology may be helpful in many areas.C. The method will help make plenty of food.D The study will be of no help to astronauts.50. The passage may be from a.A. guidebook B. magazine C. poem D. novelA

40、 one-hour special event was held online to mark the 12th United Nations Chinese Language Day onTuesday. People around the world were invited to express their interest and love for the Chinese language andculture through short videos.Chinese has a long history, which has influenced other languages in

41、 Asia, just like the way Latin hasinfluenced languages in the West. With this history, will Chinese have a surprising future?At present, over one billion people speak Chinese in the world-far more than any other languagesspeakers. It is the language of the country which is the worlds second largest

42、economy ( 经济体). Chinesepeople are found studying and doing business all over the world.In fact, Chinese is certainly going to be a world language. Why is this certain? We must look at the economicand political power of China, which is increasing every day. As we all know, world languages have always

43、 been thelanguages of countries with powerful economies. So we believe that the world language will include Chinesesomeday.Foreign interest in Chinese has developed very quickly together with the development of the Chineseeconomy. Chinese has become one of the most important and popular languages ar

44、ound the world.As China develops, more and more people want to learn about Chinese language and culture to work andstudy in China, and to do business with Chinese companies. Chinese is becoming an international language.51. In Paragraph 1, the underlined word “mark me ans .A. replace B. celebrate C.

45、 start D. score52. Which of the following is wrong?A. Chinese has a long history and will have a bright future.B. All the languages in the West have been influenced by Chinese.C. More and more people will be interested in Chinese.D. Chinese has become one of the most important languages around the w

46、orld.53. As is known to all, world languages have always been the languages of countries wi th.A. a larger population B. popular languages C. powerful economies D. different cultures54. According to the passage, why do more and more people want to learn about Chinese language?To attend the one-hour

47、special event.To work and study in China.To express their love for short videos.To do business with Chinese companies.A . B . C . D .55. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Chinese is becoming an international language.B. Chinese has influenced other languages in Asia.C. Foreign interest in Chines

48、e develops very quickly.D. Chinese is a useful tool to work and study in China.IV.阅 读 短 文 ( 共10分, 每 题2分)从AE五个句子中选择正确选项还原到文中,使短文内容完整、正确。Wushu, also known as Chinese Kungfu, will make its first appearance as an official (正式的)sport at the4th Youth Olympic Games in 2022. 56The IWUF made applications ( 申

49、请)to the International Olympic Committee ( IO C) in 2001, 2008 and2011, but failed. 57 The third application made it to the final voting ( 投票)but missed out once again.Over the years, both the IWUF and Chinese Wushu Association ( CW A) have done a lot to make progresswith strong support from the Gen

50、eral Administration of Sport of China ( 国家体育总局). The Administrationoffers technical support, often sending experts or teachers to help their Wushu training camps. 58Every year, many local Wushu groups are sent abroad to put on Wushu shows, trying to improve the influenceof Wushu in foreign countries

51、. 59 Studies show that, today about 120 million people are interested inWushu around the world.Finally, China got Wushu accepted as an official Olympic sport in January, 2020, which helps to make it moreinternational.60 Theyre mens and womens Changquan and mens and womens Taijiquan.A. The first two

52、applications were refused at the very beginning.B. A total of 48 athletes (运动员)from across the world will compete in four Wushu events.C. Its a breakthrough ( 突破)for the International Wushu Federation ( IW UF).D. It also provides a great deal of Wushu equipment ( 设备) for free.E. Through their effort

53、s, Wushu has become increasingly popular across the world.V.补 全 对 话 ( 共5分, 每 题1分)从所给句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。A: Welcome to our shopping mall! Your health code ( 代码)and travel code, please.B: Im sorry. 61 What should I do?A: Dont worry. Your ID card is OK. 62 I can help you.B : Here you are. Its so kind of

54、you.A: 63 And please take your temperature.B:OK.A: Come in, please.B: Thank you. 64 Where can I get it?A: Childrens clothes are on the 5th floor, and the elevator is over there.B: Thanks a lot.A: Youre welcome. 65A. I have left my phone at home.B. Enjoy your shopping.C. The clothes here are of high

55、quality.D. Its my duty.E. But you need to fill in the form.F. By the way, Pd like to buy a coat for my grandson.G. Where is my phone?第二部分非选择题补全对话( 共10分,每题2分)在下面对话的空白处填上适当的话语( 话语可以是句子、短语或词), 使对话完整。A: Hi, Lingling! 66 ?B: I am reading an article about a great woman, Zhang Guimei.A: Zhang Guimei? 67 ?B

56、: A headmaster. She is already 64 years old now.A: A 64-year-old headmaster? Is she still at work?B: 68 . You cant believe it! Her school is the Huaping Senior High School for girls only.A: Only for girls? Sounds interesting! 69 ?B: Because many of the girls in Lijiang cant afford to continue school

57、ing after they finish their junior high school.She helps the girls go back to school.A: How great she is!B: 70 . So far, the school has sent more than 1,800 students to college.A: Amazing! She is our hero!II . 完形填空( 共10分, 每题I分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。( 每个词只用一次)China return teach family real s

58、tudy one pride that bearHello, everyone! Id like to tell you something about a famous scientist named Qian Xuesen. He was71 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on December 11, 1911. After graduating from Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity in 1934, he got a chance 72 in USA. After he graduated, he became a 73 a

59、s well as aresearcher who studied rockets and missile ( 导弹)theories ( 理论).When he was 44, he 74 to his motherland and the countrys space research was almost a blank. In1956, he set up the 75 research institute ( 研究所) of rockets and missiles in China. He made suchimportant contributions to the missil

60、e and space programs 76 he was honored as “The Father of ChinasMissiles.The Chinese people are 77 of him.He passed away on October 31, 2009 at the age of 98, but all the 78 will remember him forever. Hisdevotion ( 忠诚) to China was expressed in his saying, 44My career is in China, my success is in Ch

61、ina and mydestination is in China!” When someone said he could make a lot more money if he stayed in the United States, helaughed and said, My 79 name is Qian, but I don?t like qian. His spirit 80 encourages us tolove our country and devote ourselves to science. He sets a good example for us.山. 翻译句子

62、( 共 20分)( A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译。( 共 14分, 每小题2 分)81 . 你必须在下周五之前上交所有材料。You must all the materials before next Friday.82 . 去太空旅行的梦想总有一天会实现。The dream of travelling into space will one day.83 . 无论你何时遇到生词,都可以在字典里查到。Whenever you meet new words, you can them in a dictionary.84 . 采取措施保护濒危动物对我们来说是极其必要的。Its quite nec

63、essary for us to to protect the animals in danger.85 . 医生建议Tony少吃快餐。86 . 努力学习,否则你会落后于他人。87 . 昨天我到家时,我的爷爷正在浏览报纸。阅读下面短文, 将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。We cannot travel every path. Success must be won along one line.1.1 hate a thing done by halves. If it is right, do it bravely. If it is wrong, leave it undone. The

64、 men of historywere not perpetually ( 无休止地) looking into the mirror to make sure of their own size. When they worked,they paid attention to nothing else and insisted on it. They did it so well that people around the world saw them tobe great, and they called them great men.To live with a high ideal

65、( 理想) is a successful life. 2. Whatever they do, they always try their best. Thatmakes the man strong. They know that if they do not work with all their efforts, others will overtake ( 超越)them.3. Success depends less and less on luck and chance. Continuous effort is the key to success.88._89._90.IV.

66、任务型阅读( 共 20分, 每小题10分)阅读短文,回答问题。It was a hot summer day. Clara was drinking juice in the yard. Her mom was cutting grass with a lawnmower( 害 ( 草机).The lawnmower was loud, and Clara wished her mom would play with her instead. But Mom said thegrass was tall and had to be cut.Suddenly the lawnmower stop

67、ped. Claras mom looked sad. Clara wondered what was wrong. Her mompicked something up out of the grass, and walked to Clara.Claras mom had a little turtle in her hand! As Clara looked closer, she saw that one of his legs was in badshaped think I broke his leg.” Claras mom said. Tm really sorry. Will

68、 you help me nurse ( 照料) him back tohealth? uClara felt bad fbr the little turtle. A turtle moved slowly, so he probably could not run away when he saw thelawnmower coming. And Claras mom could not see him in the tall grass! It was a mistake, but Clara and her momwould do something to make it right.

