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1、Book 4 Module 1 Feelings and impressionsUnit 1 It smells delicious一、教学内容: Unit 1 It smells delicious二、课型: Listening and speaking三、教学目标:1 .通 过 本 课 的 学 习 , 学 生 能 够 正 确 运 用 下 列 单 词 和 词 组 :smell, salt, sour, soft, cookie, pizza, lovely, done, try, have a try, pie, sound, sweettooth, jam, ear2 . 能够听懂用表感觉

2、和知觉的系动词所表述的内容,并能与图片匹配。3 . 能够使用感官动词 smell、taste、feel、look、sound等词,对食物的味道进行评论,正确表达自己的喜好。四、教学重难点: 能利用系表结构的句子对事物的味道、印象等进行评论,确切地表达自己或他人的喜好或是心情等。五、 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式,培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听说获取信息, 培养学生的听说技能。 课前将本课所需要的录音、图片、文字、和音乐制成课件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。六、教学过程:闻乐见的形式导教学步骤教师活动学

3、生活动设计意图Step OneWarminaWarming-up1. Have the students see a flashand sing the song Head,shoulders,knees and toetoaether.1. Touch their body parts andsing with the song.Thenanswer the teacher squestion.让 学 生 观 赏fla sh 歌 曲 , 进行课前热身,歌曲欣赏,以学生喜-up (3 ) Questions: Try to get the answer:入新课,创造轻Whats the son

4、g about? Its about our body.松愉快的学习气 Do you know other words Yes. Eyes, mouth, nose氛 ,激发学习兴1about the body?2.Ask What can you do with youreyes/ears/mouth/nose/hands?Than intrnducp thp titlpetc.2. Answer:we use our tolook,sound,taste,smell, feel.趣。通 过 姬 对话,过渡自然迅速步入主题,引出感官动词。Taskl I parn the naw wcrda

5、and kav stnirtiirAS f Antivitv A)1.1. Some students come to通过物” 看Step TwoBring the students some food andthe front and eat the food一看” “ 摸一摸”Pre-task(real things .Play a video and music.and drink. Use a sentence和食物“ 尝一尝”5)t(Ask:)express their feeling.的活动来活踩T: Do you like ?S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.堂

6、,询问学生的T; How does it taste/sound/look/S:The cookie tastes sweet./感觉和印象,让feel/smell?salty.学生感知理解,The coffie smells delicious.学会运用感官动2.Organize the students to read the2 Read the new words词回答。同敢new words.together.授新单词。3.Pair work3.Studying in pairs.散 学 生 思Ask and answer questions about theTalk about t

7、heir feelings and维,能锄问并things. Say why they like or dontimpressions using the target表达对事物的感like them.language.觉和评价。和同A: Do you like flowers?B: Yes, I do. They look nice.伴开展语言隐A:Do you like pop music?B.Yes, it sounds beautiful.活动。加深对感官动词的理解与运用。StepThreeTask2 Listening . (Activity 1 and Activity 2.Whi

8、le-tasHave the students do someListeningk (20 ) listening. (Activity 1 and Finish Activity 1. Listen后 及 腕Activity 2.)and number the pictures.Activity 1 的听Activity 2. Listen againand complete力来训练学生听the力,加深学生对sentences.本课新词的印象。Task3Listen and answer (Activity 3)Say Betty and her friends are Listen and

9、 answer thehaving get-together party. She is questions:箱 问 题 听课文,可以注cooking some food for them. Do She makes some生有目的的听录they like them? Please listen and cookies, a pizza, an appleask my questions:pie and a cake.音,并学会综合所 前 信 息 作 What does Betty make? Cheese doesnt smell答。(2) .What doesnt smell fresh

10、?fresh.2Group work. What tastes sweet? Cookie and sugar tastesweet.Task 4 Reading.1. Ask the students to read theconversation and complete thetable in Activity 5.2. Call back the answers.1. Students read theconversation and completethe table in Activity 5.2. Give the answers.把 活 动 三 的内容作为活动 5题 目 的 阅

11、 读 材料,给学生充足先学先理解的时I用,有利十卜师段的授课。lasKb1. Organize the students to readthe conversation with the video,underline the sense wordsSum up:S+ link v.+ adj2.Ask the Ss to read theconversation in groups.3. Organize the students to havea competition: Read theconversation in groups andPractice reading.1.Studen

12、t read theconversation with thevideo and underline the sensewords2. Practice reading ingroups.3. Have a competition:Read the conversation ingroups and choose the besl通 过 观 看 视频代替枯燥乏味的凭空想象,同时获取正确的语音语调。通 过 小 组 内朗读,互相纠正错误,培养团结L U U U O D mo U D O I yivup. group. Try to read the best.台 1 午 才 有 不 中 。I as

13、K b bolv1 .Organize students to read theconversation again and find thelanguage points. Let themdiscuss in groups and solve theirproblems.2 .Ask three little teachers tohelp the students solve theirproblems.e the language points.1. Students read theconversation again andfind the language points.Disc

14、uss in groups andsolve their problems.2 .Little teachers come tothe front and help otherstudents solve thelanguage points, the other小 组 合 作 探究,共同完成学习任务,培养他们自主学习的能力。通 过 小 老 师讲解语言点,让学生更有兴趣进一用稗! 解谀寸肉Step FourPost-taskW -Jstudents listen carefully容。TaskOraanize the students to makeanu nuie .7 Role playi

15、ng.创设情境开up a conversation in groups with i.Make a new conversation展 语 言 交 际 活the tips below. in groups. Talking food and动,在任务完成Say Suppose today is one ofthings in the party.中灵活运用感官your friends, birthday. There is a动词和形容词。3其 他 方 面 的 锻3.lot to see, to eat and to drink atthe party. Talk about yourfeel

16、ings and impressions aboutit. Make a conversation withyour friends.2.Give a dialogue show.Task 8 Exercises. (Activity 4I.Ask the students to completethe sentenceswith the words in1 .Complete the sentenceswith the words in the box.通道勘I习题巩固课所Step FiveSummary :me DOX. (ACiivtiy 4).I.Get the students to

17、 sum up thelanguage points.T: What have we learned today?is :.(Aciivity ”1,Sum up the languagepoints:Sentence structure:link verb +adjUseful phrases:I hi afraid ,Have a try.学内容,加深印象。引导生对这节课的给,让学生做自演言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习Itfe my lucky day.2.Let the students to choose the 2.To choose the bestbest group

18、 in this lesson. groups.丽 麻使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,fit学习英语的信Step SixHomework(1J)心。1. I.Make sentenceswith look, smell, taste, sound, feel?Each one for two sentences.课后作莪助于学生巩固已2. Read therconversation of Activity 3 after the tape.学的知识,无Copy the new words.炼。板书设Module 1 Feelings and impressions 小组怦U

19、nit 1 It smells delicious T1 T2 T31. Your pizza looks so nice.2. It doesn tnell fresh.3. They taste really sweet and they feel soft in themiddle.主+ 感官v.+adj.达棚根据句意和汉语提示完成句子1 .这菜闻起来好fThe dish.2 ,这汤尝起来不新鲜.The soup fresh.3 . 这毛衣摸起来很软很舒服。The sweater.4. Children l i ke( 小甜饼) very much.5. People should ea

20、t l ess( 盐 ) everyday.6. Oh. It s my_ 幸运的)day. Ivepassed the exam.二 . 单项选择:1. These flowers beautiful. I will buy some for my mother.A. look B. sound C. hearD. taste2. The air in the countryside s me l l s .A. sour B. soft C. delicious D. fresh3. The idea good. We can try it.A. taste B. tastesC. sou

21、nds D. sound4. This game is so interesting, p l e a s e .A. have a look B. give up C. have a try D. try some5. Last Sunday was my mother s birthdsaoyl,a big meal for her.A. cook B. cooks C. cooked D. is cooking5六、教学过程:的方式纠正自教学步骤教师活动生活趣读图Warming-up通过游戏的方式来调勘Step OnePlay a game.生的积极性, 培WarmingOrganize

22、 all of them to stand upThe whole classplaya养学生的兴趣,-up (3)and play a game :Simon saysgame .Touch their body part as the并巩固这些感Touch your noseteacher gives orders.播 官 的 名称, . 顺利地导入本课题Teach the new words.通过图片引1 Teach new words about1 Learn new words about导学生僚appearancewith someappearance. ( dark fair貌,

23、学习本课词Step Twopictures. ( dark fairglasses,.)7圜片形象直Pre-glasses- - .) (Activity 1 )观,容易调节reading生积极性, 迅速( 5, )地把注意力转2.Play a guessingStudents guess andsay the移到课堂之上。game.(Activity 4)answer. Then itfe their turn to设速个游Teacher: I have a little gooddescribe their classmatefor thefriend, what does he look

24、whole class to guess.戏主要是为了让学生学会如like? uHe isquite tall and何描述人的外strong. He has small eyesand short hair. He is in貌,为接下来的文章学习做重Row5 .And he is wearing要的铺垫glasses.Who is he? (B/ethe key points to describe a学生以读person.3.Organize them to read the 3.Read the new words together.己的读音、 强化记忆new words togeth

25、er.Step1. Scanning要 求 学 生 快ThreeAsk them to scan Sallys Scan Sallys letter and find out速阅读课文, 找Whileletter and find out which is her photo.readingher photo. ( Activity 2)出与本课描述一致主人翁的( 24,)2. Skimming.( Activity 3)照片。Ask students to skim the Students skim the passageand通过快速阅letter and match the match

26、 the questions with the读,学生大致了questions with the paragraphs.paragraphs.a) What are your hobbies?b) How do you feel aboutcoming to China?c) What do you look like?3.Careful reading.解了每个段落的主旨内容。7work harder.( )Paragraph 1 and 2(2) Ask the students to read(2) Students read Paragraphs 1让学生希Paragraphsl an

27、d 2 andand 2, then fill in the blanks任务问遴fill in the blanks anddescribe Sally.This is Sally. She s _ w ith _ hair,and she wears_.and describe Sally.阅读课,去找答案,有助于学生更加准确地获取信息,提高阅读效果技StepSheHlwear _ and a能。学生通过分Three_ for the journey, but层次阅读文章While-she5 目 Iso carry her_获取具体信息,reading把知识点裸( 24,) (2) Let

28、 the students read (:) Students read Paragraph 1文理解在分段Paragraph 1 and 2 in groups and 2 in groups of six and find学习得以突破。of four and find outdifficulties.out difficulties.而小组活能通过学生的(3) Ask them to solve the Solve the difficulties自主、合作学difficulties in groups.Paragraph 3together.习,让学生充分地实践运用(2) Ask the

29、 students to read(2) Students read Paragraph 3言,并激发学生Paragraph 3 and chooseTbr F?Sally spends a lot of timeplaying classical musicwith her friends at school.( )Sally is proud of hersister.( ) Sally thinks she shouldand chooseTbr F:创造性思的发展(2) Ask a student to be 2 (2) A little teacher checks thelittl

30、e teacher*1 to check answers.the answers.(3) Let the students readParagraph 3 in turns and theother students listencarefully to point outimportant points.Solve the difficulties.Paragraph 4 (Activity 5)(1) Ask the students to readParagraph 4 carefully andanswer the followingquestions.How does Sally f

31、eelwhen she?(3) Students read Paragraph 3 inturns and the other studentslisten carefully to point outimportant points.(4) Take notes.(1) Students read Paragraph 4carefully and answer thefollowing questions.出的目的。1 )gets bad marks at school?2)leaves her mum and dad?3)is with strangers?4)speaks Chinese

32、?5)does something wrong?6)flies?( 2) Organize the wholeclass to read together. Andask some students to cometo the blackboard and showout some difficult languagepoints that they found inthis paragraph.(2) Some students come to theblackboard and show out somedifficult language points thatthey found in

33、 this paragraph.读 弼 英4 Practise reading.语学习中超Get the students watch aStudents watch a video and read相当重要的作video and read with it, thenwith it, then read loudlyin用,熟能生巧,let them read loudly ingroups.groups.通过跟读来学习正确的语音5.Excercises: (Activity 6)Complete the passagewith the语调通过组Ask the students tocorre

34、ct form of the words in the朗读来互相学complete the passage withbox.习,培养合作精the correct form of the神。words in the box.以Speaking.通过学生感1 Ask the students to makeMake a survey in pairs and then兴趣且比籁a survey about their netgive a report.颖的撕绍pals.Possible answer:你的网友” 来设Step Four What does your net pal lookMy n

35、et pal has short black ha r.计一个18Post-like? How does heHe always wears glasses 务,让学生进readingshe feel whenWhen he talks to girls, he often(10)he/she . ?And fill infeels nervous.步巩固本课重A A f 人 二 AU i IIJUthe form.2.RetellingTry to retell the passage with the复述课文Organize the Ss to retell the information

36、 below. 能 使 学 生 加passage with the深潮文内information below.容的理解。Complete the passage with the words in the box.Sally is Lingling penfriend. She is (1) tall and has(2) fair hair. She(3) glasses. She likes both(4) music and(5) music.She enjoys sports(6), especially tennis. She very(7) ofher brother becaus

37、e hes good at everything. She often (8)abit sad at first when she( 9) her mum and dad, and 弓 I 导学生对I.Get the students to I.Sum up the language points. 这节课的常she q u i t e ( 1 0 ) w h e n she is with strangers. Shesum up the language points. ( 1) Feelingsf e e ls ( 1 1 ) w h e n she speaks (12), but s

38、he 1IIbe fine in a few days.9读的拓展, 让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。Step FiveSummaryT: What have we learnedtoday?Ss:.Students summary:How do you feel when ?I feel nervous / proud / stupid /angry / excited (2) Describe a person:What does she / he look like?(3) Phrases:Thanks for + n. / v.-inghear from sbcant wait

39、to do sthrecognize sb frombe proud of + n. / v.-ing让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习, 自主总结的良解习习惯简短的雷a bit & a littleas well2.Let the students choose 2.To choose the best groups.the best groups in thislesson.使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英Step SixHomework(T)tn n J g。(Activity 7)课后作业有Write a message to your net-pal a

40、nd describe yourself._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 助于学生巩固Use the-information in Activity 7 to help you._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 己学的知识, 补充其他方面的锻 喇 颠板书设Module 1 Feelings and impressions 小组俳Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. T1 T2 T31 . It was great to hear from you, and Icant w

41、aitto meet you.2 .rm quite tall with short fair hair, and I wear glasses3.I enjoy sports as well4. Tm very proud of him!5.1 feel nervous when I speak Chinese.达棚勰一、根据句意和汉语或首字母提示完成句子1.l f you want to get good ( 分数) , you should work harder2. His( 业余般 collecting stamps.3. Excuse me, could you tell me h

42、ow I can get to the railway station? Sorry, I am as here.4. What a I dog! I like it very much.5. When Jimmy a in Shanghai, it was raining.6. Apples are hard. Bananas are s.7. My mother bought an apple p_ for me yesterday.10Book 4 Module 1 Feelings and impressions四、 教学 内容:Unit3 Language in use五、 课 型

43、:Revision and application六、教学目标:1、能正确运用本模块的词汇。1、正确使用表感觉和知觉的系动词:look , taste , feel, smell, sound;掌握句子的系表结构:link verb+ adj.2、能够询问并表达对事物的感觉。3、能运用所学的知识对一个人的长相和性格进行简单的描述。七 、 教学重难 点 : 能够运用感官动词look , taste , feel, smell, sound和系动词be来进行言语交际和写作,准确地对事物或人进行评论。八 、 教 学 准 备 :本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要

44、求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、游戏等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片等。九 、 教 学 过 程 :课堂的气氛。教学步骤教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的Leading-in(3)Free talk. (Activityi)Say: Today we are go ingto have a party. Pleaseshare your food with yourfriends. At the party .pleas

45、eintroduce yourself to yourStudents share their food ingroups, then introducethemselves.e.g. 1 love pizza. It tastesgood.小小聚会,争取给学生创设最真实的语境,让学生对impression 和feeling的词义有直观的认识,以实物和切身感受将学生classmates. Tell them whatyou like and dont like, tellus why.置于一个真实的语言环境当中,吸引学生的兴趣,活跃o.,I.Play a guessingPlay the ga

46、me and guess充分利用身边While-task(game.(Activity8)2 0 )Say: We hold the party forwhat presents Kate gets.触手可及的实物让A: It looks beautiful. 学生感知可达到事B: Is it a flower?半功倍的效果。猜Kate today. Its herA: No, it isn*t. It smells 测游戏可以激起学12(Activity6)birthday. She receivesmany presents. Pleasedescribe her presents toy

47、our partner. Don t sword. See if your partnerknow what your presentis?2.Speaking.(Activity 2 and7)Say Kate has got lots ofpresents. If you are Kate,do you like them? Tell usyour ideas.3 Pair-work.( Activity 4)Ask the students to discussKates family membersafter the party.4 Exercises(1)Ask the studen

48、ts tocomplete the conversationand check the answers.(Activity5)(2). Ask the students tocomplete the passagewiththe words in the box andcheck the answers.good.B: Is it a cake?A:No,its smaller but it alsotastes sweet.ay theB: Is it chocalate?A: Yes, youre right.Pretend to be Kate and tellher feelings.

49、I like the dress because itfeels comfortable.I like flowers because theylook beautiful and smellnice.Discuss Kates familymembers.A: What does Katesmother look like?B: She is tall and wearsglasses.A: What is she like?B: I think she is kind.(1)Complete the theconversation. (Activity5)(2). Students com

50、plete thepassagewith the words inthe box. (Activity6)生学习兴趣,营造轻松有趣的课堂氛围。通 过 “ 假设你是主角”这一环节, 引导学生学会用从句来表达自己的思想。逐步巩固系动词的用法。通 过 学 生 感 兴趣的问题,调动学生 的 情绪, 弄 清 belike 和 look like 之间的区别。通过活动五、六和九的反复练习,复习巩固前面两个单元所掌握的语法和 词 汇 .听录音填写正(3) Play the tape for the (3) Listen and and确信息,无疑是学studentsto listen andcomplete

51、the note .thencomplete the note ,thencheck the answers with apartner. (Activity9)check the answers with apartner.生 的 “ 老大难” ,反于学生听、说能力复的听力训练有利的提高。5.Around the world.Organize the whole class toread it once and explain theculture gap.(1)Read through thepassage.(2) . Discuss the contents inpairs.(3) .

