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1、Unit 12 Culture Shock1共 126 页开开 篇篇 背背 诵诵给朋友的回信给朋友的回信典型例题典型例题(2009四四川川)假假设设你你是是李李华华。你你的的外外国国笔笔友友Jane打打算算于于七七月月来来中中国国,特特来来信信了了解解中中国国的的社社交交习习俗俗。请请你你用用英英语语回回一一封封信,从以下几个方面作具体介绍。信,从以下几个方面作具体介绍。1. 见面时的问候方式;见面时的问候方式;2. 对赞美的回答方式;对赞美的回答方式;3. 接收礼物时的回应方式;接收礼物时的回应方式;4. 餐宴礼节。餐宴礼节。2共 126 页注注意意:1. 词数数100左左右右,信信的的开开

2、头和和结束束语已已为你你写写好好(不不计入入总词数数)。2. 可根据内容要点适当增加可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文,使行文连贯。Dear Jane,Glad to hear from you and youre welcome to China in July._I hope whats mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey.Yours sincerely,Li Hua3共 126 页 佳作欣赏佳作欣赏Dear Jane,Glad to hear from you and youre welcome to

3、China in July. The following are some Chinese customs.Firstly, we greet each other by saying “Hello”or asking such questions as “Where are you going?”or “Are you busy?”to express our care. Secondly, when praised, we reply with “Oh, no! ”or “Im overpraised”to show good manners. Next, when receiving a

4、 gift, we usually say “Its unnecessary”besides “Thanks”to show politeness and then put it away. Finally, at dinner parties, we talk loudly and touch glasses when drinking to someones health or success to show that were warm.4共 126 页Anyhow, different cultures, different customs. If you “Do as the Rom

5、ans do when in Rome”,youll enjoy more of your stay here.I hope whats mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey.Yours sincerely,Li Hua5共 126 页 名师点评名师点评1. 本文运用了灵活多变的句式,不管是在遣词造句上,还是本文运用了灵活多变的句式,不管是在遣词造句上,还是从结构上都不失为一篇佳作。从结构上都不失为一篇佳作。2. 用于列举的副词:用于列举的副词:Firstly,Secondly,Next,Finally使使文章

6、显得条理清楚。文章显得条理清楚。3. 特殊的句式:特殊的句式:when praised, when receiving, Anyhow, different cultures, different customs,省略句的运用以,省略句的运用以及最后引用的谚语及最后引用的谚语“Do as the Romans do when in Rome”使短文增色不少。使短文增色不少。6共 126 页教教 材材 自自 主主 回回 归归记记单词记记单词1e_n期期待待的的事事物物,预预期期_v预预料料,预预期期_adj.可可预预料料的的_adj.未未预预料料到到的的2t_adj.美美味味的的_vt.尝尝,辨

7、辨味味 vi.尝尝起起来来n.味味觉觉,爱爱好好,味味道道_adj.有有鉴鉴赏赏力力的的,有有审审美美力的力的_adj.没味道的,无鉴赏力的;乏味的没味道的,无鉴赏力的;乏味的3i_vt.指示,表明指示,表明_adj.表示的,象征的表示的,象征的_n指示,指点,征兆指示,指点,征兆 expectationexpectexpectedunexpectedtastytastetastefultastelessindicateindicativeindication7共 126 页4 i_adj.非非 正正 式式 的的 _adv.非非 正正 式式 地地_adj.正式的,礼正式的,礼节上的上的5r_n

8、&vt.请求求,要要求求,需需要要r_vt.要要求,需要,命令求,需要,命令d_n&vt.要求,要求,请求;需要求;需要6f_adj.熟熟悉悉的的,常常见的的_adv.亲密密地地_n熟熟悉悉,通通晓_adj.不不常常见的的;不不熟悉的熟悉的7c_vt.进行行,实施施_adj.有有传导力力的的,传导性的性的_n传导 informalinformallyformalrequestrequiredemandfamiliarfamiliarlyfamiliarityunfamiliarconductconductiveconduction8共 126 页8e_n教育者教育者_vt.教育,培养教育,培养

9、_n教育,培养教育,培养9f_vt.宽恕,饶恕宽恕,饶恕_adj.宽容的宽容的_adj.可宽容的,可原谅的可宽容的,可原谅的_n宽恕,宽恕,饶恕饶恕10a_n相加,增加物相加,增加物_adj.另外的,另外的,附加的附加的_v相加相加educatoreducateeducationforgiveforgivingforgivableforgivenessadditionadditionaladd9共 126 页记记短语记记短语1.Youre going to have to _ (适应腌肉和鸡蛋加几片面适应腌肉和鸡蛋加几片面包包)for breakfast over here. 答案:答案:ge

10、t used to bacon and eggs with a few slices of toast2Would you mind _ (让我和我的同学搭个便车让我和我的同学搭个便车)to school? 答案:答案:giving me and my schoolmate a lift3He insisted on _(陪我走到陪我走到车站站为我送行我送行)答案:答案:walking me to the station to see me off10共 126 页记记句型记记句型1._ (为了避免对英国小费制度的困惑为了避免对英国小费制度的困惑),you need to check your

11、 bill to see if a tip is included or not. 答案:答案:To avoid getting confused about the British tipping system2If it isnt, I suggest _(留下账单的留下账单的10%)for the waiter or waitresseven a bit more if the service is good. 答案:答案:leaving 10% of the bill11共 126 页3When I first arrived in San Francisco, _ (我很难理我很难理

12、解解)certain aspects of the American way of doing things. 答案:答案:I had a difficult time understanding4I had a similar experience _ (上次访问中国时上次访问中国时)答案:答案:the last time I visited China12共 126 页教教 材材 知知 识识 探探 究究词词 语语 解解 读读1. owe vt.&vi.欠欠(债等债等),感激;把,感激;把归功于归功于owe sb. sth.owe sth. to sb.欠某人某物欠某人某物owe for s

13、th.欠欠owe it to oneself to do sth.认为自己有必要做认为自己有必要做;认为;认为自己有责任做自己有责任做owe sth. to sb./sth.应把应把归功于归功于;受到;受到的恩惠,的恩惠,感激感激13共 126 页owing adj.未付的,欠着的未付的,欠着的owing to因为,由于因为,由于Ill write and tell Marie I owe her a letter anyway.我将写信告诉玛丽,不管怎样,我该给她写封信了。我将写信告诉玛丽,不管怎样,我该给她写封信了。Owing to a lack of funds, the project