69、 Clara named the turtle Phillip.They took Phillip to the vet ( 兽医).The vet took an X-ray of Phillips leg, and made sure that it was broken.The turtle got a little splint ( 夹板)and bandage. The vet told Clara that the turtle needed plants to eat, water todrink and a place to live in. Clara and her mom

70、 bought a small tank ( 水箱) for Phillip on the way home.At home, Clara took good care of Phillip. She put water and rocks in the tank. She brought him fruit andleaves to eat, and kept his tank clean.After eight weeks, Clara and her mom took Philip to the vet, who said that his leg was healthy again.

71、Clarawas both happy and sad. She was happy because Phillip was better, and she was sad because she had to let him go.After Clara got home, she fed Phillip some fruit, kissed his back and said goodbye, then put him in the grass and lethim go. Clara would always remember Phillip.91. Why did Claras mom

72、 look sad and have to stop the lawnmower?92. Who helped the turtle to get healthy?93. How many times did Clara and her mom take the turtle to the vet?94. What did Clara do with the turtle after his leg was healthy?95. What can we learn from the story?阅读短文,填写表格,每空一词。If you want to help protect the en

73、vironment and save the planet weve got some easy-peasy ( 容易极了) tipsfor going green. Avoid food wasteGo green and know the importance of finishing your meals to avoid food waste. Do your bit to save the planetas well by planning your meals for the week, so you only buy what you need. Use reusable bot

74、tles and save waterEarth Day is a great time for you to drink from reusable water bottles when youre out and about. Keep inmind that you should save water whenever possible. Try more plant-based mealsWhat about eating less meat and more vegetables? Its a surprisingly simple way we can all use to hel

75、p savethe planet. Try with one day a week to get you start, and then expand to more days when possible. Cut down on the air-conditionalUsually Singapore is called the air-conditioned nation! Whenever you can, go green and open the window toget some natural air. If you cant live without your AC, set

76、it at between 25 and 27 for the most energyefficient ( 节能的) temperature. Know more about natureTheres no better way to know about nature than by getting yourself outdoors and into nature. Whether itsraining or sunny, you can get close to nature and enjoy it.Some tips about 96 to go greenAvoid food w

77、aste97 your meals to avoid food waste.Plan your meals for the week.Use reusable bottles andDrink from reusable water bottles.save waterDevelop the 98 of saving water.Try more plant-basedmealsHelp save the planet by eating more plant-based meals.Cut down on the air-Open the window 99 some natural air

78、 or set your AC atconditionalbetween 25 and 27.Know more about natureGetting yourself outdoors and into nature is the 100way to know about nature.( A ) 按要求完成小作文。( 共5 分)101.假如你是李明,你的朋友Jack给你发邮件请求你的帮助。请根据邮件内容进行回复。要求:逻辑清晰,内容完整,书写规范;回复内容至少包含三条建议;词数:3 0 左右。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Li Ming,I spend all my weeke

79、nds playing computer games and my mother is very angry with meabout it. I want to make a change. Could you give me some advice?JackDear Jack,I hope my advice can be helpful to you.Li Ming( B)按要求完成大作文。( 共 15分)102.劳动是财富的源泉,也是幸福的源泉。请介绍你主动承担的家务劳动,如扫地、做饭、洗衣、照顾宠物等,同时谈谈你的收获和感受。要求:文中可包括所给要点,也可适当发挥;文中不得出现真实地

80、名、校名和人名; 词数:8 0 左右。参考答案I .单项选择( 共 20分, 每小题1分)从下列各题的备选答案中选出一个最佳答案。1. Confucius was great teacher and thinker.Yes, were still influenced by his ideas today.A. a B. an C. the D. /【 答案】A【 解析】【 详解】句意:一孔子是一位伟大的老师和思想家。是的,我们今天仍然受到他的思想的影响。考查冠词的用法。不定冠词a /a n 表示泛指,意为“ 一” ,其中a 用于辅音音素开头的单词前,an用于元音音素开头的单词前;定冠词the

81、表示特指,或者是同一事物第二次提到时用the; / 表示零冠词。根据“Confbcius和great teacher and thinker”可知,此处表示泛指,且 great的发音是以辅音音素开头的,用不定冠词a。故选Ao2. Lucy, is this dictionary?No, it i s n t . i s in my bag.A. your; Yours B. my; Mine C. your; Mine D. my; Hers【 答案】c【 解析】【 详解】句意:露西,这是你的字典吗? 不,它不是。我的在我的包里。考查代词。your“ 你的、你们的“ ,形容词性物主代词;m -

82、 我的 ,形容词性物主代词;yours“ 你的、你们的“ ,名词性物主代词;mine“ 我的” ,名词性物主代词;hers“ 她的” ,名词性物主代词。根据句子结构及逻辑关系可知,第一个空要用y o u r,作定语,修饰名词dictionary;第二个空要用m in e,作主语。故选C。3. 一In China, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck.一Oh, thats interesting! want to know more Ch i n e s e .A. events B. policies C. fest

83、ivals D. traditions【 答案】D【 解析】【 详解】句意:在中国,我们用红纸来表示红包,因为红色意味着好运。哦,真有趣!我想了解更多的中国传统。考查名词辨析。events 事件;policies 政策;festivals 节日;traditions 传统。根据we use red paper fbrhongbao because red means good luck.”可知,这里指的是中国的 传统故选D。4. Su Yiming got his gold medal of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics the afternoon of Febru

84、ary 15th.A. on B. in C. at D. for【 答案】A【 解析】【 详解】句意:2 月 15日下午,苏翊鸣获得2022年北京冬奥会金牌。考查介词。on后接具体到某一天的时间或具体某一天的早晨、下午和晚上;in后跟年份、月份、季节等;at后跟具体时刻;fo r用于一段时间,表示的是时间的长短,常用于完成时,和持续性动词连用。根据“theafternoon of February 15th”可知,此处指的是具体的某一天的下午,因此用介词on。故选A。5. Tom was angry because Jerry ate of his nine apples secretly.

85、 Now he had only three left.A. a quarter B. one third C. a half D. two thirds【 答案】D【 解析】【 详解】句意:汤姆很生气,因为杰里偷偷地吃了他九个苹果中的三分之二。现在他只剩下三个了。考查数词运算。a quarter四分之一;one third三分之一;a half二分之一;two thirds三分之二。根据“hisnine apples及only three left”可知,总共9 个苹果,还剩3 个,也就是吃了 6 个,占总数的三分之二,故选 D。6. In the war against COVID-19,

86、 the Chinese government is making great efforts to make sure the vaccine ( 疫苗)is taken through out the country.A. hardly B. deeply C. widely D. simply【 答案】c【 解析】【 详解】句意:在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的战争中,中国政府正在努力确保疫苗在全国范围内广泛接种。考查副词。hardly几乎不;deeply深深地;widely广泛地;simply仅仅。根据“through out the country”可知,政府努力确保在全国范围内广泛地接种疫苗。

87、故选C。7. Im so because the interview is coming. Dont worry! Maybe listening to some soft music is helpful.A. shy B. active C. nervous D. serious【 答案】C【 解析】【 详解】句意:我很紧张,因为就要面试了。不要担心!也许听一些轻音乐是有帮助的。考查形容词辨析。shy害羞的;active积极的;nervous紧张的;serious严肃的;根据“because the interviewis coming.”和“Dont worry!”可推断,因为就要面试了

88、,应是很紧张。故选C。8. My pen friend knows a lot about China she has never been here.A. although B. if C. because D. until【 答案】A【 解析】【 详解】句意:我的笔友对中国很了解,尽管她从未来过这里。考查连词辨析。although虽然、尽管;if如果;because因为;until直到。根据句意可知,空前空后是让步关系,应用although引导让步状语从句。故选A。9. My parents to buy me a new bike if I pass the final exam.A.