52、Learn some politeexpressions in the western13学生通过阅读Around the world.可以获取有西方国家和中国的文化差异的信息。语言和文化密不可分,相互z. Ways of asking anddescribing peopledcountries.依存,相互影响。3. Post-task(19)Module task.I.Ask the students to thinkabout one of theirclassmates.( hair, heigh-tThen get them to write acomposition. (Activ

53、ity10 ,11)2.Let the students shareThink about the appearanceof their classmates. Write acomposition of him/ her.Students share theirdescription in groups andlet their friends guess who学生通过本模块的学习燕语言储备,语言的输出做好了铺写作能客观地反映学生各方面的语言运用能力,英语学习也真正地伸到了课堂之外。此环策的目的是让学生祝groups.所学的内容。their compositions inhe/she is

54、.巩固的基础上,能通3. Choose some good Read some good4. Summary(11) 对compositions to theircompositions and share friends.them in class.Help_the_ students to Students summary: 让学生自总ummar广- - - - 1. The usage of the link结本模块的锄verbs._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 点,加深理解。appearance.5. 1.Master the new words and usefu

55、l expression in Module 1.Homework 2. Preview Module 2 Unit 1.(1)板书设 Module 1 Feelings and impressionsUnit 3 Language in use1) It tastes good.2) You look very pretty.3) It doesnt smell fresh.4) I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.达棚勰一请用方框里面的单词的适当形式完成句14feel; look; seem; smell; sound; taste1. The milk

56、 fresh.2. My sweater comfortable.3. The room quiet.4. These lanterns beautiful!5. You angry.6. She nice.7. You happy.8. This pizza bad.二 . 单 项选择( )1. The little boy doesn t like the soup because it t as t es ,A sweet B worse C bad D well( )2. -What news it was! - Yes, all of the children wereA. exci

57、ted, exciting B. exciting, excitingC. exciting , excited D. excited, excited( )3. The teacher s words made us very happy.A feel B felling C to feel D felt;( )4. Tom s fathetrold him not to be afraid of in public.A to speak B speaking C speak D speaks( )5. He bought books with money.A a few; a little

58、 B a bit; a little C a few; a bit D a little; a few( )6. Her face pale (苍白) when she heard the bad news.A. got B. is C. turned D. was( ) 7 . You pale. Whats wrong with you?A. turn B. seem C. look D. become( )8. Her voice like my mothers.A. sounds B. sound C. looks D. look15Book 4 Module 2 Experience

59、s教学 内容:Unit 1 I ve also entered lots of speaking competiti.ons二、 课 型 :Listening and speaking三、教 学 目标:1、正确使用下列词语和词组: competition, ever, afford .prize , enter, write about,make up , good luck, dream, invite .2、能听懂和阅读关于介绍经历的语言材料。3、能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的经历。4、能初步运用现在完成时,并写出相关的句子和短文。四、 教学重难 点 :能够听懂含有现在完成时的对话,

60、并能运用现在完成时询问和表达经历。五 、 教 学 准 备 :本课指导学生通过听力获取信息,培养学生听力技能。 课堂上采用多媒体手段辅助教学,在轻松愉快的氛围中,在较真实的语境下,并联系学生生活实际,结合已有的知识和经验, 运用所学的语言基础知识自我学习、互相学习,让学生在语言实践中相互启发、生成,体验成功。培养学生的合作精神 , 发展其思维和想象等能力。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品。六 、 预 习 要 求 :1、 根据音标自学本课新单词;2、 查找相关资料,找出你认为本课较重要的

61、语言点和短语。七 、 教 学 过 程 :教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming -u p (3 )Lead in1. First : let the students enjoysome beautiful pictures aboutthe US. And ask the studentssome questions:(1). Have you ever been to thethe US ?US?(2) .Do you want to (2)Doyou want these places ?tn via计1. Enjoy the beautifulpictures

62、about the US andtry to answer thequestions .(1).Have you ever been to程中感受新的. 语言项目,通过这个环节,既可以活跃课堂气氛,坏调首先让学生听着轻快的歌曲欣赏一些关于美国的美丽景点,然后提出问题。使学生在欣赏美景和free talk 的过(3) .If you have a chanceplaces ?16(Activity 2).(3) If you have a chance toto go on a dream holiday ,where do you want to go ?动了学生的习兴趣。同学时go on a

63、 dream holiday ,能然过到们将学新、也自的渡我即要的课where do you want togo ?2. Second:Greeting . Free talkto lead in our todays module(Module2 Unit 1 I vealsoentered lots of speakingStep TwoPre-task(5 )competitions . )Task1:Check the new words.1. A little teacher show sopictures on the screen, ask sstudents to answer

64、 his questto get the students to say outnew words.2.Organize the students to readthe new words together.3.Check the answers of newwords exercises .me I.See the pictures me things to say outons new words.the2. Read the new wotogether.3.Check the answers ofnew words exercises .学生在课前预m d 习本课的英th e 单词时,

65、完用导学案以下.c习题,课上追rds一位小老师图 文 的 形 式 呈现本课新单词,小老师的这一环节可以让学生眼前一亮,对所学的知识和抽查方式充满IH1狂 IH1B.+ 4III4,*语好的过以StepThreeWhile-task (2 0 )Task2:listening(1). Play the tape, ask studentsto listen and number the words,then check. (Activity 1)(1). Play the tape,students to listennumber the words,askandthenzyj 1 J, I,7

66、J H J V/ 学生的表达能力,通过图片、情景学单词,做到 词 不 离 句 。Check完词汇后及时做练习进行巩固。利 用 听 读 , 练习的方式加强学生对课文的理解,培养学(2).Listen again and choose thecorrect answer (Activity 2).uneuK. Muuviiy i)(2). .Listen again andchoose the correct answer生细节听力的技 巧 , 能够听取信息,训练 Play the tape (Activity 3). (3) Listen to the和培养学生细conversation in

67、Activity 3 节听力技巧。and answer the twoquestions: 通过看视频听(D What is Lingling 读对话,帮助17(4)Guide the students to listen tothe conversation again andcheck what Lingling and Tonyhave or have not done.(Activity3).Task 3: Reading(1) Organize the students to readthe conversation with the video.Ask the Ss to work

68、 withtheir groups to read theconversation.(3). Organize the students tocomplete the sentences with thecorrect form.(4). Organize the students tocheck their answers one by one.(Activity 5 )Task 4: Solve the languagepoints(1). Ask the students to underlinethe language points on the bookaccording to th

69、e handout, andshow out some difficultlanguage points that they found.(2) .Help the students to solvethe difficult points and do someexercises.entering? Who is going to enterthe writing competition?(4) Listen to theconversation again andcheck what Lingling andTony have or have notdone. (Activity3).(1

70、)Read the conversationwith the video.(2) Read the conversationin groups.(3) .Complete the sentenceswith the correct form .(4) . Check the answers oneby one. (Activity 5 )(1). Ask the students tounderline the languagepoints on the bookaccording to the handout,and show out somedifficult language point

71、sthat they found.(2) .solve the difficultpoints with the teacher shelp.学生进一步理解课文内容。小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实 践 运 用 语言,并培养团结合作精神。让学生通过导学案的语言点在文章中画出对应的句子和语言点,培养了学生的自主学习的能力和课 前 预 习 能力。教师点拨、补充语言点,让学生进一步理解知识点。然后每个语言点后面有对应的即学即练,让学生进行巩固。StepFourPost-tasTask 6:Do some speaking(1)The winter holiday havefini

72、shed, ask the students totalk about where they havebeen.(2). Have the Ss act out theirnew dialogues.(1). Make dialogues ingroups with the teachershelp.(2). Act out the newdialogues.通过做对话训练学生说的能力,能使学生加 深 对 课 文内容的理解,适量的口头练习,让学生巩k固本课时的语(9,) Exercises and then check. (3)Do the exercises, then 言重点。check.

73、18通过笔练习,进一班固所学。StepFiveSummary (2)I.Get the students to sum up thelanguage points.T: What have we learned today?Ss:.2.Let the students to choose thebest team in this lesson.I.Sum up the languagepoints.2.To choose the bestgroups.引导学生遨节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯简短的评使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并日可以激制学Step SixH

74、ome-生 的 学 习 兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。work的T)板书 设 Mod J(2) Read the new words and the 充其他方面锻 炼 conversations .e2- Experiences-Unit 1 I ve also entered lots of speaking competitions.小组评TH T2 T3达柳趣I . 写出下列词的过去资。am/is _do _get _I I . 单选择arehavebecome.1.My parentsShandongforA.have been inten years .B . have been toC

75、 .have gone toD . have been2.-you_ yourhomework yet ?-Yes . Iit amoment ago .A .Did ; do ; finishedB . Have ; done ; finishedC .Have ; done ; havefinished D . w ill; do ; finish3. HisfathertheParty since 1978.19A . joined B . has joined C . was in D . has been in4 .-Do you know him well ?- Sure .We

76、friends since ten years ago .A . were B . have been C . have become D . have made5 .-How long have you _ here ?-About two months .A . been B . gone C . come D . arrived6. Hurry up! The play for ten minutes .A . has begun B . had begun C . has been on D . began20Book 4 Module 2 Experiences一、教 学 内 容 :

77、Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.二、课 型 :Reading and writing三、教学 目标:1、正确使用下歹U 词语和词组: move, send, Germany,France, tower, ancient, king,queen, Arabic, way, mix, miss, count, count down2、能读懂描述经历的文章,理解语篇主题和细节。3、能够简单的运用现在完成时叙述自己或他人的一次特别的旅行经历。四、 教 学 重 难 点 :理解 短 文 细 节 ,并能运用所学的知识描写自己的经历。五 、 教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用

78、任务型教学模式以及阅读课“ 四个阶段” 教学模式。 本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖 品 .六 、 预 习 要 求 :1、根据音标自学本课新单词;2、查找相关资料,找出你认为本课较重要的语言点和短语。七 、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图I.Lead inI.Lead in通 过 看 图 片Look and say :Look and say:回答问题,引Look at some pictures about Look at

79、some pictures aboutfamous places in China andfamous places in China and导 学 生 回 顾上 节 课 的 内talk:talk :容 引 入 这 一Which interesting places(DWhich interesting places in课 的 相 关 内in China have you visited ?China have you visited ?容。Have you ever seen the Have you ever seen the Great通 过 对 话 练Step One Great W

80、all ? Wall ? 习,. 也能从说Warming Have you ever visited Have you ever visited another句 子 中 考 验21-up (5* )another country ? country ? 学生对 Unitl2. Work in pairs过 去 完 成 时Ask the students to make Make dialogues with their 知 识 的 掌 握 What have they seen and What have they seen and donedone in Egypt? in Egypt?d

81、ialogues with partnersaccording to activity 4.Where you wentWhen you went therepartners according to activity 4.Where you wentWhen you went thereWhy it was special程度,还训练了 学 生 的 反应。并在无形中 培 养 学 生Why it was special大 胆 说 英 语的习惯。Show students somepictures about Pyramids,Watch pictures to say out somenew

82、words .引 导 学 生 谈论图片, 。 礴Step TwoPre-reading( 5 )StepThreeWhilereading(18 )check and teach the newwords.1. Scanning(1)Ask students to scanthe passageand answer thefollowing two questionsquickly .Who has seen thePyramids ?2. SkimmingAsk students to skim thepassage and answer thequestions in Activity2.

83、(Activity 2) How long have theRobinsons been in Egypt?_ be Why do they live inCairo?( 1) Scan the passage andanswer the questionsWho has seen the Pyramids?Skim the passageand answerthe questions answer the inActivity 2:How long have the Robinsons汜 n in Egypt?_Why do they live in Cairo?述 的 同 时 学习 新 单

84、 词 和句型,为学生扫 清 阅 读 障碍。要 求 学 生 快速阅文章,回答问题,帮助学 生 理 解 课文内容。通 过 学 生 快速阅读,培养.What do Mike and . What do Mike and ClareClare find difficult about find difficult about Arabic?Arabic? _. Are they looking forward to.Are they looking going home?学 生 获 取 主旨的能力。并进 一 步 理 解文章的内容,为 进 一 步 学习做好铺垫。forward to going home

85、? _3.Careful reading.(l)Paragraph 1-2:Ask students to read theParagraph 1-2 and Check让 学 生 带 着任 务 ( 问题)22the true sentencesChoose the best answersT: Please read paragraphs1-2 and choose the bestanswers.(2) Organize some studentsto come to the blackboardand show out some difficultlanguage points that

86、 theyfound in this paragraph.(2)Paragraph3-4: Let the students say T”or Fn to the sentencesafter reading paragraphs3-4.(2) Organize some studentsto come to the blackboardand show out some difficultlanguage points that theyfound in this paragraph.(3) . Paragraph 5:Let the Ss read Para.5. Read paragra

87、phs1-2andchoose the best answers.(1)_ is 15 years old.A. Mike B. Clare C. Peter(2) When the company sendsMikes father to work in aforeign country, he goes_ .A. alone B. with his familyC. with his wife(2) Some students come to theblackboard and show out somedifficult language points thatthey found in

88、 this paragraph.Read paragraphs 3-4 and sayT or F to the sentencesThey traveled the Nile Riverby bus.(2)They have learned fivelanguages.Some students come to theblackboard and show out somedifficult language points thatthey found in this paragraph . Students read Para.5 and去阅读课文,去找答案,有助 于 学 生 更加 准 确

89、 地 获取信息,提高阅 读 效 果 和技能。学生通过 分 层 次 阅读文章,获取具体信息,把知 识 点 和 课文 理 解 在 分段 学 习 得 以突破。而小组活 动 能 通 过学 生 间 的 自主 、 合作学习,让学生充分 地 实 践 运用语言,并激发 学 生 创 造性 思 维 的 发展。Organize some studentsto come to the blackboardand show out some difficultlanguage points that theyfound in this paragraph.1.Retell. (Activity 3 ) Let the

90、students fillchoose the best answer:Mike and Clare are happy_ .A. to go back to the USB. to stay in EgyptC. have friends all over theworldFind out the difficulty andlanguage points. Fill in the blanks with the复 述 课 文 能in the blanks with the correct form according to thecorrect form according passage

91、 in Activity 3.Step Four to the passage使 学 生 加 深对 课 文 内 容的理解。Postreading( 1 0 )Call back the answers Call back the answers thenfrom two students then read the short passage .read the short passagein the whole class .23Home- your special trip.( 汪总用work 现在完戚I.Get the students toI.Sum up the language p

92、oints.引导生对sum up the language points.这廉总Step FiveT: What have we learned结让学生做Summarytoday?自由发言培(DSs:.养 学 生 自 主2. Let the students to2.To choose the best groups.学习自主总choose the best team in thislesson.结 的 良 好 学习习惯箍的佛使 学 生 的 课堂 表 现 得 到肯 定 并 且 可以 激 励 学 生的学习兴趣拗 学 习 英语的信心。Step SixWrite a passage about二 i

93、nish the homework. 作收助 于 学 生 巩固 已 学 的 知(11)识写作是阅读的拓展让学生最聚握语言实践运用语言。七、板书设: ( 略)达棚勰一 、琪握1. Do you know him well?一 Sure. We friends since ten years ago .A. were B. have been C. have become D. have made2. Hurry up! The play for ten minutes .A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began3. Miss Greeni

94、sn intthe office. She to the library.A. has gone B. went C. will go D. has been4. My parents Shandong for ten years.A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been5. His uncle for more than 9 years.A. has come here B. has started to work C. has lived there D. has left the university24二、

95、把下列的句子译成英语。1 . 他们已经去过埃及了,和拍了许多照片。They Egypt and took many photos there.2 . 这两匹马在许多方面是不同的。The two horses are di f f er ent .3 . 在学习的过程中,我发现学好英语是困难的。During the study I find it hard English well.4 . 到目前为止,珍妮还没为她父亲买到礼物。Jane hasn t bought her gift for her father.25Module 2 Experiences一、教 学 内 容 :Unit3 Lan

96、guage in use二、课 型 :Revision and application三、教 学 目标:1 . 正确运用本模块的词汇及不规则动词的过去分词2 . 能运用现在完成时向他人描述自己的假期旅行或是一次难忘的经历。3 . 提高学习英语兴趣,树立信心,培养其积极主动参与各种语言实践活动的学习态度。四 、 教 学 重 难 点 :能运用所学的知识描述自己的假期旅行或是一次难忘的经历。五 、 教 学 准 备 :本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,

97、开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片等。六 、 教 学 过 程 :教学步骤教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的1.Leading-in(8 )1. Pairs work:Ask the students towork in pairs ask andanswer the questions inthe questionnaire inActivity 1. Makedialogues likethese :(Activity 1-2) have a Westernmeal live in

98、another city - enter a singingcompetition travel by traineg:- Have you everhad a Western meal ?- Yes , I have-No, I haventeg:一Have you ever livedin another city ?I.The students act out thedialogues in pairs usingthe following sentences: have a Western meal live in another city enter a singingcompeti

99、tion travel by traineg:- Have you ever hada Western meal ?-Y es, I haveNo, I haventeg:Have you ever livedn another city ?Review and consolidatethe sentences whichhey have learn.26-Y es, I haveNo, I havent-Y e s , I haveNo, I havent2.While-task(2 0 )1. Ask the students todo Activity 3:Complete the se

100、ntencesabout your partner andread them to the rest ofthe class. He/She_ aWestern meal ? He/She _ inanother city He/She _ asinging competition1. Complete thesentences about yourpartner and read them tothe rest of the class.(Activity 3 ) He/She_ aWestern meal ? He/She _ inanother city He/She _ asingin

101、g competitionReview and consolidatethe grammar andlanguage just learned inthe first two units.2.Let the students doActivity 4 and thencheck the answers.3. Let the students doActivity 5 and thencheck the answers.4. Listening:Do some listeningabout activity6-85.To read Aroundthe world, and thenanswer

102、the questionsafter reading.Q: Have they finallyreached the top ofMount Qomolangma ?2. Do Activity 4 ,:Complete thepostcard .Use the list ofThings to do in Beijing tohelp you .3 .Finish activity 5 .4 .Listen and finishactivity 6-85 .Read Around theworld, and answer thequestions after reading.Q: Have

103、they finallyreached the top of MountQomolangma ?Review the PresentPerfect Tense 观在完成时)To practice the skill oflisteningEnlarge the knowledgeabout the world.3. Post-task(1 0 )1. Ask students to work ingroups(activity9-11)Go around the classroom andask other students yourquestions . Write their answer

104、sin the questionnaireIWork in groupsAsk otherstudents yourquestions. Writetheir answers inthe questionnaireTopics:1,To practice the skillof speaking.2. Enable students to27Topics: TransportQuestions: Have you ever ,travelled by plane ?Studentl_ SStudent2_2 .Ask the students to act outtheir conversat

105、ions.3 . Let students do someexercises and then check.ransport t(Questions: eStudentl_,tudent2_ PrF2. Act out yourconversations3. Do someexercises and thencheck.ilk about theirXperiencesactice the languageoints.4. Summary(V )Ask the students tosay out what tolearn.Students conclude theknowledge that

106、 they learn.Let the studentsinternalize the grammarthey ve learned in thismodule.5. HomeworkCV )Write a questionnaire about life experiences. Use the Present PerfectTense.板书设计达标训练题一、单项选择1. Have you got any pieces of paper?Yes, I.A. have got B. have C. had one D. did2. Have you ever to a foreigner?A.

107、 speak B. spoke C. spoken D. to speak3. Have you met Mr. Li?A. just B. ago C. before D. a moment ago4. The famous writer one new book in the past two years.A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote D. has written5. Our country a lot so far.Yes. I hope it will be ev en.28A. has changed; well B. changed;

108、good C. has changed; better D. changed; better 6. Zhao Lan already in this school for two years.A. was; studying B. will; study C. has; studied D. are; studying7. We Xiao Li since she was a little girl.A. know B. had known C. have known D. knew8. Harry Potter is a very nice film. I it twice.A. will

109、see B. have seen C. saw D. see9. These farmers have been to the United States. Really? When there? A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone10. His father the Party 党) since 1978.A. joined B. has joined C. was in D. has been in二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. I just my homework. (finish)2. He t

110、o school on foot every day. (go)3.y ou your science book yet? (find)4. Look! The monkey the tree. (climb)5. My mother to see me next Sunday. (come)6. How many sheep you?Only one. (get)7 .I vteost my p e n . y o u it anywhere? (see)29Book 4 Module 3 Journey to space十、 教学内容:Unit 1 Has it arrived yet ?

111、H - - 、 课 型 :Listening and speaking十二、教学目标:1、能掌握本单元的词汇及短语 : earth, moon, news. Planet, reach, yet, just, model,spaceship, project, no problem, latest, discover, astronaut, space travel2、能掌隹现在完成时的结构,正确使用 already, just yet凄标志性副词。3、能够听懂关于太空探索的话题并提取信息。4、能够简单介绍人类在太空探索领域取得的成就;能够根据图片简单描述图片中有关太空探索的内容。十 三 、教

112、学重难点:1、 能掌握现在完成时的结构和用法。2、 简单介绍人类在太空探索领域取得的成就。十 四 、教 学 准 备 :本课指导学生通过听力获取信息,培养学生听力技能。 课堂上采用多媒体手段辅助教学,在轻松愉快的氛围中,在较真实的语境下,并联系学生生活实际,结合已有的知识和经验, 运用所学的语言基础知识自我学习、互相学习,让学生在语言实践中相互启发、生成,体验成功。培养学生的合作精神 , 发展其思维和想象等能力。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品。十 五 、预 习 要 求 :1、 根据音

113、标自学本课新单词;2、 查找相关资料,找出你认为本课较重要的语言点和短语。十 六 、教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up(3 ,1. Enjoy a short film aboutspace travel.Q1: What s the film about?Then show the title. (Journeyto space)2.Free talk:)(1)Ask the students somequestions like this :A: Have you heard the latestnews about space travel?B

114、: Have astronauts arrived inthe space yet?C: Do you know Which1. Enjoy the short filmand answer thequestion.( Journey to space)2. Listen and answer thequestions.”先用短片来引出本节课的主题,通过这个环节来调动了学生的学习兴趣。同时让学生在 free talk的过程中感受新 的 语 言 项目,通过这个环节,提高了学生的认知能astronauts have got into space?-30Step TwoPre-task( 5 )Ta

115、sk1:Check the new words.1. Show some pictures to get thestudents to say out the newwords.2.Organize the students to readthe new words together.3. Check the new words.I.Look at the pictures tosay out the new words.2. Read the new wordstogether.3. Give the answers.引导学生谈论power point 上的 图 片 , 检查学生对词汇的掌握

116、程度,训练学生的表达能力,通过图片、句子学单词,做到词不离句。学完单词后,及时检查课前布置的葩r曰 甲 而 #StepThreeWhile-tas k (2 0 )Task2:listening(1). Play the tape, ask studentsto listen and number the words(Activity 1).(2) .Guide the students to listenagain and complete the notes(Activity 2).(3) Guide the students to listento the conversation :T

117、ellstudents Damings friend Tonyhas made a model spaceship fortheir school project, and nowthey are talking about themodel. Ask students to listen tothe conversation and choose thecorrect answer.1. Has Darning made a modelspaceship yet?A. Yes, he has. B. No, he hasn*t.C. Sorry , we dont know.2. Has t

118、he spaceship arrived in Marsyet?A. Yes, it has. B. No, it hasnt.C. We dont know.3. Why has no one been to Mars?A. Because it is very far away.B. Because scientists havent sentany astronauts to Mas.C. Because our country isunderdeveloped ( 不发达的) ?(4).Organize the students tocheck their answers.Task 3

119、: Reading(1) . Listen to the tape andnumber the words(Activity 1).(2) . Listen again andcomplete the notes(Activity 2).(3) .Listen to theconversation and choosethe correct answer.(4) . Give the answers.(1) .Read the conversation平* 叫呼刁逖本巩固词汇。利 用 听 读 , 练习的方式加强学生对课文的理解,培养能够听懂关于太空探索的话题并提取信息 ,从而训练生细节听力技巧