14、 will not continue next year.由于缺乏资金,该项目明年将中止。由于缺乏资金,该项目明年将中止。14共 126 页 考试题考试题(2009安徽合肥安徽合肥)I _ you an apology for what I said this morning. Anyway, I mean no offence.A. owe B. makeC. demand D. accept答案与解析:答案与解析:A考查动词词义辨析,考查动词词义辨析,owe欠。欠。15共 126 页2. absorb vt.吸收;使专心;理解吸收;使专心;理解be absorbed by被被吞并;为吞并;

15、为所吸收所吸收be absorbed in全神贯注于全神贯注于;一心从事,热衷于;一心从事,热衷于absorb sb. s attention吸引某人的注意力吸引某人的注意力absorbable adj.易被吸收的易被吸收的absorbing adj.吸引人的吸引人的 解解题题警警示示absorb是是及及物物动动词词,因因此此后后面面必必须须跟跟宾宾语语,其其宾宾语语可可以以是是sth.或或sb.,也可以是反身代词,也可以是反身代词oneself。The writer was absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ash fro

16、m his cigar.作家全神作家全神贯注地写作,忘了注地写作,忘了弹去雪茄上的烟灰。去雪茄上的烟灰。16共 126 页 考试题考试题(2009湖北黄冈湖北黄冈)The writer was so _ in her work that she didnt notice him enter the room.A. abandoned B. focusedC. absorbed D. centered答案:答案:C17共 126 页3. exchange vt.交换;兑换;交流;交换;兑换;交流;n.交换;兑换交换;兑换exchange A for B 以以B交换交换/更换更换Aexchange

17、 sth.(with sb.)(同同)交换交换in exchange for作为交换作为交换make an exchange交换交换You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.你可以在旅馆把你的钱兑换成美元。你可以在旅馆把你的钱兑换成美元。18共 126 页Ill type your report if youll babysit in exchange.如果你愿意代我照看孩子,我就把这个报告给你打出来。如果你愿意代我照看孩子,我就把这个报告给你打出来。解题警示解题警示exchange强调对调,是相互关系,而强调对调,是相互关

18、系,而change强调调换,是单方面的。强调调换,是单方面的。19共 126 页 考试题考试题(2009金丽衢联考金丽衢联考)Silk from China found its way to India, the Middle East and Rome, _ spices and glass, which were not known to China.A. in charge of B. in exchange forC. in terms of D. in addition to答案与解析:答案与解析:Bin charge of负责,掌管;负责,掌管;in exchange for与与交

19、换;交换;in terms of根据,按照;根据,按照;in addition to除除之外。根据句意选之外。根据句意选B项。项。20共 126 页(2009临沂模拟临沂模拟)He _ his old car for a new model as soon as he had won the money.A. exchanged B. replacedC. transferred D. expanded答案:答案:A21共 126 页4. majority n大半,大多数大半,大多数carry/gain the majority赢得多数票赢得多数票in the majority占多数,拥有多数

20、占多数,拥有多数a majority of大多数大多数minority n少数少数In the nursing profession, women are in the majority.女性在护理行业中占大多数。女性在护理行业中占大多数。The majority of children in our class have brown eyes; only three have blue eyes.我们班大多数孩子是棕色眼睛,只有三个孩子是蓝眼睛。我们班大多数孩子是棕色眼睛,只有三个孩子是蓝眼睛。22共 126 页 解题警示解题警示majority通常与冠词连用,后接通常与冠词连用,后接“of

21、复数名复数名词词/代词代词”,表示,表示“的大多数的大多数”,即,即a/the majority ofn.(pl.)/pron.,此时若作主语,谓语动词用复数。,此时若作主语,谓语动词用复数。a/ the majority可单独用,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式可单独用,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式或复数形式皆可。或复数形式皆可。majority通常要跟定冠词通常要跟定冠词the连用,但在表示投票时的多数时,连用,但在表示投票时的多数时,可与不定冠词连用。可与不定冠词连用。23共 126 页 预测题预测题_passengers survived the traffic accident exce

22、pt a woman and two children.A. The most B. A majority of theC. Most of D. The majority of the答案:答案:D24共 126 页 用括号中词语的适当形式填空用括号中词语的适当形式填空The majority of doctors _ (believe) smoking is harmful to health.The majority of the damage _ (be) easy to repair.believeis25共 126 页5. book vt.&vi.预约,预订预约,预订book in

23、预定旅馆房间;办理登记手续预定旅馆房间;办理登记手续book up预订预订(车、船、飞机票、旅社房间等车、船、飞机票、旅社房间等)Mary has booked a flight from New York to London.玛丽已预订了从纽约到伦敦的飞机票。玛丽已预订了从纽约到伦敦的飞机票。The secretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton Hotel.秘书已经在希尔顿大酒店为经理预定了房间。秘书已经在希尔顿大酒店为经理预定了房间。26共 126 页 词语辨析词语辨析book与与orderbook表示表示“预订票、座、房间等预订票、座

24、、房间等”。order表示表示“预订货物、菜、衣物等预订货物、菜、衣物等”。27共 126 页 预测题预测题After _ a ticket to New York, she went on reading the book.A. booking B. orderingC. recording D. arranging答案:答案:A28共 126 页 用用book或或order的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The manager _ a magic show for Sunday night yesterday.He _ his son a new suit last Sunday.booked

25、ordered29共 126 页6manner n礼貌;风格;方式;习惯礼貌;风格;方式;习惯manners 礼貌;礼仪;规矩礼貌;礼仪;规矩good/bad manners 有有/没有礼貌没有礼貌have no manners 没有礼貌没有礼貌have no manner of right 毫无权利毫无权利 解题警示解题警示manner作作“方式方式”、“方法方法”解释时只有单解释时只有单数形式,不用复数形式,表示复数形式的数形式,不用复数形式,表示复数形式的“方式方式”、“方方法法”用用ways,通常不说,通常不说these manners,而说,而说these ways。“用这种方式用这

26、种方式”可以用可以用in this way/in this manner/by this means/with this method来表示。来表示。30共 126 页 预测题预测题He has gentle _ and appearance and he is popular with all the girls.A. ways B. methodsC. approaches D. manners答案:答案:D31共 126 页7. curiously adv.好奇地好奇地curious adj.好奇的;求知的;古怪的好奇的;求知的;古怪的be curious about.对对好奇好奇be