89、promise B. remember C. forget D. expect【 答案】A【 解析】【 详解】句意:如果我通过了期末考试,我父母承诺给我买一辆新自行车。考查动词辨析。promise承诺;remember记 得 ; forget忘 记 ; expect期盼。根据“ to buy me a new bike if Ipass the final exam.”可知,父母承诺给他买自行车。故选A。10. L i s t e n ! n e w s report Betty is giving! Everyone likes it very much.A. How boring B. H

90、ow wonderfulC. What a wonderful D. What a boring【 答案】C【 解析】【 详解】句意:听 !贝蒂的新闻报道多精彩啊!每个人都非常喜欢它。考查感叹句和形容词辨析。在感叹句中,what修饰名词,how修饰形容词/ 副词,句中news report是单数可数名词,主语和谓语是Betty is giving,句型结构为:What+a/an+形容词+ 单数可数名词+ 主语+ 谓语动词 !结合下文“Everyone likes it very much.”可知报道很精彩。故选C。11. 一Mum, Fve signed for the box. Whafs

91、in it?一Im not sure. It be a present from your uncle.A. cant B. must C. may D. need【 答案】C【 解析】【 详解】 句意: 妈妈, 我已经签收了这个盒子。 这是什么? 我不确定。 这可能是你叔叔送你的礼物。考查情态动词。carft不可能;must必须、一定;may可以、可能;need需要。根据Im not sure.可知此处应说可能是你叔叔送你 礼物,may表示推测的一种可能性,但是这个可能性不是很大,故答案选C。12. Middle School students should learn time and m

92、ake good use of every minute.A. to waste B. to choose C. to record D. to manage【 答案】D【 解析】【 详解】句意:中学生应该学会安排时间,并且好好利用每一分钟。考查动词辨析。waste浪费;choose选择;record记录;manage安排、管理。根据后面的“ make good useof every minute”可知,这里是说要学会“ 安 排 时 间 故 选 D。13. Our country develops really fast.Yes. , it has made great achievemen

93、ts in many areas.A. In the end B. From now onC. As a result D. In fact【 答案】D【 解析】【 详解】句意:我们的国家发展得真快。是的,事实上,我们的国家在很多方面都取得了巨大的成就。考查介词短语。In the end最后;From now on从现在起;As a result结果;In fact事实上。根据“it has madegreat achievements in many areas”可知此处是表示强调,意在说明我们的国家在很多方面发展都很快,Infact符合语境,故选D。14. David is very pr

94、oductive and five books in the past ten years.A. writes B. wroteC. has written D. is writing【 答案】C【 解析】【 详解】句意:大卫工作效率很高,在过去十年中已经写了五本书。考查现在完成时。根据句中时间状语in the past ten years可知 在过去的十年中”,由此可知,此句时态为现在完成时,其结构为:have/has doneo故选C。15. 一I dont know how to the old clothes.You can give them away to the charity.

95、A. sell out B. take away C. give back D. deal with【 答案】D【 解析】【 详解】句意:我不知道怎么样处理这些旧衣服。你可以把它们捐给慈善机构。考查动词短语。sell out 卖光;take away 拿走;give back 归还;deal with 处理。根据“You can give themaway to the charity.”可知,这里指的是不知道怎么样 处理” 这些旧衣服。故选D。16. With the help of 5G technology, the apps on the smart phone can provide

96、 help for users than before.A. fewer B. weaker C. worse D. more【 答案】D【 解析】【 详解】句意:借助5G技术,智能手机上的应用程序可以为用户提供比以前更多的功能。考查形容词辨析。fewer较少的;weaker较弱的;worse更差的;more更多的;根据“With the help of 5Gtechnology”可知,在 5G技术的帮助下,智能手机上的应用程序有了“ 很多” 功能。由 than可知,此处应使用比较级。故选D。17. A speech on robots in the school hall next Frid

97、ay afternoon.A. is given B. will be givenC. was given D. has been given【 答案】B【 解析】【 详解】句意:下星期五下午将在学校礼堂举行一场关于机器人的演讲。is given 一般现在时的被动语态;will be given 一般将来时的被动语态;was given 一般过去时的被动语态;has been given现在完成时的被动语态。根据时间状语“next Friday afternoon” 下周五下午,可确定句子时态为一般将来时态;主语A speech on robots和动词give是被动关系,故句子的语态为一般将

98、来时态的被动语态,其结构是:will be +动词的过去分词。故选B。18. Jane, could you please tell me?- I take exercise at least an hour every day.A. how you keep healthy and strongB. when you joined the swimming clubC. where you do exerciseD. who you play tennis with【 答案】A【 解析】【 详解】 简,你能告诉我你是如何保持健康强壮的吗? 我每天至少锻炼一个小时。考查宾语从句。根据题干及备选

99、项可知,此处考查宾语从句。再根据I take exercise at least an hour everyday.”可知,此处询问方式,则引导词为how。故选A。19. He does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.A. whom B. / C. which D. who【 答案】D【 解析】【 详解】句意:不到长城非好汉。考查定语从句。题干包含定语从句。先行词是“He”,在从句中作主语。whom作宾语,指代人;which作主语或宾语,指代物;who作主语或宾语,指代人。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时不能省略。故选D。20. Shall

100、we go fishing?. The wind is too strong. Lets stay at home and read books.A. Good idea B. I agree with youC. Dont be silly D. No problem【 答案】C【 解析】【 详解】句意:我们去钓鱼怎么样?别傻了。风这么大。我们还是待在家里读书吧。考查交际用语。Good idea好主意;I agree with you我同意你的想法;Dont be silly别傻了; No problem没问题。根 据 The wind is too strong. Lets stay at

101、 home and read books” 可知外面风太大,还是待在家里看书吧,说明这是不同意去钓鱼的,因此应回答“ 别 傻 了 。故选C。I I .完形填空( 共15分, 每题1分)One day a little boy asked his father, CWhat does the word 4great? mean? Who are great people and21 do they become great?The father asked his son to bring two plants and then told him to plant one of them 22

102、the house andthe other outside the house. The boy did as his father said.The father asked his son, “Which one of the two plants do you think will be 23- and bigger?The boy replied, The plant inside the house will be safer, 24 it will grow bigger, while the plantoutside the house is not safe at all.

103、No one will be there to 25 it.lt may be eaten by animals.”The father smiled and said, Lets wait 26 .We will know the answer.Then the boy 27 for study and after four years he came back to his house. He said to his father,“Look, 28 happens to this plant inside the house and it is safe75When the boy we

104、nt outside, he was very 29 to see a big tree. The boy couldnt believe his eyes. Hecouldnt 30 how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside the house.“The plant outside the house faced four 3j and many difficulties!” the father 32 to hisson why the plant outside was bigger.

105、 4The plant inside was safe, it didnt face weather changes, and it didnt getproper 33, so it didnt become big.”Here is the 34 to the question about being g r e a t : 35 a great person, one must havefailed many times, experienced many difficulties and overcome those difficulties. After that, he is ab

106、le to becomegreat.21. A. howB. whyC. whenD. where22. A. besidesB. oppositeC. behindD. inside23. A. strongerB. saferC. nicerD. weaker24. A. butB. orC. soD. because25. A. look afterB. come acrossC. take awayD. cut down26. A. seriouslyB. carefullyC. activelyD. patiently27. A. waitedB. lookedC. leftD. a

107、sked28. A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything29. A. excitedB. satisfiedC. pleasedD. surprised30. A. realiseB. understandC. considerD. accept31. A. seasonsB. chancesC. yearsD. choices32. A. smiledB. apologizedC. turnedD. explained33. A. protectionB. sunlightC. careD. water34. A. resultB. ans

108、werC. wayD.reason35. A. To chooseB. To saveC. To findD. To become【 答案】21. A 22.D23. B 24. C25. A 26. D 27. C28. B 29. D 30. B 31.A 32. D 33. B34. B 35. D【 解析】【 导语】本文主要讲述了父亲通过让孩子种植两株植物的故事告诉我们:一个人必须面对并克服很多困难,他才能变得伟大。2 1 题详解】句意:谁是伟大的人,他们是如何变得伟大的?how 如何;why 为什么:when 什么时间;where 哪里。根据下文“a great person, on

109、e must have failed manytimes, experienced many difficulties and overcome those difficulties. After that, he is able to become great.”可知此处说的是如何变得伟大。故选A。【 22题详解】句意:父亲让儿子带两株植物来,让他把一株种在屋子里,另一株种在屋外。besides 而且;opposite 对立面;behind 在. 后面;inside 在.里面。根据The plant inside the house”可知,一棵在房子内。故选D。【 23题详解】句意:你认为这