120、。通过看视频听(1) .ASK the students to leadthe conversation to finishActivity 3, then check theto finish Activity 3, thencheck the answers.读对话,帮助学生进一步理31not done in space travel ingroups. (Act.6)We haveWe have no tanswers.(2). Organize the students toread the conversation with thevideo.Ask the Ss to work w

121、iththeir groups to read theconversation.(4) Have a competition: Readthe dialogue in groups andchoose the best group.Task 4: Solve the languagepoints(1). Organize students to come tothe blackboard and show outsome difficult language pointsthat they found.(2). Help the students to solvethe difficult p

122、oints.Task5: Retell the dialogue(1).Ask students to complete thepassage (Activity4 ) .(2). Read the conversationwith the video.(3) . Read the conversationin groups.(4). Read the dialogue ingroups and choose the beslgroup.(1). Students come to theblackboard to show outsome language points, theother s

123、tudents listen tothem carefully and note .(2) .Solve the difficultpoints, with the teacherfehelp.(1).Students complete thepassage.解课文内容。小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地践 运 用 语言,并培养团结合作精神。通过让学生上台展示他们所找的语言点,既培养了学生的胆量,又培养了他们自主学习的能力。教师点拨补充语言点,让学生进一步理解知识点。通 过 复 述 对话,加深潮StepFourPost-task(91)(2) .Ask three studen

124、ts to retellthe dialogue.Task 6:Do some speaking(1). Pronunciation and speaking:1). Guide the students to listenand underline the words thespeaker stresses, then check theanswers.2). Play the recording again andask the whole class to repeat,then check their speaking.(2) Show some informationabout th

125、e things what we haveand have not done in spacetravel. Help the students makelists of what we have and have(2).Three students retellthe dialogue, the otherslisten.(1).Pronunciation andspeaking:1). Listen and underline thewords the speaker stressesthen check the answers.2). Listen and repeat thesente

126、nces, then showspeaking.(2 ) Think about thepictures about the thingswhat we have and have notdone in space travel. Makelists of what we have and文的掌握,同时也锻炼口语。通过做口头表达训练学生说的能力,能使 学 生 加 深 对课 文 内 容 的理解,适量的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时 的 语 言 重点。have not done in spacetravel in groups. (Act.6)We have We have not32work( T)

127、 Talk about the space mission(3). According to the lists, helpthe students to talk about themlike this:A: Have we sent a spaceship toMars?B: Yes, we have. But no one hasbeen to Mars yet.A: Why havent we been toMars?B: (3). According to the lists,talk about them like this:A: Have we sent aspaceship t

128、o Mars?B: Yes, we have. But noone has been to Marsyet.A: Why havent we beento Mars?B: .(4). Have the Ss work in pairs.Talk about space travel with thelists, then check their ideas withtheir workmates.- Have we - ?-Yes, we have. / No, wehavent.(4). Work in pairs. Talkabout space travel with thelists,

129、 then share their ideaswith their workmates.- Have we ?- Yes, we have. / No, wehavent.(5). Ask students to do someexercises and then check.(5). Do some exercises andthen check.通谯练习,进一珑固所学。StepFiveSummary (2)I.Get the students to sum up thelanguage points.T: What have we learned today?Ss:.2.Let the s

130、tudents to choose thebest team in this lesson.I.Sum up the languagepoints.2.To choose the bestgroups.引导学生这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯简短的评使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并Step SixHome-1. Search the Internet, and tryto find some materials aboutthe nine planets of the sun.Finish the homework.且可以激励学生 的 学 习 兴趣,树立学习英

131、语的信心。课后作业减于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的to Mars.锻炼2. Finish the exercises in theworkbook of Unit 1.33板书设计七、Module3 Journey to space 小组评价Unitl Has it arrived yet? T1 T2 3r ve already made a model spaceship for our school project.Have you heard the latest news about space travel t?Yes, I have.No, I havent. I have

132、n, t heard the latest news about space traveylet.达标训练题一、单项选择( ) 1. 1.-W here, s Ben?He to the teachers office. He II be back soon.A. go B. has gone C. has been D. went( ) 2W川 you please go to see the movie GuanYinshan with me?一 No, I won I _t . i t already.A. saw B. have seen C. see D. will see( ) 3

133、. They have finished doing housework, but they havent done theirh o me w o r k .A. already, yet B. yet, already C. yet, yet D. already , already( ) 4.He Had to find another job make a living in the city.A. in order to B. so that C. in order D. in order that( ) 5. Scientist have tried to life on Mars

134、.A. discover B. look C. invent D. find out二、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1 . 我们已经到达上海。We Shanghai.2 .他刚刚做完这个模型。He this model.3 . 这个女孩在干什么?What this girl?4 . 你曾经去过香港吗?一是的。you Hong Kong?一Ys, I.5 .他们听说过这个最近的新闻吗?Have they?34Keys: 一、1 5 BBAA二、1. have already reached 2. has just made 3. is, up to4. Have, ever been to, h

135、ave 5. heard this latest news35Book 4 Module 3 Journey to space十八、 教 学 内 容 :Unit2 We have not found life on any other planets yet.十九、 课 型 :Reading and writing二十、教 学 目标:1、能掌握本单元的单词和短语 :none, environment, solar system, group, university, light,impossible, out, communicate2、能够识别文章的主题,读懂以太空为主题的文章并能识别细节,

136、作出正误判断。3、能够根据图片完成与主题相关的写作任务。二H、 教学重难点:1、读懂以太空为主题的文章.2、能用现在完成时简单介绍太空探索的话题和结合图片完成与主题相关的写作任务。二十 二 、 教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“ 四个阶段” 教学模式。 本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。 因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖 品 .二十 三 、 预习要求:1、根据音标自学本课新单词;2、查找相关资料,找出你认为本课较重要的语言点和短语。二十 四 、 教学过

137、程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarmingLead in1. See a video aboutShenzhou-9 and answer aquestion.Whafs the video about?2. Let students look at the1. See the video and answerthe question.(Shenzhou-9 has gone intospace.)2. Look at the pictures and通 过 观 看 神州 九 号 飞 船升 天 这 个 环节,让学生了解 我 国 在 太-up (5 )pictures o

138、fspaceships andtalk about whatyou know空 探 索 领 域取 得 的 伟大talk about something about about Chinese spaceships.成就,同时也Chinese spaceships.引 导 学 生 轻For example:Shenzhou-9 is a mannedspaceship.36松 的 进 入 本节课的主题。millions of years?2) Have we found life onany other planes yet?Organize some students to3. Show so

139、me pictures about3. Look at the pictures andsome planets and lead intothis lesson.How many planets have youlearned?Have we found life on Marsyet?describe them.Taskl: Learn the new引导生谈words1. Look at the pictures to say描述图1. Show students someout some new words来 学 习 新 单Step Twopictures and check the

140、new词和句型,为Pre-words.2. Read the new words学生指阅reading2. Organize the students totogether.读障碍。read the new words together.3. Check the new words.3. Give the answers.StepTask2: ReadingThree1. Fast reading(1) Scan the passage and要 求 学 生 快While-(1) Ask the students to readchoose the best title for it.速阅文章

141、, 回reading(18) bthe passage and choose theest title for it. (Activity 2) (:2). Show the answer.答问题帮助学 生 理 解 课(2). Check the answer.文内容。通遣生快2. Careful reading.速阅读,培养(l)Paragraph 1:(l)Paragraph 1:学生联主Ask the students to read Read the Paragraphl and旨的能力。并the Paragraphl and answeranswer the questions:进

142、步 理 解the questions:1) Has there been life on the1) Has there been life on theearth for hundreds of文章的内容,为进步学earth for hundreds ofmillions of years?习做好铺2) Have we found life on anyother planes yet? Some students to come to隹生着come to the blackboard andshow out some difficultlanguage points that theyfo

143、und in this paragraph.(2)Paragraph 2: Fill in the blanks afterreading it.T: Please read paragraph 2and fill in the blanks:the blackboard and show outsome difficult language pointsthat they found in thisparagraph.(2)Paragraph 2: F川 in the blanks afterreading it.The Earth is a planet and it任 务 ( 问题去阅读

144、勰,去找答案,有助 于 学 生 更加 准 确 地 获取信息,提高阅 读 效 果 和技能。学生通& 阅37The Earth is a planet and it_ _ the sun. i.Seven_ also go around the Sun. _ them has anenvironment like the earth.So scientists havent_ life on them. The sunand its planets _ the solar system andour solar system is called the_ or the Milky Way.Ther

145、e are_ starsin the Galaxy and our sun in_ one of them.Organize some students tocome to the blackboard andshow out some difficultlanguage points that theyfound in this paragraph.(3)Paragraphs 3 and 4: Let the students answer thequestions after reading them:1. Are there any othergalaxies in the univer

146、se?2. Where have scientistssent spaceship?3. Have spaceships visitedmost of the universe?Organize some students tocome to the blackboard andshow out some difficult_ _ the sun.Seven_ also goiround the Sun. _ them has_ anenvironment like the earth. Soscientists havent_life onthem. The sun and its plan

147、ets_ _ the solarsystem and our solar system iscalled the _ or theMilky Way. There are_ stars in the Galaxy andDur sun in_ one of them. Some students to come tothe blackboard and show outsome difficult language pointsthat they found in thisparagraph.(3)Paragraphs 3 and 4:Answer the questions afterrea

148、ding them:1. Are there any othergalaxies in the universe?2. Where have scientists sentspaceship?3. Have spaceships visitedmost of the universe?(2) Some students to come tothe blackboard and show outsome difficult language points读文章,获取具体信息,把知 识 点 和 课文 理 解 在 分段 学 习 得 以突破。而小组活 动 能 通 过学 生 间 的 自主 、 合作学习,

149、让学生充分 地 实 践 运用语言,并激发 学 生 创 造性 思 维 的 发展。心叼口a * 产5 “ 2 men 叼 th a t they found in thesefound in these paragraphs. .paragraphs.(4) Paragraph 5 Ask the students to readParagraph 5 and check thetrue sentences.1. To the universe, scientistshave many questions withoutanswers.( )2. Someone from otherplanets

150、 has tried to(4) Paragraph 5Read Paragraph 5 and checkthe true sentences.1. To the universe, scientistshave many questions withoutanswers.( )2. Someone from other planetshas tried to communicate withus, so we are not alone.( )38about the people on Mars. Fox example:communicate with us, so weare not

151、alone.( )Organize some students tocome to the blackboard andshow out some difficultlanguage points that theyfound in this paragraph. Some students to come tothe blackboard and show outsome difficult language pointsthat they found in thisparagraph.(5) Ask the students to readthe whole passage, check

152、thetrue sentences, then check theanswers. (Activity3)(5) Read the whole passage,check the true sentences.thenshow the answers. (Activity3)Step FourPostreading(M )1. Retell.(1). Let the students fill in theblanks according to thepassage. (Activity 4 )(2). Call back the answersfrom two students thenre

153、tell the short passagein the whole class .(1) . Fill in the blanksaccording to the passage(Activity 4).(2) .Show the answers thenretell the short passage .复 述 课 文 能使 学 生 加 深对 课 文 内 容的理解。2.Writing(1). Let students look at thecartoon picture and answerthe questions. (Activity 5)(2) . Check the answers

154、.(3). According to theActivity5s answers, guidethe students to discuss ingroups, then write a shortstory about the people onMars., then write a short story(1) . Let students look at thecartoon picture and answer thequestions. (Activity 5)(2) . Check the answers.(3) .According to theActivity5s answer

155、s, discuss ingroups, then write a shortstory about the people onMars.通过写作,让学 生 巩 固 所学,并增强写作能力。适量的口头练习,让 学 生 巩 固本 课 时 的 语言重点。We have just received aFox example: message from our spaceship toWe have just received a Mars. The spaceship hasmessage from our spaceshipto Mars. The spaceship haslanded on Ma

156、rs and hasdiscovered people. Theselanded on Mars and hasdiscovered people. Thesepeople haven* tsent us amessage because they can, t39固 已 学-的知people haven*tsent us a bmessage because they canthear us(4). Ask three students toshow their short passage fromthe whole class.iear us (4). Ask three students

157、 to shotheir short passage from thewhole class.wI.Get the students to sum up1. Sum up the language points.引导生对the language points.这蠲总Step FiveT: What have we learnedSummarytoday?结,让学生做自由发言,培(1)Ss: .养 学 生 自 主2. Let the students to choose 2. To choose the best groups.学习,自主总the best team in this lesson

158、.结 的 良 好 学习习惯简的辞使 学 生 的 课堂表辄到肯 定 并 且 可以 激 励 学 生的学习兴趣拗 学 习 英语的信心。Step SixWrite a passage about theFinish the homework. 作意Home-people on Mars.助 于 学 生 巩work(11)识,补充其他方面的锻炼写作是阙的拓展,让学生最终全掌握语言,实践运用语言。二十五、 板书设Unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet.hundreds/ thousands /millions/ billions of

159、T1 T2 T3go aroundnone ofno onebe called far enoughThere have/ has bee n40达棚魅、项提) 1. 一 Wheres Mr Green?- He to Changsha.A. have been B. has gone C. has been D. have gone) 2 . 一 Is Tom at home?一No, he to town.A. has been B. has gone C. goes D. will go)3. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. H

160、owever, he yet.A. didnt aniev B. doesn t arriveC. isn t arriving D. hasn t arrived)4. 一 What is the weather like this summer here?一 There very little rain.A. has B. has been C. are D. have been)5. A number of tourists Yangzhou many times because it is such abeautiful city.A. have been to B. has been

161、 to C. has gone to D. have gone to)6. The earth goes around the sun, and planets also go around it.A. the other seven B. seven anotherC. seven others D. more seven)7. How many of these films have you seen?一 of them. I haven t even heard of them before.A. No one B. None C. Both D. All41) 8. She s not

162、 strong droug walking up mountains.A. to go B. going C. go D. went)9.There are people in the zoo on ChildrenA. one hundreds B. two hundreds ofC. hundreds of D. hundred of)10. 一 Have you finished your homework? . Just half of it. How about you ?A. Not at all B. Not likely C. Not a bits Day.D. Not yet

163、Keys: 1. B6.A2. B 3. D7. B 8. A4. B 5. A9. C 10. D42Book 4 Module 3 Journey to space二十六、 教 学 内 容 :Unit3 Language in use二十七、 课 型 :Revision and application二十八、 教 学 目 标 :1、正确运用本模块的词双短2、掌握现在完成时的already . ju s t和 y e t的用法,并能正确运用have been t o和have gone to。3、能够用所学知识现在完成时谈论最幼白错。4.、引导学生制作一张关于太空旅行的海报,让学生了解更多的

164、瞬眼二十 九 、 教学重难点:1 . 掌握现在完成时的already J u s t和 y e t的用法,并能正确运用have been t o和have gone to。2 . 能够用所学知识现在完成时谈论最懈嚼。三 十 、教 学 准 备 :本节课型由vision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法毅学海嬲活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和他直动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:微褰三 十 一 、 教 学 过 程 :教学步骤活动 学 生 活

165、动 活 动 目 的1.Leading-in(8)Task 1: RevisionShow some picturesand ask students todiscuss in pairs and makesentences like these:(1) Scientists have sentspaceship to Mars.The journey has takenseveral months.(2)Astronauts haveLook at the pictures,discuss in pairs andmake sentences likethese:(1) Scientists

166、have sentspaceship to Mars.The journey has takenseveral months.(2)Astronauts haveReview the use of thepresent perfect tense.already been to themoon.already been to themoon.432.While-task(2 0 )Task2:Consolidationand extension1.Explain the grammar tothe students:现在完成1. Listen to the teacherto explain

167、the grammar:Review and consolidate时 (have / has +done),especially the uses ofhave been to and havegone to.现在完成时(have /has +done) , especiallythe uses of have beentoandhave gone to.the grammar andvocabulary just learnedn the first two units.2. Let the students doActivity 4, then check theanswers.3. A

168、sk the students towork in pairs. Role-playthe conversation inActivity 4.2. Do Activity4 :Complete theconversation with thecorrect form of theverbs in brackets.3. To work in pairs.Role-play the conversation in Activity 4.4. To consolidate the usesof have been to & havegone toAsk the students to doAct

169、ivity 2 and Activity3individually, then checkthe answers.4. To consolidate theuses of have been to &have gone to(1) Do Activity 2: Lookat these sentencesandchoose the correctanswers.(2) Do Activity 3:Complete the sentenceswith the expressionsinthe box, then check theanswers in groups.(3) Show the an

170、swers.5. To consolidate thepresent perfect tense withalready, just and yetAsk the students to doActivity 1 and Activity 6,then check the answers.5. To consolidate thepresent perfect tensewith already, just andyet.(1) Do Activity 1:Complete the newswith already, just andyet.(2) Do Activity 6:Complete

171、 the emailwith the words in thebox, then check theanswers in groups.44(3) Show the answers.5. Let the students doActivity 8: Complete theword map with the wordsand expressions in thebox. Then check theanswers from the wholeclass.5. Do Activity 8individually, then showthe answers.6. Do a listening.As

172、k the students tolisten and complete thenotes, then check theanswers. (Activity 7)6. Listen and completethe notes, then showthe answers. (Activity7)Improve listening.7. Let the students doActivity9, then check theanswers.7. Do Activity9, thenshow the answers.Review the words.8. Ask students to readA

173、round the world; and sthen answer the questionsafter reading.Q1 : What do Europeanlanguages use for thedays of the week?Q2: What day is namedSaturn? Q3: Is MondayQ3: Is Monday the day ofthe moon?8. Read Around theorld: and answer thequestions after reading.Q1 : What do Europeanlanguages use for thed

174、ays of the week?Q2: What day is namedafter the planet Saturn?the dayof the moon?Enlarge the knowledgeabout the world.after the planet6. Check the answers.6. Show the answers.3. Post-task(10) 1Task 3: Making a poster. Ask students to workin groups of six: Makinga poster about spacetravel.2. Help the

175、studentschoose a subject, forexample, the first moonlanding or Chinafemanned space travels.And look for somephotos and information.Work in six: Makinga poster about spacetravel.2. Choose a subject, forexample, the first moonlanding or Chinafemanned space travels.And look for somephotos and informati

176、onabout it.To develop the abilitiesof the cooperation.45about it.3. Guide the students towrite captions for thephotos and use theinformation they found towrite a description ofeach one and give theposter a title. Let themput their posters up fortheir classmates to seeafter finishing.4. Choose the be

177、st posterTask4: ExerciseLet students do someexercises and then check.3. Write captions forthe photos and use theinformation they foundto write a description ofeach one and give theposter a title. Put theirposters up for theirclassmatesto see afterfinishing.4. Choose the bestposter.Do some exercisesa

178、nd then check.Practice the languagepoints.4. Summary(V )Ask the students to sayout what to learn.Students conclude theknowledge that theylearn.Let the studentsinternalize the grammarthey ve learned in thismodule.5.Homewor-k (1)Finish the workbook of Unit 3.板书设计The present perfect: have/ has +donealr

179、eady, just and yethave/ has been to &have/ has gone to达标训练题一、用括号内所给动词的适当形式完成句子。1. Where* s Uncle Black? I can t find him.He( go) to Sichuan to help people in adisaster area( 灾区) .2. you e v e r ( e a t ) Beijing roast duck?Yes. It s delicious.3. 一 I h a v e ( n o t see)Water Margin ( 水浒) . Really? I

180、(see) it yesterday.4. How long y o u ( w o r k ) in the factory?46 For five weeks till now.5. S h e n z h e n (b e ) a small town fifty years ago. Now i t ( become) alarge city.二、阅读理解Life on the earth dependson the sun. Day after day we see its light and feel itswarmth. The sun is ninety three milli

181、on miles away from the earth .The sun is a large star. The earth is very small among its planets. Every day the sunsends out a great deal of heat and makes us feel hot. But we receive only a small part ofthe heat, because the sun is so far way from us and its light loses more of its energy ( 能量 ) .W

182、hen it reaches the growth of trees, plants and humans. On the other hand ,muchheat and light would do harm ( 危害) to us. The heat and light from the sun come in just theright quantities ( 数量) for life on the earth.( )1. The earth is a.A. star B. satellite C. planet D. moon( )2. The earth receives of

183、thesun, heat and light.A. all B. less C. not enough D. right quantities( )3. The temperature of the sun is that of the earth.A. very higher than B. much higher thanC. the same as D. more higher than( )4. It is from the sun to the earth.A. quite far B. very near C. a lot of farther D. more higher tha

184、n( )5. The heat and light from the sun is for life on the earth.A. more B. less C .bad D. fitKeys: 一、 1. has gone 2. Have, eaten 3. never seen, saw4.have, worked 5. was, has become二、 1-5 CBBAD47Book 4 Module4 Seeing the doctor三十二、 教 学 内容 :Unitl I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.三十三

185、、 课 型 :Listening and speaking三十四、 教 学 目标:1 , 能够正确使用下列单词和词组: cough, fever, headache, stomach, ache, stomach ache,toothache, ill, this, since, cold, catch a cold, take sbs temperature, fast food, health, take2、能使用现在完成时与fo r和 since引导的时间状语连用的结构。3、能够听懂听懂疾病及症状的描述和关于健康生活习惯的表述并获取相关信息。4、能够与同学合作完成医患间的角色扮演和对话。