27、curious to do 急于做急于做curiosity n好奇心好奇心out of curiosity 出于好奇出于好奇in/with curiosity 好奇地好奇地 解题警示解题警示curious可用于可用于It is curious that从句结构中,表示从句结构中,表示“是奇怪的是奇怪的”,从句的谓语一般采用,从句的谓语一般采用“(should)动词原形动词原形”表示虚拟。表示虚拟。32共 126 页 考试题考试题(2009湖北联考湖北联考)The teacher wants his students to know more about modern science and t

28、ries hard to develop a(n) _ about nature among his students.Acuriosity BhabitCability Dindependence答案与解析:答案与解析:A考查名词辨析。从语境看,本题表示老师考查名词辨析。从语境看,本题表示老师培养学生对大自然的培养学生对大自然的“好奇心,求知欲好奇心,求知欲”,让学生更多地,让学生更多地了解现代科学,四个选项只有了解现代科学,四个选项只有A项项“好奇心好奇心”符合语境。符合语境。B项项“习惯习惯”,C项项“能力能力”,D项项“独立独立”。33共 126 页8. request n&vt.请求

29、请求make a request for sth.请求得到某物请求得到某物at sb.s request (at the request of sb.)应某人之请求应某人之请求request sth.of/from sb.向某人请求某事向某人请求某事request sb. to do sth.请求某人做某事请求某人做某事He ignored the neighbours requests that he should make less noise.他无视邻居要他别那样吵闹的要求。他无视邻居要他别那样吵闹的要求。34共 126 页All club members are requested t

30、o attend the annual meeting.请全体俱乐部会员出席年会。请全体俱乐部会员出席年会。解题警示解题警示request后的宾语从句或名词性从句需用虚拟后的宾语从句或名词性从句需用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用语气,即谓语动词用“(should)动词原形动词原形”。35共 126 页 预测题预测题This is his only request that the room _ after being used.A. be cleaned B. would be cleanedC. is cleaned D. will be cleaned答案:答案:A36共 126 页9. fami

31、liar adj.熟悉的,常见的熟悉的,常见的be familiar with sth.对对熟悉,通晓熟悉,通晓be familiar to sb.为为所熟知所熟知familiarity n熟悉,通晓熟悉,通晓familiarize v使某人熟悉某事物使某人熟悉某事物The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery.住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。The teenager is very familiar with computer softwares.这个十几岁的孩子对电脑软件

32、非常熟悉。这个十几岁的孩子对电脑软件非常熟悉。37共 126 页 考试题考试题(2010河南六市联考河南六市联考)The music,_which the active elderly were dancing, sounded a bit familiar _ me.Ato; to Bfrom; withCto; with Dat; to答案与解析:答案与解析:Abe familiar to sb.:对某人来说熟悉,故:对某人来说熟悉,故第二空处为第二空处为“to”,排除,排除B、C项;第一空中的项;第一空中的“to”作作介词,表伴随,它与介词,表伴随,它与“which”一起引导非限制定语从

33、句,一起引导非限制定语从句,修饰先行词修饰先行词“the music”。句意:那些活跃的老年人跳舞。句意:那些活跃的老年人跳舞时伴随的音乐,对我来说有点儿熟悉。时伴随的音乐,对我来说有点儿熟悉。38共 126 页10. cautious adj.小心翼翼的,谨慎的小心翼翼的,谨慎的be cautious of/about/with留意,谨防留意,谨防be cautious not to do sth.小心不做某事小心不做某事The old lady is very cautious with money.那位老太太用钱很谨慎。那位老太太用钱很谨慎。The boss is cautious ab

34、out making promises.老板对承诺持谨慎态度。老板对承诺持谨慎态度。I should be cautious not to give offence.我应该小心不要得罪人。我应该小心不要得罪人。39共 126 页 解题警示解题警示cautious比比careful语气强,指十分小心,免得出危语气强,指十分小心,免得出危险或者差错,带有提防意味。险或者差错,带有提防意味。考试题考试题(2009临沂质检临沂质检)The man moved _ forward and looked over the edge, shrinking his shoulders.Aaccurately

35、BcautiouslyCbrilliantly Ddisappointedly答案与解析:答案与解析:B考查副词辨析。副词:考查副词辨析。副词:accurately精确地,精确地,cautiously警惕地、慎重地,警惕地、慎重地,brilliantly辉煌地,辉煌地,disappointedly失望地。由失望地。由“shrinking his shoulders”可以可以判断这个人在小心谨慎地移动。故答案选判断这个人在小心谨慎地移动。故答案选B项。项。40共 126 页11. stare vt. 凝视,盯着看凝视,盯着看stare sb. up and down上下打量某人上下打量某人sta

36、re into the distance凝视着远方凝视着远方glare at瞪眼看,对瞪眼看,对怒目而视怒目而视look at看着看着glance at扫视,匆匆一看扫视,匆匆一看41共 126 页 词语辨析词语辨析stare at, glare at, look at与与glance atstare at sb./sth.表示由于吃惊、害怕、羡慕而瞪大眼睛,表示由于吃惊、害怕、羡慕而瞪大眼睛,目不转睛地注视。目不转睛地注视。glare at表示表示“怒目而视怒目而视”,表由于生气而睁大眼睛,用,表由于生气而睁大眼睛,用凶狠的目光注视,强调敌对或威胁。凶狠的目光注视,强调敌对或威胁。look

37、at为最普通的看,既无吃惊、害怕、羡慕之意或粗鲁为最普通的看,既无吃惊、害怕、羡慕之意或粗鲁的态度,也无凶狠或恐吓之意。的态度,也无凶狠或恐吓之意。glance at指匆匆一瞥。指匆匆一瞥。42共 126 页 用用stare at, glare at, look at的正确形式填空的正确形式填空Its not polite to _ a stranger.They didnt shout or swear, but just _ each other.On his bicycle, he _ his watch.stare atglared atlooked at43共 126 页12. co

38、nduct vt.进行,实施,管理,传导;进行,实施,管理,传导;n.行为,品行,指导,行为,品行,指导,经营经营conduct an experiment/an inquiry/a survey进行实验进行实验/询问询问/调调查查conduct a concert指挥音乐会指挥音乐会conduct oneself举止,表现举止,表现under the conduct of在在指导指导/管理下管理下The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.导游引导我们游览了古城废墟。导游引导我们游览了古城废墟。Copper cond

