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1、The Comparison of Number CultureThe Comparison of Number CultureBoth in English and Chinese Both in English and Chinese We often Use Numbers in our daily life , but do you know a number may have different meanings in different countries ? Of course , it also has the same meaning .Our group only chos

2、e some special numbers to introduce to you .ASfornine,theOccidental(西方的andOriental(东方的culturessharesamecommonfeatures:Mostpeopleinthetwoculturesregardnineasmysteriousandscarednumber;Numberninereferstothemajorityaswellasthenumberitself;Numbernineisoftenusedintheentertainmentandsportsactivities.Chines

3、eChinese Nine is a lucky number in China , because it stands for forever . The number nine is also in sports activities in China , such as nine pins(九柱九柱戏戏).There also have a bird ,named nine-headed bird(九九头鸟头鸟),a fabulous(传说传说的的) bird whose appearance was for merely regarded as a bad omen 预预兆兆 .The

4、re are some other words in China:诛灭诛灭九族九族 龙龙生九子生九子 九寨沟九寨沟 九九华华山山 九江九江 九九龙龙In China ,eight represent lucky and fortune .八=发There are some idioms in China , such as:八面小巧, 八仙桌,八仙过海 ,八拜之交 In the western,8 is also regarded as a lucky number. The ancient Greek think 8 stands for bumper harvest, achievemen

5、ts and longevity. The story of Noahs Ark , according to Genesis, God has observed mans evil behaviors and flooded the earth. Only 8 survived the disaster by Noahs Ask. In the Gospel (),Jacob, Jesus brother, had 8 children and so 8 means fertility(多子多孙)8 Seven is an unlucky number in China. Seven is

6、an unlucky number in China. Because seven is connected with Because seven is connected with mourningmourning 服服丧丧 .In ancient, If a person .In ancient, If a person died, then you had mourned until died, then you had mourned until forty-nine days . If you sent gifts to forty-nine days . If you sent g

7、ifts to your your friends, seven is not a good number. On friends, seven is not a good number. On the dining table, we shouldnt have the dining table, we shouldnt have seven dishes on it .seven dishes on it . It is not a good moral. If you want to It is not a good moral. If you want to choose a choo

8、se a lucky day, almost people would not lucky day, almost people would not choose the day with seven , such as choose the day with seven , such as 7,17,27.7,17,27.7 7The number seven exerts a great influence on the The number seven exerts a great influence on the western culture. In the westerners E

9、yes, seven western culture. In the westerners Eyes, seven is a mysterious and sacred number.is a mysterious and sacred number.According to the Christianity. God creates all According to the Christianity. God creates all the creatures in seven days. Hebrews often use the creatures in seven days. Hebr

10、ews often use seven while swearing. Such as “to come under the seven while swearing. Such as “to come under the influence of seven thingsinfluence of seven things. .In Greece, there are seven sages of Greece(In Greece, there are seven sages of Greece(希腊七希腊七贤贤)and the seven Bishops)and the seven Bish

11、ops 七大主教七大主教 In the western religion, seven is used in In the western religion, seven is used in generalization.generalization.The Seven VirtuesThe Seven Virtues 七大美德七大美德 :faith, hope, charity, faith, hope, charity, justice ,fortitude , prudence ,temperance;justice ,fortitude , prudence ,temperance;

12、The seven deadly sinsThe seven deadly sins 七宗罪七宗罪 :pride , wrath, pride , wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, avarice, slothenvy, lust, gluttony, avarice, slothThe Seven Gifts of the Spirit The Seven Gifts of the Spirit 神的七大礼物神的七大礼物 ;The Seven HeavensThe Seven Heavens 七重天七重天 在中国古代六也是一个在中国古代六也是一个侥幸的数字。幸的数字。

13、先秦先秦时期六部儒家期六部儒家经典称典称为“六六经或或“六六艺;诸子中最著子中最著名的阴阳、儒、墨、名、法、品德名的阴阳、儒、墨、名、法、品德总称称为“六家;周代兵六家;周代兵书现存六卷,称存六卷,称为“六六韬,政区分,政区分为“六六乡;周礼有;周礼有“六典六典治典、教典、礼典、治典、教典、礼典、郑典、邢典、事典,控制有典、邢典、事典,控制有“六部。六部。However , six in English is an unpopular number , However , six in English is an unpopular number , which is viewed as a

14、sinister omen . For instance , which is viewed as a sinister omen . For instance , at sixes and sevens(at sixes and sevens(乱七八糟的,糊涂的,迷茫的乱七八糟的,糊涂的,迷茫的)hit )hit sb. for six or knock sb. six (sb. for six or knock sb. six (给敌给敌人人/ /某人以消某人以消灭灭性的打性的打击击),six of the best(),six of the best(以藤鞭以藤鞭击击六下六下学校的一种学

15、校的一种惩罚惩罚手段手段 ,six penny(six penny(不不值钱值钱的的),etc.),etc.6 66 6后天之相,基于五行。人教大后天之相,基于五行。人教大兴后,施教化,定礼法,衍化出后,施教化,定礼法,衍化出更多的更多的“五之数:五之数:五行五行木、火、土、金、水木、火、土、金、水五灵五灵天、地、人、神、鬼天、地、人、神、鬼五方五方东、南、中、西、北、南、中、西、北五色五色青、赤、黄、白、黑青、赤、黄、白、黑五五时春、夏、四季、秋、冬春、夏、四季、秋、冬五谷五谷稻、黍、稷、麦、菽稻、黍、稷、麦、菽五味五味酸、苦、甘、辛、咸酸、苦、甘、辛、咸五气五气风、热、湿、燥、寒、湿、燥、

16、寒五音五音角、徵、角、徵、宫、商、羽、商、羽五五蕴色、受、想、行、色、受、想、行、识五常五常仁、仁、义、礼、智、信、礼、智、信五五伦君臣、父子、夫君臣、父子、夫妇、兄弟、朋友、兄弟、朋友五五义父父义、母慈、兄友、弟恭、子孝、母慈、兄友、弟恭、子孝五岳五岳东岳泰山,西岳岳泰山,西岳华山,南岳衡山,北岳恒山,中山,南岳衡山,北岳恒山,中岳嵩山岳嵩山五五经 、 、 、 、 。 Friday has long been considered extremely unlucky because it has some bad associations which came from mythology

17、, tale of the Bible , and the customs and habits . According to the Bible ,the Lord God created the first man ,Adam .Then he took a rib from Adams body and out of it created the first woman ,Eve . It was said that Adam was created on a Friday and it was on Friday that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden

18、fruit , and on a Friday they died.Jesus Christ was persecuted on Friday.Friday was also the common day in England for executing criminals ,for which it was sometimes known as Hanging Day.5 5 In Chinese ,three is a lucky number ,too . Three was often written for“三.The top of three stands for the heav

19、en ,the bottom of three stands for the land ,and the middle of three stands for the people . All of these stand for the unify . It also means good lick and happiness to you .Here are some phrases in China:三羊开泰,岁寒三友,桔祥三宝。三三 Three is respected in the western culture. Pythagoras, the philosopher of anc

20、ient Greece, called three the perfect number. According to Greek mythology, the universe is governed by three Gods, Jupiter 主神朱庇特主神朱庇特 ,Neptune 海神尼普海神尼普顿顿 ,Pluto 冥神普路托冥神普路托 .The trinity in Christianity refers to the union of the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit . Under the influence of trinity, three is a lucky number in the Western culture.Westerners often say;The third time is the charm;Number three is always fortunate . Shakespeare once said “all good things go by three.33



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