186、三十 五 、 教学重难点:1、能使用现在完成时与fo r和 since引导的时间状语连用的结构。2、能够与同学合作完成医患间的角色扮演和对话。 ( 难点)三十 六 、 教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用任务型教学模式, 培养学生独立自主的学习能力。 本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、奖品三 十 七 、 教 学 过 程 :教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up ( 3 )Lead in1. Play a video and

187、singr asong with the students: Areyou healthy and strong?Lefs share the video:Healthy Song2. Free talk:What do you do whenyou are free?(2) Do you think spending1. Enjoy the video and try tosing the song.2. Students have the free talk.组织教学,放松心情,活跃课堂气氛, 引入本课话题。通 过 这 个 环节,可以训练学 生 的 反 应又 在 无 形 中培 养 学 生

188、大胆 说 英 语 的is good for you ?习惯。活跃了(3) Darning hasnt done课堂气氛。much exercise since he gothis computer? Do you thinkit will be bad for him?What problems may he48任 务 ( 问题)have?Step TwoPre-task( 5 )Show students somepictures about Darningsproblems , show the title ofModule 4 and lecture thenew words as we

189、ll.eg: cough, fever, headache,stomach, ache, stomachache, toothache, ill, this,Watch pictures and learn somenew words引 导 学 生 谈论 图 片 , 训练学 生 描 述 事情的能力。在描 述 的 同 时学 习 新 单 词和句型,做到词不离句,为StepThreeWhile-task(24,)since, cold, catch a cold,take sb.s temperature, fastfood, health, take1. Listen and match.(1)T

190、: Do you think youhave a strong body? Howabout Betty and Darning?Now, lets listen and match.2. Listen again and check :whats wrong with Betty cand Darning.3. T : Do you think Darning :have a strong body? What tcauses the illness? Now, he1. Listen and finish Activity 1.!. The students listen again an

191、dheck the table.L The students listen and finishhe table in Activity 3:-hen open the books, read the的障碍。把 听 对 话 回答 问 题 改 为听 对 话 选 择正确的答案,降低难度,让学 生 循 序 渐进,从易到难,提高学习信心。让 学 生 带 着is seeingthe doctor. Let s conversation and check thenfind out why he has such a answers.去 听 对 话 并找到答案,有bad body. What causes

192、 hisproblems? Now, pleaselisten and finish the table.4 . Reading and 4.Students open the book andunderstanding the find out the answers. Then makedialogue ( have students them to work together and finishfind out the difficult the questions in groups.points.)5 .Problems- solving 5. Some students read

193、 the49助 于 培 养 和提 高 学 生 更加 准 确 地 听取 信 息 的 能力。通过小组活 动 提 高 学生间的自主、合作学习,让学 生 充 分 地实 践 运 用 语言,并激发学适 当 的 口 头Ask the students to read the dialogue and the other students生 创 造 性 思dialogue in roles. And helpfind out difficulties points. All维的发展。them solve these importantthe students say the difficultiespoint

194、s:and solve together.1) have got / have astomach avhe2) my head hurts.= I havea headache. = I have a painin my head.3) How long have you beenlike this?Since Friday.4)take ones temperature5)catch a cold have a cold6 ) I havent done muchexercise since I got mycomputer last year.7) r ve been ill for ab

195、outthree days.8) Take it three times a day.9) be harmful to = do harmto6. Read the dialogue.6. Have studentsread thedialogue and try toremeiwer me main idea.Retelling.Complete the retelling.复 述 对 话 能 Let the students retell theDarning has got a 1._ achedialogue.and his head 2._ . Hes 3.Call back the

196、 answers_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 川 for about three days,from two students thenbut he hasnt 4._ a使 学 生 加 深对 课 文 内 容的 理 解 和 记忆。Step Four read the short passagecold. The doctor takes hisPost-in the whole class .5._ , but theres no 6.task. Then the doctor says(1 0 )fast food and no breakfast causethe problems. He

197、thinks Darningspend too much time in front ofthe 7._. So firstly,Darning should stop 8the fast food and have breakfast.Secondly, he should get some练习,让学生巩 固 本 课 时9., such as的 语 言 点 和running. 突出重点,还锻 炼 了 学 生的胆量。50Step FiveSummaryI.Get the students tosum up the language points.T: What have we learnedt

198、oday?Ss:.2.Let the students to choosethe best team in this lesson.I.Sum up the language points.2.To choose the best groups.引导生对这阚总结,让学生做自由发言,培养 学 生 自 主学习,自主总结 的 良 好 学习习惯简的蟒使 学 生 的 课Step SixHomework1. Read the dialogue afterschool and remember thenew words.Finish the homework.膘 作电堂表犍到肯 定 并 且 可以 激 励 学

199、 生的学习兴趣拗 学 习 英语的信心。助 于 学 生 巩固 已 学 的 知(1) 2.To check out what识,补充其他animals in danger after方面的锻炼class.写作是阐的拓展,让学生最先全掌握语言,实践运用语言。七、板书设Module 4. Seeing the doctor.Unitl. I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.1) have got / have a stomach avhe2) my head hurts.= I have a headache. = I have a

200、pain in my head.3) How long have you been like this?- - 一 Since Friday.4) take onefe temperature5) catch a cold have a cold6) I havent done much exercise since I got my computer last year.7) IVe been ill for about three days.8) Take it three times a day.9) be harmful to = do harm to51达棚勰翻译下列短语1 .胃 疼

201、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. 自从上个星期五_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 .多久_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 .感冒_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5 .量体温6. 快餐7. 对 有害8 ,做运动9 .头疼_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _10.一天三次_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二、选择正确的答案) 1.1 havent a bad cold, but my head hurts.A. ca

202、tch B. have C. caught D. get)2.Playing too much computer will be to your health.A.good B. harm C. helpful D. harmful)3. 一 have you been here in Huidong?一 For 3 years.A. How often B. How old C.How long D. How much) 4.Herefe the medicine, please take it.A. third time B. three time C.three times a day

203、D. a day three times)5. I think the little boy has a fever. Dont worry. I wi l l .A. take his temperature B. catch his temperatureC. do harm to him D. cath a cold52Book 4 Module4 Seeing the doctor三十八、 教 学 内容 :Unit2 We have played football for a year now.三十九、 课 型 :Listening and speaking四十、教 学 目标:1、能够

204、正确使用下列单词和词组: well, heart, active, pet, member, take part (in sth.),then, daily, weak, exercise2、能读懂关于饮食和运动习惯的短文。3、能够根据图片提示写关于健康生活的短文。4、能够针对不健康的生活习惯或行为给出适当的建议和看法。四十 一 、 教学重难点:1、能读懂关于饮食和运动习惯的短文。( 重点)2、能够针对不健康的生活习惯或行为给出适当的建议和看法。 ( 难点)四十 二 、 教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用任务型教学模式, 培养学生独立自主的学习能力。 本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技

205、能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、奖品四十三、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-UD( 3 )Lead in1. Free talk pairworks:Have students makedialogue like this:A: How can I help you?B: My head hurts.1. Have students act out theirdialogue.以旧引新,先引 导 学 生 进入 本 模 块 的主题。Step TwoP

206、re-task1. Free talks:Health is really importantto all of us. Theres aChinese saying lik e :健康Watch pictures learn some newwords.引 导 学 生 谈论 图 片 , 训练学 生 描 述 事情的能力。在描 述 的 同 时( 5 ) 两字值千金。 So how can学 习 新 单 词we stay healthy? Now, lets和句型,做到have a talk about this.词不离句,为学 生 扫 清 读532. Show students a pictur

207、eand ask: Look at thispicture, what are theydoing? And which is yourfavourite?Then show the title of thelesson and lecture the newwords as well.eg:well, heart, active, pet,member, take part (in sth.),then, daily, weak, exercise的障碍。StepThreeWhile-task(24,)1. Scanning(1)Ask students to scanthe passage

208、.T: Make the students readthe passageand answer thequestion:How many people are therein the passage?Who are they?2. SkimmingAsk students to skim thepassage and match thepeople with the pictures in1. Scanning(1)Ask students to scanthe passage and find out theanswer.2. SkimmingAsk students to skim the

209、passage and finish Activity 1.3. Careful reading.(l)Paragraph 1:Read and finish the table.要 求 学 生 快速阅读文章,找 到 问 题 的答案。通 过 学 生 快速阅读,培养学 生 获 取 主旨的能力,理清 故 事 发 展的顺序。并且从 整 体 把 握文章的内容,为 进 一 步 学习做好铺垫。计学生, 带着Activitvl.3.Careful reac ing.1)Paragraph 1:( 方 The whologether ancs classfinish thetable:任 务 ( 问题)Ann

210、a去阅读课文,ProblemsAdvise去找答案,有助 于 学 生 更from thedoctor加 准 确 地 获取信息,提高阅 读 效 果 和Whathappenednext技能。学生通过 分 层 次 阅How Anna读文章,获取具体信息,把feels now54(2)Ask a volunteer to readParagraph 1 in class andthe other students find outdifficulties.Solve difficulties:1) Check onefe heart2) need sth. need to dosth.3) Now I

211、 get exercisebytaking him for a walkevery.4) I have had him forthree mounths nowT: Itfe lucky for Anna tobecome healthy now. Nowletfe take a look at the othergirl, Wang Wei, is she ahealthy girl? How do youfeel about her?(2)Paragraph 2:1 ) T: Now, I wantsomeone to read thepassagefor us, and wefind o

212、ut: What is WangWei like? Ask a student to be 白little teacher to check tethe answers. Read by yourself andpoint out important points.(4)Solve difficulties一 Ask a volunteer to readParagraph 1 in class and theother students find outdifficulties. Ask a little teacher tosolve difficulties:(2)Paragraph 2

213、:2) Listen to someone toread and find out the keywords that the answers tothe question. Ask a student to be a littleacher to check the answers. Read by yourself and pointout important points.ff)Solve difficulties一知识和课文 理 解 在 分段 学 习 得 以突破。而小组活能通过学生的自主 、 合作学习让学生充分地践运用语言并激性思的发展。1) We have played footba

214、llfor a year now.2)take part in -3) She is in excellentcondition.in condition 健康out of condition 身体状况不佳55(3)Paragraph 3: Let the students answerthese two questions afterreading Paragrap31)What was Thomas,problem?2)What did he do inJanuary?3) What has changed sincethen?4) How does he feel now? Studen

215、ts read thisparagraph and find outdifficult points in groups:1)Since then, I has becomepart of my life.2) I arrive at work with asmile on my face.(4) Paragraph 4 Ask a group of sixstudents to read paragraph4, then fill in the blanks.Richard was 1._aftera long 2_ , so hewanted to 3._.But after he sta

216、rted4_a week ago,he felt even 5_ . Heis too 6._ to do anyexercise. What should hedo?Ask the students to readthis part and find out keyphrases:run before school?(2) My legs hurt and I amhot all over.(3) Perhaps I am too weakto do any exercise.(3)Paragraph 3: Let the students answerthese two questions

217、 afterreading Paragrap31 )What was Thomas* problem?2)What did he do in January?3 ) What has changed sincethen?4) How does he feel now?Students read this paragraphand find out difficult points ingroups:Ask a group of six students toread paragraph 4, then fill in theblanks.Ask the students to read thi

218、spart and find out key phrases:. (1)Why dont we go for a1. Reading the passage.复 述 对 话 能_以 激 励 学 生的学习兴趣物 学 习 英语的信心。1. Reading使 学 生 加 深Have students read the对谑内容whole passage by的 理 解 和 记themselves, then hold a忆。Step Four competition aboutPost-reading: Who reads thetaskbest?适当笔练(10) 2.Retelling. 2.Do

219、the retelling.习,让学生巩Let the students retell the固本魄story while looking at the语 言 点 和 突notes on the blackboard.出重点。3. Writing2. WritingI c c at +ha ninti irA nnWritA thAActvity5 Page29 aboutColin. First, let the studentstalk about the pictures, andthen make them write downfour sentences to describewha

220、t happened.I.Get the students toI.Sum up the language points.引导生对sum up the language points.这日总Step FiveT: What have we learned结,让学生做Summarytoday?自由发言,培Ss:.至济止匕十7 T J -1 曰L.2.Let the students to choose学习,自主总the best team in this lesson.2.To choose the best groups.结 的 良 好 学习习惯简的那使 学 生 的 课堂表现到肯 定 并 且

221、可Step Six 1. Read the passageafterand remember theFinish the homework. 作花 Home- school助 于 学 生 巩work new words.固 己 学 的 知( 1s) 2.To write a passage about识,补充其他healthy living.方面的锻炼写作是阅的拓展,让学生最终全掌握语言,实57践运用语言。七、板书设Module 4 Seeing the doctor.Unit 2 We have played football for a year now.1 .Check one hear

222、t2 .need sth. need to do sth.3 .Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every.4 .I have had him for three mounths now 5 . We have played football for a year now.6 .take part in -7 . She is in excellent condition, in conditio 犍康 out of condition 身体状况 不佳8 .Since then, I has become part of my life.

223、达棚缠选择正确的答案( )1. The teacher came into the classroom a smile on his face.A.on B. in C. has D. with)2. The old grandny for a few years.A. died B. dead C. has died D. has been dead)3. She felt weak and she more exercise.A. needing B. need C. needed D.needs)4. My dad keeps fit every day.A. by run B. by

224、running C. to run D.with running)5. The old man is in condition, he is very healthy.A. bad B.worse C. good D. excellently)6. I feel very because I couldnt sleep well last night.A. sleeping B. slept C. sleepy D.sleep)7. We all enjoy basketball after school.A. to play B. play C. to playing D. playing)

225、8. I have Shanghai for 10 years.A. been to B. gone to C. been at D. been in)9. The girl has the bike since she was 6.A.bought B.buy C.had D.have)10. I cant drink the water. Itfe hot for me to drink.A. to too B. to to C. too to D. too - too58Book 4 Module4 Seeing the doctor四十四、 教 学 内 容 :Unit3 Languag

226、e in use.四十五、 课 型 :Listening and speaking四十六、 教 学 目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: cough, fever, headache, stomach, ache, stomach ache,toothache, ill, this, since, cold, catch a cold, take sb.s temperature, fast food, health, takepart in sth., well, heart, active, pet, member, then, daily, weak, exercise2、能正确使用现

227、在完成时与fo r 和 since引导的时间状语连用的结构。3、能够与同学合作完成医患间的角色扮演和对话。4、能够针对不健康的生活习惯或行为给出适当的建议和看法。5、能写一篇关于运动习惯的短文四十 七 、 教学重难点:1 . 能正确使用现在完成时与fo r 和 since引导的时间状语连用的结构,以及读懂关于饮食和运动习惯的短文。( 重点)2 . 能够写关于运动习惯的短文。( 难点)四十 八 、 教 学 准 备 :本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活

228、动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。四十 九 、 教 学 过 程 :教学步骤教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的1. Leading-in(7 )1. Greetings.2. Revision:( Have acompetition )I.Say hello to each other.2. The students enjoy thecompetition, and then finishthe questionaire with theirfriends.Review

229、 and consolidatethe new words andsome phrases.(1) What present did Annas parents give her forher birthday?(2) What does she do with him every day?(3) How is Wang Weis coach?(4) How long has Wang Wei played football?(5) How did Thomas go to work a few years ago?59(6) Did she feel happy at that time?

230、How about now?(8) Who is too weak to do any exercise?(9) Do you do sports too?(10) What kind of exercise do you do( Then have students open their books andfinish the questionaire with theirpartners.Activity2 on Page 30.)2.While-task(17 5)1. Show thestudents a pictureof my best friendand say: This is

231、my best friend. Wehave known eachother since wecame to studied inHuidong MiddleSchool, and wehave been goodfriends for 20years. How aboutyou? Do you havea good friend?How long haveyou known eachother?I.Have students listen andry to revise the keysentences theyVe learntbefore.Review and consolidatehe

232、 verbs and thephrases just learned inthe first two units.2.Free talk:A: Do you have abike?B: Yes, I have.A: How long hadyou have it?B: I have had it for5 years.3.Ask the studentsto finish Activity3help buy-hadthem summarizethis: buy-hadborrow-keep2. Students make thedialogues and share in classwith

233、the other students.A: Do you have a b ?B: Yes, 1 have.A: How long have you it?B: 1 have- it for years1 have- it since,- .3.The students make asummary: and thenborrow-keepdie be deadcome-be inConsolidateexpressions and mainsentence structure thatthey ve leam.edA603. Post-task(die- be deadcome-be in4.

234、 Have studentsfinish Activities4&5, and helpthem consolidatethe languagepoints.4. Do the exercise ofActivities 4&5, andremember the languagepoints as well.5.Listening : Havestudents listen andcomplete thepassage ofActivity7.5. Practice the listening andthe reading comprehension.To practice thelisten

235、ing and thereading.1. Have studentsnake a survey to afind what exercisethey do and theeffects.1. Students ask their partnersnd try to find out: Whichexercise do the students liketo do most and the effect.Write the information in thetable.To practice the skill ofpeaking.What exercise do youoften do ?

236、When did you begindoing it?How often do you doit?Is it good for you?Whatfe your feelingafter you do theexercise2. Get the Ss tomake a reportwith theinformation in thetable.2. Make a report with theinformation in the table. Andthen write a passage.To practice the writingskill.614. Summary(1 )Sum up t

237、he keystructure: for +一段时间since + 时间点Students conclude the usageof the key structure.Let the studentsinternalize the grammarthey ve learned in thi(module.5. Homework(T )1. Remember all the new words and useful expressions of this module.2. Finish the exercise on the workbook.板书设计3. Try to share ones

238、 own experience of themselves with other people.Module4 Seeing the doctor.Unit 3 Language in useI havent done much exercise since I got my computer last year.I have had him for three months now.Since then, it has become part of my life.for+ 一段时间since + 时间点达标训练题一、 用 since和 fo r填空:1. He has studied En

239、glish 8 years.2. We have known each other we were 10.3. The boy has been in the roon 10o clock.4.t hen, I have never had any fish.5. The film has been on 15 minutes.二、短文填空:Mrs Read feels ill so she goes to see the 1. She says she has 2.like this 3.more than 2 weeks. The 4.checks Mrs Read very carefu

240、llyand tells her that she eats too 5. And he asks her to 6.more exerciseand eat less 7.but more vegetable and fruit. Mrs. Read feels very 8.becauseshe doesnt like doing exercise and she likes 9.meat very much. Whatshould she do? Can the doctor help her 10.weight?62Book 4 Module5 Cartoons五十、 教 学 内 容

241、:UnitlIts time to watch a cartoon.五H、 课 型 :Listening and speaking五十二、 教 学 目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, hero, humorous,cant help doing, laugh2、能够综合运用一般过去时、过去进行时和现在完成时。3、能够识别对话中所提及的卡通故事和人物。4、能够询问并回答有关卡通故事和相关人物信息。五 十 三 、 教学重难点:1、能够综合运用一般过去时、过去进行时和现在完成时。 ( 重点)2、能够询问并回答有关卡通故

242、事和相关人物信息。 ( 难点)五 十 四 、 教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用任务型教学模式, 培养学生独立自主的学习能力。 本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、奖品五 十 五 、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up ( 3 )Lead in1 . Greetings.2 . Share these exellentcartoons:Superman, Spiderman, Tomand Jerry1. Gr

243、eetings.2. Enjoy the wonderful cartoonsand get relaxed.活 跃 课 堂 气氛 , 引起学生的兴趣。Step TwoI.Free talk:(1) Have you ever seenthese cartoons?1. Talk about the one they likebest.利 用 图 片 呈现 新 单 词 和句 型 , 做到词不离句,为学Pre-task (2) Do you like watching生 扫 清 听 的( 5 )cartoons?障碍。63(2 4 )StepThreeWhile-task(3) Which is

244、 yourfavourite?2. Show students somepictures of these cartoons,and then show the title ofthe lesson and lecture thenew words as well.eg: cartoon, handsome,smart, fight, cool, hero,humorous, can t helpdoing, laugh2. The students talk about theirfavourite cartoons and learn thenew words as well.eg: ca

245、rtoon, handsome, smart,fight, cool, hero, humorous,力nt help doing, laugh1. Listen and find outBettys and Tonysanswers to these. Listen and choose the bestanswers.通 过 听 力 训questions:(1) Bettys favourite cartoon is_.练,让学生熟悉故事内容。为 进 一 步 的听 说 学 习 做A. Superman B. lom(2) Tony likes_ cartocA. exciting B. f

246、unn(3) Cartoons always haveand Jerryns.yending.好铺垫。A.sad B. happy2. T: OK! It s time forDamingand Tony to watcha cartoon.Now, let slisten and find out:What cartoon are theygoing to watch at last?2.The students listen carefullyand find out the answer.What cartoon are they goingto watch at last?让 学 生

247、带 着任 务 ( 问题)去 听 对 话 并找到答案,有助 于 培 养 和3. Reading.T: Good job. Please openyour book and answer thesequestions:3. ReadingStudents open the book and findout the answers. Then makethem to work together and sharetheir answers in groups.坛 向 孚 土 更加 准 确 地 听取 信 息 的 能力。通过小组活 动 提 高 学生间的自主、(1) What does Tony thin