39、ucts electricity better than other materials do.铜的导电性能优于其他材料。铜的导电性能优于其他材料。44共 126 页 预测题预测题Why has his fellow students _ changed towards Mary?Aconducts BconductCconduction Dconductor答案与解析:答案与解析:Bconduct此处意为此处意为“行为,品行行为,品行”,是不,是不可数名词;可数名词;conduction传导;传导;conductor指挥,售票员。指挥,售票员。45共 126 页13. belong vi.属

40、于,该在属于,该在(某处某处)belong to属于属于belongings n所有物,行李;相关事物所有物,行李;相关事物解题警示解题警示belong to不可用于被动语态,也不可用于进行时。不可用于被动语态,也不可用于进行时。belong可与其他介词、副词连用,表示可与其他介词、副词连用,表示“适合待在某处或放适合待在某处或放在某处在某处”。Put that chair back where it belongs.把椅子放回原处。把椅子放回原处。The house belonged to my grandfather.这座房子原是属于我祖父的。这座房子原是属于我祖父的。46共 126 页

41、预测题预测题Remember to put the CD back where it _.Ais belonged Bis belonged toCbelongs Dbelongs to答案与解析:答案与解析:Cbelong不能用于被动语态,排除不能用于被动语态,排除A项和项和B项,又因前面用了项,又因前面用了where,排除,排除D项。项。47共 126 页14. attach v系;固定;连接系;固定;连接attach.to.把把固定到固定到,把,把附在附在attach oneself to参加;和参加;和在一起在一起attach ones name to在在上签名上签名attach to

42、 sb./sth.与与有联系,与有联系,与有关联有关联be attached to依恋;爱慕,附属于依恋;爱慕,附属于48共 126 页 解题警示解题警示在在attach.to.,attach oneself to和和be attached to中中to为介词。为介词。Attach a recent photograph to your application form.申请表上请贴一张近照。申请表上请贴一张近照。Its easy to become attached to the children you work with. Too attached, sometimes.很容易喜欢上和你

43、相处的孩子们,有时会喜欢过头。很容易喜欢上和你相处的孩子们,有时会喜欢过头。49共 126 页 考试题考试题(2010郴州质量监测郴州质量监测)Your failure in the final exam lies in the fact that you didnt _ enough importance to your English.Aattach BattackCattend Dobtain答案与解析:答案与解析:Aattach enough importance“引起足够重引起足够重视视”。50共 126 页15. contrary adj.相反的;相反的;n.相反,反面相反,反面b

44、e contrary to与与相反相反on the contrary相反地相反地to the contrary相反地,有相反的证据相反地,有相反的证据by contraries与预期相反与预期相反His views are contrary to mine.他的看法与我的相反。他的看法与我的相反。He produced no evidence to the contrary.他没有拿出相反的证据。他没有拿出相反的证据。51共 126 页 词语辨析词语辨析contrary与与oppositecontrary指两物朝相反的方向发展,含有指两物朝相反的方向发展,含有“互相冲突,不互相冲突,不一致一致

45、”的意思。的意思。opposite指位置、方向、地位、性质、意义等指位置、方向、地位、性质、意义等“对立的,对立的,相反的相反的”。52共 126 页 预测题预测题He passed the examination,_what I expected.A. contrary to B. thank toC. due to D. in order to答案:答案:A53共 126 页 用用contrary或或opposite填空填空Your plan is _ to mine.“True”and“false”have _ meanings.contraryopposite54共 126 页16.

46、bear vt.&vi.携带;容忍;承受;生育携带;容忍;承受;生育bear in mind牢记在心牢记在心bear down on逼近;压住逼近;压住bear with容忍,忍耐容忍,忍耐cant/couldnt bearn./v.ing/to do不不能能忍忍受受(动动名名词词表表示示习习惯性的动作,不定式表示某一次具体的动作惯性的动作,不定式表示某一次具体的动作)bear the blame/weight/cost/responsibility承承担担责责备备/重重量量/费费用用/责任责任Bearing in mind that hes only ten, I think he did

47、very well.考虑到他只有考虑到他只有10岁,我认为他做得非常好。岁,我认为他做得非常好。55共 126 页I just cant bear that kind of selfishness.我就是无法忍受那种自私。我就是无法忍受那种自私。解题警示解题警示bear的过去式和过去分词是不规则变化,分的过去式和过去分词是不规则变化,分别是别是bore,borne。表示。表示“出生,出自出生,出自”时用时用born,并且,并且仅用于被动语态,表示仅用于被动语态,表示“生育生育”时用时用borne。当当bear意为意为“忍耐,忍受忍耐,忍受”时通常与时通常与can,could连用于连用于疑问句及

48、否定句中。疑问句及否定句中。56共 126 页 预测题预测题Mum,its fine today. I want to skate on the lake.Dont you think the ice is too thin to _ your weight?A. stand B. bearC. catch D. take答案与解析:答案与解析:Bbear ones weight意为意为“承受某人的体重承受某人的体重”。stand侧重指侧重指“精神上的承受精神上的承受”。57共 126 页I couldnt _ to listen any longer, so I left the room.

49、A. mind B. imagineC. bear D. resist答案:答案:C58共 126 页句句 型型 剖剖 析析1. If you are planning to come to Poland as a tourist, you will have plenty of interesting places to choose from.如果你计划来波兰参观,将有很多有趣的地方供你如果你计划来波兰参观,将有很多有趣的地方供你选择。选择。不定式不定式to choose from作定语,修饰作定语,修饰places。解题警示解题警示动词不定式作定语时与其所修饰的名词动词不定式作定语时与其

50、所修饰的名词(或代词或代词)之间有动之间有动宾关系,且该不定式中的动词是不及物动词,其后应有必宾关系,且该不定式中的动词是不及物动词,其后应有必要的介词。要的介词。59共 126 页有些名词如有些名词如time,way,right,reason等后常跟不定式作定语。等后常跟不定式作定语。the first, the second, the last, the best等后跟不定式作定语。等后跟不定式作定语。有有些些动动词词和和形形容容词词后后常常跟跟不不定定式式,这这些些动动词词和和形形容容词词派派生生出出来来的的名名词词后后也也可可用用不不定定式式作作定定语语:如如ability,agree

