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1、2 0 2 3 年中考备考英语复习:谓语动词的语态训练考点自测I . 根据汉语及首字母提示完成句子。1.1 didnt get it because it c (花费) too much.2.I ve never r (JsW) the decision to work in western China.3 .Well be p (惩罚) if we break the traffic rules.4 .The little girl k (亲吻) her mom good night before she goes tobed.5 .Five minutes ago, Linda I (锁)

2、 the door and left with her mum.n . 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6 .Christine (cook) the familys Sunday lunch since she was12 years old.7 .Wheres Anna, dear?She take) an online class in her room.8John is waiting for me.We (go) to the bookstore together.9 .The children rushed out of the classroom as soon as the b

3、ell(ring) for the end of class.10.1 (wash) the dishes while my sister was sweeping the floor.ll.China (win) lots of high praises since we turned the sand intoforests.12.Children should (encourage) to solve their problems bythemselves.13.In China, teenagers have to be 18 years old before they(allow)

4、to drive a car.14.My grandparents (marry) for over 30 years and theylove each other very much.1 5.Its (report) that tea has helped the farmers in Yunnan finda way out of poverty(贫 穷 ) .综合演练| 动词的时态II . 单项填空Group 1l .Have you found a summer job yet? Mr.Firth someone to takecare of his kids during the

5、vacation.Maybe you can talk to him.A.has looked forB .is looking forC.looks forD.was looking for2 .2022 温州 Lydia, have you decided which city to travel to, Londonor New York?Not yet.Maybe I London to meet my friends this time.A.visit B.visitedC.will visit D.was visiting3 .The documentary A Plastic O

6、cean is so impressive that I itseveral times so far.A.watched B.watchC.have watched D.will watch4 .2022 , 重庆 A 卷 Excuse me, what is Nick doing?Look! He flowers outside.A.waters B.wateredC.is watering D.has watered5 .2022 安徽 一What are you saving money for?Fathers Day is around the corner.l a gift for

7、 my father.A.am going to buy B.have boughtC.bought D.was buying6 .2022 郴州 一The song Together for a Shared Future is very popularnow.一Thats for sure! Both the young and the old it.A.likes B.like diked7 .What did you do this Dragon Boat Festival?一I the boat races on TV and read books.A.watch B.watched

8、C.am watching D.will watch8 .一Jeff, could you tell me if it tomorrow? If ittomorrow, I will stay at home.Its reported that it will be sunny; lets go camping on the Fenghuangmountain.A.rain; rain B.rains; rainC.will rain; rains D.will rain; will rain9 .2022 ,常州 一Why didnt you open the door for me, Ji

9、m?一I clothes in the bathroom.I didnt hear the knock.A.am washing B.have washedC.was washing D.washed10 .2022 , 牡丹江 Mike is from America but speaks perfect Chinese.So he does.He has learned Chinese by himself since hecollege.A.is attendingB.has attendedC.attendedGroup 2l l .When we building the Subwa

10、y Line 3, it will be easier totravel around the city.A.finish B.finished C.will finish12 .Ariel every night for a week before her Chinese test and got avery good grade.A.studied B.studiesC.has studied D.was going to study13 .Aunt Gina has lived in this town for more than sixty years, so sheit very w

11、ell.A.will know B.knewC.knows D.was going to know14 .My father me a funny joke and I cant stop laughing everytime I think of it.A.told B.tellsC.will tell D.is telling15 .Son, you have never been abroad. Im worried about you.Dont worry, Mom. As soon as I , I you.A.will arrive; call B.will arrive; wil

12、l callC.arrive; will call D.arrive; call16 .2022 , W 匕京I about my sister when my phone washer!rang.ltA.think B.will thinkC.was thinking D.am thinking17 .2022 , 天津We hope a computer on every students desk inthe future.A.there is B.there wasC.there will be D.there has been18 .2022 , 鄂州 Would you like

13、to see the movie The Battle at LakeChangjin this evening?一Oh, its a good movie.But I it already.A.saw B.have seenC.see D.will see19 .2022 , 包头 一You look pretty busy.Whats up?We for an office party this Friday evening.There will be aboutthirty people, and I am the organizer.A.prepare B.have preparedC

14、.are preparing D.were preparing20 .Are you a basketball player in your school?Yes.l the team 3 years ago.I in it for 3 years.A.joined; wasB.was joined; amC.have joined; have been0.joined; have beenII,2023 原创 语法填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空, 必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Did you have a favorite plastic toy when you were a child

15、? Did it break?Did your parents throw it away? Well, I know where it is. It 21. (float)in the Pacific Ocean. Well, let me explain how it 22. (get) there.Many countries put their garbage in the Pacific Ocean. Most of thegarbage 23. (sink) but plastic floats and moves. The North PacificGyre(环流) pulls

16、things towards the middle. So, all the plastic ends up in thesame place. One scientist says the area 24. (look) just like u plasticsoup” .This “plastic soup 25. (discover) about ten years ago. Sincethat time the amount of plastic in this area 26. (increase) a lot. Andthis plastic will not just go aw

17、ay. It takes 400 years for plastic to degrade(分 解 ) .And, even worse, the plastic 27. (eat) by fish and sea birds.They thinkit looks like food. The plastic 28.(not kill) them directly, but the fish (who are not smart!) think they arefull. So, they stop 29. (eat) and die of hunger. Dolphins and whale

18、salso eat plastic and die.Governments are starting to work together to clean up this area, but itwill take many years.Thats why we should always try 30. (recycle)plastic, even our old toys.【 参考答案】考点自测I .l.cost 2.regretted 3.punished4.kisses 5.lockedII .6.has cooked 7.is taking 8.will go9.rang lO.was

19、 washing 11.has won12.be encouraged 13,are allowed14.have been married 15.reported综合演练动词的时态I .Group 1l.B2 .C 考查动词的时态。 根据问句have you decided which city to travelto, London or New York”及答语中的Not yet.”可知, 去伦敦这件事情还没有发生, 用一般将来时。故选C。3 . C考查动词的时态。 根据时间状语so far可知, 用现在完成时。 故选Co4 .C 5.A6 .B 考查动词的时态。句子主语是Both th

20、e young and the old”, 为复数且上句中的now是现在时态的标志。故选B。7 . B考查动词的时态。 由上文问句中的助动词did可知, 此处应用一般过去时。故选Bo8 . C考查动词的时态。第一句i f引导宾语从句, 由tomorrow可知, 用一般将来时; 后句if引导条件状语从句, 用一般现在时表示将来。故选Co9 .C 10.CGroup 2l l .A 12.A 13.C14 .A 根据 u cant stop laughing every time I think of it”可知, 故事是之前讲的, 应用一般过去时。故选A。15 . C考查动词的时态。主句表示儿子

21、将要给妈妈打电话, 要用一般将来时, 而as soon a s引导的时间状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来。故选Co16 .C17 . C考查动词的时态。根据in the future”可知, 此句应用存现句的一般将来时。故选C。18 .B 19.C2 0 .D考查动词的时态。“3 years ago”是一般过去时的时间状语, 故第一个空用一般过去时, 且用主动语态; 时间状语“for 3 years” 为一段时间,故第二个空用现在完成时。故选D。II .21.is floating 22.can get23.sinks 24.looks 25.was discovered26.has increased 27.is being eaten28.doesnt kill 29.eating 30.to recycle阅 读 86



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