248、k aboutSpiderman?(2) Why does Darning think Supermanis better?(3) Why do they both like Tom and Jerry?(4) What lesson can Tony learn fromTom and Jerry?(5) Do you agree with Tony?合作学习,让学 生 充 分 地实 践 运 用 语言,并激发学生 创 造 性 思维的发展。4. Problems- solvingAsk the students to read thedialogue in roles. And helpthe

249、m solve these importantpoints:1) Its time to do sth= It stime for sth. doing sth. f(2) I think Superman isbetter. I dont think we 13) 1 want to be someonelik3) 1 want to be someone4. Some students read thedialogue and the other studentsfind out difficulties points. Allthe students say the difficulti

250、esand solve together.) It s time to do sth= It s time)r sth. doing sth.2) 1 think Superman is better.1 don t think we agree, agree.elim.4) He keeps fighting badpeople, keep doing sth.5)1 can t help laughing when 1watch them.( cant help doings th .区分: can t wait to dosth.)6)learn from sb. learn sth.E

251、g. We should learn from eachother and help each other.5. Read the dialogue and thenact it out in different roles withtheir partners, try to rememberthe main ideas of the dialogue.65with the crrect form of the (Activity4)like him.4) He keeps fighting badpeople, keep doing sth.5)1 can t help laughingw

252、hen 1 watch them.( canthelp doing sth .区 分 :can t wait to do sth.)6)learn from sb. learnsth. Eg. We should learnfrom each other and helpeach other.5. Please read the dialogueand then act it out indifferent roles with yourpartners, try to rememberthe main ideas of thedialogue.1. Retelling.Complete th

253、e passage1. Complete the retellingaccording to the dialogue.复 述 对 话 能对 课 文 内 容66堂表规到Step FourPosttask(10) I-words in thebox.(Activity4)2.SpeakingWork in pairsave students make ddialogues like this: 一 What cartoons do youlike watching?-I likft watching2.SpeakingWork in pairs and makeialogues like thi

254、s:一 What cartoons do you likewatching?-I like watching.-Why do you likp it?的 理 解 和 记忆。适 当 的 口 头练习让学生Step FiveSummary 一 Why do you like it?一 Because-I.Get the students tosum up the language points.T: What have we learnedtoday?Ss:.2.Let the students to choose Because-I.Sum up the language points.巩固本喋的

255、 语 言 点 和突出重点。引塔生对这廉总结让学生做自由发言培养 学 生 自 主the best team in this lesson.2.To choose the best groups.学习自主思结 的 良 好 学习习惯箍的请使 学 生 的 课肯 定 并 且 可以 激 励 学 生的学习兴趣物 学 习 英语的信心。Step Six 1. Read the dialogue after Finish the homework.端 作端Home- school and remember the助 于 学 生 巩work new words.固 已 学 的 知( 11) 2. To copy t

256、he new words.识补充其他方面的锻炼七、板书设Modules. Cartoonsllnitl. It time to watch a cartoon.1) Ite time to do sth= Ite time for sth. doing sth.2) I think Superman is better. I dont think we agree. 3)I want to be someone like him.4) He keeps fighting bad people, keep doing sth.5)l cant help laughing when I watch

257、 them.( cant help doing sth.区分:cant wait to do sth.)676)leam from sb. learn sth. Eg. We should learn from each other and help eachother.达标训练题一 . 用适当的介词填空:1 .What kind fruits do you like best?2. The fairy tales always end a happy ending.3. The sunshine goes in the window.4. It s time supper, please h

258、elp set the table.5. Spiderman can climb up buildings his hands and feet.二、选择正确的答案:( ) 1.What is your best friend like? Well, he is.A. thin and tall B. tall and handsomeC.tall and beautiful D. nice and friendly( )2. Im afraid to speak in public because I think others m ay me.A.smile at B.smile C. la

259、ugh D. laugh at( )3. The girl is so happy and she keeps all the time.A. sing B. to sing C.to singing D. singing( )4. Ifs 6:30 now. Its time up.A.to B. for C.to get D.for get( )5. They couldnt help after they read the funny story.A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. to laughing68Book 4 Module5 Cartoon

260、s五十六、 教 学 内 容 :Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.五十七、 课 型 :Listening and speaking五十八、 教 学 目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: ugly, lead, clever, expect, invent, create, satisfy2、能读懂以卡通为主题的短文并提取相关信息。3、能够描写自己喜欢的卡通人物和相关故事。4、能够展示卡通故事、介绍卡通作品和演示卡通故事。五 十 九 、 教学重难点:1、能读懂以卡通为主题的短文并提取相关信息。( 重点)2、能够展示卡通故事、介

261、绍卡通作品和演示卡通故事。 ( 难点)六 十 、教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用任务型教学模式, 培养学生独立自主的学习能力。 本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、奖品六 十 一 、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Lead in以旧引新,先1. Revision:1. Revision:引 导 学 生 进What cartoon heroes did we Have students talk about theirtalk about y

262、esterday?favourite cartoon heroes.入 本 模 块 的主题。引起学Which is your favourite?生 的 注 意 和Can you say something深思。about them?Step One2. T: Do you know some2. Students watch and think.Warmingother cartoons and the-up ( 3 )heroes of it?Show some pictures of thecartoons that we are goingto talk about today.引 导

263、 学 生 谈Show students some Watch pictures learn some new 论 图 片 , 训练cartoon heroes and show words.学 生 描 述 事Step Two the title of the lesson and eg: ugly, lead, clever, expect,情的能力。在69去阅读课文,去找答案,有Pre-task( 5 )lecture the new words aswell.eg: ugly, lead, clever,expect, invent, create,invent, create, sati

264、sfy前述的同时学 习 新 单 词和句型,做到StepThreeWhile-task(24,)1. Scanning(1)Ask students to scanthe passage.T: Read the passage andchoose a sentencethat bestsummarises it on the book.2. SkimmingAsk students to skim thepassage and find out theanswers to these questions:(1) How many cartoonheroes are mentionedin the

265、 passage?(2 ) Who are they?3. Careful reading.(l)Paragraph 1: Listen and finish fill inthe table:Nemo is a 1._orange-and-white 2._and Shrek is an 3._green animal. They lookvery different but they have1. Scanning(1)Ask students to scanthe passage and choose the maiidea of the passage.2. SkimmingAsk s

266、tudents to skim thepassage and finish the twoquestions.3. Careful reading.(l)Paragraph 1: Listen and finish fill in thetable:Nemo is a 1._orange-and-white 2._ andShrek is an 3._ greenanimal. They look very differentbut they have won the 4.-词不离句,为学 生 扫 清 读的障碍。要 求 学 生 快速阅读文章,】 把 标 题 和 文段相匹配。通 过 学 生 快速

267、阅读,培养学 生 获 取 主旨的能力,突出 本 模 块 的重点句式。并且 从 整 体 把握 文 章 的 内容,为进一步 学 习 做 好铺垫。让 学 生 带 着任 务 ( 问题)won the 4.of young of young people all over the助 于 学 生 更people all over the world. world.加 准 确 地 获取信息,提高T: Now, lets checktheT: Now, please listento阅 读 效 果 和answers.paragraphs 1 and finishpassage.the技能。学生通过 分 层 次

268、 阅读文章,获取Ask a volunteer to read Ask a volunteer toread具体信息,把Paragraph 1 in class andParagraph 1 in class and thethe other students find outdifficulties.Solve difficulties:Both of them have wonother students finddifficulties.Solve difficulties:out知 识 点 和 课文 理 解 在 分段 学 习 得 以突破。而小组活 动 能 通 过学 生 间 的 自70i

269、mportant points.the hearts of young peopleall over the world.1)both of / all of.2) win the hearts of sb.Eg. The handsome boy haswon the hearts of the girl.T: Nemo is cute and Shrekis ugly, but both of them arefamous all over the world.Now, lets take a look atother cartoonhero- Monkey King.(2)Paragra

270、ph 2: Letfe read together and fill inthe information card with yourpartners:Ask a student to be a littleteacher5 to check the answers. Read by yourself and find out主 、 合作学习让学生充分地践运用语言并激性思雒发展。2)Paragraph 2:1) Letfe read ogether andill in the information cardwith your part lers:Information cardName of

271、 1._the storyName of 2._the cartoon _.heroWhatfe the He leads astory groups ofabout? 4_against theEmperor ofHaven andhis men.Howfe the Hefe 4._ ,cartoon clever andhero? 5._ . Ask a student to be 白little teacher to checkthe answers. Rfiad by yourself andfind out important points.Solve difficulties.So

272、lve difficulties.1) lead sb. to do sth. Eg.He leads his team to71fight against theenemy.2) make a mess in Eg.The little boy made aterrible mess in hisroom.3) expect (sb.) to do sth.Eg. 1 expect to pass theexam.T: We all know thatMonkey King is fromChina. How about Tintin?Have you ever heard of himbe

273、fore? Who invented him?How does he look like?And how long has he beenpopular? Now, let readtogether and find out theanswers.(3)Paragraph 3: Let the students answerthese two questions afterreading Paragrap31) How long has Tintinbeen popular?2)Who invented him?3) How does he look like?4) When did Tint

274、in appearin China?(2) Students read thisparagraph and find outdifficult points:1) He has been popularfor over 80 years.2) work for3) invent inventor 4)black-abook black-and-whiteTV set Ask a group of sixstudents to readparagraph 3.(3)Paragraph 3: Let the students answerthese two questions afterreadi

275、ng Paragrap3Students read this paragraphand find out difficult points:1) in order to 2) set up = build3) nature park4) feed the pandasid-white Tintin Ask a group of six students toread paragraph 3.Solve difficulties by yourself.72(5)Why do you like it?Solve difficulties.Please read by yourself andse

276、e if you have any difficultpoints.(4) Paragraph 4:Lets read the lastparagraph together andfind out:1) What is Snoopyactually?2) Do you like he?3) How old is he?(4) Paragraph 4:Lets read the last paragraphtogether and find out theanswers to the questions.T: Letsread the whole passage together decidew

277、hich cartoon hero here isyour favourite.: Let feead the whole passagetogether and decide whichcartoon hero is your favourite.Step FourPosttask(10) ti1.Retelling.Let the students decide theirfavourite cartoon hero here,and then have them saysomething about them withthe help of the picture ofthe carto

278、on heros.(Beforethe retelling, give someTie for students to read thepassage first.)1. Retelling.Let the students decide theirfavourite cartoon hero here, andthen have them say somethingabout them with the help of thepicture of the cartoon heros.复述罐使 学 生 加 深对课内容的 理 解 和 记忆。2.Writing(1)Which is your fa

279、vouritecartoon?(2)What is it about?(3)Whofe in it?(4)Whatfe the cartoon hero2. WritingWrite the short passage.(1)Which is your favouritecartoon?(2)What is it about?(3)Whofe in it?适当笔练习让学生巩固本翻语 点 和 突出重点。likp?(4)Whatk thft cartoon har。like?Why do you like it?You may begin like this:My favourite cartoo

280、nYou may begin like this:My favourite cartoonis And hero is the cartoon is And is the cartoonhero I.Get the students to 1,Sum up the language points. 弓 I导生对73- 2.To finishwritingtheStep FiveSummarysum up the language points.T: What have we learnedtoday?Ss:.2.Let the students to choosethe best team i

281、n this lesson.2.To choose the best groups.这朝总结,让学生做自由发言,培养 学 生 自 主学习,自主总结 的 良 好 学习习惯的蟒使 学 生 的 课堂表现到Step SixHomework-4,, 八1. Read the passageafterschool and remember thenew words.Finish the homework.端 作端肯 定 并 且 可以 激 励 学 生的学习兴趣树 学 习 英语的信心。助 于 学 生 巩固 已 学 的 知识,补充其他short passage :方面的锻炼My Favourite Cartoo

282、n写作是匐的拓展,让学生最完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。七、板书设Module 5 Cartoons.Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.1) both of - /all of.2) win the hearts of sb.3) lead sb. to do sth. Eg. He leads his team to fight against the enemy.4) make a mess in Eg. The little boy made a terrible mess in his room.5) expect

283、(sb.) to do sth. Eg. I expect to pass the exam.达楣缠一. 选择正确的答案( )1. The little girl expects to Disneyland this summer holiday.A. going B. to go C. goes D. will go)2.the fans went to see the concert last night.A. Thousand B. Thousand of C. Thousands of D. Of thousand)3. Tintin popular for over 80 years

284、 since the artist invented it.A. was B.has C. has been D. have become74( )4. The children made a big in the room.A. mess B. messes C. mass D.masses( )5. The singer has won the of the teenagers.A. hears B. hearts C. cartoons D. heros二、短文填空:Pleasant Sheepand Big Big Wolf has been the most popular 1.in

285、 China2.it was first on TV in Jane, 2005. The cartoon 3.is PleasantSheep. He is a handsome and 4.sheep, and he is very good at study. Fb kindand he always 5.to save his friends. He leads a group of his 6.tofight agaist the two wolves and he wins all the time. But Big Big Wolf has never7.up.The story

286、 brings a lot of joy to children as well 8.the parents. U s very famousall over China and Asia.75Book 4 Module5 Cartoons六十二、 教 学 内 容 :Unit3 Language in use.六十三、 课 型 :Listening and speaking六十四、 教 学 目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, hero, humorous,cant help doing, laugh, ugly,

287、 lead, clever, expect, invent, create, satisfy2、能够综合运用一般过去时、过去进行时和现在完成时。3、能读懂以卡通为主题的短文并提取相关信息。4、能够描写自己喜欢的卡通人物和相关故事。六 十 五 、 教学重难点:1、能综合运用一般过去时、过去进行时和现在完成时,以及提取以卡通为主题的相关信息。 ( 重点)2、能够展示卡通故事、介绍卡通作品和演示卡通故事。 ( 难点)六 十 六 、 教 学 准 备 :本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说

288、法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。六 十 七 、 教 学 过 程 :教学步骤教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的1. Leading-in(7 )1. Enjoy theexcellent momentof some famouscartoons.2. Free talks:My favouritecartoon.3. Dictation of thekey points andnew words of thismodule.1. Enjoy

289、 the cartoons.2. Talk about their favouritecartoons.3. Take the dictation.Review and consolidatethe new words andsome phrases.76like?.3. Show thecartoon story tothe others.3. Show the cartoon story tothe others.To practice the skill ofwriting.4. Summary(V )Sum up the keysentencesand thetense.Student

290、s conclude the usageof the key structure.Let the studentsinternalize the grammarthey ve learned in thismodule.5. HomeworkCV )Drawing: My Favourite cartoon hero.板书设计Module 5 Cartoons.Unit 3 Language in useHe has been popular for over eighty years.Tintin appeared in Chian in the 1980s.Snoopy lives in

291、his own world.达标训练题一、选择正确的答案:( ) 1. Both of the students part in the speaking competition.A. take B. taking C. to take D. takes( )2. Why are you watching TV now? Mum, I my homework.A. finished B.has finishedC. fini D.have finished( )3. The first Tintin story in 1929.A.appear B. was appearing C. appe

292、ared D. has appeared( )4. He thinks the story is i n t e r e s t i n g , ?A. does he B.doesnt heC. is it D.isnt it( )5. Artists invented good cartoon heroes bad people.A. too B. also C. as well D. as well as二、阅读理解:Maybe you dont know Walt Disney, but you must know Disneyland. If you don tknow Disney

293、land, you must know Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.Walt Disney was American. He was born on Decembers, 1901. And he died onDecember 15, 1966. He died of 川ness.Walt Disney had 3 brothers and one sister. He enjoyed drawing when he was very78young. He was good at drawing. When he sold his first drawing t

294、o his neighbors, he wasonly seven years old! He got married in 1925. And he had two daughters. Disney was veryrich. But he was frugal ( 朴素的) . He spent most of his money on his work. In 1928, hecreated the famous character- Mickey Mouse, which made him famous to the world.Walt Disney is a great pers

295、on. Although he died, people all over the world willremember him forever. He is deeply loved by worldwide people. He was a clever,imaginative and creative man. He brings enjoyment and happiness to the people of everyth century.country. He is a hero of the 20)1.invented Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.A

296、. Mickey B. Walt C. Donald D. Duck)2. How old was Walt Disney when he died?A .66 B. 67 C. 65 D. 60)3. How mamy children did he have?A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4)4. When was Mickey Mouse invented?A. In 1925 B. In 1901 D. In 1966 D.1928)5. Which of the following is not true?A. Walt Disney died of illness.B. Wa

297、lt Disney was a clever, imaginative but not creative man.C. Walt Disney enjoyed drawing when he was young.D. Walt Disney sold his first drawing when he was 7.79Book 4 Module6 Hobbies一、教 学 内 容 :UnitIDo you collect anything?二、 课 型 :Listening and speaking三、教 学 目标:1 , 能够正确使用下列单词和词组:fan, stamp, tidy up,

298、shelf, have a look, as, coin, note,pound, dollar, must, valuable, with, value, just.2、能够听懂谈论爱好的谈话并完成相关的听力任务。4、能 就 “ 爱好”话题进行问答及介绍自己的爱好。5、通过对本单元的学习,了解各种爱好,通过谈论爱好及分享不同的爱好,培养对他人不同爱好的尊重,引导学生培养良好的兴趣爱好,促进学生的全面发展。教学重难 点 :能够熟练运用所学知识谈论爱好。四、 教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用任务型教学模式, 培养学生独立自主的学习能力。 本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程

299、中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片、实物和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、录音机、实物、奖品。五 、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图HaWarming-up/e the students see a book of1. Enjoy seeing a book of让 学 生 看 一 . Look at the sentences .适 量 的 笔 头练习,让学生巩固本魄的 语 言 重点 .(2) Rewrite the sentences. Rewrite the sentences.并为一步的 写 作 做 好铺垫I.Get the stud

300、ents tosum up the language points.I.Sum up the language points.引塔生对这魂总Step FiveT: What have we learned结,让学生做Summarytoday?自由发言,培(2)Ss:.养 学 生 自 主2.Let the students choose学习,自主总the best team in this lesson.2.To choose the best arouos.结 的 良 好 学习习惯箍的佛使 学 生 的 课堂表辄到肯 定 并 且 可以 激 励 学 生的学习兴趣树 学 习 英语的信心。固 已 学

301、的 知识,补充其他方面的锻炼Step SixWrite a short passage:MyWrite a short passage.爆 作或HomeClassmatefe Hobbyby助 于 学 生 巩workusingSuch as,as wellas( nand as a resultin Activity7.写作是阈的拓展,让学生最终全掌握语言,实践运用语言。七、板书设Unit2 Hobbies can make you grow as person.such asgrow as a persondevelop onefe interestsas well asask sb. to

302、 do sth.encourage sb.to do sth.89come outas a resultbe interested in达标训练题2 . 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Mr Li made his s tu d e n ts (w rite ) down their names.2. My fathers hobby is ( play)basketball.3. The doctor asked m e ( t a k e ) t h e medicine twice a day.4. My sister always spends much t i me ( b u y )

303、 clothes on line.5. Mrs Wang often encourages her s o n (try )s o m e th in g new in his daily life.二、单项选择。1 . Deng Ziqis latest CD will this year.A. come out B. go out C. take out D. get out2 .We are in the books.A.interesting;interesting B. interested;interestedC. interested;interesting D. interes

304、ting;interested3 .We can buy many kinds of fruit in the supermarket apples,bananas and pears.A. for example B. such as C. like as D. as well4 .Tim got up late this m o rn in g .,h e was late for schoolA. So B. Because C. As a result D. However5 .-Does your grandfather take exercise?- Yes. He spends

305、an hour a walk after supper.A. taking B. to take C. taken D. took90Book 4 Module 6 Hobbies2 .教 学 内 容 :Unit3 Language in use3 . 课 型 :Revision and application4 . 教 学 目 标 :1 .能正确运用本模块的词汇及短语。2 .能区别并能正确使用简单句句型。3 .能根据本模块所学的知识,介绍自己的爱好,询问及描述他人爱好。4 .通过了解他人爱好及分享自己爱好,养成尊重他人爱好及积极参与集体活动的优良品质。5 .教 学 重 难 点 :能够运用本模

306、块所学短语及简单句句型。6 .教 学 准 备 :本 节 课 型 为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。7 .教 学 过 程 :问答达创了真实交际教 学 步骤教师活动学生活动活动目的1.Leading-in(7)I.Have a free talk withstudents.Whaf s your hobby?W

307、hat do you think ofyour hobby?1. Answer the questions likethis : My hobby is .Its interesting/relaxing.通过与学生的自由交谈,复习了 U n itl的知识点的同时也训练了学生的反应。2.While-tas八、 Let thestudents work in pairsI.Look at the pictures andask and answer in pairs.让学生通过与同伴的k(17 ) look at the picture,ask的目的同时强化了对and answer about

308、the简单句的运用。avtivities in Activity2.91九、 Have acompetition.Work in groups of four,put the words andexpressions in theboxes and then makesentences about theirhobbies to see whichgroup can collect themost sentences.ening(1)Have the studentslisten to the tapeand complete thediagram inActivity6.(2)Call ba

