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1、11GAMETIMESTORY-TELLINGGAMETheme:exploration/adventure11Lesson 43 Over the South Pole11Topics for discussion1.What famous explorers do you know about?2.What are the main differences between modern expeditions and those of fifty years ago or more? 3.What do you know about the South Pole?11The map of

2、the world南极洲:AntarcticaLatin/South/NorthAmerica新概念第二册lesson4311Antarctica South PoleThelastmainlanddiscovered:AntarcticaThesouthernmostpoint:South pole 11(pole light)11Antarctic penguins are the most representative animal , a symbol of the Antarctic. There are a total of 21 species of penguins .Alon

3、g the coast , at least six kinds of seals (海豹) live .11Blue whales, the worlds largest animals.snowbird (雪鸟), albatrosseslbtrs 信天翁 seagull 海海鸥 , skuas skju: 贼鸥 11Antarctica :1.Antarctica is the worlds most isolated continent, surrounded by a vast ocean .2.Antarctica is the worlds coldest continent,

4、where the worlds lowest recorded temperature of -89.2 degrees is observed so far.3.Antarctica is the worlds highest continent, Antarctica, the average altitude is 2350 meters.4.Antarctica is the worlds driest continent, near the South Pole, the annual precipitation 降水量 is close to zero, forming dry

5、white desert.5.Antarctica has the largest amount of snow and ice, greater than 95% of the worlds total ice and snow .最偏远的最冷的最高的最干燥的最多数量的冰雪11The Antarctic is the most difficult continent to approach. Its not only far apart from other continents , but also surrounded by a number of kilometers of ice s

6、helves; the waters around the Antarctic continent are also covered by thousands of huge floating icebergs, causing great difficulties and dangers for maritime navigation. 最难到达的大陆11ExplorationFor hundreds of years, in order to reveal its mysterious veil, thousands of explorers have headed for Antarct

7、ica .The first people to reach the South Pole Roald Amundsen (罗尔德亚孟森) and his entourage, arrived on December 14, 1911. While, Amundsens competitor, Scott and his companions , on the return trip, were unable to bear hunger and almost extremely cold to death. 罗伯特伯特斯科特斯科特Robert Falcon Scott罗尔德德亚孟森孟森Roa

8、ld E. G. Amundsen11Wetookrisks,weknewwetookthem;thingshavecomeoutagainstus,andthereforewehavenocauseforcomplaint,butbowtothewillofProvidence,determinedstilltodoourbesttothelast.Hadwelived,Ishouldhavehadataletotellofthehardihood,endurance,andcourageofmycompanionswhichwouldhavestirredtheheartofeveryEn


10、者我们的人的信心没有被辜负。罗伯特斯科特11Era Of Scientific Expedition 11Assignment1.Surftheinternetandsearch for the informationaboutapersonwhowasregardedasthe“first person” inthehumanhistory.2.Brieflyextract(摘录)his/herstory(within50words.)3.Preparetoshareitwithotherfellowclassmatesnextweek.NoColumbusplease.11新概念第二册le

11、sson43新概念第二册lesson43新概念第二册lesson4311pole n.(地球的)极flight n. 飞行 (fly)explorer n. 探险家lie v. 处于serious adj. 严重的point n. 地点seem v. 似乎crash v. 坠毁sack n. 袋子clear v. 越过aircraft n. 飞机endless adj. 无尽的plain n. 平原【New words and expressions】Polen.杆;极点;电极vt.用竿支撑NorthPole,SouthPoleUnderbarepole海不张帆Poleapart(orasun

12、der)分离的,截然相反的,南辕北辙的Upthepole俚进退两难,处于困境(=trapindilema)新概念第二册lesson4311explorern.探测者,探测器;探险家InternetExplorerIE浏览器TheexplorerorganizedanexpeditiontotheNorthPole.那位考察者组织了一个去北极的探险队。navigator11趴着着 lie on ones stomach仰卧仰卧 lie on ones back处于,位于于,位于/ 躺着躺着lie 过去式去式 lay (过去分去分词)lain (现在分在分词)lying放置放置/下蛋下蛋 lay

13、(过去式)去式)laid (过去分去分词)laid (现在分在分词)laying别惹事生非惹事生非/ /别自找麻自找麻烦。Let sleeping dogs lie.Let sleeping dogs lie.11lay v.放置,下蛋放置,下蛋 ( laid,laid,laying )lie v. 躺躺,位于位于 (lay , lain,lying )lie v. 撒撒谎 ( lied , lied,lying )111. He _ down for a rest. 他躺下休息一会。他躺下休息一会。 2. He_ about his age. 他在年他在年龄上撒了上撒了谎。 3. Pleas