51、ment,anxiety,attempt等。等。There seemed to be no reason to stay.似乎没有留下的理由。似乎没有留下的理由。My sister said Id be the first to get married, but she was wrong.我妹妹说我会最先结婚,但她错了。我妹妹说我会最先结婚,但她错了。60共 126 页 考试题考试题(2009济南模拟济南模拟)If the building project _ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will

52、 be fined.Abeing completed Bis completedCto be completed Dcompleted答案与解析:答案与解析:C考查非谓语动词。据句意,应选考查非谓语动词。据句意,应选C项,为项,为动词不定式作定语,表示将来意义。动词不定式作定语,表示将来意义。61共 126 页(2009福建质检福建质检)The computer programs are a puzzle to me.The more I think of them, the more questions I think of _.Aask Basked Cbeing asked Dto as

53、k答案与解析:答案与解析:D解出此题的关键是断句。解出此题的关键是断句。., the more questions (that) I think of to ask. to ask作定语修饰作定语修饰that,原句中省略了关系代词。,原句中省略了关系代词。62共 126 页2. When I first arrived in San Francisco, I had a difficult time understanding certain aspects of the American way of doing things.刚到旧金山时,有段时间我感到很刚到旧金山时,有段时间我感到很难理

54、解美国人的某些处事方式。难理解美国人的某些处事方式。have a difficult (hard) time (in) doing sth.表示费力做某事。表示费力做某事。time前面还可用其他形容词修饰,有时修饰的形容词可以省前面还可用其他形容词修饰,有时修饰的形容词可以省略。略。have fun/pleasure (in) doing sth.乐于做某事乐于做某事have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难做某事有困难63共 126 页Its difficult for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事很困难对某人来说做某事很困难h

55、ave a good time (in) doing sth.表示愉快地做某事表示愉快地做某事waste time (in) doing sth.浪费时间做某事浪费时间做某事spend time (in) doing sth.花时间做某事花时间做某事John had a good time meeting many old friends at the party.这次聚会约翰见到许多朋友,玩得很愉快。这次聚会约翰见到许多朋友,玩得很愉快。They had no trouble in finding her new house with the help of a local farmer.在

56、当地一个村民的帮助下他们毫不费力地找到了她的新家。在当地一个村民的帮助下他们毫不费力地找到了她的新家。64共 126 页 考试题考试题(2010北京市东城区北京市东城区)The students will usually have a very anxious time _ for the results of the college entrance examinations.A. wait B. waitedC. to wait D. waiting答案与解析:答案与解析:D本题考查现在分词短语作状语,表示等待本题考查现在分词短语作状语,表示等待的状态。的状态。65共 126 页(2009

57、南京调研南京调研)The book mainly deals with the trouble teens might have _ right from wrong.A. distinguishing B. distinguishedC. to distinguish D. to be distinguished答案与解析:答案与解析:A考查句式结构。考查句式结构。have trouble (in) doing sth.为固定句式。为固定句式。teens might have.是定语从句,修饰是定语从句,修饰先行词先行词trouble。66共 126 页3. I had a similar

58、experience the last time I visited China.上次我访问中国时,也有一次类似的经历。上次我访问中国时,也有一次类似的经历。the last time引导时间状语从句。引导时间状语从句。解题警示解题警示the last time为名词词组,相当于从属连词,引导时间状为名词词组,相当于从属连词,引导时间状语从句。类似的以名词短语来充当连词的还有:语从句。类似的以名词短语来充当连词的还有:the moment, the minute, the instant, every time, each time, next time, the first time等。等。

59、67共 126 页另外另外directly, immediately, instantly都可引导时间状语从都可引导时间状语从句。句。no sooner.than, as soon as.和和hardly.when也可引也可引导时间状语从句。导时间状语从句。Make sure the property you are buying is insured immediately you exchange contracts.一交换合同,就应立刻给所购房产买保险。一交换合同,就应立刻给所购房产买保险。68共 126 页 考试题考试题(2010河南洛阳河南洛阳)Ill give the messag

60、e to Mary _ I see her.A. while B. even ifC. now that D. the moment答案与解析:答案与解析:Dthe moment 一一就就,句意:我一,句意:我一见到见到Mary就把这个消息告诉她。就把这个消息告诉她。69共 126 页随随 堂堂 检检 测测.单词拼写单词拼写1Your face seems f_. Ive probably met you here in the old days.2You must be c_. You mustnt take any unnecessary risks until you are quite

61、 sure.3Dont respond to any emails r_ personal information, no matter how official they look.familiarcautious requesting 70共 126 页4Do you know who won the latest Nobel Prize for _(文学文学)?5A young man a_ himself to a girl at the party and the girl couldnt get rid of him.6He is always m_ about his achie

62、vements.7The shortage of teachers in less developed areas seems to i_ that teaching there offers little chance of advancement or pay increases.8The teacher thought that the children went to the zoo; on the c_, they went to the bakery.literatureattachedmodestindicatecontrary71共 126 页.完成句子完成句子1Would y

63、ou mind _(让让我我搭搭便便车车)to school?2In the end I _ (习习惯惯工工作作)in such a condition.3I went to _ (为为他他送送行行)at the airport yesterday.4He _(坚坚持持要要我我去去)to see her first.giving me a liftgot/was used to workingsee him offinsisted on my going72共 126 页5Im determined _(制制止止)all these rumours.to put an end to73共 12

64、6 页.根据提示翻译句子根据提示翻译句子1请把那份报纸递给我,好吗?请把那份报纸递给我,好吗?(mind)答案:答案:Would you mind passing the newspaper to me?2第一次去北京时,我给我弟弟买了很多礼物。第一次去北京时,我给我弟弟买了很多礼物。(the first time)答案:答案:I bought a lot of presents for my brother the first time I went to Beijing.3这个工厂是世界上第一个生产收音机的。这个工厂是世界上第一个生产收音机的。(不定式作定语不定式作定语)答案:答案:Thi

65、s factory was the first to produce radios in the world.74共 126 页4可怜的可怜的Bob费了很大力气试着把孩子们哄上床睡觉。费了很大力气试着把孩子们哄上床睡觉。(have a hard time)答案:答案:Poor Bob had a hard time trying to get the children to go to bed.5你认为谁被派往那工作?你认为谁被派往那工作?(suggest)答案:答案:Who do you suggest be sent to work there?75共 126 页.交际用语交际用语1(20