309、ck theanswers.(3)Have them listenagain and answerthe question.2. The students work ingroups put the words andexpressions in the boxesand then make sentencesabout their hobbies .3. Listening(1)Listen to the tape andcomplete the diagram inActivity6.(2)Check the answers.(3)Listen again and answerthe qu

310、estion.4. Reading(1)Read the passage and通过小组合作把不同的爱好分类后进行造句比赛,可以激发学生的主动性及创造性思维,达到学以致用的目的。让学生通过听方面的输入完成相关听力任务,既检查了学生通过听获取细节信息的能力又为下一步做好铺垫。让学牛诵过读一篇与4.Reading(1)Have the studentswork in groups of 4 ,read the passage andcomplete the notes inActivity7.(2) Call back plete the notes inActivity? in groups o

311、f 4.(2)Check the answers.爱好相关的文章来完成相关任务,使学生对对他人的爱好有更进一步的了解的同时对如何陈述他人或自己爱好也有一定的认识。3. 1. Have the students 1 .Work in group of通过小组间的合作完Post-task work in group of 4 .complete the passage with成笔头练习,既强化了(1 9 )4 .complete thepassage with thecorrect form of thewords and expressionsin the box in Activity4.2

312、. Make a survey.(1)Have the studentswork in pairs,make asurvey about hobby.(2) Ask 2or3 studentsto say out theirpartnershobbies.the correct form of thewords and expressions in thebox in Activity4.2.Make a survey.(1)Work in pairs,make asurvey about hobby.Whafs yourhobby?When didyou start.?92本模块知识点的运用

313、,又培养了学生自主学习和团体精神。通过两人小组间的对对方爱好的调查,达到真实交际的目的同时也实现了学以致用。评价使学生的课堂表4.choose the bestreporter.Ask the students toyou feelabout yourhobby?2 Sayout theirpartners hobbies.3 Choose the bestreporter.Students conclude the usageSummary(15 Hcmaconclude the usage ofsimple sentences./nrk WritR a nassAnp ahmitof si

314、mple sentences.vour narnnt s and vnur hnhhv1Mndiilp 6 14chhiacUnit 3 Language in use+ + + + + + + + +There be + +1 .Tim plays basketball with his friends A一 + +2every day.B. +( ) 2 .There are two books on the desk.c. +( ) 3 .Jack is an honest boy.D. + + +( ) 4 .The fox ran away.( ) 5 . Mr Li asked h

315、im not to be late forE. + +school.F.There be +( )6.My father bought me a bikeyesterday.3Re interested in cck after;as well as;as a resuit;ccme Q”t93(3) Most of children playing computer games.(4) My brother was ill so my mother him at home.(5) Mo Yanfe new novel last month.4 .The old people the chil

316、dren like Tom and Jerry very much.5 .Tony often didnt listen to his English teacher carefully .he failed the Englishexam.94Book 4 Module? Summer in Los Angeles十二、 教 学 内 容 :Unitl Please write to me and send me photos.十三、 课 型 :Listening and speaking十四、教学目标:1 , 能够正确使用下列单词和词组:list, crazy, shorts, trouse

317、rs, sunglasses, weigh, total,weight, passport make a list,at the end of,by the way,prepare for,pay for.2、能正确使用下列句型:Can you help me?How can I help?Well,it sounds crazy,but I dont know what to take.What else?Dont forget to.You re welcome.3、能听懂关于介绍洛杉矶之行的语言材料,并能从中获取相关信息。4、能正确使用关于“ 请求帮助” 、 “ 提供帮助”等日常用语,能

318、谈论计划与将来的活动。5、通过谈论旅行计划,引导学生养成做事有计划、生活有条理的良好习惯。教学重难点:能区别并学会运用and, but, or连接的并列复合句。十 五 、教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用任务型教学模式, 培养学生独立自主的学习能力。 本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片、实物和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、录音机、实物、课堂练习本、奖品。十 六 、教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Lead in以旧引新,先1. Greetings.1. Greetings.引 导 学 生 进入

319、新 的 模 块Step One3. Free talk: Do you like2. Free talks about travel and内容,训练了Warmingtraveling? Im going tosummer plan.学 牛 的 后 应-up (3 ) Xiamen this的 同 时 又 在summer .Where are you无 形 中 培 养going ? How long are you学 生 大 胆 说95She is making a list of things for her trip. 对 课文有 初going to stay ? ”英语的习惯。活 跃 了

320、 课 堂气氛。Step TwoPre-task( 5 )I.Show students somepictures and learn the newwords as well.I.Have the students read thenew words in pairs.Thencheck some students.1. Look and learn.2. Read the new words in pairs.引 导 学 生 简单 地 谈 论 图片 , 训练学生描 述 事 情 的能力。在描述的 同 时 学 习新 单 词 和 句型,做到词不StepThreeWhile-task( 2 4 )2

321、.Have the students work inpairs and talk aboutWhat we should take for atrip”.1. Listen and choose thebest answers (Activityl). 1Have the students listen tothe tape and choose the besanswers.Thencall back theanswers.2. Listen and say T or F.Have the students listen toActivity? and say T or F.Lin3.Wor

322、k in pairs and talk aboutWhat we should take for atrip.Listen and choose the best 把answers.(1)Where are Darning and Linglinggoing ?A.LA B.UK C.Austalia(2)They are going to do a(an)_course.A.math B.English C.Chinese(3)They will stay there for_.A.4 weeks B.3 weeks C.4 months(4)There are _ students in

323、thegroup.A.10 B. 30 C.202.Listen to Activity2 and say Tor F.jling is going to leave at the end ofAugust.离句,为学生扫 清 听 的 障碍。Activityl的 Listen andcomplete then o te s改成贴近 中 考 的 选择 题 一 定 程度 上 降 低 了难度,有助于学 生 较 顺 利完成任务,增强 他 们 的 自信心。让 学 生 带 着问题( 任务) 去听 课 文 , 让学生 从 听 觉 上步的理解, 同时 培 养 学 生通 过 听 获 取3.Listen and

324、read:(1)Have the students listenand read the conversationby themselves and checkthe things Betty suggestsLingling take(Activity2).(2)Have the students findthe sentencesin Activity 33.Listen and read theconversation,check the thingsBetty suggests Lingling takeand find the sentences inActivity 3 in pa

325、irs.细 节 信 息 技巧。让 学 生 通 过听 和 跟 读 课文 纠 正 自 己的 语 音 并 且进 一 步 熟 悉课 文 内 容 后96运用语言,并in pairs.找 出 Betty建政ngling3. Read and remember3. The students read the要的西Ask students to read thedialogue in groups and find out及 Lingling 请dialogue in groups and trythe import language points.求帮助、Bettyto find out some impo

326、rtant提 供 帮 助 等language points bythemselves then help them日常用语,培养 了 学 生 通solve the difficult points if过膜细necessary.4. Read the dialogue in groups节信息能力。4. Act out the dialogue. point out、 at the top of-2 . 能够听懂关于介绍去北海公园旅行的内容,并能通过相关词汇与图片81他人对去北海公园旅行的观点。3 . 学会倾听他人的旅行经历和观点,激发大家对大自然的热爱,幡激发建祖国的热情,培养学生们的环境操

327、谡四、教学重难点: 能够听懂关于介绍去北海公园旅行的内容,解 that引导的锅从句。六、教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式,培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听说获取信息、 ,培养学生的听说技能。课前将本课所需要的录音、图片和宴翻使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景,绷巾生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。六、预习要求1、根据音标自学本课新单词;2、查找相关资料,找出你认为本课较重要的语言点和婚。七、教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设镯Warming-up让学生观赏1. Have the students see some1. See the pictures

328、then惠东和惠州的pictures and answer questions.answer the teacherfe两 景 点 , 进Step OneQuestions:questions.行课前热身Warming Do you know where it is? Nanhu Park ( in-up (3) C) Have you ever been to theseHuidong) ; The West以学生熟悉的地 方 导 入 新places?Lake(in Huizhou).课,创瞪 What can you do in it? Yes.愉快的学习气lean. 氛 ,激发学习The

329、n introduce the title.兴趣。通过师Taskl Learn the new words110生对话,引出课题Task2 Listening. (Activityl Land Activity2.)Have theistening学 习 完 词Step TwoPre-task(5 )students do some listening.Activity 1: Let students lookat the photo then listen to thetape, choose the answer.This conversation is about goingto_ .A

330、. Zhongshan Park(DFinish Activity 1. Listenand choose the correctanswer.汇后及时做听力来训练学生听力能力,为下文关于去北海公园游玩的对话内容学习做好铺垫,并B. Beihai ParkC. Feierlin ParkD. Ocean ParkActivity 2: Listen again andunderline the correct answer.(2)Activity 2. Listen againand underline the correctanswer in the book.加深对北海公园的了解和认识,设

331、置简单的选择题形式来减轻难度,StepThreeWhile-taTask3 Listen and answer L(Activity 3)Lingling is takingher friends Tony and Darning toBeihai Park.Listen to the dialogue and.isten and answerquestions:the增强大家的学习信心。带 着 问 题听课文,可以让学生有目的的听录音,并s k (2 0 )answer the following questions.1. Who is introducing BeihaiPark?2. Wh

332、at is the park famous for?Task 4 Reading.1. Studentsreadthe学会综合所获的信息作答。给 学 生 充1. Ask the students to read theconversation and complete thesentences about the Beihai Parkin Activity 3.2. Ask some students to writedown the answers on theblackboard, then check together.conversation and completethe sent

333、ences about theBeihai Park in Activity 3.2. Come to the blackboardand write downanswers.the足时间阅读对话,快速从对话中寻找关键词 语 完 成 句子,培养学生快速寻找信息的能力,以此更好地理解对话内容。Task 5 Practice reading. 1 .Student read the1 .Organize the students to readthe conversation with the video,underline the object clause withthat in contex

334、t.2 .Ask the Ss to read theconversation in groups.3 . Organize the students to havea competition: Read theconversation in groups andchoose the best group.conversation with thevideo and underline theobject clause with that incontext.2. Practice reading ingroups.3. Have a competition:Read the conversa

335、tion ingroups and choose the bestgroup. Try to read the best.通 过 观 看视频代替枯燥乏味的凭空想象,同时获取正确的语音语调。通 过 小 组内朗读,互相纠正错误,培养团结合作精神。in引导的露从Task 6 Solve the languagepoints.1.Organize students to read theconversation again and find thelanguage points. Let themdiscuss in groups and solve theirproblems.2.Ask two l

336、ittle teachers to helpthe students solve theirproblems, teacher add more. It Wo quiet here that I caneven hear the birds singing!so th a t引导结果状语从句,意 思 是 如 此 . . . . 以至于. . . . I can hardly believe we Mthe city centre.hardly用作副词,意为“ 几乎不” ,本身有否定含意。hard和hardly用作副词时,词殖大。 如:He works hard. 他努力工作。He hardly

337、 works. 他几乎不工作。point o u t表示 指出hope意为“ 希望表示实蒯 可 能 性 很 大 ,可用作hope to do sth 或 hope + that 从句.Students read theconversation again andfind the language points.Discuss in groups andsolve their problems.2.Little teachers come tothe front and help otherstudents solve thelanguage points, teacheradd more, t

338、he otherstudents listen carefullyand note .in小缎作探究,共同完成学习任务培养他们自主学习的能力。通进老师讲解语言点和老师充后,让学生更有兴趣进步理解谶内容。StepFourPost-task(9, ) STask 7 Role playing. (1.Organize the students to makeup a conversation in groups withthe tips below.udent A:You are a visitor from Tanother country.Student B: Youte introducin

339、g aplace of interest in your home3roup work.1 .According to Activity 3,try to make a newconversation in groups.alk about a place ofinterest in your hometown.创设情开展语言隐活动,模仿本文内容编新的对话,结合提灵活使用that示语言知识town ( The West Lake in Hui 2.Give a dialogue show,zhou) to Student A.句。You can talk about:? where it is

340、? how big it is ? how old it is? what is special about itUse these expressions:I guess (that) I know (that) I think (that)I m sure (that)112板Mddule 8 Time off 小组怫? any other information youknow about itI can t believe (that)Task 8 Exercises. (Activity 4) 1I.Ask the students to read thesentences and

341、answer thequestions(Activity 4).Read the sentencesincluding the words inthe box. Pay attentionto the use of thewords. (Activity 4).通过涌习题巩固课所学内容,加深印象。Step FiveSummary(2 1 )1 . Get the students to sum upthe language points.T: What have we learned today?S s:2 .Let the students to choose thebest group i

342、n this lesson./A F iO V Vti L i lU CfUUoliUi ioone by one.1. I can hardly believeweve in the city centre.hard adv.努力hardly adv.几乎不,几乎没2. It feo quiet here that Ican even hear the birdssinging!so th a t3. take up pointout引导生对遗踹总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主第的良好学习习惯。穗 的 评价使学生的课Step Six4.hope to do sth.hope +

343、 that从句4. Ask your parents some questions about their favourite堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树堂习英的信心。Homework(1)places of interest in your home town and then introducethe sights to your partner.Copy the new words.鹿 作 业有助于学生巩固 已 学 的 知识, 补充地5.方面的锻炼设即it 1 I can hardly believe we be in the city centre. T1 T2 T31

344、 .1 can hardly believe we ve in the city centre.hard adv.努力hardly adv.几乎不,几乎没2. It s so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing!sothat3 .take up point out at the top of4 .hope to do sth.hope + that 从句达棚魅113单项选择:()1. The box too much room, please take it out of the room.A. takes up B. take

345、up C. takes off D. take off( ) 2 . I can believe the wind is so strong.A. hard B. hardly C. sometimes D. often( ) 3 . If there are mistakes, please for me.A. point it out B. point them out C. point out it D. point out them()4.They hope to stand the top of the mountains one day.A. at B. on C. to D. i

346、n( ) 5 . - Excuse me, sir, smoking in the gas station.- Oh, T m really sorry.A. doesnt allowC. arent allow二 . 选择适当的词填空。hardly takes up1. Please dontB. isnt allowedD. dont allowedthirsty sights wastewater.2. There s any coal left.3. Come and see the of London!4. Salty food makes you.5. Playing games

347、too much time.114Book 4 Module 8 Time off六 十 八 、 教 学 内 容 :Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about.六十九、 课型Reading and writing七十、教学目标1 , 能够正确使用下列单制纲 square, kilometers, shape, human, wake, somebody,path, pull wake up, pull off2、能够读懂有关旅行经历的文章并获取有关张施3、能根据所给提示介绍旅游胜地以及能用所学知识介绍家胜。4、掌握宾语从句5 . 通过对自然风景的了解

348、,增强学生的保遨。七 十 一 、 教学重难点:1、能够读懂有关旅行经历的文章并获取有关张篇2、能根据所给提示介绍旅游胜地以及能用所学知识介绍家胜。3、掌握宾语从句七 十 二 、 教 学 准 备 :本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课辗七十 三 、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活劫生活趣镯Step OneWarming-up (3)Lead inI.Let the students look at thepictures and answer thequestions.(1) Where is Beihai Park?(2)Can you hear the birdsinging?(3)Wha

349、t can you do there?(4)Whats the best time to go?(5)Can we have a picnicthere?I.The students look at thepictures and answer thequestions.(1) Where is BeihaiPark? (2)Can you hearthe bird singing?(3)What can you dothere?(4)What sthe best timeto go?there?让学生图回答问题为下面学习文章内 容 埋 下 伏笔。Step TwoTask: Learn the

350、 new words.I.Show some pictures andthings to get the students to sayout the new words.(5)Can we have a picnicI.See the pictures andthings to say out the newwords.Pre-task 2,Ask the students to read the 2, Read the new words 用 吧 上 、 的图(5 ) new words together. together. 片来学习单词115The students finish 让学

351、生充分地3.Let the students look at thephoto and write down wordsthat can best describe it.(Activity 1)4. Let the students work inpairs and say what do they3 . The students look at thephoto and write downwords that can bestdescribe it(Activity 1)4 .Let the students work inpairs and say what do theyknow a

352、bout Zhangjiajie?( Activity 2)(1)Where is it?和短语,训练学生的表达能力,通过图片、情景学单词,做 到 词 不 离句。Check完词汇后让学生根据所提的问题先了解一下张家界。让学生有一个表象的认识。know about Zhangjiajie?( Activity 2)(2)How large is it?(3)Where can you stay?(1)Where is it?(2)How large is it?(3)Where can you stay?(4)What animals can you see?(4)What animals ca

353、n yousee?(5)What is the most(5)What is the most famousfamous thing to see?thing to see?StepTaskl: Reading让学生去阅读ThreeWhile-ta(1). Ask the students to read theemail and check their answers tosk (2 0 )Activity 2.(1).The students read the邮件的内容回email and check theiranswers to Activity 2.答 Activity 2的问题。一

354、是(2) Let the students number thesentences in the correct order.The check the answers.(2) Let the students让学生检查刚number the sentences in才小组之间究the correct order. The竟对张家界的了解有多少;二是把学生循check the answers.(3) Ask the students to read the(3) The students to readpassage with the video.the passage with the vi

355、deo序渐进地引到课文内容去。(4).Ask the Ss to work withtheir groups to read the passage(4) Read the passage ingroups.小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,(5) Let the students finish(Activity4) , the check the(Activity4),the check theanswers in paris.Task 2: Learning to learnanswers in paris.实 践 运 用 语言,并培养团结合作精神。let the students r

356、ead and find outhow Betty starts and finishes heremail to her mum and dad. NextThe students read and findout how Betty starts andfinishes her email to hermum and dad.time when they write their通过让学生归纳邮件的表达法 。这就再次复习巩固了以前 所 学 的 知识 。做到温故email, they can start and finish而知新。116StepFive T: What have we lea

357、rned today?the email in the same way.Task 3: Solve the languagepoints(1). Ask the students to showout some difficult languagepoints that they found.(2). Help the students to solvethe difficult points.(1). Students show outsome language points.(2) .solve the difficultpoints. with the teacherfehelp.通过

358、让学生找语言点,既培养了学生的胆量 ,又培养了他们自主学习的能力。Task4: Retell the passageAsk students try to retell thepassage according toActivity 7.The students try to retellthe passage according toActivity 7.通 过 复 述 对话 ,加课文的掌握,同时也锻炼了口语 。StepFourTask: Do some speaking(1)Show the Huizhoufe WestLake picture and ask thestudents to

359、 talk about it likethis:( 图画附下表)(1). Make dialogues ingroups with the teacherfehelp.(图画附下表)通过做硼练 ,让学生巩固本课的语言重点。同时锻炼学生的表达能力。Post-task(9,)(1)Where is it?(2)How large is it?(3)Where can you see?(4) What can you do there?(5) what is special?(2). Have the Ss act out theirnew dialogues.(1) Ask students to

360、 do someExercises and then check.(2). Act out the newdialogues.(3)Do the exercises, thencheck.通 过 笔 练习,进一城固所学。I.Get the students to sum up the I.Sum up the language引导学生纳language points.points.总结培养学生自主学习的良Summar Ss:.好学习习惯117plants andy (21)oStep SixHomework(T )Make dialogues with partnersafter class

361、like Activity 7.Finish the homework.课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补允兵世力圜IJ J锻炼。板 书 + l设计口 、Module 8 Time off十: i Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about.1. We thought somebody was moving about.2. Lingling s uncle said it was an animal.3. We came out without making any noise, and found it was just a hungrymon

362、key looking for food.4. but lingling s uncle said that it was wrong to pull leaves offthat we should protect everything hereLook at the map: Make similar dialogues达标训练题单项选择( ) 1. It s ten fr om my home. The children must take bus to school.A. metre B. metres C. kilometre D. kilometres()2. - What s t

363、he of the rock-?lt s a square.A. pathB. leafC. topD.shape118( ) 3. The child is sleeping, don t wake hi m.A. up B. down C. off D. in( )4.called you just now. I heard the ring.A. Somebody B. anybody C. Nobody D. some body( )5 .She always does very well in the English exams. But she canunderstand Engl

364、ish radio programs.【 2013 江西】A. always B. hardly C. already D. easily( ) 6 . Jason likes the of the cake. It is a heart.【 2013 河北】A. color B. size C. smell D. shape( )7 . As volunteers, they should do to help the children in trouble.【 2012山东济南】A. nothing B. anybody C. something D. somebody( ) 8 . Sa

365、nya is famous its beautiful beachesT 2013 黑龙江绥化】A. of B. for C. as D.with( ) 9 .He said that he catch up with us.A. will B. would C. shall D.should( )10. Could you tell me?- Sure.Tomorrow.A. when will you leave for Canada B. When Mr Lee will comeC. When your father returned D. When he comes119Book 4

366、 Module 8 Time off七 、 教学内容:Unit3 Language in use八、课型:Revision and application九、教学目标:1 .能够正确使用本模块的新单词以及短语。2 . 能够正确用that来引导宾语从句。3 . 能利用所学语言知识介绍自己的家乡名胜,从而增强学生的环保意识和对祖国山河的热爱。四、教学重难点:1 .能够正确用that来引导宾语从句。 2. 通过听、说、读、写。让学生正确练习宾语从句。五、教学准备:本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法

367、、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯等。 六、教学过程:教学活动教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Lead-in andpre-task)Revision:I.Let students look atthe pictures andanswer the questions.(1)Would you like togo to the beach?(2) Would you liketo visit thecountryside?(3) Would