14、e _ the packages on the table. 请把包裹放在桌上。把包裹放在桌上。 4. The black hen _ an egg a day. 那只黑母那只黑母鸡每天生一个蛋。每天生一个蛋。 5. His hat and gloves were _ on the table. 他的帽子和手套都放在桌上。他的帽子和手套都放在桌上。6. Japan _ to the east of China. 日本在中国的日本在中国的东面。面。 layliedlaylayslyinglies新概念第二册lesson4311serious:1.I heard youre injured, is

15、 it serious?2.Are you serious? I cant believe it.3. My father is a serious man, we seldom make jokes in front of him.严重的,认真的, 严肃的现在来在来说正正经的的 and now to be seriousand now to be serious当真当真 take for serious 11seriousThisisaseriousceremony,stopfidgeting.(庄重的)Mayday!Mayday!Thisisseriousmatter.(危急的)11poi

16、nt : v. / n. 地点,地点, 要点,重点要点,重点1.Theriverturnsnorthatthispoint.2.Idontseethepointofherlastremark.我不明白她最后那句话的意思。3.Iminahurry,socometothepoint.我赶时间,直接了当说出来吧。在某个地方在某个地方 at one pointat one point优点点 strong points strong points 他事他事业的的转折点折点 a turning point a turning point in his careerin his career离离题 besi

17、de the point beside the point 言言归正正传 get to the pointget to the point11point at / to 指向 近处物体/远处物体point out 指出point v. 指出,指向111. (to be) + n/adj.2. seem+to do 3.It seems/seemed +that从句 It seems so.= So it seems.似乎是那样seem v.似乎,好像11seem 暗示有一定根据的判断(往往接近事实)look 着重由视觉得出的结果appear 强调外表给人的印象(有时指实质并非如此)11cras

18、h krvt. & vi. (使使)猛撞猛撞, (使使)撞撞毁 The plane crashed shortly after takeoff.n.撞撞车事故事故, 失事失事=collision(car/air/train)一一场汽汽车碰撞事故碰撞事故 a car crash a car crash 飞机机坠毁 a air/plane crasha air/plane crash11crashCar/aircraft/traincrash=car/aircraft/traincollisionThefirsttwocarriagesofthetraintelescoped(叠嵌)inthecr

19、ash.Theinvestigationintothecrashisfocusingonthepilotscarelessness.11 sack n. sack n. 麻袋麻袋, , 包包; ; 一袋的量一袋的量 Coal used to cost 3 shillings a sack. 以往一袋煤值三先令。 I bought three sacks of rice. 我买了三袋米。Hitthesack=gotosleep11clearclear v. v. ( (凌空、不接触地凌空、不接触地) ) 越越过, , 跳跳过 clear the mountain 飞跃山峰 cleared the

20、 fence 越过篱笆clear awayclear away 把把清除掉,收拾干清除掉,收拾干净 Have you cleared away your books from the table? adj. 清楚的, 明确的be be clearclear about about “对明白,明白,对明确明确” Im not clear about where they live. Have I made myself clear? 11endless endless adj. adj. 无止境的无止境的; ; 没完没了的没完没了的The childs endless crying made m

21、e mad.Your endless talking hinders me from my work. 你们谈话没完没了,都妨碍我工作了。Endless complaint/journey/arguments -less 是后缀,表示否定意味. hopeless; helpless; aimless; childless; tireless11Phrases1.能做某事能做某事:be able to2.飞越越:flight over = fly over3.第一次第一次:for the first time4.首先首先:at first5.拍照拍照:take a photograph = ta

22、ke a picture6.大量的大量的:a great many of7.陷入困境陷入困境:run into trouble = get into trouble118.在某一个地方在某一个地方:at one point9.似乎肯定似乎肯定:it seems certain that10.丢弃弃:throw out11.在在视线中中:in sight11比较can和beableto表示成功地做了某事时,只能用was/wereableto,不能用could。Hecouldswimhalfwaybeforehegottired.(notcorrect)Hewasabletoswimhalfway