66、08辽宁辽宁)Did you have a good time in Thailand last week?_,it was too hot.ANot really BYeah,why notCOh,great DYoure right答案与解析:答案与解析:A根据答语的后半句根据答语的后半句It was too hot.可以判可以判断出,玩得并不高兴。断出,玩得并不高兴。76共 126 页2(2008天津天津)How much do I owe you for lunch?_. Its nothing.AYoure welcome BForget itCWith pleasure DThat

67、s right答案与解析:答案与解析:B“午餐我欠你多少钱?午餐我欠你多少钱?”Forget it.“算了吧,算了吧,别放在心上。别放在心上。”You are welcome.“不用谢。不用谢。”With pleasure.“非常乐意非常乐意(用于答应别人的请求用于答应别人的请求)。”Thats right.“那是对的那是对的”。77共 126 页3Has your brother finished the work?_,he has only just begun.A. First of all B. Believe it or notC. On the contrary D. Never

68、mind答案与解析:答案与解析:Con the contrary意为意为“相反地相反地”,“你兄你兄弟的工作完成了吧弟的工作完成了吧”和和“才刚刚开始才刚刚开始”是一对相反的表达。是一对相反的表达。78共 126 页4. (2009杭州地区七校联考杭州地区七校联考)I forgot to carry my cellphone, could I use yours?_.A. I wonder howB. I dont wonderC. Sorry, its out of orderD. No wonder, here it is答案与解析:答案与解析:C常见的拒绝请求和邀请的应答用语有:常见的拒

69、绝请求和邀请的应答用语有:Sorry, but./Id rather you./Thank you,but./No way等。等。79共 126 页5. (2009深圳中学深圳中学)Do you mind if I smoke in this room?_.A. Id rather you didnt, actuallyB. Of course not. Its not allowed hereC. Great!I dislike smokingD. No, you cant答案与解析:答案与解析:A对于对于mind的提问,的提问,of course not和和no都都是表示不介意,但是表示不

70、介意,但B、D项里的后部分答语却是否定,前项里的后部分答语却是否定,前后矛盾,所以排除这两项;后矛盾,所以排除这两项;C项的答语也是前后矛盾。所项的答语也是前后矛盾。所以正确答案是以正确答案是A项。项。80共 126 页.语法专练语法专练1. (2010沈阳四校联考沈阳四校联考) Tom pretended _ it, but in fact, he knew it very well a long time ago.A. not to listen toB. not to hear aboutC. not to have heard aboutD. not to be listening t

71、o答案:答案:C81共 126 页2. (2010苏州中学苏州中学) The place he suggested _ for the holiday is quite far from here.A. to go B. goingC. go D. went答案:答案:A82共 126 页3(2010胶州诊断胶州诊断) Farm land _ quickly,so they are considering _ a programme to solve the problem.Ais getting lost; startingBis lost; to startCis losing; star

72、tingDloses; to start答案:答案:A83共 126 页4. (2010湖南四市九校联考湖南四市九校联考)_ the waterfront of the city after sunset, you couldnt help stopping and listening to the sweet silence, interrupted only by the screaming seabirds and leaving fishing boats.A. Followed B. To followC. Following D. Having followed答案:答案:C84共

73、 126 页5. (2010合肥合肥168中中)Taiyuan, a city in North China, was struck by a heavy snowfall last week, _ serious traffic problems.A. to face B. facedC. facing D. having faced答案:答案:C85共 126 页6(2010皖南八校联考皖南八校联考)Something as simple as _ vegetables in childhood may help to protect you against serious illness

74、 in later life.Ato eat BeatingCto be eating Deaten答案:答案:B86共 126 页7(2010北京东城区北京东城区)The driver braked hard to avoid _ a child coming in his way.Ahit Bto hitChitting Dto have hit答案:答案:C 87共 126 页8(2010北京东城区北京东城区) Museums in Beijing are on the move, _ exhibits that entertain and educate.Aadded BaddingC

75、to add Dhaving added答案:答案:B88共 126 页9(2010北京海淀区北京海淀区)_ a lot of people needed medical help, I decided to be a volunteer worker.AKnow BKnownCKnowing DTo know答案:答案:C89共 126 页10(2010厦门双十中学厦门双十中学)Wow! It snowed last night.What a nice world!Youre right.But its more difficult to find my missing keys with

76、snow _ the ground.Acovered BcoversCto cover Dcovering答案:答案:D90共 126 页11. (2010威海质检威海质检)I cant imagine _ all my days relaxing on Hawaii beach.I think youll make it some day.A. spend B. spentC. spending D. to spend答案:答案:C91共 126 页课时检测课时检测(Unit 12Culture Shock)92共 126 页.单项填空单项填空1Why was Professor Smith

77、 unhappy recently?Because the theory he insisted on _ wrong.AprovedBprovingCbeing proved Dwas proved答案与解析:答案与解析:A本题容易受本题容易受“insist on doing sth.”的影的影响而误选响而误选B项。实际上,项。实际上,he insisted on是定语从句,是定语从句,prove是谓语动词。句意:是谓语动词。句意:为什么史密斯教授最近不为什么史密斯教授最近不开心?开心?因为他坚持的理论证明是错误的。因为他坚持的理论证明是错误的。93共 126 页2Danis is _ wr

78、iting a new novel and has no eye for his wife and children.A. occupied to B. busied forC. absorbed in D. engaged with答案与解析:答案与解析:Cbe absorbed in sth.意为意为“全神贯注干某全神贯注干某事事”。94共 126 页3In order to avoid _ by the parents, the boy decided not to tell the truth to his parents.Ascolded Bto scoldCscolding Dbe

79、ing scolded答案与解析:答案与解析:Davoid后接动词后接动词ing形式作宾语;又因此处形式作宾语;又因此处的的scold与与the parents之间为动宾关系,故用被动语态。之间为动宾关系,故用被动语态。句意:为了避免被父母责骂,这个男孩决定不将真相告诉句意:为了避免被父母责骂,这个男孩决定不将真相告诉他的父母。他的父母。95共 126 页4This kind of food product is natural, with no _ flavors added.A. accurate B. regularC. sensitive D. artificial答案与解析:答案与解

80、析:Dartificial人造的;人造的;regular有规律的;有规律的;accurate精确的;精确的;sensitive敏感的。句意:这种食品是敏感的。句意:这种食品是天然的,没有添加人造香料。天然的,没有添加人造香料。96共 126 页5I suppose you need more people to do the work.Dont you know “three helping one another _ the load of six”?Astand BbearCcatch Dhold答案与解析:答案与解析:Bstand容忍,忍受;容忍,忍受;bear负担,容忍;负担,容忍;c