110、两株植物哪个会更安全、更大?stronger 更强壮的;safer 更安全的;nicer 更美好的;weaker 更虚弱的。根据“The plant inside the house willbe safer”以及下文可知,是在比较两株植物哪个会更安全。故选B。【 24题详解】句意:房子里面的植物会更安全,所以它会长得更大,而房子外面的植物一点都不安全。but但是:or或者;so 因此;because因为。根据句意,上文是室内的植物更安全,下文是它会长得更大,可知上下文之间为因果关系,前因后果,故用so连接。故选C。【 25题详解】句意:没有人会在那里照顾它。look after 照 顾 ;

111、come across 偶遇;take away 拿 走 ; cut down 砍倒。根据下文“It may be eaten by animals.”和选项可知,没有人会照顾外面的那株植物。故选A。【 26题详解】句意:让我们耐心等待吧。seriously 严重地;carefully 仔细地;actively 积极地;patiently 有耐心地。根据下文wait和We will knowthe answer.可知,答案将来才会知道,因此需要耐心等待。故选D。2 7 题详解】句意:后来男孩去上学了,四年后他回到了自己的家。waited等待:looked看 ; left离开;asked询问。根

112、据下文“he came back to his house.”可知, 四年后回到了家,说明之前是离家求学去了。故选C。【 28题详解】句意:看,这株植物在屋里平安无事,它很安全。something某事;nothing没有什么;everything每件事;anything任何事。根据下文“it is saffe.”可知, 这棵植物很安全,安然无恙,没有发生什么。故选B。【 29题详解】句意:当男孩走出去时,他很惊讶地看到一棵大树。excited 激动的;satisfied 满意的;pleased 高兴的;surprised 惊讶的。根据下文“The boy couldnt believe his

113、eyes.”可推测,他看到一棵大树时感到非常惊讶。故选D。【 30题详解】句意:他不明白外面的植物怎么能长得比屋子里的植物大得多。realise 意识至! ; understand 理解;consider 考虑;accept 接受。根据The boy couldnt believe his eyes.可知 I , 男孩认为室内的植物会更大,结果却相反,因此他不理解。故选B。【 31题详解】句意:屋外的植物面临着四季和许多困难。seasons 季节;chances 机会:years 年;choices 选择。 根据下文“The plant inside was safe, it didnt fa

114、ceweather changes,”可知,是在和房子里的植物作对比,所以放在外的植物经历植物在室外会经历气候的变化,与这种变化相关的应是季节,故选A。【 32题详解】句意:父亲向儿子解释为什么外面的植物更大。smiled 微笑;apologized 道歉;turned 转变;explained 解释。根据上文“The plant outside the house facedfour. and many difHculties”可知 爸爸在给儿子做解释。故选D。【 33题详解】句意:里面的植物是安全的,它不会面临天气变化,也没有得到适当的阳光,所以它不会变大。protection 保护;su

115、nlight 阳光;care 关心;water 水。根据“The plant inside was safb, it didnt face weatherchanges, and it didnt get proper”及常识可知,房子里的植物得不到充足的阳光,故选B。【 34题详解】句意:这是关于成为伟大的问题的答案。result 结果;answer 答案;way 方 式 ; reason 原因。根据“ to the question about being great”可知,此处指问题的答案。故选B。【 35题详解】句意:要成为一个伟大的人,一定经历过许多次失败,经历过许多困难,并克服这些

116、困难。To choose 选 择 ; To save 节省;To find 发现;To become 成为。根据“Who are great people and . do theybecome great和After that, he is able to become great.9 5可知,此处表示要成为一个伟大的人。故选D。m. 阅读理解( 共20分, 每题1分)根据短文内容, 从各题的备选答案中选出一个最佳答案。Universal Beijing ResortUniversal Beijing Resort is a widely expected theme park. There

117、 are several allnewattractions ( 景点)along with the best rides, and shows from around the world. Here are someof the most popular and interesting choices.Wand ( 魔杖)MagicFeel what it is like by waving a wand. This mustbe the coolest experience for a Harry Potter fan.Feel overawed with all that is happ

118、ening? Dontworry! Someone who knows how to use a wandis nearby and happy to help guide you on yourway!Rhythm Drifters ( 流浪者)This musical group of drifters know how tomake the most of things to create music!Using whatever they can find, they alwayscreate the best music! Their special concertis wonder

119、ful. You will certainly get anunforgettable memory.SING on TourSee the energetic ( 充满活力的)and colorfulconcert starring your favorite SING characters.This is a must watch for guests of all ages!Warm up your vocal chords ( 声带)becauseyoull be singing all day long!Lights Camera ActionEver wondered what i

120、fs like to film aspecial effects ( 特效)movie? Let our twospecial guests give you a learningexperience like none other.Attention:Tickets are sold from Sep. 14th and you can visit it from Sep.20th. Besides, remember that youshould visit Universal Beijing Resort from 9 a.m to 9 p.m. If you have any ques

121、tions, pleaseclick https:/ may like Wand Magic most.A. A music lover B. A Harry Potter fan C. A tour guide D. A film maker37. In Rhythm Drifters and SING on Tour, we can.A. enjoy wonderful music B. see a special effects filmC. wave a wand D. create music38. In Lights Camera Action, visitors will l e

122、ar n.A. how to guide special guests B. how to warm up vocal chordsC. how to create the best music D. how to film a special effects movie39. You can visit the Universal Beijing Resort on.A. Sep. 10th, 9 a.m B. Sep. 14th, 10 a.m C. Sep.20th, 8 a.m D. Sep.23th, 10 a.m40. If you want to know more, pl ea

123、s e.A. call us B. write to us C. visit our website D. email us【 答案】36. B 37. A 38. D 39. D 40. C【 解析】【 导语】本文主要介绍了北京环球度假区的四个演出项目。【 36题详解】推理判断题。根据“This must be the coolest experience fbr a Harry Potter fhn.( 对于哈利波特迷来说,这一定是最酷的体验。 )可知,一个哈利波特迷可能最喜欢魔杖魔法。故选B。【 37题详解】推理判断题。根据 Rhythm Drifters 中“Their special

124、 concert is wonderful.You will certainly get an unforgettablememory.( 他们的特别音乐会太棒了。你一定会有一段难忘的回忆。 )以及SING on Tour中“See theenergetic ( 充满活力的)and colorful concert starring your favorite SING characters.,( 观看由你最喜欢的歌手主演的充满活力和丰富多彩的音乐会。 )可知,在 Rhythm Drifters和 SING on Tour中,我们可以欣赏到美妙的音乐。故选A。【 38题详解】细节理解题。根据“

125、Ever wondered what its like to film a special effects ( 特效)movie?Let our two specialguests give you a learning experience like none other.( 有没有想过拍一部特效电影是什么感觉?让我们的两位特别嘉宾为您带来独一无二的学习体验。 )可知,游客可以学习如何拍摄特效电影。故选D“【 39题详解】细节理解题。根据 Tickets are sold from Sep. 14th and you can visit it from Sep. 20th. Besides,

126、 remember thatyou should visit Universal Beijing Resort from 9 a.m to 9 p.m.” ( 9 月 14 日开始售票,9 月 20 日开始参观。此外,记住你应该在上午9 点到晚上9 点参观北京环球度假区。 )可知,可以在9 月 2 3 日上午10点参观北京环球度假区。故选D。【 40题详解】细节理解题。根据“If you have any questions, please click https: / /www.universalheijingresort, com/en。故选C。Preparing for the coll

127、ege entrance exam is heavy work for high school students. For Wang Xiaofeng, who hasa muscular ( 肌肉的) illness, the challenge was especially big.The 17-year-old boy comes from Luoyang, Henan Province. When he was at high school, he had a seriousillness. As a result, he often fell while walking. And t

128、his became more serious as he grew older.Every night, Wang had to use a ventilator ( 呼吸机) while he was sleeping. To correct his bent back, hewore a rigid frame ( 钢架) on his upper body during the day.In spite of all these difficulties, he refused to give in and never stopped learning. am fighting aga

129、inst theillness, and I cannot give myself up. he said.According to Wangs mother, Wang got up at 5:45 am and went to bed at 11:30 pm every day during his threeyears at high school. Sitting down means a big challenge for Wang. Because of his illness, he always felt very tiredafter sitting fbr two clas