23、beforehegottired.(correct)can用于表示“能力”时是指现在的能力,过去或将来的能力通常用was/wereableto或will/shallbeableto表示。11比比较can 和和be able to1)cancould 表示能力;可能(过去时用could),只用于只用于现在式和在式和过去式去式 (could)。be able to可以用于各种各种时态。Theywillbeabletotellyouthenewssoon.他很快就能告诉你消息了。2)只用只用be able toa.位于助动词后。b.情态动词后。c.表示过去某时刻动作时。d.用于句首表示条件。e.表示

24、成功地做了某事表示成功地做了某事时,只能用,只能用was/were able to,不能用could。HewasabletofleeEuropebeforethewarbrokeout。=HemanagedtofleeEuropebeforethewarbrokeout。注意:could不表示不表示时态1)提出委婉的请求,(注意在回答中不可用could)。-CouldIhavethetelevisionon?-Yes,youcan./No,youcant。2)在否定,疑问句中表示推测或怀疑。Hecouldntbeabadman.他不大可能是坏人。11Shecould/wasabletoswim

25、whenshewasfiveyearsold.(ability)SheswamtheChannelwhenshewaseleven.(statementoffact)Theweatherwasbad,butshewasabletoswimtheChannel.(completedactioninthepast)Hecouldnt/wasntabletogotoLondonyesterdaybecausehiswifewasill.(incompleteactioninthepast)11选词填空:We _(could finally /were finally able to ) win th

26、e match because the other team became very tired and slow ._ (Can I / Am I able to ) use your phone for a moment please ?Some children_ (couldnt /arent able to ) speak before they are two .were finally able to Can I arent able to/couldnt 11 R.E. Byrd (Richard Evelyn Byrd):He was an American airman a

27、nd polar explorer (极地探险家). He was a pioneer in transatlantic and transpolar flights and flew to the North Pole in 1926 and to the South Pole in 1929. He made other expeditions to the Antarctic in 1933-5, 1939 and 1946-7.11First listen and then answer the question:11listen and answer:1. Who successfu

28、lly flew over the South pole for the first time according to the text?2. When did the man successfully fly over the North Pole?3. What were Byrd and his men able to do at first?4. How was the plane able to clear the mountains?5. Why did Byrd now know that he would be able to reach the South Pole ?11

29、1.The American explorer, R. E. Byrd, successfully flew over the North Pole first time.2. Byrd and his team were able to take a lot of photographs of the mountains that lay below.3.The plane could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 miles.4. After Byrd ordered his men to throw out two he

30、avy food sacks, the plane was able to rise.11【课文文讲解解】1、In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. fly over = clear 飞越越 for the first time 第一次第一次(time :“次,回”,this time,last time,next time,anoth

31、er time, each time,for the last time等) I remind you for the last time that if you dont hurry, youll miss the train. Give him these photos next time you see him. 美国探美国探险家家R.E.伯德在伯德在飞越北极越北极3年年之后,于之后,于1929年第一次年第一次飞越了南极。越了南极。112、Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photograp

32、hs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. though “虽然然,尽管,尽管”Although/Though I felt sorry for him ,I could do nothing. take a photograph of 拍拍的照片的照片 (take a picture of) He took a photograph of his house before he left home. run into trouble = get into trouble 遇到麻遇到麻烦,陷入困

33、境,陷入困境Each time he ran into trouble, he asked his parents for help. ( run / get into debt (负债), run /get into difficulties (陷于困难), run/get into danger (陷入险境)虽然开始然开始时伯德和他的助手伯德和他的助手们拍下了拍下了飞机下面机下面连绵群山的群山的大量照片,但他大量照片,但他们很快就陷入了困境。很快就陷入了困境。113、At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash.

34、at one point 在某一地方,在某一时刻 At one point, he made up his mind to become a painter. 他曾一度下决心要当个画家。 it seemed certain that 看起来肯定看起来肯定 It now seems certain that the meeting is going to be put off. “ it +系系动词+ 形容形容词/名名词+ that 从句从句” It was obvious that the snake could not tell the difference between Indian m

35、usic and jazz. It is important that you have talked to her. It is a great surprise that he got married to Jane.114、It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. get over = fly over , clear 飞越越 rise to 上升至上升至 5、The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet

36、. by 表示“相差,以相差,以之差之差”的意思 I missed the train by ten minutes. 我晚了10分钟,没赶上火车。 He is younger than me by two years. 他比我小两岁。于是于是飞机可机可以上升了,以上升了,它在离山它在离山头400英尺的英尺的高度高度飞越了越了过去。去。116for there were no more mountains in sight. 因为前面再没有山了。for 表示“因因为”。 in sight 表示在看得在看得见的范的范围内内、在可看在可看见之之处: No man was in sight. 一个人