81、atch抓住;抓住;hold抓住,持有。此处意为:三个臭皮匠,抓住,持有。此处意为:三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。顶个诸葛亮。97共 126 页6It is reported that three students were _ in the unexpected accident.Ainjured BwoundedCcut Dharmed答案与解析:答案与解析:Ainjure主要指意外事故中损害健康、容貌主要指意外事故中损害健康、容貌等,强调功能的损失。句意:据报道有三名学生在突如其等,强调功能的损失。句意:据报道有三名学生在突如其来的事故中受伤。来的事故中受伤。98共 126 页7_outsta

82、nding contributions from many scientists, we have achieved great success in the field of spaceflight.AOwing to BOn accountCBecause DDue to答案与解析:答案与解析:A句意:由于许多科学家的突出贡献,我们句意:由于许多科学家的突出贡献,我们在航天领域取得了巨大成功。在航天领域取得了巨大成功。owing to“由于,因为由于,因为”,符合题意。符合题意。on account of“由于,因为由于,因为”;because后跟后跟句子;句子;due to引导的短语常用

83、作表语。引导的短语常用作表语。99共 126 页8We should _ primary importance to job training.Aattach BconcentrateCdevote Demphasize答案与解析:答案与解析:A句意:我们应该将工作培训看做是最重要句意:我们应该将工作培训看做是最重要的。的。attach to“附着于,使依恋附着于,使依恋”,符合题意。,符合题意。concentrate on“全神贯注于全神贯注于”;devote do“把把奉献奉献于;于;emphasize“强调,着重强调,着重”。100共 126 页9Dont worry about the

84、 present situation in the world; _ of people prefer peace to war.Athe most Bthe great partCthe majority Dthe number答案与解析:答案与解析:Cthe majority of“大多数大多数”。most作作代词时后接代词时后接of,可接可数名词或不可数名词,前面通常不,可接可数名词或不可数名词,前面通常不与冠词连用;与冠词连用;the great part不指人;不指人;the number of“的数目的数目”,与题意不符。,与题意不符。101共 126 页10Its a very

85、popular play, and it would be wise to _ seats well in advance.Aprovide BbuyCbook Dtake答案与解析:答案与解析:C句意:这部戏很受大众欢迎,提前订好座句意:这部戏很受大众欢迎,提前订好座位是明智的。位是明智的。book“预订预订”,符合题意。,符合题意。provide“提供,提供,供给供给”;buy“购买购买”;take“拿走,带走拿走,带走”。102共 126 页11Dad _ whisky, but normally only drank in the evening when work was done.

86、Awas tired of Bwas fond ofCwas familiar with Dwas afraid of答案与解析:答案与解析:B句意:爸爸喜欢喝威士忌,但是只有在晚句意:爸爸喜欢喝威士忌,但是只有在晚上工作做完了的时候才喝。上工作做完了的时候才喝。be fond of“喜欢喜欢”,符合题,符合题意。意。be tired of“讨厌讨厌”;be familiar with“对对熟悉的熟悉的”;be afraid of“害怕害怕”。103共 126 页12You werent boring me. _, youre interesting me frightfully.AOn th

87、e contrary BOn the averageCOn the whole DOn the other hand答案与解析:答案与解析:A句意:你没有使我厌烦,正相反,你使我句意:你没有使我厌烦,正相反,你使我很感兴趣。很感兴趣。on the contrary“相反,恰恰相反相反,恰恰相反”,符合题,符合题意。意。on the average平均起来;平均起来;on the whole总而言之,总而言之,大体上;大体上;on the other hand另一方面。另一方面。104共 126 页13“We should make our efforts _ the mystery of sp

88、ace,”Jing Haipeng said before Shenzhou was launched into space.Aexplore Bto exploreCexplored Dexploring答案与解析:答案与解析:Bmake ones efforts to do sth.是固定词组。是固定词组。105共 126 页14Which do you enjoy _ your Labor holidays, going to Shanghai or climbing Huangshan Mountain?Aspending Bbeing spentCspend Dto spend答案与

89、解析:答案与解析:Denjoy的宾语是的宾语是which,to spend.作目的作目的状语。状语。106共 126 页15Rather than _ the vegetables to go bad, the poor farmer preferred _ them at half price.A. allow; sell B. allowing; sellC. allow; to sell D. to allow; selling答案与解析:答案与解析:C本句是本句是prefer to do.rather than do sth.的句型,而把的句型,而把rather than do sth

90、.倒装到了句首。倒装到了句首。107共 126 页.阅读理解阅读理解AI shall never forget the night, a few years ago, when Marion J. Douglas was a student in one of my adulteducation classes. He told us how tragedy had struck at his home, not once, but twice. The first time he had lost his fiveyearold daughter. He and his wife thoug

91、ht they couldnt bear that first loss; but, as he said, “Ten months later, God gave us another little girl and she died in five days. ”108共 126 页 This double bereavement was almost too much to bear. “I couldnt take it,” this father told us. “I couldnt sleep, eat, rest or relax. My nerves were entirel

92、y shaken and my confidence gone. ” At last he went to doctors; one recommended sleeping pills and another recommended a trip, but neither helped. He said,“ My body felt as if it was surrounded in a vice (大钳子大钳子), and the jaws of the vice were being drawn tighter and tighter. ” The tension of grief (

93、悲伤悲伤)if you have ever been paralyzed (使瘫痪使瘫痪) by sorrow, you know what he meant.109共 126 页“But thank God, I had one child lefta fouryearold son. He gave me the solution to my problem. One afternoon as I sat around feeling sorry for myself, he asked,Daddy, will you build a boat for me? I was in no mo

94、od to build a boat; in fact, I was in no mood to do anything. But my son is a persistent little fellow! I had to give in. Building that toy boat took me about three hours. By the time it was finished, I realized that those three hours spent building that boat were first hours of mental relaxation an

95、d peace that I had had in months! I realized that it is difficult to worry while you are busy doing something that requires planning and thinking. In my case, building the boat had knocked worry out of the ring.So I determined to keep busy. ”110共 126 页“The following night, I made a list of jobs that

96、 ought to be done. Scores of items needed to be repaired. Amazingly, I had made a list of 200 items that needed attention. During the last two years I have completed most of them. I am busy now that I have no time for worry. ”111共 126 页 No time for worry! That is exactly what Winston Churchill said

97、when he was working eighteen hours a day at the height of the war. When he was asked if he worried about his huge responsibilities, he said, “I am too busy. I have no time for worry. ”112共 126 页 16. The underlined word “bereavement” in the second paragraph refers to _. A. having lost a loved one B.