130、ses, let alone seven or eight classes a day. But he seldom complained, and just fixed onstudying.The school gave Wang the greatest support. To make it easier for him to take lessons, his class was arranged inthe school on the first floor. And that lasted for 3 years. The school also gave his mother

131、a job as a cleaner andoffered them free rooms to live in.Luckily, Wangs hard efforts paid off. He was admitted into Nankai University in 2021. He decided to dosomething to repay the kindness he received. So during the summer vacation, he offered free teaching on highschool courses to the students fr

132、om his village. He hoped to help them realise their personal ambitions.41 .was Wangs biggest challenge while he was preparing fbr the college entrance exam.A. No room to live in B. Lack of sleepC. His bent back D. The muscular illness42 . What did he do with all these difficulties he faced?A. He ref

133、used to give in. B. He had to stop learning.C. He always complained about them. D. He never fought against them.43 . In order to have more time to study, Wang only slept about hours a day while he was at high school.A. 8 B.4 C. 18 D. 644 .was not the support given to Wang by his high school.A. Givin

134、g his mother a job B. Providing him with a ventilator and a rigid frameC. Arranging his class on the first floor D. Offering him and his mother free rooms45. How did he repay the kindness he received?A. By teaching students high school courses to make money.B. By helping all the villagers to realise

135、 their personal ambitions.C. By letting the students know about his muscular illness.D. By offering free teaching to the students from his village.【 答案】41. D 42. A 43. D 44. B 45. D【 解析】【 导语】本文讲述了 WangXiaofeng患有肌肉疾病。尽管面对所有这些困难,他拒绝屈服,也从未停止学习。他于2021年考入南开大学。他决定做点什么来报答他所受到的恩情。所以在暑假期间,他为村里的学生提供免费的高中课程教学。

136、他希望帮助他们实现大学梦。4 1 题详解】细节理解题。根据”.For Wang Xiaofeng, who has a muscular ( 肌肉的) illness, the challenge was especiallybig不 ( 对于患有肌肉疾病的王来说,挑战尤其大。 )可知,肌肉疾病是王在准备高考时最大的挑战。故选Do【 42题详解】细节理解题。根据“In spite of all these difficulties, he refused to give in and never stopped leaming. ( 尽管有这些困难,他拒绝认输,从不停止学习。 )可知,面对这些

137、困难,他拒绝认输。故选A。【 43题详解】推理判断题。根据In spite of all these difficulties, he refused to give in and never stopped Ieaming.,( 据王的母亲说,王在高中三年里每天早上5:45起床,晚 上 11:30上床睡觉。 )可推理出,为了有更多的时间学习,王在高中时每天只睡六个小时左右。故选D。【 44题详解】推理判断题。根据The school gave Wang the greatest support. To make it easier for him to take lessons, his c

138、lasswas arranged in the school on the first floor. And that lasted for 3 years. The school also gave his mother a job as acleaner and offered them free rooms to live in. ( 学校给予王最大的支持。为了便于他上课,他的课安排在学校的一楼。这持续了 3 年。学校还给了他母亲一份清洁工的工作,并为他们提供了免费房间。 )可推理出,给他提供呼吸机和坚固的支架不是高中给王的支持。故选B。【 45题详解】细节理解题。根据So during

139、 the summer vacation, he offered free teaching on high school courses to thestudents from his village.He hoped to help them realise their personal ambitions.” ( 因此在暑假期间,他为村里的学生提供免费的高中课程教学。他希望帮助他们实现个人抱负。 )可知,他通过向村里的学生提供免费教学来报答他所受到的善意。故选D。It is often said, “You can5t live only on air. But now the Chin

140、ese scientists can tell you: Maybe you can.Recently, some Chinese scientists have developed a new technique ( 技术).They turned CO?, one of themain greenhouse gases, into starch ( 淀粉).Starch is the main part of flour ( 面粉), rice and com that we eat every day. Usually, its created by plantswith CO2, wa

141、ter and sunlight.According to the teams director Ma Yanhe, it takes the plants nearly 60 steps toproduce starch. But now, the team, after six years of hard work, has found a simpler way to do this, with only 11steps.“Our study shows that creating something like starch is possible in a lab, and this

142、technology may be helpfulin many areas. said Ma.The scientists first turned CO2 and hydrogen ( 氢气)into methanol ( 甲醇).Then they pieced ( 分解)these methanol molecules ( 分子)into bigger and more complex ( 复杂的)molecules. Finally the starch wasproduced.This method makes it possible to produce food in fact

143、ories, replacing traditional farming. This will not onlyhelp make plenty of food, but also save water and land. It may also help recycle CO2 to deal with climate ( 气候)change, according to China Daily.The study can be helpful in space, too. Astronauts may no longer need to worry about their food as t

144、hey travelin space. They may simply turn the CO2 they breathe out into the food they eat!46. With a new technique, the Chinese scientists could turn into starch.A. CO2 B. air C. water D. sunlight47. Plants can create with CO2, water and sunlight.A. methanol B. hydrogen C. starch D. greenhouse gas48.

145、 According to the last two paragraphs, the new method may not hel p.A. produce food in factories B. recycle CO2 to deal with climate changeC. save water and land D. send astronauts into space49. According to the passage, which of the following is wrong?A. Producing starch in the lab needs fewer step

146、s now.B. The new technology may be helpful in many areas.C. The method will help make plenty of food.D. The study will be of no help to astronauts.50. The passage may be from a.A. guidebook B. magazine C. poem D. novel【 答案】46.A 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. B【 解析】【 导语】本文主要介绍了中国科学家成功利用二氧化碳合成了淀粉。这是我国在淀粉人工合成方面

147、取得的一项重大突破。【 46题详解】细节理解题。根据some Chinese scientists have developed a new technique ( 技术).They turned CO2, one ofthe main greenhouse gases, into starch”可知,科学家把二氧化碳转化成淀粉。故选A。【 47题详解】细节理解题。根据“Starch is the main part of flour ( 面粉), rice and com that we eat every dayits created byplants with CO2, water an

148、d sunlight”可知植物可以用二氧化碳、水和阳光合成淀粉。故选C。【 48题详解】推理判断题。根据“This method makes it possible to produce food in factories ( 这种方法使得在工厂生产食物成为可能) “save water and la n d ,( 节约水和土地)”help recycle CO? to deal with climate ( 气候)change,( 有助于回收二氧化碳以应对气候变化。 )” 可知,这种方法不包括把宇航员送入太空。故选D。【 49题详解】推理判断题。根据Astronauts may no lon

149、ger need to worry about their food as they travel in space”可知,这项研究对宇航员是有帮助的,D 表述错误,故选D。【 50题详解】推理判断题。文章介绍的是科学家开发的一项新技术,以及新技术的用途,故推断它可能是发表在杂志上的文章。故选B。A one-hour special event was held online to mark the 12th United Nations Chinese Language Day onTuesday. People around the world were invited to expres

150、s their interest and love for the Chinese language andculture through short videos.Chinese has a long history, which has influenced other languages in Asia, just like the way Latin hasinfluenced languages in the West. With this history, will Chinese have a surprising future?At present, over one bill

151、ion people speak Chinese in the world-far more than any other languagesspeakers. It is the language of the country which is the worlds second largest economy ( 经济体). Chinesepeople are found studying and doing business all over the world.In fact, Chinese is certainly going to be a world language. Why

152、 is this certain? We must look at the economicand political power of China, which is increasing every day. As we all know, world languages have always been thelanguages of countries with powerful economies. So we believe that the world language will include Chinesesomeday.Foreign interest in Chinese

153、 has developed very quickly together with the development of the Chineseeconomy. Chinese has become one of the most important and popular languages around the world.As China develops, more and more people want to learn about Chinese language and culture to work andstudy in China, and to do business

154、with Chinese companies. Chinese is becoming an international language.51. In Paragraph 1, the underlined word mark me ans .A. replace B. celebrate C. start D. score52. Which of the following is wrong?A. Chinese has a long history and will have a bright future.B. All the languages in the West have be

155、en influenced by Chinese.C. More and more people will be interested in Chinese.D. Chinese has become one of the most important languages around the world.53. As is known to all, world languages have always been the languages of countries wi t h.A. a larger population B. popular languages C. powerful

156、 economies D. different cultures54. According to the passage, why do more and more people want to learn about Chinese language?To attend the one- hour special event.To work and study in China.To express their love for short videos.To do business with Chinese companies.A .B.C .D .55 Whafs the main id