37、也看不见。I kept my car in sight while fishing by a stream我在小溪边钓鱼时,把汽车停在看得见的地方。 Follow that man and keep him in sight all the time.要跟着那个人,一直盯着他. out of sight 11南极南极北极北极第一次第一次起初起初拍拍的照片的照片遇到麻遇到麻烦,陷入困境陷入困境看起来肯定看起来肯定立刻,立刻,马上上许多,大量多,大量在在视野中野中毫不毫不费力地力地在某一个位置上在某一个位置上the South Polethe North Polefor the first tim

38、eat firsttake photographs ofrun /get into troubleIt seems certain thatat once a great many in sight without difficulties at one point111.over, on, above 2. can, could, be able to 区区别3. explorer, explosion4. at first at/in/on 词组5. a great many6. lie, lay, lain / lay, laid, laid / lie, lied, lied7. ru

39、n into 8. seem to do sth. / seem to be + adj. / seem + adj. / It seems that 9. rise, raise10. by 11. in sight / out of sight12. without difficulty1111at first 首先,开始at once 立刻, 马上at last 最后at any rate 不管怎么说at heart 从本质上讲at least 至少at times 有时at a loss 困惑at the moment 此刻11将短语和它们所表达的意思对应起来1.at a loss 2

40、.at any rate 3.at first 4.at heart 5.at home 6.at last 7.at least 8.at once 9.at present 10.at times a.in the end bin the house c.immediately d.now e.sometimes f.not know what to do g.when it began h.really, in fact i.no matter what may happen i.no matter what may happen j.not less than 11Retell the

41、 story:1.1929- American explorer- Byrd South Pole first time2.At first- many photographs- mountains- soon- serious trouble3.one point- certain- crash4.only get over- rose-10,000 feet5.ordered-throw out- food sacks6.able to rise- cleared- by 400 feet7.knew- reach- South Pole-300 miles- no more mounta

42、ins- sight11In 1929, three years after his flight _the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole _. Though,_, Byrd and his men _take _photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran _serious trouble. At ne point, it seemed _ that their plane would

43、 _. It could only get over the mountains if it _to 10,000 feet. Byrd at once ordered his men to _two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it_ the mountains _400 feet. Byrd now knew that he would be able to_ the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains_.

44、The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains_.overfor the first timeat firstwere able toa great manyintocertaincrashrosethrow outclearedbyreachin sightwithout difficulty111.In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew ov

45、er the South Pole for the first time. 2.Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble.美国探美国探险家家 R.E. R.E. 伯德在伯德在飞越北极越北极3 3年之后,于年之后,于19291929年年第一次第一次飞越了南极。越了南极。虽然开始然开始时伯德和他的助手伯德和他的助手们拍下了拍下了飞机下面机下面连绵群山的

46、群山的大量照片,但他大量照片,但他们很快就陷入了困境。很快就陷入了困境。113. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. 4.Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400

47、 feet. 在有个地方,在有个地方,飞机似乎肯定要机似乎肯定要坠毁了。只有在了。只有在飞至至10,00010,000英尺的高度英尺的高度时,它才能,它才能飞过这些山些山头。伯德伯德马上命令他的助手上命令他的助手们把两个沉重的食物袋扔掉,于把两个沉重的食物袋扔掉,于是是飞机可以上升了,它在离山机可以上升了,它在离山头400400英尺的高度英尺的高度飞越越了了过去。去。115. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more m

48、ountains in sight. 6. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty.伯德这时知道他能够顺利飞抵300英里以外的南极了,因为前面再没有山了。飞机可以毫无困难地飞过这片茫茫无际的白色原野!11The Antarctic is the most difficult continent to approach. The Antarctic continent is closest to the mainland of South America, between them

49、 is Drake Passage(德雷克海峡德雷克海峡 ). The Antarctic continent and other continents are not only far apart, but also surrounded by a number of kilometers of ice shelves (冰架冰架), In winter the area is up to 19 million square kilometers; even in the Antarctic summer, it also has 2.6 million square kilometers; the waters around the Antarctic continent are also covered by thousands of huge floating icebergs (冰山冰山), causing great difficulties and dangers for maritime navigation.



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