368、 you liketo go to a big city forholiday?( 4 ) What aboutclimbing mountainsfor holiday?2.Ask the students toread the languagepractice together.3.Organize the Ss tohavp a nnmpAtitinnRevisionI.The students look at thepictures and answer thequestions.(1)Would you like to goto the beach?(2) Would you lik

369、e tovisit the countryside?( 3) Would you like to goto a big city for holiday?(4 ) What aboutclimbing mountains forholiday?2.The students to read thelanguage practicetogether.3.Organize the Ss to haveA nnmpAtitinn hatwaan通过这三个活动使内容和宾语从句双巩固,也就是说在话题中巩固语法,在语法操练中使学生对课文内容有了更深层的理解。between boys and boys and

370、 girls to say out asgirls to say say out as many as the objectmany as the object clauses they can.clauses they can.120八 ,and A4 sentences together.短语;用正确形式填read 3A and A4 . ,空,也复习了语法知教学活动Step2:Pre-task( 3 )1. Let the studentssum up the objectclauses1. The students sum up thet object clauses采用归类比较的方法

371、,使学生更加熟悉句型。Step 3Whiletask(2 0 )4. Have the studentsread the two parts ofthe sentencescarefully. Then matchthe two parts. Theremay be more than onepossibility.:( Activityl ),2.Let them talk withtheir partnersaccording to thesentences .3 . Let the studentscomplete the passagewith the correct formof t

372、he words andexpressions inbrackets.(Activity 2)4 .Ask them check theanswers one by one.5 .Let the students readthe passage loudly6 . Let the students do3A and A4 bythemselves, thencheck their answers.4. the students read thetwo parts of the sentencescarefully. Then match thetwo parts. There may bemo

373、re than one possibility.:( Activityl )2.T he students talk withtheir partners according tothe sentences.3. Let the studentscomplete the passagewiththe correct form of thewords and expressions inbrackets. (Activity 2)4. The students check theanswers one by one.5. Read the passage loudly .6. The stude

374、nts do 3A andA4 by themselves, thencheck their answers.通 过 活 动1连接句子。让学生掌握宾语从句的用法通 过 活 动2用所给词的正确形式天空既复习了时态也巩固了宾语从句。通 过 活 动3、4的填词及填短语活动,让学生复习课文中7. Have the students ne swaenis x J A 所学的重点单词和sentences together. 识。8.The students 8.The studentsuse(Activity3) phrases touse(Activity3) phrases make sentence

375、smore andto make sentencesmore, then read them to121District National National Park?more and more, thenread them to us.9. ListeningPlay a tape for thestudents to listen toActivity 5, andcomplete thenotes.then check theanswers one by one.2.Le t them try to retellthe notes3. Let the studentslisten to

376、Activity 6 andanswer the followingquestions.( 1) When do youcome to the photoclub? ( 2) What canyou do on Tuesdaynight?4.Let the students readthe club introductionscarefully and matchthe photos with theclubs. Then check theanswers together.us.9. ListeningThe students listen toActivity 5,. and comple

377、tethe notes.then check theanswers one by one.2.T he students retell thenotes.3.T he students listen toActivity 6 and answer thefollowing questions.(1 ) When do you cometo the photo club? (2)What can you do onTuesday night?4.the students read theclub introductionscarefully and match thephotos with th

378、e clubs.Then check the answerstogether.通过活动5 的听力。一是培养学生的听力能力;二是培养学生归纳知识的能力。活 动 6 先是用两个问题来提起学生的学习欲望。Step 4Post-task(1 0 )1. Around the worldHave the students readthe passage bythemselves, thenanswer the questionsaccording to thepassage.1.) Where is Lake1. Around the worldThe students read thepassage

379、by themselves,then answer the questionsaccording to the passage.1.) Where is Lake District通 过 Around thew o rld 这部分的阅读,可以了解一些Lake DistrictNational Park 的情况。Park? 2.)what do most visitors122He says that he wants to see him as soon as possible2.) what do mostvisitors enjoy there?3) What is the LakeDis

380、trict popular with?4) What do the Englishpoets do there?2. WritingHave the students towrite a passagecalledMy trip to Xunliao :( 图附下面), thelanguage points belowto help them.Come to for yourYou can You canYou will be in agroup of people.You will stay fordays.Many people havesaid that the trip isvery

381、enjoyable.enjoy there?3) What is the Lake Districtpopular with?4) What do the Englishpoets do there?2. WritingThe students write apassage calledMy trip .toCunliao ( 图附下面) theanguage points below tohelp them.Come to for yourholiday, holiday.You will be in a groupof people.You will stay for daMany peo

382、ple have saidthat the trip is veryenjoyable.陪.Step5SummaryGet the students tosum up the languagepoints.Sum up the languagepoints.引导学生这廉的总结让学生做自由发言,描述自己的T: What have welearnt today?s: 旅行经历、十二设辨一 课后作业有助学Have the studentsHome-work Finish the homework. 生巩固已学的知识。(1) 补充其他方面的锻finish the exercises ofthe new

383、spaper.炼。: 、 Unit 3 Language in use 板The object clauses 宾语从的晦He said that he wanted to see him as soon as possib. Ie他说他想尽快见到他。He says that he is mending his bikeHe said that he was mending his bike123Look at the pictures and write a short passage about their trip to XunliaoThe teacher told us that t

384、he earth goes round the sun教反学思达标训练题( ) 1. He said he wouldn t be free until tomorrow afternoon.A. which B. that C. where D. if( ) 2. I usually spend half an hour TV at home.A. watch B. see C. watching D. seeing( ) 3. Mr Read said that he English at a middle school in Beijing.A. teach B. teaches C.

385、teaching D. taught( ) 4. The teacher told us that the earth around the sun.A. go B. goes C. went D. going( ) 5. Have you ever seen the movie 2012? Yes, but I dont believe the year 2012 will see the end of the world.2012 荷泽】A. that B. what C. how D. if( ) 6. I don t think fast food is good for our he

386、althso, I eat it. 2013 四川南充】124Book 4 Module9 Friendship七十六、 教 学 内 容 :UnitlCould I ask if youve mentioned this to her?七十七、 课 型 :Listening and speaking七十八、 教 学 目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: separate explain mention herself whetherlonely regret patient introduce join in encouragesb. to do refuse to do regretdoi

387、ng sth. mentione sth. to sb.2、能使用if, when, what, why等引导词引导的宾语从句。3、能够听懂听懂关于友谊的描述并获取当中的相关信息。4、能够描述与朋友之间的信息并给出建议。七 十 九 、 教学重难点:1、能使用if, when, what, why等引导词引导的宾语从句。2、能够描述与朋友之间的信息并给出建议。( 难点)八 十 、教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用任务型教学模式, 培养学生独立自主的学习能力。 本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需

388、准备: PPT课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、奖品八 十 一 、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Lead in组织教学,放1. Free talk:1. Students have the free talk.松心情,活跃(l)Greetings.课堂气氛,引(2) Discuss: What do you入本课话题。think is important to you?2. Enjoy the video and try to(3) T: 1 think friendship issing the song.really important to me.通 过 这 个 环(Then sh

389、ow pictures of my节,可以训练Step Onebest friend and introduce学 生 的 反 应Warmingmy best friend又 在 无 形 中-up (3 ) 2. Play a video and share a培 养 学 生 大song with the students:胆 说 英 语 的Auld Lang Syne习惯。活跃了课堂气氛。126Show students someWatch pictures and learn some引 导 学 生 谈论 图 片 , 训练pictures of my best friend,new wor

390、ds学 生 描 述 事Step Twoshow the title of Module 9情的能力。在Pre-taskand lecture the new words描 述 的 同 时( 5 )as well.学 习 新 单 词eg: separate explainmention herself whether和句型,做到词不离句,为lonely regret patient4 4 71. 4-1 n r:寸 土 口 7目听introduce join in的障碍。encourage sb. to do refuseto do regret doing sth.mentione sth.

391、to sb.Step1. Listen and match.Three(1)T: What is Lingling1. Listen and finish Activityl.把 听 对 话 回Whiledoing? Please listen and答 问 题 改 为-taskfind out what is her听 对 话 选 择(2 4 )problem.正确的答案,降低难度,让2. Listen again and2. The students listen again andnumber the sentencesin check the answer.学 生 循 序 渐进,从易到

392、难the order you hear them.,提高学习信心。3. T : Ok, now, let,s fill in :!. Fill in the blanks:the blanks:Lingling has a problem with让 学 生 带 着Lingling has a problem her1._ and she called任 务 ( 问题)with her1._ and she Eetty for2._ , but Betty去 听 对 话 并called Betty for2. , v,as3. and her mother找到答案,有but Betty was

393、3._ and tl)ought that her 4._肋 干 培 养 和her mother thought that could help Lingling, because提 高 学 生 更her 4.cx)uld help she works on the 5.加 准 确 地 听Lingling, because she Helpline.取 信 息 的 能works on the 5.Helpline.4 .T: Now Lingling calls 4.Listen and find out thethe Helpline for help, answers to the que

394、stion.please listen and find out:What s the advise fromthe Helpline?5 . Reading and 5.Students open the book andunderstanding the check the true sentences.Thendialogue ( Have students make them to work together andread and check the true finish the questions in groups.127力。通过小组活 动 提 高 学生间的自主、合作学习,让学

395、 生 充 分 地实 践 运 用 语言,并激发学生 创 造 性 思维的发展。from two students thensentences, then try to findout the difficult points.)6. Problems- solvingAsk the students to read thedialogue in roles. And helpthem solve these importantpoints:1) Could I ask if youVementioned this to her?mention sth. to sb.2) we got separa

396、ted whenwe went to get be separated3) feel be sure ofoneself- 有信心,自信He often feels sure ofhimself.4) reg ret doing sth.后悔做了 regret to do sth.对要去做的事情感到遗憾5)be patient with sb.My mum is always patientwith me.6) Try to find out whethershe feels lonely withoutyou. ( whether-, or not if )7) Read the dialo

397、gue andfind out the Object Clausein the dialogue.8) Find out the expressionswhen you make a phonecall.6. Have studentsread thedialogue and try toremember the main idea.6. Some students read thedialogue and the other studentsfind out difficulties points. Allthe students say the difficultiesand solve

398、together.6. Read the dialogue.Retelling. Let the students retell thedialogue(Activity4).Call back the answersComplete the retelling.复述对能使 学 生 加 深对课内容的 理 解 和 记忆。Step Four read the short passagePost- in the whole class .适 当 的 口 头128助 于 学 生 巩固 已 学 的 知task(W )练习,让学生巩固本喋的 语 言 点 和突出重点,还Step FiveSummaryI.G

399、et the students tosum up the language points.T: What have we learnedtoday?Ss:.2.Let the students to choosethe best team in this lesson.I.Sum up the language points.2.To choose the best groups.取琳守土的胆量。引导生对这通总结,让学生做自由发言,培养 学 生 自 主学习,自主总结 的 良 好 学习习惯窗的褥Step SixHome-wefk-1. Read the dialogue afterschool

400、and remember thenew-worete.-Finish the homework源 作放使 学 生 的 课堂表摞到肯 定 并 且 可以 激 励 学 生的学习兴趣树 学 习 英语的信心。( 1 1 ) 2. Write simply: Do you识,补充其他have problems with your方面的锻炼friends?写作是阑的拓展,让学生最完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。七、板书设Module 9 FriendshipUnitl. Could I ask if youVe mentioned this to her?1) Could I ask if youVe ment

401、ioned this to her?mention sth. to sb. Dont mention this matter to the others.2) we got separated when we went toget be separated3) feel be sure of onesel -f 有信心,自信He often feels sure of himself.4)regret doing sth.后悔做了 regret to do sth.对要去做的事情感到撼5)be patient with sb.129My mum is always patient with m

402、e.6) Try to find out whether she feels lonely without you. ( whether, or not if )7) Read the dialogue and find out the Object Clause in the dialogue.8)Find out the expressions when you make a phone call.达柳题一 . 翻译下列短语1 .友情 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. 分开3. 保持联系_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 . 向某人提及某事5 .

403、拒绝做某事 6 . 自信7. 对 有耐心 8 .后悔做了某事 9 .和 . . 交朋友 10.鼓励某人做某事 二、翻译句子。1 . 我不后悔告诉她我的想法。I dont her my idea.2 . 请把这个问题给我解一下。Please this problem me.3 . 他们一起唱圣诞歌They all singing the Christmas song.4 . 你能否解释最终发生了什事吗Could you expain what?130Book 4 Module 9 Friendship八十二、 教 学 内 容 :Unit2 I believe that the world is

404、what you think it is.八十三、 课 型 :Listening and speaking八十四、 教学目标1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组 silence bright treasure trust glue includecircle stick suggestion in silence day by day smile at circle of friends every time2、能理解故事中的事件顺序和人物行为并根据上下文猜测生词的盒3、能够根据所给的提示描述改变自己生活的人或事的短。4、通过对友谊这个话题的探讨,让学生学尴; 工喻融。八十 五 、 教学重难点:1、

405、能理解故事中的事件顺序和人物行为并根据上下文猜测生词的食 ( 重点)2、能够根据所给的提示描述改变自己生活的人或事的短。 ( 难点)八 十 六 、 教 学 准 备 :课堂整体运用任务型教学模式培养学生独立自主的学习能力。 本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此本课准备: PPT课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、酹八 十 七 、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活幼生活添圈Step OneLead in1 .Greetings.2. Share a song: Friends byZhou Huajian1. Greetin

406、gs2. 2. Enjoy the song and singtogether.以旧引新,先引 导 学 生 进入本模融up (3)Step Two1. Free talks:T: Now, tell me, please,Do you have a best friend?I.Free talk: Work in pairs.1 think a good friend should behelpful.主题。引 导 学 生 谈论 图 片 , 辨学 生 描 述 事情的能力。在Pre-task And what do you think a描 述 的 同 时(5)best friend shoul

407、d be like?学 习 新 单 词Letfe have a talk about this.You may begin like this:I think that a good friend和句型,做到词不离句,为学生捐读131gave the writer anshould be-2. Have the students workin pairs about the topic.Then show the title of thelesson and lecture the newwords as well.eg:silence bright treasuretrust glue in

408、cludecircle stick suggestionin silence day by daysmile at circle of friendsevery time2. Learn the new words.的障碍。Step1. Scanning1. Scanning要 求 学 生 快Three(1)Ask students to scan(1)Ask students to scan theWhilethe passageand answer thepassage and find out the answer速阅读文章,找到题-taskquestion:答案。(24) V/hat

409、is the passage about?2. Skimming2. SkimmingAsk students to skim theAsk students to skim thepassage and answer:passage and answer:通道生快1)How did the writer feel in1)How did the writer feel in the速阅读,培养the past?past?学生联主2)How does the writer feel2)How does the writer feelnow?now?旨的能力,理清故事展3)What advice

410、 does shegive?3)What advice does she give?的顺序。并且从 整 体 把 握3.Careful reading.ICareful reading.文章的内容,(l)Paragraph 1:(l)Paragraph 1:为进步学Listen and answer: Who Read and finish the question.习做好铺important gift? And whatis it?准生需T: Why is the gift isimportant? Lets read on.(2)Paragraphs2& 3:T: Now, I want s

411、omeoneto read the passagefor us,and we find out:A. When did the story(2)Paragraphs2&3:Listen to someone to readand find out the key wordsthat the answers to thequestionds.任 务 ( 囿去阅读课,去找答案,有助 于 学 生 更加 准 确 地 获取信息,提高阅 读 效 果 和技能。学生通1321) in silence I sat insilence.= I sat silently.2) She looked at me an

412、d,without a word, smiled.happen?B. What was the writersproblem?Ask a student to be Xlittle teacher to checkthe answers. Read by yourself andpoint out important points.Solve difficulties.1) hear sb. do sth. hearsb. doing sth.2) be feel lonelybe alone3)worry about sbAsth.(3)Paragraphs 4, 5,6&7: Let th

413、e students fill inthe blanks after reading thispart by themselves.Then one day, a girllooked at me and (1)_ I felt (2) _lively and warm. It waslike a hidden (3)_ .The smile (4) _my life. And the girl has(5) _ my bestfriend. Students read this partand find out difficult pointsin gronps,Ask a student

414、to be a littleteacher to check the answers.Read by yourself and pointout important points.Solve difficulties.(3)Paragraphs4,5,6&7:Let the students fill in theblanks after reading this part bythemselves.(2) Students read this part andfind out difficult points ingroups,过 分 层 次 阅读文章,获取具体信息,把知 识 点 和 课文

415、理 解 在 分段 学 习 得 以突破。而小组活 动 能 通 过学 生 间 的 自主 、 合作学习,让学生充分 地 实 践 运用语言,并激发 学 生 创 造性 思 维 的 发展。3) day by day;渐渐的day after day 日复一日(4 ) Paragraph 8 (4) Paragraph 8 Ask a group of six Ask a group of six students tostudents to read paragraph read paragraph 8, the other133wona and (8J8, the other students try

416、tofind out: What does thewriter believe? And do youagree with her? Why orwhy not?Ask the students to readthis part and try to recitethis part in 2minutes.students try to find out: Whatdoes the writer believe? And doyou agree with her? Why orwhy not?Ask the students to read thispart and try to recite

417、 this part in2 minutes.1. Reading the passage.复 述 对 话 能1. Reading使 学 生 加 深Have students read the对 课 文 内 容whole passage by的 理 解 和 记Step FourPosttask(M )themselves, then hold acompetition aboutreading: Who reads thebest?2.Retelling.Let the students retell the2.Do the retelling.At first忆。适 当 笔 头 练习,让学生

418、巩固 本 课 时 的story while looking at the(1)_ knew me语 言 点 和 突notes on the blackboard.I felt (2) and wasAt firstafraid to (3)_with出重点。(1)_ knew meI felt (2)_ andwas afraid to (3)_with anyone. AThen one dayA girl looked at me and f(4)_ J felt (5)_ 1lively and warmanyone.Then one daygirl looked at me and (

419、4)_J felt (5) _ , livelyand warmlowhe girl has become my (6). I believe that theNowworld is (7)_itThe girl has become my i(6) _. 1 believe (B .)pinion: Smile at the worldthat the world is (7)it is.md (8)Opinion: Smile at the3. Writing2. WritingTry to write a passage aboutsomeone or something thatcha

420、nged your life accordingto Activity 5.Try to write a passage aboutsomeone or something thatchanged your life according toActivity 5.134固, 学的知I.Get the students toI.Sum up the language points.引导生对sum up the language points.这廉总Step FiveT: What have we learned结,让学生做Summarytoday?自由发言,培Ss:.养 学 生 自 主2.Let

421、 the students to choose学习,自主总the best team in this lesson.2.To choose the best groups.结 的 良 好 学习习惯箍的督使 学 生 的 课堂表期到肯 定 并 且 可以 激 励 学 生的学习兴趣树 学 习 英语的信心。Step Six1. Read the passageafterFinish the homework.S 作魏Home-school and remember theworknew words.助 于 学 生 巩( 11) 2.To write a passage about识,补充其他somebo

422、dy or somethingthat changed your life.方面的锻炼写作是阐的拓展,让学生最终全掌握语言,实践运用语言。七、板书设Module9 FriendshipUnit2 I believe that the world is what you think it is.1. in silence The little girl sat in silence and looked sad.2. day by day We become close day by day.day after day Day after day, they waited for the let

423、ter, but it never came.3. It made me feel happy, lively and warm.4. One day, I asked why she smiled at me that day.5. If you think you be lonely, you might always be alone.达棚缠一、完成句子:1 . 听 !你听见有人在哭吗Listen! Can you someone- ?2 . 我们不必为他担心的。We neednt him.1353 . 一天天地,他渐渐地老了。, he became older and older.4

424、. 如果你对世界微笑,世界也会向你微笑的。If you the world, it back. 5.很多学生喜欢没吃早餐就上学。Many students like going to school.二、选择正确的答案:( )1. I often feel because I live.A.lonely, lonely B.lonely, alone C. alone, alone D.alone, lonely( )2. The boy is very shy. She is afraid in class.A. speaking B. speak C. to speak D. to spea

425、king( )3. My grandfather is out of condition and we all him.A. get worried B. worry about C. are worried D.worry( )4. They didnt say a word and just sat t her e.A. in silent B. silent C.in silence D.silence( )5. Nobody can make you except yourself.A. happy B.happily C. being happy D. to be happy136B

426、ook 4 Module9 Friendship八十八、 教 学 内 容 :Unit3 Language in use.八十九、 课 型 :Listening and speaking九十、教 学 目标:1、能够掌握和复习下列单词和词组:separate explain mention herself whether lonely regret patient introducejoin in encourage sb. to do refuse to do regret doing sth. mentione sth. to sb.silence bright treasure trust

427、glue include circle stick suggestion in silenceday by day smile at circle of friends every time2、掌握并正确使用if, when, what, why等引导词引导的宾语从句。3、能够根据所给的提示描述改变自己生活的人或事的短文。4、能够讨论影响友谊的重要因素并给出适当的建议和看法。九 十 一 、 教学重难点:1 . 掌握并正确使用if, when, what, why等引导词引导的宾语从句。( 重点)2 . 正确运用宾语从句中的语序和时态。( 难点)九 十 二 、 教 学 准 备 :本节课型为Rev