157、ea of the passage?A. Chinese is becoming an international language.B. Chinese has influenced other languages in Asia.C. Foreign interest in Chinese develops very quickly.D. Chinese is a useful tool to work and study in China.【 答案】51. B 52. B 53. C 54. B 55. A【 解析】【 导语】本文主要介绍了随着中国的不断强大,世界上越来越多的人开始了解并

158、学习汉语。汉语的前景是光明的,它将成为一门世界性的语言。【 51题详解】词义猜测题。根据“A one-hour special event was held online to mark the 12th United Nations “Chinese LanguageDay” on Tuesday.( 周二,为 第 12个联合国“ 汉语日” , 在网上举行了一个小时的特别活动。 )可知, 应是为了庆祝“ 汉语日” ,所以划线词意为“ 庆祝” 。故选B。【 52题详解】细节判断题。根据Chinese has a long history, which has influenced other

159、languages in Asia, just like the wayLatin has influenced languages in the West. ” ( 汉语有着悠久的历史,它影响了亚洲的其它语言,就像拉丁语影响了西方语言一样。 )可知,B 选项“ 西方所有的语言都受到汉语的影响。” 不准确。故选B。【 53题详解】细节理解题。 根据“As we all know, world languages have always been the languages of countries with powerfuleconomies.“ 可知,世界语言一直是经济强国的语言。故选C。【

160、 54题详解】细节理解题。根据“As China develops, more and more people want to learn about Chinese language and cultureto work and study in China, and to do business with Chinese companies.“可知,越来越多的人想学习汉语是因为他们在中国工作和学习以及与中国公司做生意。故选B。【 55题详解】主旨大意题。根据“Chinese is becoming an international language.” ( 汉语正在成为一种国际语言。 )以

161、及通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了随着中国的不断强大,世界上越来越多的人开始了解并学习汉语。汉语的前景是光明的,它将成为一门世界性的语言。故选A。IV. 阅读短文( 共10分, 每题2分)从 AE 五个句子中选择正确选项还原到文中,使短文内容完整、正确。Wushu, also known as Chinese Kungfu, will make its first appearance as an official ( 正式的) sport at the4th Youth Olympic Games in 2022. 56The IWUF made applications ( 申请)to the

162、 International Olympic Committee ( IOC) in 2001, 2008 and2011, but failed. 57 The third application made it to the final voting ( 投票)but missed out once again.Over the years, both the IWUF and Chinese Wushu Association ( CWA) have done a lot to make progresswith strong support from the General Admin

163、istration of Sport of China ( 国家体育总局).The Administrationoffers technical support, often sending experts or teachers to help their Wushu training camps. 58Every year, many local Wushu groups are sent abroad to put on Wushu shows, trying to improve the influenceof Wushu in foreign countries. 59 Studie

164、s show that, today about 120 million people are interested inWushu around the world.Finally, China got Wushu accepted as an official Olympic sport in January, 2020, which helps to make it moreinternational.60 Theyre mens and womens Changquan and mens and womens Taijiquan.A. The first two application

165、s were refused at the very beginning.B. A total of 48 athletes ( 运动员)from across the world will compete in four Wushu events.C. It a breakthrough ( 突破)for the International Wushu Federation ( IWUF).D. It also provides a great deal of Wushu equipment ( 设备)for free.E. Through their efforts, Wushu has

166、become increasingly popular across the world.【 答案】56. C 57. A 58. D 59. E 60. B【 解析】【 导语】本文讲了中国武术在2022年第四届青年奥林匹克运动会亮相,详细地介绍了其发展情况和比赛项目等。【 56题详解】根据前句“Wushu, also known as Chinese Kungfu, will make its first appearance as an official ( 正式的)sport atthe 4th Youth Olympic Games in 2022. ” 可知,说的是武术首次成为青年奥

167、运会的项目,结合选项,C 项“ 这是国际武术联合会( IWUF)的一个突破” 符合语境。故选C。【 57题详解】third application made it to the final voting ( 投票)but missed out once again.”可知,说的是第三次申请失败,结合选项,A 项“ 最初的两份申请一开始就被拒绝了 符合语境。故选A.5 8 题详解】根据前句The Administration offers technical support, often sending experts or teachers to help their Wushutrainin

168、g camps.”可知,说的是提供的帮助,结合选项,D 项“ 它还免费提供大量的武术器材” 符合语境。故选 D。【 59题详解】根据后句Studies show that, today about 120 million people are interested in Wushu around the world.”可知说的是受欢迎,结合选项,E 项“ 通过他们的努力,武术在世界各地越来越受欢迎” 符合语境。故选E。【 60题详解】根据后句 Theyre mens and womens Changquan and mens and womens Taijiquan.可知I , 说的是比赛项目

169、,结合选项,B 项“ 来自世界各地的48名运动员将参加4 个武术项目的比赛” 符合语境。故选B。V.补全对话( 共5分, 每题1分)从所给句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。A: Welcome to our shopping mall! Your health code ( 代码)and travel code, please.B: Fm sorry. 61 What should I do?A: Dont worry. Your ID card is OK. 62 I can help you.B : Here you are. Ifs so kind of you.A: 63 And p

170、lease take your temperature.B:OK.A: Come in, please.B: Thank you. 64 Where can I get it?A: Childrens clothes arc on the 5th floor, and the elevator is over there.B: Thanks a lot.A: Youre welcome. 65A. I have left my phone at home.B. Enjoy your shopping.C. The clothes here are of high quality.D. Its

171、my duty.E. But you need to fill in the form.F. By the way, Fd like to buy a coat for my grandson.G. Where is my phone?【 答案】61.A 62. E 63. D 64. F 65. B【 解析】【 导语】本文一则顾客进入商场前与店员之间的对话。【 61题详解】根据上句Your health code ( 代码)and travel code, please.以及Im sorry.”并结合选项可知,空处应是没办法提供,是在陈述原因,A 项“ 我把手机落在家里了。” 符合语境,故选

172、A。【 62题详解】根据Your ID card is OK. ”和“I can help you.”可知,空处应是解决问题的办法,E 项“ 但是你需要填一下表格” 符合语境。故选E。【 63题详解】根据下句Its so kind of you.”可知,空处应是对对方夸赞自己的回复,D 项“ 这是我的指责“ 符合语境,故选 Do【 64题详解】根据下句Thank you.“ 可知,已经进来了,结合“Where can I get it?”和Childrens clothes are on the 5th floor,and the elevator is over there.”可知,空处应是

173、一个过渡句,是表明自己想买儿童衣服,F 项“ 顺便说一下,我想给我孙子买件外套” 符合语境,故选F。【 65题详解】根据上句“YouTe welcome.”可知,这里对话已经结束,作为服务工作人员,通常会以祝福结尾,B 项“ 祝你购物愉快” 符合语境,故选B。第二部分非选择题补全对话( 共10分,每题2分)在下面对话的空白处填上适当的话语( 话语可以是句子、短语或词), 使对话完整。A: Hi, Lingling! 66 ?B: I am reading an article about a great woman, Zhang Guimei.A: Zhang Guimei? 67 ?B: A

174、 headmaster. She is already 64 years old now.A: A 64-year-old headmaster? Is she still at work?B: 68 . You cant believe it! Her school is the Huaping Senior High School for girls only.A: Only for girls? Sounds interesting! 69 ?B: Because many of the girls in Lijiang cant afford to continue schooling

175、 after they finish their junior high school.She helps the girls go back to school.A: How great she is!B: 70 . So far, the school has sent more than 1,800 students to college.A: Amazing! She is our hero!【 答案)66. What are you doing67. Whats her job68. Yes, she is69. Why is her school only for girls70.