98、having lost a valuable article C. having lost a profitmaking business D. having lost a wellpaid job答案与解析:答案与解析:A猜词题。通过第一段的描述,可知这是丧猜词题。通过第一段的描述,可知这是丧亲之痛。亲之痛。 113共 126 页17. Marion felt his body as if it was caught in a vice because _. A. he couldnt earn enough money to support his family B. he was suf

99、fering from sleeplessness disease C. he couldnt get out of mental pressure D. he felt tired of adulteducation classes答案与解析:答案与解析:C推理判断题。根据前两段的内容可推断得推理判断题。根据前两段的内容可推断得知,这是因为他还无法走出丧亲的打击。知,这是因为他还无法走出丧亲的打击。114共 126 页18. Marion made a list of over 200 items that needed to be repaired because _. A. he had

100、nt been able to spare time to mend them B. he wanted to kill his free time by repairing them C. the items had actually been broken and needed attention D. repairing the items helped crowd worry out of his mind答案与解析:答案与解析:D细节理解题。在倒数第二段中,说通过准细节理解题。在倒数第二段中,说通过准备这备这200个条目,能使他暂时忘却痛苦,充实它的意识。个条目,能使他暂时忘却痛苦,

101、充实它的意识。115共 126 页19. At the end of the passage, the author wrote about Winston Churchill in order to _. A. prove that he followed Churchills example B. support his students solution to his problem C. show that he was successful in his career D. clarify how his conclusion was reached答案与解析:答案与解析:B推理判断

102、题。题意是问作者的写作意图,推理判断题。题意是问作者的写作意图,通读全篇文章可知这是论据,来支持他学生解决问题的方通读全篇文章可知这是论据,来支持他学生解决问题的方法。法。116共 126 页B117共 126 页 We all know that when leaves fall to the ground they die and become food for worms. When worms pass the leaves, their waste can help to make the soil rich, from which the plants use to get the

103、ir nutrition. The plants grow and provide food for animals. When the animals eat the plants, their waste goes back into the soil. Its a perfect cycle.118共 126 页But at the Elephant Conservation Centre in Lampang, Northern Thailand, they are using elephant waste for something moreto make 100% natural,

104、 beautiful colorful paper products! 100 years ago over 100,000 elephants in Thailand worked on farms, building sites and even in the army. However, only 6,000 remain there today because of advances in technology that have made elephants old work less necessary. Elephants are doing new jobs now, incl

105、uding entertaining tourists by painting and playing football, and now by helping in the paper making industry. And their keepers, called Mahouts, can earn a living for their families and help their elephants by using elephant waste, also called “dung” to make beautiful,natural, paper products withou

106、t any bad smell. 119共 126 页Every day an adult elephant eats about 200kg of plants like bamboo, grass and watermelon seeds. His body system breaks the plants into 50kg of fibers, which can produce 115 sheets of fibrous paper.120共 126 页The first step to make this special natural paper is to collect th

107、e fiber rich “dung” from the elephant. The next step is to wash it and boil it for five hours to kill bacteria. (The water they use in this process is reused to water plants at the Centre, which, in turn, feed the elephants). After its boiled, they cut fibers up. During the cutting process, they add

108、 in the desired color of the paper. For the fourth step, they take the mixture and make balls of 300g. Each ball is then spread lightly over bamboo frames to dry into one large sheet of paper. After a few hours in the sun, the sheets are dry enough to remove. The result is a wonderful, 100% natural,

109、 recycled paper. People around the world are getting interested in buying this special elephant paper for their holiday cards, writing paper and much more, because its beautiful, natural and helps so many.121共 126 页 20. Why are there few elephants in Thailand today than before? A. Because they dont

110、have enough food. B. Because they were killed in the war. C. Because the technology develops very fast. D. Because the Mahouts dont want to keep them.答案与解析:答案与解析:C第二段中提到原因。泰国大象数量锐减是第二段中提到原因。泰国大象数量锐减是因为因为“科技的进步,大象过去的工作方式被淘汰科技的进步,大象过去的工作方式被淘汰”。 122共 126 页 21. What is the famous product mentioned in th

111、e passage? A. Paper. B. Dung. C. Fibers. D. Bamboo frames.答案与解析:答案与解析:A文章重点提到的就是这种文章重点提到的就是这种“漂亮、多彩的漂亮、多彩的天然纸天然纸”。123共 126 页22. What are the exact words to describe the whole process of the product? A. Common, interesting, and inexpensive. B. Unusual, amazing, and perfect. C. Impossible, special, bu

112、t necessary. D. Natural, wonderful and common.答案与解析:答案与解析:B用大象的排泄物作成一种无异味、无公害用大象的排泄物作成一种无异味、无公害纯天然,漂亮的纸。贴切的词正是纯天然,漂亮的纸。贴切的词正是B项的项的“非凡、奇特、非凡、奇特、完美完美”。124共 126 页.短文改错短文改错My friend Henry has a most unusually hobby. He likes plant flowers in strange places. When the spring comes round, you can always te

113、ll Henry had been busy working because the dirty side of canals (沟渠沟渠) and railway banks suddenly become filled of flowers. In his spare time, with pockets full of seeds, Henry goes round by his bike. He has a long pipe with him blow seeds into places that is hard to reach. When his flowers fade (凋谢

114、凋谢), he goes round again to collect its seeds. In this way he always has a big supply.125共 126 页答案:答案:My friend Henry has a most unusually(unusual) hobby. He likes plant(planting)flowers in strange places. When the(/) spring comes round, you can always tell Henry had(has) been busy working because t

115、he dirty side(sides) of canals (沟沟渠渠) and railway banks suddenly become filled(full) of flowers. In his spare time, with pockets full of seeds, Henry goes round by(on) his bike. He has a long pipe with him (to )blow seeds into places that is(are )hard to reach. When his flowers fade (凋凋谢谢), he goes round again to collect its(their )seeds. In this way he always has a big supply.126共 126 页



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