428、ision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。九 十 三 、 教 学 过 程 :教学步骤教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的1. Leading-in(7 )1. Greetings.2. Free talk(1) Do you have agood friend?(2) How did youbecmome goodf

429、riends?3. A competition:Have the studentsI.Say hello to each other.2. Free talkThe students talk in pairs.3. To take part in thecompetition:Review and consolidatethe new words andsome phrases.137come to theblackboard andwrite down an adjto describe a goodfriend.Come to the blackboard andwrite.2.Whil

430、e-task(17()1. After thecompetition, have ;students write likethis: ( Havestudents write asthey can.)I think a goodfriend should bekind friendlyhelpful,-2. After writingdown thesentences, havestudents to sharetheir ideas inclass.1.Students try to write downas many sentencesas they 1can.many sentences

431、 as2.To share their ideas inclass.Review and consolidatehe verbs and thephrases just learned inthe first two units.Consolidate3.Show thestudents all thesesentences:1. Could youexplain whathappened then?2. Can you tellme how shesdifferent?3. Could I ask ifyouve mentionedthis to her?4. Do you knowwhy

432、she treatsyou like that?5 .1 did not know3.The students observethese sentences and sum u,the Object Clause.-expressions and main sentence structure thatthey ve learn.edwell this term. 5. Can you tell mewho she was.6. I asked herwhy she smiled atme that day.7. Try to find outwhether she feelslonely w

433、ithoutyou.8. Tell me whenthe problemstarted.9. explain toher that she canmake friendswith your otherfriends too4. Help thestudents sum upthe usage of theObject Clause.4. Try to understand theObject Clause.3. Post-task(19) tHave students dole following fexercises toconsolidate thekey structure:用 下 列

434、单 词 填空。where whywho whenhow ifthat whichwhether whose1. Please let meknow_ we haveschool field trip. _2. Mary cant:remember_Jane comes from.3. Tony5 sparentshope_ Tonycan study EnglishHave students do the)llowing exercises to (consolidate the keystructure:用下列单词填空。where why whowhen how ifthat which w

435、hetherwhose1. Please let me know_ we have a schoolfield trip.2. Mary canremember aJane comes from.Tonys parents hope_ Tony can studyEnglish well this term. The teacher asked_picture was the mostbeautiful in our class.To consolidate the)bject Clause by doingthe exercises.1393. Try to write down your

436、opinions on friendship.4. The teacherasked_ picturewas the mostbeautiful in ourclass.5. Can you tellme you cameto school latetoday?6._ Do you know_ film they sawyesterdayevening?7. My uncle askedI wouldliketo visit theSummer Palacewith him.8. I didn ktnowthey werewaiting for overthere.9. Linda wants

437、 toknow _ theycan go campingon Sunday or not.10. Please showme you didthe mathsproblemyesterday.you came to school latetoday?6. Do you know_ filmthey saw yesterday evening?7. My uncle askedI would liketo visit the SummerPalace with him.8. I didn ktnow_they were waiting for overthere.9. Linda wants t

438、o knowtheycan go camping onSunday or not.10. Please show meyou did the mathsproblem yesterday.4. Summary(1)Sum up the key Sstructure:TheObject Clausetudents conclude the usage Lof the key structure.et the studentsinternalize the grammarthey Jve learned in thismodule.5. Homework(T)1. Remember all the

439、 new words and useful expressions of this module.2. Finish the exercise on the workbook.140板书设计Module9 FriendshipUnit 3 Language in useCould you explain what happened then?Can you tell me how shes different?Could I ask if you* ve mentioned this to her?Do you know why she treats you like that?I did n

440、ot know who she was.I asked her why sehe smiled at me that day.达标训练题一、选择正确的答案: ( 中考链接)( ) 1. The math problem is so hard. I really don t krv0J_2).A. how to do it B. how to do C. what to do it( ) 2. What did your teacher say this morning?- She told us. (2012)A. why was Tom late for school againB. whe

441、ther we had too much homeworkC. how she did come to school this morningD. that we would have a test soon( ) 3 . Could you tell me he came here? (2012) He drove here himself.A. how B. why C. why( ) 4. I hear you ve got a new pen p A a d .n ld e r. In France. ( 2012)A. where does she liveB. where she

442、is studyingC. where will she work( ) 5. The woman asked the policeman wh e r e . (2011)A. the post office is B. the post office wasC. is the post office D. was the post office( ) 6. Do you k n ow?一 Next Sunday. (2011)A. what they will do B. where they will goC. when they will come here D. who they w

443、ill meet( ) 7. T mat sure_ there are living things on other planets or not. (2010)一 Even scientists aren t sure about it.A. whether B. where C. why( ) 8. I hear you ve got a new pen p m in l d e r .141一 In France. ( 2010)A. where does she liveB. where she is studyingC. where will she work( ) 9. Can

444、you tell me you are going to do next week? (2009)A. if B. whatC. how D. where( ) 10. Our teacher told us the sun in the east. (2009)A. rise B. roseC. rising D. rises二、短文填空:Are you feeling 1.because you have no friends around you? Then whynot try to find one in the 2.?But how to 3.friends with others

445、?Remember therefe always room for friends. So, if you want to have a new friend, start bylooking around your classroom think about which 4.youd like to play with atbreak. Look for chances to say 5.to them, smile, and be 6. Ormaybe you can share something interesting 7.them. The best way to makefrien

446、ds is to be a friend. Be brave, be kind, be friendly, share, say something nice and verysoon, youll have one, or two, or even more 8.friends.142Book 4 Module 10 On the radio一 、 教学内容:Unit 1 I hope that you can join us one day.二 、 课 型 :Listening and speaking三 、 教 学 目 标 :1 、能够正确使用 这些单词和句子 :director, av

447、oid, background, national,international, presenter, interview, I hope that you can join us one day.And we shouldavoid making any noise in the background!2、 能听懂关于介绍广播电台的语言材料,能提取其中的细节信息并进行推断。 3、能运用所学知识谈论收听广播的情况。四、 教 学 重 难 点 :能运用所学知识谈论收听广播的情况。五 、 教 学 准 备 : 运用任务型教学途 径 ,围绕核心任务,设 定 小 任 务 ,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动。教 具

448、:课 件 、录 音 机 。六 、 教 学 过 程 :ith教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warming-up2.Lead in1 .Organize the Ss to enjoy a videoof a radio station and answer:(1) What can you see in the radiostation ?( 2 ) What can you do in thestation?Free talk:1. Enjoy the videoand try to answer thequestions .让学生在看视 频 和 freeta lk 的过程中感受

449、新的语言项目,通这环, 2. Talk wthe( 1) Do you often listen to the气船? 还( 2) What program do you like tolisten to?跃课teacher and partners.调 动了学堂生( 3) Do you want to be a presenter?的学习兴趣。143,wStep2Pre-taskI.Show some pictures and things toget the students to say out the newwords.2.Organize the students to read th

450、enew words together.I.See the picturesand things to say outthe new words.2. Read the newwords together.利 用 图 画 来学习单词,做到词不离句,并 为 接 下 来课 文 的 学 习打好基础。Step 3WhiletaskA.fC.(2)corAc(3)chc(,Ta(1)an(IanTaskl listening(1)Play the tape, ask students tolisten and check the types of news.Then have a check. (Act

451、ivity 1)(2) Play the tape again, askstudents to listen again andcomplete the sentences. (Activity2)Task 2: Listening and reading(1) Ask the students to listen to theconversation in Activity 3 tochoose the best answer.1)We need to keep quiet if the_light is on.A.black B.red C.green2)Germary has won t

452、he_ match against England.Dotball B.basketballolleyballAsk the students to read theiversation in groups to finishivity 3.Organize the students to2ck their answers one by one.Activity 3 )Bk 3: Solve the language pointsOrganize students to stand upJ show out some difficultSO Iguage points that they fo

453、und.(1)Listen and checkthe types of news.(2)Listen again andcomplete thesentences.(1)Llisten to theconversation tochoose the bestanswer.ne difficult通 过 听 力 的练习,培养学生 能 够 听 取信息的能力,并 且 训 练 和培 养 学 生 细节听力技巧。通 过 听 读 对话,帮助学生进 一 步 理 解课文内容。小 组 活 动 能通 过 学 生 间(2) Rea(theconversationingroups tofinishActivity 3

454、.(3)Check theanswersone by one.(l)Studentststandup and sheout吾language poir的自主、合作学习,让学4充 分 地 实践运用语言,并培 养 团 结合柏精神 。既(2)Help the students to solve thedifficult points.itsthatthey found, theotherstudents listento培 养 了 学生的胆量,又培养 了 他 们自主 学 习 的them carefully 能and 力。note .通过让学生展示他们所找(2)solve the difficult教

455、师点拨、补points. with th e 充语言点,让teachers help. 学生进一步理解知识点。144Step 4Post-task1. Ask a few groups of thestudents to act out theconversation.Get the Ss to do Activity 4.3. Ask students to do some1. A few groups ofthe students to act outthe conversation.2. Finish Activity 4and check theanswers with theirpa

456、rtners.通适复阅读课文让学生巩固课文的语言重点.通做练来翻生Step5Summaryexeicises anu men cnecK.Get the students to sum uplanguage points.the3. Ask students to dosome exercises andthen check.Sum up the languagepoints.课文的掌握情况。引导生对i文避的的T: What have we learnt today?S , , 结让学生做自由发言培养学生自主Step 6Home-workHave the students finishexer

457、cises in unitl.theFinishhomework.the学习自主总结的良好学习习惯课后作收助于学生巩固已学的知识。版 做Module 5 me racn。 - - - - - - - - - - - -七、Unit 1 I hope that you can join us one day.show sb. aroundavoid + doing sth.keep doing sth.do an interview with sb.When it s on, it means weon aih re达棚勰一、选择组) 1. He is the famous of Harry P

458、otter.A. direct B. director C. act D. reporter)2. The radio is, and we can hear the news now.145A. in air B. on air C. to airD. by air( )3. We should eating too much meat in our daily life.A. speak B. show C. hear D. avoid( )4. -Could I do an with you tomorrow?-Yes, of course.A. interview B. intervi

459、ewsC. director D. directors( )5. I didn t u n d e rs ta n d . So I raised my hand to ask.A. what my teacher saysB. what my teacher sayC. what my teacher saidD. what did my teacher say二、完成句子1 . 她很高兴地带我们参观她家。She was glad enough to her home.2 . 我最喜欢的节目正在直播。My favorite programme is.3 . 他们把电影院当成聊天的场所了,不知

460、道在电影院要保持安静吗?They thought cinema is a chatting placed, on, t thekynow toin cinema?4 . 没事儿,酒喝多了的时候,每个人都有点疯狂的。Don t worry abouitt. Everyone gets a little when they have too much to drink.146Book 4 Module 10 On the radio一、 教学内容:Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person.二、课型: Reading and w

461、riting三、教学目标:1、能使用本单元的单词和短语: seem, listener, age, article, studio, purpos,ein person,at the age of It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me in person.2、能够粗略了解播音节目和播音员的生活的简单文章,进行简单的阅读技能训练。3、能够依据提示描述过去的经历并给出背景信息。四、教学重难点:1 . 正确理解文章的事件。2、能介绍自己的过去经历。五、教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“

462、四个阶段” 教学模式。 本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、录音机、课堂练习.六、教学过程:速阅文章,回教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Show the students some pictures通过看图片、Step 1about radio. Let students look at theLook at the pictures谈 论 图 片 可Warmingpictures and use their own words toand use their own以

463、培 养 学 生-updescribe .words to describe .的 观 察 能 力和表达能力,可 以 帮 助 学生 回 忆 所 学的知识。Step 2Show students some pictures andLook at the pictures to学 习 新 单 词Pre-check the new words.learn the new words .和句型,为下reading面 的 阅 读 学习扫清障碍。Step 31. Scanning1. ScanningI . 要求学生快While-ASK studenis to road Ine passage arid o

464、can ine passage anureading decide where you are likely to see choose the best answer.“答问题,帮助the photo.a) In a book about the history ofradio.b) In the life story of a famous学 生 理 解 课文内容。通过学 生 快 速 阅读,培养学生147sentences. Activityradio presenter.c) In a book on how radioworks.2. Careful reading.(1)Paragr

465、aphs1-4:Let the students choose the bestanswer1)How old is the writer?A.15 B. 9 C.502)When the writer was_ he askedfor part-time jobs.A. 15 B.4 C.9(2)Paragraphs 5-6:Let the students answer these twoquestions:.1)How often did the writer play hisfavourite music from the computer?2) How did the writer

466、make theweather report?(3)Paragraphs 7-12:Let the students check the truesentences1)The writer sat down behind a glassw a ll. ( )2) The writer had eggs,fruit andsome milk for supper.( )3. The whole passage reading.Complete the sentences .(Activity 3 )2. Careful reading.(1)Read paragraphs1-4 and choo

467、se the bestanswer in groups.1)How old is thewriter?A.15 B. 9 C.502)When the writerwas_ he asked forpart-time jobs.A. 15 B.4 C.9(2)Read paragraphs5-6 and answer thequestions.1)How often did thewriter play hisfavourite music fromthe computer?2) How did the writermake the weatherreport?(3)Paragraphs 7-

468、12:Read and check thetrue sentences1)The writer sat downbehind a glasswall.( )2) The writer hadeggs,fruit and somemilk for supper.( )获 取 阅 读 主旨的能力。2 . 让学生带着 任 务 去 阅读课文,去找答案,有助于学 生 更 加 准确 地 获 取 信息,提高阅读效果和技能。3 . 整体理解文-tV. _L- .A .早 入 息o4. 让学生小组合作寻找谟文知识点,堤养学生自立探 究 的 学 2能力,也培养学 生 小 组合作精神。3.The whole pas

469、sagereading .Complete the3 )4.Read the passagein4.Let the students read the rp assage in groups and. rfi nd. out. .t.hegroups and then let them find out thepoints that they don tpoints that they dont understand.understand.Step 4Post-5.Explain the difficulties. Let thestudents do some exersises.5.Sol

470、vedifficulties.Thensome exersises.thedo5 . 解决疑难,做练习,巩固新知识点。Let the students listen to the passageand repeat, then retell the passageListen to the passageand repeat, then retell培 养 学 生 由阅 读 “ 输 入 ”reading (Activity 4).the passage with the向 “ 输出”148Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in per

471、son.information in Activity4.的转变,进一步 提 高 学 生Step 5SummaryGet the students to sum up thelanguage points.T: What have we learned today?Sum up the languagepoints.U J出 口切 、白能力。引 导 学 生 对这 节 课 的 总结,让学生做Step 6Homework1 .Read the passage again.2 .Write a passage about the GreatWall.Finish the homework.自由发百,

472、培养 学 生 自 主学习,自主总结 的 良 好 学习习惯。课 后 作 业 有助 于 学 生 巩板Module 10 On the radioLHJ 1 _i j 口 J 7*H识,写作是阅读的拓展,让学 生 最 终 完全掌握语言,实 践 运 用 语言。书sit close to sthlook down at sb.设It seems +that 从句in person计by doing sth.the purpose is to do sth.达标训练题一、选择填空()1. It seemed_ they went to go skiing together.A. if B. whether

473、 C. that D. what( ) 2 . You can go to talk with Mr. Smith_ in the English corner.A. in person B. in radioC. in people D. in studio( ) 3 . At the of twelve, he went to the junior high school.A. question B. sound C. job D. age()4. The purpose is my favorite music.A. listen B. listensC. to listen D. li

474、stening149()5. I dont remember the book yesterday.A. where I putB. where did I putC. where will I putD. where I will put二. 完成句子1 . 他亲自邀请我参加他的生日派对。He invited me to attend his birthday part y.2 . 他哥哥经常向我要钱。His brother often from me.3 . 好像我所做的一切工作是生孩子并照顾他们。It that all I did was to work, have babies and

475、 take care of them.4 . 我心情沉重地朝火车窗外望去。I the train window with a heavy heart. 5.很高兴您能来到我们的演播室。So glad you could come to.150Book 4 Module 10 On the radio八、 教学内容:Unit3 Language in use九、 课型:Revision and application十、教学目标:1 . 正确运用本模块的单词、短语。2、能熟练运用己学的各种时态的宾语从句。3、能够运用所学知识谈论如何做校园广播节目。四、教学重难点:1 . 正 确 运 用 Modu

476、lelO的单词及重点短语;2 . 能够运用所学知识谈论如何做校园广播节目。五、教学准备:本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、课件等。六、教学过程:教学活动教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1RevisionReview the text ofUnit 2.Review the text of Unit 2.巩

477、 固 unit2的课文。(1 )Step2:Pre-task( 3 )1. Let the studentsread the sentences inthe box together.2. Let the studentssum up the grammar.1. The students read thesentences in the boxtogether.2. The students sum up the采用小组讨论方式,使学生谈论不同时态的宾语从句。grammar in groups.151interviewin教学活动Step 3Whiletask(2 0 )1 . Let th

478、e students matchthe two parts of thesentences in Activity 1.2 .Complete theconversation with thewords in the box inActivity 2 .3 .Read theconversation inActivity 2 again andcomplete Daming,diary in Activity 3.4 . Let the students doActivity 4 bythemselves, then1 .Match the two parts of thesentences

479、in Activity 1.2. Complete theconversation with thewords in the box inActivity 23. Read the conversationin Activity 2 again andcomplete Daming, sdiaryin Activity 3.通过活动1、2、3、的活动,让学生复习各种时态的宾语从句,并造句。通过活动4. The students c4u 4 by themseh6、典活让手重点o Activity,es, then单词和短语。check their answers.5. ListeningPla

480、y a tape for thestudents to listen toActivity 5-6, andfinish the timetable .check the answers.5. ListeningListen to Activity 5-6, andfinish the timetable.Check the answers inpairs.6. Read-the-Check the answers .Activity7 and1526. Get the studentsread the interview incompletethenotes.Step 4Post-taskA

481、ctivity 7 andcomplete the notes.Around the worldHave the students readAround the worldThe students read the 通 过 Around the(1 0 )the passage bypassage by themselves, world 这部 分的阅themselves, thenanswer the questionsaccording to thepassage.1. )Where was Trevorfrom?2. ) When was thethen answer the quest

482、ions 读 , 可以了 解 theaccording to the passage, clockwork radiOo1.)Where was T revorfrom?2.) When was theclockwork radio firstmade?clockwork radio firstmade?Step5Summary(2 )Get the students tosum up the languagepoints.T: What have weSum up the languagepoints.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自learnt today?主学习,自主

483、总结的良好学习习惯。板书设计Step 6: Have the students 诛后作业捐助 于 一 广Home-work Finish the homework. 生巩固已学的知识。/ “ , 、 finish the exercises of( 1 )the paper.宾语从句的时态1 . 当主句是现在时态时,从句可以根据实际情况选择不同时态。现在时包括一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时和现在完成时。e.g. He tells us that he will go shopping later.I don t know why you were surprised.2. 当主句杲过去时态

484、时,从句一般伸用相应的过去时态.3 .当宾语从句为客观事实、客观真理时,要用一般现在时。e.g. He told me that the earth goes round the sun.达标训练题一. 选择填空:( )1.The teacher told us the sun bigger than the earth.A.was B is C isn * t D.will be( ) 2 . - Can you tell me?She is in the computer lab.A. where Linda was B. where is LindaC. where was Linda

485、D. where Linda is( )3. - Excuse me, could you tell me?Sorry, sir. I wasn t there at that time.A. how did the accident happenB. how the accident happenedC. how does the accident happenD. how the accident happens)4. What did your teacher say this morning?153 She told us.A. why was Tom late for school

486、againB. whether we had too much homeworkC. how she did come to school this morningD. that we would have a test soon( )5. The woman asked the policeman wher e.A. the post office is B. was the post officeC. is the post office D. the post office was二、阅读理解Many Chinese people like American country music,

487、 such as the songs of John Denver.But some people still don t know when country music began.Country music is from the folk music of the Appalachian Mountains in the east ofAmerica. There, people sang while they were playing the violin and guitar. They sangabout everyday life, love and their problems

488、. So sometimes the songs were a little bit sad.One of the most popular country music singers is John Denver, who is also quitefamous to the Chinese. For Denver, music was a language that could bring the worldtogether. He says music can bring people together. We will understand each other betterthrou

489、gh music. People are different in color and they may speak different languages, butpeople are the same in mind and body. All of them love music and can understand music.The world lost a great man when John Denver died in 1997. But his music and wordswill live on.( ) 1. John Denver is a great singer.

490、A. English B. Japanese C. American D. Chinese( ) 2. American country music is the music of America.A. pop B. jazz C. light D. folk( ) 3. Musicwas a language that could bring the world together means peopleA. can sing songs togetherB. from all over the world sing the same songsC. show their feeling t

491、hrough music and so they understand each other betterD. know languages and music( ) 4. John Denver died in.A. 1997 B. 1990 C. 1996 D. 1999( ) 5. Which sentence is right?A. Everyone knows when country music began.B. Country music is from the jazz music.C. John Denver is famous to Chinese people, too.D. John Denver doesn t think music can bring people together.154155



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