176、 I agree with you【 解析】【 导语】本文是一篇A 与 B 的对话,主要内容是介绍了一位6 4 岁的女校长帮助贫困的女孩们重新回到学校。【 66题详解】根据I am reading an article about a great woman, Zhang Guimei.”可知,此处应该是询问对方在做什么,句子用现在进行时,故填What are you doing。【 67题详解】根据A headmaster.”可知,此处询问职业,她的工作是什么,故填Whats her job。【 68题详解】根据Is she still at work?”可知,此处回答一般疑问句,结合“Yo

177、u can, t believe it!”可知,此处作肯定回答,故填 Yes, she iso【 69题详解】根据Because many of the girls in Lijiang cant afford to continue schooling after they finish their junior highschool.”可知,此处询问原因,为什么她的学校只招收女生,故填Why is her school only for girlso【 70题详解】根据How great she is!可知,此处表达观点,结合“So far, the school has sent mor

178、e than 1,800 students tocollege.”可知,此处是同意对方的观点,故填I agree with you。n. 完形填空( 共io分, 每 题1分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。( 每个词只用一次)China return teach family real study one pride that bearHello, everyone! Id like to tell you something about a famous scientist named Qian Xuesen. He was71 in Hangzhou, Zhe

179、jiang Province on December 11, 1911. After graduating from Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity in 1934, he got a chance 72 in USA. After he graduated, he became a 73 as well as aresearcher who studied rockets and missile ( 导弹)theories ( 理论).When he was 44, he 74 to his motherland and the countrys space res

180、earch was almost a blank. In1956, he set up the 75 research institute ( 研究所) of rockets and missiles in China. He made suchimportant contributions to the missile and space programs 76 he was honored as The Father of ChinasMissiles.The Chinese people are 77 of him.He passed away on October 31, 2009 a

181、t the age of 98, but all the 78 will remember him forever. Hisdevotion ( 忠诚) to China was expressed in his saying, “My career is in China, my success is in China and mydestination is in China! When someone said he could make a lot more money if he stayed in the United States, helaughed and said, “My

182、 79 name is Qian, but I don9t like qian. His spirit 80 encourages us tolove our country and devote ourselves to science. He sets a good example for us.【 答案】71. born72. to study73. teacher74. returned75. first 76. that77. proud 78. Chinese79. family 80. really【 解析】【 导语】本文主要介绍了“ 中国导弹之父 钱学森的生平和事迹。【 71题

183、详解】句意:他 于 1911年 12月 11日出生在浙江杭州。固定短语be born “ 出生” ,故填born。【 72题详解】句意:1934年从上海交通大学毕业后,他有机会去美国学习。根据“After he graduated,”可知是去美国学习,get a chance to do sth”得到. . . 机会“ ,故填 to study 0【 73题详解】句意:毕业后,他成为了一名教师和一名研究火箭和导弹理论的研究员。此处结合备选词汇可知是指教师,teacher”教师” ,a+名词单数,故填teacher。【 74题详解】句意:当他4 4 岁的时候,他回到了他的祖国,而这个国家的太空研

184、究几乎是一片空白。return to“ 回到” 符合语境,句子是一般过去时态,动词要用过去式,故填returned。【 75题详解】句意:1956年,他建立了中国第一个火箭和导弹研究所。根据“ research institute ( 研究所) ofrockets”结合备选词汇可知是指第一个,lhe+序数词,故填first。【 76题详解】句意:他对导弹和太空计划做出了如此重要的贡献,以至于被尊称为“ 中国导弹之父固定短语such.that”如此. . .以至于“ ,引导结果状语从句,故填that。【 77题详解】句意:中国人民为他感到骄傲。固定短语be proud。 产为感到自豪 ,故填pr

185、oud。【 78题详解】句意:但是所有的中国人将永远记住他。根据“but all the.will remember him forever”结合备选词汇可知此处是指中国人,Chinese“中国人 符合语境,故填Chinese。【 79题详解】句意:我姓钱,但我不喜欢钱。鱼 mily name姓 ,表示钱学森的姓,故填family。【 80题详解】句意:他的精神真的鼓励我们热爱我们的国家,献身于科学。根据His spirit.encourages us to love ourcountry and devote ourselves to science.”结合备选词汇可知此处是指他的精神真的鼓

186、励我们热爱我们的国家 , real的副词really符合语境,修饰动词encourage,故填really。HI. 翻译句子( 共20分)( A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译。( 共14分, 每小题2分)81 . 你必须在下周五之前上交所有材料。You must all the materials before next Friday.【 答案】hand in【 解析】【 详解】根据中英文对照可知,此处缺少“ 上交” ,其英文表达为hand in;又因情态动词must后接动词原形。故填hand in。82 . 去太空旅行的梦想总有一天会实现。The dream of travelling into

187、 space will one day.【 答案】come true【 解析】【 详解】根据中英文对照可知,空处应填“ 实现“ ,固定短语come true“ 实现” ,空前有w ill,动词用原形,故填 come true。83 . 无论你何时遇到生词,都可以在字典里查到。Whenever you meet new words, you can them in a dictionary.【 答案】 . look .up【 解析】【 详解】根据中英文对照可知,此处缺少“ 查 到 固 定 短 语 look up“ 查询” ;情态动词“can”后接动词原形。故填 look; up。84 . 采取措

188、施保护濒危动物对我们来说是极其必要的。Its quite necessary fbr us to to protect the animals in danger.【 答案】take steps#take measures#take action【 解析】【 详解】take steps/measures/action to do sth 采 取 措 施 做 某 事 to 后跟动词原形构成不定式结构,在句中作主语。故填 take steps/measures/actiono85 . 医生建议Tony少吃快餐。 答案The doctor advised Tony to eat less fast

189、food.【 解析】【 详解】医生:doctor;建议:advise;少吃快餐: eat less fast foodo结合语境可知,此题为一般过去时;谓语动词的常用结构为advise sb. to do sth.“建 议 某 人 做 某 事 故 填 The doctor advised Tony to eat less fastfood.86 . 努力学习,否则你会落后于他人。 答案】Study hard, or you will fall behind others.【 解析】【 详解】根据题干可知,本句是“ 祈使句+ 。 什陈述句” 的结构;study hard“ 努力学习” ;oi “

190、 否则” ;fall behindothers”落后于他人 陈 述 句 用 一 般 将 来 时 ( will do) 。故填 Study hard, or you will fall behind others.87. 昨天我到家时,我的爷爷正在浏览报纸。【 答案】 When I got home yesterday, my grandfather was looking through a newspaper.【 解析】【 详解】根据题干可知,本句是when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时。gethome到家 ;yesterday昨天 ;my grandfather我的

191、爷爷 ;look through a newspaper浏 览 报 纸 故 填When I got home yesterday, my grandfather was looking through a newspaper.阅读下面短文, 将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。We cannot travel every path. Success must be won along one line.1.1 hate a Ihing done by halves. If it is right, do it bravely. If it is wrong, leave it undone. T

192、he men of historywere not perpetually ( 无休止地) looking into the mirror to make sure of their own size. When they worked,they paid attention to nothing else and insisted on it. They did it so well that people around the world saw them tobe great, and they called them great men.To live with a high idea

193、l ( 理想) is a successful life. 2. Whatever they d。 , they always try their best. Thatmakes the man strong. They know that if they do not work with all their efforts, others will overtake ( 超越)them.3. Success depends less and less on luck and chance. Continuous effort is the key to success.88._89._90.

194、_【 答案】8 8 .我讨厌做事半途而废89 . 无论他们做什么,他们总是竭尽全力90 . 成功越来越不依赖于运气和机会【 解析】【 导语】文章讲了成功越来越不依赖运气和机会。持续的努力是成功的关键。【 88题详解】I 我,hate讨厌,a thing 一件事;done by halves半途而废,过去分词短语作定语修饰名词a thing。故填:我讨厌做事半途而废。【 89题详解】该句使用了 w hatever,引导让步状语从句,意为“ 无论什么 ;Whatever they do无论他们做什么;they他们;always总是;try their best竭尽全力,固定短语try ones b

195、est竭尽全力。故填:无论他们做什么,他们总是竭尽全力。【 90题详解】Success 成功;depends less and less on 越来越不依赖于;luck and chance 运气和机会,短语 depend.on 表示“ 依赖于” ,故填:成功越来越不依赖于运气和机会。IV. 任务型阅读( 共20分, 每小题10分)阅读短文,回答问题。It was a hot summer day. Clara was drinking juice in the yard. Her mom was cutting grass with a lawnmower( 割草机).The lawnmow

196、er was loud, and Clara wished her mom would play with her instead. But Mom said thegrass was tall and had to be cut.Suddenly, the lawnmower stopped. Claras mom looked sad. Clara wondered what was wrong. Her mompicked something up out of the grass, and walked to Clara.Clara5s mom had a little turtle

197、in her hand! As Clara looked closer, she saw that one of his legs was in badshape. think I broke his leg. Claras mom said., Tm really sorry. Will you help me nurse ( 照料) him back tohealth? ”Clara felt bad for the little turtle. A turtle moved slowly, so he probably could not run away when he saw the

198、lawnmower coming. And Clara9s mom could not see him in the tall grass! It was a mistake, but Clara and her momwould do something to make it right. Clara named the turtle Phillip.They took Phillip to the vet ( 兽医).The vet took an X-ray of Phillips leg, and made sure that it was broken.The turtle got

199、a little splint ( 夹板)and bandage. The vet told Clara that the turtle needed plants to eat, water todrink and a place to live in. Clara and her mom bought a small tank ( 水箱)for Phillip on the way home.At home, Clara took good care of Phillip. She put water and rocks in the tank. She brought him fruit

200、 andleaves to eat, and kept his tank clean.After eight weeks, Clara and her mom took Philip to the vet, who said that his leg was healthy again. Clarawas both happy and sad. She was happy because Phillip was better, and she was sad because she had to let him go.After Clara got home, she fed Phillip

201、some fruit, kissed his back and said goodbye, then put him in the grass and lethim go. Clara would always remember Phillip.91. Why did Claras mom look sad and have to stop the lawnmower?92. Who helped the turtle to get healthy?93. How many times did Clara and her mom take the turtle to the vet?94. W

202、hat did Clara do with the turtle after his leg was healthy?95. What can we learn from the story?【 答案】91. Because she broke one of the turtles legs.92. Clara, Clara?s mom and the vet helped Pillip to get healthy.93. Twice. 94. She let the turtle go.95. We should protect animals.【 解析】【 导语】本文主要讲述了 Clar

203、a的妈妈在除草时,弄伤了一只乌龟,在 Clara的精心照料下,乌龟好了,旦又把它放归大自然的故事。【 91题详解】根据“ I think I broke his leg. Claras mom said.”可知是因为她弄伤了乌龟的腿。故填 Because she broke oneof the turtles legs.【 92题详解】根据They took Phillip to the vet ( 兽医).The vet took an X-ray of Phillips leg, and made sure that it wasbroken.和At home, Clara took go

204、od care of Phillip. 可知是Clara和她的妈妈还有兽医帮助乌龟恢复了健康。故填 Clara, Claras mom and the vet helped Pillip to get healthy.【 93题详解】根据They took Phillip to the vet ( 兽医).The vet took an X-ray of Phillips leg, and made sure that it wasbroken.和After eight weeks, Clara and her mom took Philip to the vet, who said that

205、 his leg was healthy again.”可知是去了两次。故填Twice.【 94题详解】根据 After Clara got home, she fed Phillip some fruit, kissed his back and said goodbye, then put him in the grassand let him go. ”可知,她把他放在草地上,让他走了。故填She let the turtle go.9 5 题详解】本文主要讲述了 C lara的妈妈在除草时,弄伤了一只乌龟,在 C lara的精心照料下,乌龟好了,且又把它放归大自然的故事,告诉我们应该保

206、护动物。故填We should protect animals.阅读短文,填写表格,每空一词。If you want to help protect the environment and save the planet, weve got some easy-peasy ( 容易极了) tipsfor going green. Avoid food wasteGo green and know the importance of finishing your meals to avoid food waste. Do your bit to save the planetas well by

207、 planning your meals for the week, so you only buy what you need. Use reusable bottles and save waterEarth Day is a great time for you to drink from reusable water bottles when youre out and about. Keep inmind that you should save water whenever possible. Try more plant-based mealsWhat about eating

208、less meat and more vegetables? Its a surprisingly simple way we can all use to help savethe planet. Try with one day a week to get you start, and then expand to more days when possible. Cut down on the air-conditionalUsually Singapore is called the air-conditioned nation! Whenever you can, go green

209、and open the window toget some natural air. If you cant live without your AC, set it at between 25 and 27 for the most energyefficient ( 节能的) temperature. Know more about natureTheres no better way to know about nature than by getting yourself outdoors and into nature. Whether itsraining or sunny, y

210、ou can get close to nature and enjoy it.Some tips about 96 to go green97 your meals to avoid food wasteAvoid food wastePlan your meals for the week.Use reusable bottles andDrink from reusable water bottles.save waterDevelop the 98 of saving water.Try more plant-basedmealsHelp save the planet by eati

211、ng more plant-based meals.Cut down on the air-Open the window 99 some natural air or set your AC atconditionalbetween 25 and 27.Know more about natureGetting yourself outdoors and into nature is the 100way to know about nature.【 答案】96. how97. Finish 98. habit99. for 100. best【 解析】【 导语】本文主要介绍了如何保护环境:

212、避免食物浪费;使用可重复使用的瓶子;多吃植物性食物;少用空调;懂得回收利用和了解自然。【 96题详解】根据If you want to help protect the environment and save the planet, weve got some easy-peasy ( 容易极了) tipsfor going green.”可知,本文主要介绍了如何进行环保的一些小窍门,how“ 如何” ,后跟动词不定式。故填howo9 7 题详解】根据Go green and know the importance of finishing your meals to avoid food

213、waste.“可知,把饭吃完,避免浪费食物。finish“ 完成” ,结合题干祈使句Plan your meals fbr the week.”可知,此处应是祈使句,以动词原形开头,且句首首字母大写。故填Finish。【 98题详解】根据Keep in mind that you should save water whenever possible.“可知,要尽可能节约用水,结合题干“Develop.of saving water ( 节约用水) ” 可知,养成的应是一种习惯,habit“ 习惯” ,应填名词的单数形式,故填 habito【 99题详解】根据Whenever you can,

214、 go green and open the window to get some natural air.“可知,打开窗户是为 了 呼吸一些自然空气;此处应填介词f o r,表示“ 为了“ ,故填for。【 100题详解】根据Theres no better way to know about nature than by getting yourself outdoors and into nature.“ 可知, 让自己置身户外,走进大自然是了解大自然的最好方式。the后跟最高级,此处应填b e s t,表示“ 最好的工故填besto(A)按要求完成小作文。( 共 5 分)101.假如你

215、是李明,你的朋友Jack给你发邮件请求你的帮助。请根据邮件内容进行回复。要求:逻辑清晰,内容完整,书写规范;回复内容至少包含三条建议;词数:3 0 左右。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Li Ming,I spend all my weekends playing computer games and my mother is very angry with meabout it. I want to make a change. Could you give me some advice?JackDear Jack,I hope my advice can be helpful to

216、 you.Li Ming【 答案】例文Dear JackIm glad to help you. I think youd better finish your homework first. If you like, you can help do housework.Its a good idea to do some outdoor activities or read some books.I hope my advice can be helpful to you.Li Ming【 解析】【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇电子邮件,根据Jack的邮件内容,针对他的问题提出建议。2.

217、 写作指导:本文时态采用一般现在时;人称以第一人称和第三人称为主。注意建议要不少于三条,同时要看清题目字数要求:词数在30左右。写作时力求语句通顺,无单词语法错误。(B)按要求完成大作文。( 共 15分)102.劳动是财富的源泉,也是幸福的源泉。请介绍你主动承担的家务劳动,如扫地、做饭、洗衣、照顾宠物等,同时谈谈你的收获和感受。要求:文中可包括所给要点,也可适当发挥;文中不得出现真实地名、校名和人名; 词数:8 0 左右。【 答案】例文At home, I always help my parents do some housework, such as looking after pets,

218、 sweeping the floor, doingsome washing, cooking and so on, among which, cooking is what I often do for my parents on weekends becausethey are so busy with their work that they have no time to prepare meals. I buy some fresh vegetables and meatfrom the market nearby and cook them in the kitchen with

219、great care. Seeing them enjoy the delicious dishes, I amso proud of myself, so are my parents.Labor not only brings me a lot of pleasure but also helps ease the burden of my parents.【 解析】【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文0短文要求介绍我们所做的家务劳动,然后谈谈收获和感受。2. 写作指导:本文时态为一般现在时,人称以第一人称为主。第一段根据提示信息介绍我们在家主动承担的家务劳动,可适当拓展;第二段谈谈劳动后的收获和感受。写作时要表达准确、思路清晰、层次分明。



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